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With the growing size of the resource it has become increasingly difficult for users to quickly and easily navigate to desired contemporary and historical temperature representations, a situation guaranteed to worsen as we incorporate more records and diversify climatic indicators with precipitation, cloud, sunshine, storminess and soil temperatures. Frequently users a have a clear idea on what they require and do not need the thumbnail clues to tell them what a particular record entails, they just want a quick link with the minimum of bandwidth usage and delay. If that's what you are looking for then you are in the right place, otherwise, if you just want to graze or you need visual clues for the contents of particular datasets, click here to go to a much larger but somewhat cumbersome mixed text and thumbnail option or here for the same for climate proxies.
The order is basically retained from the thumbnail version, an order which will make no sense to newcomers since it it represents an ad hoc addition order. After some agonising and discussion with frequent users the decision has been made to leave it mostly unchanged to facilitate familiar navigation for our power users to find what they want/need. Records are grouped by source and you can jump directly to the required sections by using the bookmark links below. You will find these somewhat more rationally ordered by alphabet.
Contemporary records: Armagh | CET | CRU | GISTEMP | HadCRU | NCDC | Radiosonde Balloon | UAH MSU |><| Historical Records by Proxies
UAH MSU and various splits:
United States (48) Tropics Global Compared NCDC |
Northern Hemisphere Northern Extratropics Northern Polar Compared GISTEMP |
Southern Hemisphere Southern Extratropics Southern Polar Compared CRU |
NCDC Absolute (Long)
NCDC Absolute (short) Global Absolute Land Global Absolute Land (short) |
Global Absolute Ocean Global Absolute Ocean (short) Global Anomaly Global Anomaly (short) |
Global Land Anomaly Global Land Anomaly (short) Global Ocean Anomaly Global Ocean Anomaly (short) |
GISTEMP and various splits:
Global (Annual) Northern Hemisphere Southern Hemisphere 24S-24N (Tropics) |
EQU-24N 24N-90N 24N-44N 44N-64N 64N-90N (Arctic) |
24S-EQU 90S-24S 44S-24S 64S-44S 90S-64S (Antarctic) |
CRU Anomaly; CRU Anomaly (short)
Hadley Central England Temperature; CET (short); Jones & Mann (2004); Hokey hockey stick; England & Wales Precipitation vs. CET
Armagh Observatory Air Temperature
Annual splits:
Monthly splits:
2,000-Year Northern Hemisphere Temperature Reconstruction (Moberg, 2005)
2650-Year Beijing Stalagmite Layer Thickness and Temperature Reconstruction (Tan, 2003); Short version
Baffin Island 1250 Year Summer Temperature Reconstruction (Moore, 2003) Donard Lake
Baffin Island 500 Year Summer Temperature Reconstruction (Hughen, 2003) Soper Lake
Burgundy Grape Harvest Dates and Spring-Summer Temperature Reconstruction (Chuine, 2005)
Climate Over Past Millennia (Jones & Mann, 2004)
Fennoscandia (Fig. 2c) Central Europe (Fig. 2c) Western US (Fig 4a) Northern Treeline (Fig 4a) Western US Density (Fig 4a) Jasper (Fig 4a) |
West Greenland (Fig 4b) Chesapeake (Fig 4b) Greenland/Winter (Fig 4b) Tornetrask (Fig 4c) Polar Urals (Fig 4c) Spaghetti Graph (Fig 5) |
Low Countries (Fig 4c) Czech decadal (Fig 4c) Mongolia (Fig 4d) Great Barrier Reef 5 (Fig 4e) Galapagos (Fig 4e) New Caledonia (Fig 4e) |
Coastal Northern Norway Temperature Reconstruction (Kirchhefer, 2001)
Dendroclimatic reconstruction of June-July temperatures in northwestern Canada (Szeicz & MacDonald, 1995)
Historical Isotopic Temperature Record from the Vostok Ice Core (Jouzel, 1987) Short version
Kathmandu, Nepal Temperature Reconstructions (Cook, 2003) Adjusted model
Lake Malawi TEX86 Surface Temperature Reconstruction (Powers, 2005)
Lake Victoria High-Resolution Diatom-Based Conductivity Reconstruction (Stager, 2005)
Little Ice Age Summer Temperatures and Annual Precipitation for Northeastern and Northcentral United States (Gajewski, 1993)
Basin Pond Clear Pond Conroy Lake |
Dark Lake Hell's Kitchen Lake Lake of the Clouds |
Little Pine Lake Ruby Lake |
Moon Lake Diatom Salinity-Drought Data (Laird, 1998)
Moon Lake 11,000 Year Diatom-inferred Salinity Data (Laird, 2003)
Northern Hemisphere Temperature Reconstructions (Briffa, 1998)
Northern Hemisphere Temperature Reconstruction (Crowley & Lowery, 2000)
Northern Hemisphere Temperature Reconstructions Compared
Southeast Pacific High Resolution Alkenone SST Reconstruction (Kaiser, 2005) Short version
Southern Colorado Plateau Temperature and Precipitation Reconstructions (Salzer & Kipfmueller, 2005)
Spannagel Cave Stalagmite Oxygen Isotope Data and Temperature Reconstruction (Mangini, 2005)
Spring/Summer Gulf of Alaska Temperature Reconstructions (Wiles, 1999)
Tasmania Temperature Reconstruction (Cook, 1998) Short version
Temperature in central Greenland (Alley, 2004) Short version
The Little Ice Age and Medieval Warm Period in the Sargasso Sea (Keigwin, 1996)
Yamal Peninsula Multimillennial Summer Temperature Reconstruction (Hantemirov & Shiyatov, 2003) 1st half; 2nd half
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