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Exposing the green and specious argument against SUVs

Letter to the Editor
Copyright 1999 Washington Times
December 3, 1999

It is most unfortunate that Sally Greenberg doesn't do better research before launching attacks on sport utility vehicles (SUVs), especially since she represents Consumers Union, publisher of Consumer Reports ("Sport utility vehicles are a menace to the environment," Letters, Nov. 28).

I challenge her assertions that SUVs are responsible for an increase in highway accidents. The problem is not with the vehicle, but with the operator of that vehicle.

If Miss Greenberg is so concerned about large vehicles causing accidents, then why doesn't she propose banning all heavy commercial trucks from the nation's roads? I prefer my SUV to my more fuel-efficient compact car for the simple reason that I have better crash protection from large trucks.

Miss Greenberg also blames SUVs for adding to "global warming." Global warming is a totally unproven theory, despite what Vice President Al Gore and the environmentalist lobby claim.

In addition, during every major snowstorm in the Washington metropolitan area, people with four-wheel drive vehicles have been called upon to help get doctors and nurses to hospitals and assist in other public service areas. Nevertheless, environmentalists would eliminate such vehicles, causing more real problems than the fictional ones they would solve.

I recently took both of my vehicles to the Maryland Emissions Inspection Station for the required biennial checks. One is a 1987 Honda Civic hatchback, which gets about 40 mpg, and the other is a 1995 Ford Explorer, which gets about 20 mpg (far better than the 13 claimed by Miss Greenberg).

The SUV performed better on the vehicle emissions inspection program's tests than did the Civic. My SUV also was designed to be driven on paved roads, contrary to Miss Greenberg's statements.

The bottom line in the SUV debate is that the Chicken Little environmentalists are not really as interested in "saving the planet" as they are in controlling individual lives in the name of mother nature. It's time their false claims and self-righteous attitudes are exposed for what they are - hypocrisy of the highest degree.


Waldorf, Md.

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