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Proposed Amendment Would Enable States to Repeal Federal Law The same people driving the lawsuits that seek to dismantle the Obama administration’s health care overhaul have set their sights on an even bigger target:
a constitutional amendment that would allow a vote of the states to overturn any act of Congress.
Governance: It is an anachronism a constitutional amendment tried to kill. It lets defeated legislators wreak political and economic havoc without
consequence. Like the dodo, the lame duck should be extinct.
Mobile phone radiation linked to people jumping to conclusions Mathematician Matt Parker explains why he issued a hoax press release linking the number of mobile phone masts to births (Guardian)
New Vaccines, Stat! (National Review Online) The vaccine makers are in a bind — and public health is in danger.
Study finds contamination in virus link to fatigue A virus previously thought to be linked to a baffling condition known as chronic fatigue syndrome is not the cause of the disease, scientists said on Monday
after their study found previous research was contaminated in the lab.
No toilets costs India $54 billion annually: World Bank A lack of toilets and poor hygiene practices in India cost Asia's third largest economy almost $54 billion every year, the World Bank said on Monday.
I'm a little late on this one: Napolitano Says DHS to Begin Battling Climate Change as Homeland Security Issue At an all-day White House conference on "environmental justice," Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano announced that her department is
creating a new task force to battle the effects of climate change on domestic security operations.
Murkowski sees GOP traction for ‘clean’ energy standard Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) said Saturday a “clean” energy standard for electric utilities could gain traction among Republicans in the next Congress
even though it would create a new federal mandate.
Climate Change CO2 Corruption Caravan Continues At Cancun, Commercially: You Must Pay For Your Sins Fraud: wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain.
Gorebull warbling - the unfalsifiable hypothesis: Global warming linked to harsh winters CLIMATE CHANGE: THE COLD spell Ireland and the rest of northern Europe has been experiencing may, paradoxically, be the result of global warming, rather than
evidence it is not happening, according to the most recent scientific research.
Moonbat: That snow outside is what global warming looks like Unusually cold winters may make you think scientists have got it all wrong. But the data reveal a chilling truth (George Monbiot)
Yawn... Global rivers emit 3 times IPCC estimates of greenhouse gas nitrous oxide Waterways receiving nitrogen from human activities are significant source
A Dalton Minimum Repeat is Shaping Up
The Dalton Minimum was a period of low solar activity, named after the English meteorologist John Dalton, lasting from about 1790 to 1830.[1] Like the Maunder Minimum and Spörer Minimum, the Dalton Minimum coincided with a period of lower-than-average global temperatures. The Oberlach Station in Germany, for example, experienced a 2.0°C decline over 20 years.[2] The Year Without a Summer, in 1816, also occurred during the Dalton Minimum. Solar cycles 5 and 6, as shown below, were greatly reduced in amplitude. – Anthony Guest post by David Archibald
The Sun’s current low level of activity starts from the low level of solar polar magnetic field strength at the 23/24 minimum. This was half the level at the previous minimum, and Solar Cycle 24 is expected to be just under half the amplitude of Solar Cycle 23. Continue reading (WUWT)
Paper: Arctic Temperatures 2-3C higher only 1000 years ago A paper presented at the American Geophysical Union meeting this week finds that Ellesmere Island in the Canadian High Arctic experienced a "dramatic" Medieval Warming Period from 800-1200 AD with temperatures 2 to 3 degrees C higher than the mean temperature of the past 100 years. Ellesmere Island was also in the news this week due to a discovery of a mummified forest where "no trees now grow" due to its "current frigid state." (Hockey Schtick)
In 2009, a number of climate change activists sent a letter to Science, bemoaning the ability of society to make use of scientific knowledge and urging scientists to form an organized, dumbed-down front when communicating with non-scientists regarding climate change. At that time, this blog labeled the authors climate change spin doctors. Evidently, the results of that naked appeal for help in bamboozling the public were insufficient, since a number of the same people have again written to Science with a new appeal for expanded scientific subterfuge. This new request has caused me to relabel the offending authors science parasites, for the reasons explained below. (Doug L. Hoffman, The Resilient Earth)
US Energy During Christmas 2010 Santa may see a similar item on this year’s Christmas wish lists from members of both sides of the political aisle -- more natural gas development. [Read More] (Michael J. Economides, ET)
Duke Energy loses its bet on cap and trade By Holman W. Jenkins Jr. On Sept. 24, Scott Storms, a lawyer for the Indiana utility commission, quit and went to work for Duke after receiving an ethics waiver. That decision outraged consumer advocates. On Oct. 5, Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels fired the commission’s head and ordered a reopening of Mr. Storm’s recent decisions involving Duke. Duke later fired Mr. Storms and also its top local executive who had hired him. End of story? Not by a long shot. Then came a release of emails pried loose by the Indianapolis Star, which led to the resignation last week of James Turner, Duke’s executive in charge of its regulated utility businesses. The emails exposed an allegedly excessive coziness between Indiana regulators and Duke executives, who joked about cars, wine and wives. In one email, Duke’s Mr. Turner wondered if the state’s “ethics police would have a cow” if a top regulator visited him at his weekend home. Then again, you might wonder how the people involved could have helped being buddy-buddy with each other. Virtually all the players working for Duke had once worked for the Indiana government, while the main player on Indiana’s side, the head of its utility commission, had once been a lawyer for a local utility now owned by Duke. The company in the future might be smart to hire out-of-staters to run its Indiana business. The state might be smart to subject its utility regulators to
legislative confirmation or direct election by voters, as other states do to ward off cronyism. Hovering over all is Duke’s Edwardsport coal-gasification
plant, whose high-tech white elephanthood is a direct product of Mr. Rogers’s attempt to position his company to prosper in the age of climate politics. Mr. Rogers here was betting on Mr. Rogers, the closest thing to a celebrity CEO in the utility business, profiled in the New York Times magazine two years ago as a “green coal baron.” No executive has lobbied as noisily or consistently for a national price on carbon output. His wish seemed certain to come true after both major parties nominated climate worrywarts in the 2008 presidential contest. But something about a 9.8% national unemployment rate has now made politicians less keen on imposing higher utility bills. Nor did Mr. Rogers count on what we’ll boldly call the public’s growing sophistication about climate science. Where the public was once prepared to believe in a pending climate meltdown because “scientists” said so, now it entertains the possibility that “scientists” are human, capable of mistaking theory for fact, of confusing belief with knowledge. From the start, the Edwardsport plant was unpopular with certain consumer and green groups for whom clean coal is an oxymoron, but they were outvoiced by other groups that take a more realistic view of America’s dependence on coal. Now the opponents are limbering up again, joined by industrial customers such as Nucor Steel, who fret about getting socked with high-priced electricity. Though it isn’t reflected in the emails, let’s just assume then a certain neuralgia on Duke’s part about whether Indiana regulators will continue to let the plant’s costs be passed along to consumers. Until the scandal, the state had been reasonably obliging. But ‘tis the season to be charitable. The critics should also acknowledge that Duke and the rest of the industry have been in a tough position, trying to invest billions to meet future demand despite nagging uncertainty about the future of climate policy. The Edwardsport plant may be proving a wrong bet in this regard, but that does not mean that Indiana’s regulatory process has been corrupted. Just the opposite: The plant was hugely popular with the political firmament, and continues to benefit from a gusher of federal, state and local tax subsidies worth $460 million. One could even say the regulatory process made the Edwardsport blunder possible. Without regulators around to guarantee a return on such a risky and pioneering investment, Duke likely would have sat on it hands and let rising electricity prices take care of any gap between demand and supply while waiting for the country to make up its mind about global warming. Read full story and many comments here. (Via Icecap)
Chief quits clean coal project, citing inaction THE internationally renowned scientist recruited by the Queensland government to head its clean coal research has resigned.
Study gathers comprehensive wind info to improve renewable energy
Can Congress Force You to Be Healthy? HENRY E. HUDSON, the federal judge in Virginia who ruled this week that the individual mandate provision of the new health care law is unconstitutional, has
become the object of widespread derision. Judge Hudson explained that whatever else Congress might be able to do, it cannot force people to engage in a
commercial activity, in this case buying an insurance policy.
Restrained by the Constitution Ken Connor "In questions of power, then, let no more be heard of confidence in man but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution."
Thomas Jefferson
Judge Hints He May Rule Against Health Law PENSACOLA, Fla. — A federal judge asserted on Thursday that it would be “a giant leap” for the Supreme Court to accept the Obama administration’s
defense of a central provision of the new health care law, suggesting he may become the second judge to strike it down as unconstitutional.
Don't Tangle The Web With Rules FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski has been accused of wanting to give "the federal government control over all aspects of the Internet." AP View
Enlarged Image
The solution to the abuse of the eminent domain process is not endless legal inquiries or other ways to enrich lawyers. The answer is money.
Bold action is needed to solve the American Indian health crisis That's the title of my latest HND piece, and let me assure you..."Crisis" is no exaggeration. The article has plenty of statistics, but this one should get you going: On the Pine Ridge Reservation—admittedly about as bad as it gets—the average life expectancy is 45. Compare that to 77.9 for the American population at large. Have I got your attention now? I dig up a quote from way back in 1727 from a man who would eventually become the Governor of New York, and it seems eerily prophetic.
I conclude that the Indian needs to reclaim the traditions of his ancestors and become a health warrior. Read the complete article. (Shaw's Eco-Logic)
More than a decade ago, international health and development agencies, including the World Health Organization and the World Bank, started a campaign to cut
the number of malaria cases and deaths in half by 2010. By 2005 the effort was in such disarray that the toll from malaria had actually gotten worse, not
New Data Counters Half-Baked Claims of Food Safety Crisis The incidence rate of food-borne illness in the United States is dramatically lower than previously estimated, according to findings reported Wednesday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The new data thoroughly refute the misleading claims of alarmists advocating for vastly expanding federal regulation of the food supply. According to the new research published in the current edition of the journal Emerging Infectious Diseases, some 16 percent of Americans experience some form of food-borne illness annually—compared to the previous estimate of 25 percent. Best of all, the new analysis has lowered the number of deaths related to food-borne illness from 5,000 a year to 3,000 annually—a difference of 40 percent. Continue reading... (The Foundry)
I was going to clobber this just from the teaser - read the whole thing to see why I didn't: Mobile phone masts linked to mysterious spikes in births Mathematician finds a strong correlation between the presence of mobile phone masts and the number of children born (Matt Parker, Guardian)
Government urged to act quickly on public awareness as people in at-risk groups fail take up flu vaccine
7,000 words on Chinese drywall In what are the first two parts of an ongoing series on Chinese Drywall, Sarasota Herald-Tribune journo Aaron Kessler, along with Joaquin Sapien of ProPublica are doing a superb job. Here's the first piece. Here's the second. This is easily the most comprehensive coverage of the issue—ever—by any media outlet. Someone should nominate these guys for a Pulitzer. (Shaw's Eco-Logic)
NZ obesity epidemic impacts cemeteries: larger caskets and burial plots The obesity epidemic is forcing New Zealand funeral directors to introduce larger caskets and look for larger plots for burials. Big people are creating bigger problems for funeral directors and cemeteries. (MercoPress)
"Wow", "gosh "and I'll throw in a "zowie doodle" too: Drinking water 'may contain carcinogen' says study A US environmental group has found that drinking water in 35 American cities contains hexavalent chromium, a probable carcinogen.
EWG pulls an ‘Erin Crockovich’ “Group finds ‘Erin Brockvich’ chemical in D.C., Bethesda Water” was this morning’s scary Washington Post headline. The comrades at the Environmental Working Group reportedly found hexavalent chromium, Cr (VI), in drinking water across the country at levels up to 200 times greater than the goal proposed by California (0.06 ppb). Cr (VI) has reportedly caused cancer in laboratory mice. Before you swear off tap water, run to your doctor, join a class action lawsuit or do anything other than simply roll on the floor laughing at Ken Kook and his fellow EWG Krazies, here’s a few things to consider:
So that just about covers it for EWG’s hexavalent chromium scare — junk science manufactured by radical leftists and trumpeted by a media stooge. (Green Hell Blog)
GE Must Do More To Clean Hudson River: EPA The Environmental Protection Agency on Friday ordered General Electric Co to dredge deeper into the Hudson River as part of the next phase of an effort to
remove cancer-causing chemicals dumped into the river over decades.
“Clean Energy Standards”: The Sky is the (Price) Limit by Administrator
With each passing day, the odds of Congress passing a Renewable Electricity Standard grow more and more dim. But Energy Secretary Chu, Senator Graham, and others are now promoting a similar mandate under a new name. Their old vinegar/new bottle effort should be exposed and rejected as the wrong path for energy policy. Instead of a renewable electricity mandate, Chu, Graham, et al. are promoting a “clean energy standard” to “encourage” investments in nuclear energy, coal with carbon capture and sequestration technology, and renewable energy in the electric generating sector. But despite the happy talk about “clean energy standards,” these mandates will increase electricity prices and make our economy less competitive. The term “clean energy standard” is a complete misnomer. Clean is defined by the specific legislation and not by common sense. For example, Secretary Chu’s definition is that the technology should remove 90 percent of emissions. Second, the schemes do not regulate all energy, but just electricity production. Third, these are mandates and not merely “standards.” Policymakers Support “Clean” Electricity Mandates on Flawed Premises It is difficult to understand why people support these mandates. According to E&E News, Sen. Graham supports a “clean” energy standard because of “jobs, jobs, jobs.” E&E states that Graham “predicts new energy mandates can be tailored to help businesses compete with China and not harm them economically.”[i] But Graham’s argument is not supportable in theory or practice. As explained below, “clean” electricity mandates mandate the use of more expensive types of electricity generation. This artificially increases the cost of electricity, increasing the cost of doing business in America, and forcing energy-price sensitive industries to leave the United States for more welcoming economic environments. Sen. Graham also claims to support a “clean” energy mandate because of pollution concerns. He stated, “I’m in the camp that all things being equal, that it would be good to clean up the air, carbon being just one pollutant. But I want to do it in a way that creates jobs, not loses jobs.” [ii] Sen. Graham needs to brush up on economics so that he will realize that, on net, mandates reduce jobs and do not create them. Also, while carbon can be a pollutant Sen. Graham isn’t talking about carbon, but carbon dioxide. The problem with lumping carbon dioxide in pollutants that are dirty, or toxic, or otherwise harmful is that carbon dioxide itself is clean. Carbon dioxide levels could be orders of magnitude higher and the air would still be just as clean as it is today. The difference is that higher carbon dioxide concentrations would impact the atmosphere’s greenhouse effect. It is also difficult to take one of Sen. Ben Cardin’s reasons for considering a “clean energy mandate” seriously. He said, “If a clean energy standard gets us all off of imported oil, that’s good.” Sen. Cardin apparently does not know that petroleum only produces 1 percent of our electricity generation. The overwhelming majority of oil is used as a transportation fuel, not to make electricity. A “clean” energy mandate will not impact imported oil in any material way. “Clean” Electricity Mandates Increase Electricity Prices The mandate Secretary Chu is proposing would be 50 percent “clean energy” by 2050, with an interim target of 25 percent by 2025, where clean energy is defined as any generation that can capture 90 percent of emissions. According to Secretary Chu, the clean energy standard would not cost the government money but would instead be a direct cost to consumers and the market.[iii] [Read more →] (MasterResource)
Carbon Trading Schemes in Trouble and Ignored By Jack Dini Friday, December 17, 2010
Just as the national scam collapses: California to implement carbon trading scheme California has approved the first system in the nation to give polluting companies such as utilities and refineries financial incentives to emit fewer greenhouse gases. (TDT)
California approves first US cap and trade scheme California regulators approve nation's first system that gives polluters financial incentives to emit fewer greenhouse gases (Associated Press)
Cap-And-Trade Tosses An Anchor To Drowning California Economy California often leads the nation, especially in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The act of leading is one thing, however. Leadership's outcome is another
matter entirely.
Oh boy... What Cancun means for business A much greater voice for the private sector was evident in and around the talks in Mexico, says Greg Barker. (TDT)
Ezra Levant on The Cancun Collapse Canadian pundit Ezra Levant nails it again. Here is a wonderful pull quote, or really some pull paragraphs:
And, here's a section that's even better!
Since the Green movement began back in the late 1960s, essentially every one of their major precepts has been dead wrong. You could look it up. (Shaw's Eco-Logic)
Hype Versus Reality on Indian Climate Change Willie Soon and Selvaraj Kandaswamy.
It's 'the hottest year on record', as long as you don't take its temperature Much of the data cited to support warmist claims is pure conjecture, says Christopher Booker (TDT)
The man who repeatedly beats the Met Office at its own game Piers Corbyn not only predicted the current weather, but he believes things are going to get much worse, says Boris Johnson. (TDT)
Associated Press gone wild: 2010 disaster article is unadulterated trash 2010′s world gone wild: Quakes, floods, blizzards: The Associated Press has published one of the most biased pieces of environmental science journalism in a long time, and that’s quite a feat in itself. Indeed, there are some serious journalistic integrity issues with this clearly biased piece: the authors intersperse anecdotes with specific scientists’ quotations while playing fast and loose with the facts in order to push an agenda. Undoubtedly, there is a considerable amount of scientific ignorance on the part of the authors, but using the human suffering associated with 2010′s natural disasters as talking points in this narrative is a new low for the Associated Press. This article by Seth Borenstein and Julie Reed Bell deserves a thorough fact-checking and deconstruction. Keep your vomit bags and pitchforks at the ready, and hold onto your seats on this Pulitzer-prize winning fictional roller coaster… Continue reading (Ryan Maue, WUWT)
Newspapers should lead the country A REPLY to a critic of The Australian's coverage of the debate about climate change.
Source: Real Science Once again, the present has been artificially made warmer and the past has been made cooler. Temperatures in 2007 were raised by 0.16 degrees, and temperatures were lowered by 0.08 degrees in 1930. by Steve Goddard http://www.giss.nasa.gov/research/briefs/hansen_07/fig1x.gif http://data.giss.nasa.gov/gistemp/graphs/Fig.D.lrg.gif In 2000, USHCN apparently wasn’t happy with the fact that the 1930s was the warmest decade – so they gave the past a demotion and bumped the 1990s way up. Apparently that wasn’t enough though. An astute reader (Steve Case) captured the USHCN data in 2008 and again today. Below is a plot of the further adjustments during the last two years. Once again, the present has been artificially made warmer and the past has been made cooler. Temperatures in 2007 were raised by 0.16 degrees, and temperatures were lowered by 0.08 degrees in 1930. Suppose a company wasn’t happy with their financial reports, so they subtracted money from past earnings and added them to present earnings. What would happen to the people in charge? (SPPI)
Model Charged with Excessive Use of Forcing Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach The GISS Model E is the workhorse of NASA’s climate models. I got interested in the GISSE hindcasts of the 20th century due to an interesting posting by Lucia over at the Blackboard. She built a simple model (which she calls “Lumpy”) which does a pretty good job of emulating the GISS model results, using only a model including forcings and a time lag. Stephen Mosher points out how to access the NASA data here (with a good discussion), so I went to the NASA site he indicated and got the GISSE results he points to. I plotted them against the GISS version of the global surface air temperature record in Figure 1. Figure 1. GISSE Global Circulation Model (GCM or “global climate model”) hindcast 1880-1900, and GISS Global Temperature (GISSTemp) Data. Photo shows the new NASA 15,000-processor “Discover” supercomputer. Top speed is 160 trillion floating point operations per second (a unit known by the lovely name of “teraflops”). What it does in a day would take my desktop computer seventeen years. Now, that all looks impressive. The model hindcast temperatures are a reasonable match both by eyeball and mathematically to the observed temperature. (R^2 = 0.60). True, it misses the early 20th century warming (1920-1940) entirely, but overall it’s a pretty close fit. And the supercomputer does 160 teraflops. So what could go wrong? Continue reading (WUWT)
Earth's stratosphere is as clear as it's been in more than 50 years. University of Colorado climate scientist Richard Keen knows this because he's been watching lunar eclipses. "Since 1996, lunar eclipses have been bright, which means the stratosphere is relatively clear of volcanic aerosols. This is the longest period with a clear stratosphere since before 1960." Consider the following comparison of a lunar eclipse observed in 1992 after the Philippine volcano Pinatubo spewed millions of tons of gas and ash into the atmosphere vs. an "all-clear" eclipse in 2003: Keen explains why lunar eclipses can be used to probe the stratosphere: "At the distance of the Moon, most of the light refracted into the umbra (Earth's shadow) passes through the stratosphere, which lies 10 to 30 miles above the ground. When the stratosphere is clear, the umbra (and therefore, the eclipsed Moon) is relatively bright. On the other hand, if the atmospheric lens that illuminates the Moon becomes dirty enough, light will be blocked and the eclipse will appear dark." This is timely and important because the state of the stratosphere affects climate; a clear stratosphere "lets the sunshine in" to warm the Earth below. At a 2008 SORCE conference Keen reported that "The lunar eclipse record indicates a clear stratosphere over the past decade, and that this has contributed about 0.2 degrees to recent warming." What will the eclipse 21st eclipse look like? "The stratosphere is still fairly clear, and the December 2010 eclipse should be normally bright," predicts Keen. "I welcome any and all reports on the brightness of future lunar eclipses for use in my volcano-climate studies. While actual brightness measurements (in magnitudes) made near mid-totality are most useful, I can also make use of Danjon-scale ratings of the eclipse. Please be sure to note the time, method, and instruments used in your reports." Submit your observations here. (SpaceWeather.com) [em added]
Finally admitting what we've been publishing for years: Arctic icecap safe from runaway melting: study There is no "tipping point" beyond which climate change will inevitably push the Arctic ice cap into terminal melt off, according to a study released Wednesday. (AFP)
but worrying that gorebull warbling may end Arctic apartheid: Inter-species mating could doom polar bear Climate change is pushing Arctic mammals to mate with cousin species, in a trend that could be pushing the polar bear and other iconic animals towards extinction, biologists said on Wednesday. (AFP)
Even more clueless? Doesn't seem possible: How offensive does Richard North have to be to alienate his loyal readers? No matter how stupid or unpleasant his posts are, the climate denier can't put readers off his blog (Moonbat, Guardian)
On the recovery from the Little Ice Age ABSTRACT: A number of published papers and openly available data on sea level changes, glacier retreat, freezing/break-up dates of rivers, sea ice retreat, tree-ring observations, ice cores and changes of the cosmic-ray intensity, from the year 1000 to the present, are studied to examine how the Earth has recovered from the Little Ice Age (LIA). We learn that the recovery from the LIA has proceeded continuously, roughly in a linear manner, from 1800-1850 to the present. The rate of the recovery in terms of temperature is about 0.5°C/100 years and thus it has important implications for understanding the present global warming. It is suggested on the basis of a much longer period covering that the Earth is still in the process of recovery from the LIA; there is no sign to indicate the end of the recovery before 1900. Cosmic-ray intensity data show that solar activity was related to both the LIA and its recovery. The multi-decadal oscillation of a period of 50 to 60 years was superposed on the linear change; it peaked in 1940 and 2000, causing the halting of warming temporarily after 2000. These changes are natural changes, and in order to determine the contribution of the manmade greenhouse effect, there is an urgent need to identify them correctly and accurately and remove them (Syun-Ichi Akasofu, Natural Science) | Full Text (PDF, 4900KB)
2 Warmist Hockey Team Papers Rebutted by Peer Reviewed Publications Remember the Steig et al 2009 Nature paper? As Steve McIntyre points out at Climate Audit: “Like so many Team efforts, it applied a little-known statistical method, the properties of which were poorly known, to supposedly derive an important empirical result. In the case of Steig et al 2009, the key empirical claim was that strong Antarctic warming was not localized to the Antarctic Peninsula (a prominent antecedent position), but was also very pronounced in West Antarctic.” Well, there is a new paper in press in the Journal of Climate: (CRN)
Beneath the Dead Sea, Scientists Are Drilling for Natural History EIN GEDI, Israel — Five miles out, nearly to the center of the Dead Sea, an international team of scientists has been drilling beneath the seabed to
extract a record of climate change and earthquake history stretching back half a million years.
Succinct Summary Of The Scientific Process There is a succinct and accurate description of science in the book Tattersall, Ian, 2008: The World from Beginnings to 4000 BCE (New Oxford World History). Oxford University Press. 143 pp The author writes
Since the IPCC multi-decadal climate predictions of the coming century that are given to the impacts community and policymakers cannot be shown to be false, this approach is not a proper use of the scientific method. I have discussed this previously; e.g. see Hypothesis Testing – A Failure In The 2007 IPCC Reports Short Circuiting The Scientific Process – A Serious Problem In The Climate Science Community The excellent summary by Ian Tattersall presents this veiwpoint very clearly. (Roger Pielke Sr., Climate Science)
Queensland's [CCS] project turns to dust QUEENSLAND'S ambitious plan to become a world leader in clean coal is in disarray.
Wanted: Buyer for controversial Cape Wind energy BOSTON -- Cape Wind has outlasted a decade of government review, a slew of court brawls and fierce opposition from mariners, fishermen, Indian tribes and
Kennedys just to win the right to sell its wind-fueled electricity.
Lawrence Solomon: Ontario’s odious obligations Could Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty’s green-energy contracts be reversed? By Lawrence Solomon Obligations that are odious should not be honoured. So says the Doctrine of Odious Debts, a theory first postulated by Russian legal scholar Alexander Sack in 1927 that is now increasingly accepted by international bodies such as the United Nations and the International Monetary Fund, as well as by today’s legal scholars. That doctrine, to date, has been applied chiefly in undemocratic settings, where tyrants callously rack up debts that a hostage citizenry is then expected to repay. It may soon be applied more broadly in democratic states where elected leaders fail in their fiduciary duties, wrongly saddling current taxpayers as well as their children with dubious obligations that do not benefit them, and that they didn’t request.
Chris Huhne has a blueprint for a green, cold, dark Britain The government's new energy policy will lead to widespread power cuts and economic disaster, says Christopher Booker (TDT)
South American mountains hold key to electric car's future: lithium for batteries IN SUSQUES, ARGENTINA It's the lightest of all metals, skitters wildly on water and can unexpectedly explode. To mine it commercially requires an elaborate
process involving drilling, evaporation tanks and chemical processing.
"Erin Brockovich" Town Shows No Cancer Cluster Hinkley, California, the town made famous in the Oscar-winning Julia Roberts movie Erin Brockovich, does not show any evidence of an increased rate of
Feast, famine and the genetics of obesity: You can't have it both ways LA JOLLA, CA-In addition to fast food, desk jobs, and inertia, there is one more thing to blame for unwanted pounds-our genome, which has apparently not
caught up with the fact that we no longer live in the Stone Age.
Study: The Complicated Link Between Wealth and Obesity Your socioeconomic background has less impact on your chances of obesity if you're a man than if you're woman, according to a new analysis from the National
Center for Health Statistics. Women who were better educated and wealthier were less likely to be obese than their less educated and poorer counterparts, but
the same effect was not seen in men.
McDonald’s fires back at ‘food police McDonald’s Corp. brass is calling critics who blame the fast-food giant for the growing obesity rate in the U.S. and other developed nations — including
its child Happy Meals — “food police.”
Happy Meal Lawsuit: Forget Obesity, Parenting’s the Real Issue So here we go again. Someone who seemingly forgot that, by the way, she’s a parent, has decided to file a lawsuit in California—well, to be fair, she
filed it with folks from over at the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI)—against McDonald’s. Why? Because they apparently target children when
they market their Happy Meals to the public at large (ie, deceptive marketing). And, let’s face it, no one’s suggesting to throw a Happy Meal on the
official Food Pyramid—it’s not the healthiest fare.
Still wild extrapolations but perhaps an improvement: New Estimates of Food Poisoning Cases The federal government on Wednesday significantly cut its estimate of how many Americans get sick every year from tainted food.
While Congress tackles all the responsibilities it should have already dealt with this year, Senator Harry Reid (D–NV) is hoping to sneak through legislation comprised of more than 100 bills that couldn’t pass on their own merit. This drastic expansion of federally owned lands has not even been introduced as a bill, but Reid hopes to jam it through before Christmas. The Omnibus Public Land Management Act of 2010 is set to designate hundreds of thousands of acres of land under the control of the federal government. Yesterday, Michelle Malkin went on a media tour exposing this secret attempt. The piece of legislation has no official name because Reid has refused to introduce it or give any opportunity for public debate. Some of the highlights of the bill include: Continue reading... (The Foundry)
Could we make that flood worse? ![]() It’s not like we need another case study in just how creatively dumb bureaucracy can be, but Jennifer Marohasy has been relentless in pursuing the extraordinary case of a government contracting a corporation to pour nearly 7000 Mega litres into a area facing life threatening floods. That’s more than 2000 Olympic pools worth of water dumped into a flood zone just last Wednesday. Remember, this legislation was made with good intentions, and it was supposed to help the environment… The Whole Truth: Water Deliberately Dumped into Flooded Area
Killing tadpoles for the sake of bureaucracy More » (Jo Nova)
Amid Court Pressure, USDA Eyes GMO Alfalfa Compromise Amid complaints of environmental harm and pressure from a federal court, U.S. agriculture regulators are considering a compromise approval for genetically
altered alfalfa that would allow the crop to be grown with certain restrictions aimed at protecting non-GMO crops, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said on
Senator To Seek Vote Stopping EPA Carbon Rules Senator John Rockefeller of West Virginia Thursday said that he would seek a vote before the end of the current congressional session on his bill to postpone
Environmental Protection Agency regulation of carbon dioxide emissions for two years.
The George Soros-funded, out-to-get-Fox-News and generally-lamebrained Media Matters is claiming that Fox editor Bill Sammon committed the grave felony of urging climate skepticism to Fox staff in a December 2009 e-mail. Sammon, of course, did nothing of the sort. The e-mail in question reads:
Rather than urging skepticism, Sammon merely advised reporters to treat claims about global warming as what they are — claims that are disputed. Sammon correctly noted that a journalist’s job is to report the facts rather than to decide what they are. This is apparently too a subtle distinction for the comrades at Media Mutters (Green Hell Blog).
Protesting in Cancun, freezing in Michigan (The Michigan View.com 12.15.10) Should Michigan voters support a plan to send billions in tax dollars to mitigate global warming’s effects in the Third World at a time when their state is
setting records for cold weather, their per capita income is down 5 percent in a decade, unemployment is hovering near 13 percent, and Detroit warming shelters
are expecting a 25 percent increase in homeless?
Hasta la vista, global warming believers It's over. The 15,000 delegates from 193 countries plus 10,000 hangers have packed their bags and left the Cancun luxury hotels where they were saving the
Earth for two weeks. The purveyors of bad tequila (for technophobic young demonstrators) and fine wines (for delegates) are counting their money, and hotel
employees are busily cleaning up the mess in preparation for the influx of Christmas tourists.
Did Cancun Prove the UN Irrelevant in Tackling Climate? The Cancun conference is being credited with keeping international climate talks alive. But the real potential for bringing emissions under control may lie in a Plan B, with nations acting on their own in moving toward a low-carbon economy. Fred Pearce, e360)
Global Warming Hoax Weekly Round-Up, Dec. 16th 2010 NASA tears a hole in the global warming theory, Fox news upsets Al Gore and Leonardo DiCaprio is pretty, but confused. (Daily Bayonet)
Sigh... Desertification is greatest threat to planet, expert warns UN's top drylands official says people must be paid via global carbon markets for preserving the soil (Guardian)
CERN: CLOUD nucleates clouds as expected Previous TRF articles about the experiment: Sep 2006, Jun 2009, Nov 2009The Nature Climate Blog has informed its readers that the first results of the CLOUD (cosmics leaving outdoor droplets) experiment at the Center of Europe for the Research of Nuclei (CERN) are ready to be published. The writer of the blog entry was probably shown the results. ![]() The summary? They confirm that the clouds are being nucleated by the radiation at the rate that was expected in the newest models, whatever these models are (and be sure I would like to see some details, too). So the effect is surely nonzero. Henrik Svensmark told me a year ago that the CLOUD experiment is somewhat redundant because the existence of the basic effect behind cosmoclimatology has already been pretty much established by their own experiments in Denmark. But it may be true that the CERN logo is needed for some additional people to notice. » Don't Stop Reading » (TRF)
Within the last few days, NCDC released a revised global temperature data set stretching all the way back to 1880. The chart below shows the monthly changes NCDC made to temperature anomalies based on the previous data set, which was the global temperature anomaly record through October 2010. (click on images to enlarge) New NCDC data, source here. Previous (October 2010) NCDC global temp anomaly data here. The chart depicts the monthly difference between these two NCDC data sets. Amazingly, they found mucho, newly discovered degrees of global warming during the late 19th century. (How did they miss all this "warming" during their last fabrication revision of global temperatures way back in 2009?) What the chart above also clearly indicates are major changes (cooling adjustments) to the global temperature record starting around 1938. The cooling adjustments continue up through 1965. After 1965, the majority of the adjustments made to the old 2009 temperature record are of "global warming" nature. The chart below shows the cumulative adjustments for the two periods: 1938-1965 and 1966-2010. Based on this simple analysis, it is clear why NOAA/NCDC continues to fabricate revise global temperature records - they need to "cool" down the 1930 and 1940's and "heat" up modern temperatures to lend credence to the very wobbly AGW hypothesis. Additional fabrication temperature charts. Modern and historical temperature charts. (C3 Headlines)
There is an editorial [h/t to Michael Lenaghan!] Kundzewicz, Z. W. & Stakhiv, E. Z. (2010) Are climate models “ready for prime time” in water resources management applications, or is more research needed? Editorial. Hydrol. Sci. J. 55(7), 1085-1089 which raises the broader question: Are The IPCC Global Climate Model Multi-Decadal Global Model Predictions Accurate On Regional And Local Spatial Scales? The editorial includes the text
This is an important issue since even if the global climate models could accurately predict an annual global average of any climate variable [a big IF which is still being debated], if they cannot skillfully predict the spatial and temporal scales that matter in terms of environmental and social impacts (such as water resources), they are of no value. Indeed, as a result of the fine-scale spatial resolution that regional downscaling can provide, they can mislead policymakers into accepting the predictions as skillful when they are not. I have discussed this subject in papers and in a variety of weblog posts; e.g. see Can Regional Vulnerability Be Accurately Assessed By Using Multi-Decadal Global Model Predictions? where I wrote
The clear answer to the question Are The IPCC Global Climate Model Multi-Decadal Global Model Predictions Accurate On Regional And Local Spatial Scales? is NO. I invite climate science colleagues to e-mail me to present a counter viewpoint to this answer which we will present as a guest post. (Roger Pielke Sr., Climate Science)
Elderly at risk as money for heating help runs out Concerns are mounting that the icy conditions will have a devastating effect on those suffering from fuel poverty, especially the elderly, following yesterday's revelation that the Warm Front fund, which helps people with heating and insulation, would not take on any more cases until next April. With many of the big energy providers having already hiked up their prices, the immediate future looks bleak, with forecasters predicting that December temperatures will be as vicious as November, Europe's coldest on record. (Independent)
Repeal 'Don't Ask, Don't Drill' Energy Policy: Tax cuts? Omnibus spending? Jobless benefits? Don't ask, don't tell? How about repealing the drilling ban that has slashed oil and gas
production and cost us trillions in revenue and tens of thousands of jobs?
Natural Gas and The Gulf Hiatus With so much attention focused on the boom in natural gas from new shale resources, we shouldn''t lose sight of the importance of domestic offshore gas, mainly from the Gulf of Mexico. Although it has been declining for the last decade, offshore production still accounts for about 13% of US gas output. [Read More] (Geoffrey Styles, ET)
Peak-Oil Puff on Huff (David Hughes of the Post-Carbon Institute Tees Off) by Michael Lynch I am considered a leading critic of peak oil, the belief that oil production has peaked, is peaking, or will peak soon. I am a resource optimist in the Julian Simon tradition and believe that resourceship allows so-called depletable resources to expand, refuting the fixity/depletion mindset. This said, I am empirically oriented. So let’s study and debate the facts, while remembering the record of peak-oil forecasts from the beginning to the present. For my optimist/resourceship/expansionist position, I get slammed a good bit, such as by Joe Romm and by Gabriel Rotello at the Huffington Post (but also supported there by Raymond Learsay). I mostly take the fuss, which is two parts emotionalism to one part intellectual argument. But when David Hughes of the Post Carbon Institute published a piece calling a New York Times story “inaccurate, misleading and unhelpful ‘journalism’” I thought to add a comment. However, the post was not approved for some reason. While I don’t have the precise wording (it’s lost on the Internet), I will reproduce the comments here as best I’m able in the next several paragraphs.
Other criticisms could have been made, but for a comment on a website, brevity seemed of value. [Read more →] (MasterResource)
D'oh! A Green Detroit? No, a Guzzling One WHEN President Obama announced in March 2009 that his administration would guide General Motors and Chrysler through a government-financed bankruptcy, he
made it clear that the taxpayers’ $80 billion would buy nothing less than a sweeping transformation of the entire auto industry.
Canadian Gas Megaproject Gets Nod But Future Cloudy Canada's energy regulator said on Thursday it approved plans for a C$16.2 billion ($16.1 billion) Arctic gas pipeline, a project that faces growing economic
pressure as natural gas prices languish.
Ontario should follow B.C. in protecting consumers By Jan Carr and Benjamin Dachis In attempts to stimulate the creation of “green” jobs and technologies, some jurisdictions around the world have created programs that guarantee renewable electricity generators payments per kilowatt-hour (kWh) that are much higher than market prices. This approach of paying a premium to certain generators to achieve renewable goals, while overcharging all electricity consumers, is of dubious economic wisdom. But insofar as governments insist on doing it some ways are less bad than others. Consider the cases of Ontario and British Columbia. Both provinces have adopted the guaranteed price approach of paying a premium for electricity generated from renewable resources using a “feed-in tariff” (FIT). In much the same way as consumers buy electricity at published prices that are updated periodically, so a FIT pays generators at a pre-established price rather than requiring them to compete for customers’ business. Ontario has such a program in operation, while B.C. has so far only announced its intentions to have one. The B.C. program promises to be much kinder to consumers’ pocket books than the program already in place in Ontario. Read More (Financial Post)
Wind Turbines on Farmland May Benefit Crops Researchers at the Ames Laboratory and the University of Colorado find that wind turbines help channel beneficial breezes over nearby plants
Electric Cars: Not Ready for Prime Time The George C. Marshall Institute released a new paper examining the viability of electric cars. Authored by the Institute's CEO, William O'Keefe, Electric
Cars: Not Ready for Primetime, considers whether public subsidization of electric vehicles is worthwhile, concluding: "Like many of the solutions to
national problems that are invented in Washington DC, there is less to the electric car movement than the public has been led to believe. The image created for
electric cars does not match today’s reality."
Medicare Entitlement Crowd Out: We Told You So Any time Congress creates a health care entitlement, it “crowds out” (i.e., displaces) private coverage, replacing private sector spending with increased taxpayer spending. The end result: Private spending and coverage contract while government entitlements, dependency, and spending grow. Since the enactment of the Medicare Modernization Act of 2003, many conservatives in Congress and elsewhere have been impressed with Medicare Part D’s performance in delivering high-quality drug coverage through intense private competition. Private sector drug delivery is indeed a positive feature of the 2003 law. Nonetheless, the Bush Administration and the congressional leadership created a universal entitlement to prescription drugs in the Medicare program. According to the 2004 Medicare Trustee Report (page 108), the “estimated present value of Part D expenditures through the infinite horizon (is) $21.9 trillion, of which $10.8 trillion would occur during the first 75 years.” Continue reading... (The Foundry)
New superbug genes sure to spread, U.S. expert says A little loop of genes that give bacteria the power to resist virtually all known antibiotics is spreading quickly and likely to cause doctors headaches for
years to come, an expert predicted on Wednesday.
EU regulator calls for more antibiotic research Drug companies are failing to put their research dollars into antibiotics and other key areas of unmet medical need, highlighting a mismatch between the hunt
for profits and public health, Europe's top health regulator said.
Too fat? Study fingers one "thrifty gene" suspect Looking beyond obvious causes of obesity like overeating, scientists said on Wednesday they may have found a gene that also plays a role, one that helped our
ancestors survive famines.
Why Do People Believe in Fantasies? We human beings sure are gullible. Polls report that 27 percent of Americans believe in ghosts, and 25 percent in astrology. Others believe mediums,
fortunetellers, faith healers and assorted magical phenomena.
Environmentalists hate sprawl -- except when it comes to the size of their expansive pet legislation on Capitol Hill.
In 2010, the EPA granted exactly two new coal mining permits in West Virginia. There are fifty outstanding permits, because according to the EPA, bugs are
more important than jobs.
Sadistic Judges Back EPA Climate Rules by Steven Milloy Last Friday’s federal appellate court decision allowing the Obama administration’s greenhouse gas regulations to take effect Jan. 2 is an unnecessary travesty for taxpayers, consumers, businesses and states. The ruling by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit is by no means the final word on whether the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s rules are legal, but it does allow them to take effect pending their litigation. The court (Clinton appointee David Tatel, Bush appointee Janice Rogers Brown, and former-dope-smoking Reagan appointee Douglas Ginsburg presiding) held that the industry lawyers challenging the rules failed to show that “the harms they allege are certain, rather than speculative, or that the alleged harm[s] will directly result from [the EPA’s regulations].” This is ridiculous. On Jan. 2, the EPA will start writing permits for power plants and other large emitters of greenhouse gases. Overlooking for a moment the costs and hassles to emitters and consumers that will undoubtedly be caused by the rules, at the very least this permit-writing process will cost the EPA and state permitting authorities (read “already strapped taxpayers”) about $80 million per year. And what environmental benefits will be gained by these expenditures? You don’t have to be a global warming skeptic to respond “none.” Under the Clean Air Act, if the EPA decides to regulate a pollutant, the so-called “best available control technology” (BACT) must be used to reduce emissions. But, funny enough, there is no BACT for greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide (CO2). Burying CO2 underground — so-called carbon capture and sequestration — is experimental, and so is not considered BACT. The Obama EPA would love to
declare natural gas as BACT for electric power generation, but it is not yet willing to escalate its war against the coal industry. So at the very least, Judges Rogers, Tatel and Ginsburg have imposed huge costs on taxpayers for precisely nothing in return. Apparently there is nothing quite like a lifetime appointment away from the real world. But the wasted $80 million is really only the tip of the iceberg. There remain a number of ways that the EPA’s rules can cause further harm, according to environmental consultant Rich Trzupek. First and foremost, the permitting process is open to public comment, most of which tends to come from environmental activist groups who typically use the process to delay permits and harass applicants. There’s nothing speculative about this harassment; it will happen. Next, the Clean Air Act allows states to charge permit holders fees based on the amount of emissions. This would essentially be a carbon tax passed on to consumers through higher prices. The EPA is directing state permitting agencies to press for energy efficiency in permits, enabling regulators to meddle in business operations when it comes to equipment selection, for example. And since high-efficiency equipment tends to cost more money, consumers can expect to absorb those costs as well. The EPA is also advising states that they can engage in emission trade-offs in permitting — allowing increases in some other regulated pollutants in exchange for cuts in greenhouse gas emissions. But such “backsliding,” as it is termed by environmentalist vigilantes, would merely provide another opportunity to harass permit applicants. States say they will be harmed by the EPA rules. Texas, in particular, has said it isn’t ready, willing or able to regulate greenhouse gas emissions. In a September filing, Texas’ attorney general told the court, “If Texas is unwilling or proves unable to accede to [the EPA's] unlawful [rules], the [EPA] has threatened to impose a permit moratorium that would halt as many as 167 projects in its first year, costing the state jobs, business opportunities, and tax revenues. In effect, due to uncertainty resulting from the agency’s actions, a de facto construction ban is already in place.” Demanding a showing of more harm than the foregoing is more sadistic than judicial in nature. The EPA is out of control and the federal judiciary is out of touch. Let’s hope the new GOP-controlled House is up to the challenge of using its budget and investigative powers to get a grip on the EPA. Revamping the courts and the laws they interpret will have to wait until at least 2013. Mr. Milloy is the founder and publisher of JunkScience.com. His columns and op-ed pieces have appeared in the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Financial Times, and Los Angeles Times. He is the author of “Green Hell,” a book from Regnery Publishing.
Inhofe: WikiLeaks climate revelations show Obama’s ‘desperation’ The revelation that the Obama administration used a covert CIA program to dig up dirt on countries opposed to the Copenhagen climate treaty shows a White House desperate to enforce its orthodoxy on global warming, Oklahoma Republican Sen. James Inhofe told The Daily Caller.
Gasp! Report, don't editorialize: Leaked Fox News Memo: Keep Global Warming A 'Debate' December 15, 2010 | 10:20 a.m. The latest leaked Fox News memo obtained by Media Matters reveals more Rovesque ambitions from Washington managing editor Bill Sammon. This time it's global warming that gets a rhetorical makeover. The memo:
The memo is an apparent corrective; it was sent out less than 15 minutes after Fox correspondent Wendell Goler reported that the UN World Meteorological Organization said that it looked like it would be the warmest recorded decade. It is concurrent with the Fox-hyped "Climategate" scandal, in which journalists purported that leaked Climate Research Unit e-mails revealed deception and malpractice on the part of climate scientists. Several independent news and science organizations later concluded that the e-mails did not undermine climate change findings. Last week, a leaked memo revealed Sammon to have urged journalists to use "government option" instead of "public option" at the height of the health care debates. We look forward seeing this editorialized by Fox's Simpsons! (Kat Stoeffel, New York Observer)
Hey lookit! Raj is a scientist now: Madhavan Nair, Pachauri receive degree of Doctor of Science Bangalore, Dec 14 The Visvesvaraya Technological University today conferred the ''Doctor of Science'' (Honoris Causa) degree on G Madhavan Nair, former ISRO Chairman, and R K Pachauri, Director General, The Energy and Resource Institute, New Delhi. (PTI)
and now an "eminent climate scientist" (12/14/10 was a really busy day for him, apparently): GDP numbers alone don't explain growth story: Pachauri The time has arrived to do away with the fetish for calibrating growth in terms of GDP numbers alone, according to eminent climate scientist and Nobel laureate, Dr R.K. Pachauri. (The Hindu Business Line)
Joe Romm about Bjørn Lomborg's movie Marc Morano has agreed with a text that überalarmist Joe Romm wrote on Climate Progress: I completely agree with the initial part of Romm's article, too. Another example of an awkward "centrist", Lomborg has no natural audience. His message is actually incoherent:
» Don't Stop Reading » (TRF)
Fiends of the Earth play "pick a number": Climate change calculations put millions at risk, says new report Emissions cuts of 16% by 2030 needed to have at least 70% chance of avoiding climate catastrophe, says Friends of the Earth (Guardian)
by Chip Knappenberger In a MasterResource article a few months back, I walked everyone through a series of recent scientific findings and described how they cast new light on how the total amount of observed global warming to date could be divvied upon among various causes. I ultimately concluded that the high confidence that the IPCC (and later echoed by the EPA) placed on the statement that “Most of the observed increase in global average temperatures since the mid-20th century is very likely due to the observed increase in anthropogenic greenhouse gas concentrations” was misplaced. This line of reasoning was recently incorporated into statements made by Dr. Patrick Michaels when testifying before the U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Science and Technology, Subcommittee on Energy and Environment. During the questions and answers portion of the hearing, one of the other panelists, Dr. Benjamin Santer, quickly objected and claimed that Pat was “wrong” because he didn’t take into account the cooling influence of aerosols when determining how much observed warming should be assigned to greenhouse gases. A day or so following the testimony, Judith Curry hosted a discussion on her blog site Climate Etc. to further examine Michaels’ logic. In her remarks introducing the thread, she too suggested that Pat was “obliged” to include sulfates in the calculation. When I stepped in to offer additional explanation, RealClimate’s Gavin Schmidt commented that he hoped I was “kidding,” and John Nielsen-Gammon of Texas A&M commented that my explanation was “nonsense.” So with all these erudite folks claiming that Pat Michaels and I are wrong, I figured I ought to take another look into the logic behind our conclusions. Our Logic First let’s get a couple of things out of the way up front. The argument about whether or not the inclusion of sulfates is required to arrive at a logically correct conclusion has nothing whatsoever to do with the veracity and/or applicability of the scientific papers from which I’ve drawn some numbers (see my earlier post for details about these findings). I am not suggesting that there isn’t plenty of room to argue that aspect of things, just that such a discussion does not impinge on the discussion of our logic. So I’ll set aside discussion of those issues in order to focus on the topic at hand. [Read more →] (MasterResource)
More make-believe and recycled, too: Rising sea levels will swamp parts of Sydney A number of Sydney suburbs will be inundated regularly because of climate change-driven sea-level rises, threatening homes and community infrastructure worth billion of dollars by the end of the century, new projections show. (SMH)
Global tropical cyclone activity still in the tank Even with the expected active 2010 North Atlantic hurricane season, which accounts on average for about 1/5 of global annual hurricane output, the rest of the global tropics has been historically quiet. The Western North Pacific this year has seen 8-Typhoons, the fewest in at least 65-years of records. Closer to the US mainland, the Eastern North Pacific off the coast of Mexico has uncorked a grand total of 7 tropical storms of which 3 became hurricanes, the fewest since at least 1970. Global, Northern Hemisphere, and Southern Hemisphere Tropical Cyclone Accumulated Energy (ACE) remain at decades-low levels. With the fantastic dearth of November and December global hurricane activity, it is also observed that the frequency of global hurricanes has continued an inexorable plunge into into a double-dip recession status. With 2010 [possibly but not probably] being the hottest year ever, we will likely see the fewest number of global tropical cyclones observed in at least three-decades…
Nice that they're getting less tipsy, I suppose: Polar bears: On thin ice? Extinction can be averted, scientists say Cutting greenhouse gases now is the key
USGS also promotes the same PlayStation® product: New study about Arctic sea-ice, greenhouse gases and polar bear habitat ANCHORAGE, Alaska – Sea-ice habitats essential to polar bears would likely respond positively should more curbs be placed on global greenhouse gas emissions, according to a new modeling study published today in the journal, Nature. (USGS)
Arctic's vanishing sea ice presents polar bear with a new danger – grizzlies Fears for future of gene pool as interbreeding between vulnerable species driven together by global warming gathers pace (Independent)
Wild speculation alert: Elevated zinc concentrations in Colorado waterway likely a result of climate change Rising concentrations of zinc in a waterway on Colorado's Western Slope may be the result of climate change that is affecting the timing of annual snowmelt,
says a new study led by the University of Colorado at Boulder.
Ancient Forest Emerges Mummified From The Arctic SAN FRANCISCO -- The northernmost mummified forest ever found in Canada is revealing how plants struggled to endure a long-ago global cooling.
Two American Meterological Society Statements Official The American Meteorological Society has headlined the two policy statements [which I was fortunate to be able to assist on the committee that completed them]. The two Statements are
It has taken two years to complete this process. It does represent the broadening of the AMS to consider that the role of humans in the climate system involves much more than just the effects due to the addition of CO2 and several other greenhouse gases. Excerpts from the first AMS Statement include
This Statement [as I have posted on previously; i.e. see] provides wider support for the findings that we reported on in the paper Pielke Sr., R., K. Beven, G. Brasseur, J. Calvert, M. Chahine, R. Dickerson, D. Entekhabi, E. Foufoula-Georgiou, H. Gupta, V. Gupta, W. Krajewski, E. Philip Krider, W. K.M. Lau, J. McDonnell, W. Rossow, J. Schaake, J. Smith, S. Sorooshian, and E. Wood, 2009: Climate change: The need to consider human forcings besides greenhouse gases. Eos, Vol. 90, No. 45, 10 November 2009, 413. Copyright (2009) American Geophysical Union. The second Statements implicitly involves geoengineering (although the AMS has a separate statement for that; see my post). Excerpts from that Statement read
The scientific uncertainty (and thus dangers of deliberate intervention in the global climate system – “geoengineering”) indicate that geoengineering is a very poor idea. (Roger Pielke Sr., Climate Science)
U.N. Panel Continues HFC-23 Carbon Offset Issuance A United Nations panel issued nearly 2 million carbon offsets to a hydrofluorocarbon-23 destruction project in China on Wednesday, it said on its website.
The Gulf of Mexico suffered remarkably little damage. Why were so many so willing to believe otherwise?
In the guise of environmentalism, U.S. foundations are spending millions to stop oil tankers along the B.C. coast Vivian Krause Last week, Michael Ignatieff and 142 other Members of Parliament voted in favour of a motion to ban oil tanker traffic on the north coast of British Columbia. This week, Liberal MP Joyce Murray from Vancouver Quadra introduced Bill C-606 to put that motion into law by amending the Canada Shipping Act to prohibit oil tanker traffic on the north and central coast of British Columbia. Ms. Murray and every single one of those MPs played right into the hands of the U.S. foundations seeking to block oil tanker traffic. Whether intentional or not, these actions will also stop oil exports to Asia. On the surface, this is about oil, Canada’s single most important export. More important, this is about the sovereignty of our country, which should be decided by Canadians, not foreign-funded campaigns. The charge to pressure MPs to vote for a tanker ban was led by the Dogwood Initiative. In 2009, a U.S. foundation paid $30,000 to the U.S. Tides Foundation to fund the Dogwood Initiative “to expand an outreach campaign to mobilize urban voters for a federal ban on coastal tankers.” Another U.S. foundation paid the Dogwood Initiative “to help grow public opposition to counter the Enbridge pipeline construction …” In 2006, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund paid $100,000 to the Pembina Foundation and $100,000 to the Westcoast Environmental Law Research Foundation, “To prevent the development of a pipeline and tanker port that would endanger the Great Bear Rainforest. ” Read More (Financial Times)
EPA Regulations Killing Clean Energy In sharp contrast to the pro-nuclear energy rhetoric of the Administration, some nuclear power plant owners are considering shutting down their facilities. Exelon, owner of the New Jersey Oyster Creek nuclear power plant, recently announced that it plans to close the plant 10 years early because of EPA regulations aimed at reducing the environmental impact of plants’ cooling water intake systems. Currently, Oyster Creek employs the accepted “best technology available”—based on a site-specific cost-benefit analysis—and uses water from nearby Barnegat Bay to cool the reactor. This is no longer good enough for regulators. The EPA’s revision of Section 316(b) of the Clean Water Act determines that the thermal discharge released into the Bay from this “once-through” cooling system is too damaging to organisms there. Oyster Creek would have had to install large cooling towers to accommodate the new rule, but spending eight years and $700–800 million simply did not make economic sense. Continue reading... (The Foundry)
U.S. Called Vulnerable to Rare Earth Shortages HONG KONG — The United States is too reliant on China for minerals crucial to new clean energy technologies, making the American economy vulnerable to
shortages of materials needed for a range of green products — from compact fluorescent light bulbs to electric cars to giant wind turbines.
Tax bill has lots of breaks for special interests (12-15) 04:00 PST Washington - -- The tax compromise expected to pass the Senate today and add $858 billion to the national debt is packed with much more
than another year of unemployment benefits and a two-year extension of all the Bush-era tax cuts.
Ethanol Rises to Four-Week High as Senate Passes Tax Credits Ethanol futures rose to a four-week high in Chicago after the U.S. Senate passed an $858 billion tax-cut plan that includes incentives to help buoy demand
for the biofuel.
It just gets worse and worse... Cameron Energy Strategy May Roll Back Thatcher's Policies to Cut Emission The U.K. will propose the biggest changes to energy policy in two decades tomorrow when the coalition government lays out plans to ensure aging power plants
are replaced and climate targets met.
By Joseph Antos
Q&A: What is the future of U.S. healthcare after lawsuit? The future of President Barack Obama's healthcare reform has been put in doubt after a judge ruled unconstitutional a key element obliging people to buy
health insurance.
Years of Wrangling Lie Ahead for Health Care Law By contradicting two prior opinions, Monday’s court ruling in Virginia against the Obama health care law highlighted both the novelty of the constitutional
issues and the difficulty of forging consensus among judges who bring differences in experience, philosophy and partisan background to the bench.
We could wish... Major push could end malaria deaths by 2015: WHO The world could stop malaria deaths by 2015 if massive investment is made to ramp up control measures, including wider use of insecticide-treated mosquito
nets, the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Tuesday.
Special report: The cost of a malaria-free world Joe Cohen, a scientist tantalizingly close to delivering the world's first malaria vaccine, is on the stump.
EPA says saccharin not a threat after all The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has dropped the artificial sweetener saccharin from its list of hazardous substances, the agency said on Tuesday.
Save the Children Breaks With Soda Tax Effort Over the last year, Save the Children emerged as a leader in the push to tax sweetened soft drinks as a way to combat childhood obesity. The nonprofit group
supported soda tax campaigns in Mississippi, New Mexico, Washington State, Philadelphia and the District of Columbia.
Poverty equals obesity? Study bucks common wisdom Women who are poor are much more likely to be obese but men are not, U.S. government researchers said on Tuesday in a report that contradicts some common
SABCS: Effect of Obesity on Breast Cancer Unclear SAN ANTONIO -- Studies of the impact of excess weight on breast cancer outcomes showed mixed results, researchers reported here.
Daily exercise helps cut risk of middle age creep: study Daily exercise over a period of 20 years helps to significantly reduce weight gain in middle age, but even that is not enough to keep away middle age bulges
entirely, U.S. researchers said on Tuesday.
Keep reading, not as exciting as it might first appear: 40 years later, Nagasaki bomb still causes disease Survivors of the World War II atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki continue to fall ill today as a result of the radiation they received, a surprising Japanese
study shows.
Goodbye to folic acid deficiency? A scan of the Canadian population reveals that, thanks largely to fortified foods, almost no one is deficient in folic acid, and forty percent have
relatively high -- maybe even too high -- levels of the B vitamin in their blood.
EPA Delays Two Air Pollution Rules by Myron Ebell The Environmental Protection Agency sprang two surprises last week. First, EPA asked a federal judge to allow them to delay issuing the boiler MACT (Maximum Available Control Technology) rule until April 2012, which would give EPA time to reconsider and rewrite the proposed regulation. The rule is designed to cut air pollution from approximately 200,000 industrial boilers, process heaters, solid waste incinerators, etc. Industrial users of boilers have made a good case that the proposed standards were going to be impossible to meet in many cases. Next, EPA announced that the ozone or smog rule would be delayed until July 2011, while it reconsidered the scientific and health studies on smog’s effects. The announcement suggests that EPA has bowed to intense opposition from… Read the full story (Cooler Heads)
Huhne backtracks on bank for green projects Energy secretary says UK budget deficit must take precedence over the plan to help such projects as offshore wind farms
Highland Council ponders cuts and climate change A council has begun assessing the positive and negative effects on the environment of making massive cuts to its services.
Sigh... Group Demands U.S. Recycle, Not Sink, Old Navy Ships WASHINGTON, DC, December 14, 2010 - At the Pentagon on December 15, U.S. Navy officers will decide how to dispose of the next generation of retired vessels,
among them the ex-USS Forrestal, the aircraft carrier on which Senator John McCain served in 1967 in the waters of Vietnam. The 1076-foot Forrestal, the largest
aircraft carrier of its day and the first to support jet aircraft, is slated to be dumped in deep water somewhere off of the East Coast next year to be used as
an artificial reef.
Russia Rules Disputed Road Go Ahead, Despite Protests Russia has decided to restart work on a disputed motorway cutting through one of the last forests in Moscow's sprawling suburbs, overruling protests that
prompted President Dmitry Medvedev to delay the project.
Cap-and-trade rebranded as ‘clean energy standard’? We now know how cap-and-trade will be rebranded for the start of the 112th Congress — and we also know the Republican weak spot in the Senate. As reported today by Energy & Environment News,
What is a “clean energy standard” (CES)? Graham’s CES is essentially a national renewable electricity standard (RES), where nuclear power and so-called “clean coal” qualify to meet the RES. Reportedly, Sens. Mark Begich (D-Alaska) and Tom Carper (D-Del), and Energy Secretary Chu are open to it. Why should a CES be opposed?
So here’s our problem. While the GOP-controlled House will have knee-jerk reaction to anything called “cap-and-trade,” members may not have the same reaction to an unfamiliar beast called a “clean energy standard.” The enviros, of course, will work to liken opposing a “clean energy standard” to opposing food and shelter for orphans. Then there’s the clean energy industry which will be working harder and throwing around more money than ever. The 112th Congress is do-or-die time for the wind and solar rentseekers. Energy use in America is already clean. If the enviros need something to do, they ought to go pester their fellow communists in China, where energy use is anything but clean. We should be all in favor of the ChiComs “winning the race for clean energy.” Then they can put it to good use at home. (Green Hell Blog)
EPA Can’t Regulate Volcanoes or China An ongoing study in Yellowstone National Park seeks to measure the emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) as a response to geologic activity and as a possible predictor of some geologic events. A story covering this study notes that researchers estimate that Yellowstone emits 45,000 tons of CO2 per day. That is about 16.5 million tons per year. The EPA estimates that the average car emits between five and six tons of CO2 per year. So natural geologic activity in Yellowstone contributes CO2 equivalent to about 3 million cars. The current attempts by the EPA to limit CO2 emissions would be dangerous for the American economy, but they would have no impact on the millions of tons Yellowstone emits every year. More seriously, the EPA regulations would also have little impact on the billions of additional tons of CO2 that China, India, and the developing world will emit each year in the decades ahead. As a result, the regulations would have damaging impacts on the American economy, but just like cap-and-trade restrictions, they would have negligible impact on world temperatures. (The Foundry)
Climate Hearings in the 112th Congress: GOP Chairmen Will Need Talent Like Jim’s by Marlo Lewis Next year, Republicans will be the majority party in the House of Representatives, which means they’ll hold the committee chairmanships and run the hearings. They’ll have opportunities aplenty to review the Obama administration’s global warming policies and the alarmist “science” that supposedly justifies cap-and-trade, renewable energy mandates, and EPA regulation of greenhouse gases. They would do well to study how in the 105th and 106th Congresses, a GOP House committee chairman from Missouri single handedly debunked the Clinton-Gore administration’s economic analysis of the Kyoto Protocol. Kyotoism: Down but Not Yet Out Politically, the last eighteen months have been remarkable. In June 2009, the House passed H.R. 2454, the “American Clean Energy and Security Act,” popularly known as the Waxman-Markey cap-and-trade bill. Waxman-Markey’s passage was the culmination of a 20-year PR/lobbying campaign waged by U.N. officials, regulatory bureaucrats, environmental activists, lefty politicians, and corporate rent seekers. Many of them crowed that ultimate victory was inevitable. With Barack “Blueprint for Change“ Obama in the White House, Speaker Pelosi and Chairmen Waxman and Markey running the climate show in the House, and Majority Leader Reid and Chairman Boxer setting the agenda in the Senate, expectations ran high in green circles. Their optimistic scenario went as follows: Congress would finally enact cap-and-trade, which would shame China into accepting binding emission limits at the Copenhagen conference, which would then remove the chief obstacle to U.S. ratification of a successor treaty to the Kyoto Protocol. Things did not turn out that way. [Read more →] (MasterResource)
Blood, sweat & tears in Cancun by Michael Kile
Cancun endgame: Kyoto II or climate talks of the living dead? The metaphor of the day was the climate talks zombie - an animated, staggering corpse feasting on the flesh of anyone constructive. This was a terrifying moment for the global warming brigades. If Cancun collapsed like Copenhagen, this could have been their end - nothing left but zombie apocalypse. (CFACT)
Dominic Lawson: A climate deal that flatters to deceive There was no advance on the vapid pledges made in Copenhagen which were deemed to be retrograde
Japan: Will Keep Seeking Wider Climate Pact Than Kyoto Japan will continue to push for a broad climate treaty, that would include major greenhouse gas emitters China and the United States, as an accord reached last week in Mexico left the door open to such a possibility, its environment minister said. (Reuters)
Climate "Consensus" Opiate, The 97% Solution Written by Dennis Ambler A recent re-posting on the SPPI blog from the HockeySchtick site, with the title, “The 97% ‘Consensus’ is only 75 Self-Selected Climatologists” was a second look at the claim first made in January 2009, in a paper called “Examining the Scientific Consensus on Climate Change” by Peter Doran and Kendall Zimmerman, from the department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of Illinois. This was their stated aim: “The objective of our study presented here is to assess the scientific consensus on climate change through an unbiased survey of a large and broad group of Earth scientists.” It was roundly de-bunked at the time by several commentators and it would have been forgotten and consigned to its proper place in the dustbin, if it hadn’t been continually quoted by activists as fact. Read more... (SPPI)
“Put them in a desert with little water”
Green fanatics hijack Christmas to wish various tortures on climate heretics. And they’re all so cheery about it… (Andrew Bolt)
Ratcliffe activists found guilty of coal station plot Campaigners who planned to shut down coal-fired power station convicted of conspiracy to commit aggravated trespass
Trends, Rhythms & Aberrations: The Mechanisms of Climate Change Much has be written and even more said about stopping climate change. The total foolishness of such a quest is obvious to anyone with even the most cursory understanding of Earth's climate over the Past 65 million years. The more science learns about the ever changing nature of climate the more capricious nature appears and the less significant the labors of H. sapiens are revealed to be. To place the ludicrous arguments and unsubstantiated fears of climate catastrophists in perspective, it is instructive to survey Earth's climate since the demise of the dinosaurs—the geological time period called the Cenozoic Era. During this long span of time, Earth's climate has undergone a significant and complex evolution. If one truth has been discovered by human science it is that Earth's climate is always changing, driven, as one set of researchers put it, by trends, rhythms and aberrations—the mechanisms of climate change. (Doug L. Hoffman, The Resilient Earth)
Trillions of sums, but we can't predict a white Christmas The 'big freeze' is set to return today, but forecasts that look even 10 days ahead always need an element of luck
In our paper Pielke Sr., R., K. Beven, G. Brasseur, J. Calvert, M. Chahine, R. Dickerson, D. Entekhabi, E. Foufoula-Georgiou, H. Gupta, V. Gupta, W. Krajewski, E. Philip Krider, W. K.M. Lau, J. McDonnell, W. Rossow, J. Schaake, J. Smith, S. Sorooshian, and E. Wood, 2009: Climate change: The need to consider human forcings besides greenhouse gases. Eos, Vol. 90, No. 45, 10 November 2009, 413. Copyright (2009) American Geophysical Union we wrote (bold face added)
There is a very important new paper that provides further quantitative documentation of the role of aerosols (including human caused aerosols) within the climate system. It is M. Astitha, G. Kallos, C. Spyrou, W. O’Hirok, J. Lelieveld, and H. A. C. Denier van der Gon, 2010: Modelling the chemically aged and mixed aerosols over the Atlantic Ocean. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 10, 1–26, 2010. www.atmos-chem-phys.net/10/1/2010/ The abstract reads [bold face added]
(Roger Pielke Sr., Climate Science)
From CO2 Science Volume 13 Number 50: 15 December 2010 Editorial: Journal Reviews: A Two-Thousand-Year Temperature History of the Extra-Tropical Northern Hemisphere: What does it tell us about the planet's current level of warmth? The Medieval Warm Period in the Sargasso Sea: We review, for the first time, the classic 1996 Science paper of Lloyd Keigwin. Not All Ecosystems Respond Dramatically to Rising Temperatures: In fact, some of them are downright stubborn in this regard. Elevated Ozone Concentrations Negatively Impact Forest Growth: ... and in dramatic fashion! Effects of Ozone on Soybean Yields: What are they? ... what is the outlook for the future? ... and what can we do about it? Ocean Acidification Database: Plant Growth Database:
Climate Funds Move Beyond Wind, Solar The poor performance of some sectors aiming to slow climate change is pushing money managers to cast further afield for investments that both carry green
credentials and are likely to post better returns.
Federal Money Drying Up for Alternative Energy The relationship between government and renewable energy has always been a close one — but also a difficult one. The relationship is going to get more
difficult as stimulus programs and tax cuts run out in two weeks — and that may throw America’s alternative energy programs up in the air.
Ethanol Kickback: Corn-Fed Hypocrisy Subsidies: As with the Cornhusker Kickback and the Louisiana Purchase, the majority leader of the Senate seeks to buy votes for a bill, this time the tax-cut
compromise with support for ethanol credits for the rich.
Paper asks hard questions about biofuel production
"Policymakers, especially in the U.S., have been in a rush to expand biofuel protection," says Michal Moore. "But they need to start thinking
outside of the box of climate change and the corn lobby."
German Opposition Backs New Cuts For Solar Power Aid Germany's main center-left opposition parties have backed calls to make further cuts in support for new solar power installations, which may help the
government to bring forward reductions in aid.
Why are Arabs Racing to Go Nuclear? A top US energy official said this week in Riyadh that Saudi Arabia expects to generate nuclear power within 10 years. Egypt will invite tenders for its first nuclear plant later this month. [Read More] (Andres Cala, ET)
Judge rejects key part of Obama healthcare law A judge in Virginia on Monday declared a key part of President Barack Obama's landmark healthcare law unconstitutional in the first major setback on an issue that will likely end up at the Supreme Court. (Reuters)
US Justice Dept says will prevail in healthcare law The U.S. Justice Department is confident it will ultimately prevail in defending a key part of President Barack Obama's landmark healthcare law, a department
spokeswoman said on Monday.
Health Care: A federal judge ruled Monday that the mandate forcing Americans to buy health care insurance is unconstitutional. Is this the first step in the
collapse of ObamaCare?
Eat, drink, and be merry---and don't worry about cholesterol This week's HND piece takes a look at the big lie that it is the continually-debunked (but never officially abandoned) saturated fat/cholesterol theory of heart disease. It would be bad enough that the entire theory is derived from studies nearly a century old that either fed ridiculous amounts of cholesterol or actual meat products to rabbits. The rabbits were harmed by this, of course, but that should hardly be much of a surprise, since rabbits do not eat meat nor have much (if any) cholesterol in their normal diets. But the real killer is the fraudulent nature of the big study that supposedly proved the theory. The (in)famous Seven Countries Study of Prof. Ancel Keys, has that name since even though he had access to diet, cholesterol, and heart disease data in 22 countries, he ignored all but those seven countries that proved his fat/cholesterol/heart disease theory. Moreover, within the seven countries that he did analyze, his methodology would not pass muster in a junior high school science fair. For this incredible junk science, he was featured on the cover of Time magazine (13 January 1961), and his work is still honored by many who should—and probably do—know better. Please note that there are literally dozens of large studies that absolutely destroy the cholesterol theory. Malcolm Kendrick, MD, among others, has tried to put the stake through the heart of this meme, but has also noted that:
Kendrick may be right, as far as "official" recognition goes. But then, readers of this blog don't care much for conventional wisdom. After all, Robert J. Samuelson is hardly the first person to notice that the conventional wisdom is nearly always wrong. Read the complete article. (Shaw's Eco-Logic)
Several people have pointed to this: Birth Control Pills Not a Major Source of Estrogen in Water Supply Livestock Waste, Soy, and Dairy Foods Leach More Estrogen Into Drinking Water Than Oral Contraceptives, Study Finds
World Health Organization says don’t ban BPA The evidence that there’s a risk to health is too weak for regulatory actions says international expert panel. Ongoing research will clarify relevance of
novel claims and experiments.
Activists stir up controversy over mercury dental amalgams There are no adverse health effects associated with the low-level amounts of mercury found in dental fillings, the FDA determined less than 18 months ago.
This conclusion was supported by the American Dental Association. But after four consumer and dental groups resumed attacking mercury amalgam in dental
fillings, citing hypothetical health risks, and accusing the FDA of using flawed science in approving the substance for the umpteenth time, the agency will yet
again reassess the scientific basis used for its decision.
Well duh! Taxing Sodas Won't Spur Much Weight Loss, Study Says MONDAY, Dec. 13 -- Taxing sodas and other sweetened drinks would result in only minimal weight loss, although the revenues generated could be used to promote
obesity control programs, new research suggests.
Fat or obese? The labels we use to describe heavy-weight individuals can dramatically influence the judgments we make about people, a new study suggests.
About 15 to 20 years ago, folks began to notice problems in amphibian communities around the world. At first, physical deformities were being noticed and
then large population declines were being documented.
Early settlers rapidly transformed New Zealand forests with fire BOZEMAN, Mont. -- New research indicates that the speed of early forest clearance following human colonisation of the South Island of New Zealand was much
faster and more intense than previously thought.
DC Circuit to EPA: Go Wild, Do Anything WASHINGTON, Dec. 13, 2010 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- JunkScience.com was outraged to note that late last Friday, the federal appeals court in Washington, DC
refused to stay the EPA's global warming regulations pending the outcome of litigation because the industry lawyers failed to show that certain harm would be
directly caused by the rules.
No mandates; no RES under any circumstance: The Administration Explores a 'Clean Energy' Standard That Includes Nuclear Power The subject of the high-level Washington conference yesterday was the future of nuclear power.
?!! Deal in Cancun Restores Faith in U.N. Climate Process but Many Questions Remain CANCUN, Mexico -- Red-eyed and rumpled climate change negotiators stood just after 1 a.m. Saturday in the hotel ballroom that had been converted into a U.N.
plenary hall embracing one another and patting colleagues on the back.
Philip Stott: Dr Pangloss Alive And Well At Cancún When it comes to UN climate conferences, I am constantly flabbergasted by the breathless naivety and forced optimism of certain politicians and environmental
reporters, not to mention of green activists. It is as if Voltaire's very own Dr. Pangloss had set sail to Cancún with Candide. Despite having become a
syphilitic beggar, Dr. Pangloss remains firm in his belief that "all is for the best in the best of all possible worlds", explaining that syphilis
"… was a thing unavoidable, a necessary ingredient in the best of worlds; for if Columbus had not caught in an island in America this disease, which
contaminates the source of generation, and frequently impedes propagation itself, and is evidently opposed to the great end of nature, we should have had
neither chocolate nor cochineal."
The U.S. Should Halt All Funding For U.N.'s 'Global Warming' Scam The global warming prophets and propagandists, who enjoy living in style on other people's money, gathered last month in the plush resort of Cancun, Mexico, where January temperatures usually hover around 80 degrees. God must have a sense of humor because Cancun was hit by its coldest temperature in a hundred years. (Phyllis Schlafly, IBD)
Cancún climate change deal falls flat, Kyoto Protocol on life support Two weeks of Cancún climate change talks ended Saturday, with a vague deal to help poor countries deal with climate change and the original Kyoto
Protocol all but dead.
Cancun climate change summit: Back from the brink Less than a day after the international summit in Cancun hit deadlock, a breakthrough agreement was reached amid scenes of tearful jubilation. Geoffrey Lean reports. (TDT)
Bureaucrats Swindle Greens In Cancun The climate conference in Cancun was a turning point for the world’s greens. There were two possible outcomes. One was a total political meltdown in Cancun
that would have been hideously embarrassing in the short run but that in the long term would have cleared the way for more hopeful approaches to carbon issues.
The other was a cobbled together pseudo-deal of some kind that would have avoided short term embarrassment but over the long run would doom the greens to a
future of frustration and futility.
If Soros is happy, hang on to your wallet: Grounds for hope for the climate change agenda A new bottom-up approach holds better prospects for success than the cumbersome UN negotiations
Global Warming Deal Decades Away as `Dysfunctional' U.S. Delays Commitment Delegates at the United Nations climate talks stayed up two nights in a row last week to agree on a proposal to slow global warming. Next year’s negotiations may be even tougher. (Bloomberg)
Just when you think they might be learning that, regardless of whether there is any merit in the enhanced greenhouse hypothesis or not, adaptation is and always has been humanity's only option, you get garbage like this: The Hot New Sector in Greentech: Adaptation The modest agreement that came out of the Cancun climate talks this weekend points tells me one thing: It’s time to start talking a lot more about
adaptation to climate change. While most of the work of the greentech sector is focused on mitigation technologies that can reduce carbon emissions, from clean
power to energy efficiency, given that this latest agreement will not prevent the rise of global temperatures within the range that scientists say is needed
(though it made some progress on other key issues), perhaps it’s time for those in the greentech industry to start betting that adaption will one day be a hot
Sigh... The Green Business Verdict on the Cancun Agreements First the caveats. Any diplomats waking up following the dramatic final night of negotiations at the Cancun Summit feeling a warm glow of pride at a job well
done would be wise to remind themselves that there remains a gaping chasm between the actions required to effectively tackle climate change and the actions
promised in the vaunted Cancun Accords.
By David Henderson As the Cancun post-mortems continue, one area that calls for attention is the questionable role of leading businesses. Recent episodes involving the Deutsche Bank Group are illustrative of a wider problem. They give grounds for serious concern. In September a report entitled “Climate Change: Addressing the Major Skeptic Arguments,” was issued under the auspices of Deutsche Bank. It was published by DB ClimateChange Advisors, a unit described on the bank’s website as “the brand name for the institutional climate-change investment division of Deutsche Asset Management, the asset-management arm of Deutsche Bank AG in the U.S.” The report was co-authored by three climate scientists at the Columbia Climate Center at the Earth Institute of Columbia University. As the title suggests, the authors’ avowed purpose in preparing the report was to demonstrate that the “major skeptic arguments,” and any conclusions based on them, are to be rejected. To quote the document’s introduction: “This study aims to respond to the most common misconceptions that are presented to challenge the position that [greenhouse gas] emissions are adversely impacting Earth’s climate and will continue to do so.” Read More (Financial Post)
Terence Corcoran: Deutsche’s climate Bank part of global corporate craze to cash in The corporate climate-change bandwagon, an unprecedented global scramble of money-grubbing and subsidy-seeking opportunists, shows no signs of ending. Whatever the failures and limitations of last week’s United Nations’ conference in Cancun, the prospect of cashing in on the idea of carbon-free energy has galvanized corporate players all over the world, generating a momentum that seems to have left the UN effort in the dust. The carbon targets proposed in the Kyoto Protocol may be too crazy for governments to adopt, but they’re just fine with all the banks, solar power firms, turbine makers, consultants, real estate speculators, regulatory manipulators, scammers and spinners who aim to make a killing off climate change. An example of such a pro-climate change campaign is the work of Deutsche Bank, the giant German financial institution that has imbedded itself in the renewable energy field. Deutsche Bank claims to have funded more than $5-billion in renewable projects, the result of its aggressive marketing of Feed-in Tariffs (FIT) as government policy. It promotes FIT pricing of electricity all over the world, from Ontario to developing nations. Investors are urged to sink money into renewable energy, on the claim that the returns will beat the market. Read More (Financial Post)
‘Perverse’ CO2 Payments Send Flood of Money to China To offset their own carbon emissions, European companies have been wildly overpaying China to incinerate a powerful greenhouse gas known as HFC 23. And in a bizarre twist, those payments have spurred the manufacture of a harmful refrigerant that is being smuggled into the U.S. and used illegally. (Mark Schapiro, e360)
Wow! Just, wow! New director of the American Geophysical Union: Chris Mooney Willie Soon has sent me an incredible link that raised up my adrenaline level by several orders of magnitude; it has just blown me away: Chris Mooney, a holder of an English degree, is one of the AGU directors. No kidding. Click at the page above. » Don't Stop Reading » (TRF)
Tuesday, December 14, 10 (11:20 am) Climate change alarmists hate it when we refer to carbon dioxide as “plant food”, even though the description is accurate. And what a food it is! Earlier this year, the ABC’s Landline program reported on an experiment conducted by the Victorian Department of Primary Industry, which blasted a patch of wheat with higher CO2 levels:
Click for the entire piece (re-run on the ABC last weekend). Also includes video depicting lush wheaty goodness. (Tim Blair)
Uh-huh... Team of scientists predicts continued death of forests in southwestern US due to climate change (Santa Barbara, Calif.) –– If current climate projections hold true, the forests of the Southwestern United States face a bleak future, with more severe –– and more frequent –– forest fires, higher tree death rates, more insect infestation, and weaker trees. The findings by university and government scientists are published in this week's issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).
Decline of West Coast fog brought higher coastal temperatures last 60 years Fog is a common feature along the West Coast during the summer, but a University of Washington scientist has found that summertime coastal fog has declined
since 1950 while coastal temperatures have increased slightly.
Bering Sea was ice-free and full of life during last warm period, study finds Deep sediment cores retrieved from the Bering Sea floor indicate that the region was ice-free all year and biological productivity was high during the last
major warm period in Earth's climate history.
Wolverine latest wildlife endangered by climate change Climate change may spell disaster for wolverines, a reclusive resident of the mountains of the Northwest, but other wildlife species are a higher priority for government protection, officials said on Monday. (Reuters)
Gosh! They've discovered UHIE: Satellites pinpoint drivers of urban heat islands in the northeast GREENBELT, Md. -- The size, background ecology, and development patterns of major northeastern cities combine to make them unusually warm, according to NASA
scientists who presented new research today at an American Geophysical Union meeting, in San Francisco, Calif.
Earthshaking possibilities may limit underground storage of carbon dioxide Storing massive amounts of carbon dioxide underground in an effort to combat global warming may not be easy to do because of the potential for triggering
small- to moderate-sized earthquakes, according to Stanford geophysicist Mark Zoback.
Lawrence Solomon: Carbon burial scheme goes under The UK’s first commercial scale CCS facility – a plant at a colliery in Yorkshire that would capture carbon and then pump it for burial in old gas-wells under the North Sea – has itself gone under after failing to raise the £635 million needed to fund its construction. The high flying operation, jointly owned by flamboyant mining entrepreneur Richard Budge of the UK and KRU, Russia’s second biggest coal company, seemed to hit pay dirt last year with a life-saving £164 million in EU funding. According to its 2009 annual report, it had been unable to meet loan repayments to its banks and its auditors, Baker Tilly, indicated there was “material uncertainty” as to whether the company would be able to continue as a going concern. The EU rescue was designed to carry the concern until it qualified for subsidies from the UK or elsewhere. The enterprise is now under administration, a form of bankruptcy, in the hopes that a buyer can be found. For an illustration of the sprawling facility, see here. LawrenceSolomon@nextcity.com
Washington, D.C. – As winter weather already grips portions of the United States, the need for cheap and efficient power for heat and light is essential.
Deneen Borelli, a fellow with the Project 21 black leadership network, points out that the Obama Administration's continued war on fossil fuels that is making
the guarantee of a comfortable winter increasingly bleak for the nation's poorest citizens.
Government Issues Guidance On Offshore Drilling Rules The Interior Department on Monday issued guidance about its new regulatory regime for offshore drillers, responding to complaints that confusion over the
agency's new policies has delayed deepwater permitting.
From the Ol' Gray Misanthropist: They Haven’t Learned The oil industry, its lobbyists and its Congressional allies are predictably furious at the Obama administration’s decision not to allow exploratory oil drilling in the eastern Gulf of Mexico and off the Atlantic coast. The decision was unquestionably the right one. (NYT)
Expert: Seven-year moratorium on Gulf oil drilling an unwise decision CHAMPAIGN, Ill. – The Obama administration's decision to maintain a ban on oil drilling in the eastern Gulf of Mexico and off the Atlantic and Pacific
coasts is a mistake, according to a University of Illinois expert who wrote a six-volume book series on marine pollution.
Current Energy Path Economically Unsustainable In the latest indication rational thinking has turned upside down post-BP spill, former CEO Tony Hayward now counts among one of the 25 finalists for TIME magazine’s 2010 Person of the Year. [Read More] (Michael Economides, ET)
Canadian Oil Sands Firms Team Up On Tailings Study Canada's oil sands developers, stung by controversy over the environmental impact of their toxic waste ponds, said on Monday they agreed to collaborate on
research into speeding up reclamation of the northern Alberta land they cover.
Jay Ambrose: Gore's ethanol confession not enough Al Gore has confessed. Partially.
LA Mayor’s Expensive Green Scheme by William Yeatman Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa’s green energy plan will increase utility bills 3%-8% annually for twenty years, according to the LA Department of Water and Power. Currently, Los Angeles gets almost 50% of its electricity from out-of-state coal power plants, which is the primary reason that its ratepayers avoided the price spikes that plagued California during the 2000 electricity crisis, but the Mayor’s energy plan would have the Department of Water and Power disinvest from its Nevada coal generating facility and replace this power with expensive renewable energy. Read the full story (Cooler Heads)
Carbon tax and energy price hike to create 'perfect storm' BUSINESSES are facing a "perfect storm" from 2012 when they will be hit by a doubling in their energy bills at the same time as the UK government's
controversial "carbon tax".
Using the watermelons' own tactics against them: Eagle concerns stymie wind farms APPLE VALLEY, Calif. — Fears that whirling wind turbines could slaughter protected golden eagles have halted progress on a key piece of the federal
government's push to increase renewable energy on public lands, stalling plans for billions of dollars in wind farm developments.
The San Miguel County Commission is scheduled to vote on a revised ordinance governing wind-energy farms this week in Las Vegas.
The Alpha Ventus Wind Park is the first of its kind: a deep water wind farm in the stormy North Sea. It is composed of 12 turbines that together will generate 60MW of electrical power. When fully operational, the farm will be able to power 50,000 households. But barely two months after the ceremony opening Germany’s first deep water wind farm, six of the newly installed wind turbines were idle. This was not due to a lack of wind but because of gearbox damage: two turbines had to be replaced entirely, the other four repaired on site. Problems with Alpha Ventus highlight a series of poor decisions—a precipitous move to shut down working nuclear plants, rampant installation of solar cells, and a headlong rush into offshore wind generation among them—that could well have Germany facing blackouts in the not too distant future. (Doug L. Hoffman, The Resilient Earth)
Consumers will pay the cost of going green as energy reform will add £500 a year to bills Environmental reforms to the energy market, to be unveiled this week, will result in huge gas and electricity price increases over the next ten years.
Surgeon General Jumps the Shark By Steve Milloy Let’s all thank Surgeon General Regina Benjamin for demonstrating beyond all doubt last week that nannyism is more dangerous than smoking. The Office of the Surgeon General just released a report claiming that a single puff of a cigarette or a single inhalation of secondhand smoke can permanently damage one’s health and perhaps lead to death. Now we know what all those blindfolded condemned men given one last puff as they stood before firing squads really died from. While no one disputes that too much smoking is unhealthy, the new report demonizing any smoking or even incidental exposure to secondhand smoke is clearly over the top. Certainly any exposure to tobacco smoke will have some sort of a discernible physiological effect — just like virtually every sensory experience. But Benjamin asserts that even one of those physiological events, however transient and reversible, can cause harm and possibly even lead to death. As commonsense and everyday experience informs (most of) us, this is ridiculous. So how does Benjamin back up her assertions? Well, she really doesn’t. The report contains the usual set of epidemiologic studies showing that smokers tend to be less healthy and die earlier than nonsmokers. None of this is news, though it should be noted that these studies often fail to isolate tobacco as the cause of the adverse health outcome as opposed to the entire suite of unhealthy behaviors that smokers tend to have – i.e., smokers tend to be heavier drinkers, have poorer diets, get less exercise, lead more stressful lives, and have less education and income than nonsmokers. The report contains not a single example of anyone who had incidental or limited contact with tobacco smoke and then experienced an adverse health outcome or death. “Even brief exposure to secondhand smoke can cause cardiovascular disease and could trigger acute cardiac events like heart attack,” avers the Surgeon General’s media release. It’s a scary statement, but it’s not one supported by any real-world evidence of that happening despite the billions of people who have been so exposed over the centuries. Supporting Benjamin with an op-ed in the Washington Post Also was former NBC News anchor Tom Brokaw who recalled and lamented the smoking-related death of his father: “After 50 years of smoking unfiltered cigarettes, my father died, too young, of a massive heart attack. He was 69. It’s almost certain that all those years of nicotine inhalation were a major contributor to his clogged arteries.” What is more than almost certain is the fact that, although Brokaw’s father was such a long-term and presumably heavy smoker, he surpassed the life expectancy for his birth year (1912) by about 14 years — not bad for someone actually permitted the dignity to make his own lifestyle decisions. Like many, if not most people, I don’t care for smoking or inhaling anyone else’s tobacco smoke. That said I’m more concerned about the all-to-common and wanton disregard of facts and the misuse of science and statistics, especially by those in positions of power and prominence. Today’s lifestyle nannies, aided by a gullible and scientifically illiterate media, feel at liberty to demonize any behavior or substance, and to trod upon any and all individual liberties without regard for the relevant facts. Making the situation worse is that the nannies have few vocal opponents, as they stand ready to demonize and ostracize anyone who dares speak up against their junk science. The two most significant advances of the Age of Reason and the Enlightenment were the development of science and the realization of individual liberty as an intrinsic right. Surgeon General Benjamin’s report is a clear sign that both are on the downswing of history. (Green Hell Blog)
Alliance starts pneumonia vaccine project for poor A new vaccine against the most deadly forms of pneumonia, one of the world's biggest killers of children, will be launched in Nicaragua from Sunday as part
of an effort to prevent 700,000 deaths in poorer countries by 2015.
Um, yawn... When Wrinkle-Free Clothing Also Means Formaldehyde Fumes The iron, that relic of households past, is no longer required to look neat and freshly pressed. Why bother when retailers like Nordstrom offer crisp
“wrinkle-free finish” dress shirts and L. L. Bean sells chinos that are “great right out of the dryer.”
HWGA: FDA to reexamine metal dental fillings U.S. health regulators are seeking a second opinion on whether mercury-containing dental fillings pose a risk to dental patients, especially children and
pregnant women.
New research suggests viruses could be the cause of the obesity epidemic THE obesity epidemic seen in humans and their pets may be caused by more than rubbish diets and lack of exercise.
Cycling may have impact on sperm health: study Most exercise appears to have little relationship to either the quality or quantity of sperm, but men who bike at least five hours a week have fewer and less
active sperm than men who didn't exercise, a study said.
Surprise, they published a negative result: Low vitamin D not linked to semen quality Vitamin D deficiency is taking blame for a growing list of health problems. Weak sperm, however, may not be one of them, hints new research.
More wonderfully whacky eco-regs: Bureaucratic flood damage? by Jennifer Marohasy
Iceland walks out of fishing talks Britain and the EU are on the verge of a trade war with Iceland and the Faroe Islands after talks to agree a quota for fishing mackerel collapsed.
Analysis: Seed leaders Pioneer, Monsanto see South Africa backlash The derailment of DuPont's intended acquisition of a top South African seed company -- a deal that would have doubled DuPont's African seed business -- is emboldening activists opposed to creeping control by both DuPont and rival Monsanto of the lucrative emerging market. (Reuters)
Court Allows EPA's Regulation of Greenhouse Gases to Proceed WASHINGTON, DC, December 10, 2010 - A federal appeals court today rejected a motion by several industry groups and states opposed to climate regulation for a
partial stay of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's planned regulation of greenhouse gas emissions under the Clean Air Act.
Court refuses to halt EPA climate rules The Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit refused late Friday to stop the EPA’s greenhouse gas rules from going into effect on January 2, 2011. The litigation over the rules will continue, but the court will allow them to go into effect pending the outcome of the litigation. (Green Hell Blog)
E.P.A. Delays Tougher Rules on Emissions The Obama administration is retreating on long-delayed environmental regulations — new rules governing smog and toxic emissions from industrial boilers —
as it adjusts to a changed political dynamic in Washington with a more muscular Republican opposition.
Do You Believe In Magic Numbers? Average annual global temperatures have risen a degree or two since the Little Ice Age ended some 150 years ago. Thank goodness. The LIA was not a
particularly pleasant time.
Cancun climate agreement: Analysis of the text The Cancun agreement commits the world to a series of decisions under the United Nations. But what has the world agreed to? [Ed note: item 98, page 15, says: To set up an adaptation committee to help poor countries cope with the floods and droughts that climate change could cause.
<chuckle> At last, the climate changes Environment Editor Michael McCarthy witnesses the successful conclusion of the UN talks on global warming – and explains why the deal is good news
[Editorial] Cancún climate summit: Yet another opportunity lost Any significance of the decisions taken vanishes when matched against the scale of things to come (Guardian)
New climate battle looms in South Africa in 2011 The world's governments face a new battle in South Africa in 2011 between rich and poor about slowing climate change, buoyed by some progress in Mexico but
with faded hopes for a new treaty in coming years.
Climate change deal agreed at Cancún A new “green fund” to help poor countries adapt to the effects of global warming formed the centrepiece of a small package of measures on climate change
agreed at the Cancún conference, which finished on Saturday.
Cancun Climate Summit Avoids the Cost Question World leaders at a climate-change conference in Cancun, Mexico, made clear that addressing the issue will be all about money, agreeing that rich countries
would spend potentially trillions of dollars to help poor countries develop on a greener path.
Cancun looms as monument to failure THE choice of Cancun for UN climate change talks has proved an exquisite metaphor for the political battle under way over global warming. (The Australian)
Obligatory misanthropist enters with population panic: Climate change: human numbers don't add up The best way to cut emissions is to have fewer babies – but you won't find it in the Cancún bulletin, or any politician's vision (Guardian)
Cancún agreement rescues UN credibility but falls short of saving planet The modest deal wrangled out by the 200 countries meeting at the Mexican resort of Cancún may have done more to save a dysfunctional UN negotiating process
from collapse than protect the planet against climate change, analysts said today.
Kyoto retained in climate deal UNITED Nations-sponsored talks on climate change have forged a way ahead for global action on curbing emissions of harmful greenhouse gases, one that could
retain the 13-year-old Kyoto Protocol as a linchpin in future efforts.
Analysis: Next climate test: how to adapt Climate negotiators left this tourist city upbeat about a modest deal to control global warming, but the world still faces daunting choices on how to cope
with rising seas, health woes and mass migration.
This poor kid's been conned her whole life: Analysis: Climate talks: 18 years, too little action? "I was born in 1992. You have been negotiating all my life. You cannot tell us that you need more time," Christina Ora of the Solomon Islands
complained to delegates at U.N. talks on fixing global warming.
China’s Carbon Emissions Continue to Increase- Far Outdistancing the Rest of the World By Jack Dini Friday, December 10, 2010
Unusually Cold Weather Killing Florida's Manatees Unusually cold weather last winter killed Florida's endangered manatees at a record rate, a report said on Friday.
Antarctic Warming Revisited: Blog Analysis (turned scientific paper) Tempers Alarm by Chip Knappenberger Back in January of 2009, I reviewed the implications of a then just-published article in Nature magazine that was billed as shedding important new light on some aspects of the long-term (since the late 1950s) temperature history across Antarctica. The article, by Eric Steig and colleagues, described more warming taking place over a larger portion of Antarctica than had previously been recognized. The implication was that the temperature rise across Antarctica was not lagging behind the rest of the world and thus “not bucking the trend of global warming” as apparently some “contrarians” were claiming. Now, that result must be tempered, as a new paper is forthcoming that improves upon the analytical technique developed by the Steig team and finds significantly less warming across the continent as a whole (about 50% less), and a different geographical pattern of temperature changes across Antarctica—results that fit more closely with the existing (that is, pre-Steig et al.) perception of what was going on down there. Basically, when a more correct analysis was performed, our understanding of what has been occurring in Antarctica has been firmed up, rather than being badly shaken—Antarctica, on average, has warmed a little bit over the past 50 years, with the largest and most significant warming being concentrated in the regions around the Antarctic Peninsula, rather than spread somewhat evenly across the continent (as the Steig et al. result showed). But, perhaps the most interesting part of this story is that the new analysis grew from the blogosphere. Soon after the Steig et al. article was published, it was being examined and critiqued on various blog sites. Among the criticisms was that the statistical technique pioneered by the Steig team was improperly implemented and that the published results were influenced by these inaccuracies. An effort grew from these blog discussions to develop a better implementation of the methods and the results revealed a rather different picture of the patterns of temperature evolution across Antarctica than did the original Steig et al. paper (Figure 1).
The Blogosphere at its Best Now, this type of thing happens fairly frequently in blog space—a spirited critique of a scientific publication. But what doesn’t happen very frequently, is that the blog discussions are formalized and submitted to a scientific journal. And in this case, not only were they submitted, but after a lengthy and extremely thorough review process, the new, improved findings have been accepted for publication in the Journal of Climate—a very well-respected scientific journal. This shows the utility of blogs at their best—initial informal critical discussion that hits upon a legitimate and important point of science, which is then formalized, submitted, and accepted into the peer-reviewed scientific literature, thereby making a much more permanent, citeable and, in fact, more widely accessible, contribution to the scientific knowledge base. Kudos to Ryan O’Donnell, Nicholas Lewis, Steve McIntyre, and Jeff Condon. To read more about how all this came to pass, please visit Jeff’s blog where some of the authors describe all that was involved from start to finish and include a preview of their results. I wrote in my original MasterResource article “[The Steig et al. paper was] all in all a reasonable approach to the problem—but likely not the final word on the matter.” The new paper by O’Donnell et al. pretty much confirms this, and adds important new words to the story. Lead author Ryan O’Donnell describes it like this:
This is the way science is supposed to work. I am delighted to see the blogosphere opening the doors to scientific contributions to a wider audience. I hope this trend continues—science will be the better for it. But, importantly, to achieve this contribution, it requires a great deal of effort, persistence, and fortitude that extends far beyond a comment thread on a blog somewhere. I encourage more people who really are interested in making a lasting impact to grin and bear it and make the effort—it is an effort that can be rather painful, but which provides great satisfaction in the end, and best of all, it keeps science moving forward. So blog away, but when you hit upon something that you think is scientifically important, take the time to write it up and send it in to a journal—the end result could be rewarding for all of us. (MasterResource)
Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach There is an interesting new study by Lauer et al. entitled “The Impact of Global Warming on Marine Boundary Layer Clouds over the Eastern Pacific—A Regional Model Study” [hereinafter Lauer10]. Anthony Watts has discussed some early issues with the paper here. The Lauer10 study has been controversial because it found that some marine stratocumulus clouds decrease with increasing warming. This is seen as an indication that (other things being equal) clouds are a net positive feedback, that they will amplify any warming and make it even warmer. This finding has engendered much discussion. I want to do a different analysis. I want to provide a theoretical understanding of the Lauer10 findings. Figure 1 shows the larger picture, within which Lauer’s results make sense. This is the picture of part of the Earth as a solar-driven heat engine. Figure 1. Very simplified picture of the main driving loop of the tropospheric circulation. A large counter-rotating cell (a “Hadley Cell”) of air exists on each side of the equator. Energy enters the system mostly around the equator. Thunderstorms (shown with rain) drive deep convection currents from the surface to the upper troposphere. Some of the energy is transferred horizontally by the Hadley Cells to the area at 30N/S. There, some the energy is radiated out to space. A large amount of the radiation occurs in the clear dry desert regions. Other parts of the atmospheric circulation not shown. Lauer10 is discussing the low cloud decks found off the western edges of the continents at around 30°N/S, as illustrated in Fig. 1. Continue reading (WUWT)
My Comments On An Excellent Weblog Post By Judy Curry There is a very thoughtful, must read post by Judy Curry at Climate Etc titled I have extracted below a key set of statements from her post [boldface added]
I have reported examples of the biases that Judy documented with respect to climate assessments and funding on my weblog; e.g.see My Comments For The InterAcademy Council Review of the IPCC Climate Assessment Oligarchy – The IPCC See also Pielke, R.A. Sr., 2005: Public Comment on CCSP Report “Temperature Trends in the Lower Atmosphere: Steps for Understanding and Reconciling Differences“. 88 pp including appendices Pielke, R.A. Sr., 2008: A Broader View of the Role of Humans in the Climate System is Required In the Assessment of Costs and Benefits of Effective Climate Policy. Written Testimony for the Subcommittee on Energy and Air Quality of the Committee on Energy and Commerce Hearing “Climate Change: Costs of Inaction” – Honorable Rick Boucher, Chairman. June 26, 2008, Washington, DC., 52 pp [see the appendix which documents the exclusion in the 2007 IPCC WG1 report of peer-reviewed papers that differ from what the IPCC perspective]. I recommend everyone read Judy’s full post. (Roger Pielke Sr., Climate Science)
Analysis: Carbon markets to struggle after Cancun Global carbon markets will struggle after the deal reached at annual U.N. climate talks did little to ensure mandatory emissions caps would be extended next year. (Reuters)
Go ahead, release the refrigerant: China Threatens Deliberate Release of Potent Greenhouse Gas LONDON, UK, December 9, 2010 - China has answered efforts to ban credits from industrial gas projects in the European carbon market by threatening to release
potent greenhouse gases into the atmosphere unless developed nations pay what environmental groups are calling a "climate ransom."
Again I call "Bullshit!" Julia Gillard: Carbon price can stop power price pain PRIME Minister Julia Gillard has warned that Australians face a decade of rising electricity prices and the risk of blackouts unless a carbon price is
introduced next year.
EU Coal Nations Win Fight For Subsidies To 2018 Germany and other European coal-mining nations secured an extension of coal subsidies until 2018 after a months-long battle against environmentalists.
Tata’s Nano, the Car That Few Want to Buy MUMBAI, India — When it was introduced in early 2009, the egg-shaped Tata Nano was billed as a modern-day people’s car, an ultracheap vehicle that would
bring greater mobility to the masses of India and, eventually, the world. But those ambitions have stalled — for now, at least.
by Lisa Linowes The headlines were abuzz last month following Energy Secretary Steven Chu’s talk at the National Press Club where he dubbed the global race for clean energy our new “Sputnik Moment” and warned that the U.S. risked falling behind other countries. In this imaginary race, our competition is no longer the Soviet Union, but China, which now leads in the manufacture of wind turbines and solar panels. The Sputnik analogy is inappropriately applied for obvious reasons. The U.S. space program of the mid-twentieth century was an outgrowth of our military at a time when the United States and Soviet Russia were researching long-range ballistic missiles. The program was a high-cost, high-risk venture that never achieved economies of scale, nor was it intended to. There’s no question the race advanced us technologically and the productization of its research benefited generations of Americans. But, contrary to Chu’s message, it was not a jobs program, its objectives were not imposed on private industry, and its work did not interfere with the lives of everyday Americans. In the case of energy, we already have a competent and competitive energy market run by the private sector. It’s role in not to innovate, but to keep this country reliably powered at a reasonable price so that others can. Chu’s problem is with the fuels used to power the U.S. and that’s what he wants to change. He doesn’t hide his agenda to boost wind energy in the United States and he will do what’s necessary to shift the economics in wind’s favor, including sponsoring policies meant to drive up the price of fossil fuels. By teaming up with Interior secretary Ken Salazar, Chu expects to fast-track building hundreds of thousands of megawatts of wind nationwide including the shallow waters just off our eastern seaboard. The problem for the rest of us is that Chu is an ideologue who, like the department he rules, refuses to publicly acknowledge the cost of his ideas or engage on whether his vision is even realistic. While Chu delivered his sermon in Washington, ratepayers in the State of Massachusetts experienced a glimpse of his vision in action. Cape Wind: The Uneconomic Gets More So Cape Wind is the first offshore wind energy facility approved to be built in the United States. The 468-megawatt project (sticker price: $2.3+ billion) will be erected in federal waters off the coast of Nantucket and its energy sold to utility giant National Grid. With high upfront costs and fewer hours to spread the cost over (given a 39% capacity factor), the power purchase agreement with Grid represents the most expensive in the country. [Read more →] (MasterResource)
Lawrence Solomon: How to renege on egregious green contracts Risk-free contracts pay up to 20 times market value One century ago, amid public outrage at the high electricity rates that came of the long-term franchise contracts that Ontario municipal governments had signed with private utilities, the municipalities reneged on the bargains they had struck. To help the municipalities stab their private-sector partners in the back, the province even went so far as to write new legislation negating previous legislation enacted specifically to ensure that franchise agreements could not be cancelled without compensation. Fast forward to today and many of the same elements are in place. Once again in Ontario, long-term electricity contracts between the government and private-sector players are at play. Once again, public outrage is mounting at the utility rates that they face.
New Poll Confirms IBD's '09 Finding Of Doctor Exodus Under ObamaCare Reform: When we said nearly half of U.S. doctors might close their practices or retire early rather than live under the Democrats' health overhaul, we were
heavily criticized. The critics, though, were wrong.
EPA’s Smoke-and-Mirrors on Smog and Soot — Part 1 This article begins a series examining the science behind the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s proposed proposed tighten air quality standards for ground-level ozone (O3 or smog) and fine particulate matter (PM2.5 or soot). There are two proposed EPA rules at issue, the:
Starting with the science used by the EPA to justify its regulatory action with respect to smog, the agency proposed to make more stringent the ozone NAAQS as follows:
The first field study that the EPA cites in its proposal is a 1998 study by Korrick et al. that the EPA describes as follows:
Here’s how the study was conducted, according to its authors:
Here are the reported results:
Accepting these results at face value (i.e., blaming O3 for the reported effect), none are of clinical significance. FEV1 values between 80% to 120% of average are considered normal. It follows then that a 2.6% decline, especially after strenuous hiking, is not clinically significant. But then is it really appropriate to attribute even this insignificant decline to O3 in the first place? Fig. 2 in the study indicates that O3 levels varied throughout the day, but the researchers only took spirometry measurements at the beginning and end of each hike. So there’s no data that indicate spirometry measurements varied with changes in O3 levels. Even if it was possible to wave a statistical wand over the FEV1 and FVC measurements to adjust for the potential confounding risk factors (most of which were self-reported and not verified or validated by the researchers), important potential confounding risk factors variables were omitted, e.g., hiker fitness and hiking intensity to name just two. Moreover, hikers were volunteers and not selected at random, possibly introducing some sort of bias into the mix. The researchers needed to show that O3 caused the changes in spirometry, but they didn’t. In any event, the changes weren’t clinically significant. At most, this study provides evidence that hiking up and down a mountain may slightly affect one’s breathing. It does not show, as the EPA claims, that even low levels of O3 (i.e., levels 47% lower than the current standard) are a public health problem. (Green Hell Blog)
Don’t fall victim to the hysteria over plastic toys As the holiday decorations go up, so do anxiety levels. In the midst of prepping for the in-laws and the added financial stress of the holidays, the last
thing Americans need is another source of unwarranted anxiety.
Reusable Shopping Bags Could be Germ Carriers BY JACK DINI – Do you wash your reusable shopping bags after using them? If not, you may be putting your family and yourself at risk for food poisoning.
U.S. life expectancy falls slightly in 2008 American life expectancy slipped slightly in 2008 to 77.8 years, the first dip since 2004, while stroke slid a notch to become the fourth-leading cause of
death, U.S. health experts said on Thursday.
Imaginary weight loss? Imagine eating if you want to lose weight, say scientists Just imagining eating calorific food such as chocolate can reduce your appetite and help you lose weight, claim psychologists
Oh yeah, this'll fix it! General Mills steps down sugar in kids' cereals General Mills Inc is lowering the amount of sugar in its children's breakfast cereals to no more than 10 grams per serving from 11 grams a year ago, the
latest move from a U.S. foodmaker to address childhood obesity.
Hmm... Drinkers 'exploited' by low-carb beer myth Australian drinkers have been duped by the low-carb beer "myth", with a poll showing widespread belief it is less fattening and the best beer for
good health.
One of the problems with "citizen's initiatives": One million Petition EU To Halt GM Crop Approvals Campaigners presented a petition of more than a million signatures to the EU executive on Thursday, demanding a halt to approvals of new genetically modified
(GM) crops.
EPA Regulations May Shut 50,000 MW Of Coal Plants: Brattle Environmental Protection Agency regulations may result in over 50,000 megawatts of coal power plant retirements and up to $180 billion in compliance costs
for remaining plants, consulting firm The Brattle Group said in a report.
Following time-worn script: Climate talks intensify; Bolivian cites 'ecocide' CANCUN, Mexico — Delegates from almost 200 nations worked Thursday to clear away a host of disputes and to take small steps forward in easing the impact of
climate change at a conference whose limited goals drew an accusation of "ecocide" from Bolivia's President Evo Morales.
UN Needs New Body to Spend Carbon Trading Revenue, Ex-Climate Chief Says The United Nations needs a new body to spend revenue from future sales of carbon allowances, ensuring that developing nations build sustainable economies, according to the former climate chief. (Bloomberg)
Cancún climate change summit: Leaked documents reveal alternative deal Move by Mexican presidency, Europe and Pacific island states to prepare new negotiating text has outraged developing nations
Put deserts on climate agenda, UN official says As negotiators near a deal on preserving forests as a way to fight climate change, a top advocate for deserts says that the planet's driest lands should also play a role. (AFP)
Environment Chief Says Japan `Won't Associate' Itself With Kyoto CO2 Limit Japanese Environment Minister Ryu Matsumoto said a global treaty for reducing greenhouse gas emissions should be based on last year’s Copenhagen Accord, not the 1997 Kyoto Protocol, a comment that may derail the United Nations climate talks. (Bloomberg)
Kyoto impasse still blocks UN climate talks-India CANCUN Dec 9 - An impasse on the future of the Kyoto Protocol is still blocking a deal to slow global warming on the penultimate day of U.N. climate talks, India's environment minister said on Thursday. (Reuters)
Cancún climate talks risk becoming a 'car crash', says Chris Huhne Problems are being caused by division between rich and poor countries on Kyoto protocol, says environment secretary (Guardian)
Guest Blogger Roger Helmer MEP: Climate Conference Set to Crash and Burn? I’m here at the UN’s Cancun Climate Conference—or COP16 (Conference of the Parties) in the jargon. The last two COPs in Poznan (2008) and Copenhagen (2009) were (ironically) characterized by exceptionally cold weather. I can’t say that there’s December snow in Cancun, but locals tell me it’s exceptionally cool for the time of year. But then again, that’s Climate Change for you! This is the world’s travelling circus; the moveable feast; the great eco-love-in. We have some 15,000 delegates (including me — I’m accredited for the EU which is a great irony since I am hugely skeptical of the EU as well as the myth of man-made climate change). Of course 99% of the delegates are paid-up true believers in Al Gore’s Great Climate Myth, so everyone here agrees with each other, reinforcing their opinion that Al Gore’s view is the only sane view to have. I take a profoundly different view though. Copenhagen carried huge hopes and optimism, and ended in failure and recrimination. Cancun is the mirror image. Expectations have been managed down to zero though, so any tiny nugget of success will be hugely overhyped. And there will be nuggets—probably on forestry, on technology transfer, and on a “Cancun Fund” to combat climate change (watch out for that one, because you know who’ll be paying – you, the taxpayer). But the Holy Grail, of a legally binding emissions agreement, looks as far off as ever, and they’re already whistling in the wind and talking of “laying the stepping stones for COP17 in Durban in 2011”. Continue reading... (The Foundry)
‘No need’ to agree on Kyoto extension yet, Canadian envoy says Global negotiators are likely to punt contentious decisions on the Kyoto Protocol in hopes of reaching agreement on other key climate issues, Canada's top
negotiator says.
Climate future lies with Copenhagen deal, not Kyoto, Canada says OTTAWA – The future of climate change negotiations lies with the Copenhagen Accord, Environment Minister John Baird said in comments that call into question reports of progress at the United Nations talks in Mexico. (Toronto Star)
Ecologists desert Cancún's sinking ship THE chances of a legally binding deal to tackle climate change are looking increasingly slim as the negotiations in Cancún, Mexico, enter their final days.
So much so that even environmentalists are deserting the sinking ship.
UN Climate Kooks: Cripple US economy & ban H2O!
Peter Foster: Wikileaks is just the new Climategate The two greatest data dumps in Web history have been treated far differently Bradley Manning, the U.S. Army analyst who served up the classified files at the heart of the Wikileaks farrago, claimed that “It’s Climategate with a global scope, and breathtaking depth. It’s beautiful, and horrifying.” What is fascinating about this statement is that I could find it quoted only twice in the mainstream media: in The Sydney Morning Herald and on Glenn Beck. This appears to reflect a broader lack of media interest in comparing and contrasting the two most newsworthy data dumps in Internet history. Wikileaks in fact played a small part in spreading the Climategate emails towards the end of 2009, just ahead of the last great climate shindig in Copenhagen. Also, one current Wikileak reveals that President Barack Obama used a combination of muscle and bribery to achieve a “deal” that he could announce at the Danish capital. Nobody should be the least bit shocked by this revelation. It is a prime example not just of political cynicism but of why diplomacy, by its very nature, cannot be “transparent.” But it also suggests how science can be corrupted by politics. That is the fundamental aspect of Climategate that so few people seem to have grasped, perhaps because so few in the media appear prepared to countenance it. Read More (Financial Post)
Number of climate refugees overstated If we are to believe recent reports, the effects of climate change over the next 90 years will make up to 1 billion people homeless, deny 3 billion access to
clean water and see the emergence of ''ghost states'' whose governments-in-exile rule over scattered citizens.
NASA, NOAA: total climate sensitivity is below 1.65 °C
Quantifying the negative feedback of vegetation to greenhouse warming: A modeling approach (GRL)The article by Lahouari Bounoua and six co-authors in Geophysical Research Letters combines their climate model with the feedbacks linked to vegetation, especially evapotranspiration - the sum of plant transpiration and evaporation from leaves. What is their result? » Don't Stop Reading » (TRF)
Global Warming Hoax Weekly Round-Up, Dec 9th 2010 Al Gore gets religion, everything the weather does proves global warming is real and the WWF gives the world a document format that won’t print. On purpose. (Daily Bayonet)
More from that idiot Louise Gray: Cancun climate change summit: climate change killing polar bears Polar bear cubs are starving as a result of climate change, according to experts, because global warming is causing the sea ice to melt. (TDT)
Controlling the Science: National Academies and Consensus Written by Dennis Ambler Former Republican Congressman and former chairman of the House Committee on Science, Sherwood Boehlert, launched an attack last week on the Republican Party and its stance on global warming science. He made great play of the contributions of Climate Scientists and National Academy of Sciences reports on climate matters. It seems he does not have much idea of the make-up of the NAS panels and how they are stacked with activist scientists and NGO’s to deliver the right message, whilst carrying the scientific imprimatur of the NAS. Read more... (SPPI)
Bering Sea chill yields fatter plankton, changes in pollock diet Seward, Alaska—Despite a 30-year warming trend, the last three years in the Bering Sea have been the coldest on record. A University of Alaska Fairbanks
scientist says that the cold temperatures have helped produce larger zooplankton in the Bering Sea, which may be changing the way Walleye pollock are feeding.
Ice-age reptile extinctions provide a glimpse of likely responses to human-caused climate change ANN ARBOR, Mich.—A wave of reptile extinctions on the Greek islands over the past 15,000 years may offer a preview of the way plants and animals will
respond as the world rapidly warms due to human-caused climate change, according to a University of Michigan ecologist and his colleagues.
This is the best they can do? Cloud 'feedback' affects global climate and warming, says Texas A&M study COLLEGE STATION, Dec. 9, 2010 – Changes in clouds will amplify the warming of the planet due to human activities, according to a breakthrough study by a
Texas A&M University researcher.
The Dessler Cloud Feedback Paper in Science: A Step Backward for Climate Research How clouds respond to warming – the ‘cloud feedback’ problem – will likely determine whether manmade global warming becomes either the defining environmental event of the 21st Century, or is merely lost in the noise of natural climate variability. Unfortunately, diagnosing cloud feedback from our global satellite observations has been surprisingly difficult. The problem isn’t the quality of the data, though. The problem is figuring out what the cloud and temperature behaviors we observe in the data mean in terms of cause and effect. So, Andy Dessler’s (a Texas A&M climate researcher) new paper appearing in Science this week is potentially significant, for it claims to have greatly closed the gap in our understanding of cloud feedback. Dessler’s paper claims to show that cloud feedback is indeed positive, and generally supportive of the cloud feedbacks exhibited by the IPCC computerized climate models. This would in turn support the IPCC’s claim that anthropogenic global warming will become an increasingly serious problem in the future. Unfortunately, the central evidence contained in the paper is weak at best, and seriously misleading at worst. It uses flawed logic to ignore recent advancements we have made in identifying cloud feedback. In fact, the new paper is like going back to using only X-rays for medical imaging when we already have MRI technology available to us. So what is this new evidence of positive cloud feedback that Dessler has published? Well, actually it is not new. It’s basically the same evidence we published in the Journal of Geophysical Research. Yet we came to a very different conclusion, which was that the only clear evidence of feedback we found in the data was of strongly negative cloud feedback. But how can this be? How can two climate researchers, using the same dataset, come to opposite conclusions? The answer lies in an issue that challenges researchers in most scientific disciplines – separating cause from effect. Dessler’s claim (and the IPCC party line) is that cloud changes are caused by temperature changes, and not the other way around. Causation only occurs in one direction, not the other. In their interpretation, if one observes a warmer year being accompanied by fewer clouds, then that is evidence of positive cloud feedback. Why? Because if warming causes fewer clouds, it lets in more sunlight, which then amplifies the warming. That is positive cloud feedback in a nutshell. But what if the warming was caused by fewer clouds, rather than the fewer clouds being caused by warming? In other words, what if previous researchers have simply mixed up cause and effect when estimating cloud feedback? A Step Backwards for Climate Science What we demonstrated in our JGR paper earlier this year is that when cloud changes cause temperature changes, it gives the illusion of positive cloud feedback – even if strongly negative cloud feedback is really operating! I can not overemphasize the importance of that last statement. We used essentially the same satellite dataset Dessler uses, but we analyzed those data with something called ‘phase space analysis’. Phase space analysis allows us to “see” behaviors in the climate system that would not be apparent with traditional methods of data analysis. It is like using an MRI to see a type of tumor that X-rays cannot reveal. What we showed was basically a new diagnostic capability that can, to some extent, separate cause from effect. This is a fundamental advancement – and one that the news media largely refused to report on. The Dessler paper is like someone publishing a medical research paper that claims those tumors do not exist, because they still do not show up on our latest X-ray equipment…even though the new MRI technology shows they DO exist! Sound strange? Welcome to my world. We even replicated that behavior see in the satellite data analyzed with phase space analysis — our ‘MRI for the climate system’ – by using a simple forcing-feedback climate model containing negative cloud feedback. It showed that, indeed, when clouds cause temperature changes, the illusion of positive cloud feedback is created…even when strongly negative cloud feedback really exists. Why Dessler Assumed We Are Wrong To Dessler’s credit, he actually references our paper. But he then immediately discounts our interpretation of the satellite data. Why? Because, as he claims, (1) most of the climate variability during the satellite period of record (2000 to 2010) was due to El Nino and La Nina (which is largely true), and (2) no researcher has ever claimed that El Nino or La Nina are caused by clouds. This simple, blanket claim was then intended to negate all of the evidence we published. But this is not what we were claiming, nor is it a necessary condition for our interpretation to be correct. El Nino and La Nina represent a temporary change in the way the coupled atmospheric-ocean circulation system operates. And any change in the atmospheric circulation can cause a change in cloud cover, which can in turn cause a change in ocean temperatures. We even showed this behavior for the major La Nina cooling event of 2007-08 in our paper! It doesn’t mean that “clouds cause El Nino”, as Dessler suggests we are claiming, which would be too simplistic and misleading of a statement. Clouds
are complicated beasts, and climate researchers ignore that complexity at their peril. Dessler’s paper is being announced on probably THE best day for it to support the IPCC’s COP-16 meeting here in Cancun, and whatever agreement is announced tomorrow in the way of international climate policy. I suspect – but have no proof of it – that Dessler was under pressure to get this paper published to blunt the negative impact our work has had on the IPCC’s efforts. But if this is the best they can do, the scientists aligning themselves with the IPCC really are running out of ideas to help shore up their climate models, and their claims that our climate system is very sensitive to greenhouse gas emissions. The weak reasoning the paper employs – and the evidence we published which it purposely ignores! – combined with the great deal of media attention it will garner at a time when the IPCC needs to regain scientific respectability (especially after Climategate), makes this new Science paper just one more reason why the public is increasingly distrustful of the scientific community when it comes to research having enormous policy implications. (Roy W. Spencer)
Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach Andrew Lacis and the good folks at GISS have a new paper, Atmospheric CO2: Principal Control Knob Governing Earth’s Temperature, Andrew A. Lacis, Gavin A. Schmidt, David Rind, Reto A. Ruedy 15 OCTOBER 2010 VOL 330 SCIENCE [hereinafter "Lacis10"]. Although most commenters have dismissed their work as being derivative and not containing anything new, I find that they have actually made a couple of unique and novel errors. I have two main difficulties with their paper. I have a problem with one of their theoretical claims, and I also have large issues with their model results. First, the theoretical claim. Lacis10 says:
Figure 1. Global Energy Budget from Trenberth et al. Let me examine this claim one piece at a time. Continue reading (WUWT)
Is the warming in the 20th century extraordinary? WUWT readers, Figure 4 is noteworthy, because it points out the trend of 20th century warming in context with other periods of warming derived from the ice core record. I suggest you bookmark this post and that graph, as it tells a simple but indisputable story. – Anthony Guest post by Frank Lansner In a recent article: http://wattsupwiththat.com/2010/09/08/working-925-what-a-way-to-make-a-livin-at-agw/ I estimated the total raw CO2 warming to be around 9,25 times the warming effect of one CO2-doubling: Heat from one CO2-doubling (the “CO2-sensitivity”) has been estimated by IPCC and J. Hansen to be 3K or even 6K, including feedbacks. The 9,25 CO2 “doublings” cannot all have such a huge effect including feedbacks, so present day conditions on Earth must be extraordinarily heat sensitive (at least according to the IPCC). Claim: Just a tiny temperature increase under present day conditions (like raw effect of one single CO2 doubling) should result in temperature jumps of up to 3 – 6 K. Is this claim supported by evidence? Continue reading (WUWT)
Important New Paper “On The Coupling Between Vegetation And The Atmosphere” By Angelini Et Al 2010 There is an important new paper that further examines the role of vegetation processes within the climate system. The study documents a complex interaction between local vegetation and larger scale atmospheric circulations. The paper is Isabella M. Angelini, Michael Garstang, Robert Davis, Bruce Hayden, David R. Fitzjarrald, David R. Legates, Steven Greco, Stephen Macko, and Vickie Connors, 2010: On the Coupling Between Vegetation and the Atmosphere. Theor. Appl. Climatol. DOI 10.1007/s00704-010-0377-5 (in press) The abstract reads
The conclusion reads
(Roger Pielke Sr., Climate Science)
Refilling the Carbon Sink: Biochar’s Potential and Pitfalls The idea of creating biochar by burning organic waste in oxygen-free chambers — and then burying it — is being touted as a way to cool the planet. But while it already is being produced on a small scale, biochar’s proponents and detractors are sharply divided over whether it can help slow global warming. (Dave Levitan, e360)
Carbon capture coal firm Powerfuel calls in administrators Administrators have been called in to sell the assets of Powerfuel, which owns Hatfield colliery near Doncaster and planned to build a clean-coal
demonstration plant in Britain.
Renewable energy industry at risk Congress is about to turn its back on renewable energy by allowing a crucial Treasury Grant Program to expire at the end of the year. (Sen. Dianne Feinstein, Politico)
Let Ethanol Subsidies Expire For Good America's ethanol experiment has been a costly disaster.
Will Congress Dethrone King Corn? (Or at least remove a jewel or two from his crown?) by Marlo Lewis In Washington, D.C., Corn is King. Corn farmers receive all manner of farm subsidies: deficiency payments, direct payments, crop insurance premium subsidies, price support payments, counter-cyclical program support, and market loss assistance. Total price tag? More than $75.8 billion from 1995 to 2009, according to the Environmental Working Group. But that’s not all. Corn is the main feedstock for the production of ethanol, and Congress props up the market for ethanol in three main ways. First, the so-called Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), which is actually a Soviet-style production quota, compels refiners to blend increasing amounts of corn-ethanol into the nation’s motor fuel supply. Almost 12 billion gallons of corn ethanol will have to be sold as motor fuel in 2011. Under current law,… Read the full story (Cooler Heads)
Only partly correct: Clean Credits, Dirty Subsidies and a Key Choice for Congress President Obama and Hill Republicans may have a deal on the expiring Bush tax cuts, but they haven't done anything about two expiring tax credits for
renewable energy. It's time for them to act. And then not act.
Analysis: EU Biofuels Squeezed By Green Doubts, Tight Budgets The European Union's biofuels industry looks set to struggle to attract funds to expand with a challenging investment climate made more difficult by complex questions about the sector's environmental credentials. (Reuters)
Chairman UpendObamacare (The Michigan View 12.8.10) Maul the Midwest. Coddle California. Dictate to doctors. Hobble health care. Ban the bulb. Cancel coal. Destroy Detroit. Grovel to the Greens.
CFL makers rise to defend incandescent bulb ban Compact fluorescent lightbulb (CFL) makers Philips Electronics, Osram Sylvania and General Electric are scrambling to defend the looming ban on incandescent light bulbs, according to Climatewire. Philips has sent halogen bulbs to members of Congress and conservative columnists like George Will in an effort to show that CFLs are not the only option to incandescents. Sure, halogens and LEDs are options, but expensive and inferior ones. Try putting LED lights on your Christmas tree — they’re about as aesthetically pleasing as a migraine. Sylvania is trying to convince people that the 2007 legislation — sponsored by let’s-hope-he’s-not-a-RINO Rep. Fred Upton (R-Mich), the chairman-elect of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, and signed by the accursed, lame-memoir-hawking George Bush — is not a ban at all. In January 2012, however, you won’t find any 100-watt incandescents on store shelves. In January 2014, 40-watt bulbs will be history. How is this not a ban? Consumers, in fact, have more choices, says Sylvania. Perhaps, but they’re getting a lot worse. Philips, Sylvania and GE all lobbied Congress into forcing us to buy more expensive and inferior lighting — all in the name of saving the planet from the dreaded global warming. Moreover, CFLs are handblown by poor, low-wage Chinese bastards who reportedly are being poisoned by the mercury. And no, Upton doesn’t get any points for any meaningless regret he expresses or futile effort he may make to repeal the ban. The Senate likely will not pass and/or Obama likely will veto any such bill. You can bet that the CFL makers will make sure of that. In the next world, may the CEOs and lobbyists of Philips, Sylvania, and GE; Fred Upton and the members of the 110th Congress who voted for the ban; and the accursed George Bush be compelled to read W’s biography ad infinitum by humming and flickering CFL-light. (Green Hell Blog)
Of the 6 billion people on Earth, 2 billion try to survive on a few dollars a day. They don't build businesses, or if they do, they don't expand them. Unlike
people in the United States, Europe and Asian countries like Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, etc., they don't lift themselves out of poverty. Why not? What's the
difference between them and us? Hernando de Soto taught me that the biggest difference may be property rights.
Peter Foster: Ted Turner’s one-child bomb The intelligentsia won’t admit that commerce is the friend of population control, not its enemy Ted Turner, the billionaire philanthropist, has always been famous for putting his substantial carbon footprint in his mouth. Last Sunday he urged world leaders to institute a Chinese-style global one-child policy to save the Earth from catastrophic climate change. “If we’re going to be here [as a species] 5,000 years from now,” he was reported as saying, “we’re not going to do it with seven billion people [the world’s current population].” Mr. Turner put forward the novel — nay Swiftian — notion of tradeable rights in child bearing. Presumably, an individual in a developed country would have to purchase the right to inflict “population pollution” on the globe by buying it from somebody in a poor country. This latter party would either promise not to procreate, or perhaps be sterilized just to make sure. Previously, Mr. Turner, who has five children and owns two million acres of land on which he raises bison, has recommended tax penalties for those having more than one child.
Mutual criticism is vital in science. Libel laws threaten it Libel laws that restrict scientists and doctors scrutinising each others' ideas and practices are dangerous (Ben Goldacre, Guardian)
Don’t ban mobile phones in cars: Volvo A Swedish safety expert says stopping mobile phone use in cars isn’t the right move.
Florida Sues EPA Over New Water Pollution Controls Florida filed a lawsuit against the Environmental Protection Agency on Tuesday to block new water pollution controls in the recession-hit state.
by Marlo Lewis Earlier this week, the Supreme Court agreed to hear an appeal from five electric utilities in State of Connecticut v. American Electric Power. The utilities are challenging an appellate court decision that the “political questions” doctrine does not bar states and other plaintiffs from suing emitters of carbon dioxide (CO2) for injuries alleged to result from CO2-induced global warming. Trautman Sanders, a law firm with an extensive environmental practice, concisely summarize the history and basic issues of the case:
Read the full story (Cooler Heads)
Can Politicians Act Quickly for $342B in Clean Power Investments? By Ucilia Wang at Earth2Tech
Senators Vitter and Barrasso Introduce Bill to Ensure Open, Accurate NASA Climate Data Vitter, Barrasso Introduce Bill to Ensure Open, Accurate NASA Climate Data For Immediate Release Contact: Joel DiGrado (Vitter) (202) 224-4623 December 8, 2010 Emily Lawrimore (Barrasso) (202) 224-6441 (Washington, D.C.) – U.S. Sens. David Vitter and John Barrasso today introduced S. 4015, the Public Access to Historical Records Act, which would dramatically improve the transparency and accuracy of NASA’s historical records and guarantee public access to the data. “Recent incidents, such as the investigation showing that the Obama administration manipulated data to justify the drilling moratorium, have raised concerns that some scientists and government agencies are using misleading data to support their favored viewpoints,” said Vitter. “This bill would open NASA’s temperature records to public scrutiny and establish an objective set of data to ensure that influential climate research is protected from political agendas.” Read the rest of this entry » (SPPI)
US Energy Secretary Plays Climate Activist At the UN Climate Change Conference in Cancun, the US government has fought back against accusations that it isn't doing anything to combat global warming. In his speech, Energy Secretary Steven Chu criticized climate change deniers, highlighted inventions by US scientists and even quoted a Native American saying about saving the planet. (Spiegel)
From The Viscount Monckton of Brenchley Cancun, Mexico I usually add some gentle humor to these reports. Not today. Read this and weep. Notwithstanding the carefully-orchestrated propaganda to the effect that nothing much will be decided at the UN climate conference here in Cancun, the decisions to be made here this week signal nothing less than the abdication of the West. The governing class in what was once proudly known as the Free World is silently, casually letting go of liberty, prosperity, and even democracy itself. No one in the mainstream media will tell you this, not so much because they do not see as because they do not bl**dy care. The 33-page Note (FCCC/AWGLCA/2010/CRP.2) by the Chairman of the “Ad-Hoc Working Group on Long-Term Co-operative Action under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change”, entitled Possible elements of the outcome, reveals all. Or, rather, it reveals nothing, unless one understands what the complex, obscure jargon means. All UNFCCC documents at the Cancun conference, specifically including Possible elements of the outcome, are drafted with what is called “transparent impenetrability”. The intention is that the documents should not be understood, but that later we shall be told they were in the public domain all the time, so what are we complaining about? Since the Chairman’s note is very long, I shall summarize the main points: (SPPI)
UN chief calls for compromise at climate talks Ban Ki-moon, UN secretary-general, urged government ministers meeting in Mexico for climate change talks to agree to a compromise, in the hope of getting the
slow negotiations moving.
<chuckle> Greenhouse Gas Emissions Peak by 2015 Demanded in UN Document Dec. 8 -- A call for greenhouse-gas emissions to peak in developed countries by 2015 at the latest is included in new draft conclusions for United Nations
climate talks in Cancun, Mexico.
Cancun Climate Conference 'using as much energy as a village for a year' The Cancun Climate Conference is using up as much energy as a small village in England for a whole year.
Cancún climate change summit: Japan defiant in face of diplomatic pressure Japan under fire over Kyoto deadlock but senior negotiator says country will stand firm
China stands firm on emissions in Cancun CANCUN, Mexico, Dec. 8 (UPI) -- China is standing firm on its position of voluntary, non-binding carbon cuts, a government official said at the climate
change conference in Cancun, Mexico.
U.S. and China Maintain Polite Disagreement as Climate Talks Reach Final Days CANCUN, Mexico -- China's pledge to reduce the intensity of its carbon emissions will be bound by domestic law, but it is "premature" to demand the
country make internationally binding commitments, a top Chinese negotiator said.
Canada accuses China of intransigence on climate change Environment Minister John Baird issued a blunt challenge to China on Wednesday, saying it is only “common sense” the Asian giant should make far more
ambitious commitments to battle climate change.
Long may they fail: UN climate talks seek to avert damaging failure CANCUN, Mexico, Dec 8 - The world's governments struggled on Wednesday to break a deadlock between rich and poor nations on steps to fight global warming and
avert a new, damaging setback after they failed to agree a U.N. treaty last year in Copenhagen.
Good: Kyoto impasse could torpedo climate talks, U.S. warns The United States is warning that the Cancun climate summit could collapse over the refusal of a few countries, including Canada, to renew the Kyoto
Climate Pact ‘Unrealistic,’ Former U.S. Officials Say Dec. 8 -- A single, legally binding global climate treaty is impossible to craft and the United Nations should give up trying, focusing instead on measures
to reduce global warming, former U.S. climate negotiators said.
Getting funnier by the minute: Climate Change ministers may have to abandon key talks Chris Huhne, the Energy and Climate Change Secretary, is being pressured not to walk out of key climate change talks to save his party back home.
The ever-expanding scam: U.N. nears agreement to curb destruction of world's rain forests CANCUN, MEXICO - For years, policymakers and scientists alike have spoken of the need to save tropical forests as a way of curbing climate change. By week's
end, U.N. negotiators may finally set the rules of the road for doing it.
Because developed countries need a token 'win' at the climate talks, Cancún will approve a ruinous forest protection scam (Guardian)
And I call "Bullshit!" Global plans still not enough to save the world CANCUN, Mexico: Scientists have estimated that planned cuts in global emissions will fall well short of the level necessary to cap temperature rises at 2
degrees. The shortfall, about 5 gigatonnes a year of CO2 equivalent, is equal to the emissions of all the world's cars, trucks and buses.
Cancun: scavenging around for scientific fact At a time of great doubt about climate change, policymakers must magic up more ‘evidence’ of manmade mayhem.
Sigh... 'Big Ben' and 'Sydney Opera House' sunk to highlight climate change
Embarrassing question: Cancun: islands in the climate storm If Pacific islands are being washed away due to climate change-induced floods, how come land prices are stable? (Eero Iloniemi, spiked)
Climate Depot Exclusive: 321-page 'Consensus Buster' Report set to further chill UN Climate Summit in Cancun
Donna Laframboise has an article introducing the release of an unofficial annotated version of the IPCC's Fourth Assessment Report - all three volumes of it.
The results are very interesting. I'm sure some people will take issue with some of the tags applied to papers, but this shouldn't detract from the overall effect, which is to illuminate our understanding of the AR4 process. Well done Hilary and Peter. (Bishop Hill)
More trouble in the virtual realm: Blue Tongue, Blight, Beetles Pester A Warmer World Beetles killing trees in North America, blue tongue disease ravaging livestock in Europe, and borers destroying African coffee crops are examples of
migrating invasive species not getting enough attention at global climate talks, scientists said on Wednesday.
Oh dear, some of these folks aren’t the brightest CFL’s in the room. Readers may remember this famous Penn and Teller video from 2006 where they get well meaning (but non thinking) people to sign up to ban “dihydrogen monoxide” (DHMO), which is an “evil” chemical found in our lakes, rivers, oceans, and even our food!
Yeah, they signed up to ban water. Now watch the video from the Cancun climate conference, you’d think some of these folks would be have enough science background (from their work in complex climate issues) to realize what they are signing, but sadly, no. Continue reading (WUWT)
NASA’s Arsenicgate Vindicates Years Of AGW Skepticism You’re unlikely to find any “mainstream science blogger” admitting it, but the backlash against NASA’s hyped-up “arsenic life” press-conference-cum-discovery is not similar, rather pretty much identical (apart from a “tiny” detail I’ll talk about in a moment) to what many AGW skeptics have been saying about that other NASA’s hyped-up field, (catastrophic) climate change. Take these words by Chris Rowan and tell me why they couldn’t be written as critique to the Hockey Stick or any other Climategate-related bodging or fudging:
===== So what is different? Why can’t Rowan make the link between the above and the obtuse behavior by so-called “leading climatologists” that to this day refuse to make their raw data public? Here’s why: because “climate change” is not a scientific debate, and so it is impervious to scientific skepticism. As von Storch (no climate skeptic, him) wrote more than five years ago:
(Maurizio Morabito, OmniClimate)
Don’t blame the Weather Bureau for dud forecasts Everyone loves to bag the weatherman. But the cold, hard truth of the matter is that weather forecasts have become extremely reliable. It’s everyone else
who gets it wrong.
Global Temperature Report, November 2010 From The University Of Alabama At Huntsville As in past months, Phil Gentry, who works with John Christy and Roy Spencer, has provided the November 2010 discussion of the lower tropospheric temperature anomalies. It is reprodiced below with their two figures. Dec. 6, 2010 For Additional Information: Global Temperature Report: November 2010 Notes on data released Dec. 6, 2010: November 2010 came in as the third warmest November in the 32-year satellite temperature record, but still warmer than November 1998, according to Dr. John Christy, professor of atmospheric science and director of the Earth System Science Center at The University of Alabama in Huntsville. From January through November, that leaves 2010 only 0.012 C (0.022° F) cooler than 1998, which was the warmest year in the satellite record. “The globe was cooling in late November, with daily anomalies around +0.1 C,” said Christy. “It looks like 1998 might stay the warmest year in the record, but will most certainly be within 0.1 C — an amount that isn’t significant in terms of measurement precision. It would be a statistical tie.” 2010 will be the 13th consecutive year with global average temperatures that were warmer than their seasonal baseline norms. Warmest Novembers* Globe 1. 2009 0.50 NH 1. 2009 0.53 *Compared to seasonal norms. November temperatures in the tropics were more than 0.8 C (about 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit) cooler than the +0.79 C peak in February 2010. Technical Note: Beginning with the December 2010 Global Temperature Report, the baseline period used to determine seasonal norms will change. It has been the 20-year (1979 to 1998) period at the beginning of the satellite record. Starting next month the report will use a new 30-year (1981 to 2010) reference average to match the climatological period normally used with climate data by the U.N.’s World Meteorological Organization. This will not affect the long-term trend, but will “reshuffle” the anomalies to reflect the new base period. Color maps of local temperature anomalies may soon be available on-line on the new site at: The processed temperature data is available on-line at: vortex.nsstc.uah.edu/data/msu/t2lt/uahncdc.lt As part of an ongoing joint project between UAHuntsville, NOAA and NASA, Christy and Dr. Roy Spencer, a principal research scientist in the ESSC, use data gathered by advanced microwave sounding units on NOAA and NASA satellites to get accurate temperature readings for almost all regions of the Earth. This includes remote desert, ocean and rain forest areas where reliable climate data are not otherwise available. The satellite-based instruments measure the temperature of the atmosphere from the surface up to an altitude of about eight kilometers above sea level. Once the monthly temperature data is collected and processed, it is placed in a “public” computer file for immediate access by atmospheric scientists in the U.S. and abroad. Neither Christy nor Spencer receives any research support or funding from oil, coal or industrial companies or organizations, or from any private or special interest groups. All of their climate research funding comes from federal and state grants or contracts. (Roger Pielke Sr., Climate Science)
Greenland ice sheet flow driven by short-term weather extremes, not gradual warming: research Sudden changes in the volume of meltwater contribute more to the acceleration – and eventual loss – of the Greenland ice sheet than the gradual increase
of temperature, according to a University of British Columbia study.
Eye-roller from Lonnie: Climate Scientist Warns World Of Widespread Suffering If Further Climate Change Is Not Forestalled. COLUMBUS, Ohio – One of the world’s foremost experts on climate change is warning that if humans don’t moderate their use of fossil fuels, there is a
real possibility that we will face the environmental, societal and economic consequences of climate change faster than we can adapt to them.
Oh boy. Using one nonsense scare to try to prop up another... 'Climate change could give you cancer': UN report warns of deadly pollutants from glaciers Melting glaciers and ice sheets are releasing cancer-causing pollutants into the air and oceans, scientists say.
Oops... Cancun climate change summit: glaciers increasing despite climate change Glaciers in many parts of the world are increasing, according to a new United Nations report, despite climate change.
Where is the evidence for the dangerous positive feedback in the Vostok Ice Cores? ![]() It appears the warming of the 20th Century has been done before. It’s just business as usual for the planet. Frank Lansner has been hard at work again, and we’ve been discussing the Vostok ice cores. This time Lansner was looking to see if the current warming trend was unusual, and if there was evidence to support the high climate sensitivities the models suggest. As it happens, most of those high climate sensitivities that the models “estimate” come not from carbon dioxide directly, but from the feedbacks (the way the planet responds to any small change in temperature). The models assume the net feedbacks are positive. These same feedbacks ought to have been working 100,000 years ago, and if so, there should be some hint of it in the ice cores. Lansner has been hunting for large swings in temperature during the periods when Earth was at a similar temperature to present day conditions — but what he finds is that the current claimed rise of 0.7 degrees C over the last century, even if it were true (and not exaggerated by thermometer siting, the UHI, inexplicable adjustments, or selective use of records) would still be a dog-standard rise. The Vostok ice cores sampled temperature at 20 – 60 year intervals. At least three times in the last 350,000 years temperatures have been warmer than they are today. If positive feedback was a real factor we ought to see sudden rises that then rapidly increased another 3 degrees within 100 years. That is exactly what Hansen, Gore and the IPCC are telling us is likely to happen. If water vapor rises, sticks around and makes the upper troposphere more humid, then surely we would see it happening in records from the Pleistocene world which had much the same oceans in the tropics as we do today. We can’t measure water vapor back then, but we can see if any natural bursts of warming were amplified. Instead Frank finds that there are often rises of a degree in 100 years, but that it almost never goes on to be amplified into a larger rise. This fits with the other empirical evidence we have for negative feedbacks. It’s exactly what we would expect given that the radiosondes don’t find warming or more humidity in the upper troposphere (that hot spot is missing). The pieces of the jigsaw fit together. Frank ignores the times when temperatures were much colder than today. That’s because the feedbacks could be quite different in a cooler world, and what we are really interested in is the current conditions on Earth. Will the CO2 we put out there mean a small warming is magnified into a big one? Feedbacks like the melting icecaps, vegetation changes, and release of CO2 from warming oceans — would work in similar ways no matter what caused the initial rise in temperature. The icecaps don’t care what caused the warming… — Jo Guest Post by Frank Lansner, Civil engineer, Biochemistry Is the warming in the 20th century extraordinary? I have examined high quality Vostok temperature ice core data from the interglacial periods of the last half million years. These warm periods are the best evidence we have from Earth to examine the dynamics of present day climate on Earth. We are looking for other huge temperature rises of 3K – 6 K that should result from just minor temperature rises. Below I have identified all temperature rises of the Vostok data fulfilling the following criterion: “Temperature at the beginning of temperature rise must be at most 1 K below today’s temperatures indicated by -1K anomaly in the Vostok data. Next, the examined periods must be at most 300 years in length (we want to focus on the warming effect of one century time intervals) and finally, the initial temperature increase from glacial to interglacial is not included”: More » (Jo Nova)
Changes in solar activity affect local climate Raimund Muscheler is a researcher at the Department of Earth and Ecosystem Sciences at Lund University in Sweden. In the latest issue of the journal Science,
he and his colleagues have described how the surface water temperature in the tropical parts of the eastern Pacific varied with the sun's activity between 7 000
and 11 000 years ago (early Holocene). Contrary to what one might intuitively believe, high solar activity had a cooling effect in this region.
The Genesis of the Deepwater Horizon Blowout Full Report In our book, “The Energy Imperative” earlier this year, my co-authors (Leonard Kalfayan and Michael Economides) and I commented on the Deepwater Horizon disaster, which was unfolding at the time. [Read More] (Phil Rae, ET)
Rigs in Gulf Ready to Drill, but There’s Little Work ABOARD SEAHAWK 2007, Gulf of Mexico — For the 31 workers on this jackup oil rig, the waiting is finally over.
North America: The new energy kingdom The American Petroleum Institute reports that the United States produced more crude oil in October than it has ever produced in a single month, “peak
oil” or not.
Exelon helps Obama attack coal — again! Chicago-based utility Exelon is now funding efforts to help out the endangered Obama EPA in its jihad against the coal industry. Last July, the EPA proposed its so-called “Clean Air Transport” rule to further regulate air emissions from coal-fired power plants. The EPA’s alleged concern is that the emissions travel interstate and reduce air quality (fine particulate matter and ground-level ozone) in 31 downwind states. The rule was finalized in October and is scheduled to go into effect sometime in the spring — except that some coal-burning utilities are getting concerned about the timing of the rule and there is a new sheriff in D.C. (i.e., the GOP-controlled House with power over the EPA’s budget and the inclination to investigate the EPA). The EPA estimates that the rule will provide anywhere from $120 billion to $290 billion in annual health and welfare benefits and avoid 14,000 to 36,000 premature deaths annually. (It’s too bad that these estimates are entirely bogus, otherwise the EPA could solve our deficit problems almost singlehandedly. But that is a story for another day). The transport rule, of course, is in addition to the EPA’s greenhouse gas regulations that take effect on January 2, 2011 and the EPA’s January 2010 proposal to further ratchet-down the national air quality standards for ground-level ozone. This is a lot of expensive anti-coal regulation that places the EPA high on the new Congress’ “to do” list. So the Obama EPA has reason to be nervous. Riding to the EPA’s assistance now is the Pacific Economics Group which just issued a report claiming that the EPA has actually underestimated the economic harm caused by interstate transport of coal plant emissions. According to the report:
Though the report was prepared on behalf of several no-name Pennsylvania-based “public interest” groups, it was funded by Exelon Corp., the operator of the largest fleet of nuclear power plants in the U.S. — the very same Exelon that is a member of the U.S. Climate Action Partnership and that lobbied for cap-and-trade. Exelon and its bobbleheaded CEO John Rowe had planned to make billions of dollars off cap-and-trade, bought John Deere’s wind operation for $860 million in August and hope to advance its nuclear power capabilities at the expense of the coal industry. Exelon’s new report not only attempts to advance its anti-coal objectives by supposedly validating the EPA’s transport rule, but it also no doubt scores political points with the Obama administration for helping out the soon-to-be-embattled EPA. And then there is that Chicago connection… Oh and did I fail to mention that John Rowe is one of the signatories to a letter in today’s Wall Street Journal entitled, “We’re OK With the EPA’s New Air-Quality Regulations“. Rowe is a felony rentseeker. This blog will soon begin a series exposing the junk science behind the EPA transport rule — which is perhaps even more appalling than EPA’s endangerment finding for greenhouse gases. Stay tuned! (Green Hell Blog)
EU Coal Nations Near Victory In Subsidies Fight Germany and other European coal-mining countries looked set on Wednesday for a victory over environmentalists by securing an extension of coal subsidies
until 2018.
Argentina announces huge shale gas find Argentina has reportedly found a huge natural gas supply in Patagonia, enough to potentially free the economy from the limits of imported gas for years to
Fossil fuels still in our future Gasoline and diesel dominate because they are energy-dense By Peter Boag There is a more sustainable energy future for Canada, but wishful thinking will not get us there. The Canadian Petroleum Products Institute (CPPI) is becoming increasingly concerned that some policymakers believe there is an easy fix — that we can get “off oil” by simply mandating alternative fuels and putting in place regulations that make it so. The federal government’s apparent intention to mandate a national 2% biodiesel requirement before the necessary blending infrastructure can be put in place is a prime example or this flawed thinking. CPPI believes that a parallel track of pursuing new fuel alternatives while maintaining and improving existing supply is a smarter course. There is absolutely no question that alternative fuels can and will play an increasingly important role in meeting the needs of Canadians. But we are not there yet. Read More (Financial Post)
Extending the boondoggle: U.S. Ethanol Subsidy Part Of Tax Deal: Trade Group An extension of the major U.S. ethanol subsidy "is part of the deal at the moment" in negotiations for an omnibus tax bill, but the size and
lifespan of the subsidy are not set yet, a trade group said on Wednesday.
Wind Energy Lobby Kindly Proves My Point by William Yeatman Two weeks ago, my colleague Chris Horner and I coauthored an oped about the renewable energy industry’s dependence on taxpayer subsidies. To make our point, we listed a number of examples of renewable energy executives warning that massive layoffs were imminent, unless the Congress passed or renewed green energy giveaways.
Read the full story (Cooler Heads)
Dick and Jane Talk Wind Energy (a teachable moment: Part I) by John Droz Jr.
In my thirty plus years of working on environmental issues, I’ve learned a few things. One is that our “representatives” are often anything but. Another is that government bureaucrats have little interest in taking initiative, no matter how much sense it might make. Yet another is that “environmental” organizations are much less interested in the environment then they might lead you to believe. Yet still another insight is that active support from a sufficient number of citizens can be enough to offset these other liabilities. Put another way, if we do not get sufficient support from fellow citizens, our campaign objective has little chance for success. Phrased differently: the success of our campaign has more to do with the support we get, than the merits of what we are trying to do. Once this reality has sunk in, it should be clear that educating the public is of paramount importance. So how to best do that is the $64,000 question. (Remember when that was a LOT of money?) My New Video I’m a scientist, not a PR expert, so this is not my field of expertise. However, through trial and error I have picked up some ideas over the last thirty plus years. For one thing, I have found it best to be FOR something, rather than AGAINST something else. Taking a positive approach resonates with most people. Another key ingredient is the KISS principle — to keep it simple stupid. Putting things into perspective, using some humor, and employing analogies are also powerful and useful in getting a message out. Then there is the question: HOW do you get your well-expressed good ideas out to the public? Clearly using the widest variety of media would seem to be the way to go. Exactly how to do that is what I have been investigating for awhile now. My latest forage is into animated (avatar?) videos. My first one is addressing one of the most common queries I get: Please give me a simplified overview of the industrial wind energy situation! So here is my attempt to write a script and then produce, direct and edit a corresponding video — all within the fairly narrow constraints of the software (about 7 minutes).
I look forward to your comments.
Jane Talks About Wind with a Town Representative (Part II) by John Droz Jr. Building on yesterday’s Q&A on the realities of windpower, Part II has our heroine Jane discussing energy matters with her town supervisor:
Viewers are asking good questions about why I did or didn’t do such-and-such with the initial animated video. So here’s some background on making such a video as a teaching tool for wind activists around the country. Making a Video There are severe software restrictions when making these seemingly simple videos. For instance: [Read more →] (MasterResource)
Virginia Tech engineer identifies new concerns for antibiotic resistance, pollution When an antibiotic is consumed, researchers have learned that up to 90 percent passes through a body without metabolizing. This means the drugs can leave the
body almost intact through normal bodily functions.
Effort to curb antibiotic use stalls A move to reduce prescription of antibiotics by Australian GPs has stalled, despite official vows to tackle the rising global problem of antibiotic-resistant
The rise (and rapid fall) of an idiot "study": ?!! Mobiles linked to naughty children CONCERNS over mobile phone safety have been raised again.
Controversial study finds mobile phones a risk to foetuses PREGNANT women who regularly use mobile phones may be more likely to have children with behavioural problems, particularly if their children start using
mobile phones in their first seven years, new research suggests.
Experts sceptical of study linking mobile phones to behavioural problems in children MEDICAL experts have cast doubt on a study that found pregnant mothers who regularly used mobile phones were more likely to have children with behavioural
Overwrought headline of the moment: Scientists excited about 'key' to solving cancer Scientists leading the battle against cancer say they are on the verge of acquiring their most valuable weapon yet.
Parasites may protect against allergies Children infected with hookworm or other intestinal parasites may be less likely than uninfected children to have allergies, a new research review finds.
It's wild extrapolation season: Just one in three in at 'healthy weight' JUST one in three Australians could tip the scales at a healthy weight within 15 years, according to latest forecasts of the nation's rising rate of obesity
and overweight.
"This Paper Should Not Have Been Published" Scientists see fatal flaws in the NASA study of arsenic-based life.
Nasa dismisses criticism of 'arsenic bacteria' research The space agency has refused to respond to sharp criticism of research published last week that appeared to show bacteria could incorporate arsenic into their DNA (Guardian)
Washington's "Alphabet Soup" Poisonous to Economy A simmering bowl of alphabet soup stirs childhood memories of finding culinary comfort on a cold winter day. But as outside temperatures begin to drop and the rhetoric begins to heat up in our nation's capital, the dangers lurking in the alphabet soup of our federal government's regulatory agencies (EPA, OSHA, NLRB, and FCC to name just a few) could spell something far different for our nation’s economy: t-r-o-u-b-l-e. (Adam Hasner, Townhall)
Finally admitting to ecotheism? Has Environmentalism Lost Its Spiritual Core? Environmentalism began as a religion. Certainly that's how paleo-greens like John Muir, founder of the Sierra Club, would have seen it. Muir was awakened to
nature when he first explored Yosemite in the 1860s, and he felt it in a religious way — he called what would become one of the nation's first national parks
"the grandest of all special temples of Nature."
Wheat Drops for First Time in Two Weeks as Australia Boosts Crop Forecast Wheat futures fell after Australia raised its forecast for domestic production, ending a two-week rally spurred by persistent rainfall that threatens to
erode the nation’s crop quality.
I missed this last week but it's too good to omit: PRUDEN: Turn out the lights, the party's over Scams die hard, but eventually they die, and when they do, nobody wants to get close to the corpse. You can get all the hotel rooms you want this week in
Memo to America: Don’t do carbon trading! The United States must learn from Europe’s mistakes – not repeat them
Obama goes rogue in Cancun, putting U.S. interests at risk From the “Kyoto II” talks in Cancun, National Journal reports a surprising story, if one almost predictable, as well, given President Barack Obama’s
current unraveling and fast-fading loyalty to campaign promises. Specifically, in “U.S. Tells the World It Will Pass Climate Bill,” we read that the Obama
administration is seeking to forge an international “global warming” commitment on the premise that the administration will then coerce Congress into
passing domestic legislation consistent with treaty promises made to China, Europe, et al.
Reject All Energy Mandates: It’s Just Another Subsidy With cap and trade out of the realm of possibilities, Members of Congress have turned their attention to mandating so-called clean energy. Some Members hoped for a lame duck vote on a renewable electricity standard (RES), which would require that a certain percentage of our nation’s electricity production come from wind, solar, biomass, and other government-picked renewable energies. With that looking less likely, Department of Energy Secretary Steven Chu mentioned a clean energy standard that includes other carbon-free sources of energy as a possible compromise between Democrats and Republicans next year. The Hill reports: Continue reading... (The Foundry)
Stupid: World Bank Chief To Launch Carbon Market Fund World Bank President Robert Zoellick is set to launch a new multi-million dollar fund in Mexico on Wednesday to help emerging market countries set up their own carbon markets, the bank said on Tuesday. (Reuters)
Few will be surprised if the United Nations Cancun climate talks end in failure. The real surprise is that for the last two decades people seriously believed
there was a realistic prospect of securing broad international agreement to restrict CO2 by all the major emitters.
Japan's announcement that it would not participate in a second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol caused quite a stir. As I have shown
in a paper on Japan's proposed emissions reductions, it simply cannot hit the aggressive targets that were proposed by a former government during a moment
of populist over exuberance.
Canada gets ready to walk away from Kyoto Protocol Federal Environment Minister John Baird arrives at the global climate summit Tuesday looking to administer last rites to the Kyoto Protocol, at least in its
current form. But the funeral may have to wait for next year’s session in South Africa.
The Socialists' [wrong] answer to everything: Britain needs to revert to central planning of market Britain needs to go back to old-style central planning of its electricity market, with the Government deciding who builds power stations where, so that it can take on the world’s toughest target to cut its emissions of the greenhouse gases causing global warming, the independent Committee on Climate Change tells the Government today. (Independent)
Energy prices 'to rise by 25%' Consumers can expect to see the price of domestic gas and electricity increase by as much as 25% over the coming decade, power company bosses have predicted.
At a time when Britain is not coping with an ordinary winter: Committee on Climate Change advises UK to cut emissions 60% by 2030 Britain is set world-leading carbon emissions cut target requiring complete overhaul of energy, farming and motoring
Today’s my first full day in Cancun at COP-16, and as I emerged from my hotel room I was greeted by a brisk, dry, cool Canadian breeze. It was 54 deg. F in Cancun this morning — a record low for the date. (BTW, Cancun is nowhere near Canada). Al Gore is not supposed to be here…but it could be that the Gore Effect has announced his secret arrival. We will check into this. The following pic I took pretty much sums up what some are trying to accomplish here: You might recognize this organization: Does this photo say something about the future of wind power in Europe? Even the ghost of John Lennon is here — Give Peas A Chance: (Roy W. Spencer)
From The Viscount Monckton of Brenchley Cancun, Mexico I am in the plenary session hall at the Moon Palace, where diligent readers of this humble blog will recall that Ms. Figurehead, the president of the UN climate conference here in Cancun, opened these quaint proceedings last week with a prayer to the Moon Goddess of the ancient dwellers in what is now Mexico. The vast, characterless session hall is known – appropriately enough – as the Cenote hall. Those familiar with the Spanish dialects of the New World will recognize the appropriateness of this designation. For a cenote is a sinkhole. Cenotes are widespread in the Mexican jungle, beneath great limestone caps. They were regarded as sacred by the “first nations”, as the indigenous peoples are now coyly called, and archaeologists have had much fun diving beneath the waters in the cenotes to recover all manner of pre-Columbian artefacts and assorted archaeological knick-knacks. It is in the Sinkhole Hall that the President of Mexico, Señor Felipe Calderon, has just announced to admiring gasps from 1000 gaping enviro-zombs that he is to launch a Grand Initiative To Smash Global Warming And Make It Go Away, So There. And what, you may ask with a trembling frisson of salivating anticipation, was the President’s Grand Initiative? Wait for it … wait for it! (SPPI)
Lord Monckton Presents CFACT’s Kook of the Week Lord Christopher Monckton, renowned science and policy expert, presents CFACT’s Kook of the Week. This gentleman was found at the UN Conference on Climate Change in Cancun, Mexico. Enjoy!
[Audio] Poor John Vidal, completely outgunned and outclassed: Cancún climate change summit: 'No global warming since 2001' A heated debate on climate change between the Guardian's environment editor John Vidal and Lord Christopher Monckton (Guardian)
The REDD scam: Can Rainforests Be Saved With Cash Injections? Protecting the world's rainforests is a central issue at this month's Climate Change Conference in Cancun. Huge sums are to be offered to countries that protect their forests. However, experts fear that these rewards could be misused, and that they could actually promote deforestation. (Spiegel)
The Climate Apocalypse Industry For years climate alarmists have terrorized the public with frightening tales of impending disaster, a coming climate apocalypse. Because of global warming fertile croplands will become arid and barren while desert areas will experience torrential rain and uncontrollable flooding. Tropical rainforests will wither in the heat and polar ice will melt. Coastal areas and islands will disappear beneath the ocean and the world's great cities will huddle behind great seawalls to avoid the flood. Nature's furry will drive millions of refugees to migrate to less blighted lands, followed by plague, pestilence and war. Because of human hubris our civilization will collapse, as has happened so many times in the past. Or maybe not. A quiet revolution among anthropologists and archaeologists has overturned the scientific dogma surrounding failed ancient civilizations, with some lessons for those who currently preach climate catastrophe. (Doug L. Hoffman, The Resilient Earth)
Oh dear, someone flunked evolution of drainage systems in basic geography... Climate change shifts the course of the river between Congo and Uganda Local farmers lose out as the rerouted Semliki alters national borders and robs them of their land (Guardian)
A recent and important paper in GRL discussed the role of climate in the observed increase in African flood losses over the past century. The paper
concluded that climate has had an inconsequential role -- from the paper: Di Baldassarre, G., A. Montanari, H. Lins, D. Koutsoyiannis, L. Brandimarte, and G. Blöschl (2010), Flood fatalities in Africa: From diagnosis to mitigation, Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L22402, doi:10.1029/2010GL045467.So if floods haven't increased, the cause of increasing damage must lie in factors other than climate: . . . the intensive and unplanned urbanization in Africa and the related increase of people living in floodplains [Hardoy et al., 2001; Douglas et al., 2008] has led to an increase in the potential adverse consequences of floods and, in particular, of the most serious and irreversible type of consequence, namely the loss of human lives [Jonkman, 2005]. This can be shown, at the continental scale, by analyzing the dynamic of African population and the most recent deadly floods. For instance, Figure 4 shows the spatial distribution of population growth [Nelson, 2010] and the location of the latest floods, and deadly floods, in Africa (Dartmouth Flood Observatory, Global Archive of Large Flood Events, 2010). It can be seen that most of the recent deadly floods have happened where the population has increased more.Compare this post as well. The paper was also discussed in a blog posting at the AGU. The paper is an important addition to a growing literature on the subject of disasters and climate change. (Roger Pielke Jr.)
MSM Inertia: What We Can Learn from 120 Years of Climate Catastrophe Reporting The media falls in love with catastrophic predictions, and is consistently 10-15 years behind(!) in reporting on what the global temperature is actually doing. (Art Horn, PJM)
HGWA: Melting Glaciers Threaten Floods In Himalayas, Andes Residents of the Himalayas and other mountain areas face a "tough and unpredictable future" as global warming melts glaciers and threatens worse floods and water loss, officials said during U.N. climate talks on Tuesday. (Reuters)
GISS Clueless In 1999 : Warmer Winters Linked To Greenhouse Gases Warmer and Wetter Winters in Europe and Western North America Linked to Increasing Greenhouse Gases June 2, 1999 Why are winters warming up so much faster over Northern Hemisphere continents than over the rest of the globe? A new study by NASA researchers in the June 3 issue of the journal Nature is the first to link the well-documented large degree of North America and Eurasia winter warming and the associated wind changes to rising greenhouse gas levels in the atmosphere. Using a computer climate model to try and understand where the warming over the past three decades is coming from, Shindell and colleagues discovered that in the model, increasing greenhouse gases cause stronger spiraling winds over the North Pole, a phenomenon called the polar vortex, that change the normal Northern Hemisphere climate. “Northern Hemisphere winters have been warming up for the past 30 years,” Shindell said. “It’s a big concern to know why this happens.” http://www.giss.nasa.gov/research/news/19990602/ Since this report came out - definitively tying winter warming to CO2, winter temperatures have plummeted in Europe and Western North America – while CO2 levels have continued to increase. These people have no idea what they are talking about, yet they continue to talk incessantly. (Steven Goddard, Real Science)
<chuckle> Edging a bit closer to reality, we guess: 'Greener' climate prediction shows plants slow warming GREENBELT, Md. -- A new NASA computer modeling effort has found that additional growth of plants and trees in a world with doubled atmospheric carbon dioxide
levels would create a new negative feedback – a cooling effect – in the Earth's climate system that could work to reduce future global warming.
Wasting our money trying to make part of the world fit their fantasy models: Conditioning reefs for the future In a world first, a new 'state-of-the-art' climate change experimental facility has been completed at the University of Queensland's Heron Island Research
Station on the Great Barrier Reef
CO2 & Temperature During The Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum Though Earth and its climate are billions of years old, climate science is still very young. So young that surprising new discoveries are constantly being made. One such discovery in the field of paleoclimatology—the study of Earth's climate in the distant past—was the uncovering of a period of great warming around 40 million years ago, in the middle of the Eocene Epoch. In the midst of a general cooling trend beginning at the end of the preceding Paleocene Epoch (~55 mya) there were a number of dramatic, sudden bursts of global warming. The most celebrate of these is the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum or PETM, when surface temperatures rose by 5-7°C. Recently, science has discovered another hot interval 15 million years later during the Middle Eocene. Named the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO), it marked a time when deep sea temperatures rose about 4-5°C and atmospheric CO2 levels peaked. As new information is uncovered, climate scientists are scrambling to interpret what caused this second, more sustained period of warming and what it may mean for current climate conditions. (Doug L. Hoffman, The Resilient Earth)
Update Dec 7 2010 : There is also a book chapter by Rob Wilby that I recommend. It is Wilby, R.L. and Fowler, H.J. 2010. Regional climate downscaling. In: Fung, C.F., Lopez, A. and New, M. (Eds.) Modelling the impact of climate change on water resources. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford. ————————————————————————————————————————- There is a very important paper on the use of the vulnerability bottom-up, resource-based perspective to more effectively evaluate threats to the environment and society, than the IPCC top-down global climate centric approach to assessing these threats. This seminal paper is Robert L. Wilby and Suraje Dessai, 2010: Robust adaptation to climate change, first published online: 29 June 2010. Weather DOI: 10.1002/wea.543. The article includes the text
This excellent paper provides a framework (e.g. see their Figure 3) to move forward beyond the inappropriately limiting constraints of the 2007 IPCC downscaling framework. This vulnerability, bottom-up, resource-based approach is also reported in A Way Forward In Climate Science Based On A Bottom-Up Resourse-Based Perspective Pielke Sr., R., K. Beven, G. Brasseur, J. Calvert, M. Chahine, R. Dickerson, D. Entekhabi, E. Foufoula-Georgiou, H. Gupta, V. Gupta, W. Krajewski, E. Philip Krider, W. K.M. Lau, J. McDonnell, W. Rossow, J. Schaake, J. Smith, S. Sorooshian, and E. Wood, 2009: Climate change: The need to consider human forcings besides greenhouse gases. Eos, Vol. 90, No. 45, 10 November 2009, 413. Copyright (2009) American Geophysical Union. Pielke Sr., R.A., J.O. Adegoke, T.N. Chase, C.H. Marshall, T. Matsui, and D. Niyogi, 2007: A new paradigm for assessing the role of agriculture in the climate system and in climate change. Agric. Forest Meteor., Special Issue, 132, 234-254. Pielke, R.A. Sr., 2008: Global climate models – Many contributing influences. Citizen’s Guide to Colorado Climate Change, Colorado Climate Foundation for Water Education, pp. 28-29. (Roger Pielke Sr., Climate Science)
Posted by Jeff Id on December 1, 2010 UPDATE: Steve McIntyre has posted on this in his own unique style. And in case you missed the superbowl of blogs WUWT also has a post here. After ten months of reviews and rewrites we have successfully published an improved version of Steig et al. 2009. While we cannot publish the paper here, we can discuss the detail. Personally I’ve never seen so much work put into a single paper as Ryan did and it’s wonderful to see it come to a successful conclusion. This is the initial post on the subject, in the coming weeks there will be more to follow. Guest post by lead author Ryan O’Donnel. (The Air Vent)
From CO2 Science Volume 13 Number 49: 8 December 2010 Editorial: Journal Reviews: Global Warming and the Intensification of Rainfall Events: Does the observation of the latter imply the forcing of the former? Arctic Warming "Then and Now": How does Arctic warming of the past two decades compare with that of the 1920s and 30s? ... and what is the significance of the comparison? James Hansen's Outlandish "Alpine Plant Extinction Claim" Is Debunked by Real-World Data: It looks, after all, like alpine plants will not be "pushed off the planet" in response to predicted global warming. Competition Among Species in a CO2 -Enriched World: How bad will it likely be? Emerging Carbon Sinks of Antarctica: What and where are they? ... and how much carbon do they sequester? Ocean Acidification Database: Plant Growth Database:
The Genesis of the Deepwater Horizon Blowout Part 2 Exactly why the well breached at the shoe, during the displacement of the mud with viscous spacer and seawater, remains a mystery. [Read More] (Phil Rae, ET)
The Energy Challenge in One Figure Last week the FT had a special section on South African Power and Energy. The report included the excellent graphic shown above (click on it to enlarge). The graphic shows that in the very near term -- perhaps in the current decade -- South Africa has a huge gap between what it needs in energy supply and what it currently has planned to meet those needs, which are projected to just about double in the next 20 years or less.South Africa might be considered as representative of the broader global situation, where energy demand growth is being driven by the so-called "developing" countries. South Africa is going to have enough of a challenge keeping the lights on, much less decarbonizing its economy at a rapid rate. Energy innovation and consequent decarbonization are much broader issues than simply climate change. (Roger Pielke Jr.)
Shale gas: striking 'gold' in Blackpool? The UK comes a step closer to using a brand new energy source after "substantial" flows of shale gas are found just a few miles inland from Blackpool Pleasure Beach, writes Siobhan Kennedy. (Channel 4)
Arabs in drive to tap unconventional gas Move follows rise in unconventional gas production in US and other countries
Like solar will be competitive in 10 years, in 10 more years, in another just 10 years... Improved Car Batteries 5 Years Off: Energy Chief Cars that run on batteries will begin to be competitive with ones that burn petroleum fuels in about five years, the U.S. energy secretary said at the annual
U.N. climate talks.
U.S. Republicans: Killing Green Opposition By Cutting Off Its Funding Billions in federal subsidies for manufacturers of solar panels and wind- and solar-power facilities will end Jan. 1, 2011, unless lawmakers who negotiated a
deal to extend tax cuts back down from their positions.
A Republican Enigma on Renewables (Sen. LeMieux, please check your premises) by Thomas Stacy II In line with conservative values, and with the passion of a local Tea Party leader, U.S. Senator LeMieux (R–FL) is behind his state’s lawsuit against the federal government’s healthcare reform law. He also has a national debt clock on his WEB SITE, and his headline platforms include reducing government waste and improving transparency and accountability from soup to nuts. So can we feel assured this senator upholds these values across the board? No, unfortunately, when it comes to the failed government experiment with politically correct renewable energy. Senator LeMieux has co-sponsored a bill–along with 25 of his closest friends across the aisle–to extend the ARRA 1603 tax credits, doling out 30% of project costs up front to so-called “renewables.” So what goes? Florida is not a big renewables state. Florida voters are rebelling against Big Government, as recently shown at the polls. Florida is also a marginal solar state and has dismal wind resources. So what is behind Sen. LeMieux’s deviation? Enter Florida Power & Light Company, and specifically its government-dependent, now-running-scared subsidiary, NextEra Energy. Floridians should be furious. [Read more →] (MasterResource)
Wind group warns of job losses without grant program, but bird group wants stricter oversight The wind industry is urging Congress to extend a cash grant program for production of renewable energy, claiming tens of thousands of jobs are at stake.
Texan calls for jail time for enforcing Obamacare Proposal defines demanding compliance as felony with penalty of 5 years, $5,000
‘Made in India,’ Faked in China China is implicated in key fake-drug rings recently broken up across the Middle East and Latin America. Beijing must do more to clamp down on the entire fake industry, which flourishes within its borders. (Roger Bate and Tom Woods, The American)
There have been numerous developments on this front, and most of them are not good for consumers. Somehow, though, too many people—and media outlets—have been fooled. My latest HND piece examines the situation. Included in this update are two high profile so-called "settlements," tainted forever since the plaintiff's lawyers got their fees based on a side deal with the defendants. Thus, there should be no surprise that the plaintiffs got screwed. Under normal circumstances this sort of thing would get you disbarred, but in these cases, it was legal. Most others in the legal profession consider plaintiff's attorneys to be about one (very small) step up from prostitutes, but even my friends in the profession were incredulous when I told them the circumstances of these particular cases. Thankfully, there is also a bit of good news for affected homeowners, at least in Florida. And, there are also a few good guys out there. Read the complete article. (Shaw's Eco-Logic)
Obscure association of the day: Treating dengue more difficult with growing obesity: experts SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Experts warned Friday that treating dengue, a potentially fatal disease caused by a mosquito-borne virus, will become more difficult in the future as more people around the world become overweight and obese.
EPA lawyer: What Constitution? If you need more evidence that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is out-of-control, consider the comments of EPA senior counsel Bob Sussman as reported by Energy & Environmental Daily last week.
Hello… America-to-Bob-Sussman… under our Constitution, the legislative branch makes the laws and the executive branch executes them. EPA has no constitutional authority to take any action that has not been not previously authorized by Congress. Contrary to Sussman-think, the EPA cannot take action that, in effect, “overhauls our environmental statutes” and it cannot “carry additional weight” on its own initiative. One of the highest priority items for the 112th Congress will be to get a grip on the outlaw EPA. (Green Hell Blog)
Environmentalists Killing Jobs - With Administration’s Help by Ben Lieberman For all the administration’s talk about job creation being priority one, the President has targeted a number of occupations for elimination because environmentalists don’t like them. As my New York Post article sets out, oil industry workers, factory workers, miners, and fisherman are all being subjected to environmental regulations that are putting these people out of work. (I could have added loggers, ranchers, and others as well). The worst is yet to come, especially with EPA’s global warming agenda to take effect in January of 2011, not to mention the President’s recent announcement that he is shutting down nearly all offshore oil and gas leasing. When the wishes of environmental activists clash with the need to save and create jobs, the… Read the full story (Cooler Heads)
For some greens, the problem with the recession is that it just isn’t deep enough to force people into eco-poverty.
The worm that turned on heavy metal Researchers in South America have studied the viability of using earthworms to process hazardous material containing high concentrations of heavy metal for
the bioremediation of old industrial sites, landfill and other potentially hazardous areas. They provide details of a possible approach in the International
Journal of Global Environmental Issues this month.
What Can Ice Reveal About Fire? Carbon monoxide trapped in ice cores reveals unexpected trends regarding burning biomass
Fledgling ecosystem at Chicken Creek lets scientists observe how soil, flora and fauna develop Unique open-air laboratory enables study of a complete ecosystem in the making
Earth's gravest challenge: Not enough food to go round If the world doesn't act now, it faces a catastrophic global food shortage by mid-century.
Even in a season characterized by candy canes and cookies waiting for Santa, protectionism, specifically the U.S. sugar program, hurts American consumers and workers. The U.S. sugar program provides a classic example of a special interest group benefiting from political connections, to the detriment of American consumers. The sugar program imposes trade barriers that force American consumers to pay approximately double the world’s sugar price. The jobs “saved” by the program come at a high price. U.S. consumers pay an extra $826,000 for each sugar production job saved. Sugar farmers, often collectively known as “Big Sugar,” contribute extensively to political campaigns, with the nine main sugar farms or refinery groups contributing nearly $1.5 million to candidates in 2007 to maintain this overt corporate welfare. Continue reading... (The Foundry)
Special Report: A Day Without Genetically Altered Orange Juice For many Americans, few things seem more wholesome than a glass of fresh-squeezed Florida orange juice, the original "natural food." As former
beauty queen Anita Bryant chirped more than four decades ago, in what remains a fondly remembered tagline: "A day without orange juice is like a day
without sunshine."
Obama Made ‘Big Mistake’ on Climate Bill, Turner Says U.S. President Barack Obama made a “big mistake” in pushing health-care legislation before climate change, billionaire Ted Turner said today.
U.S. Court To Hear Utilities' Emissions Suit Appeal The U.S. Supreme Court said on Monday that it would hear an appeal by four big coal-burning utilities of a ruling that a group of states and New York City
can proceed with a global-warming lawsuit seeking to reduce the carbon dioxide emissions of the power companies.
Lawrence Solomon: The $7-billion carbon scam Scam artists from around the world, capitalizing on lax regulations at the Danish emissions trading registry, have made off with an estimated $7-billion over the last two years, according to Europol. Denmark’s Office of the Auditor General is now investigating the fraud, which occurred after the Danish registry dropped requirements that carbon traders be documented. While allowing a free-for-all served the carbon market on the short term, by appearing to inflate the interest in carbon as a commodity, it ultimately backfired when much of the trading proved to be phony. Aided by lax rules, the Danish emissions registry became the world’s largest, with 1256 registered permit traders, most of them fake. As one example, a registered trader used a London parking lot as his address. Following the discovery of the scam, some 1100 of these have been de-registered, leaving scant few traders in the Danish market. The Danish Minister of Climate and Energy who oversaw the illusory growth in the carbon market, Connie Hedegaard, has since been promoted to the post of EU Climate Commissioner. She is now in Cancun, representing the EU’s interests and arguing for steps that the global community needs to take for the carbon industry to regain credibility. This story, greatly underreported, came to me via a Norwegian reader, Geir Hasnes, who has translated one of the few press reports to have appeared. His translation appears here. LawrenceSolomon@nextcity.com
Blam! Kapow! Climate Scientists in Verbal Brawl Blam! Kapow! Smack! The bell has rung for the latest round of climate talks, but the battle continues among climate scientists too, making only one thing
truly clear -- the science of global warming simply isn't settled.
What happened to the 'warmest year on record': The truth is global warming has halted A year ago tomorrow, just before the opening of the UN Copenhagen world climate summit, the British Meteorological Office issued a confident prediction. The
mean world temperature for 2010, it announced, 'is expected to be 14.58C, the warmest on record' - a deeply worrying 0.58C above the 19611990 average.
2010 - An Unexceptional El Nino Year Friday, 03 December 2010 13:37 Dr David Whitehouse
RSS: 1998 will remain the warmest year Update, RSS: The
RSS AMSU November data are out, 0.312 °C, coolest in 2010 so far. The average temperature anomaly 0.551 °C recorded in 1998 will only be beaten by 0.489 +
Dec/12 in 2010 if the December 2010 anomaly, Dec, will exceed 0.738 °C which is virtually impossible. Roy Spencer has released the November 2010 UAH AMSU temperature anomalies. The global temperature anomaly is 0.38 °C, the coolest month of 2010, which is followed by the previous month, October 2010. The tropics have significantly cooled down during 2010 - by 0.7 °C or so - but the two hemispheres dropped by 0.2 or 0.3 °C per year only. » Don't Stop Reading » (TRF)
Nov. 2010 UAH Global Temperature Update: +0.38 deg. C
The tropical tropospheric temperature anomaly for November continued its cooling trend, finally falling below the 1979-1998 average…but the global anomaly
is still falling slowly:+0.38 deg. C for 2010 is now in a dead heat with 1998 for warmest year, with the following averages through November: 1998 +0.538 December will determine the outcome, but remember that the difference between the two years is not statistically significant. For comparison, here are the monthly anomalies for 1998: FOR THOSE TRACKING OUR DAILY TEMPERATURES: Since I’m getting many e-mails about quirks in the daily channel 5 temperature updates at the Discover website, here are a few tips to keep in mind: 1: The Discover website is an automated process and there is little quality control. 2. A few of the orbit files end up coming in several days late, in which case some day’s averages can be missing for several days. We fix it manually as time permits. 3: If a daily temperature difference between this year and last year is 100’s of degrees, it’s because one of the days has missing data. It’s not because we’ve been hacked by Earth First! Check out the text data…you’ll figure it out. 4. During spring there can be strong warming trends, and (as has happened in the last couple of weeks) in the fall there can be strong cooling trends. This is partly because the seasonal cycle has not been removed from the data. Click the “Average” box and “Redraw” to see how what’s happening compares to what’s normal for that time of year. [note: These satellite measurements are not calibrated to surface thermometer data in any way, but instead use on-board redundant precision platinum resistance thermometers (PRTs) carried on the satellite radiometers. The PRT's are individually calibrated in a laboratory before being installed in the instruments.] (Roy W. Spencer)
Senator Inhofe: ‘I Was Right and They Were Wrong’ Senator James Inhofe, the Oklahoma Republican who is Congress’s most outspoken skeptic on climate change, has sent his regrets to the thousands of delegates and global warming campaigners who are in Cancún, Mexico, for the annual United Nations climate change conference, saying he was sorry he would not be able to make an appearance. (NYT)
Eco-Diplomacy, The Chicago Way International Relations: Leaked embassy dispatches show an America bribing some and threatening others to get support for a climate change accord, revealing just how weak the case for such a treaty really is. (IBD)
Why Is the Obama Administration in Cancun? Last year at this time, the United Nations was coming to grips with the fact that the Copenhagen climate change summit would not produce a legally binding climate pact to succeed the failed Kyoto Protocol. In retrospect, nearly everyone acknowledges that the Copenhagen conference failed utterly to achieve its objectives. A year later, nations are again huddled together at a U.N. conference—this time in sunny Cancun, Mexico, rather than blustery Denmark—to try to get the global warming treaty train back on the rails. In the lead up to the Copenhagen conference, I wrote an article questioning the central role played by the U.N. in setting the tone and direction for global warming negotiations because that organization had moved from a position of “neutral broker” to that of a clearly biased party. By consenting to negotiate a global warming agreement through the U.N., the U.S. placed its negotiators in a position of weakness. Nations with little direct stake in the outcome of negotiations as well as U.N. officials manipulated the process to focus on an ineffective, costly agreement that unduly burdened the U.S. and other developed countries without any real assurance that such sacrifices would address the issue of global warming. Continue reading... (The Foundry)
Energy and Poverty – What is Really at Stake in Cancun by Donald Hertzmark A year ago during the Copenhagen conference on climate change, I published a post, Electricity for the Poor–What Copenhagen Really Needs to Confront, where I noted that some 1.5 billion people did not have access to reliable electricity supplies. To update this, there is more electricity generated this year than last, mostly due to newly commissioned large conventional sources of electric power – gas, coal, hydro, nuclear. The new estimate is 1.4 billion living in energy squalor. To hear the good and the great at Cancun, the sustainability issue of energy poverty is hidden. Occasionally, one of the climate-change grandees slips up and admits that this the real subject is wealth redistribution, not climate. But that is about as close as it gets. All the more reason that the international forums on climate change, energy environment, and the like should get to first principles and study this map: The World At Night (courtesy of Bert Christensen) When you fly overnight from Johannesburg to Europe the lights thin out just north of Lusaka, Zambia, a few more in Zambia’s Copper Belt and then nothing (and I mean nothing) until the North African coastline. For most of this 11-12 hour flight there are no artificial lights below. From the Sahara on south, but excluding South Africa, a region that is home to more than 400 million people consumes less electricity than New York City. [Read more →] (MasterResource)
Terence Corcoran: Beyond Cancun, a fossil-fuel world
The UN climate-change war machine, on the brink of self-destruction in Cancun, Mexico, keeps cranking out scenarios, reports, research and propaganda on the evils of a carbon-based economy. No stat or concept is too trivial to be manipulated and hyped into a news item or factoid of alleged proof of past or coming disaster. “Britain’s salmon at risk from ocean acidification,” “2010 on track to be warmest year for Canada,” “Climate change to worsen food security, UN talks told.” That’s just some of Friday’s offerings. Never mind the other headlines (Deep freeze kills 30 in Poland; Britains up to knees in snow). It’s all part of a never-ending stream of material that is intended, presumably, to galvanize nations and negotiators meeting in Cancun into signing a replacement for the absurdly impractical Kyoto Protocol carbon-emission targets. The Cancun meetings still have a few days to go, which means the next week will consume increasing amounts of media attention and produce volumes of overheated rhetoric about the need to slash fossil-fuel use and dramatically reduce global carbon emissions by some impossible target date. Read More » (Financial Post)
Rex Murphy: Cancun sun speeds decay of global warming charade This global-warming/climate-change stuff is a great racket.
Cancun climate conference: the warmists' last Mexican wave The global warming scare was fun while it lasted, but the joke's over, says Christopher Booker. (TDT)
Cancún climate change summit: exorcising the ghosts of Copenhagen UN offers assurances that rich countries will not attempt to force agreements with developing nations at the talks (Guardian)
Environmentalism: Still think those who continue to push the idea of man-made climate change are well-grounded and rational? Think again.
Just can't stay out of it, can he? Cancún climate change talks: Richard Branson calls for global carbon taxes Global industry should be able to remove 17bn tons of emissions by 2020, Virgin chief tells Cancún climate change summit (Guardian)
Rumours circulate at Cancún of plan to scrap Kyoto RUMOURS OF a secret Mexican text that would essentially replace the Kyoto Protocol with the loose Copenhagen Accord are circulating at the UN climate change conference in Cancún, Mexico. (Irish Times)
More Chinese rope-a-dope: China Says Can Make Voluntary CO2 Curbs "Binding" China is prepared to make its voluntary carbon emissions target part of a binding U.N. resolution, a concession that may pressure developed countries to extend the Kyoto Protocol, a senior negotiator told Reuters.
Cancún summit: Rich countries accused over £30bn climate aid promise India's environment minister says delays in payments could wreck the prospects for advancing a global deal (Guardian)
Not so worried about warming that they’ll pay to stop it Of course Australians still believe man is heating the world. It’s just that half of them now don’t want to lift a finger to stop it:
The nation, however, overwhelmingly believes climate change is caused by mankind. This is a huge fall from three years ago, when a massive 77 per cent of people polled told Newspoll they’d love to pay more, and
only 18 per cent said no. Which means the Gillard Government will be flirting with death if it makes the next election a referendum on the threatened carbon
tax, especially with the polls on a knife-edge, and Labor’s primary vote so dangerously low:
According to the latest political Newspoll survey for the year, conducted exclusively for The Australian last weekend, support for the ALP with Greens’
preferences is equal to the Coalition, on a 50-50 split. The Coalition has ended the year ahead of the government on primary vote, 41 per cent to Labor’s 34 per cent, with the Greens’ primary vote ending the
year on 14 per cent. UPDATE Newspoll says 77 per cent of Australians believe man is causing global warming, but Essential Research suggest the real figure is closer to half that:
And former Labor national president Barry Jones seems not have kept up with the polling trends:
‘’The electorate appears to want, or is at least prepared to tolerate, action such that sound decisions, even if tough, will come to be accepted,’’
he writes in an essay, Democratic Challenges in Tackling Climate Change, published today by the Whitlam Institute. (Andrew Bolt)
The Carbon Sense Coalition today said that Australia must not renew its Kyoto Agreement. The Chairman of “Carbon Sense”, Mr Viv Forbes, said that the
current failing agreement was signed without due diligence by Kevin Rudd and should be referred to as “Rudd’s Folly”.
are here: http://carbon-sense.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/no-rerun-kyoto-folly.pdf [PDF, 58 KB] (Carbon Sense Coalition)
WikiLeaks and the Great Myths of Global Warming Source: American Thinker by Dennis Ambler Those who have studied the UN process on “Global Warming” aka Climate Change, know full well that it is little to do with climate but everything to do with advancing the interests of global corporations and international financiers. The WikiLeaks revelations detailed in the Guardian demonstrate the accuracy of that assessment. The Great Myth revealed in the leaks, is the long held and deliberately promoted belief that the US is opposed to any measures designed to “control climate.” Nothing could be further from the truth because behind the scenes it has been promoting and engineering the process for many years, driven by NGO’s and their funders, the “eco” billionaires. The other Great Myth is that the be-all and end-all for climate negotiation is the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), when in fact there are numerous private and pseudo-governmental operations taking place all the time, particularly in terms of gaining a foothold in the vast energy markets of China and India. Read the rest of this entry » (SPPI)
From Nopenhagen to Yes We Cancun by Christopher Monckton Thanks to Wikileaks, everyone here in the Mañana Republic of Mexico now knows just how much bullying and arm-twisting the administration of Barack Obama in the United States applied to various countries around the world so that they would (and did) sign up to the Copenhagen climate accord. Without that pressure, nothing at all would have happened at Copenhagen this time last year, and “the Process” – the interminable round of flatulent annual climate conferences in exotic locations at taxpayers’ expense – would have tipped into the gulch forever. Read the rest of this entry » (SPPI)
Czech daily grills Rahmstorf during interview A full translation has been added... Climatology is under attack by interest groups (autom. transl. from Czech)But yes, aside from the IPCC, only the WWF and other NGOs are groups that are individually mentioned in the interview so perhaps the title is not really ambiguous. ;-) » Don't Stop Reading » (TRF)
Climate change is a practical problem, not a moral one Has ‘skeptical environmentalist’ and scourge of Greenpeace Bjorn Lomborg really had a change of heart and turned green? Er, no, he tells spiked.
Campaign Against Climate Change march: the fight goes on Tomorrow's march by the Campaign Against Climate Change takes place against a backdrop of financial hardship for the group, campaigner Phil Thornhill
Al Gore's climate group shrinking One of Al Gore's campaigns to save the planet has scaled back its field operations since climate legislation failed earlier this year in Congress. (Politico)
AGW indoctrination becomes obligatory? The bigwigs in Cancun appear to have agreed that global warming propaganda will become compulsory in schools worldwide. That appears to be the gist of this story:
(Bishop Hill)
Alarmists Try To Have It Both Ways by William Yeatman In 2000, Dr. David Viner, a senior research scientist at the Climatic Research Unit of the University of East Anglia, told the UK Independent that snowfall will become “a very rare and exciting event” within a few years due to global warming. This week, as an unseasonal snow blanketed Northern Europe and caused more than 60 fatalities, University of College London Professor Mark Maslin told the UK Telegraph that the snow was likely due to global warming. Read the full story (Cooler Heads)
HGWA: Is the End in Sight for The World’s Coral Reefs? It is a difficult idea to fathom. But the science is clear: Unless we change the way we live, the Earth's coral reefs will be utterly destroyed within our children's lifetimes. (J.E.N. Veron, e360)
This nonsense, again: Are we freezing because of global warming? Climate change could bring Britain ever more extreme weather, says Roger Highfield.
WikiLeaks And Claim Of Warmest Year On Record, Expose Climate Criminality Question; How and why can a year be claimed as the warmest on record two months before it is over? Answer: To help participants in Cancun Climate Conference desperate because the public don’t believe, funding and power is being lost, as their deceptions are exposed. (Tim Ball, CFP)
Sharon Begley... what a dipstick! A Climate Whodunit Science nails the blame game.
Cue more handwringers: Northern wildfires threaten runaway climate change, study reveals A new study discovers climate change is causing wildfires to burn more fiercely, pumping more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere than previously thought
Sigh... Climate change threat to tropical forests 'greater than suspected' Met Office Hadley Centre warns of drought risk and role of deforestation in global warming
Uh-huh... Earth's lakes warming in response to climate change Many studies of global climate have used air temperature measurements to characterize recent warming trends. A new study shows that inland water bodies such
as lakes and wetlands have also been warming steadily in recent decades. Schneider and Hook analyze satellite nighttime thermal infrared imagery of 167 large
inland water bodies around the world during the period 1985-2009. They find that mean nighttime surface water temperature for these inland water bodies has been
rising at an average rate of about 0.045 degrees Celsius (0.081 degrees Fahrenheit ) per year, with rates as high as 0.1 degrees Celsius (0.18 degrees
Fahrenheit) per year in some places. The greatest warming has taken place in the mid and high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, and in some regions, water
temperature warmed faster than regional air temperature. The researchers suggest that the study provides a new data source for assessing the effects of climate
How did this slip through? Population trends, not climate, causing increased flood fatalities in Africa Flood-related fatalities in Africa have increased greatly over the past several decades. Has the intensity of flooding increased, perhaps owing to global
climate changes? Or have human activity, population growth, and development patterns led to increased human vulnerability? To find out, Di Baldassarre et al.
analyze large data sets of floods in Africa. The authors consider trends in flooding as well as population dynamics and land use changes. They find that the
magnitude and frequency of African floods have not increased significantly during the past century, but increased unplanned human settlements in flood-prone
areas have been a major factor in increasing the risk of fatalities and economic damage. They suggest that settlements in flood-prone areas should be
discouraged. Early warning systems could also help reduce fatalities.
New peer reviewed paper shows just how bad the climate models really are One of the biggest, if not the biggest issues of climate science skepticism is the criticism of over-reliance on computer model projections to suggest future outcomes. In this paper, climate models were hindcast tested against actual surface observations, and found to be seriously lacking. Just have a look at Figure 12 (mean temperature -vs- models for the USA) from the paper, shown below: ![]() The graph above shows temperature in the blue lines, and model runs in other colors. Not only are there no curve shape matches, temperature offsets are significant as well. In the study, they also looked at precipitation, which fared even worse in correlation. The bottom line: if the models do a poor job of hindcasting, why would they do any better in forecasting? This from the conclusion sums it up pretty well:
Selected sections of the entire paper, from the Hydrological Sciences Journal is available online here as HTML, and as PDF ~1.3MB are given below: A comparison of local and aggregated climate model outputs with observed data Anagnostopoulos, G. G. , Koutsoyiannis, D. , Christofides, A. , Efstratiadis, A. and Mamassis, N. ‘A comparison of local and aggregated climate model outputs with observed data’, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 55:7, 1094 – 1110 Abstract Continue reading → (WUWT)
#5 BoM Spring Outlooks – rain and temperature – more hopelessly wrong models December 3rd, 2010 by Warwick HughesHere we go again – another month and the BoM Outlooks seem to be getting worse – if that is possible. Maximum temperatures were correctly predicted in that same SE Qld-NE NSW zone where the rain Outlook had a win. The Outlook for minimum temperatures (nights) suggest there must be a serious lack of reality in the BoM – how could you go with a model predicting such a
hot result ? – in the face of months of failures. I think AGW has got to their collective judgment. Did nobody raise a hand to say that the real Australia was
unlikely to have this extent and degree of hot nights ? Can I remind readers of the peer reviewed paper from 2005; “Verification and value of the Australian
Bureau of Meteorology township seasonal rainfall forecasts in Australia, 1997-2005 AL Vizard, GA Anderson and DJ Buckley”
Australian media lies about rainfall December 6th, 2010 by Warwick HughesJust lately after our 8 days of the Great 2010 East Coast Monsoon – I am getting a bit weary of TV news interviews of people from flooded towns making
variants of this standard “knee jerk” claim; “..ten years of worst ever drought and now we get flooded out..”. A woman from Dubbo has been all over TV
news on the weekend with this sort of statement. It puzzles me that TV news journalists or editors can not be bothered to make basic checks on the net that take
seconds using Google. Now going back to November 2008 – there were floods at Tamworth and I posted on strange comments from
the NSW Premier – then Nathan Rees. I notice this Sydney Morning Herald article from yesterday
with another classic media lie.
Louise Gray does her best: Climate change: Met Office halves 'worst case' sea level prediction The Met Office has halved its "worst case" prediction for rising sea levels, in the latest instance of scientists being caught out for overstating the possible consequences of global warming. (TDT)
Key Tool for the Scare Campaign: Censorship. How bullying critics keep editors from straying. A very curious thing happened on Saturday. There’s a media war going on here in Australia. At stake is free speech — but the discussion about it is completely disguised and parades instead as a debate about “balance” in science reporting. It’s reached the point where our national masthead felt the need to issue a whole feature article rebutting their critics (Climate debate is no place for hotheads) which includes quote after quote of The Australians pro man-made-global-warming editorials. But why under the Goddess of Free Press should any serious newspaper feel required to declare their belief in a particular scientific theory? The Australian has been taking heat from the rest of the Australian media (notably Fairfax and ABC employees, and a couple of book writing academics). It’s not that The Australian has held back on publishing the illogical, unreasonable PR, and baseless posturing of vested-carbon-scare-interests, no sir. They are just as ready as anyone to publish the unscientific Lomborgs, Orsekes, and Hamilton’s. The real issue at stake is censorship. The rest of the media thinks The Australian should do more of it. They disparage The Australian in scathing terms, not for what it won’t publish, but because it does not shield the dumb punters enough. The Australian commits the sin of giving some column space to people who don’t hold UN-approved-views. Censorship is the single most important tool of those who want to scare the masses. (Money, of course, would trump that, but there is no shortage of whole government departments devoted to pumping the climate gravy, so while money is theoretically vital, in this case it’s guaranteed. Censorship, though, is an entirely different story: it could “disappear” in an instant, and once gone, it’s hard to get back.) So the climate-establishment and their willing minions crave censorship — and why wouldn’t they, they’re practical people. They know that if skeptical writers were allowed to publicize their opinions along side the professors who keep spouting logical errors and baseless insults, then the grand facade of the carbon scare would be cremated by Christmas, captured in comedy by New Year, and forgotten by Australia Day. More » (Jo Nova)
One of the many things we still need to work out: Measuring air-sea exchange of carbon dioxide in the open ocean A team led by scientists at the National Oceanography Centre have measured the air-sea exchange of carbon dioxide in the open ocean at higher wind speed then
anyone else has ever managed. Their findings are important for understanding how interactions between the oceans and the atmosphere influence climate.
The Medieval Warm Period hit west Antarctica What do you know? The Medieval Warm Period, which either “didn’t exist” or “only happened in Europe”, also hit Western Antarctica. The climate models don’t know why the world was warmer 1000 years ago. They don’t know why it cooled into the Little Ice Age either. The models don’t do regional projections well, and they don’t do seasonal projections with any skill, and they (in the last ten years) don’t work on short decadal timeframes either, but surely when it comes to big global temperature changes the models have got all the major forces figured out? Surely they’d be able to predict large movements across the entire globe eh? — but the first test we come to, a mere thousand years ago, shows the models have a predictive ability not significantly different from a coin toss. Just because it was warmer 1000 years ago (due to some other reason), doesn’t mean that CO2 isn’t responsible for this warming cycle, but when all the evidence for CO2′s guilt comes only from models that can’t get the last warming cycle right, and from argument from ignorance (“Our models don’t project this warm period without putting CO2 in!”) then we know that the “evidence” (such as it isn’t) is very weak. The mysterious forces that warmed us a thousand years ago could easily be at work right now. Worse, some entirely different factor could be too. The unknown unknowns eh? During the “perfect stable idyllic climate” before SUV’s and power stations were invented and while the global population was one 20th of what it is today, ice on the Western Peninsula was at least as degraded as it is now, or possibly was even more so. More » (Jo Nova)
Or vice versa... Ozone hole affects upper-atmosphere temperature and circulation Observations have shown differences in altitude and brightness between polar mesospheric clouds (clouds made of ice crystals in the upper mesosphere) in the
Northern Hemisphere and those in the Southern Hemisphere. Various mechanisms have been suggested to explain the differences; a new study shows that the ozone
hole in the stratosphere above Antarctica could be playing a key role in the temperature and circulation patterns in the mesosphere (an atmospheric layer that
begins 50 kilometers above Earth's surface, just above the stratosphere), leading to differences in polar mesospheric clouds.
Daylight Saving Time: Arrogant Central Planning by Robert Murphy Although smart phones and computers make it easier to remember, last month Americans endured the semi-annual hassle of changing their clocks an hour. “Daylight Saving Time” (DST) was originally started during World War I to allegedly save energy. Jimmy Carter gave it to us in peacetime as part of his National Energy Plan. In practice, DST causes needless headaches—and even heart attacks!—and arguably doesn’t even save energy. Chalk it up to yet another failed government intervention. The Hubris of DST Joe Romm is not afraid to recommend society-changing government intervention in order to achieve a conservation goal, and he proposes drastic carbon legislation to prevent what he sees as “hell and high water.” Yet even this central planner hit the nail on the head when he complained: “You can’t save daylight by moving around the hands on your clock, of course. So daylight saving time remains as absurdly named as it ever was.” For those who are skeptical of the current suite of climate models, Romm’s complaint is ironic. The same mindset that led government wartime planners to alter time, leads today’s planners to project what the global temperature will be in the year 2080. The Harm of DST There are many harms to DST. Most obvious, there is the hassle every household endures in actually changing the numerous clocks (microwaves, nightstand, watch, car, etc.). Although this doesn’t seem like a big deal, imagine if the federal government mandated that every U.S. citizen sit in a timeout corner for 15 minutes twice a year. Multiplied over hundreds of millions of people, that would add up to a significant waste of time, unless there were some corresponding benefit to the practice. [Read more →] (MasterResource)
Consumer groups call for end to EU light bulb ban Consumer protection organisations have demanded a suspension of the EU ban on incandescent light bulbs, citing official tests that showed the new compact
fluorescent lamps to be dangerous if broken.
The Genesis of the Deepwater Horizon Blowout In our book, “The Energy Imperative” earlier this year, my co-authors (Leonard Kalfayan and Michael Economides) and I commented on the Deepwater Horizon disaster, which was unfolding at the time. [Read More] (Phil Rae, ET)
Frack is not a pleasant word. Nor a popular one. It has obvious negative connotations. Even the spelling is contested. The industry that invented and uses
the term prefers the spelling ''fracc''. Either way, you wouldn't want to be fracked, or fracced.
Motivated Tiny Minority Perpetuating Natural Gas Travesty in U.S.
Echoing President Barack Obama’s recent statements, U.S. Interior Secretary Ken Salazar hosted a forum in D.C. this week to discuss the important role natural gas stands to play in America’s energy future. At the exact same time the meeting’s participants were detailing the economic and environmental advantages of cultivating this vast resource, the New York State Assembly was voting to ban the drilling process to extract gas until at least May 2011. These two events illustrate a growing political divide in what should otherwise be a straightforward issue. Much of this wedge is being driven by activists who oppose all fossil fuels and lobbyists for other energy sources eager to make natural gas less competitive. The situation suggests that this fight is about politics and money rather than consumer safety, as natural gas opponents claim. In fact, the EPA declared the hydraulic fracturing drilling process safe as recently as 2004. (Michael Economides, ET)
No End to Gore’s Damage to the US BY MICHAEL R. FOX PHD - Well now he tells us. As reported recently in the Investor’s Business Daily (IBD) ( http://tinyurl.com/36tscyk ), Al Gore came clean on his fantasies of the benefits of biofuels. Well away from the American people whom he helped skewer, his recent confessional speech in Greece was missed by a lot of American media and millions of Americans. His tie-breaking 1994 vote in the U.S. Senate 16 years ago to support ethanol subsidies was, he says, for political purposes, and not for any actual breakthrough in alternative energy production. (Hawaii Reporter)
About time! Ethanol on the Run A left-right coalition is emerging against this energy boondoggle.
Lawrence Solomon: Green collapse Across the world, unsustainable subsidies for wind and solar are being cut back. Ontario is next The Ontario government paints itself in extreme green. It has outlawed coal — the only jurisdiction on the continent to have done so. It boasts the world’s biggest solar plant. It boasts the western world’s biggest subsidies to the renewables industry. And now, it also boasts the western world’s fastest-growing renewables industry. But Ontario’s new-found status didn’t arise because Ontario newly increased its level of its subsidies. It arose because the world’s other extreme green jurisdictions — to avert the economic and political ruin that comes of unaffordable green power — recently swallowed their pride, slashed their subsidies and backstabbed their renewables industries. Like its extreme green counterparts elsewhere, Ontario will follow suit soon enough. Read More » (Financial Post)
Householders To Pay Price For Green Plans BRITISH households will have to pay an estimated £450 a year each to fund the Government’s ambitious green power plans according to calculations by
uSwitch.com, the price comparison service.
Russia's Putin Says Wind Turbines Kill Birds Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said on Monday that wind power can pose environmental risks, casting doubts over plans to develop this alternative
energy source in the oil-rich country.
The Topsy-Turvy Way We Deal With Risk Many people have a poor grasp of the hierarchy of risks to life and limb.
Polluted Air Increases Obesity Risk In Young Animals COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Exposure to polluted air early in life led to an accumulation of abdominal fat and insulin resistance in mice even if they ate a normal
diet, according to new research.
Brain scans accurate at spotting autism: U.S. study U.S. researchers are closing in on an accurate test for autism, a finding that could lead to earlier diagnosis and treatment.
Explaining autism: Energy drain The cause of autism may be faulty mitochondria
Hmm... Birds becoming gay because of mercury Birds are being turned gay because there is too much mercury in their diet, scientists have revealed. (TDT)
Judge Denies Request To Close U.S. Great Lakes To Carp A judge on Thursday denied a request by five U.S. states to close off man-made waterways that connect the Great Lakes to inland rivers, ruling there was no
imminent threat of Asian carp entering the lakes.
EPA Shifting Its Emphasis to ‘Sustainability’ By Susan Jones(CNSNews.com) – The Environmental Protection Agency, marking its 40th anniversary this week, announced that ”sustainability concepts” will govern its programs from now on. EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson said her agency has commissioned a “groundbreaking” National Research Council study that will help the agency “incorporate sustainability into the way the agency approaches environmental protection.” The announcement signifies an important step toward building a society that can meet its needs while preserving the ability of future generations to meet their needs, the EPA said in a Nov. 30 news release. Historically, environmental programs have focused on reducing air pollution and water pollution and identifying and monitoring chemical and environmental risks to human health and the environment. But, the EPA explained, today’s challenges involve the sustainable use of energy, water, materials and land – “and require solutions that stress the linkages between energy use, water use, environmental protection, human health, quality of life, and the global economy.” Read the rest of this entry » (SPPI)
Electrified nano filter promises to cut costs for clean drinking water With almost one billion people lacking access to clean, safe drinking water, scientists are reporting development and successful initial tests of an inexpensive new filtering technology that kills up to 98 percent of disease-causing bacteria in water in seconds without clogging. A report on the technology appears in Nano Letters, a monthly American Chemical Society journal.
Africa can feed itself in a generation: Study Presidents of Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi receive landmark study at retreat on African food security and climate change
Poor Moonbat: Cancún climate change summit: Is God determined to prevent a deal? While the rich parts of the world are covered in snow and ice, the rest of the world cooks
The sun is setting on the global-warming crowd I guess all the hotels in Moose Jaw are booked this time of year.
Diplomats Head to Sunny Cancun, but U.S. Lawmakers Stay Home Cancun, Mexico, may be the center of the global warming universe this week. But members of Congress say their thoughts are a world away from the
international treaty talks.
Exclusive CFACT interview: UN climate chief Pachauri ignorant of 15 years without warming In Cancun, Mexico for the UN Climate Change Conference, CFACT interviewed IPCC chair Rajendra Pachauri and questioned him about the lack of any global warming over the past 15 years. (CFACT)
Chevy saves the planet for $4 per car? by Steve Milloy General Motors has apparently had an epiphany. GM now “realizes” that it “shares the planet with everyone” and wants “to do more to help keep it clean.” So GM has pledged to buy carbon offsets representing one year’s worth of greenhouse gas emissions from the 1.9 million Chevys projected to be sold during 2011. Under the Chevy Carbon Reduction program, GM will spend up to $40 million over five years offsetting about 8 million metric tons of carbon dioxide. There is much less here than meets the eye. First, while GM describes the program’s cost as “substantial,” it’s really not. GM expects to sell about 10 million Chevys over the next five years — so the actual expenditure works out to about $4 per car. That triviality will be matched by the program’s environmental impact. Human activities emit about 40 billion tons of greenhouse gases annually. So if all goes as planned, GM’s program will reduce global human greenhouse gas emissions by about 0.004 percent over the next five years. GM calls this “a start” and denies that the program is “greenwashing.” In fact, GM states on its web site that, “This is really about making a positive statement to our customers. And letting them know that we are committed to doing the right thing.” But merely claiming green-ness while accomplishing nothing tangible for the environment fits the definition of greenwashing perfectly — “the deceptive use of green PR or green marketing in order to promote a misleading perception that a company’s policies or products are environmentally friendly,” according to Wikipedia’s definition of the term. And it’s quite possible that the Chevy Carbon Reduction program will accomplish even less than the company believes since it involves the purchase of so-called “carbon offsets.” GM’s $4-per-Chevy expense will be directed to the Bonneville Environmental Foundation, an Oregon-based non-profit that will “invest” the money in purportedly climate-friendly projects like planting trees, and solar and wind power. But carbon offsets can be murky endeavors — so much so than when the Government Accounting Office (GAO) reported on them in 2008, concerns about their legitimacy overflowed into the report’s title, “Carbon Offsets: The U.S. Voluntary Market Is Growing, but Quality Assurance Poses Challenges for Market Participants.” The basic problem with offsets is that buyers can be ripped-off fairly easily. Offset sellers claim the proceeds go toward efforts to prevent the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. But as greenhouse gas emissions are invisible, challenging to estimate, and the accounting for these projects is typically not open to public scrutiny, buyers must rely on the credibility of the brokers and project operators. The GAO found that “the information provided to consumers by retailers offered limited assurance of credibility.” In other words, buyers beware. Aside from any schemes and scams run by individual offset brokers and project operators, there is the overlay of the radical environmental agenda on the offset industry. GM’s offset broker, the Bonneville Environmental Foundation (BEF), is run by a former employee of the radical Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC). BEF’s offsets are “certified” by an organization called Green-e, the board of directors of which includes members of NRDC and the radical Union of Concerned Scientists — as well as BEF’s senior vice president. So, not only are BEF and Green-e not independent of one another at the management level, they are threaded together ideologically by ties to radical environmentalism, a movement whose members will say and do almost anything to advance their social and political agenda. And GM is going to rely on assurances from BEF and Green-e about offsetting invisible greenhouse gas emissions. Should any of this matter to consumers? Who cares whether GM scams and gets scammed for a few dollars per car? Bailouts aside, taxpayers and consumers should already be angry with the “Big Three.” Chrysler, Ford and GM are all members of the NRDC-run U.S. Climate Action Partnership, a big business-radical environmentalist coalition that lobbied for cap and trade. If the Big Three and their green buddies had succeeded in foisting cap and trade upon us during the 111th Congress, millions of U.S. jobs and trillions of dollars in GDP would have vanished during the ensuing years. What separates Chrysler and Ford from GM presently is that, cutting through all the nonsense, the Chevy Carbon Reduction program is little more than a $40 million wealth transfer from consumers via GM to anti-consumer radical environmentalists and their allies. The good news for GM is that when I get a new car in 2011, no one will need to worry about any emissions from a Chevy. Steve Milloy publishes JunkScience.com and is the author of Green Hell: How Environmentalists Plan to Control Your Life and What You Can Do to Stop Them (Regnery 2009).
"Did I Say 'End of the World?' I Meant 'Jobs'" By Chris Horner on 12.1.10 @ 10:13AM
Senators petition SecState to freeze climate bailout money Climate-related appropriations grew from $315 million in fiscal 2009 to $1.3 billion in fiscal 2010. CLIMATE: GOP senators decry ‘bailout’ for developing countries Top-ranking Republicans on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee have asked Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton to freeze all future requests for climate-related spending, saying that it is inappropriate to transfer money to developing nations while the U.S. economy is struggling. The letter — signed by Sens. James Inhofe of Oklahoma, David Vitter of Louisiana, George Voinovich of Ohio and John Barrasso of Wyoming — warns U.S. negotiators not to give away too much during the U.N. climate conference that is under way in Cancun, Mexico. “We simply cannot afford any massive spending programs with such debt owed by America’s future generations,” it says. Continue reading (WUWT)
Oh look, someone else who wants lots of your money: IPCC chief bemoans 'huge gaps' in research The man in charge of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has revealed that not enough work is being put into research to understand how
quickly the world will warm over the next few decades.
Agriculture's greenhouse gas emissions and vulnerability to climate change impacts are far too big to ignore, say scientists
Rewarding Eco-Friendly Farmers Can Help Combat Climate Change UMD Study Advises State on Creation of 'Nutrient Trading Market'
U.N. Climate Talks Struggle To Overhaul Carbon Trade Countries differed sharply on Wednesday on the future of a $20 billion carbon market after 2012, casting doubt on any overhaul of the scheme at U.N. climate
talks in Cancun.
R i g h t... A cold warming How Britain’s cold winters fit into climate change
Cancun climate change summit: 2010 was hottest year on record It might be hard to believe with the snow falling outside but 2010 was globally the hottest year on record, according to the Met Office. (TDT)
Sea Level Could Rise in South, Fall in North Climate change is expected to cause sea levels to rise -- at least in some parts of the world. Elsewhere, the level of the ocean will actually fall.
Scientists are trying to get a better picture of the complex phenomenon, which also depends on a host of natural factors.
Genuine climate science - trying to figure out ENSO: Research provides better understanding of long-term changes in the climate system Better understanding of the long-term history of El Nino will help enhance short-term prediction of this global climate phenomenon and help mitigate
associated natural disasters
Guest Post by Madhav Khandekar Guest Post By Madhav Khandekar – Summer 2010: Wettest on the Canadian Prairies in 60 years! A Preliminary Assessment by Ray Garnett and Madhav Khandekar My article with Ray Garnett from CMOS Bulletin December 2010 is a preliminary analysis of extensive flooding on the Canadian Prairies (and to some extent on the US Prairies as well) this past summer 2010. In our assessment, the summer 2010 deluge on the Prairies was a result of a favourable combination of several large-scale forcing factors like SST in equatorial Pacific- El Nino phase since last December 2009 providing the primary forcing, NAO (North Atlantic Oscillation) phase during Spring & Summer 2010 which enabled moisture from the Gulf of Mexico to reach eastern Prairies and low sunspot activity for the past several months. The linkage between the Canadian/American Prairie drought and solar variability has been studied for the last 30 years or more and there is now a growing conviction that solar variability does indeed influence a Prairie drought (or flood). The precise mechanism for the sun/drought linkage is not well understood at this point, however a simple algorithm using sunspot activity can be used to foreshadow Prairie summer weather & climate and impact on grain yield. This simple algorithm has operational utility. The abstract of the article reads
(Roger Pielke Sr., Climate Science)
Wettest spring in 111 years carries into damp start to summer AUSTRALIA has recorded its wettest spring in 111 years of records as the Weather Bureau warns of heavy rain on Saturday for much of Queensland's southeast.
Global Warming Hoax Weekly Round-Up, Dec. 2nd 2010 Climate talks in Cancun have started, Al Gore is AWOL and Raj Pachauri isn’t as smart as he used to be. (Daily Bayonet)
Another Climate Change Scare Is On Thin Ice All the scares generated by the false climate science promoted by political agendas disappear from the mainstream media and are rarely heard of again.
There’s no follow up in the mainstream media, no apologies for providing false or inadequate information.
Climate: are models better than theory?
Climate model verification and validationWhile it's a nice reading and I don't disagree with too many comments too resolutely, I am not in harmony with the overall tone. Let us summarize the crucial issues into several points:
» Don't Stop Reading » (TRF)
Testing … testing … is this model powered up? Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach Over at Judith Curry’s excellent blog she has a post on how to test the climate models. In response I wrote a bit about some model testing I did four years ago, and I thought I should expand it into a full post for WUWT. We are being asked to bet billions of dollars on computer model forecasts of future climate catastrophe. These global climate models, known as GCMs, forecast that the globe will warm extensively over the next century. In this context, it is prudent to take a look at how well the models have done at “hindcasting” historical temperatures, when presented with actual data from historical records. I analysed the hindcasts of the models that were used in “Amplification of Surface Temperature Trends and Variability in the Tropical Atmosphere“, (PDF, 3.1Mb) by B. D. Santer et al. (including Gavin Schmidt), Science, 2005 [hereinafter Santer05]. In that study, results were presented for the first time showing two sets of observational data plus 9 separate GCM temperature “hindcasts” for the temperatures at the surface, troposphere, and stratosphere of the tropical region (20°N to 20°S) from 1979 to 2000. These models were given the actual 1979-2000 data for a variety of forcings (e.g., volcanic eruptions, ozone levels, see below for a complete list). When fed with all of these forcings for 1979-2000, the GCMs produced their calculated temperature hindcasts. I have used the same observational data and the same model results used by Santer. Here’s what their results look like: Results from Santer05 Analysis. Red and orange (overlapping) are observational data (NOAA and HadCRUv2). Data digitized from Santer05. See below for data availability. The first question that people generally ask about GCM results like this is “what temperature trend did the models predict?”. This, however, is the wrong initial question. Continue reading (WUWT)
U.S. oil Spill Panel Urges Increased Safety Steps The White House oil spill commission on Thursday challenged offshore drillers to boost safety standards, detailing proposals for the creation of an
independent, self-regulating industry group and reformed government oversight.
U.S. Halts Plan to Drill in Eastern Gulf WASHINGTON — The Obama administration announced on Wednesday that it had rescinded its decision to expand offshore oil exploration into the eastern Gulf of
Mexico and along the Atlantic Coast because of weaknesses in federal regulation revealed by the BP oil spill.
Obama: No cap-and-trade? Then no drilling! President Obama’s reversal yesterday on offshore drilling should surprise no one. When he announced plans for more drilling last March, President Obama was really offering it as a carrot to get the oil industry to sign on to cap-and-trade. That gambit failed. Cap-and-trade is dead and so now is his offer of more offshore drilling. The administration’s reference to the Gulf oil spill as a reason for the reversal is simple camouflage for the withdrawal of an offer that was never sincere in the first place. On balance, President Obama is the loser. Cap-and-trade is dead forever, while offshore drilling opportunities could expand as early as January 20, 2013. (Green Hell Blog)
Who is Charles Koch? (A builder of business and critic of political capitalism) by Administrator
In 1859, the first treatise on “best practices” appeared: Self-Help, With Illustrations of Character, Conduct, and Perseverance, by Samuel Smiles. Motivational self-improvement books were not new, but Smiles’s 400-page opus was persuasive. Profusely illustrated with stories of men-made-good in industry, engineering, the arts, and music, Self-Help combined age-tested wisdom with knowledge of the industrial present. From Self-Help to Organizational Success Nearly 150 years later, the most recent addition to the self-help literature is The Science of Success by Charles G. Koch: businessman, philanthropist, and applied intellectual. Koch’s book has all the earmarks of a classic, but not because it is a tome (the 166-page main text is quite brief for the material covered) or because it is the last word on the subject (it is really just the beginning, despite two monographs published by Koch disciples a decade or more ago). The book’s seminal potential is that it presents what could be the most logical, systematic framework for organizational success articulated to date. Applying primarily to business but also to nonprofits and government, the book offers the outlines of a tested framework for organizational success. Koch draws upon his forty years of experience in building what Forbes calls America’s largest privately held business (80,000 employees, $90 billion in annual revenue), studying and applying what is called “The Science of Liberty,” and founding and nurturing dozens of libertarian-related nonprofits. Charles Koch deserves an audience. The family company he took over in the 1960s that had an enterprise value of perhaps tens of millions of dollars (inflation-adjusted) is worth, again according to Forbes, tens of billions. Koch Industries has never suffered a yearly loss. And in relative terms, a dollar invested in Koch in 1967 (the year Charles took over from his father) would be worth $2,000 today, outdistancing the same investment in the S&P 500 index ($500 today) or Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway ($1,400). [Read more →] (MasterResource)
Is Shale Gas Too Good to Be True? Yesterday I participated in a webinar on The Energy Collective examining the sustainability aspects of the shale gas revolution. [Read More] (Geoffrey Styles, ET)
Offshore wind power projects pave the way to frequent blackouts
Judge tosses challenge to Obama healthcare law A federal judge in Virginia on Tuesday dismissed a lawsuit challenging the landmark healthcare law championed by President Barack Obama, upholding key
provisions that require health insurance coverage.
House Republicans Continue to Push for Repeal of Obamacare House Republicans are pushing full speed ahead for the repeal of Obamacare. Rather than trying to sift through the president's "comprehensive" overhaul and separate the morsels of wheat from the warehouses of chaff, the Republicans will wisely repeal the whole thing and start over. If there's anything worth keeping from the 2,700-page monstrosity, the GOP will include it in its separate replacement legislation. (Weekly Standard)
FCC’s Christmas Gift for the Internet: Net Neutrality Regulation Should bureaucrats in Washington, D.C., set rules for the Internet? Julius Genachowski, the chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), thinks so. In remarks today, he stated that he had developed a new plan to impose so-called “net neutrality” rules on Internet service providers, setting a vote on the issue for December 21. Details of the plan are yet to be released, but the chairman indicated that the plan was based on a legislative proposal floated a month ago by Representative Henry Waxman (D–CA). That plan, however, was soundly rejected by Congress. Genachowski’s plan—which the FCC would adopt without specific approval by Congress—should be rejected as well. The Waxman proposal would have banned Internet providers such as Verizon and Comcast from managing the flow of traffic on their networks in a way that “unjustly or unreasonably” discriminates against particular types of content. The new rules would have been enforced on a case-by-case basis by the FCC. Continue reading... (The Foundry)
Regulation: In the name of fairness, a Federal Communications Commission plan to impose "net neutrality" without any legislative or legal authority
will in effect be silencing a conduit for the truth that keeps us free.
No kidding... Fruit and vegetables do not reduce overall cancer risk, review concludes Reducing smoking and alcohol consumption is a far better way to avoid cancer than eating large quantities of fruit and vegetables (Guardian)
Living near a major road tied to preterm birth Pregnant women who live near busy roads may be at a greater risk for delivering before term, suggests a new study from Japan.
Big Government: A questionable food safety bill in search of a crisis passed the Senate, but may hit a snag in the House. This power grab of the nation's
food supply may end up benefiting a certain Hungarian billionaire.
Reid Contaminates Food Safety Bill Less than 24 hours after declaring victory in his quest to vastly expand the regulatory powers of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)—for the children—Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D–NV) is mired in a procedural misstep that may well kill the legislation. Despite the time constraints of the waning session, Reid focused Senate attention on passage of S. 510, the Food Safety Protection Act, which was approved on Tuesday by a vote of 73–25. Spanning some150 pages, the act authorizes the FDA to dictate how farmers grow fruits and vegetables, including rules governing soil, water, hygiene, packing, temperatures, and even what animals may roam which fields and when. It would also increase inspections of food “facilities” and tax them to do so. That’s the rub. The House version of the bill does not contain the “revenue raiser” in the Senate bill. But the Constitution calls for all tax provisions to originate in the House. Consequently, House Democrats are threatening to block the bill, which would force Reid to waste even more time on a legislative fix or simply admit defeat. Continue reading... (The Foundry)
UK economic recovery 'poses threat to environment' Any emergence from recession may erode shift towards more sustainable lifestyles, warns EU report
Dwindling biodiversity raises disease risk in humans, study finds First species to go extinct in an ecosystem tend to be those that reduce disease transmission, research suggests (Guardian)
Sheesh! Monsanto GMO Sugarbeets To Be Destroyed: Court A federal judge on Tuesday ordered the destruction of plantings of genetically modified sugar beets developed by Monsanto Co after ruling previously the U.S.
Agriculture Department illegally approved the biotech crop.
GOP plans strategy to stymie EPA Get ready for a string of up-or-down votes on the Obama administration’s environmental record.
House climate panel to be axed House Republicans will scrap the committee set up by Speaker Nancy Pelosi to investigate global warming, the panel’s top Republican announced Wednesday.
Climate skeptics spar for gavel Rep. Dana Rohrabacher said he may be less popular than Rep. Ralph Hall (R-Texas), but the California Republican claims he is the more aggressive and better
candidate to combat climate advocates and otherwise lead the Science and Technology panel under Republican rule.
Global Warming: The secretary of energy says the U.S. doesn't need to be 100% certain humans are heating the planet to enact policies to mitigate climate
change. Apparently just a hunch will do.
Another zinger from Singer: The Cancun Climate Capers Today, Nov. 29, marks the beginning of the Cancun COP (Conference of the Parties [to the Kyoto Protocol]). This is the 16th meeting of the nearly two hundred
national delegations, which have been convening annually since the Kyoto Protocol was negotiated in 1997 at COP-3.
The Utter Futility of Reducing Carbon Emissions The attempt to reduce human carbon dioxide emissions to control global warming is completely and utterly pointless and doomed to failure. Well, perhaps I should qualify that statement a bit. [Read More] (Art Horn, ET)
Cancún climate change summit: Japan refuses to extend Kyoto protocol Talks threatened with breakdown after forthright Japanese refusal to extend Kyoto emissions commitments (Guardian)
Major eye-roller: Climate change threatening survival of human beings: delegates CANCUN, Mexico, Nov. 30 -- Participants of the United Nations Climate Change Conference agreed on Monday that climate change is threatening the survival of human beings and actions are needed to tackle the problem. (Xinhua)
Cancun climate summit: UN calls for worldwide phase out of incandescent bulbs Traditional light bulbs should be banned across the world as part of plans to help tackle climate change, according to a new United Nations report. (TDT)
Were they misled by the Met Office? Dr Vicky Pope – the Göbbels of the Met Office - puts this current freezing weather down to "climate variability", telling us that our senses are deceiving us. If you look at the long term trends, we are in fact experiencing fewer freezing winters and more heatwaves, she says. This follows suggestions from the self-same Met Office, offered at the end of October, that we should expect an "unusually dry and mild winter" – a prediction which famously relies on the same computer systems which produce the models for global warming projections. Now, as Britain grinds to a halt, we hear that the government has ordered "an urgent audit of the country's snow-readiness". Amongst other things, transport secretary, Philip Hammond, says there is "no excuse" for poor communication with stranded motorists and passengers. What might be more productive to investigate, however, is the degree to which the various authorities have been totally misled by the fools in the Met Office (again), and how much winter budgets have been trimmed as money is siphoned off into "climate change" projects. (EU Referendum)
Climate change could push staple food prices up 130% – study Report warning comes as many countries fear instability caused by rising food prices and shortages (Guardian)
Global sea-level rise at the end of the last Ice Age Southampton researchers have estimated that sea-level rose by an average of about 1 metre per century at the end of the last Ice Age, interrupted by rapid ‘jumps’ during which it rose by up to 2.5 metres per century. The findings, published in Global and Planetary Change, will help unravel the responses of ocean circulation and climate to large inputs of ice-sheet meltwater to the world ocean. (NERC)
More modeled mayhem: Many Coastal Wetlands Likely to Disappear this Century Many coastal wetlands worldwide — including several on the U.S. Atlantic coast — may be more sensitive than previously thought to climate change and
sea-level rise projections for the 21st century.
Sea Level Rise and Solar Activity Guest post by David Archibald Successful prediction of levels of solar activity suggests that prediction of other phenomena driven by solar activity might also be successful, and useful. Sea level rise is a concern of some people. President Obama said in June 2008 that his nomination in the Democratic primaries was “the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow”. The above graph shows the satellite data from the University of Colorado from late 1992. A change of trend is evident in 2004. Prior to that, sea level was rising at 4.2 mm/annum, and after 2004 at 1.5 mm/annum. 2003 was the recent peak in solar activity in terms of flares, F10.7 flux and proton flux. It is likely that the lower rate of rise post 2004 is due to lower subsequent solar activity. Continue reading (WUWT)
Effects of El Nino land South Pacific reef fish in hot water Unseasonal warm temperatures caused by El Niño have a profound effect on the fish populations of coral reefs in the South Pacific, scientists have found. An international team of biologists studied the arrival of young fish to the atoll of Rangiroa in French Polynesia for four years and compared their results with satellite and oceanographic data. They found that the El Niño event caused a sudden collapse in the plankton community and this led to a near absence of the young fish that are required to replenish adult stocks. (University of Bristol)
The Role Of Soot In The Climate System – An Excellent Article In The Economist The Economist, in its November 20 2010 issue. has an excellent article on soot (black carbon) and the climate titled Excerpts read
We have reported on several studies that document a significant role of soot (black carbon) from industrial emissions and biomass burning on the climate system; e.g. see Soot and Climate Change – A New Article By Jacobson 2010 New Paper “Black Carbon Aerosols And The Third Polar Ice Cap” By Menon Et Al 2010 New Study On The Role Of Soot Within the Climate In The Higher Latitudes And On “Global Warming” New Paper Elevates The Role Of Black Carbon In Global Warming The new Economist article is another confirmation of our conclusion in the article Pielke Sr., R., K. Beven, G. Brasseur, J. Calvert, M. Chahine, R. Dickerson, D. Entekhabi, E. Foufoula-Georgiou, H. Gupta, V. Gupta, W. Krajewski, E. Philip Krider, W. K.M. Lau, J. McDonnell, W. Rossow, J. Schaake, J. Smith, S. Sorooshian, and E. Wood, 2009: Climate change: The need to consider human forcings besides greenhouse gases. Eos, Vol. 90, No. 45, 10 November 2009, 413. Copyright (2009) American Geophysical Union where we wrote [higlight added]
(Roger Pielke Sr., Climate Science)
Why? Shell Files For Carbon Capture In Alberta Oil Sands Royal Dutch Shell Plc has applied for a C$1.35 billion ($1.31 billion) carbon capture project to cut emissions from the company's Alberta oil sands
processing operation with the aid of government funding, it said on Tuesday.
Obama Won't Allow Drilling Off Atlantic, Florida The Obama administration said on Wednesday it will not allow drilling in Atlantic Coast waters or off Florida's Gulf shoreline as part of a new five-year
offshore energy exploration plan.
Seven Years of Bad Policy: Government Maintains Offshore Drilling Ban As the rest of the world continues to drill off its respective coasts, the United States is heading in the opposite direction. The Obama Administration announced that the eastern Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic and Pacific coasts will not be part of the government’s 2012–2017 Outer Continental Shelf program, effectively banning drilling in those areas for the next seven years. The decision is a reversal from the President’s announcement in March in which he opened access to waters for offshore drilling in the Atlantic and eastern Gulf of Mexico. But even that decision did more to tighten offshore oil and gas explorations than open it. Continue reading... (The Foundry)
Government Speeds Permitting for Wind Farms as Gulf Drilling Continues to Lag Just one day after meeting with the oil and gas industry in Houma, La., last week, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar unveiled the Obama administration’s “Smart from the Start” initiative to speed up the permitting process. Only this wasn’t permitting for offshore oil drilling, but wind farms off of the East Coast. “To fully harness the economic and energy benefits of our nation’s vast Atlantic wind potential,” Salazar said, “we need to implement a smart permitting process that is efficient, thorough, and unburdened by needless red tape.” If only Salazar would apply this regulatory philosophy to offshore drilling, then perhaps the Gulf Coast region’s economy could begin to recover. Just one new deepwater drilling permit has been approved since the administration’s drilling moratorium was lifted in October — a sharp decline compared to one year ago. Continue reading... (The Foundry)
Well, what a surprise... Wind fails to turn a profit THE Tasmanian Government has been told it needs to pray for wind of "biblical proportions" to return Hydro Tasmania's wind-farm business to
Germany’s Offshore Wind: Wasted Resources, Environmental Blight by Edgar Gaertner Thousands of bureaucrats are at another cushy climate confab–this time in Cancun–while Senators Bingaman, Brownback and Reid are contemplating how to ram a federal renewable energy quota through a lame-duck session. Their prospects are not good, which should give them more time to consider the experiences of Europe and windpower. The results of this experiment in energy coercion are humbling. Germany, specifically, is in the throws of a windpower boondoggle that should be heard the world over. The general lesson is that energy forcing brings with it technological risk that must be factored into the public policy equation. A North Sea Boondoggle Barely two months after the inauguration ceremony for Germany’s first pilot offshore wind farm, “Alpha Ventus” in the North Sea, all six of the newly installed wind turbines were completely idle, due to gearbox damage. Two turbines must be replaced entirely; the other four repaired. Friends of the project, especially Germany’s environment minister, Norbert Roettgen, talked of “teething problems.” The problem is far more serious than that, for wind turbines in the high seas are extremely expensive for power consumers, even when they run smoothly. When they don’t, the problem intensifies. Germany could face blackouts – a new dark age. The Alpha Ventus failures created intense pressure for Areva Multibrid, a subsidiary of the semipublic French nuclear power company Areva. Every “standstill day,” with the expensive towering turbines standing idle and not generating a single kilowatt hour of electricity, causes lost revenue. Environmental economist and meteorologist Thomas Heinzow of the University of Hamburg estimated the operator’s revenue shortfall at almost $6,500 (€5,000) per turbine per standstill day. Instilling additional consternation within Areva was the certainly not unreasonable fear that already skittish investors could get cold feet, and wander off in search of less risky ventures. [Read more →] (MasterResource)
Pass the Methyl Eugenol (from National Review) By Elizabeth M. Whelan, Sc.D., M.P.H.
'Hands-only' CPR works, but survival still low "Hands-only" CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) is usually as effective as traditional CPR that includes mouth-to-mouth breathing - but the odds
that cardiac arrest victims will survive with minimal brain damage are still quite low, a large study from Japan finds.
North Americans get enough calcium, vitamin D Most people in the United States and Canada get plenty of vitamin D and calcium, and may damage their health by taking too many supplements, experts advised
on Tuesday.
Letter of the moment: Fluoride fighters should be saving us from so many other things HEIDI ENGELHARDT
The failure of injecting rooms Gary Christian
Rather, the concerns expressed by many in the community are evidenced—increased illicit-drug use and increased drug trafficking. Fears of a “honey-pot” effect were indeed realised. And the 180-degree media spin of injecting room supporters is not entirely to blame for the dissonance between data and declared outcome, with the evaluators themselves often providing misleading or totally erroneous conclusions or otherwise failing to make the necessary conclusions from negative data. Yet so large were the blind-spots of the various evaluation teams that they could not, or would not, countenance any troubling conclusions which failed to accord with Australia’s dominant drug policy orthodoxy of harm minimisation. This oddly occluded research optic, along with absurdly inflated claims about lives saved, has combined to snatch injecting room victory from the jaws of its inevitable demise, and so it continues today. The injecting room evaluation is just the tip of an Australian drug policy iceberg which stands embedded in our social and political landscape, monolithic and uncompromised under the warm Australian sun. Australia’s illicit-drug use, the highest in the developed world, is very possibly a result. Read Gary Christian’s Quadrant essay “Blinded by the Dominant Ideology” here… (Quadrant)
Passive smoking kills 600,000 world wide. The anti-tobacco brigade have always been the vanguard of the army of zealots who abuse science to spread alarmism and impose political correctness upon the world. Their numbers grow bigger and bigger, while their actual evidence grows smaller and smaller. It is known that direct inhalation of cigarette smoke correlates with a dramatic increase in the relative risk of lung cancer. That was established in the first (and probably the last) rigorous statistical study carried out on the subject by Sir Austin Bradford Hill, though the establishment find it more convenient to grant the acclaim to his assistant Sir Richard Doll, who was more amenable to indulging in the subsequent statistical shenanigans they required. For it was not enough just to establish that inhaling smokers were causing self harm. The elimination of tobacco, the evil icon of political correctness, however, required that they be shown to be harming others. That this was untrue was demonstrated by the failure of the EPA to achieve anything like statistical significance despite resorting to at least five clear statistical frauds. Now they don’t even pretend to do any statistics at all – they just make up the numbers and keep increasing them. As we have pointed out many times, there is ample evidence that passive smoking is not correlated with childhood asthma. In the 50s we children had more exposure to tobacco smoke in each weekly visit to the cinema than modern children get in their whole lives. Yet childhood asthma was virtually unknown. It has increased steadily ever since and is now a major health problem. Just see the little ones climbing onto the school bus clutching their inhalers. Now we are told that passive smoking kills 1,150 children worldwide from asthma and 165,000 from respiratory infections. Where is the evidence? Millions of children are dying all over the world from avoidable diseases. They are real people with real names and some of them even get post mortems and death certificates. They have been betrayed by establishment organisations such as the WHO through policies like the DDT ban and, even worse, simple neglect. The trillions of dollars going into the fraudulent Climate Change Industry could quickly eliminate these diseases for once and for all, but there is too much money on that particular bandwagon to stop it from rolling. So instead we are regaled with these turgid establishment media stories about imaginary deaths of imaginary people. Name one! So we have – Number of the month 600,000 (Number Watch)
Arsenic-polluted water toxic to Bangladesh economy Study is first to show large-scale immediate results of 'mass poisoning'
Wow! Just, wow! Turning down the Earth's temperature won't be fast, simple or inexpensive In case you haven't heard, the Earth is getting hotter, and most scientists blame mankind. The average global temperature has risen 1.3 degrees in the last
century, and the future might be quite a bit warmer. As international climate negotiators convene in Cancun, Mexico, this week, the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change is projecting that the temperature could rise as many as 10 degrees more by the year 2100 if we do nothing to stop it. Where to start with this appalling crap? How about querying why, if one-fourth of anthropogenic carbon emission is persistent for 5,000 years, does just 40% of said emissions remain in the atmosphere in one year? It's a very lossy system and according to CDIAC 60% our emissions are absorbed by photosynthesizing plant life and/or oceans in the year of emission. How does he propose 25% would persist for 5 millennia?
The United States will keep a pledge to cut greenhouse gas emissions made last year perhaps with help from a domestic boom in cleaner-burning natural gas,
Washington's lead negotiator said at the U.N. climate talks.
Another Carbon Dioxide Summit Failure, This Time At Cancun, Not Copenhagen 'Cancun" doesn't rhyme with "Copenhagen." But the results of the meeting on global carbon dioxide emissions in the Mexican resort town that
runs through Dec. 10 will undoubtedly look and sound the same as the results of the meetings held in Denmark a year ago.
U.N. climate boss: at least the weather will be better ...than the freezing mess in Eurasia and America we will describe... At least the weather will be better.And Spiegel even managed to leak this sensitive diplomatic cable. ;-) Given the fact that the climate is nothing else than the weather scrutinized over longer timescales, one may also conclude that the climate would be better in a hypothetically warmer world. ![]() Together with her fellow climatic bureaucratic parasites, Figueres is enjoying 28 °C which is, helpfully, equal to 82 °F in the Moon Palace resort above. The Europeans and Americans may compare "her weather" with the weather they are experiencing right now. » Don't Stop Reading » (TRF)
Cancun climate change summit: UN considers putting mirrors in space UN scientists are to consider moves such as putting mirrors in space and sprinkling iron in the sea in an attempt to cut global warming, the head of the IPCC said. (TDT)
Cancun has kicked off the next round of climate talks, appropriately enough near the ancestral home of the Mayans, the other mystical seers so beloved of doomsday cults. (Daily Bayonet)
Oh boy... Rising sea level threatens 'hundreds' of Caribbean resorts, says UN report Rising sea levels caused by climate change are set to cause damage of billions of dollars to the islands states of the Caribbean by the middle of the
century, including wiping out more than 300 premium tourist resorts, a remarkable new report suggested yesterday.
The New York Times' WikiLeaks Hypocrisy Bias: When leaked e-mails exposed the global warming hype to be a concocted fraud, the "newspaper of record" was in high dudgeon. When stolen
classified information appears on its front page, that's another story.
<chuckle> ALP, Greens split on carbon LABOR and the Greens have split over emissions-reduction targets in a brawl that could force Julia Gillard to introduce an interim carbon tax. This appeared as a comment on the Louise Gray article in which we were told that rationing was being proposed as a solution to the world's ills. Hat tip to Messenger.
(Bishop Hill)
Hmm... Busy 2010 Hurricane Season Ends With U.S. Unscathed The third busiest Atlantic storm season officially drew to end on Tuesday but the U.S. shoreline and its key energy producing hubs were mostly untouched by
any of the year's major storms.
Busy hurricane season? Dr. Ryan N. Maue's Global Tropical Cyclone Activity Update and Research Page Global Tropical Cyclone Accumulated Cyclone Energy [ACE] remains near decades low ... See more in the NewsBlog Figure: (Updated) Last 4-decades of Global and Northern Hemisphere Accumulated Cyclone Energy: 24 month running sums through November 22, 2010. Note that the year indicated represents the value of ACE through the previous 24-months for the Northern Hemisphere (bottom line/gray boxes) and the entire global (top line/blue boxes). The area in between represents the Southern Hemisphere total ACE. Data for the graph: File (Ryan Maue, FSU)
Why There are No Trends in Normalized Hurricane Losses The graph above shows data on normalized US hurricane losses 1900 to 2009 and was presented in a talk I gave today. Why is there no trend in the data? The two graphs below explain why. You can do the math.There are no trends in normalized damage since 1900 because there are no trends in either hurricane landfall frequency (data from NOAA) or intensity (data from Chris Landsea through 2006) over that same period (but rather, a very slight decline in both cases). If our normalization were to show a trend then it would actually have some sort of bias in it. It does not, thus we can have confidence that the societal factors are well accounted for in the normalization methodology. (Roger Pielke Jr.)
New Peer-Reviewed Paper on Global Normalized Disaster Losses The LSE Grantham Institute, funded by Munich Re (whose global loss data is shown above), has published a new peer-reviewed paper on normalized global disaster losses.Eric Neumayer and Fabian Barthel, Normalizing economic loss from natural disasters: A global analysis, Global Environmental Change, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 18 November 2010, ISSN 0959-3780, DOI: 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2010.10.004.The paper finds no evidence of upward trends in the normalized data. From the paper (emphasis added): "Independently of the method used,we find no significant upward trend in normalized disaster loss.This holds true whether we include all disasters or take out the ones unlikely to be affected by a changing climate. It also holds true if we step away from a global analysis and look at specific regions or step away from pooling all disaster types and look at specific types of disasters instead or combine these two sets of dis-aggregated analysis. Much caution is required in correctly interpreting these findings. What the results tell us is that, based on historical data, there is no evidence so far that climate change has increased the normalized economic loss from natural disasters."This result would seem to be fairly robust by now. Yet claims that global warming has led to increased disaster losses are a siren song to the media and advocates alike, with the most tenuous of claims hyped and the peer reviewed literature completely ignored. I don't expect that to change. (Roger Pielke Jr.)
Concerns with Computer Climate Studies at University of Hawaii at Manoa BY MICHAEL R. FOX PHD. – A press release from the University of Hawaii at Manoa on November 23, 2010 announced the results of a computer study by UH
climatologists which portends greater global warming in the future. Even though this was a computer study of other computer studies, the authors were correct in
pointing out that there has been great disagreement between the many existing global climate models. In most of these cases the computer models have
consistently overstated future global temperatures. We also know that estimates of future atmospheric CO2 have also been overestimated.
Further Confirmation Of A Need To Broaden Out The Assessment Of Climate Beyond CO2 Effects As reported on my weblog since its inception, a focus on CO2 as the main driver of the climate system is grossly inadequate in terms of how the real climate system works. The failure of this narrow perspective has been reported in several multi-authored papers and assessment reports; e.g. Kabat, P., Claussen, M., Dirmeyer, P.A., J.H.C. Gash, L. Bravo de Guenni, M. Meybeck, R.A. Pielke Sr., C.J. Vorosmarty, R.W.A. Hutjes, and S. Lutkemeier, Editors, 2004: Vegetation, water, humans and the climate: A new perspective on an interactive system. Springer, Berlin, Global Change – The IGBP Series, 566 pp. National Research Council, 2005: Radiative forcing of climate change: Expanding the concept and addressing uncertainties. Committee on Radiative Forcing Effects on Climate Change, Climate Research Committee, Board on Atmospheric Sciences and Climate, Division on Earth and Life Studies, The National Academies Press, Washington, D.C., 208 pp. Rial, J., R.A. Pielke Sr., M. Beniston, M. Claussen, J. Canadell, P. Cox, H. Held, N. de Noblet-Ducoudre, R. Prinn, J. Reynolds, and J.D. Salas, 2004: Nonlinearities, feedbacks and critical thresholds within the Earth’s climate system. Climatic Change, 65, 11-38. Pielke Sr., R., K. Beven, G. Brasseur, J. Calvert, M. Chahine, R. Dickerson, D. Entekhabi, E. Foufoula-Georgiou, H. Gupta, V. Gupta, W. Krajewski, E. Philip Krider, W. K.M. Lau, J. McDonnell, W. Rossow, J. Schaake, J. Smith, S. Sorooshian, and E. Wood, 2009: Climate change: The need to consider human forcings besides greenhouse gases. Eos, Vol. 90, No. 45, 10 November 2009, 413. Copyright (2009) American Geophysical Union. McAlpine, C.A., W.F. Laurance, J.G. Ryan, L. Seabrook, J.I. Syktus, A.E. Etter, P.M. Fearnside, P. Dargusch, and R.A. Pielke Sr. 2010: More than CO2: A broader picture for managing climate change and variability to avoid ecosystem collapse. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 2:1–13, DOI 10.1016/j.cosust.2010.10.001. The need to broaden out the assessment of the human role on the climate system, as well as to more accurately consider natural climate forcings and feedbacks has received important new confirmation from a new article in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. The excellent new article is Nobre et al, 2010: Addressing the complexity of the Earth system. Bull. Amer. Met. Soc. DOI:10.1175/2010BAMS3012.1. The abstract reads
with the following excerpts from the text
The excellent Nobre et al 2010 paper provides further evidence that the 2007 IPCC WG1 report was much too narrow in terms of its assessment of the climate system. While we first need to assess the predictability of the Earth system (as a necessary condition before we can possibly provide accurate forecasts (predictions), the recognition that
is an important major step forward in better reporting on the climate system. (Roger Pielke Sr., Climate Science)
From CO2 Science Volume 13 Number 47: 24 November 2010 Editorial: Journal Reviews: Yearly Sea-Ice Breakup in Western Hudson Bay: How has it changed over the past four decades? ... and what does the answer imply about the cause of the change? Millennial Cycling of Climate in Northeast Japan: What is the evidence for it? ... and what does it reveal? Effect of Elevated CO2 on Calcification by Oculina arbuscula Corals: It should be essentially imperceptible over the course of the burning of earth's entire store of fossil fuels. Effects of Elevated CO2 on Foliar Phenolics and Condensed Tannins of Three Tree Species: What are they? ... and why do we care? A Newly-Discovered Benefit of Mycorrhizal Fungi: What is it? ... and what does it have to do with CO2 ?
Ocean Acidification Project:
From CO2 Science Volume 13 Number 48: 1 December 2010 Editorial: Journal Reviews: A Little More on the History of Climate Change in the Arctic: What else does it tell us about the warming of the past several decades? Sixty Years of Snow Avalanches in the Northern French Alps: How have they been impacted by global warming? The Odds of Arctic Lichens Surviving Dramatic Global Warming: Are they dismal or fantastic? The Butterflies of Canada's Boreal Forests: How have they been affected by the regional climate warming of the past quarter-century? Bryozoan Responses to Naturally Acidified Seawater: Do they suggest we should be worried about the moss animals' future? Ocean Acidification Database: Plant Growth Database:
Petrobras confirms major oil find onshore in the Amazon region Brazilian government controlled oil and gas corporation Petrobras announced the discovery of a new crude deposit in the Amazon region, where the energy company already is developing large natural gas reserves. (MercoPress)
by Kent Hawkins Part I yesterday introduced the latest version of the Calculator (14.2), which continues to illustrate the futility of wind as a means of reducing fossil fuel consumption and CO2 emissions. This post provides more detail about the approach taken by the Calculator. As important as the subject is, there are no extensive analyses of real-time information (finely grained time intervals for long periods of time) assessing all the variables affecting electricity system behaviour as wind penetration increases. Existing analyses have some or many of the following important limiting characteristics (not necessarily an exhaustive list): · Are based solely on annual electricity production and annual averages (even statistical averaging is suspect in terms of real-time operation) of electricity generation. · Use unrealistically high wind capacity factors, including offshore projections, which in practice deliver at about the same capacity factor as assumed at the high end for onshore. · Are conducted at a macro level, say for a country or even a state, ignoring lower level considerations (eg local grid considerations) · Assume that the production from intermittent sources offsets fossil fuel consumption (and thus CO2 emissions) on a MWh basis. Some studies admit to some reduction in savings but suggest that this is small. · May do valid, but incomplete, modelling, for example short time periods, using limited fossil fuel plant performance data and ignoring the need to change fossil fuel plant types to meet the requirements of balancing wind. · Do not take into account the reduced capacity factor of wind-balancing fossil fuel plants · Assume that normal reserves are available to meet continuous intermittent wind production variations regardless of wind penetration. · Assume intermittent production is no different from short term demand changes. · Assume geographic dispersion provides significant smoothing. · Assume better wind forecasting will reduce the impact on wind balancing requirements. · Ignore seasonal and year-to-year wind conditions. · Assume grid upgrades (typically substantial capacity upgrades but sometimes disguised as “smart grid” considerations, such as smart meter implementations and demand management) will allow the introduction of extensive wind plants in a manageable manner. · Do not provide a convincing causation link between any changes in CO2 emissions and wind implementation. There are many studies with these limitations, and unfortunately, these are largely the accepted body of knowledge on the subject. In response, I developed the Calculator in an attempt to estimate these affects in a relatively simple way. [Read more →] (MasterResource)
Ontario’s Power Trip: Plug your toaster into ‘conservation’ Ontario claims huge power capacity from ‘conservation’ By Parker Gallant Brad Duguid, Ontario’s Minister of Energy, released his much-touted Long Term Energy Plan (LTEP) on Nov. 23. It promised great things, as one would expect from an expenditure of $87-billion, including no more coal plants and a wonderful world of clean energy. Ontario would be the first and possibly only jurisdiction to eliminate coal from the electricity grid! A quick trip through the plan brings you to the “Installed Capacity” chart on page 65, which shows that in 2003 the Ontario electricity system had installed capacity of 30,000 megawatts. By 2010 this had increased to almost 37,000 MW under the watch of Premier Dalton McGuinty. Looking ahead 20 years to 2030, Ontario will have 48,000 MW available to power the province. “Good things grow in Ontario” — or do they? Read More (Financial Post)
Addressing Oil Company Subsidies Following my recent essay on the elimination of the VEETC, the major ethanol subsidy in the U.S., some ethanol supporters argued for continuing the subsidies because oil companies receive subsidies. [Read More] (Robert Rapier, ET)
I came across an interesting brochure from BMW that is titled “Beyond octane: How additives in gasoline are affecting your BMW’s performance”. We have scanned and posted the one side of this brochure below (click on image for a larger view). The text that reads
This is hardly an endorsement for this fuel component that is promoted as one way to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. (Roger Pielke Sr., Climate Science)
You Can Stop Paying for Al Gore's Mistake In Greece earlier this month, Al Gore made a startling admission: "First-generation ethanol, I think, was a mistake." Unfortunately, Americans have
Gore to thank for ethanol subsidies. In 1994, then-Vice President Gore ended a 50-50 tie in the Senate by voting in favor of an ethanol tax credit that added
almost $5 billion to the federal deficit last year. And that number doesn't factor the many ways in which corn-based ethanol mandates drive up the price of food
and livestock feed.
Africa Mulls Biofuels As Land Grab Fears Grow Farmers in this iron-roof village in Sierra Leone say they didn't know what they were getting into when they leased their land for a biofuel crop they now
fear threatens their food harvests.
Desperate Gillard deceives: nuclear not “economically efficient” Andrew Bolt This deceitful rubbish, from a woman wasting millions on solar and wind power, and another $100 million a year on clean coal research:
JULIA Gillard has played down a push by senior Labor MPs for an inquiry into nuclear power, saying it’s not an economically efficient source of energy… The Prime Minister said today that she welcomed the debate on nuclear power, but warned that those arguing for its consideration in Australia’s future
energy mix faced a “tough argument"… Ms Gillard said that in Australia ”nuclear power doesn’t stack
up as an economically efficient source of power”. Nuclear is more expensive than coal-fired power, but it’s a fraction of the cost - and infinitely more reliable - than solar and wind. Just how deceitful is Gillard’s response? Martin Nicholson, Tom Biegler and Barry Brook conducted a meta-review of 25 peer-reviewed studies of electricity generating technologies published in Energy and say nothing beats nuclear if you want to slash the emissions now caused by coal-fired power. Just compare:
The Switkowski report to the Howard Government on nuclear power reached the same conclusion. The graph above is drawn from it. Is Gillard irresponsibly ill-informed, or just telling convenient untruths? UPDATE Even more deceitful is Greens Senator Christine Milne:
But what devastates a city’s future most in the long term? Nuclear power or the politics of poverty, of which the Greens are dark masters? Here is Hiroshima, 64 years after the bomb: Here is Detroit, 64 years after the bomb: More comparisons here. Now ask yourself, which city most resembles our future under the policies of the Greens? (Thanks to reader Charles. UPDATE: I’ve substituted the first picture I ran of Hiroshima, which a reader said wasn’t.) UPDATE 2 One more admission that solar power just isn’t affordable:
THE Gillard government has
moved to ease pressure on rising power prices by phasing out support for household rooftop solar panels from July next year, one year earlier than
previously planned. (Andrew Bolt)
Solar Panel subsidies: A billion dollars to provide cheap electricity to wealthy households ![]() There is no sunnier first world country than Australia. If solar was going to be a raging success anywhere, surely it would be in the land of the Sunburnt Country. Instead the Australian government has poured in more than a billion dollars to install solar panels on the roof tops of private homes. It’s a text book case of misdirected spending. In the end the government drew money from the population-at-large to help Chinese solar panel manufacturers, and to provide “cheap” electricity to 107,000 households in mostly medium-high wealth areas. It reduced Australia’s emissions by a piddling 0.015 per cent, at an exorbitant carbon price of $300/ton. Solar power is clearly not viable yet. So that billion dollars could have been spent on research to make solar power economic (in which case no subsidies
would be needed). It could have made us world leaders with a product to patent and sell (or it might not). Instead governments of both major parties chose to
pour a billion dollars into a program that never had any chance of helping the environment, or our export industry. Mere feel-good window dressing. Renewable energy makes up only 6% of Australia’s energy needs, and fossil fuels, 94%. Solar PV panels provide 0.1% of all our electricity. There is no nuclear energy industry here, despite Australia having one third of the worlds uranium. Roger Pielke, Jr. has looked closely at Australia’s emission targets and calculated that it would need 35 nuclear plants, or 8,000 “Cloncurry plants”, finished and operating in nine years time in order to meet the targets. Ponder that the single Cloncurry “plant” those numbers are based on, has been beset with set-backs. After three years in development, when I last looked, the project had only 4 mirrors of the 8,000 it was supposed to have. It was due to be finished in early 2010. Possibly not the raging success it was hoped to be. Having a solar panel on the roof used to be a badge of pride for the green-minded. But as people realize the panels took money from the poor to give cheap electricity to the wealthy and achieved almost nothing for the Australian environment or economy, surely they will become seen as the mark of the parasitic, the selfish or at best, the silly… Even progressive activists know that this doesn’t make sense. D. Brady Nelson explains that a left-leaning group at the ANU, which accepts all the assumptions of the man-made global warming (government funded) “science”, just can’t justify the exorbitant waste for so little gain. More » (Jo Nova)
This is a guest post by Roddy Campbell. Banks are turning negative on German solar, predicting demand will fall as subsidies are cut, in an environment of rapidly expanding supply of solar panels. Bloomberg, in this story, talk about ‘Supply-glut armageddon’. Meanwhile, Merrill Lynch, in a note to investors dated November 30th, report on a FT Deutschland story:
Merrill say:
Germany produces some 600 billion kwh per year of electricity. Solar produced 1% of that in 2009. That’s about the most expensive way of reducing CO2 emissions one can think of. To date Germany has installed circa 18 GW of solar capacity, and have a target of 52 GW by 2020. A trebling of installed solar might imply, one would think, at least a doubling of the cost per household, from €200 to €400 per year. Good luck with that, Angela. (And don’t forget the wind tariffs too.) Germany dominates global solar - people talk about China, but Germany took 46% of world installation in 2007, 35% in 2008, 56% in 2009, and an estimated 55% in 2010 – over 50% in total. The truth is, no-one else cares, Germany has created the global pv industry almost single-handed, in one of the least likely geographies, because of its peculiar green political history. It’s an aberration, not a sensible economic or environmental policy in any way. As Merrill go on to say:
In related news, Citibank's thinking is turning the same way:
[Updated to fix millions/billions] (Bishop Hill)