February 27, 2009
Climate Rip-off - President Obama wants to pay you to support
global warming regulation. What he isn't saying, however, is that his
enticement won't come close to covering what the regulations will cost
you. (Steve Milloy, JunkScience.com)
Plan Has $79 Billion From Cap-and-Trade in 2012 -- President Barack
Obama’s budget plan assumes $78.7 billion in revenue in 2012 from the
sale of greenhouse-gas emission permits to polluters, putting pressure on
Congress to pass legislation by early next year.
A “cap-and-trade” program would generate a total of $645.7 billion by
2019, according to the budget blueprint Obama sent to Congress today.
Initial funds would be used to invest in “clean” energy, help finance
Obama’s tax credit for workers as well as offset higher energy costs for
low- and middle-income people and clean up costs for small businesses.
$646 Billion Cap-And-Trade Green Tax - As I see it, the most important
single item in President Obama's budget is his commitment to a
cap-and-trade plan (to limit and reduce carbon emissions). It represents
nothing less than an absolutely breath-taking attempt at reengineering the
entire American economy. The White House expects the system will begin
generating revenue for the government in 2012. By auctioning off carbon
permits, the White expects the plan to bring some $80 billion a year
between from 2012 to 2019.
1) What this is, of course, is a de facto business tax that will get
passed along to workers and consumers. (Not to mention the impact on
economic growth.) And not a small tax, at that. Over that same period, the
White House expects regular corporate taxes to bring in some $3.8 trillion
dollars. So the cap-and-trade auction impose an additional 20 percent tax
or cost above that level. And remember that we already have the second
highest corporate tax rate in the world.
2) Of that $80 billion, $15 billion would go toward "clean"
energy investment. The rest would pay for his Making Work Pay tax credits.
So what we have is, in essence, an enormous wealth transfer from job
creators to consumers. (James Pethokoukis, Capital Commerce)
Obama Budget Realistic On
Climate Revenue: Analysts - WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama's
estimate of $646 billion in revenue for the first years of a
carbon-capping program to curb climate change is realistic or possibly a
little low, policy analysts said on Thursday. (Reuters)
Cap on Carbon Pollution Is A Huge Tax Increase, Republican Lawmaker Says
– In his speech to Congress Tuesday night, President Barack Obama
“committed himself to the largest annual tax increase in the history of
America,” warns a Republican congressman.
The implementation of a cap-and-trade system, something Obama favors,
would raise $300- to $330-billion a year, said Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.).
“As bad as the stimulus spending bill was, this would be much worse
because instead of being one-time spending, the cap-and-trade tax increase
would keep occurring year after year,” Inhofe said.
In his speech to Congress, Obama mentioned cap-and-trade indirectly,
asking Congress “to send me legislation that places a market-based cap
on carbon pollution and drives the production of more renewable energy in
During his presidential campaign, however, Obama was more specific. He
called for an economy-wide cap-and-trade program to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions 80 percent below 1990 levels by 2050.
A cap-and-trade program essentially creates a tax where none exists.
Industries would be forced to pay for every ton of emissions they release
– and those who pollute more could purchase “carbon credits” from
businesses that pollute less. (CNSNews.com)
Battle Lines Drawn In Capitol
Hill Climate Debate - WASHINGTON - One day after President Barack
Obama asked Congress to craft a law to cap carbon emissions, battle lines
were drawn in Congress on Wednesday over how to deal with human-spurred
climate change.
Testimony at two congressional hearings was starkly divided between such
experts as R.K. Pachauri of the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change, who called for quick action to curb emissions, and Princeton
physicist William Happer, who said increased carbon dioxide emissions
"will be good for mankind."
Happer likened the push to limit greenhouse pollution now to the
prohibition of U.S. liquor sales in the early 20th century, a
constitutional amendment that was later repealed.
"Prohibition (of liquor) was a mistake and our country has probably
still not fully recovered from the damage it did," Happer told the
Senate Environment and Public Works Committee. "Institutions like
organized crime got their start in that era. Drastic limitations on CO2
are likely to damage our country in analogous ways." (Reuters)
Worst Option on Greenhouse Gases - Eighty-five percent of everything
Americans do with energy might soon be regulated by the EPA.
Throughout the presidential campaign, and into the early days of the Obama
presidency, one thing has been crystal clear: the administration is
determined to establish strict controls over the emissions of greenhouse
gases that trap heat in the Earth’s atmosphere. The administration has
set highly aggressive targets, declaring a goal of reducing greenhouse gas
emissions by the year 2050 to 80 percent of the level emitted in 1990.
So it is no surprise that two Obama appointees, the Environmental
Protection Agency’s Lisa Jackson and former EPA administrator Carol
Browner, are eager to regulate greenhouse gases under the auspices of the
Clean Air Act. Sadly, of all the many ways in which one might control
greenhouse gases, this approach is the worst by far. (Kenneth P. Green,
The American)
Some are seeing the light: Bill
urging exit from climate initiative passes - SALT LAKE CITY -- State
lawmakers on Tuesday advanced a resolution that calls on Gov. Jon Huntsman
to get Utah out of the Western Climate Initiative, a coalition formed to
roll back greenhouse-gas emissions.
House Resolution 3, sponsored by Rep. Mike Noel, R-Kanab, passed the Utah
House 51-9. The resolution is nonbinding, but sends Huntsman a message.
(Associated Press)
wants emissions trading delayed - Plans to start emissions trading
next year are in trouble after a powerful business group withdrew its
The Australian Industry Group (Ai Group) has called for the scheme to be
delayed until 2012 because of the economic crisis.
This caps off a horror stretch for the federal government's scheme.
Industry groups, farmers and green groups are all ramping up their
opposition to the scheme. (AAP)
Shaviv: Solar fluctuations are amplified - In this dose of skeptical
peer-reviewed climatological literature, we follow a kind recommendation
by Werdna and look to Journal of Geophysical Research, Space
Physics. Nir Shaviv wrote an article called Using
the oceans as a calorimeter to quantify the solar radiative forcing.
By using three independent records linked to the heat in the world's
oceans, he deduces that a mostly unknown mechanism amplifies the total
radiative forcing connected with 11-year solar cycles by a factor between
5 and 7. [CO2
Science story] In other words, the Sun is much more important for the
energy budget than what you would think by looking at the small variations
of the total power of our beloved star. (The Reference Frame)
air regulators target tech industry emissions from semiconductor plants
- SACRAMENTO, Calif. — California air regulators on Thursday broadened
their reach into Silicon Valley, implementing rules intended to cut
greenhouse gas emissions from semiconductor plants.
The state Air Resources Board voted unanimously to regulate some of the
most potent gases produced by the semiconductor industry, which makes
chips for cell phones, computers and cars.
By Jan. 1, 2012, more than a dozen California chip manufacturers must
reduce their use of fluorinated gases. Scientists say such emissions trap
heat in the Earth's atmosphere at a rate 23,000 times higher than carbon
"The chemicals are highly potent greenhouse gases. It's important
that we begin the process of phasing them out," board chairwoman Mary
Nichols said. (Associated Press)
Capping Already Killing California Jobs - President Barack Obama
reiterated his promise to impose invasive and strict carbon caps on our
nation’s economy last night. He failed to mention what effect they would
have on our nation’s economic recovery. Fortunately for the rest of the
nation, but unfortunately for them, California has already adopted strict
new carbon capping rules. The result? They are a jobs killer. The New York
Times reports: (The Foundry)
Leave Falling Carbon Prices
Alone, Say Experts - LONDON - Falling carbon prices should not be
supported through artificial price floors or direct government
intervention, as this may deter new players and stunt the still-nascent
market's growth, carbon market experts said.
"Price floors do not exist in any other markets," said Emmanuel
Fages, a carbon analyst at France's Societe Generale and subsidiary orbeo,
on Wednesday.
"Creating one in carbon would point out this market as an outlier and
discourage regular market players, whom we depend on for the market's
ultimate success." (Reuters)
We agree but for different reasons -- the true value of this
"market" is absolute zero, zip, nada, not a thing. That clear
it up any?
Eye-roller of the moment: Britain
will become one big city in order to cope with climate change refugees
- Britain could be one high rise city by the end of the century due to the
number of migrants who will move here because their own countries have
become too hot, scientists have predicted.
If the world warms by an average of 4 degrees Celsius in the next 100
years, the worse case scenario suggested in certain climate change models,
it is expected many areas in the south of the world will become too dry to
support human life. (Daily Telegraph)
II: Risks
of global warming have been underestimated - 'Today, we have to assume
that the risks of negative impacts of climate change on humans and nature
are larger than just a few years ago,' says Hans-Martin Fuessel from the
Potsdam Institute of Climate Impact Research (PIK). Risks would increase
drastically with only small increases in global mean temperature exceeding
the 1990 level. Many ecosystems like tropical coral reefs prove to be much
more susceptible to global warming and the rising concentration of carbon
dioxide than assumed in the Third Assessment Report (TAR) by the IPCC in
2001. Extreme weather events as droughts, heat waves or tropical cyclones
occur more frequently and cause larger damages than assessed at the
beginning of this decade. (Science Centric)
III: "Gaia"
Scientist Says Life Doomed By Climate Woes - LONDON - Climate change
will wipe out most life on Earth by the end of this century and mankind is
too late to avert catastrophe, a leading British climate scientist said.
James Lovelock, 89, famous for his Gaia theory of the Earth being a kind
of living organism, said higher temperatures will turn parts of the world
into desert and raise sea levels, flooding other regions.
His apocalyptic theory foresees crop failures, drought and death on an
unprecedented scale. The population of this hot, barren world could shrink
from about seven billion to one billion by 2100 as people compete for
ever-scarcer resources.
"It will be death on a grand scale from famine and lack of
water," Lovelock told Reuters in an interview on Wednesday. "It
could be a reduction to a billion (people) or less."
By 2040, temperatures in European cities will rise to an average of 110
Fahrenheit (43 Celsius) in summer, the same as Baghdad and parts of Europe
in the 2003 heatwave. (Reuters)
Significant because people generally overstate willingness to pay
for intangibles and because ANU is a bastion of Socialism: Carbon
scheme a high price to pay: Survey - Australians are willing to put
their money where their mouth is to address climate change, but not to pay
anywhere near the expected costs of the government’s Carbon Pollution
Reduction Scheme (CPRS), according to a survey from researchers at The
Australian National University.
The study by PhD student Sonia Akter and Professor Jeff Bennett of the ANU
Crawford School of Economics and Government investigated the benefits of
the CPRS and compared them to the costs of the scheme. The pair surveyed
600 Sydney residents to find out their willingness to pay the extra
household costs the CPRS is likely to generate.
The study results show that Australians are concerned about climate change
and they are willing to pay for action. However, those levels of concern
and willingness to pay are significantly less than the expected costs from
Treasury modelling.
“The survey respondents were willing to pay an extra $135 per household
each month towards the CPRS,” said Professor Bennett. “But when
aggregated across the nation, this represents $8.46 billion per annum –
significantly less than the Treasury estimated cost of $14.7 billion per
“Does this mean that the Australian public is ill-informed about climate
change? To the contrary, the study shows how clearly the Australian public
is thinking through the matter. The results show that the uncertainties
surrounding both climate change and the effectiveness of climate change
policy weigh heavily on people’s minds.
Professor Bennett said that debates about the relative merits of an
emission trading scheme, such as the CPRS, and a tax on carbon emissions
are misplaced – because both will leave the country poorer. (Australian
National University)
Top Solar Companies Offer Dour
View Of 2009 - LOS ANGELES/FRANKFURT - Three of the world's top solar
power companies on Tuesday offered a dour view of the industry as it
struggles with a dearth of funding options for new projects that has
driven up supplies and sent prices on solar panels falling. (Reuters)
Oops! They've done it again (wonder if they'll notice?): North
Atlantic Climate Shift See-Saws On South: Study - OSLO - Any abrupt
climate changes in the North Atlantic region have a quick see-saw effect
on the South Atlantic and affect weather around the globe rather than just
locally, scientists said on Wednesday.
A study of ocean sediments from the last Ice Age in the South Atlantic
backed theories that a sudden cooling or warming of the Northern
Hemisphere causes an opposite effect in the south, they said.
Until now, scientists studying rapid temperature swings, caused by natural
variations during the Ice Age that ended 10,000 years ago, lacked clear
evidence of the see-saw link. Study of the chemical makeup of ocean
sediments helped reconstruct ancient temperatures.
"Very large and abrupt changes in temperature recorded over Greenland
and across the North Atlantic during the last Ice Age were actually global
in extent," Cardiff University said of the study. (Reuters)
Remember all that nonsense about "don't worry about the Medieval
Climate Optimum, it was strictly a North Atlantic event"? Now they
admit these are global events. Moreover, research from around the world
has shown that, while heat transfer is apparently initially concentrated
to one hemisphere or the other, the warm (or cold) event sweeps the
globe and may take a matter of centuries to traverse the hemispheres.
Despite all the hand waving Earth's relatively recent past has been
alternately warmer and cooler and now we are in a warmer phase.
Inevitably it will cool again and may already be doing so.
Human Effect On The Climate System Involves A Diverse Set Of Heterogeneous
Climate Forcings - A Focus On Carbon Dioxide Is Too Narrow - There
continues to be a focus on carbon dioxide as the dominate human climate
forcing (e.g. see). This is too narrow an approach to how society should
reduce its risk to climate, and will have little actual affect on the
weather and climate.
In July 2005, Climate Science published a weblog that highlighted the
importance of spatial variations in climate forcings on the weather and
climate that we experience. This perspective emphasized that the correct
approach to climate policy is to recognize and respond to the actual
diversity of human climate forcings. The scientific literature supports
the conclusion given below:
The human influence on climate is significant and involves a diverse range
of first-order climate forcings, including, but not limited to the human
input of CO2. (Roger Pielke Sr., Climate Science)
secretary throws himself into climate debate, guns blazing - SAN
FRANCISCO -- When it comes to climate change, apparently Al Gore isn't the
only Nobel laureate intent on shaking up the American public.
Enter Steven Chu, the new Energy secretary, who won the Nobel Prize as a
physicist before getting into national politics. In his first interview as
a Cabinet secretary earlier this month, Chu warned of a pending climate
catastrophe that could see California's farm industry vanish and its
snowpack nearly eliminated.
Chu was in office for less than two weeks when he sat down with the Los
Angeles Times to convey an aggressive, home-grown view of global warming (Greenwire,
Feb. 4). A Californian, Chu said his home state is in serious trouble over
the next century unless action is taken to halt greenhouse gas emissions.
In jeopardy, he seemed to say, is not only a massive economic engine but a
way of life. "We're looking at a scenario where there's no more
agriculture in California," Chu told the L.A. Times, adding that up
to 90 percent of the vital snowpack in the Sierra Nevada could disappear
by the end of the century.
His intent in making the dire projections was clear: "I'm hoping that
the American people will wake up," Chu said in the interview.
But how true are these predictions? As with most things related to climate
science, that depends on whom you ask. (Colin Sullivan, ClimateWire)
Rich-Nation 2020 Greenhouse
Gas Cuts Seen At 15 Percent - OSLO - Rich nations have converged on
targets of around 15 percent for cutting greenhouse gases by 2020, but
recession across much of the world could impede efforts to agree a new
U.N. climate pact by the end of the year.
Cuts of 15 percent from current levels would fall far short of reductions
advised by U.N.-backed scientists, but the recession is limiting
government ambitions, analysts say.
"We're beginning to see a rough alignment for the numbers for
developed countries," said Elliot Diringer of the Pew Center on
Global Climate Change in Washington, of proposals for cuts of around 15
The United Nations said deeper cuts were needed. (Reuters)
Obama Budget Seeks To End Oil,
Natgas Tax Breaks - WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama's budget
outline on Thursday called for eliminating substantial tax breaks and
increasing fees for the oil and natural gas industry, while boosting
funding for cleaner fuel development.
Obama has made transforming the way Americans use energy a priority for
his presidency. He has pledged to double U.S. renewable energy production
in three years and wants 10 percent of electricity to come from clean
energy sources by 2012. (Reuters)
Coen Brothers Do Clean Coal - Even as President Obama continues to
push for development of “clean coal” — a broad term used widely by
the coal industry to describe traditional coal energy generation outfitted
with a variety of emissions-capturing technologies — the effort to
portray that idea as mere greenwash continues apace.
The latest salvo (above) enlists the directorial expertise — and no
doubt the dry wit — of brothers Joel and Ethan Coen, the creators of
popular oddball films like “Fargo” and “The Big Lebowski.” The duo
took part at the invitation of the Reality Coalition, a partnership of
big-hitter environmental groups spearheaded by the Alliance for Climate
Protection and dedicated to the proposition that the idea of “clean
coal” is, at least for now, bunkum. (Green Inc.)
But carbon dioxide is an essential trace gas in historically low
supply, it is not an atmospheric "pollutant" by any rational
E.ON Explores New Technology
For Dutch Coal Plant - FRANKFURT - German utility E.ON said on
Wednesday it has teamed up with a Dutch public sector partner to equip a
planned coal-fired power station in Rotterdam with technology to capture
carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. (Reuters)
Stimulus - Shovel-ready stimulus? How about one that'll create at
least a million jobs, give our economy a multitrillion-dollar boost, make
our nation energy-secure and won't cost us a penny?
Not surprisingly, oil company CEOs are alarmed at U.S. refusal to drill
for new energy sources badly needed to fuel our economy into the middle of
this century and beyond.
In testimony before Congress this week, they drove home the point that the
U.S. is making a huge mistake in ignoring its own vast energy resources,
imperiling our economic future. (IBD)
Executive Speaks to Congress About the Outer Continental Shelf - Mr.
Chairman, Ranking Member Hastings and members of the Committee: My name is
Gary Luquette, President of Chevron North America Exploration and
Production Company. I have the honor today of representing Chevron's
28,000 employees that live and work in the U.S. before your committee
Our nation is confronting serious economic challenges. I appreciate this
opportunity to share with your committee how the oil and gas industry and
Chevron can assist our nation in the economic recovery process. There are
two ways the industry can help: By enhancing America's energy security and
by creating more jobs and more revenue for federal, state and local
To the urgent goal of addressing both energy and economy, I'll speak
briefly about two things: Why the development of the Outer Continental
Shelf [OCS], including the former moratoria areas, is essential, and how
we can do it in a responsible and sustainable way. (Oil & Gas News)
Meanwhile in the Russian Arctic, GazProm
are busy: The Shtokman gas condensate deposit lies in the Barents
Sea, in the north of Russia. The timing of the project is intended to
coincide with an increase in demand for LNG, principally from the US
market and the search for operational partners focuses on the need for
external expertise in LNG transport and deep water / long distance gas
Oil Execs Push Congress For
Offshore Drilling - WASHINGTON - Executives from major oil companies
told Congress on Wednesday that more offshore areas should be opened to
drilling to boost domestic energy supplies and reduce America's reliance
on petroleum imports.
Oil companies have their best shot in nearly three decades to search for
energy supplies in new offshore areas after both congressional and
presidential bans on expanding offshore drilling expired last year.
President Barack Obama has said he could support some expanded offshore
drilling as part of a comprehensive plan to help solve America's energy
"The need for making more oil and natural gas available to Americans
is clear. The United States' continued economic growth and prosperity
depend on access to reliable and affordable supplies of energy," Tim
Cejka, president of ExxonMobil Exploration Co, testified at a House
Natural Resources Committee hearing on offshore drilling.
"Here in the U.S., we have deliberately constrained our own supply by
limiting access to promising areas for leasing, exploration and
development," said Lamar McKay, president of BP America.
McKay pointed to government estimates that predict the offshore areas that
have been off limits to exploration could hold 17.8 billion barrels of oil
and 76 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. The United States must import
about 65 percent of its petroleum supplies. (Reuters)
Real energy jobs: Toshiba
awarded nuclear plant design-construction contract - STP Nuclear
Operating Co., the entity responsible for managing the South Texas
Project, has awarded Toshiba Corp. an engineering, procurement and
construction contract for the delivery of two advanced boiler-water
reactor nuclear power units. (Nuclear News)
U.S. Gas Drilling Boom Stirs
Water Worries - HICKORY, Penn - On a snowy hillside in rural southwest
Pennsylvania, Larry Grimm drives his truck up a steep gravel track to a
hilltop reservoir surrounded by orange plastic fencing and "keep
out" signs.
The pond supplies water pumped from a local creek to the natural gas wells
that are springing up throughout Mount Pleasant Township, where Grimm is
the municipal supervisor.
Range Resources Corp, the Texas company that has drilled 68 wells in the
township, needs millions of gallons of water for "hydrofracking,"
a process that forces a chemical-laden solution deep into the rock,
allowing natural gas to be released.
The technique is being repeated at hundreds of other sites in Pennsylvania
and parts of surrounding states as energy companies scramble to exploit
the Marcellus Shale, one of America's biggest natural gas formations,
which some geologists believe contains enough recoverable gas to meet
total U.S. needs for a decade or more.
At a time when America is stepping up efforts to reduce its dependence on
foreign energy, the Marcellus appears to offer an abundant alternative
close to America's biggest natural gas market, the northeast. (Reuters)
U.S. Interior Scraps Bush
Research Oil Shale Leases - WASHINGTON - A Bush administration plan
for more research, development and demonstration oil shale leases will be
scrapped because the proposal is flawed and royalties to the government
are too low, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said on Wednesday.
"If oil shale technology proves to be viable on a commercial scale,
taxpayers should get a fair rate of return from their resource," he
Salazar also took issue with the size of the oil shale leases offered in
January, which covered areas four times larger than six parcels currently
leased for research. (Reuters)
Zeroes In on Calories, Not Diet, for Loss - For people who are trying
to lose weight, it does not matter if they are counting carbohydrates,
protein or fat. All that matters is that they are counting something.
That is the finding of the largest-ever controlled study of weight-loss
methods published on Wednesday in The New England Journal of Medicine.
More than 800 overweight adults in Boston and Baton Rouge, La., were
assigned to one of four diets that reduced calories through different
combinations of fat, carbohydrates and protein. Each plan cut about 750
calories from a participant’s normal diet, but no one ate fewer than
1,200 calories a day.
While the diets were not named, the eating plans were all loosely based on
the principles of popular diets like Atkins, which emphasizes low
carbohydrates; Dean Ornish, which is low-fat; or the Mediterranean diet,
with less animal protein. All participants also received group or
individual counseling.
After two years, every diet group had lost — and regained — about the
same amount of weight regardless of what diet had been assigned.
Participants lost an average of 13 pounds at six months and had maintained
about 9 pounds of weight loss and a two-inch drop in waist size after two
years. While the average weight loss was modest, about 15 percent of
dieters lost more than 10 percent of their weight by the end of the study.
Still, after about a year many returned to at least some of their usual
eating habits.
The lesson, researchers say, is that people lose weight if they lower
calories, but it does not matter how. (New York Times)
Pay for Health Care, Obama Looks to Taxes on Affluent - WASHINGTON —
President Obama will propose further tax increases on the affluent to help
pay for his promise to make health care more accessible and affordable,
calling for stricter limits on the benefits of itemized deductions taken
by the wealthiest households, administration officials said Wednesday.
The tax proposal, coming after recent years in which wealth has become
more concentrated at the top of the income scale, introduces a politically
volatile edge to the Congressional debate over Mr. Obama’s domestic
The president will also propose, in the 10-year budget he is to release
Thursday, to use revenues from the centerpiece of his environmental policy
— a plan under which companies must buy permits to exceed pollution
emission caps — to pay for an extension of a two-year tax credit that
benefits low-wage and middle-income people. (New York Times)
World Lags In Breeding
Climate-Proof Crops: Experts - OSLO - The world is running out of time
to develop new seed varieties to confront climate change and head off food
shortages that could affect billions of people, experts said.
Marking the first anniversary on Thursday of the opening of a
"doomsday" seed vault on the island of Spitsbergen in the
Norwegian Arctic, they said that people in Africa and Asia were most at
risk from a lack of climate-proof crops. (Reuters)
So stop paying undue attention to antibiotech whiners then.
Companies should disclose water use - FRESNO, Calif. -- As more
companies become conscious of their carbon footprint, a new movement is
urging corporations to track their "water footprint" as well, or
risk financial losses as freshwater supplies dry up around the globe.
Major corporations such as Coca-Cola Co. now disclose the amount of water
they use in financial reports, in an attempt to show investors they can
confront threats to their water supply, according to a study released
Thursday by the nonprofit Pacific Institute. (Associated Press)
February 26, 2009
Scores Zero on Econ 101 - In his first address to Congress, President
Obama said that the “stimulus” legislation and other short-term
economic policies were necessary to prevent a decade-long recession. He
then went on to advocate energy and global warming policies that will
foster a perpetual recession. First, he promised that federal funding and
mandates will make the United States the world leader in renewable energy
technologies. As an article that might have been published in the Onion
but actually appeared in the Los Angeles Times last week noted, the only
thing holding renewable energy technologies back is a number of necessary
technological breakthroughs that will make them work. Apparently, our
President is too young to have learnt that the federal government has been
throwing taxpayer money at renewables since the 1970s.
The President then called on the Congress to send him cap-and-trade
legislation that would make renewable energy profitable by raising the
price of conventional energy produced from burning coal, oil, and natural
gas. Yes, renewable energy will become profitable, many jobs will be
created, and we’ll have to settle for a significantly lower standard of
living as a result. The sad fact is that the new Administration has some
highly-regarded establishment Democratic economists in it, but is for some
reason pursuing economically illiterate and consequently disastrous
policies. (Myron Ebell, Cooler Heads)
Really? Barack
Obama adds fuel to carbon debate - INTERNATIONAL momentum towards an
agreement on climate change was boosted yesterday when US President Barack
Obama urged Congress to draft legislation for a cap-and-trade emissions
trading system.
Australian observers said the speech had "breathed life" into
international talks for a climate change deal, even though White House
officials said the US legislation might not pass Congress before
negotiations in Copenhagen later this year.
The Climate Institute of Australia's chief executive, John Connor, said:
"Obama breathed new life into a global approach and he rang the bell
on the way clean energy can be part of the economic stimulus."
The Rudd Government has been under attack for moving too quickly with its
emissions trading plans, while the rest of the world has second thoughts
because of the global economic crisis.
Recent comments by new US Energy Secretary Steven Chu floating the idea of
a carbon tax added to concerns that Australia could be isolated. (The
change timetable slips as Obama backtracks on 2008 deadline - Campaign
pledge to quickly pass laws to cut emissions faltering in the first weeks
of his presidency
Barack Obama has been forced to slow down early legislation to reduce the
CO2 emissions that cause global warming, a key green objective of his
Officials conceded that Congress is unlikely to pass such legislation by
the end of 2009, a delay that could hurt efforts to reach a global treaty
at the climate change conference in Copenhagen this December.
It also frustrates hopes that last week's huge infusion of green
investment in the $787bn (£546bn) economic rescue plan would give
momentum to efforts to cut greenhouse gas emissions. (The Guardian)
hot air needed - The debate on how to reduce greenhouse emissions
isn't over
BY committing Australia to a carbon trading scheme before the Copenhagen
conference on climate change in December, the Government is setting its
strategy in stone without knowing what the rest of the world will do. This
does not bother Climate Change Minister Penny Wong, who is adamant her
carbon pollution reduction scheme will go ahead and that anybody who wants
to argue is either a job destroyer or a climate change sceptic. But while
Senator Wong is obviously enamoured of her plan, opponents of the CPRS,
including discrete critics in the Government's ranks, are not so easily
dismissed. (The Australian)
panic not so cool - Steven Hayward reviews
nine of the latest green books, and detects the beginning of the end
of eco-alarmism:
“On what principle is it,” wondered Thomas Babington Macaulay in
1830, “that when we see nothing but improvement behind us, we are to
expect nothing but deterioration before us?” Environmentalism didn’t
exist in its current form in Macaulay’s time, or he would easily have
discerned its essential pessimism bordering at times on a loathing of
humanity. A trip down the environment and earth sciences aisle of any
larger bookstore is usually a tour of titles that cover the narrow range
from dismay to despair…
Yet some cracks are starting to appear in their dreary and repetitive
story line. Although extreme green ideology won’t go away any time
soon—the political and legal institutions of the environmental movement
are too well established—there are signs that the public and a few
next-generation environmentalists are ready to say goodbye to all that…
Opinion surveys show that the public isn’t jumping on the global warming
bandwagon despite a multi-million dollar marketing campaign and full-scale
media hysteria. More broadly there are signs that “green fatigue” is
setting in. Magazine publishers recently reported that their special Earth
Day “green” issues generated the lowest newsstand sales of all issues
published in 2008. (Andrew Bolt Blog)
have an extremely selfish population’ - Ben Pile talks to a member
of the UK Climate Change Committee — and to one of its staunchest
In November 2008, the UK’s Climate Change Act was passed, committing the
country to an 80 per cent cut in CO2 emissions by 2050. Politicians, NGOs,
journalists and activists welcomed the target, but to meet it many
far-reaching changes in our working- and day-to-day lives will be
necessary, the extent of which is rarely discussed. (Ben Pile, sp!ked)
End of Journalism and the Death of Science - James Lovelock, the
British chemist and alleged expert on climate change, suggests that 80% of
mankind will be wiped out by climate change and that the hot planet will
last for 100,000 years. So persuasive is his assertion that it was
asserted on BBC World’s HARDtalk as a fact today. What ever happened to
science and to journalism? (The Murgatroyd Blog)
Come Out for House and Senate Hearings - The House and the Senate held
competing A-list hearings on global warming on Wednesday at 10AM.
Testifying before the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee was
Dr. Rajendra K. Pachauri, the Chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change. Testifying before the House Ways and Means Committee was
Dr. James E. Hansen, whom the committee described as an Adjunct Professor
at Columbia University’s Earth Institute. He is of course also Director
of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies. I tried to watch both
hearings on the internet and thereby undoubtedly missed a lot of good
stuff as I switched back and forth. Interestingly, Pachauri, an economist
and engineer, talked mostly about global warming science, while Hansen, an
astronomer, talked mostly about economics. Pachauri was utterly dreary.
Hansen was an interesting mix. He inveighed against cap-and-trade as an
ineffective scam designed to pay off big business. He instead endorsed a
stiff carbon tax with 100% of revenues rebated to consumers.
When asked by Rep. Earl Pomeroy (D-ND) about what would happen to North
Dakota and its near-total reliance on brown coal for producing
electricity, Hansen said that employment in the coal industry would go
down, but that North Dakota had lots of potential for wind power and
potentially for growing well-designed bio-fuels. He observed that these
new industries might create more jobs than would be lost in the coal
industry. That is true. One of the ways to create jobs is to make
production and use of capital less efficient. For example, there would be
tens of millions, probably even hundreds of millions, of new jobs in North
Dakota and throughout rural America if mechanized agriculture were banned.
Then the federal government could throw billions of dollars of taxpayer
money into improving farming technology. Think of the breakthroughs that
could be made with revolutionary new horse-drawn plows, etc.
The Republican witnesses—Professor William Happer at the Senate hearing
and Professor John Christy at the House hearing—were articulate,
intelligent, and scientifically accurate. Christy made a strong case
against energy poverty. Naturally, most Senators and Representatives were
unimpressed and unhappy with them. (Myron Ebell, Cooler Heads)
Tells Congress: Earth in ‘CO2 Famine’ - ‘The increase of CO2 is
not a cause for alarm and will be good for mankind’
‘Children should not be force-fed propaganda, masquerading as science’
Washington, DC — Award-winning Princeton University Physicist Dr. Will
Happer declared man-made global warming fears “mistaken” and noted
that the Earth was currently in a “CO2 famine now.” Happer, who has
published over 200 peer-reviewed scientific papers, made his remarks
during today’s Environment and Public Works Full Committee Hearing
entitled “Update
on the Latest Global Warming Science.”
“Many people don’t realize that over geological time, we’re really
in a CO2 famine now. Almost never has CO2 levels been as low as it has
been in the Holocene (geologic epoch) – 280 (parts per million - ppm)
– that’s unheard of. Most of the time [CO2 levels] have been at least
1000 (ppm) and it’s been quite higher than that,” Happer told the
Senate Committee. To read Happer’s complete opening statement click
here. (EPW Blog)
debate on climate change, exaggeration is a common pitfall - In the
effort to shape the public's views on global climate change, hyperbole is
an ever-present temptation on all sides of the debate.
Earlier this month, former Vice President Al Gore and the Washington Post
columnist George Will made strong public statements about global warning
from starkly divergent viewpoints.
Gore, addressing a hall filled with scientists in Chicago, showed a slide
that illustrated a sharp spike in fires, floods and other calamities
around the world and warned the audience that global warming "is
creating weather-related disasters that are completely
Will, in a column attacking what he said were exaggerated claims about
global warming's risks, chided climate scientists for predicting an ice
age three decades ago and asserted that a pause in warming in recent years
and the recent expansion of polar sea ice undermined visions of calamity
Both men, experts said afterward, were guilty of inaccuracies and
overstatements. (Andrew C. Revkin, IHT)
Andy has this at least partly right, although he's still a believer.
So what do we actually know? Not as much as most people seem to think.
- We don't really know the Earth's global mean temperature
- We don't know what the Earth's temperature "should be"
- We don't know if any optimum mean temperature exists
- We don't know what would constitute an optimum mean temperature
- We don't know if a mean temperature is even a valid climate metric
- We do not know if doubling or even quadrupling atmospheric carbon
dioxide is capable of making an observable difference in the
climate system
- No one has demonstrated any evidence an increase in the
essential trace gas carbon dioxide is anything but beneficial
Ever-worsening hysteria and nonsense: Polar
regions found warming fast, raising sea levels - GENEVA - The Arctic
and Antarctic regions are warming faster than previously thought, raising
world sea levels and making drastic global climate change more likely than
ever, international scientists said on Wednesday.
New evidence of the trend was uncovered by wide-ranging research in the
two areas over the past two years in a United Nations-backed program
dubbed the International Polar Year (IPY), they said.
"Snow and ice are declining in both polar regions, affecting human
livelihoods as well as local plant and animal life in the Arctic as well
as global atmospheric circulation and sea-level," according to a
summary of a report by the researchers.
An assessment of the findings of the research was still being refined,
said the IPY's "State of Polar Research" report.
"But it now appears certain that both the Greenland and the Antarctic
ice sheets are losing mass and thus raising sea level, and that the rate
of ice loss from Greenland is growing," it said.
"New data also confirm that warming in the Antarctic is much more
widespread than it was thought prior to IPY." (Reuters)
Apparently they haven't caught up with the errors that lead to the
one false (and model-generated) conclusion of general Antarctic warming
being used to overturn a half-century of observation. Nor, apparently,
are they aware of apparent mass increase in Antarctic snow and ice
volume (sometimes offered as "proof" of atmospheric warming
and moistening), same for the bulk of the Greenland ice shield with some
regional peripheral ice loss and increase inland and at altitude. There
is no evidence of accelerated ice loss nor of long-term change in the
rate of sea level rise (it has been rising since the end of the last
great glaciation although much more slowly now than say, 10,000 years
Oh dear... misperceptions abound: Apple
shareholders vote down 'say on pay,' criticize handling of Jobs' health
disclosure - Apple shareholders generally approve of the way its board
and executives are running the company, but that doesn't mean they
wouldn't improve a few things.
Still, underneath the amity of the voting results were some signs of
discord. Given the chance to speak at the meeting, individual investors
and shareholder activists criticized the company's leaders for Apple's
environmental policies, the way they handled disclosures about Jobs'
health and for the company's decision to pull out of the Macworld trade
Al Gore, the former vice president and current Apple board member, drew
particular scrutiny. Gore, a Nobel Prize laureate for his activism on
climate change, drew particular criticism for not forcing Apple to make a
stronger stand on the issue.
There's a disconnect between Apple having on its board one of the
world's foremost authorities on global warming and the company's lack
of commitment to reduce greenhouse gases, noted Conrad MacKerron, director
of the Corporate Social Responsibility Program at As You Sow, an activist
group. (Troy Wolverton, Mercury News) [em added]
signals end of ‘free lunches’ on climate finance - China and India
must play their full part in fighting climate change and accept that
programmes financed by the West to modernise their industries will only
come in return for making genuine efforts at home, warns the EU's chief
climate negotiator in an interview with EurActiv.
Artur Runge-Metzger, head of international climate change negotiations at
the European Commission, said carbon markets are going to play a central
role in the transition to a low-carbon economy in the developing world
But he stressed that advanced developing countries need to raise their
game, as the number of Western-backed projects financed under the UN's
Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) will be limited.
"Some have had a very good experience with the CDM, and they
benefited a lot from it, like China, India and Brazil," said Runge-Metzger.
"They would certainly like to keep that instrument."
Western countries, he argued, should request the most advanced developing
nations to make commitments in exchange for much-needed technologies such
as carbon capture and storage. "Of course, if there is a free lunch,
why should you not ask for three or four free lunches?," asked the EU
official. (EurActiv)
Plenty of conspiracy theories in the comments :) NASA's
Carbon Satellite Fails & NASA
Rocket Crash Claims The Life of First Global Warming Research Satellite
-- thanks to everyone who sent links.
boffins: Global warming isn't man-made - Climate science is 'ancient
astrology', claims report
Japanese scientists have made a dramatic break with the UN and
Western-backed hypothesis of climate change in a new report from its
Energy Commission.
Three of the five researchers disagree with the UN's IPCC view that recent
warming is primarily the consequence of man-made industrial emissions of
greenhouse gases. Remarkably, the subtle and nuanced language typical in
such reports has been set aside.
One of the five contributors compares computer climate modelling to
ancient astrology. Others castigate the paucity of the US ground
temperature data set used to support the hypothesis, and declare that the
unambiguous warming trend from the mid-part of the 20th Century has
The report by Japan Society of Energy and Resources (JSER) is astonishing
rebuke to international pressure, and a vote of confidence in Japan's
native marine and astronomical research. Publicly-funded science in the
West uniformly backs the hypothesis that industrial influence is primarily
responsible for climate change, although fissures have appeared recently.
Only one of the five top Japanese scientists commissioned here concurs
with the man-made global warming hypothesis.
JSER is the academic society representing scientists from the energy and
resource fields, and acts as a government advisory panel. The report
appeared last month but has received curiously little attention. So The
Register commissioned a translation of the document - the first to appear
in the West in any form. Below you'll find some of the key findings - but
first, a summary. (Andrew Orlowski, The Register)
Everyone needs a laugh: Forget
the economy: British scientist says global warming will kill most life on
Earth - Here is a little something to take your mind off of the
A British climate researcher says that by the end of this century most of
life on Earth will be gone. And there is nothing we can do to stop it.
James Lovelock, well-known for his Gaia theory of the Earth, told Reuters
that rising temperatures will cause rising sea levels and worldwide
Lovelock predicts that the human population could drop down to less than
one billion from the seven billion alive now.
"It will be death on a grand scale from famine and lack of
water," he said.
Lovelock says that even if we could get carbon dioxide emissions to zero,
it is too late to stop the apocalypse.
"It is a bit like a supertanker. You can't make it stop by just
turning the engines off," he told Reuters.
There, the economy doesn't seem like such a big deal now, does it? (Scott
Maniquet, National Post)
Arctic Ice Is Latest Climate Falsehood - In May, 2008, the National
Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) predicted that the North Pole could be
ice free during last years melt season. The disappearing northern sea ice
has been pointed to by global warming alarmists as visible proof that the
Earth was doing a melt down. Today, however, the NSIDC announced that they
have been the victims of “sensor drift” that caused them to
underestimate the Arctic ice extent by as much as 500,000 square
kilometers. It turns out that the demise of the arctic ice was greatly
exaggerated. (Doug L. Hoffman, The Resilient Earth)
Will Climate
Go Over The Edge? - Even a miracle of diplomacy wouldn't put global
warming back in its box.
There is something compelling, in a ghoulish sort of way, about the notion
that earth's climate may be headed toward a tipping point. The idea gained
broad currency in 2007, when a panel of scientists, including Harvard
environmental expert John Holdren—now the White House science
adviser—warned that the planet is approaching a threshold beyond which
damage to the environment would be irreversible. As policymakers work
toward a climate treaty in Copenhagen in December that will include new
limits on emissions, the question in the back of everyone's mind is
whether an agreement can halt the warming trend, or at least stave off the
worst consequences. Or is it already too late? A definitive answer isn't
forthcoming, but the signs in recent months have been gloomy.
The truth is shrouded by a big scientific unknown: how quickly does
climate respond to changes in carbon levels? After 30 years of research,
the link between the two is still imprecise. That's why temperature trends
are expressed within wide confidence intervals. The Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change, the U.N. group, puts the odds at two in three
that a doubling of carbon levels in the atmosphere from pre-industrial
levels would raise average temperatures anywhere from 2 degrees C to 4.5
degrees C. The difference between the top and bottom of this range,
according to the 2007 report, spells the difference between bad and
catastrophic. (Some scientists believe, for instance, that crop yields
decline 10 percent for each degree rise in temperature.) Where future
generations wind up on the scale—or even if they fall on the scale at
all—is still a roll of the dice. (Fred Guterl, NEWSWEEK)
'may lay waste' to parts of US - The world's pre-eminent climate
scientists produced a blunt assessment of the impact of global warming on
the US yesterday, warning of droughts that could reduce the American
south-west to a wasteland and heatwaves that could make life impossible
even in northern cities.
In an update on the latest science on climate change, the US Congress was
told that melting snow pack could lead to severe drought from California
to Oklahoma. In the midwest, diminishing rains and shrinking rivers were
lowering water levels in the Great Lakes, even to the extent where it
could affect shipping. (The Guardian)
to address forest loss may prove catastrophic - Ignoring issues like
deforestation and global warming will prove more costly than attempts to
bail out the global banking system, writes JOHN GIBBONS. (Irish Times)
Warming Is Not a Crisis' - Climate change is big news these days, from
melting mountain glaciers to warming seas. But is the buildup of carbon
dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere leading to a crisis?
That was the question at the core of a recent Oxford-style debate called
Intelligence Squared U.S. The series is based on the Intelligence Squared
program that began in London in 2002. Three experts argue in favor of a
motion; three others argue against it.
In this debate, the proposition was: "Global Warming Is Not a
Crisis." In a vote before the debate, about 30 percent of the
audience agreed with the motion, while 57 percent were against and 13
percent undecided. The debate seemed to affect a number of people:
Afterward, about 46 percent agreed with the motion, roughly 42 percent
were opposed and about 12 percent were undecided. (NPR)
business: 2340 climate lobbyists - After years of resistance from the
Bush administration, global warming advocates are convinced the time has
come for passage of major climate change legislation.
But even with a sympathetic White House and Congress, the years of delay
might well have complicated their task as an army of lobbyists assembled
to do battle over the issue.
A Center for Public Integrity analysis of Senate lobbying disclosure forms
shows that more than 770 companies and interest groups hired an estimated
2,340 lobbyists to influence federal policy on climate change in the past
year, as the issue gathered momentum and a bill came to a vote in
That’s an increase of more than 300 percent in the number of global
warming lobbyists since 2003, when Congress previously voted on climate
change legislation, and means that Washington can now boast more than four
climate lobbyists for every member of Congress.
It also means that 15 percent of all Washington lobbyists spent at least
some of their time on global warming last year, based on a tally of the
total number of influence peddlers on Capitol Hill by the Center for
Responsive Politics.
The center estimates that lobbying expenditures on climate change last
year topped $90 million. About 130 businesses and interest groups spent
more than $23.5 million on lobbying teams solely focused on climate, but
that vastly understates the money devoted to the effort. (Marianne Lavelle
- Center for Public Integrity)
Some people are seriously against lobbying, although I have no
particular issues with it -- often times there is no other way for
interested parties to be heard. The flaws in the system are exposed when
non-issues like gorebull warming are absurdly elevated like this. That's
just the way the biscuit breaks though: I may not agree with what
they say but I will defend to the death their right to hold and expound
such stupid opinions.
calls for carbon cap legislation - WASHINGTON — President Barack
Obama urged Congress to draft legislation setting market-based caps on the
emissions of carbon gases in a landmark move in the United States to
combat global warming.
"To truly transform our economy, protect our security, and save our
planet from the ravages of climate change, we need to ultimately make
clean, renewable energy the profitable kind of energy," Obama told
lawmakers in his maiden speech to Congress.
"So I ask this Congress to send me legislation that places a
market-based cap on carbon pollution and drives the production of more
renewable energy in America." (AFP)
counting on cap-and-trade - President Obama is banking on $300 billion
to come in by 2022 from a cap-and-trade plan to reduce greenhouse gases,
according to a source with knowledge of the president's proposed budget.
Mr. Obama expects money from the climate-change proposal to start rolling
in by 2012, and that amount would come in over the subsequent 10 years as
companies purchase carbon offsets, according to the source.
The budget's assumption of money from a revenue stream that does not yet
exist provides a concrete indication that Mr. Obama expects a
cap-and-trade system to be in place soon although Congress still must
shape, write, debate and decide on a timetable for legislation that likely
will be divisive even among Democrats.
"As someone who is very involved in the legislative debates on this,
it's just very premature to be having any number like that," said
Jeff Holmstead, Environmental Protection Agency assistant administrator
during the Bush administration.
"I do think it will be eye-opening to a lot of people to find out
that cap-and-trade is really about raising taxes," said Mr. Holmstead,
who now works with the energy lobbying firm of Bracewell and Giuliani.
(Tom LoBianco, Washington Times)
Europe's Lessons for the U.S. - The economic downturn is undermining
Europe's effort to cut CO2 emissions—and particularly its four-year-old
carbon-trading system
This is supposed to be the year of the green economy. U.S. President
Barack Obama's $787 billion stimulus package has earmarked billions of
dollars for renewable energy and efficiency projects. Pundits expect
America to reverse its hostility to the Kyoto Protocol on Climate Change
and lead this year's negotiations for its successor. And some form of
federally mandated U.S. carbon dioxide credit-trading scheme is expected
by the end of 2010.
Yet before investors get carried away over clean tech, they should heed a
few sobering lessons from Europe's almost decade-long experiment to create
a more climate-friendly economy. Sure, the region's eco-innovation has won
global plaudits, but the economic downturn is quickly taking the shine off
Europe's effort to cut CO2 emissions. Widespread government subsidies, for
instance, made countries such as Denmark, Germany, and Spain into global
leaders in renewable energy. But now, lower subsidies and a lack of
project financing from banks due to the credit crisis are whacking
investment in clean energy. European green energy investments fell by
13.7% in the second half of 2008 from the same period in 2007, to $21.2
billion, according to researcher New Carbon Finance. In North America, the
toll is far worse: Over the same period, clean energy investment there
fell by nearly half, to $10.7 billion. (Business Week)
if there is no Man-Made Global Warming? What then? - Here are some
questions every American should ask their elected officials – especially
those supporting “climate change” legislation: If it is proven that
climate change is not man-made, but natural, will you be relieved and
excited to know that man is off the hook? Will you now help to remove all
of the draconian regulations passed during the global warming hysteria,
since it was all wrong headed and harmful to the economy and our way of
Their answers to these questions should be very illuminating as to the
true agenda they seek to impose. Is their agenda really about helping to
protect the environment, or is it about creating a new social and economic
order, using the environment as the excuse? (Tom Deweese, Canada Free
change and the return of original sin - Officials want us to observe a
‘carbon fast’. It’s further evidence that environmentalism is about
managing human behaviour rather than nature. (Frank Furedi, sp!ked)
nuclear 'coming out' for Greens - TWO GREEN Party members from Oxford
are among a small group of leading environmentalists who this week came
out in support of nuclear power.
Mark Lynas, the author of the award-winning Six Degrees: Our Future on a
Hotter Planet, and Chris Goodall, the activist and prospective
Parliamentary candidate for Oxford West and Abingdon, told The Independent
newspaper this week that they had changed their minds on nuclear power.
Mr Lynas and Mr Goodall joined Stephen Tindale, the former director of
Greenpeace, and Lord Chris Smith of Finsbury, the chairman of the
Environment Agency, in formally announcing a change of position on nuclear
energy. (Oxford Times)
Pleasing to see them becoming slightly more rational about nuclear
power but gorebull warming is not a valid reason for anything.
research few American women heard about breast cancer screening -
Nearly two dozen medical professionals in the UK took bold action this
past week. They joined together to speak out and confront the National
Health Services and call for patients to be given the full facts about
preventive health screening. Public health recommendations and information
women receive about breast cancer screening is not only unsupported and
one-sided, they said, but denying women their right to give informed
consent before submitting to a medical procedure that has been shown to
harm ten times more women than it may help.
The bottom line, none of the information women receive about breast cancer
screening “comes close to telling the truth,” they wrote in The Times.
As a result, they said, women are being manipulated to undergo
mammography. (Junkfood Science)
look at the science of wellness - Whether they call themselves health
or lifestyle coaches or wellness practitioners, the person at the other
end of the telephone of the wellness program offered by your employer or
healthplan could be anyone. Wellness is not a recognized or licensed
medical discipline. (Junkfood Science)
Compounding stupidity: After
trans fat victory, salt is next - In a victory for public health after
a decades-long campaign by consumer advocates, artery-clogging trans fat
has all but disappeared from packaged foods in the U.S.
New and threatened state and federal laws and regulatory actions forced
food manufacturers to find ways to get the trans fat out.
It wasn't easy.
Food companies worked hard to find suitable replacements for the
manufactured fat that made pie crusts flaky and gave the right mouth feel
to our favorite store-bought cookies and crackers.
So trans fat is out. Mostly.
However, that nutrition-policy success seems like little more than the
warm-up for a movement to take on a much tougher target: salt.
Just as in the case of trans fat, political will appears to be building
for increased government pressure on the food industry to radically reduce
the sodium added to our food. (News & Observer)
Oh... CDC
Testimony on Energy and Public Works United States Senate - Update on
the Latest Global Warming Science: Public Health
Statement of: Howard Frumkin, MD, DrPH, Director, National Center for
Environmental Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services
Presumably this is a straight-out departmental grab for cash. "Currently
CDC supports efforts to: (1) incorporate climate change concerns into
ongoing global health programs, (2) strengthen the evidence base, and
(3) collaborate with key agencies addressing climate change."
What "evidence base"? How does anyone realistically
anticipate "addressing climate change"? And why no statement
on the reduction in "excess mortalities" that comes with
less-cold conditions? Total crock from go to whoa.
Political payoff for organized labor: $4.5
Billion ‘Green Building’ in Stimulus Is Wasteful Partisan Spending,
Critics Say – The Democrats’ $787-billion stimulus package
includes $4.5 billion designated to help transform functioning federal
government facilities into “high-performance green buildings.”
Advocates for green policy in the U.S. told CNSNews.com that the spending
is both a sound investment and environmentally responsible, but
conservatives watchful for government waste said the expenditure is an
example of partisan spending in the stimulus package.
According to the bill’s language, “not less than $4,500,000,000 shall
be available for measures necessary to convert General Services
Administration (GSA) facilities to High-Performance Green Buildings.” (CNSNews.com)
CHECK: Obama glosses over complex realities - WASHINGTON - President
Barack Obama glossed over some complex realities Tuesday in delivering his
to-do list to Congress and a nation hungry for economic salvation.
A look at some of his assertions: (Associated Press)
echoes Tea Party rally cry - 'People have to show that they're not
going to take it anymore'
Sen. Jim DeMint, R-S.C., a staunch opponent of the federal government's
increase in size and spending legislated by President Obama's stimulus
package, has issued a call for Americans to stand up – literally – and
take back their freedom.
"I would think it's time to start thinking about peaceful
demonstrations," DeMint said in an interview with Georgia's Augusta
Chronicle. "The power of the people is there. Freedom is in the
people's hands right now, and it's about to slip through."
DeMint lobbied his fellow Senators to resist the $787 billion stimulus
package's new federal regulations in the areas of education, medicine,
welfare spending and other arenas – all to no avail, as three of his
fellow Republicans joined all the Democrats in the Senate to approve the
massive spending bill by a vote of 60-38.
Disappointed by the outcome on Capitol Hill, DeMint is now calling on the
common people to resist government actions he sees overflowing
constitutional bounds. (WND)
February 25, 2009
George Will and the right to question climate alarmism! - Please help
defend nationally syndicated columnist George Will from the greens… you
made be defending your own right to question green orthodoxy!
Here’s the story. On Feb. 15, the Washington Post published
Will’s column “Dark
Green Doomsayers.”
Not surprisingly, green groups (Center for American Progress Action
Fund, Media Matters and Friends of the Earth) have gone ballistic. (Green
it Comes to Climate Change, Errors Abound - “A Matter of Fact,” a
new report from the Center for American Progress Action Fund, challenges
the Washington Post to correct George F. Will’s “Dark Green
Doomsayers” column, published February 15th. The report, by CAP’s Brad
Johnson, asserts that George Will made three factual errors:
Current “global sea ice levels” equals those of 1979
There hasn’t been warming in “more than a decade”
“Global cooling” joins a list of well publicized “planetary
calamities that did not happen.”
Will’s column is not perfect, and Johnson raises some valid questions.
For the sake of intellectual honesty, however, Johnson should broaden his
fact-checking scope to incorporate misstatements on both sides of the
global warming debate—including his own fudging of the truth. (William
Yeatman, Cooler Heads)
lack of warming, alarmists predictably predict warming worse than
predicted - As you may have heard, there has been no net warming of
the planet since 2001, and no subsequent year was a warm as 1998
(admittedly a year with a major El Nino). A recent study by Keenlyside et
al. (2008) concludes that “global surface temperature may not increase
over the next decade” due to natural oscillations in the Atlantic and
Pacific Oceans.
As Patrick Michaels of the Cato Institute explained at a recent
congressional hearing, the suite of 21 climate models used in the IPCC’s
mid-range emissions scenario (A1B) are on the verge of failing to
reproduce actual climate data.
During the past 5 to 20 years, the observed trend in the average global
temperature has been so low that it is starting to push the lower bounds
of the climate models’ range of temperature predictions for that period.
If 2009 is as cool as 2008 (with a La Nina brewing in the Pacific Ocean,
that is not unlikely), then even the least sensitive of these models will
be overestimating the actual amount of warming. And if Keenlyside is
correct, and another decade elapses without significant warming, the
models will have clearly failed.
The most important point for policymakers and citizens, as Michaels notes,
is that if the models predict too much warming, then all model-based
assessments of global warming impacts on agriculture, human health,
extreme weather, etc. will be similarly overestimated. (Marlo Lewis,
Cooler Heads)
in the Guise of Pure Science - Why, since President Obama promised to
“restore science to its rightful place” in Washington, do some things
feel not quite right?
First there was Steven Chu, the physicist and new energy secretary,
warning The Los Angeles Times that climate change could make water so
scarce by century’s end that “there’s no more agriculture in
California” and no way to keep the state’s cities going, either.
Then there was the hearing in the Senate to confirm another physicist,
John Holdren, to be the president’s science adviser. Dr. Holdren was
asked about some of his gloomy neo-Malthusian warnings in the past, like
his calculation in the 1980s that famines due to climate change could
leave a billion people dead by 2020. Did he still believe that?
“I think it is unlikely to happen,” Dr. Holdren told the senators, but
he insisted that it was still “a possibility” that “we should work
energetically to avoid.”
Well, I suppose it never hurts to go on the record in opposition to a
billion imaginary deaths. But I have a more immediate concern: Will Mr.
Obama’s scientific counselors give him realistic plans for dealing with
global warming and other threats? To borrow a term from Roger Pielke Jr.:
Can these scientists be honest brokers? (John Tierney, New York Times)
prefers Congress to EPA in tackling climate -- Browner - President
Obama would prefer to tackle global warming through a cap-and-trade bill
but remains open to setting rules for cars and power plants as a backstop,
his top energy and climate adviser said yesterday.
"The president continues to believe the best path forward is through
legislation, rather than through sort of the weaving together the various
authorities of the Clean Air Act, which may or may not end in a
cap-and-trade program," Carol Browner told the Western Governors
Association during its winter meetings in Washington yesterday. "You
can get the clearest instruction by passing legislation."
U.S. EPA administrator for eight years under President Bill Clinton,
Browner reminded the governors that federal climate rules are forthcoming
under Supreme Court precedent set in April 2007 in Massachusetts v. EPA.
"If [Administrator] Lisa Jackson from EPA were here, she'd remind all
of us that EPA is sitting on some authorities to regulate greenhouse
gases, whether it be greenhouse gas emissions associated with automobiles
or with smokestacks," Browner said. "There's a Supreme Court
decision and we're coming up, I think, on the second anniversary of that
decision that told EPA to do a set of things and the administration and
the president has been very clear that we're going to comply with the law
and we're going to comply with the science." (Darren Samuelsohn,
Cool On Climate Change As Economic Pressures Escalate - To
environmentalists, there is no more urgent question than addressing global
climate change. The new Democrat-led Congress has vowed to pass major
cap-and-trade legislation in response.
Later this year. Maybe.
While President Obama said in Canada last week that climate change remains
a priority, Congress appears in no hurry to act.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., last week promised a bill
"hopefully" by late summer. The House is unlikely to even
attempt to pass a major bill until December at the earliest, according to
Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif. (IBD)
Budget To Have CO2 Revenues By
2012: White House - WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama's budget
accounts for revenues from an emissions trading system in 2012, White
House spokesman Robert Gibbs said on Tuesday.
"That's true," Gibbs said when asked whether a cap-and-trade
system for greenhouse gases would be in place in time for revenues to be
generated by 2012.
The president, a Democrat, has said he wants the United States to take the
lead in fighting climate change. (Reuters)
World CO2 Market Volume Seen
Up, Value Down In '09 - LONDON - The volume of carbon dioxide traded
globally this year will increase by 20 percent to 5.9 billion metric tons
from 4.9 billion in 2008, research group Point Carbon said on Tuesday.
But the global carbon market's value will drop 32 percent to 62.6 billion
euros ($79.76 billion) from 92 billion last year, due to the falling
prices of carbon emissions permits, the group forecast in a report.
The price of carbon permits called European allowances (EUAs) traded at
9.39 euros a metric ton on Tuesday.
EUAs have lost over two thirds of their value since July 2008 and have
almost halved in price since January 1 as participants have monetized
assets in the economic downturn. (Reuters)
guts Gregoire's emissions-cap plan - Gov. Chris Gregoire's proposal to
regulate the emission of greenhouse gases linked to global warming is
facing serious challenges in the Legislature. The Senate Committee on
Environment, Water and Energy today passed a version that gutted the heart
of the plan by making it voluntary for businesses to participate.
Gov. Chris Gregoire's proposal to regulate the emission of greenhouse
gases linked to global warming is facing serious challenges in the
The Senate Committee on Environment, Water and Energy today passed a
version that gutted the heart of the plan by making it voluntary for
businesses to participate.
The governor's proposal would require major industries, from Boeing to
Kimberly-Clark, to limit the greenhouse gases they emit, starting in 2012.
The plan would create a regional market to let polluters buy and trade
pollution credits.
The goal is to reduce overall carbon dioxide and other emissions in the
state to 1990 levels by 2020, and to half that level by 2050. The state
adopted those targets in 2008.
The Senate bill is significantly different from the governor's plan. It
asks the state Department of Ecology to design voluntary emission targets
and a voluntary emissions reduction registry and report back to the
Legislature. (Associated Press)
Well, yes, kind of: China's
increasing carbon emissions blamed on manufacturing for west - New
research shows extent of 'offshore' emissions as Chinese manufacturing for
US accounts for 6% of total
The full extent of the west's responsibility for Chinese emissions of
greenhouse gases has been revealed by a new study. The report shows that
half of the recent rise in China's carbon dioxide pollution was caused by
the manufacturing of goods for other countries — particularly developed
nations such as the UK.
Last year, China officially overtook the US as the world's biggest CO2
emitter. But the new research shows that around a third of all Chinese
carbon emissions are the result of producing goods for export.
The research, due to be published in the scientific journal Geophysical
Research Letters, underlines "off-shored emissions" as a key
unresolved issue in the run up to this year's crucial Copenhagen summit,
at which world leaders will attempt to thrash out a deal to replace the
Kyoto protocol.
Developing countries are under pressure to commit to binding emissions
cuts in Copenhagen. But China is resistant, partly because it does not
accept responsibility for the emissions involved in producing goods for
foreign markets. (The Guardian)
In the same manner that the US generates roughly one-fifth of global
anthropogenic GHG emissions while generating more than one-fourth of the
world's wealth and even negligibly-populated Australia generates a
couple of percent producing grains and mining ores and coal for the
world market then certainly China produces emissions for and on behalf
of others. So what?
It's great to see China developing and enriching its people. It is
also particularly good for people (everywhere) and wildlife since the
free atmospheric replenishment of the essential resource (carbon
dioxide) boosts the biosphere's productivity (including crops) and means
wild critters can be accommodated rather than humans needing to put
vastly larger regions under the plow just to survive.
Helping restore seriously depleted atmospheric carbon dioxide levels
is arguably the best things humans have or will ever do for life on
carbon market woes tilt U.S. pols towards carbon taxes, CAA regulation?
- In today’s Guardian, Juliana Glover reports that carbon permit prices
in Europe’s Emission Trading System (ETS) have crashed from €31 last
summer to €8 today. This price is too low to create any incentive for
covered entities to invest in ‘green’ technology.
Glover identifies two causes for the collapse of carbon permit prices.
First, the recession has reduced demand for energy and, thus, for carbon
permits. Second, European governments handed out “luxurious
quantities” of carbon permits, free of charge, to big emitters, claiming
that economic growth “would soon see them bumping against the
ceiling.” (Marlo Lewis, Cooler Heads)
cap-and-trade inherently protectionist? - Yes, for three reasons.
(1) Companies in carbon-constrained countries will demand carbon tariffs
to “level the playing field” vis-a-vis firms in non-carbon constrained
(2) Cheating will be rampant unless deterred and punished by credible
trade sanctions.
(3) The EU-IPCC-Al Gore goal of achieving a 50% reduction in global
emissions by mid-century is impossible absent deep emission cuts in
developing countries, which in turn won’t happen unless developing
countries are bullied into limiting their consumption of coal and oil.
For further discussion, see my post on Masterresource.Org. (Marlo Lewis,
Cooler Heads)
on Environmental Policies and Protectionism - Marlo made three
interesting arguments yesterday contending that cap-and-trade would
generate protectionist outcomes. I want to add another, pervasive, yet
oft-neglected reason.
Environmental regulation spurs the businesses who feel cheated to lobby
for other forms of protectionism for their industries. This is a very
different mechanism from Marlo’s identification of particular measures
with protectionist policies. It doesn’t matter what the content of the
regulation is; as long as businesses perceive it as hurting them, they
will lobby for and get protectionist measures to help them in other ways.
Just think what the auto industry would do if Congress tried to increase
CAFE significantly or require drivers or manufacturers to buy carbon
credits; they’d probably log-roll and get tarriffs against foreign
manufacturers as part of the package deal. Something for you, something
for me, less for the consumer.
There is good empirical support for this proposition. Western Washington
University economist Steven Globerman made the argument back in 1999,
hidden within a broader book arguing that trade is actually good for the
environment. (Alex Harris, Cooler Heads)
Southern Ocean sequesters carbon dioxide monitors, too: Botched
launch ends U.S. satellite's mission - CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida - The
U.S. government's first attempt to map carbon dioxide in Earth's
atmosphere from space ended early on Tuesday after a botched satellite
launch from California, officials said.
The $278 million Orbiting Carbon Observatory blasted off aboard an
unmanned Taurus rocket from Vandenberg Air Force Base at 4:55 a.m. EST
(0955 GMT), headed for an orbital perch about 400 miles above the poles.
The 986-pound (447-kg) spacecraft was tucked inside a clamshell-like
shroud to protect it during the ride into space. But three minutes into
the flight, the cover failed to separate as expected, dooming the mission.
"As a direct result of carrying that extra weight we could not make
orbit," said John Brunschwyler, the Taurus program manager with
manufacturer Orbital Sciences Corp.
The spacecraft, also built by Orbital Sciences, fell back to Earth,
splashing down into the southern Pacific Ocean near Antarctica. (Reuters)
Actually, I've been looking around some of the AGW sites for the
first accusation the satellite launch was sabotaged or the satellite
brought down by evil planet cookers in an attempt to hide gorebull
warming emissions. Anyone finding such assertions please let
us know.
Tell Obama What They Want to Hear in Speech - Economy is dominant
issue, with jobs the top specific economic concern
PRINCETON, NJ -- As President Barack Obama addresses a joint session of
Congress Tuesday night, three in four Americans -- 74% -- say they are
most eager to hear what he has to say about the nation's economic
challenges. That includes 18% who specifically want to hear his ideas
about the jobs situation. (Gallup)
Ranking last @ 1%? Environment/Climate change.
Media infatuation persists: Obama
calls on Americans to embrace reforms - Confronted with an economic
crisis unmatched in generations, failing banks, an insurgent Wall Street
and a hostile Republican opposition, Barack Obama challenged the Congress
and the American people last night to embrace revolutionary reforms in the
nation's affairs.
And, yet again, he invoked this call to service in bold oratory
masterfully delivered.
“The weight of this crisis will not determine the destiny of this
nation,” the U.S. President told Congress. “The answers to our
problems don't lie beyond our reach.”
The difference between this president and many that came before is that he
invested those words with a tangible determination to lead through action
on a broad range of fronts, all of which he plans to attack
The speech subtly shifted Mr. Obama's narrative of our times. The grave
invocation-to-struggle embedded within his inaugural address has evolved
into an emphasis that there is light on the economic horizon. (Globe and
Alp-Sized Peaks Found Entombed
In Antarctic Ice - OSLO - Jagged mountains the size of the Alps have
been found entombed in Antarctica's ice, giving new clues about the vast
ice sheet that will raise world sea levels if even a fraction of it melts,
scientists said on Tuesday.
Using radar and gravity sensors, the experts made the first detailed maps
of the Gamburtsev subglacial mountains, originally detected by Russian
scientists 50 years ago at the heart of the East Antarctic ice sheet.
"The surprising thing was that not only is this mountain range the
size of the Alps, but it looks quite similar to the (European) Alps, with
high peaks and valleys," said Fausto Ferraccioli, a geophysicist at
the British Antarctic Survey who took part in the research. (Reuters)
Paper By Lee et al. 2009 on the East Asian Monsoon and the Role of Land
Surface Processes - There is yet another paper on the role of
landscape as an important weather and climate forcing on the regional
scale (and, in this case the global circulation, since the Asian monsoon
significantly affects global patterns.
The paper is Lee, E., T. N. Chase, and B. Rajagopalan (2008), Highly
improved predictive skill in the forecasting of the East Asian summer
monsoon, Water Resour. Res., 44, doi:10.1029/2007WR006514 (subscription
required for full paper). (Roger Pielke Sr., Climate Science)
From CO2 Science this week:
More Evidence for
Solar-Driven Climate Change: What is it? ... and how sound does it
appear to be?
Warm Period Record of the Week:
Was there a Medieval Warm Period? YES, according to data
published by 670
individual scientists from 391
separate research institutions in 40
different countries ... and counting! This issue's Medieval Warm
Period Record of the Week comes from Tebenkof
Glacier, Northern Kenai Mountains, Souther Alaska, USA. To access the
entire Medieval Warm Period Project's database, click
Subject Index Summary:
Reefs (Responses to Solar Radiation Stress): Life everywhere must
struggle against the elements; and corals are no exception. In fact, they
possess numerous adaptive capacities that enable them to blunt the
negative impacts of environmental extremes, such as high values of solar
Plant Growth Data:
This week we add new results (blue background) of plant growth responses
to atmospheric CO2 enrichment obtained from
experiments described in the peer-reviewed scientific literature for: American
Pokeweed, Calcareous
Grassland, Douglas
Fir, and Rice.
Journal Reviews:
Natural and
Anthropogenic Influences on Earth's Climate: What warmed the world
between 1889 and 2006?
Droughts of
East-Central North America: What drives their periodic occurrence?
The Tide Gauge
Record of Brest, France: What do the data imply about the role of CO2
in sea level change?
Grape and Wine
Responses to Atmospheric CO2 Enrichment: What
can a 50% increase in the air's CO2 content do for grape
quantity and wine quality?
Wheat Seedling
Flavonoid Concentrations: How are they impacted by elevated
atmospheric CO2 concentrations? (co2science.org)
End Run Around Congress To a Regulatory Morass - The ultra powerful
enviro-lobby has a big problem: So far, it hasn’t been able to convince
the Congress to enact energy-rationing policies to fight “global
warming” (I am using quotation marks because it hasn’t warmed in 7
years, despite a steady increase in global greenhouse gas emissions).
Last year, a bi-partisan group of Senators spurned a cap-and-trade scheme
written by California Senator Barbara Boxer’s staff because they
couldn’t countenance imposing higher energy costs on their constituents
at a time when gas cost $4/gallon. Given current economic woes, a
cap-and-trade energy rationing scheme is even more unlikely to make it
through the Congress.
Faced with this political and economic reality, the eviros have adopted a
new strategy. They want to pull an end run around Congress by having the
executive branch regulate green house gases without a legislative mandate.
(William Yeatman, Cooler Heads)
Stiff "Green" Rules
Seen Hurting U.S. Public Utilities - NEW YORK - Tougher
"green" rules coupled with the economic downturn could dim the
currently stable outlook of U.S. public power electric utilities, Moody's
Investors Service said in a report on Tuesday. (Reuters)
see the light on nuclear power - It has been a long time coming but
environmentalists now see the benefits of reactors.
The resistance of the green movement to nuclear energy has always been a
puzzle. It is by far the cleanest method of dependable large-scale power
generation (renewables tend to be both small-scale and unreliable) yet
environmentalist have been implacably opposed to its use.
They tend to cite safety considerations - yet nuclear generation has
proved astonishingly safe over the half century it has been used
commercially. There have been two major incidents – at Three Mile Island
in 1979 (no casualties) and Chernobyl in 1986 (a total of 56 fatalities by
But the green lobby – or at least an important part of it – appears to
have had an epiphany. Four prominent environmentalists, led by the former
Cabinet minister Lord Smith of Finsbury, the chairman of the Environment
Agency, have today "come out" as lobbyists for nuclear power.
They argue that a new generation of nuclear reactors is essential if
Britain is to meet its carbon emission targets. Indeed, so zealous are
these converts that they insist there should be no unnecessary delays
imposed on this programme through lengthy planning inquiries or legal
challenges. (Daily Telegraph)
change minds over nuclear - Britain must build new nuclear power
stations if it is to meet climate change targets, according to leading
environmentalists. (Daily Telegraph)
Letter of the moment: Province
ignoring wind turbine risks - Editor:
I am dismayed about the constant news barrage daily by the media giving us
the latest insight into the rollout of the Green Energy Act by the
province. I sent the following letter to the premier.
Premier McGuinty:
Once, I voted for you, but never again. I have tried to reason with you
and your government, but I met only a stonewall of silence. How can I
support a government that continues to use my tax dollars to continue to
champion industrial wind turbines when it has consistently refused to
acknowledge the risk to the public that you are creating?
As a professional engineer, trained at the University of Toronto and
Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Risk Assessment I was trusted to
develop and approve the risk assessment for the Bruce Power restart of
nuclear reactors in Units 3 and 4. I trained the staff doing the
assessment. I used my experience of 30 years in power systems to show the
risk sensitive points and to ensure they were included in the risk
Yet, when I write to you, to the Minister of Energy, to the Minister of
the Environment, to the Minister of Transport, to the Minister of Health,
and the Minister of Municipal Affairs, to identify the risk your
government is perpetuating, I receive no response, or am "blown
You say no "special interest group" will again delay the
planting of industrial wind turbines in Ontario. You call me a "NIMBY"
for using my professional experience to identify the risk to the lives of
citizens. Disrespect breeds disrespect, sir.
You say we need the 50,000 jobs that will be created in three years by the
Green Energy Act. Then you say that 492 MW in six wind farms will create
2,222 jobs -- yet Enbridge Ontario Wind Project says their 199.5 MW
installation will create only 7 jobs -- so 492 MW would make 18 jobs.
Where are the other 2,204 jobs coming from for these wind farms? Where are
the rest of the 49,982 jobs from the Green Energy Act coming from in three
You say only failure to meet safety and environmental standards will be
reason to deny the installations. Yet, your government has no safety
standards for industrial wind turbines to protect them from known failure
modes. A letter written to me on behalf of your Minister of the
Environment states, "I would like to make it clear that the ministry
does not have standards for setbacks from wind turbines . . . The Ministry
does not intend to introduce setback requirements for wind turbines."
... (The Sun Times)
sign long term oil supply and funding accord - Brazil signed an
agreement to supply China with 100,000 to 160,000 barrels of oil per day
at market prices in exchange for a loan from the China Development Bank to
help develop its huge oil reserves. (Mercopress)
dioxide gets new life as it's recycled into gasoline - Carbon dioxide,
the chief greenhouse gas, is public enemy No. 1 to environmentalists. CO2
emissions from vehicle tailpipes have helped spawn a multibillion-dollar
ethanol industry as the nation fights global warming and strives to import
less foreign oil.
But at least a handful of companies and scientists are turning that battle
on its head: They're finding ways to recycle CO2 and turn it back into
gasoline and other transportation fuels. (Paul Davidson, USA TODAY)
Unless carbon is sequestered and lost to the biosphere it is always
recycled (otherwise known as the carbon cycle).
We think they meant this to be a serious item: Study:
Proximity to fast-food restaurants linked to stroke risk -- A person's
risk of stroke is associated with the number of fast-food restaurants near
their residence, according to a study presented Thursday at a stroke
conference in San Diego, California.
Researchers led by Dr. Lewis B. Morgenstern at the University of Michigan
in Ann Arbor counted 1,247 strokes caused by blood clots in 64 census
tracts in Nueces County, Texas, which includes Corpus Christi, from
January 2000 through June 2003.
They also mapped the county's 262 fast-food restaurants and then adjusted
for socioeconomic status and demographics and found a statistically
significant association.
"The association suggested that the risk of stroke in a neighborhood
increased by 1 percent for every fast-food restaurant," the authors
wrote in a poster presented at the American Stroke Association's
International Stroke Conference. (CNN)
am with Rick! - No one has said it better than Rick Santelli of CNBC
when, on the floor of the Chicago Exchange, ground zero for American
capitalism and free market commerce, he called for a “Taxpayer Tea
Party” in the wake of efforts to enact a new, multi-billion dollar
taxpayer funded housing bailout.
In the new Obama Administration the bailout train continues to run full
steam towards the destruction of our American capitalist system and
ultimately to outright socialism. It must be stopped!
FreedomWorks and others in the limited government community stand with
Rick and want to make this modern day taxpayer revolt a reality. (FreedomWorks)

Czar Will Reign Like Caesar Of Old - President Obama vowed to set a
new direction of ethics and transparency in government and with his
selection of Carol Browner as climate control czar. Unfortunately, her
steadfast belief in the far-left policies of extreme environmentalism make
that vow impossible to achieve.
An environmental zealot, Browner has so much baggage she could be an
airline. But then, maybe not. For despite Browner's best efforts, some of
her baggage simply won't stay lost.
The Washington Examiner recently discovered that she was one of 15
original members of the Commission for a Sustainable World Society, a
branch of the Socialist International, an organization linking socialist
and labor parties throughout the world.
Among other things, its Declaration of Principles "demands
compensation for . . . social inequities." That's another way of
saying that if you've prospered because of ingenuity or hard work, be
prepared to give a lot of it away to those who haven't.
The issue isn't that Browner is a socialist. We crossed the socialism
bridge — a real bridge to nowhere — when we sent a man to the White
House who promised to spread our wealth around.
The real issue is the attempt to hide this fact from the public. Browner's
photograph, which once appeared alongside that of close Vladimir Putin
ally Sergei Mironov, was quietly removed from the Socialist
International's Web site after the Examiner's story broke. Much like the
trillions of dollars in bailouts and economic stimulus, it's as though
Browner never existed.
This isn't transparent government, but all-too-transparent politics.
Browner has a lot more baggage, too. (David A. Ridenour, IBD)
Just for poops & giggles: New
Directions in Climate Change Vulnerability, Impacts, and Adaptation
Assessment: Summary of a Workshop - With effective climate change
mitigation policies still under development, and with even the most
aggressive proposals unable to halt climate change immediately, many
decision makers are focusing unprecedented attention on the need for
strategies to adapt to climate changes that are now unavoidable. The
effects of climate change will touch every corner of the world's economies
and societies; adaptation is inevitable. The remaining question is to what
extent humans will anticipate and reduce undesired consequences of climate
change, or postpone response until after climate change impacts have
altered ecological and socioeconomic systems so significantly that
opportunities for adaptation become limited. This book summarizes a
National Research Council workshop at which presentations and discussion
identified specific needs associated with this gap between the demand and
supply of scientific information about climate change adaptation. (NAP)
Oh... Stay Married And
Save The Planet - CANBERRA - Staying married is better for the planet
because divorce leads the newly single to live more wasteful lifestyles,
an Australian lawmaker said Tuesday.
Senator Steve Fielding told a Senate hearing in the Australian capital
Canberra that divorce only made climate change worse.
When couples separated, they needed more rooms, more electricity and more
water. This increased their carbon footprint, Australian Associated Press
(AAP) quoted Fielding as telling the hearing on environmental issues.
"We understand that there is a social problem (with divorce), but now
we're seeing there is also environmental impact as well on the
footprint," AAP quoted him as saying. (Reuters)
Of all the reasons that spring to mind for being married,
"Gaia-worship" didn't make an appearance.
Plans to Curtail Use of Plastic Bags, but Not Much Action - SEATTLE
— Last summer, city officials here became the first in the nation to
approve a fee on paper and plastic shopping bags in many retail stores.
The 20-cent charge was intended to reduce pollution by encouraging
reusable bags.
But a petition drive financed by the plastic-bag industry delayed the
plan. Now a far broader segment of Seattle’s bag carriers — its voters
— will decide the matter in an election in August.
Even in a city that likes to be environmentally conscious, the outcome is
“You have to be really tone-deaf to what’s going on to think that the
economic climate is not going to affect people,” said Rob Gala, a
legislative aide to the city councilman who first sponsored the bill for
the 20-cent fee. (Reuters)
For no realistic purpose.
Hmm... Snowshoe
Hare May Take Role of Climate Change Poster Child - On an unseasonably
warm May afternoon, University of Montana wildlife biology Professor Scott
Mills treks into the shadowy forests above the Seeley-Swan Valley in
pursuit of his quarry. He skirts the rivulets of water melting from snow
patches. In one hand he holds an antenna and in the other a receiver
that’s picking up signals from a radio-collared snowshoe hare. The beeps
increase in volume as he draws nearer. Mills picks his way over downed
branches, steps out from behind a western larch and spots the white hare
crouched on the bare brown earth.
“That’s just an embarrassing moment for a snowshoe hare to think that
it’s invisible when it’s not,” said Mills with a grin, quickly
adding that seeing such mismatched colors is becoming all too common and
disturbing. (CleanTech)
... I was under the impression not all snowshoe hares turned white in
winter anyway.
Stormwater Management in the United States - The rapid conversion of
land to urban and suburban areas has profoundly altered how water flows
during and following storm events, putting higher volumes of water and
more pollutants into the nation's rivers, lakes, and estuaries. These
changes have degraded water quality and habitat in virtually every urban
stream system. The Clean Water Act regulatory framework for addressing
sewage and industrial wastes is not well suited to the more difficult
problem of stormwater discharges.
This book calls for an entirely new permitting structure that would put
authority and accountability for stormwater discharges at the municipal
level. A number of additional actions, such as conserving natural areas,
reducing hard surface cover (e.g., roads and parking lots), and
retrofitting urban areas with features that hold and treat stormwater, are
recommended. (NAP)
plants do not impact land use changes - A new study on ethanol land
use impact found that a modern ethanol plant does not meaningfully change
farmland use, neither the amount of land farmed nor the mix of crops
Rod Weinzierl, executive director of the Illinois Corn Growers
Association, which commissioned the study, said the study demonstrates
that corn ethanol is not a central driver in the conversion of non-corn
farmland to corn production.
The findings dispute those in earlier, more limited studies, that suggest
corn ethanol creates an indirect land use effect that results in ethanol
having a worse global warming impact than gasoline. (Farm Weekly)
And yet the plant did significantly affect corn plantings...
of Federal Strategy for Nanotechnology-Related Environmental, Health, and
Safety Research - his new book from the National Research Council
finds serious weaknesses in the government's plan for research on the
potential health and environmental risks posed by nanomaterials, which are
increasingly being used in consumer goods and industry. An effective
national plan for identifying and managing potential risks is essential to
the successful development and public acceptance of nanotechnology-enabled
The book recommends a robust national strategic plan for addressing
nanotechnology-related EHS risks, which will need to focus on promoting
research that can assist all stakeholders, including federal agencies, in
planning, controlling, and optimizing the use of engineered nanomaterials
while minimizing EHS effects of concern to society. Such a plan will
ensure the timely development of engineered nanoscale materials that will
bring about great improvements in the nation's health, its environmental
quality, its economy, and its security. (NAP)
February 24, 2009
The Crone still seeks to disarm the populace: Two
Early Tests on Guns - The Obama administration has chosen to defend a
bad rule rushed through during former President George W. Bush’s final
days in office that allows concealed, loaded firearms in national parks
and wildlife refuges. The rule is a gift to the gun lobby.
Interior Secretary Ken Salazar has asked for a 90-day internal assessment
of the rule’s environmental impacts, offering some hope that the
administration might later reverse an unwise policy. But for now, the
administration’s operating position is contained in a Justice Department
brief filed last Friday. It seeks to block a preliminary injunction of the
rule sought by gun control and environmental groups.
Although concealed, loaded weapons obviously have no place in the national
parks, the Justice Department brief asserts that the rule “will not have
any significant impacts on public health and safety.” We can only hope
that the Justice Department’s position does not reflect a broader
weakening of President Obama’s stated commitment to sensible gun control
policies. (New York Times)
Jackson Makes a Change - Less than a month into the job, and with only
a skeleton staff, Lisa Jackson, the new administrator of the Environmental
Protection Agency, has already engineered an astonishing turnaround.
She has pledged to reverse or review three Bush administration directives
that had slowed the government’s response to global warming and has
brought a new sense of urgency to an issue that President Bush treated
indifferently. She has also boosted morale at an agency badly demoralized
after eight years of political meddling.
This sea change would not have been possible, of course, without White
House backing. Indeed, it was President Obama who announced the first big
change in Bush policy. This was a decision to reconsider (and almost
certainly approve) California’s request to regulate greenhouse gas
emissions from cars and trucks, which the Bush administration had denied.
(New York Times)
A change for the very worst junk science is nothing to be happy
about, unless you are a people-hating old crone, maybe.
leads to more rules - Pending legislation illustrates how liberty may
fall victim to climate change
A bill pending in the Oregon House would empower the state government to
make rules to help the state achieve “greenhouse gas emissions reduction
goals.” It’s a good example of why people who love freedom more than
other things are skeptical of global warming.
Conservatives have no reason to doubt accurate measurements of the
physical world, including changes in actual temperatures over time.
(Average temps are another matter, because they can be manipulated.)
But what conservatives fear far more than climate change is that freedom
goes out the window when bureaucrats use the fear of warming to extend
their control over everyday life. In that light, check out House Bill
2186, introduced in the legislature at the request of Governor Kulongoski.
The bill would authorize the state Environmental Quality Commission to
adopt rules to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Those rules would then be
the same as laws.
The legislation relates to motor vehicles, but it sounds more sweeping
than that. An enterprising administrator might be able to extend its
provisions to other aspects of life in years to come. (Hasso Hering,
Albany Democrat Herald)
global warming we trust - Today, we are urged to believe that within
the next few decades the globe will become intolerably warmer. The world
as we know it will be drastically altered unless we act now to reverse our
wayward lifestyles, especially our wasteful energy practices.
But wait. Aren't we all just essentially being pressured to believe in a
long-range climate forecast? (Anthony Sadar and Susan Cammarata,
Washington Times)
change rhetoric spirals out of control - Christopher Booker says that
the Government must be absolutely sure that their data on climate change
is accurate.
It was another bad week for the "warmists", now more desperate
than ever to whip up alarm over an overheating planet. It began last
weekend with the BBC leading its bulletins on the news that a
"leading climate scientist" in America, Professor Chris Field,
had warned that "the severity of global warming over the next century
will be much worse than previously believed". Future temperatures
"will be beyond anything predicted", he told a Chicago
conference. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) had
"seriously underestimated the size of the problem".
The puzzle as to why the BBC should make this the main news of the day
only deepened when it emerged that Prof Field was not a climate scientist
at all but an evolutionary biologist. To promote its cause the BBC website
even posted a video explaining how warming would be made worse by
"negative feedback". This scientific howler provoked much
amusement and derision on expert US blogs, such as Anthony Watts's Watts
Up With That – since "negative feedback" would lower
temperatures rather than raise them. The BBC soon pulled its video.
This was followed on Sunday by yet another outburst from the most extreme
of all the scientists crying wolf on global warming, Al Gore's ally Dr
James Hansen, director of the Goddard Institute for Space Studies. In The
Observer he launched his most vitriolic call yet for the closing down of
the coal-fired power stations which are the world's main source of
electricity, repeating his claim to a British court last year that the new
coal-fired plant at Kingsnorth will alone be responsible for "the
extermination of 400 species". (Christopher Booker, Daily Telegraph)
Look what that fool Stern has said now: Mass
migrations and war: Dire climate scenario - CAPE TOWN, South Africa -
If we don't deal with climate change decisively, "what we're talking
about then is extended world war," the eminent economist said.
His audience Saturday, small and elite, had been stranded here by bad
weather and were talking climate. They couldn't do much about the one, but
the other was squarely in their hands. And so, Lord Nicholas Stern was
telling them, was the potential for mass migrations setting off mass
"Somehow we have to explain to people just how worrying that
is," the British economic thinker said.
Stern, author of a major British government report detailing the cost of
climate change, was one of a select group of two dozen _ environment
ministers, climate negotiators and experts from 16 nations - scheduled to
fly to Antarctica to learn firsthand how global warming might melt its ice
into the sea, raising ocean levels worldwide. (Associated Press)
Big deal: Gore
Pulls Slide of Disaster Trends - Former Vice President Al Gore is
pulling a dramatic slide from his ever-evolving global warming
presentation. When Mr. Gore addressed a packed, cheering hall at the
annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science
in Chicago earlier this month, his climate slide show contained a
startling graph showing a ceiling-high spike in disasters in recent years.
The data came from the Center for Research on the Epidemiology of
Disasters (also called CRED) at the Catholic University of Louvain in
The graph, which was added to his talk last year, came just after a
sequence of images of people from Iowa to South Australia struggling with
drought, wildfire, flooding and other weather-related calamities. Mr. Gore
described the pattern as a manifestation of human-driven climate change.
“This is creating weather-related disasters that are completely
unprecedented,” he said. (The preceding link is to a video clip of that
portion of the talk; go to 7th minute.)
Now Mr. Gore is dropping the graph, his office said today. Here’s why.
(Andrew C. Revkin, New York Times)
If Al retained the slightest shred on integrity he'd yank the lot and
spend his remaining days apologizing for having spread his hysterical
nonsense in the first place.
We really expect better of public health officials: Health
fear as climate heats up - TASMANIA faces an ominous and burgeoning
epidemic of chronic disease in its climate change future, the State's
Director of Public Health said yesterday.
Dr Roscoe Taylor said the spectre of an influenza pandemic was also very
The foreseeable risks to health worldwide had been documented, he said,
but Tasmania faced its share of public health concerns brought about after
events that could only be attributed to climate change.
He said the increased frequency of extreme weather would cause physical
injury and psychological instability, as the population became anxious
about storm, drought or extreme heat events. (The Examiner)
Issues Being Explored by Congressional Hearings - Energy, environment
and finances are all being examined this week.
With Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev. pushing for energy
legislation in the spring and climate change legislation possibly in the
summer, key Senate committees are holding hearings this week to further
the discussions of both topics.
Also an energy forum hosted by the Center for American Progress will be
attended by Reid, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., former President
Bill Clinton and senior Obama administration officials among others
On Wednesday a hearing of the Senate Environment and Public Works
Committee will get an update on the latest global warming science.
Environment and Public Works Chairwoman Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., plans to
offer cap-and trade program in a bill limiting greenhouse gas emissions
from power plants, refineries and other sources. She has offered few
details, other than the promise that it will be a simplified version of
one that fell to a Senate filibuster in the summer. R.K. Pachauri,
chairman of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
will also be appearing before the committee. (Farm Futures)
Warming Has Its Own Press Agent -- It's Called "The Press" -
I was going to make another Al Gore graphic, but hilarity on this blog has
reached dangerous levels and I think for everyone's safety it's best that
I throttle back on the jackanapery.
So I'm searching through Google News trying to find this story on how
Global Warming is making kids nutty with "climate change
delusion," when I follow a link to this story instead. It's on
MSNBC's website with the title Storm Chaser Believes Global Warming
Responsible for Early Activity in Tornado Alley. (Global Village Idiot)
Asia Needs To Change Climate
Policy Game -Expert - SINGAPORE - Asia needs to wake up to the threat
of global warming and take a leading role in climate change negotiations
or risk having rich nations dictate policies to curb carbon emissions, a
leading policy expert said on Friday.
Simon Tay, Schwartz Fellow of the US-based Asia Society, said the current
UN climate negotiations under the Kyoto Protocol had become bogged down
because of deep differences between rich and poor nations on how to fight
climate change.
"My impression is that it has become a dialogue between the deaf and
the dumb," he told a conference on sustainability in Singapore.
"When we look at the Kyoto regime it cannot seem to work just because
it is limited to only Annex 1 developed countries," said Tay, who is
also chairman of the Singapore Institute of International Affairs.
Under Kyoto's first phase, only 37 industrialised nations are committed to
cutting emissions by an average of about 5 percent from 1990 levels
between 2008-2012. (Reuters)
Don't Judge States On Wealth,
Emissions - Climate Envoy - SINGAPORE - Judging small, rich island
nations purely on their wealth and emissions is unfair in climate change
negotiations, Singapore's climate envoy said on Saturday, as pressure
builds on more countries to curb carbon pollution.
Under the Kyoto Protocol, the UN's main weapon to fight climate change,
only 37 industrialised nations are committed to curbs on greenhouse gas
pollution between 2008-2012.
But the UN list in Kyoto's parent pact that defines rich and developing
nations dates from 1992 and wealthy nations such as Argentina, Singapore,
South Korea and Malta are still deemed to be developing states under the
UN's climate treaties.
Under Kyoto, developing nations are exempt from any binding emissions
curbs but recent studies show poorer states now contribute more than half
of mankind's greenhouse gas emissions.
Australia and the European Union say the 1992 list doesn't reflect
economic reality and should be updated. They say rich nations outside of
Kyoto must commit to binding curbs as part of a broader climate pact
likely to be agreed in December in Copenhagen. (Reuters)
Um, no: Changing
Climate Numbers - In 2007, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change released its fourth assessment report, summarizing evidence
collected and weighed by scientists around the world. At the time, it was
the best estimate of where the planet was, climatically speaking, and
where it was likely to be going, and the news the report offered was
There was unequivocal evidence of a warming climate, with human activity
the dominant cause. The panel warned that further warming could have
devastating consequences for societies around the world, including rising
seas and widespread drought. (New York Times)
representatives of the major temperature time series, including runaway
outlier GISTEMP, showing a flat/declining trend since 2002. Curiously, The
Crone manages to deduce this means things are worse than the
blatantly alarmist AR4 imagined. Globally, sea
ice extent is remarkably consistent despite winds pushing Arctic sea
ice to lower latitudes because Antarctic ice extent has increased. This
is such a stupid game.
Sea Ice Underestimated for Weeks Due to Faulty Sensor -- A glitch in
satellite sensors caused scientists to underestimate the extent of Arctic
sea ice by 500,000 square kilometers (193,000 square miles), a California-
size area, the U.S. National Snow and Ice Data Center said. (Bloomberg) Satellite
sensor errors cause data outage (NSIDC)
in attack of nerves over climate change - DEMANDS from Opposition MPs
that Australia's proposed emissions trading scheme be shelved because of
the global financial crisis have overshadowed growing unrest in government
ranks about climate change policy.
As pressure on Malcolm Turnbull over the issue escalated yesterday, Kevin
Rudd renewed his pledge to introduce an ETS amid tension among some of his
key political allies in the Labor Party's NSW Right faction who fear the
scheme will be political poison and cost jobs. (The Australian)
the emissions trading scheme - THE Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, and the
Minister for Climate Change, Senator Penny Wong, have gone so far out of
their way to outflank the Coalition on climate change by coming up with a
low carbon reduction target that they themselves are the ones most exposed
in a political no man's land.
They have got themselves in this position by treating global warming as a
political issue that could be manipulated to do damage to their opponents.
(Kenneth Davidson, The Age)
brews over emissions - Getting the climate plan through the Senate is
as vital for Rudd as the GST was for Howard, writes Michelle Grattan.
SUDDENLY, climate change has turned into Kevin Rudd's perfect storm. The
issue that worked so strongly in his favour in 2007 threatens to be a
political nightmare.
The Prime Minister remains committed to his emissions trading scheme (ETS).
But he's had to lower his aspirations: the proposed plan has very modest
targets, but even so it is at risk of being sunk by a Senate divided
between critics who will variously attack it for going too far and not far
enough. (Sydney Morning Herald)
Looks like poor Julian is actually a believer: A
collapsing carbon market makes mega-pollution cheap - Europe's system
to edge up the cost of emissions and boost green energy has backfired.
There isn't much time to rescue it
'Roll up for the great pollution fire sale, the ultimate chance to wreck
the climate on the cheap. You sir, over there, from the power company -
look at this lovely tonne of freshly made, sulphur-rich carbon dioxide.
Last summer it cost an eyewatering €31 to throw up your smokestack, but
in our give-away global recession sale, that's been slashed to a crazy
€8.20. Dump plans for the wind turbine! Compare our offer with costly
solar energy! At this low, low price you can't afford not to burn
Set up to price pollution out of existence, carbon trading is pricing it
back in. Europe's carbon markets are in collapse. (Julian Glover, The
They don't get it: Squabbling
derails greenhouse gas efforts, says ex-minister - Britain's efforts
to cut carbon emissions have been hampered by government infighting and a
reluctance to stand up to industry, according to the UK's former climate
change minister.
Elliot Morley, head of the new energy and climate change select committee,
said tensions between different government departments had undermined
moves to cut greenhouse gas pollution. Policies to cut carbon and help the
environment were dismissed inside Whitehall as "idealistic and not
giving enough attention to the pragmatic needs of industry", he said.
In an interview with the Guardian, Morley, a minister in the environment
department Defra from 2003 to 2006, said: "I think there has been a
failure to get complete cross-government buy-in." He added: "Defra
did its best, but unless you get action from all the other ministries
including the Treasury, you're never going to get anywhere." Crucial
changes to building standards to make homes more energy efficient were
delayed because of industry lobbying, he said. (The Guardian)
Ministers are not expected to actually attempt to deal with the array
of imaginary hobgoblins, just to pretend they threaten the populace
unless government "saves" them.
Another one cashing in on fear-generating scams: The
Global Warming Survival Kit - The Global Warming Survival Kit, by
popular science author Brian Clegg, is the must-have guide to overcoming
extreme weather, power cuts, food shortages, and other climate change
disasters. It provides clear-headed practical guidance so that you, your
family and loved ones can prepare for for the end of the world as we know
it. Taking a hard scientific look at the likely scenarios, it includes:
* How to keep safe when all power is lost and all hell breaks loose.
* How to get drinkable water.
* How to keep cool and/or warm.
* What to eat to stay alive.
* Essential survival equipment.
* Where to live to minimize the impact of climate change.
* How to use your natural creativity to enhance your chances of survival.
Don't wait until it's too late: your survival could be at stake. (GWSK)
Ecotheology even subverts [perverts?] mainstream religions: Church
Risks Complicity in Climate Change, Warns Theologian - The church will
be complicit in the destruction, poverty and injustice caused by climate
change if it does not take radical and united action to demand cuts in the
carbon emissions that threaten God’s creation.
This is the message of a provocative new book by Paula Clifford, Head of
Theology at Christian Aid, who recently served a year-long secondment to
Lambeth Palace as Special Adviser to the Archbishop of Canterbury on
Climate Change.
'Angels with Trumpets: The Church in a Time of Global Warming' is
published by Darton, Longman and Todd this week. In it Dr Clifford draws
heavily on the book of Revelation to provide a theological critique of the
church’s approach to climate change – and finds the actions of the
Christian community to date less than adequate.
"The science of climate change is not in dispute. Christians cannot
close their eyes to it – for indifference is as dangerous as
denial," she says. "Instead, we must look at what ‘Love thy
Neighbour’ really means at a time of global warming. (Christian Today)
Global Warming
- is it real and what should we do? - Meteorologist Sir John Houghton
predicts that disaster awaits if action is not taken to combat man-made
global warming. He will explore the moral and theological obligations that
he believes we should all address. (Media-Newswire.com)
Carbon Offset Companies Depend
On Hedge Contracts - LONDON - Companies which cut greenhouse gas
emissions in developing countries to sell carbon offsets in rich nations
are hoping hedge contracts and staff cuts will protect them against record
low carbon prices.
Carbon project developers sell carbon offsets in the developed world,
especially Europe and Japan, to companies and countries struggling to meet
official carbon caps or to people voluntarily seeking to cut their
contribution to climate change.
They had appeared to be sitting on big profits after several years of
buying or generating offsets in China, India and Brazil at less than half
the sale price in Europe, the biggest demand market.
Now European carbon prices are near record lows, similar to purchase
prices in China, the biggest supply market.
That means developers are depending on cash reserves and forward sales,
made last year, to sustain them until carbon prices recover. (Reuters)
CO2 Emission Inventory Provided By Kevin Gurney Of Purdue University -
Kevin Gurney of Purdue University has alerted us to a valuable source of
information on the emission inventory of CO2 into the atmosphere. Climate
Science has weblogged on this Vulcan project previously (see). (Roger
Pielke Sr., Climate Science)
This would be really significant -- if atmospheric carbon
dioxide were a significant determinant of global mean temperature and/or
climate. The bottom line, however, is that there has been more than
enough carbon dioxide to absorb all available outgoing longwave
radiation since before Man learned to manipulate fire:
Partly because the infrared absorption bands of the various
components of the atmosphere overlap, the contributions from individual
absorbers do not add linearly. Clouds trap only 14 percent of the
radiation with all other major species present, but would trap 50
percent if all other absorbers were removed [V. Ramanathan and J.A.
Coakley, Jr., “Climate Modeling Through Radiative-Convective
Models,” Review of Geophysics and Space Physics 16 (1978):465.] (Table
D2 and Figure D1). Carbon dioxide adds 12 percent to radiation trapping,
which is less than the contribution from either water vapor or clouds.
By itself, however, carbon dioxide is capable of trapping three times as
much radiation as it actually does in the Earth's atmosphere.
Freidenreich and colleagues [S.M. Freidenreich and V. Ramaswamy,
“Solar Radiation Absorption by Carbon Dioxide, Overlap with Water, and
a Parameterization for General Circulation Models,” Journal of
Geophysical Research 98 (1993):7255-7264.] have reported the overlap
of carbon dioxide and water absorption bands in the infrared region.
Given the present composition of the atmosphere, the contribution to the
total heating rate in the troposphere is around 5 percent from carbon
dioxide and around 95 percent from water vapor. (Greenhouse Gas
Spectral Overlaps and Their Significance, Energy Information
What does all that mean? Of the fraction of atmospheric heating due
to greenhouse gases in the region of interest, the troposphere, carbon
dioxide is responsible for 1 part in 20 (5%). It theoretically could
provide significantly greater heating effect but does not due to
"competition" for available infrared radiation by water vapor
and clouds. Moreover, Earth's restless atmosphere bypasses significant
greenhouse effect both through convective towers and poleward transport
(winds which also drive warm water currents from the equator to high
latitude regions), mechanisms which accelerate heat loss to space.
Dramatically increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in Earth's
atmosphere could adjust the proportion of heating rate contribution but
it makes no meaningful difference to net heating whether the total
absorption is a 95:5 ratio or 90:10.
Failure At A Comprehensive Assessment of Climate - The Revised CCSP Report
By Karl Et Al 2009 - The
Second Public review draft of the Unified Synthesis Product (Global
Climate Change in the United States) is posted. Comments will be
accepted from 13 January through 27 February 2009. See also Federal
Register notice. (posted 13 January 2009). The
full CCSP report is available.
Climate Science has posted on the first draft of this report; see
On CCSP Report Unified Synthesis Product Global Climate Change in the
United States By Roger A. Pielke Sr.
Draft Report Comments as Submitted by Professor Ben Herman of the
University of Arizona
Weblog: A Comment On The Report “Unified Synthesis Product Global
Climate Change in the United States” By Joseph D. Aleo
The Co-Editors are
Thomas R. Karl,
NOAA National Climatic Data Center
Jerry M. Melillo,
Marine Biological Laboratory
Thomas C. Peterson,
NOAA National Climatic Data Center
The comments that we provided were not responded to [at least that
we can find]. This CCSP report is nothing more than a rehash of the
same material as presented in the first version. If you accept the
perspective of the Editors, you can use this report to promote your
political agenda.
However, if you want a true balanced perspective of climate
issues in the United States, it is not going to satisfy that need.
The Report is a failure in presenting the diversity of viewpoints
that appear in the peer reviewed literature. Policymakers who use this
report to promote particular policy actions are either cherry picking for
their own advocacy or remain oblivious that there are other scientifically
well supported perspectives.
Interested readers can look at the Public Comment that I submitted
for the first CCSP report, where the comments regarding how Tom
Karl handled that report are certainly applicable to the current report
Pielke Sr., Roger A., 2005: Public Comment on CCSP Report “Temperature
Trends in the Lower Atmosphere: Steps for Understanding and Reconciling
Differences“. 88 pp including appendices.
Also, for an overview as to what is missing in the Karl et al 2009
perspective, see
Pielke Sr., Roger A., 2008: A
Broader View of the Role of Humans in the Climate System is Required In
the Assessment of Costs and Benefits of Effective Climate Policy.
Written Testimony for the Subcommittee on Energy and Air Quality of the
Committee on Energy and Commerce Hearing “Climate Change: Costs of
Inaction” – Honorable Rick Boucher, Chairman. June 26, 2008,
Washington, DC., 52 pp. (Roger Pielke Sr., Climate Science)
Hmm... Fire
James Hansen - NASA Climate Chief - James Hansen, the NASA Climate
Chief, has produced the following on YouTube: "A
Call To Action On Global Warming".
This is a direct attempt to incite civil disobedience in order to promote
his "Man Made Climate Change" theory that has NO scientific
In the past two years the Earth has started to show "Global
Cooling" and NOT "Global Warming", and this
"coal" protest is to try and boost the Hansen claim that extra
CO2 in the atmosphere, allegedly from "Man", will result in
This man is a not fit for purpose, and should be removed from office, we
need to show a high number of FaceBook users that support this motion.
I wouldn't normally support calls for having anyone removed -- a form
of censorship -- but I admit Jimmy has made a pretty compelling case
against himself.
lights are quietest in decades - FAIRBANKS — Ester photographer
LeRoy Zimmerman made the switch to digital cameras this year to better
capture the phenomenon known as the aurora borealis.
Now he just needs some aurora to work with.
“There’s nothing; it’s really disappointing,” Zimmerman said.
“I’ve got my digital camera. I’m ready. Let’s go.”
Zimmerman isn’t the only one wondering where the aurora borealis,
commonly referred to as northern lights, are this winter. The Interior’s
normal wintertime light show has been noticeably absent this winter.
“I talk to people in town and everybody who knows what I do asks me,
‘Where is the aurora? What’s happening?’” said Dirk Lummerzheim, a
research professor who studies the aurora borealis for the Geophysical
Institute at the University of Alaska Fairbanks.
It’s a legitimate question, and Lummerzheim has the answer.
“We are at the solar minimum,” the UAF professor said. “When solar
activity dies down like this, the aurora activity also diminishes in the
Aurora borealis, a curtain-like, luminous glow in the upper atmosphere, is
caused when energy particles from the sun collide with the Earth’s
magnetic field.
Solar activity runs on a 22-year cycle — 11 positive years and 11
negative years. The cycle is at the bottom of the negative cycle,
Lummerzheim said.
This is the second winter in a row the aurora has been “quiet,” as
Lummerzheim put it. Normally, the low in the solar cycle only lasts about
a year, he said. Lummerzheim described the current solar minimum as
“very long, very deep.”
“I think the last time we had a minimum this low was early in the 20th
century,” he said. (Daily News-Miner)
Obama Eyes Climate Bill This
Year Or Next - White House - WASHINGTON - The White House signaled on
Monday it could wait until 2010 for major climate change legislation to
move through the U.S. Congress as long as it fulfilled President Barack
Obama's criteria for tackling global warming.
When asked when the president wished to see movement on a climate bill,
White House spokesman Robert Gibbs left a time frame wide open. (Reuters)
Is Obama a closet
conservative? - Canadians going gaga over Barack Obama need to get a
grip. He is not going to change the world. He is not going to right all
wrongs. Indeed, his whirlwind visit to Ottawa this week underlines the new
U.S. president's innate conservatism.
Take the one concrete measure that came out of his Thursday meeting with
Prime Minister Stephen Harper – a Canada-U.S. decision to look into
carbon capture as a solution to global warming.
This does not signify Harper's willingness to endorse an Obama-sponsored
get-tough approach to climate change. Rather, it represents the opposite
– Obama's willingness to sign on to Harper's search (much criticized by
Canadian environmentalists) for a miraculous new technology that would
allow oil refineries and coal plants to keep polluting and then
permanently store the resultant carbon emissions underground.
The U.S. president, in a veiled criticism of the Kyoto Accord on climate
change, also noted that no solution to global warming can be found unless
China and India are drawn in.
This has been Harper's position all along. It was also that of former U.S.
president George W. Bush. (Thomas Walkom, Toronto Star)
Truth and
Reality Exiting Stage Left - “When we remember that we are all mad,
the mysteries disappear and life stands explained.” Mark Twain’s
comment helps me understand the absolute contradictions presented as
truth, sense and reality. Consider just a short list.
* Warming is causing global cooling.
* The sun has virtually nothing to do with global temperature change.
* Carbon dioxide, a harmless gas essential to life on Earth is labeled a
toxic substance and a pollutant and must be reduced.
* Rewarding failures will reduce the number of failures.
* Punishing success will encourage more success.
* You can have more freedom by letting the government control more of your
* You get out of debt by going further into debt.
* The best people to get you out of trouble are the ones who got you
The list of absolute contradictions about environment and economies gets
longer every day as we drift further from logic and reason. (Tim Ball, CFP)
Check out the amazing rubbish in this: Evidence
that humans cause global warming - This is a response to Mr. Darryl
Smith's question on global warming published Jan. 9, 2009, in the
Thank you Mr. Smith for a reasonable question on global warming. I have
delayed my response for scientific reasons. I apologize for my failure to
explain in my prior writings why we call it anthropogenic (human-induced)
warming. (John Zebelean, Record-Bee)
At the present time the CO2 is above any previous occurrences,
where CH4 is somewhat lower. But, the Artic is melting and is full of
carbon and CH4 in the permafrost, mostly deposited by us humans, not by
nature. (sic) (sic) (sic) (sic) Well may Zebelean have worked
extensively in the fields of nuclear physics, jet propulsion and laser
technology because he obviously knows nothing about geology, geography,
climate or Earth in general...
What Does He Think of Cap & Trade? - Good
news and bad news for drivers from federal Transportation Secretary
Ray LaHood. The good news is: LaHood said he firmly opposes raising the
federal gasoline tax in the current recession.
The bad news is that, because people are using less gas as they switch to
more fuel-efficient vehicles and just plain drive less, LaHood is thinking
of taxing us according to how many miles we drive - a VMT (Vehicle Miles
Traveled) Tax. Now in some ways, this is a more equitable taxation scheme
to fund road maintenance than the gas tax - it’s more reflective of the
amount you use the road - and is therefore less objectionable, especially
if it replaces rather than supplements the gas tax. However, it comes with
a host of ramifications. (Iain Murray, Cooler Heads)
EPA orders
review of Northern Michigan U. permit - TRAVERSE CITY, Mich. - A
federal panel wants state regulators to take another look at a permit
issued to Northern Michigan University in Marquette for a power plant
fueled partly by coal.
An appeals board with the Environmental Protection Agency ordered the
state to consider setting limits on emissions from the plant of carbon
dioxide and nitrous oxide. They are greenhouse gases believed to
contribute to global warming.
The board also ruled this week that the Michigan Department of
Environmental Quality erred in the way it limited emissions of sulfur
dioxide from the boiler.
The DEQ issued an air quality permit to the university last May for the
plant, which would provide heat and electricity by burning a combination
of coal, wood and natural gas.
The Sierra Club challenged the permit before the EPA. (Associated Press)
Protest against keeping the lights on: Call
for Mass Civil Disobedience Against Coal - Dear Friends,
There are moments in a nation’s—and a planet’s—history when it may
be necessary for some to break the law in order to bear witness to an
evil, bring it to wider attention, and push for its correction. We think
such a time has arrived, and we are writing to say that we hope some of
you will join us in Washington D.C. on Monday March 2 in order to take
part in a civil act of civil disobedience outside a coal-fired power plant
near Capitol Hill. (Bill McKibben and Wendell Berry, Yes Magazine)
the French Oil Company, Places Its Bets Globally - IT’S been a tough
first year for Martin Deffontaines in this arid, impoverished and secluded
country on the southern tip of the Arabian peninsula.
Since moving here 13 months ago as the local manager for Total, the French
oil giant, Mr. Deffontaines has seen his main export pipeline damaged by
terrorists, endured devastating flash floods and sent expatriate families
back home because of security concerns.
Despite these challenges, Mr. Deffontaines, a lanky, 43-year-old Parisian,
doesn’t appear overly anxious. Indeed, Yemen is a showcase for Total,
whose experience here shows how far an oil company will go these days to
unearth new energy supplies.
Because of the endlessly complicated interplay of geology and geopolitics,
access to petroleum resources is increasingly constrained, costs have
soared and energy projects are becoming more complex. Add the recent,
dizzying collapse in oil prices to that picture, and you have a raft of
companies rethinking their investments and scurrying to cut costs. (New
York Times)
The pluses and
(mostly) minuses of biofuels - Speakers at last week’s AAAS meeting
presented abundant evidence that tropical rainforest destruction has
accelerated in recent years, at least in part because of the worldwide
push to produce more biofuels.
As Europe and America rush to supplant polluting fossil fuels with
plant-derived fuels like ethanol, soy and palm oil, farmers in the tropics
are accelerating forest clearing to plant more sugarcane, soybeans and
palm trees to meet the demand. What should be carbon-neutral biofuels -
the carbon dioxide these plants take in while growing is returned to the
atmosphere when they're burned, resulting in zero net carbon release - end
up spewing more CO2 into the atmosphere as forests are slashed and burned.
Carbon dioxide is such a potent greenhouse gas that one recent study
estimated it will take hundreds of years to recoup the greenhouse gas
damage of clearing rainforests to grow and harvest plants for biofuels. (UC
Actually burning food or diverting land from food production is a bad
idea for any reason. To do so for such a ridiculous non-reason as
gorebull warming is criminal.
U.S. Renewable Energy Faces
Weak Economy, Old Grid - WASHINGTON - U.S. President Barack Obama set
the goal: double U.S. renewable energy production in three years. Congress
provided the incentives as part of the $787 billion stimulus package.
Still, it may take awhile for solar and wind energy companies to get new
business and the smart grid to transmit those power supplies. (Reuters)
Proposes Plan to Speed Approval of Power Lines -- Senate Majority
Leader Harry Reid said he will introduce legislation this week to speed
approvals of transmission lines that send renewable power across the U.S.
“My legislation will require the president to designate renewable energy
zones with significant clean energy-generating potential,” Reid, a
Nevada Democrat, said at a conference in Washington today sponsored by the
Center for American Progress Action Fund.
The federal government would gain new authority to site power lines under
Reid’s proposal, an idea that drew opposition from state regulators.
Stimulus Bill - As everyone knows, H.R. 1 was signed into law
this past week. The full text of the final stimulus bill is available
here. Readers might be interested to learn that the $1 billion
“Prevention and Wellness Fund,” discussed here, did find its way back
into the final version.
Margo Wootan, Director of Nutrition Policy and founder of NANA’s
nutrition policy initiatives, sent out a CSPI Action Alert email thanking
everyone who lobbied for these provisions. As she noted, the final
Stimulus package also includes an additional $100 million for the National
School Lunch Program. It has a provision giving priority in the
distribution of the funds “to schools purchasing equipment for the
purpose of offering more healthful foods and meals, in accordance with
standards established by the Secretary.”
For months, mayors across the country have been scrambling, as we’ve all
read in our local newspapers and heard on our television news, to garner
as much of that free money for their projects as possible. The U.S.
Conference of Mayors compiled a list of their stimulus projects and met
with the Administration last week to present their formal requests. To see
exactly how political leaders hope to spend our money, we can examine
their list of projects, listed by state, here. Each of us can then decide
for ourselves how many we think will stimulate economic development in our
city and state. (Junkfood Science)
closed doors - How many Americans knew that since last fall, key
stakeholders in the health insurance industry and lobbyists for a wide
range of interests in managed care have been secretly meeting with
Democratic staff of Senator Edward Kennedy, working to develop the terms
for legislating universal health insurance? As the New York Times reports,
the talks taking place behind closed doors are unusual. Staff aides said
that anyone who revealed the details of the group’s plans outside the
secret meetings have been threatened with expulsion. (Junkfood Science)
Police coming - As we’ve known was coming, employers and state
governments providing health insurance to employees are increasingly
requiring American workers to undergo regular metabo check and evaluations
of their diets and lifestyles, and to participate in corporate
“wellness” programs… or else.
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports this week that city employees of
Kennesaw, Georgia who are fat, smoke or have been “identified by the
company’s wellness consultant as being at high risk of health
complications” are looking at their health insurance premiums doubling
under a plan scheduled for a vote on Monday. The city’s health insurance
program is underwritten by LifeWell, a managed care company focused on
‘wellness’ coaching and disease management, as part of the growing
field of “lifestyle medicine.” It incorrectly tells its corporate
clients: “The majority of chronic illnesses are lifestyle related and
can therefore be diagnosed early and prevented.” (Junkfood Science)
We wish... CDC:
‘Science’ will count now, acting chief says - The acting chief of
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Thursday that comments
by President Barack Obama have encouraged him to believe that science will
play a major role in crafting policy on public health.
“It was very exciting to hear President Obama say that science will have
a seat at the policy table,” said Dr. Richard Besser, who has been the
CDC’s acting director for a month. “The signals are there that science
is respected and will be heard.”
Besser replaced Dr. Julie Gerberding, whose six-year tenure was marked by
criticism that she sacrificed science for politics and carried the Bush
agenda on global warming and other issues into the world of scientific
Gerberding and her defenders countered that she was an independent leader
dedicated to science. (Atlanta Journal-Constitution)
Offer a New Path for Fighting Flu - In a discovery that could
radically change how the world fights flu, researchers have engineered
antibodies that protect against many strains of influenza, including even
the 1918 Spanish flu and the H5N1 bird flu.
The discovery, experts said, could lead to the development of a flu
vaccine that would not have to be changed yearly. And the antibodies
already developed can be injected as a treatment, targeting the virus in
ways that drugs like Tamiflu do not. Clinical trials to prove they are
safe in humans could begin within three years, a researcher estimated.
“This is a really good study,” said Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, the head of
the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, who was not
part of the study. “It’s not yet at the point of practicality, but the
concept is really quite interesting.” (New York Times)
The Water Wizards of Oz - It
is near impossible to imagine any private company not enjoying the
"problem" of high demand for its products and services. Yet
there are some products that are repeatedly reported as shortages. There
is one thing these products have in common: government intervention,
typically in the form of price controls.
This is especially the case with water in Melbourne, Australia, and has
been for at least a decade. While supply of water is in many ways a
complex issue, understanding economic shortages is not.
The government has blamed the shortage of water on drought and climate
change. And while droughts may be created by a shortage of water, water
shortages are created by an abundance of government rein. Despite almost
yearly decreases in water storages in Melbourne (see figure 1), real
prices have not increased significantly. And currently the "Essential
Services Commission" will be setting prices for the next five-year
period. This means, regardless of supply or any number of variables and
uncertainty, (real) prices will remain roughly the same for five years. In
other words, expect continued shortages.
Instead of economical pricing there is political pricing, where pressure
groups and special interests are given "rights" to use water
during droughts, and at subsidized pricing. Businesses are able to use
water for irrigation in the name of boosting GDP, while individuals are
asked (or forced) to consume less and less. Government as the friend of
the little guy is simply a myth. (Mises Daily, Chris Brown)
EU Prepares For Battle Over
Growing GM Maize Crops - BRUSSELS - European Union biotech experts
will discuss next week whether to allow more cultivation of genetically
modified crops but little progress is expected to break years of EU
deadlock on biotechnology.
Two GM maize types are to be considered at the Wednesday meeting. If the
experts fail to agree, which officials and diplomats say is the most
likely outcome, both applications will be escalated to EU ministers for a
The crops are Bt-11 maize, engineered by Swiss agrochemicals company
Syngenta, and 1507 maize -- jointly developed by Pioneer Hi-Bred
International, a unit of DuPont Co and Dow AgroSciences unit Mycogen
"It's almost certain to be a non-opinion," said one official at
the European Commission, the EU's executive arm, meaning that there was
unlikely to be enough majority under the EU's weighted voting system to
approve or reject the applications: stalemate.
The European Union has long been split on GMO policy and its 27 member
countries consistently clash over whether to approve new varieties for
import but without ever reaching a conclusion. GM crop cultivation is the
"big one," diplomats say, in that no new modified crops have
been approved for growing since 1998. There has been a string of GM
approvals since 2004, however, but only as imported products for use in
food and feed.
While diplomats say approving a new GM crop for growing is nigh on
impossible in the EU's current climate, if next week's GM applications get
sent to ministers and then there is a second voting stalemate, they would
then return to the Commission.
If that happens, the Commission would -- probably -- end up issuing
standard 10-year licenses. But that may take some time.
Even now, more than 10 years later, only one GM crop has won EU approval
for commercial cultivation: a gene-altered maize made by U.S. biotech
company Monsanto, known as MON 810. (Reuters)
February 20, 2009
Lisa Jackson turn the Clean Air Act into a gigantic de-stimulus package?
- Earlier this week, in a letter to Sierra Club climate council David
Bookbinder, EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson said the Agency would
reconsider, via a notice-and-comment rulemaking, a Bush-EPA memorandum
interpreting regulations that determine whether carbon dioxide (CO2) is
currently subject to emission controls under the Clean Air Act’s
Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) pre-construction permitting
program. (Marlo Lewis, Cooler Heads)
Expected to Regulate Carbon Dioxide - WASHINGTON — The Environmental
Protection Agency is expected to act for the first time to regulate carbon
dioxide and other greenhouse gases that scientists blame for the warming
of the planet, according to top Obama administration officials.
The decision, which most likely would play out in stages over a period of
months, would have a profound impact on transportation, manufacturing
costs and how utilities generate power. It could accelerate the progress
of energy and climate change legislation in Congress and form a basis for
the United States’ negotiating position at United Nations climate talks
set for December in Copenhagen.
The environmental agency is under order from the Supreme Court to make a
determination whether carbon dioxide is a pollutant that endangers public
health and welfare, an order that the Bush administration essentially
ignored despite near-unanimous belief among agency experts that research
points inexorably to such a finding.
Lisa P. Jackson, the new E.P.A. administrator, said in an interview that
she had asked her staff to review the latest scientific evidence and
prepare the documentation for a so-called endangerment finding. Ms.
Jackson said she had not decided to issue such a finding but she pointedly
noted that the second anniversary of the Supreme Court decision,
Massachusetts v. E.P.A., is April 2, and there is the wide expectation
that she will act by then. (New York Times)
Plans To Regulate CO2 As A Pollutant - There is renewed emphasis on
the need to regulate CO2 as a pollutant; e.g. see
EPA To Reconsider Pollution Ruling On CO2
Obama Pledges to Regulate CO2 from Coal Plants
Climate Science has weblogged in the past on this issue:
On The Plan To Declare Carbon Dioxide as a Dangerous Pollutant
Carbon Tax For Animal Emissions - More Unintended Consequences Of Carbon
Policy In The Guise Of Climate Policy
Climate Effects Trump Health Effects In Air Quality Regulations?
Court Rules That The EPA Can Regulate CO2 Emissions
Issues Related To The Lawsuit To The Supreme Court As To Whether CO2 is a
The regulation of CO2 will open a pandora’s box with respect to
government regulation. The text in the most recent weblog on this subject
stated that
What the listing of carbon dioxide as a pollutant would do is
to implicitly declare that any human activity that affects climate could
be considered a pollutant. This would logically mean, for instance,
that the EPA could regulate land use since, as extensively
documented in the peer reviewed literature (e.g. see),
landscape change is a human climate forcing.
This plan to regulate CO2 as a pollutant (since it is a
human climate forcing) would give them the legal
rationale to permit the implementation of additional federal regulations
for other human climate forcings including the zoning of how land is
developed. Everyone should realize the implications and significance of
this potential expansion of federal authority. There may be societal
benefits to such broad climate regulation authority, however, this issue
should be more effectively discussed and debated than it has been up
to the present. (Roger Pielke Sr., Climate Science)
blinks as carbon plan hits fan - This white elephant is limping badly.
Just hope that when it crashes it doesn’t hurt too many of us:
THE Federal Government will pledge today to crash through on its
emissions trading scheme even though the policy is in peril, as both
the Coalition and the Greens harden their opposition and their
supporters demand a radical overhaul.
The Climate Change Minister, Penny Wong, will tell a business lunch
in Sydney the global financial crisis was no excuse for backing away
from implementing the scheme next year.
And a sign of cluelessness and panic - not “resolve”:
To underscore its resolve, last night the Government scrapped a
parliamentary inquiry commissioned last week to examine the scheme. The
decision had been interpreted internally and externally as a sign the
Government was getting cold feet and looking for an excuse to delay or
water down the trading scheme. Senior sources maintained this was never
the case and it was easier to scrap the inquiry rather than allow that
perception to fester.
If people are so eager to Do Something about our gases, why worry about
this silly “perception”? Let’s hope that Malcolm Turnbull and Greg
Hunt drop their evangelism and pick up a bat, as Andrew Robb would seem to
The senior Liberal Andrew Robb said the Government was in
disarray and he hinted emissions trading should be dumped altogether. Mr
Turnbull, however, did not rule out a compromise, but not without major
concessions. (Andrew Bolt Blog)
Gore urges scientists to be political to face a threat to 'the entirety of
human civilization' - Speaking this past Friday at the American
Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) annual meeting, former
Vice President Al Gore urged scientists to get involved politically to
push the anthropogenic global warming (AGW) theory. Touting the need for
swift and immediate action to avert what he believes is a climate crisis,
Gore urged scientists to use what he feels is a changing political
environment to push the agenda of those that believe man is on the brink
of destruction.
During his 50 minute presentation, the self-appointed head of the AGW
movement spoke to a “rapt” audience describing a scary picture of
Earth’s future. Ice caps melting, droughts in many parts of the world,
an “extraordinary” death of trees in our own American west. He pointed
to many recent natural disasters as evidence of manmade climate change
such as the floods in Cedar Rapids and wildfires in Greece and Australia.
(Tony Hake, Denver Weather Examiner)
crisis sparks concern over climate change funds - U.N. - NEW DELHI -
Funds pledged by rich countries to help developing nations adapt to the
impacts of climate change are at risk from the global credit crunch and
economic downturn, the United Nations has warned.
Deirdre Boyd, country director for the United Nations Development
Programme (UNDP) in India, told AlertNet financing must be made available
to help countries like India deal with hazards caused by global warming,
such as rising seas and melting glaciers. But she warned the global
financial crisis could jeopardise these crucial funds.
"What had happened in recent international meetings was that there
was a commitment from donors that they would provide new money for
adaptation," said Boyd. "There is now a question mark hanging
over the impact of the financial crisis on making available new money for
adaptation." (AlertNet)
Has Dual Task On Climate Change - Persuade Both Congress, Other
Nations To Approve Cuts in Greenhouse Gases
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton's decision to make her first
overseas trip to China, where she arrives today, highlights the daunting
tasks the new administration faces as the world scrambles to forge a new
climate-change treaty this year: trying to persuade the emerging economies
to make deep cuts in greenhouse-gas releases that they have long resisted
while coaxing Congress to adopt first-ever limits on the United States'
own emissions. (Washington Post)
Rope-a-dope: China Says
Crisis Won't Stop Its Climate Action - BEIJING - The global financial
crisis will not affect China's resolve to tackle global warming, the
Foreign Ministry said on Thursday, ahead of a visit to Beijing by U.S.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
Climate change is a theme of Clinton's trip to Asia, which has also
included stops in Japan, Indonesia and South Korea. China has exceeded the
United States as the world's leading emitters of greenhouse gases.
"We have all along paid great attention to the problem of climate
change, and have, with a responsible attitude, taken a series of helpful
policy measures," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu told
a news briefing. (Reuters)
particles aid cloud growth - How do you make a cloud? New research is
showing that the recipe for clouds is more complex than previously assumed
and that organic particles play an important role. The findings will help
improve climate models, by better understanding the way clouds affect
Aerosols help clouds to grow by acting as a seed for water droplets to
latch on to. But not all aerosols are good at attracting water.
Historically scientists have focused on soluble inorganic particles, such
as sulphate and sea salt, as the main contributors to cloud droplet
growth. However, clouds still grow even when there are few soluble
inorganic aerosols around. The most plausible explanation is that organic
aerosols – particles containing carbon and oxygen atoms – are acting
as cloud seeds. (EnvironmentalResearchWeb)
Past Climate May Give Clue To
Modern Change: Expert - OSLO - Abrupt shifts in the climate such as
the end of Ice Ages could provide an early warning system for modern
changes such as prolonged droughts, a leading scientist said on Monday.
The sudden desertification of North Africa 5,500 years ago or a warming at
the end of the last Ice Age 11,000 years ago were preceded by signs of a
less stable climate, according to Marten Scheffer of Wageningen University
in the Netherlands.
That insight, reported last year, is now being applied to try to detect
shifts in the modern climate that might herald ever more droughts and
other changes in nature.
"It's a whole rich field that's opening," Scheffer told Reuters,
adding it could have applications for predicting when irreversible shifts,
or "tipping points," were approaching.
"We are working on the recent climate now as well," said
Scheffer, head of Aquatic Ecology and Water Management group at the
University. (Reuters)
This stupidity, again: Warmer
Climate Gives Malaria New Hunting Grounds - CHICAGO, U.S., Feb 19 -
Climate change is bringing malaria to regions of Africa where the disease
was previously unknown, researchers report from the conference of the
American Association for the Advancement of Science in Chicago this week.
Interestingly, the Arctic, where climate change is happening fastest, is
the best place to study how warming temperatures are affecting infectious
disease transmission.
Insect-transmitted diseases, primarily malaria, kill 3,000 people in
Africa each day, said Andy Dobson of Princeton University in the United
States. (IPS)
Malaria was endemic to the Arctic Circle (so much for temperature
dependence) and was controlled or eliminated by drainage works and
pesticide use throughout Europe, most of North America and the former
USSR. Human alteration of terrain (irrigation, rainwater harvesting,
drainage ditches...) provides new habitat for malarial mosquitoes and so
malaria can indeed appear in novel regions but this is not dependent on
or even associated with gorebull warming. Check out "From
Shakespeare to Defoe: Malaria in England in the Little Ice Age"
(Paul Reiter, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) for a little
perspective on that malaria thing.
Greens Can Take Away My Steak the Moment They Pry It from My Cold, Dead
Hands - I have been a steak snob ever since I apprenticed under a
master butcher in Ojai Valley, California a few years back. Indeed, I’m
the kind of guy who orders his steak so rare that the people dining at the
table next to me get uncomfortable. So it is with rising dread that I
witness the greenies’ assault on the beef industry. Enviro-types have
long hated cattlemen for treating cows like animals, but recently,
they’ve found a new motive to attack providers of delicious red meat:
climate change. According to the latest in the “It’s easy being
green” series run by the Center for American Progress, “it’s worth
taking a closer look” at beef production, for “the planet’s sake,”
because industrial scale livestock farming has a big carbon footprint. The
piece references a 2006 study that compares “a Toyota Prius, which uses
about one fourth as much as fuel as a Chevrolet Suburban SUV, to a
plant-based diet, which uses roughly one-fourth as much energy as a diet
rich in red meat.” How about a steak tax, America? After all, the greens
put gas-guzzling SUV’s (God bless ‘em) in their cross-hairs, and came
out on top-they forced through new fuel efficiency regulations that have
saddled an ailing Detroit with a $100 billion burden. Can the cattleman be
far behind? (William Yeatman, Cooler Heads)
technology pulling its weight in the fight against climate change? -
The IT industry's carbon footprint may be rising, but according to
Intellect's Emma Fryer any increases will be dwarfed by the emission
savings the sector can deliver for the wider economy (BusinessGreen)
China's Artificially Induced
Snow Closes 12 Highways - BEIJING - China closed 12 highways around
the capital Beijing on Thursday because of heavy snow brought on after
seeding clouds with chemicals, state media said on Thursday.
All outbound highways were closed in Hebei, the drought-hit northern
province surrounding Beijing, after heavy snow fell on Wednesday night,
Xinhua news agency said.
In all, 12 highways, including one linking Beijing and Shenyang, capital
of northeastern Liaoning province, were closed.
Hebei got its first heavy snow of this year on Wednesday. The provincial
weather bureau said that snow too was "enhanced" by artificial
"The snow has brought moisture to the soil, which may help end the
drought," Guo Yingchun, a senior engineer of the provincial
meteorological observatory, was quoted as saying.
She said that 313 cigarette-size sticks of silver iodide were fired into
the clouds from Wednesday night to Thursday morning, "a procedure
that made the snow a lot heavier."
Hebei forecasters said flurries would continue through Thursday night in
the northern part of the province.
Beijing is enduring its longest drought in 38 years, according to weather
bureau records. (Reuters)
report map fails cartography exam - Climate change map doesn't display
information effectively, say researchers.
"A picture is worth a thousand words." Certainly this proverb is
true when it comes to climate science, where a colourful map can plot
millions of data points and convey complex information in just one glance.
But, more often than not, climate maps can be bamboozling, attempting to
communicate multiple results, with jazzy colours, cross-hatch shading and
lengthy keys competing for attention. Such poor quality maps can be
misleading for the viewer, by distorting the information or just making it
extremely difficult to understand. Ultimately this can lead to poor
decisions being made by policy makers, which is bad news for all of us
when it comes to climate change.
Now Jean McKendry and Gary Machlis, from the University of Idaho, US, are
taking climate scientists to task. In their paper in the journal Climatic
Change they point out some of the common flaws made by people not trained
in map design. To illustrate their point they analyse a high profile
climate change map that was used in the 2007 report of the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), and discuss how this map
failed to follow several cartographic principles and effectively display
information, despite its important content. (EnvironmentalResearchWeb)
?!! 100%
clean electricity within 10 years - With Obama’s signature on
Tuesday of the Housing and Economic Recovery Act, the USA is now poised to
create over 100,000 jobs in the next two years, in solar energy alone.
“The solar industry is poised to lead the new, clean energy economy and
the strong solar provisions in this legislation will help give hundreds of
thousands of out-of-work Americans a job that they can be proud of.”
This is the first step on a plan to achieve 100% clean electricity within
10 years. (Transition Town Farnham)
Please Explain This: UPDATED with Explanation - OK, a diligent reader
writes in with the explanation.
Gore and Moon are using misleading, bogus information, as documented by
the Christian Science Monitor. Here is an excerpt from the CSM:
Earlier this week, Fortune’s eco-blog, Green Wombat, ran a story
under the headline, “Wind jobs outstrip the coal industry.”
Blogger Todd Woody cites new report from the American Wind Energy
Association that about 85,000 people are now employed by the wind power
industry, up from 50,000 a year ago. Mr. Woody then says that “the
coal industry employs about 81,000 workers,” citing a 2007 report from
the Department of Energy.
Woody calls this comparison “a talking point in the green jobs
The story was republished on the Huffington Post, cited by Mother Jones
magazine, and has been bouncing around the green blogosphere for the
past few days.
But it’s a bogus comparison. According to the wind energy report,
those 85,000 jobs in wind power are as “varied as turbine component
manufacturing, construction and installation of wind turbines, wind
turbine operations and maintenance, legal and marketing services, and
more.” The 81,000 coal jobs counted by the Department of Energy are
only miners. Their figure excludes those who haul the coal around the
country, as well as those who work in coal power plants.
It is a good thing that it is not true, as the CSM write, “If it
really took that many people to provide so little wind energy, it would
never become competitive with fossil fuels.” (Roger Pielke, Jr.,
Memo to
President Obama: You need Canuck oil - A great deal is riding on
President Barack Obama’s visit to Canada today. The decidedly green bent
of his new administration has the potential to undercut Canada’s
petroleum exports to the United States. Thus, Canadian officials must
emphasize to the president the strategic importance of Canada’s oil
reserves to America’s security.
Canada is the largest supplier of crude oil to the U.S. market, ahead of
Saudi Arabia, Venezuela and Mexico, among others. Crude oil and petroleum
product exports from Canada represent about 20 per cent of total American
oil imports. A rapidly growing proportion of that supply comes from
Canada’s oil sands, which are estimated to contain about 173 billion
barrels of recoverable reserves – second only to Saudi Arabia (262
billion) and well ahead of Venezuela (80 billion) and Mexico (12 billion).
This is the same petroleum supply that candidate Obama attacked as
"dirty, dwindling and dangerously expensive." His aides later
said it was an "open question" whether oil extracted from
Canadian oil sands would "align" with the energy policy of an
Obama administration.
Hyperbole aside, Mr. Obama can’t halt the huge flow of oil by decree.
However, his policies could significantly raise the costs of supplying the
American market. For example, he backs imposition of a "low-carbon
fuel standard," which would require gasoline suppliers to reduce the
emissions associated with the production of transportation fuels. Such a
standard could constitute a market barrier to Canadian petroleum derived
from oil sands, which requires more energy (and thus creates more
emissions) to produce and refine than crude oil and products from
conventional sources. (Chronicle Herald)
Seriously? Manchin
urges coal industry to support renewable energy - CHARLESTON, W.Va. --
Coal producers need to help West Virginia increase renewable energy
production to show its commitment to new energy policies, Gov. Joe Manchin
said Thursday.
During a speech to the West Virginia Coal Association annual mining
symposium, Manchin urged the industry to support his legislation calling
for renewable energy sources to generate 10 percent of the state's energy
needs by 2015 and 25 percent by 2025.
Coal accounts for about 98 percent electrical production in West Virginia,
the nation's No. 2 coal producer behind Wyoming. (Associated Press)
Climate Rush - Rush on UK Coal! - Fresh from their Manchester Airport
incursion, Northern Climate Rush is back, and we are paying a visit to the
UK's largest coal company! We will be travelling by minibus to the
headquarters of UK Coal in Doncaster. Meet in front of the Manchester
University Student Union building at 1pm on Thursday Feb 26. Dress in
Edwardian fashion (if you so desire) and bring food to share, banners, and
musical instruments. (Earth First!)
Oddly ambiguous name, "Earth First!" -- best response I've
seen would be "Yep, we can strip mine the other planets
later". Curious, too, that the quotation EF! have chosen to
highlight on their site is "Isn't the only hope for the planet
that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our
responsibility to bring that about? — Maurice Strong, Head of the
1992 Earth Summit" Does their "Dress in Edwardian fashion"
reflect a desire to return to the beginning of 20th Century
when coal smoke besmirched everything and horse dung threatened to bury
Is this what they seek?
What is
the urban effect on sunshine? This is one aspect of the
region's climate that has dramatically changed over the late 19th and
20th centuries. At the height of the Industrial Revolution in the latter
half of the 19th century, vast amounts of smoke and soot were emitted
into the atmosphere in London. This led to the absorption or blocking of
a remarkable proportion of the incoming radiation from the sunshine and
hence sunshine amounts were curtailed.
It is difficult to believe today how profound this effect was and how
quickly it has changed. In the 1880s, it was estimated that London was
'losing' up to 80% of its winter sunshine. In December 1890 no sunshine
was recorded at Westminster. As recently as 1921-50, central London
averaged only 50% of the winter sunshine as surrounding rural areas. The
effect was concentrated in winter because of the increased emission of
smoke and soot associated with the greater use of coal burning to heat
houses and offices and also because of the low angle of the sun.
The situation is quite different today - emissions of pollutants that
cause a shading effect have dropped dramatically with the switch away
from coal as the prime source of energy in industry and in the home, a
change well under way before the passing of the Clean Air Acts in the
1950s and 1960s. Not only has this led to a reduction in the frequency
of winter smogs and fog (possibly assisted by more mobile, changeable
winters in recent decades) but on occasions, central London is now
sunnier than the outlying areas because of the urban heating effect
evaporating low cloud or fog. (Roehampton University --
unfortunately they have taken down their "weather" directory
altogether. The above was captured September, 2004)
Or maybe this?

DOE To OK Stimulus Energy
Projects By Early Summer - WASHINGTON - Energy Secretary Steven Chu
said Thursday he hopes the department can begin approving loan guarantees
authorized by the stimulus for renewable energy projects by early summer.
"We need to start this work in a matter of months, not years -- while
insisting on the highest standard of accountability," Chu told
reporters at Platts Energy Podium in Washington D.C.
The stimulus package signed into law by President Barack Obama earlier
this week provides $6 billion in loan guarantees for clean energy and
electricity transmission projects. (Reuters)
E.ON, Siemens To Build Pilot
Carbon Capture Plant - FRANKFURT - German utility E.ON and industrial
group Siemens said on Thursday they would build a pilot plant to capture
carbon dioxide emissions from coal burning.
It is due to start operations in the summer, a joint statement said.
Novozymes Sees Mixed Prospects
For Bioethanol - COPENHAGEN - Novozymes believes next-generation
cellulosic ethanol could be profitable in the United States without
government subsidies by 2015, provided oil rebounds to $80-120 per barrel,
executives said on Thursday.
Prospects for the environmentally friendlier version of the biofuel look
much grimmer in Europe, the chief executive of the world's top maker of
industrial enzymes said.
"I don't think it's going to fly in Europe," said Steen
Riisgaard in a meeting with journalists. "In the U.S., the
first-generation bioethanol paved the way. In Europe we don't have the
infrastructure. To commit 200 million euros ($252 million) for a
second-generation plant here with no distribution system is very
Riisgaard said the political will to support bioethanol did not exist in
Europe as it does in the United States, China and Brazil. (Reuters)
EU Exec Eyes Dumping Duty On
U.S. Biodiesel: Sources - BRUSSELS - The European Commission plans to
propose anti-dumping and anti-subsidy duties on imports of biodiesel from
the United States, sources familiar with the proposal said on Thursday.
In a separate move which is also likely to agitate sensitive transatlantic
trade relations, a probe by the EU executive into a U.S. clampdown on
European online gambling firms is expected to recommend action at the
World Trade Organization, sources familiar with the probe's findings said.
But the sources said Brussels, which oversees trade policy for the
27-nation bloc, would try to reach agreement with the new U.S. government
before taking any case to the global trade watchdog in a bid to avert a
possible trade war with Washington.
The anti-dumping duties on U.S. biodiesel would range from 2 euros ($2.50)
to 19 euros per 100 kg and the anti-subsidy duties from 23 to 26 euros per
100 kg, the sources told Reuters. (Reuters)
Is HuffPo Pimping Ethanol? - Yesterday’s edition of the Internet
news juggernaut, The Huffington Post, ran an ethanol love song written by
Bob Dinneen, who is identified in his HuffPo biography as “the ethanol
industry’s lead lobbyist before the Congress and Administration.”
Given that Mr. Dinneen is a professional shill, there’s no need to
repeat his self-serving argument. Whatever is his case for ethanol, the
bottom line is his bottom line. But it is worth saying a few things about
the reality of ethanol. Ethanol is touted as a solution to America’s
dependence on foreign oil. It is true that ethanol—an alcohol distilled
from corn—can be used to run cars. “Can,” however, does not mean
“should.” Indeed, ethanol is a bad idea both economically and
environmentally. (William Yeatman, Cooler Heads)
work to combat deadly amphibian fungus - Thought to be caused by the
exportation of amphibians from their natural habitats, the fungus is
killing off amphibians at an accelerated rate, Pessier said. The golden
frog, for instance, is believed to be extinct in the wild, when years ago
thousands of them inhabited Panama.
People would often find them in the forests and keep them for good luck.
Now, the golden frogs and other amphibians are threatened by the spread of
the microscopic fungus, which attaches to the animal and thickens its
skin, making it more difficult to absorb the water they need.
The problem started off slowly in the 1930s, when frogs were widely
transported to other countries for medical purposes, food and pets,
Pessier said. By the late 1990s scientists realized a solution was needed.
(The Associated Press)
too little, too late from DSE - THE Brumby Government is now taking
credit for saving houses from Black Saturday's fire, instead of accepting
blame for dooming them.
Its Department of Sustainability and the Environment this week boasted of
doing the fuel reduction burns around Bendigo that it had failed to do in
the very places where most people died. (Andrew Bolt, Herald Sun)
Calif. returning chinook salmon a record low - SAN FRANCISCO -- A
record-low number of chinook salmon returned to rivers in California's
Central Valley last year, indicating that severe restrictions on salmon
fishing are likely again this year, federal regulators say.
In the Sacramento Delta, fishermen and regulators believe large pumps used
to move water around for farming and other uses is to blame for the
falling numbers. Others say changes in the ocean due to greenhouse gas
pollution also are killing the fish.
Environmental advocates argue that California's salmon losses are higher
than other regions because of the state's system of canals, dams and
pumps, and have sued the National Marine Fisheries Service to impose
restrictions to help save fish. (Associated Press)
Scientists Find Genes To
Protect Wheat From Rust - LONDON - Scientists have pinpointed two
genes that protect wheat against devastating fungal diseases found
worldwide, potentially paving the way to hardier wheat strains,
international researchers reported on Thursday.
New research published in the journal Science showed how the genes provide
resistance to leaf rust, stripe rust and powdery mildew, diseases
responsible for millions of hectares of lost wheat yield each year.
"Improving control of fungal rust diseases in cereals through
breeding varieties with durable rust resistance is critical for world food
security," Simon Krattinger of the Institute of Plant Biology in
Zurich and colleagues, wrote in one of the studies.
"The most profitable and environmental friendly strategy for farmers
to control wheat rust in both the developing and the developed world is to
grow genetically resistant wheat varieties." (Reuters)
February 19, 2009
One-fifth of
fossil-fuel emissions absorbed by threatened forests - An
international team of scientists have discovered that rainforest trees are
getting bigger. They are storing more carbon from the atmosphere in their
trunks, which has significantly reduced the rate of climate change.
Globally, tropical trees in undisturbed forest are absorbing nearly a
fifth of the CO2 released by burning fossil fuels. The researchers show
that remaining tropical forests remove a massive 4.8 billion tonnes of CO2
emissions from the atmosphere each year. This includes a previously
unknown carbon sink in Africa, mopping up 1.2 billion tonnes of CO2 each
year. (University of Leeds)
Man's Inhumanity to Man of the Day: Keep
Africa Poor to Control Climate - A study in this week's Nature
(Feb. 19) reports that African forests are an important carbon sink -- and
although the researchers acknowledge that they don't really understand the
phenomenon, they nevertheless conclude that African forests be put off
limits to development.
At the end of the study, the researchers write,
African tropical forests are providing important ecosystem services
by storing carbon and being a carbon sink, thereby reducing the rate of
increase of atmospheric CO2. With adequate protection these forests are
likely to remain large carbon stores in the longer term. Securing this
service will probably require formalizing and enforcing land rights for
forest dwellers, alongside payments for ecosystem services to those
Estimated carbon stocks and their annual increase for African tropical
forest living near forested areas. Whether remaining intact forests will
continue to sequester carbon, become neutral, or become a net source of
carbon in the future is highly uncertain. Improved monitoring and
modelling of the tropical environment is required to better understand
this trajectory.
But if Africans can't harvest and monetize their own natural resources --
as we in the West have done -- Africa is likely to stay poor and sick.
Nature could have edited this study down to: "Sinks should
sink Africa."
Over The Climate Heats Up Even As Climate Itself Cools Down -
President Obama will be hard put to satisfy his several campaign promises:
to restore prosperity and jobs, to conduct a foreign policy backed by a
strong economy and to satisfy environmental demands to "save the
planet." His job will be much easier if he listens to independent
advice on climate science. (S. Fred Singer, IBD)
means energy bubble - When the housing bubble burst, it exposed an
unseemly alliance between special interests and the financial sector.
Activists wanted homes for all at any cost, and lenders were happy to
oblige despite the inherent risk.
Although the economic devastation this bubble wrought is still not under
control, a similar toxic alliance is working on the next one: The green
Failing companies such as AIG, General Electric and General Motors,
already propped up with tax dollars, have partnered with radical
environmentalists in a scheme their CEOs believe will allow them to profit
on fears about global warming. (Tom Borelli, DC Examiner)
Foster: Lessons from the Governator - Schwarzenegger may have been
replaced by a leftist liquid-metal replica
Few things are more dangerous than linking lousy policy with outsized
charisma. The Green Keynesianism of President Barack Obama, who is due to
visit Ottawa this week, threatens nothing but further job destruction. For
a preview, all one has to do is look at the U.S. left coast.
It is uncertain how far oxymoronic green stimulus will feature in this
week’s Ottawa talks, but energy security and climate change will
certainly be on the agenda. The Canadian Council of Chief Executives
called yesterday for a “co-ordinated approach to the management of
greenhouse gases,” thus confirming that Big Business long ago gave up
fighting climate change policy lunacy and just wants to make sure that all
businesses are crippled equally. The Council also called for a “joint
strategy” on “improving clean energy technologies,” a politically
correct preamble to the very real need for making sure that President
Obama doesn’t do anything rash when it comes to restricting imports of
“dirty” tar-sands oil. (Peter Foster, Financial Post)
terminated as California goes bankrupt - Political stalemate on $12bn
deficit forces Schwarzenegger to sack thousands of workers
Arnold Schwarzenegger has sent redundancy notices to 20,000 government
employees and shut down California’s last remaining public works
projects yesterday, as state politicians failed to pass a budget that will
prevent his administration from running out of money.
The Governor of California, who is spending billions more each month than
he can raise in taxes, has insufficient funds left to settle outstanding
bills and is days away from being forced to start issuing “IOU” notes
to creditors and civil servants. (The Independent)
Getting worse by the day: Canada's
oilsands 'wild card': NASA director - WASHINGTON - Canada's oilsands
are an environmental "wild card," NASA's James Hansen said in an
interview before President Barack Obama's trip to Ottawa, where energy and
climate change will be on the agenda.
As director of the U.S. space agency's Goddard Institute for Space Studies
in New York City, with a focus on climate change, Hansen has long opposed
the burning of oil, gas and coal for their contribution to global warming.
And he really objects to the burning of fuels gleaned from tar shale and
tar sands in western Canada.
"If we burn all the conventional fuels — oil, gas and coal — we
would be heading the planet to eventually an ice-free state," Hansen
said in an interview Tuesday, two days before Obama's scheduled visit to
Canada, the first foreign trip of his presidency.
"This unconventional fossil fuel is a total wild card on top of
that," Hansen said. "You just can't do it, that's what
politicians and international leaders have got to understand. You can't
exploit tar shale and tar sands without pushing things way beyond the
limit. They're just too carbon intensive." (Reuters)
Climate Sceptics Form Own
Political Party - Dear Fellow Australians
"Scepticism is the highest of duties, and blind faith the one
unpardonable sin.”
So wrote Thomas Huxley, one of the great minds of the scientific age.
Anthropogenic or man-made Global Warming (AGW) alarmism is the biggest
con, fraud, hoax, swindle, deception and mass hysteria in the history of
modern civilization, because climate changes naturally.
The Climate Sceptics support all practical measures to prevent
environmental degradation. We support the development of cleaner and more
efficient sources of energy. Unfortunately governmental taxes to stop
climate change are a colossal diversion of funds from core obligations,
and Emission Trading Schemes (ETS) will do absolutely nothing for the
Murray-Darling basin, the Great Barrier Reef, or land degradation - just
as it will do absolutely nothing to stop climate change.
The Climate Sceptics are here to demand rational debate and responsible
leadership. We reject the extremist views that now threaten what
Australians have sacrificed to achieve in living standards, rights and
If want your own children and grandchildren to enjoy these values as you
do, click here to join, and get in touch with your kindred spirits in your
local area. There are a lot more of you than some might want you to
discover. (Leon Ashby, Climate Sceptics)
Degrades Africa - Sub-Saharan Africa remains one of Earth’s most
impoverished regions. Over 90% of its people still lack electricity,
running water, proper sanitation and decent housing. Malaria,
malnutrition, tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS and intestinal diseases kill millions
every year. Life expectancy is appalling, and falling. (Paul Driessen
& Dr. Willie Soon, SPPI)
of the Day - [Taken from CCNet, a scholarly electronic network edited
by Benny Peiser. Every day Peiser sends out the latest news on the
science, economics and politics of global warming. To subscribe, and I
recommend that you do, send an e-mail to listserver@ljmu.ac.uk
("subscribe cambridge-conference").] (William Yeatman, Cooler
What shameful nonsense: AUSTRALIA:
Bushfires Highlight Global Warming Danger - MELBOURNE, Feb 18 - While
the bushfires which ravaged parts of the state of Victoria earlier this
month - the most devastating in the nation’s history - are not being
blamed directly on the effects of climate change, it is clear that global
warming was indeed a factor.
"In terms of the temperature component of the fire weather on Feb.7,
I think we can say that increases in greenhouse gas conditions are partly
responsible," says Kevin Hennessy, leading climate scientist.
Hennessy, who is principal research scientist with the climate change
risk, adaptation and policy team at the Commonwealth Scientific and
Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Australia’s national science
agency, told IPS that the fires were due to the extremely hot, windy and
dry conditions of early February.
"The very warm conditions are part of a warming trend since at least
1950. The international consensus is that it’s very likely that most of
that warming is due to increases in [human-induced] greenhouse
gases," says the scientist who was the coordinating lead author of
the Australia and New Zealand chapter of the 2007 Intergovernmental Panel
on Climate Change (IPCC) report on impacts, adaptation and vulnerability.
Lack of fuel load reduction over years of neglect and inappropriate
forest management is the reason these fires were so large and intense
and that is anthropogenic -- specifically the adherence to misguided
green dogma.
burning issue of life and death - One of the biggest furphies in the
supercharged debate in the wake of Victoria's bushfires is the claim by
green groups that they are great supporters of hazard reduction burning.
Also known as prescribed burning, this scientific regime creates a mosaic
of lightly burned land at regular intervals of five to seven years, thus
reducing surface fuel loads by varying amounts within the mosaic.
This reduction of fuel loads is expensive, but Australia's pre-eminent
bushfire researchers, such as the CSIRO's Phil Cheney and Monash
University's David Packam, say it has been proven to reduce the power and
intensity of fire. Every bushfire inquiry since the 1939 Stretton royal
commission has recommended increased prescribed burning to mitigate the
effects of inevitable wildfire.
It is a matter of public record that green groups have long opposed such
systematic prescribed burning, as is evident in their submissions to
bushfire inquiries from as far back as 1992. They complain of a threat to
biodiversity, including to fungi, from "frequent burning"
regimes and urge resources be spent on water bombers and early detection,
as well as on stopping climate change - good luck with that. (Miranda
Devine, Sydney Morning Herald)
Poll: Was global warming to blame for the recent heatwave in Australia?
Vote now!
The background:
On February 6, ABC News Radio in Australia posted a web poll on their
website that asked readers whether they believed if the concurrent
Australian heatwave was caused by global warming. There were three
possible responses:
1. Global Warming is a myth
2. Yes
3. No
Andrew Bolt noted the poll on his blog the same day and at that time 90.4%
of respondents had chosen "myth". Soon, some other AGW skeptic
bloggers posted the poll too, including GORE LIED. On February 9, with
"myth" having climbed even higher to 94.4% after 15,451 votes,
Bolt noted:
The ABC can’t have liked the answer much. The poll, and its emphatic
result, has been deleted from the poll archive
ABC apparently said it was because the poll had been "hijacked".
Skeptic blog, Australian Climate Madness, is in contact with ABC for
further explanation. Meantime, the poll is still missing from the ABC News
Radio archives.
So, let's do it again. GORE LIED has recreated the poll in it's entirety,
with the only change that the question now reflects the past tense nature
of the subject matter. This poll will end at 6:00 PM on Saturday, February
21, 2009, so vote early.
GORE LIED will guarantee that the results of this poll will not be
removed, and will be available for all to see as long as this blog exists.
(Gore Lied)
Recycled nonsense: Tuvalu
PM calls for unity on global warming fight - Tuvalu's prime minister
is calling on world leaders to fight global warming to save his nation
from disappearing under the sea.
Apisai Ielemia is on an official visit to Taiwan.
He made the call while visiting a Taipei primary school and telling the
school children the importance of protecting the environment.
Mr Ielemia says Tuvalu children have little chance of playing on the beach
as he did when he was a child.
He called on all countries to unite in fighting global warming by cutting
carbon dioxide emissions.
Being only four-point five metres above sea level, Tuvalu is one of the
first countries to experience the effects of sea level rise caused by
climate change. (Radio Australia)
II: Lawmakers
to consider pollution reduction measures - WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. --
With much of this peninsular state situated at or below sea level, parts
of Florida could disappear under water if global warming predictions
indicating significant sea level rise come true.
It's a state with much to lose and much to protect, from miles of beaches
that bring in millions of tourism dollars, to swamps and wetlands, the
struggling Everglades, endangered species, already limited freshwater
supply and a burgeoning population expected to nearly double to 32 million
people by 2050.
Environmentalists say Florida must do its part to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions, blamed for global warming, including increasing the use of
renewable energy and tightening emission standards for new automobiles.
The Legislature is set in its upcoming session beginning next month to
consider proposed rules approved by state agencies that would do both.
(Associated Press)
Hawaii to an Icecube - Tuesday, February 17th, mid afternoon in Latin
America. News wires by the Spanish news agency EFE report a massive
collapse of the Wilkins Ice Shelf in Antarctica. The news quickly appeared
in the front pages of electronic editions of newspapers all over Latin
America and Europe. “Iceberg larger than Hawaii has broken off in
Antarctica” was the headline. The news said: “A 14,000 square km shelf
of ice, almost twice the area of the Basque Country, has broken off the
Wilkins Ice Shelf in the Antarctic. Scientists believe the ice shelf is
crumbling as a result of global warming. The Spanish National Research
Council (CSIC) has reported today that the resulting giant icebergs are
now floating around in the Antarctic Ocean. A team of CSIC scientists have
been in the area investigating the impact of the crumbling ice shelf on
the ecosystem in the Belinghausen Sea, to the west of the Antarctic
peninsula. Over the past two weeks, the scientists have seen the ice shelf
on the edge of the Belinghausen Sea recede 550km and have noted that the
water temperatures are extraordinarily warm in this area. Experts have
warned that the breaking away of this massive ice shelf will ultimately
have notable consequences on the sea level. (Alexandre Aguiar - MetSul
Weather Center (Brazil) and ICECAP)
Idiots! They are in the carbon business: Shell:
cap-and-trade is "a good thing" - Despite falling carbon
price, oil giant insists EU emissions trading scheme is driving
investments in low carbon technologies (BusinessGreen)
Summary “Global Warming And The Next Ice Age” By Dubey Et Al 2008
- Climate Science has weblogged about a meeting Global Warming and the
Next Ice Age that was held in Santa Fe, New Mexico July 17-21 2006; i.e.
see, see, see, and see.
The AMS Bulletin of the American Meterological Society has published a
summary of this meeting in its December 2008 issue;
Manvendra K. Dubey, Charlie S. Zender, Chris K. Folland, and Petr Chylek,
2008: Global Warming and the Next Ice Age. Bulletin of the American
Meteorological Society, pp. 1905–1909. DOI: 10.1175/2008BAMS2359.1.
(Roger Pielke Sr., Climate Science)
Trade Winds Drive The ENSO - Guest post by Bill Illis
We have often wondered what really causes the El Nino Southern Oscillation
(ENSO) climate pattern. It is generally understood and this post will
demonstrate that it is really driven by the Trade Winds over the ENSO
The Trade Winds blow East to West at the equator. Most of us living in
other latitudes expect the wind and the weather to primarily come from the
West but, at the equator, the weather comes from the East.
When the Trade Winds are stronger than average for a sustained period of
time, the Trades literally blow or drag the warm surface water across the
Pacific and it is replaced by colder upwelling ocean water from below. If
the Trades are strong enough for a long enough period of time, we have a
La Nina.
When the Trades are weaker than average for a long enough period of time,
the ocean surface stalls in place and gets heated day after day by the
equatorial Sun and we have an El Nino. Sometimes, this stalling even
results in warmer ocean water from the Western Pacific moving backwards
into the Nino region and this also contributes to El Nino conditions.
Let’s look at the data to see how true this assertion is. (Watts Up With
Lessons From The Winter of 2008-2009 - The UK has been experiencing
the coldest winter in several decades, and hopefully policymakers have
learned a few basic lessons from this. Here is my wish list, which seem
painfully obvious. (Steven Goddard, Watts Up With That?)
to save the world in Copenhagen - A political circus is rolling into
Copenhagen ahead of the meeting in December when world leaders will
attempt to set new targets for carbon emission reductions.
An "emergency summit" next month will put climate change science
in the background and political arguments at the forefront. The summit has
attracted such luminaries as Lord Stern, the leader of the Stern Review on
the economics of climate change; José Manuel Barroso, the president of
the European commission; and Rajendra Pachauri, the chairman of the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
The conference organiser, Katherine Richardson, says: "This is not a
regular scientific conference. This is a deliberate attempt to influence
While the motives of those gathering in Denmark are honorable, their move
is deeply unfortunate at a time when the climate change debate could
benefit from more regular science and less politics. (WizFix Environment
Private equity raises carbon reporting fears - Industry concerned UK's
expanded Carbon Reduction Commitment cap-and-trade scheme will treat
private equity portfolios as one group - landing them with a huge
administrative headache (BusinessGreen)
change outlook: mild - Tales of our environmental demise are greatly
exaggerated – coal reserves are dwindling, and lower emissions will
As more and more discoveries are made about global warming, scientists and
political organisations have been clamouring for stronger and more
immediate actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Amid this rising
call for action, there has been surprisingly little attention given to
recent work suggesting that future peak carbon dioxide levels may have
been overestimated by a factor of four to five.
At the annual December meeting of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) in
San Francisco, Professor David Rutledge from the California Institute of
Technology re-examined estimates of world coal inventories. He concluded
that reserves (resources that can be economically produced) – widely
assumed to be sufficient for energy use for centuries – are far smaller
than usually assumed.
In fact, peak mid-century CO2 levels of about 460 parts per million (ppm,
the present level is about 385ppm) estimated by Rutledge represent the
maximum amount of CO2 reduction most scientists and organisations can only
dream of for any scenario of reducing carbon emissions. It is almost as if
nature might do for society what it has been incapable of doing for itself
– significantly reducing planetary carbon emissions.
Since coal is almost entirely responsible for the projected rise in CO2
beyond mid-century, the implication is that neither CO2 nor the climate
consequences from its use may be nearly as severe as usually assumed by
the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change. This conclusion has
significant ramifications for those involved in international negotiations
for a "post-Kyoto" global agreement on emission reductions in
Copenhagen later this year. (The Guardian)
Don't worry guys, Australia has enough coal to keep the world
supplied for at least the next century.
chief sounds jobs alarm over carbon scheme - AUSTRALIA'S
second-biggest steelmaker says the Rudd Government's emissions trading
scheme is likely to cause job losses and force new investments offshore.
Onesteel chief executive Geoff Plummer said, that even though the
Government had tried to address the industry's concerns, his company
"cannot support the carbon pollution reduction scheme based on its
current design".
"We understand the Government's intentions, but the practical effect
of the scheme as it stands is that we will bear a cost not borne by our
competitors," he said. "We would be the only steelmakers in the
world to have these costs and that would put us at a material
disadvantage." (The Australian)
plunge hits carbon trade plan - THE collapse in the international
price of carbon is threatening the Federal Government's ability to pay for
compensation packages in the emissions trading scheme without drawing on
the budget.
Compensation for households, trade-exposed industries and high-polluting
coal-fired electricity generators was expected to be drawn from auctioning
carbon credits, which the Government estimated would initially generate
$12 billion a year.
But the assumed price of carbon — $25 a tonne — is now under threat
because the Government's proposal allows polluting businesses to offset an
unlimited proportion of emissions by buying international credits.
With the international carbon price hovering around $15 a tonne, carbon
trading analysts told The Age the local $25 start-up price was
"seriously in doubt".
They said it raised the prospect of the Government dipping into the budget
pay for the household compensation package targeted at low to
middle-income earners. (The Age)
stands by carbon trade plan - CANBERRA - Climate Change Minister Penny
Wong says the government remains committed to its carbon trading plans,
despite growing calls for the scheme to be reconsidered or replaced with a
carbon tax.
Australia has promised to introduce carbon trading in July 2010 as part of
its efforts to fight global warming and cut greenhouse gas emissions by at
least five per cent by 2020.
Some economists, opposition politicians and businesses have stepped up
their criticism of the scheme after the government last week announced a
new inquiry into the plan, but Ms Wong said carbon trading would go ahead.
firms in retreat as vital funds diminish - Green companies are in
retreat, with a wave of staff layoffs and production cuts that could have
dire consequences for governments' efforts to fight climate change by
quickly bringing low-carbon power projects on stream. (Terry Macalister,
New Zealand Herald)
The Crone... An
$80 Billion Start - Wrapped inside the economic stimulus package is
about $80 billion in spending, loan guarantees and tax incentives aimed at
promoting energy efficiency, renewable energy sources, higher-mileage cars
and coal that is truly clean. As a stand-alone measure, these investments
would amount to the biggest energy bill in history.
As ambitious as this measure is, it should not be confused with a global
warming bill. Dealing with climate change will require a much broader
strategy, even larger federal investments in clean-energy technologies and
an effort to put a price on greenhouse gas emissions to unlock private
investment on an enormous scale. But this is a useful down payment, which
could also help reduce the nation’s reliance on foreign oil.
Eighty-billion dollars is still a lot of money. And the federal agencies
overseeing its disbursement must provide strong regulation and firm
guidance to ensure that it is spent wisely. Money invested in a modern
electricity grid, for instance, will have been badly spent if it is used
merely to build transmission towers to move energy from old coal-fired
power plants. It will be well spent if it helps move clean energy, such as
wind and solar power, from, say, Texas, to distant cities that need it.
(New York Times)
clean coal to be extracted - New "clean" technology is to be
used to extract coal from massive untapped seams under Fife and the Firth
of Forth for the first time.
Thornton New Energy has been granted the UK's first licence from the Coal
Authority to use a process called underground coal gasification (UCG).
The firm plans to drill into coalfields and convert coal into combustible
gas while it is still underground.
The gas can then be used for electricity generation.
It can also be used in industrial heating and even the manufacture of
hydrogen or ultra clean diesel fuel. (BBC)
It's not at all clear why they don't do this: Coal
chief calls for return to deep mining to fuel power-station pledge -
THE head of the UK's largest coal producer has said that a return to deep
mining north of the Border is essential if the Scottish Government is to
follow through on its commitment to coal-fired power stations.
Don Nicolson, the new chief executive of the Scottish Resources Group,
which owns several firms, including Scottish Coal, told The Scotsman that
there are "perhaps billions of tonnes" of coal in Scotland that
could not be accessed by surface mining.
He said: "There are millions of tonnes, perhaps billions of tonnes of
coal in Scotland. A small fraction you can get at through surface mining.
If coal was to become part of our long-term future, which we think it
will, then you need to go deep. That is where the bulk of the coal
reserves are." (The Scotsman)
SANC is agin it either way: Underground
coal gasification - fuelling the fires (SANC)
promise of biofuel is a lie - Der Spiegel Exposes the Brazilian
Ethanol Madness - For years, the US has been inundated with claims that it
should follow Brazil’s lead on biofuels. These arguments have largely
been made by a small, but influential group of neoconservatives who claim
that the US should quit using oil altogether. They claim that using more
ethanol – produced from sugar cane, or corn, or some other substance –
will impoverish OPEC and America will once again be returned to
But these claims wither in the face of a story by Clemens Hoges in the
January 22 issue of the German magazine Der Spiegel. Hoges writes that
sugar cane “is considered an effective antidote to climate change, but
hundreds of thousands of Brazilian plantation workers harvest the cane at
slave wages.” The story is one of several published in recent years that
have exposed the brutality of the Brazilian sugar cane fields. But before
looking at Der Spiegel’s coverage, let’s do a quick review of the
Brazilian ethanol boosters. (Robert Bryce, Energy Tribune)
Tally of Reports on Ethanol Scam Hits 15, Vilsack Wants More Ethanol -
A couple days ago, I published a piece listing 14 studies that have
exposed the high costs of the ethanol scam. I overlooked three points: A
new study by Cornell University’s David Pimentel, the latest numbers
showing the amount of corn ethanol distilling capacity that has been idled
due to negative margins, and finally, a story by Bloomberg News which says
that Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack is talking with the Environmental
Protection Agency about raising the amount of ethanol blended into the US
gasoline supply. (Robert Bryce, Energy Tribune)
flap helplessly as coal remains king - Switch on the light. Is the
filament glowing because of a heavy gust of wind, or is it nuclear
If you flick a switch today, the light goes on because of coal. Almost
half the power generated in Britain on Tuesday came from coal and a bit
more than a third from natural gas. Nuclear power stations were
contributing 17 per cent and windmills provided 0.6 per cent.
It's a day's work in the power industry and it is 16 years since the Kyoto
conference on climate change, when this country signed up to a process
that would seek to avert global warming by weaning the world off the
combustion of oil, gas and coal. Since then we have had two Energy White
Papers, one Energy Review, the launch of European carbon trading, the
decline of North Sea gas, the promotion of wind farms and the
eleventh-hour rescue of Britain's nuclear industry. After all the
politics, we are breathless as our bright new whirligigs stand motionless
on a beach horizon.
The wind has failed, as it does during periods of intense heat and cold,
and although we have built, with enormous subsidy, enough wind turbines to
generate 5 per cent of our electricity, no more than 1 per cent is
operational when we need it. Like Coleridge's ancient mariner, the nation
is becalmed, a painted ship on a painted ocean and we have gone back a
century, hewing the same coal that first put Britain on the fast track to
the Industrial Revolution.
The reason why we are still stuffing black lumps of carbon into furnaces
is simple: it makes economic sense and the financial markets are shouting
this message louder than ever before. (Carl Mortished, The Times)
Green Mafia... figures: Italy
police arrest 8 in Mafia wind farms plot - ROME — Italian police on
Tuesday arrested mobsters, businessmen and local politicians who allegedly
used corrupt practices and bribes to gain control of a project to build
wind farms in Sicily.
Operation "Aeolus," named after the ancient Greek god of winds,
netted eight suspects, arrested in the Trapani area of western Sicily, as
well as in Salerno on the Italian mainland and in the northern city of
Police in Trapani said the local Mafia bribed city officials in nearby
Mazara del Vallo so the town would invest in wind farms to produce energy.
(Associated Press)
to sue cleaning product makers for ingredient disclosure -
Environmental and health activists want lists and research results from
such firms as Procter & Gamble and Colgate-Palmolive.
The makers of Tide, Ajax and other common household cleansers are being
asked to come clean about their ingredients.
Environmental and health activists announced plans Tuesday for a lawsuit
to make Procter & Gamble Co., Colgate-Palmolive Co. and two other
major firms reveal the chemical ingredients of their cleaning products and
their research on the products' effects.
The suit, to be filed today in New York, seeks to use a little-known 1976
New York law passed to combat phosphates in detergent.
The activists "say people deserve to know whether the products they
use to wash their dishes and clean their homes could be harmful,"
said New York lawyer Keri Powell, an attorney for Earthjustice, a
nonprofit public interest law firm. (Susan Carpenter, Los Angeles Times)
[From this
whacky press release]
If it helps them any the answer is undeniably "yes, the products
could be harmful" since it it theoretically possible to drown in a
vat of dishwashing liquid or be struck on the head by a slippery bar of
soap escaping from a high rise bathroom window, which is about as useful
information as likely to be extracted even if these suits are successful
9we know, that's not the purpose of the suit which is to harass and
coerce industry).
in Stimulus Bill Allow Sale of Health Records – It could become
easier to sell and exchange the health information of Americans under the
economic stimulus package that awaits President Barack Obama’s signature
The $787 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment Act that passed
Congress last week allocates $19 billion to establish centrally linked
health data infrastructure to contain the health information of “each
American” by 2014 and to set up the new office of the “National
Coordinator for Health Information Technology.”
Though the legislation says there is a “prohibition on sale of
electronic health records or protected health information,” there are
five pages of exceptions to the prohibition that include research,
treatment of an individual, or a decision by the Secretary of Health and
Human Services to waive the prohibition. (See Legislation,
PDF pages 391-395.) (CNSNews.com)
A Beginning? - Seven-hundred eighty-seven billion dollars apparently
doesn't go as far as it used to. Even before the ink was dry on the
stimulus bill, the president and his deputies were hinting it may not work
as promised. (IBD)
Begins A New Round Of Shakedowns - Fresh off the trillion-dollar
porkulus bill signing in Denver, President Obama immediately launched into
his next New Raw Deal expansion: a massive mortgage entitlement program
forcing lenders to refinance at an initial cost of $50 billion to $100
That's in addition to the bipartisan-supported $50 billion in the
"stimulus" bill to bail out homeowners underwater on their
mortgages and the $2 billion in "neighborhood stabilization"
funds to alleviate the foreclosure crisis. (Michelle Malkin, IBD)
John Galt
Effect - A hidden effect of the November 4 elections and the national
events that preceded them during this past year is perhaps best called the
“John Galt Effect” in honor of Ayn Rand's famous character in Atlas
Shrugged. It is occurring to a very significant extent.
Our technological civilization stands upon the shoulders of many
generations of free Americans and the great accomplishments that they
bequeathed to us. Among those Americans and their counterparts in other
countries have been a small special group of people whose unusual genius,
work ethic, and love for their specialties were especially outstanding.
These men, by their examples, their creations, and their leadership of
free enterprises, have led our civilization upward. One of the greatest
privileges of my life has been to know a few such people. (Arthur
Robinson, Human Events)
U.N. Seeks a
Green Revolution in Food - UNITED NATIONS, Feb 18 - The food crisis
that spilled over from last year could take a turn for the worse in the
next decade if there are no explicit answers to a rash of growing new
problems, including declining agricultural production, a faltering
distribution network and a deteriorating environment worldwide. (IPS)
And yet the UN is the cause of much of the problem by constantly
attacking useful chemicals, pesticides and fertilizers at the behest of
misanthropic greens.
Gone Wrong - In a perverse irony that only progressives may
appreciate, eco-group lobbyists and local environmental activists will act
to delay and obstruct the physical facilities of Obama’s fanciful “new
green economy.” Environmentalists have stopped new nuclear power plants
– reliable electric power with no greenhouse gases. Environmentalists
have stopped safe, new domestic oil and natural gas exploration and
production on our public lands, offshore and in the Alaskan tundra – US
petroleum reserves are potentially the third largest in the world.
Environmentalists have stopped new petroleum refineries in the US –
refined fuels production capacities are little changed in 30 years.
Environmentalists have stopped public forest land management and roads
that would allow containment of destructive and polluting wildfires.
Environmentalists have stopped new border security control facilities.
Environmentalists have stopped new public infrastructure such as roads,
bridges, pipelines, transport hubs, dams, power plants and power
transmission facilities. Environmentalists have even stopped the research
and commercialization of genetically-enhanced crop seeds that require less
polluting fertilizer, less water, less land and less time to grow the food
grains essential for the human diet worldwide. (Paul Taylor, LA
Ecopolitics Examiner)
Awaits Its Heyday - SAN DIEGO, U.S., Feb 16 - With wild fish catches
in sharp decline, aquaculture, which now accounts for nearly half of all
seafood consumed, is expected to double production over the next two
decades. (Tierramérica)
February 18, 2009
JunkScience's George Soros-James Hansen Quiz: Which
fact doesn't seem to belong with the others?
- "I think we have to stop the increased use of coal if we want
to bring climate change under control..." [Source: George Soros
to CNBC's Maria Bartiromo, BusinessWeek,
October 22, 2007
- George Soros provided as much as $720,000 to supports James
Hansen's anti-coal climate crusade. [Source: "The
Soros Threat to Democracy," September 24, 2007]
- "The trains carrying coal to power plants are death trains.
Coal-fired power plants are factories of death." [Source: James
Hansen, "Coal-fired
power stations are death factories: close them", The
Observer (uk), February 15, 2009]
- Soros Fund Management, LLC (George Soros, Chairman) owned
approximately $112 million in coal stocks (Arch Coal and CONSOL
Energy) as of 12-31-08. [Source: Soros Fund Management LLC Form
13F-HR, filed February 17, 2009]
Man's Inhumanity to Man of the Day: Keep
Africa Poor to Control Climate - A study in this week's Nature
(Feb. 19) reports that African forests are an important carbon sink -- and
although the researchers acknowledge that they don't really understand the
phenomenon, they nevertheless conclude that African forests be put off
limits to development.
At the end of the study, the researchers write,
African tropical forests are providing important ecosystem services
by storing carbon and being a carbon sink, thereby reducing the rate of
increase of atmospheric CO2. With adequate protection these forests are
likely to remain large carbon stores in the longer term. Securing this
service will probably require formalizing and enforcing land rights for
forest dwellers, alongside payments for ecosystem services to those
Estimated carbon stocks and their annual increase for African tropical
forest living near forested areas. Whether remaining intact forests will
continue to sequester carbon, become neutral, or become a net source of
carbon in the future is highly uncertain. Improved monitoring and
modelling of the tropical environment is required to better understand
this trajectory.
But if Africans can't harvest and monetize their own natural resources --
as we in the West have done -- Africa is likely to stay poor and sick.
Nature could have edited this study down to: "Sinks should
sink Africa."
I'm honored: REVEALED:
Marc Morano’s Pack Of Climate Denial Jokers
Marc Morano, Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-OK)’s environmental aide, sits at the
center of the right-wing global warming denier propaganda machine — of
fifty-two people. Conservative columnist Fred Barnes recently refused to
tell TPM Muckraker who’s informed him “the case for global warming”
is falling apart, but all signs point to Marc Morano. Morano’s “entire
job,” Gristmill’s David Roberts explains, “is to aggregate every
misleading factoid, every attack on climate science or scientists, every
crank skeptical statement from anyone in the world and send it all out
periodically in email blasts” to the right-wing echo chamber. The Wonk
Room has acquired Morano’s email list, and we can now reveal the pack of
climate skeptics, conservative bloggers, and corporate hacks who feed the
misinformation machine.
Promoted on the Drudge Report and Fox News, Morano’s moronic
misinformation enters mainstream discourse through columns by Barnes,
George Will, Robert Samuelson, and others. Many in the Morano gang are
funded by right-wing think tanks, though a few are committed activists,
conspiracy theorists who believe their homebrew interpretations of climate
data. Others are aging scientists with strong conservative beliefs,
motivating them to challenge action on global warming not because they
disbelieve its existence, but because they are ideologically opposed to
regulation of pollution: (Wonk Room)
Such illustrious company I find myself in (and with embarrassed
apologies to those who didn't make the cut and find a slot in the
climate realist list, there are so many equally deserving). There's no
justice though, Al & the IPCC got a pot of money for spouting
nonsense and all we get for correcting their shoddy work is this lousy
list :) I printed
a copy to .pdf in case the Wonk Room loses theirs, time of capture
is Queensland time (GMT +10:00).
NASA's Hansen Finally Lost His Mind? - Even the realization of Al
Gore's dream of "capping" carbon emissions from coal-fired power
plants wouldn't satisfy NASA's James Hansen. He wants to shut them all
down, despite the untold human misery such hysterical action would
inevitably bring. And toward that preposterously unattainable end he is
now pushing panic buttons with the alacrity of a man truly possessed.
(Marc Sheppard, American Thinker)
I, James Hansen, Scientist, have spoken (William M Briggs,
Um... no: Climate
Change Solutions - Sen. Boxer is open to everything -- except what
might work best.
THE SIX "Principles for Global Warming Legislation" released
recently by Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) were notable for what they
lacked. There were no specific greenhouse gas emissions targets. There was
no determination on an auction of pollution permits vs. giving some or
most of them away to polluters initially. But Ms. Boxer was clear on one
thing: There will be no consideration of a carbon tax. Sure, the chairman
of the Environment and Public Works Committee said, "We're willing to
look at everything . . . ." But she ended that declaration with
". . . but we believe cap-and-trade is the way to go."
Ms. Boxer's principles include enforceable reductions with periodic
review. States and localities should be allowed to forge ahead on their
own efforts to fight global warming. A transparent carbon market should be
established. The proceeds generated by it would fund clean energy
technology and assist the transition by consumers, manufacturers, states
and localities to a clean energy economy. (The Washington Post)
Bottom line is that we can not knowingly and predictably alter the
global mean temperature (or Earth's climate) by tweaking a minor
variable or two. None of the discussed actions can possible work as
The saboteurs are busy: EPA
near ruling on greenhouse gases - WASHINGTON—EPA administrator Lisa
Jackson says the agency is moving toward regulating the gases blamed for
global warming.
In an interview Tuesday with The Associated Press, Jackson said the agency
will decide whether greenhouse gases are a danger to human health and
welfare, the legal trigger for regulation under federal law.
Jackson said the Environmental Protection Agency owes the American people
an opinion, after years of the Bush administration not taking a position
on the matter—a track record that she referred to as a deafening
"We are going to be making a fairly significant finding about what
these gases mean for public health and the welfare of our country,"
Jackson said.
Recent EPA decisions have hinted that the agency was leaning toward using
the Clean Air Act to regulate the gases, a step the Bush administration
refused to take despite prodding from the Supreme Court. (Associated
EPA Reconsiders Emissions Rule
For New Power Plants - WASHINGTON - The U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency said on Tuesday it will reconsider a Bush administration rule to
let new coal-fired power plants open without taking climate-warming carbon
emissions into account.
Environmental leaders, who had petitioned the agency to overturn the Bush
rule, hailed EPA's move as a step toward the regulation of carbon dioxide
emissions and a departure from the Bush administration's stand on climate
EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson granted the environmental groups' request
for reconsideration of the rule, and in a letter to the petitioners,
called for an unspecified period of public comment before a new rule is
put in place. (Reuters)
Oh... Can
geo-engineering rebuild the planet? - As global warming worsens, the
idea of vast projects to alter the Earth's environment is moving from
fantasy to necessity. (Sanjida O'Connell, Daily Telegraph)
Um... what warming? And why would we want to avoid warming anyway?
?!! Research
exodus feared as Canada climate funding dries up - Katrin Meissner is
determined to be on the forefront of understanding the climate change
affecting everything from permafrost to bird migrations.
The celebrated young scientist at the University of Victoria had planned
to build her career in Canada. But Ms. Meissner is packing up her young
family and heading for Australia.
The University of New South Wales made her an offer she couldn't refuse --
a position as a senior lecturer, research opportunities and guaranteed
daycare for her one-year-old son, which was the perk that sealed the deal.
"I didn't really want to leave," says Ms. Meissner, who is
walking away from a coveted tenure-track position in Victoria. But she
says the opportunities in Australia seem much more promising.
"Long-term it looks quite scary in Canada," says Ms. Meissner.
(Margaret Munro, Canwest News Service)
What makes her think we want to pay her? Apart from the land
down-under not being big on permafrost (we might have a couple of feet
of it on what passes for a mountain here but don't bank on it, that
means her options are one of the sub-Antarctic islands or Australia's
Antarctic Territory). Obviously we are giving UNSW way too much money if
they are wasting it like this.
on R&D a smarter choice in climate talks - This December, global
leaders will meet in Copenhagen to negotiate a new climate change pact to
reduce carbon emissions. Yet, the way it has been set up, it will
inevitably fail. The best hope is that we use this lesson finally to deal
with this issue in a smarter fashion.
The US has made it clear that developing countries must sign up to
substantial reductions in carbon emissions in Copenhagen. Developing
nations — especially China and India — will be the main greenhouse gas
emitters of the 21st century — but were exempted from the Kyoto Protocol
because they emitted so little during the West’s industrialization
period. Europe, too, has grudgingly accepted that without developing
nations’ participation, rich nations’ cuts will have little impact.
Some would have us believe that getting China and India on board will be
According to former US vice president Al Gore, “developing countries
that were once reluctant to join in the first phases of a global response
to the climate crisis have themselves now become leaders in demanding
action and in taking bold steps on their own initiatives.”
But Gore’s fellow Nobel laureate, Rajendra Pachauri, the chair of the UN
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, is not so sure.
He recently told an Indian audience: “Of course, the developing
countries will be exempted from any such restrictions, but the developed
countries will certainly have to cut down on emissions.”
It is likely that Pachauri is right and Gore is wrong: Neither China nor
India will commit to significant cuts without a massive payoff. (Bjorn
Lomborg, Taipei Times)
Climate Billions an Entitlement - I recall being in the room at the
Hague in November 2000, when then-French president Jacques Chirac’s
opening remarks praised the Kyoto Protocol as “the first component of an
authentic global governance" (and I remember my editor with UPI, for
whom I was writing from the talks, berating me and refusing to run my
piece reporting this as hysterically making up something no one would ever
say . . . )
I even more clearly recall Rep. James Sensenbrenner (R., Wisc.) holding an
impromptu press availability afterward in the hallway outside the media
cubes, instructing European reporters that if there is a better way of
making sure that the U.S. stays out of any such pact than praising it as
“global governance,” he doesn’t know what it is. (I also remember
one of the Brit reporters, from the Guardian I believe, snapping back
“Bollocks! Bollocks!” at the congressman.)
With Chirac’s departure to other pastimes such as being “mauled by his
own ‘clinically depressed’ pet dog,” I think we may have found that
better way to keep the U.S. out of such absurdity.
Sitting down? Good. Here’s a Climate Wire story’s headline and opening
today: Climate funding is entitlement, not aid, India says. (Chris Horner,
Planet Gore)
This week's guess: Cooler
Pacific To Normalize In Coming Months: WMO - GENEVA - Cooler than
usual Pacific sea-surface temperatures should return to normal in the
coming months, and no major La Nina or El Nino events are expected, the
World Meteorological Organization (WMO) said on Tuesday.
The United Nations weather agency said that the tropical Pacific Ocean saw
temperatures 0.5 degrees Celsius below normal in December, and was now
regularizing. La Nina weather results in cooler-than-normal waters in the
Pacific Ocean and is believed to spur hurricane formation in the Atlantic
"La Nina-like conditions will most likely dissipate over the next
couple of months, returning the tropical Pacific to neutral conditions by
March-May 2009," the WMO said in its latest quarterly report.
Tree Rings Tell Of Killer
Droughts - SINGAPORE - Along the mountainous spine of Vietnam grow
ancient conifers whose tree rings tell of droughts lasting more than a
generation that helped push civilizations toward collapse, a climate
change conference heard on Tuesday.
Research by scientists from the United States and Japan has revealed a
record of drought in Indochina that goes back more than 700 years by
studying tree ring core samples from Fokienia hodginsii, a rare species
that lives in Vietnam's cloud forests.
What the samples show are two lengthy droughts between the late 1300s
early 1400s, around the time the vast and wealthy Angkor civilization in
modern-day Cambodia collapsed.
"There was a very significant multi-decadal drought in the early
1400s with the worst drought year being 1417," said Brendan Buckley
of the Tree Ring Laboratory at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory in the
United States.
Another major drought lasting at least 30 years hit in the mid-18th
century, said Buckley, speaking by telephone from the sidelines of the
conference in Dalat, southern Vietnam, that is focusing on climate
variability along the Mekong River basin.
"All of the kingdoms in Southeast Asia collapsed, in Thailand,
Vietnam and Laos between 1750-80," he said. (Reuters)
UN Infects
Science with Cancer of Global Warming - Summary: United Nations
politicians, while admitting their lack of evidence, gave birth and
nurtured the fraud of Anthropogenic Global Warming (APG). Their Malthusian
purpose is to frighten people into accepting the UN as the “centerpiece
of democratic global governance” and let the UN, ration our fossil fuel.
World temperature records show no evidence of AGW (Fig. 1A). Solar
activity in the 20th century was extremely high. Atmospheric CO2 levels
rose as the sea surface warmed. Henry’s Solubility Law, coupled with
mass balances of carbon and its isotopes, prove the total increase in
atmospheric CO2 from pre-industrial times is less than 4%. Burning all our
remaining fossil fuels, cannot double the CO2, but only increase it by
20%. Beck (2007 cataloged 90,000 chemical measurements of CO2 in the
1800s, some as high as 470 ppm. (Greater than the current Mauna Loa value
of 385 ppm). These data exposed as false, the UN IPCC’s 280 ppm ice core
values, supposedly measured during the 1800s. IPCC’s ice core
measurements of CO2 were incorrect due to their inability to correct for
problems with gas solubility and the extreme pressures in glaciers. Not
man, but nature rules the climate. (Edward F Blick)
Is this
hurricane science ... or SmackDown? - Academic journals, as a general
rule, are pretty staid affairs.
But the debate over global warming's impact on hurricane activity has
grown heated during recent years, with hurricane scientist Greg Holland
emerging as one of the lightning rods. Holland, for his part, has no
reservations about declaring the link between increased hurricane activity
and climate change as incontrovertible.
Take, for example, a paper he co-authored last year that was published in
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A (see .pdf). In the
abstract he and Peter Webster wrote:
While there is no trend in the proportion of major hurricanes, the
increasing cyclone numbers has lead to a distinct trend in the number of
major hurricanes and one that is clearly associated with greenhouse
The paper, from 2007, essentially concludes that Atlantic hurricane
activity during the last century has exhibited three distinct regimes,
with each regime having 50 percent more tropical storms and hurricanes
than the previous one.
In other words, twice during the last century, around the years 1930 and
1995, the average number of tropical storms and hurricanes in the Atlantic
jumped by 50 percent. Pretty bold claim, right? Apparently Sim Aberson, of
NOAA, thought so. His response was published in January's Bulletin of the
American Meteorological Society.
The paper's not your usual staid, academic affair.
While I can't decipher all of the statistical arguments in the paper, I
think I get the general gist of it. Aberson is basically saying that the
statistics underlying Holland's arguments in the 2007 paper are off. Way
off. (SciGuy)
New Paper “The Impact Of Agricultural Intensification And Irrigation On
Land–Atmosphere Interactions And Indian Monsoon Precipitation —A
Mesoscale Modeling Perspective by Douglas et al 2009 - We have in
press another peer reviewed paper that demonstrates the role of land
surface processes as a first order climate forcing as well as an integral
component of any assessment of climate variability and change [our study
complements the peer reviewed paper by Lee et al which was weblogged on
Climate Science on January 30 2009].
The paper is Douglas, E.M., A. Beltrán-Przekurat, D. Niyogi, R.A. Pielke,
Sr., and C. J. Vörösmarty, 2009: The impact of agricultural
intensification and irrigation on land–atmosphere interactions and
Indian monsoon precipitation —A mesoscale modeling perspective, Glob.
Planet. Change, doi:10.1016/j.gloplacha.2008.12.007 [see this link also
for the paper]. (Roger Pielke Sr., Climate Science)
From CO2 Science this week:
Sea Level
Response to Global Warming: Is there a reasonably well defined
relationship between mean global sea level rise and increases in mean
global near-surface air temperature?
Warm Period Record of the Week:
Was there a Medieval Warm Period? YES, according to data
published by 670
individual scientists from 391
separate research institutions in 40
different countries ... and counting! This issue's Medieval Warm
Period Record of the Week comes from Lop
Nur, Tarim Basin, Xinjiang, China. To access the entire Medieval Warm
Period Project's database, click
Subject Index Summary:
(Impact of Thawing on CO2): Will global warming
soon reach a "tipping point" that leads -- via permafrost
thawing -- to the release of massive amounts of carbon dioxide to the
atmosphere, leading to even more catastrophic increases in temperature?
Plant Growth Data:
This week we add new results (blue background) of plant growth responses
to atmospheric CO2 enrichment obtained from
experiments described in the peer-reviewed scientific literature for: Douglas
Fir, Lambsquarters,
Amaranth, and Tomato.
Journal Reviews:
North Atlantic Deep
Water Formation: How has it been behaving lately?
Detecting Change
in the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation: How long will it
take to be confident of any deviation from the MOC's relative constancy
over the past half-century or more?
Atmospheric CO2
on A Cold Winter's Night in Nagoya City: How high did its
concentration rise relative to its daytime low in the Japanese metropolis?
Climatic Variability: How might its occurrence impact ecosystem
biodiversity and resilience?
Responses of the
Great Reed Warbler to Global Warming: Has the going been easy or tough
for the long-distance migrant bird? (co2science.org)
Baby, Drill! (To Save the Environment) - When is it OK for an oil
slick to coat a pristine beach?
When it’s a “natural occurrence,” of course! (William Yeatman,
Cooler Heads)
Oil Sands Producers Gird For
Obama's Canada Visit - WASHINGTON - Canada's oil sands industry,
battered by collapsing oil prices, also faces the prospect of ballooning
costs as the United States and Canada prepare to discuss energy security
and efforts to fight global warming.
When U.S. President Barack Obama visits Ottawa on Thursday, energy will be
a key topic in his talks with Canada Prime Minister Stephen Harper, who
often touts Canada as an emerging energy superpower due to its massive oil
sands resources.
Oil sands producers worry that Obama's plan for a cap-and-trade system to
reduce emissions of greenhouse gasses could make their operations too
costly -- especially at current depressed oil prices. Harper also has
voiced support for a cap-and-trade system. (Reuters)
wants to reopen NAFTA but keep trade flowing - OTTAWA, Feb 17 - U.S.
President Barack Obama said on Tuesday he still wants to reopen the North
American Free Trade Agreement, despite a warning from Canada that this
would be a mistake, but he said he did not want to end up curbing trade.
In an interview with the Canadian Broadcasting Corp, shortly before his
visit to Ottawa on Thursday, Obama also declined to characterize oil from
Canada's vast oil sands region as "dirty oil" which should
somehow be curtailed. (Reuters)
climate change off the agenda - Canadians and Americans place climate
change near bottom of priorities
Barack Obama, on his first foreign trip as President to Canada, will then
lecture the United States’ largest trading partner and source of energy
imports on the need for a renewed commitment to reducing greenhouse-gas
Both governments claim to be forging ahead with what’s known as a
cap-and-trade system, domestically and internationally, through a
successor to the Kyoto Protocol, expected to be signed later this year.
(Christopher Horner, Financial Post)
Traders picking your pockets through industry and power generation: Carbon
exchanges cashing in amid EU slowdown - LONDON, Feb 17 - Carbon
emissions exchanges are thriving, making as much as 2 million euros ($2.55
million) a week in revenues, Reuters data shows, just as European industry
struggles to survive in the wake of the economic downturn.
Under the European Union's Emissions Trading Scheme, heavy industry is
allotted an annual quota of emissions permits called EU Allowances (EUAs),
and are forced to buy more, often over carbon exchanges, if they emit more
carbon dioxide than allowed.
But cash-strapped firms seeking to raise funds in the short-term have been
dumping 2008 EUAs on the spot market with a view to borrowing from their
2009 quota in April when last year's permits are due to be handed in.
Spot prices for EUAs trading on Paris-based BlueNext BNXCO2-2, Europe's
main spot EUA exchange, have fallen by almost 50 percent so far this year
to around 8.30 euros a tonne.
Daily spot volumes, on the other hand, have more than doubled since last
November, meaning more revenues for the exchanges that trade them.
"With people wanting to hold more liquid positions, the spot market
is a natural home," BlueNext's Marketing and Communications Director
Keiron Allen said in an interview, adding BlueNext holds a 98 percent
share of EUA spot trading.
The recent surge in selling has seen BlueNext's volumes average 7.3
million tonnes so far in 2009, and top 10 million tonnes in each of the
past five trading days.
BlueNext, a joint venture between NYSE Euronext (NYX.PA) and France's
Caisse des Depots, charges 0.017 euros per transaction.
Two sides to every trade means revenues of 0.034 euros per tonne of CO2
traded, or a daily average of around 250,000 euros. (Reuters)
Algae Oil Developer OriginOil
Signs Pact With U.S. DOE - LOS ANGELES - Algae-to-energy developer
OriginOil has signed an agreement with the U.S. Department of Energy to
cooperate in research, the company said on Tuesday.
Los Angeles-based OriginOil and the DOE's Idaho National Laboratory will
work to validate the company's technology of growing algae for fuel in a
"photobioreactor." (Reuters)
Yucks is at it again: UCS
Says New Biofuel Product Likely to Contaminate Food Supply - February
13, 2009 -- The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) recently closed the
public comment period for its proposal to permit—for the first
time—widespread cultivation of a food crop engineered for biofuel
production. If authorized, the new ethanol corn would also be the first
genetically engineered industrial crop destined to be planted on millions
of acres annually. Grown at such an enormous scale, the ethanol corn would
inevitably contaminate corn intended for the food and feed supply,
exposing people to new engineered proteins that may pose an allergy risk.
(UCS press release)
out ‘deniers’ and ‘dissidents’ - Anti-smoking activists are
now comparing their critics to Holocaust deniers. It is a vile attempt to
shut down debate.
In a five-page journal article published online this month, Martin
Dockrell, the policy and campaigns manager for the UK’s main
anti-smoking campaign, Action on Smoking and Health (ASH), has launched an
extraordinary attack on the journalist and broadcaster Michael Blastland.
Calling him a ‘conspiracy theorist’ and a ‘dissident’, Dockrell
explicitly compares Blastland to the ‘AIDS dissidents’ who disputed
the link between HIV and AIDS. (Christopher Snowdon, sp!ked)
Klaus: The unbearable inability to learn - When communism ended (and I
deliberately like to say that it was a collapse, not a defeat), it seemed
that the ideas and institutions of that system were so thoroughly
discredited that they couldn't return in any foreseeable future. And it
seemed that no person could possibly - without blushing - dare to publicly
defend them.
It seemed unreasonable to expect that people would prefer to trust the
state instead of the markets once again; that they would believe that one
can distribute more wealth than what is being produced; that people have a
right for high living standards rather than that they must deserve them;
that an arbitrarily lustrous doctrine is more important than the human
freedom; that the wisdom of the anointed is more than the knowledge of the
"ordinary" people.
Who was naive
However, we were not quite naive. During the last two decades, many of us
were warning that those attitudes were only partially abandoned in the
post-communist part of the world (and some third-world countries), that
even those countries were quickly depleting the initial momentum, and that
the "first" world was seeing no development of this kind at all.
(The Reference Frame)
- This Is Not How to Help the Poor - Today I had a flashback to the
days when the global health community was divided into two bitterly
opposed camps, the pro-public and pro-private. Younger global health
professionals may not recall the days when the two camps hurled invective
at each other across an unbridgeable chasm that precluded any constructive
discussion. It was my anecdote versus yours, underlaid by "my
values" (infinitely superior) to yours (highly suspect). The folks at
Oxfam, it seems, are feeling nostalgic, and their new report would take us
back. The report criticizes the "Blind Optimism" of people and
organizations who would work with the private health sector to improve
access to health services and mortality reduction in developing countries.
It kicks off with the inevitable anecdote of superior performance from a
largely public system, in this case Sri Lanka. Undoubtedly old members of
the pro-private camp will be tempted to toss back their own stories. But
must we slide back to the old unconstructive debates? Must we revert to my
anecdote versus yours? The stakes are too high to let this happen. (April
Harding, Center for Global Development)
healthcare free from bureaucracy - According to WHO, most Health
Ministries lack even the basic data and officials sell free drugs
The pressure group Oxfam does not like the growing trend of international
donors using the private sector to deliver healthcare efficiently to the
poorest parts of the world. According to its new report Blind Optimism,
state-provided healthcare is more efficient, more equitable and less
corrupt than private healthcare. The report, however, is Oxfam’s:
Governments are responsible for providing healthcare in much of Asia, many
have been showered with aid and the quality is still atrocious.
The current system in which rich Governments hand over large sums of money
to poor Governments in the hope they will spend the money on health
(rather than limousines or warfare) has run its course. Aid for health has
ballooned from $2.5 billion in 2000 to $14 billion in 2006.
Access to even basic medicines in India remains unacceptably low. Children
go without routine vaccinations. Simple anti-infective drugs are out of
reach of the majority of the rural poor. Despite the Government’s claims
to offer “universal” healthcare, 65 per cent of Indians have no access
to essential medicines. (Philip Stevens, The Pioneer)
February 17, 2009
Nonsense - How can celebrity anti-nuclear power activists Alec Baldwin
and Christie Brinkley try, in good conscience, to scare us about both
carbon-free nuclear power and global warming?
(Steven Milloy, FoxNews.com)
revenge - Paul Ehrlich was of course the Stanford scientist and
doomsayer who predicted early in the late 1960's that "the population
bomb" would soon result in global starvation. Ehrlich then famously
made and lost a bet with Julian Simon based on Ehrlich's predicted
scenario of resource scarcity. George Will recalls in his column today on
the global warming scare: (Powerline Blog)
Science Doesn’t Matter - As unusual as it has been for global
warming alarmists to debate skeptics, I have found it even more rare to
find a mainstream news outlet — anywhere — to cover the issue
surrounding states’ global warming commissions and the Center for
Climate Strategies. Well, after traveling all the way to Anchorage a few
weeks ago, I finally found a local TV station who was interested in
hearing about it: ABC’s affiliate, which broadcasts throughout Alaska.
(Paul Chesser, Climate Strategies Watch)
Oh dear... Environment
Gridlock - On climate issues America is less a nation than 50
different states, moving at wildly different speeds.
One effect of the new Obama administration's global charm is that America
could be let out of the environmental doghouse. The Obama plan to restart
the economy is stuffed full of green incentives, and the new president has
earned global cheers for his promise to cut the gases that cause global
warming. But hope and change are not easy to implement in Washington, and
the first big disappointment is likely to come later this year when the
world's governments gather in Copenhagen to replace the aging and
ineffective Kyoto treaty.
Pundits have been talking down the Copenhagen summit on the theory that
the current financial crisis makes 2009 a tough time for governments to
focus on costly and distant global goals like protecting the planet. In
reality, the greenish tinge on nearly every economic recovery plan, even
China's, show that this crisis offers green opportunity. The real reason
Copenhagen will be a disappointment is that the new Obama administration
can't lead until it first learns what it can actually implement at home.
And delivering greenery in the American political system is harder than it
looks—even when the same left-leaning party controls both the White
House and Congress. (David Victor, Newsweek)
You Needed More Evidence - I’ve catalogued a lot of evidence that
the Center for Climate Strategies, the so-called unbiased “technical
consultant” to states for their global warming policy commissions, is
totally controlled by the Pennsylvania Environmental Council alarmism
advocacy group. This is despite denials by CCS’s executive director, Tom
Peterson. Well, in the research for my American Spectator piece yesterday
(which explains how now CCS and PEC are now running away from one another
— looks bad, ya know) I discovered yet another clear statement that CCS
is totally controlled by PEC. (Paul Chesser, Climate Strategies Watch)
Stupid 'report': Model
Sees Severe Climate Change Impact By 2050 - LONDON - Current efforts
to limit greenhouse gas emissions will do little to ease damaging climate
change, according to a report issued on Friday that predicts Greenland's
ice sheets will start melting by 2050.
A computer model calculated that if carbon dioxide emissions continue to
grow at the current rate over the next 40 years, global temperatures will
still rise 2 degrees Centigrade compared with the beginning of the
Industrial Revolution.
This would push the planet to the brink, sparking unprecedented flooding
and heatwaves and making it even more difficult to reverse the trend,
according to the report from the Institute of Mechanical Engineers in
Britain. (Reuters)
Climate models have no known predictive skill and these are driven by
the flawed assumption atmospheric carbon dioxide is a key determinant of
global mean temperature (there is no evidence this has ever or will ever
be the case).
Kyoto and
Sons of Kyoto: A Few Months, Then The Truth - With minuscule if any
expected practical effects, and a prohibitively expensive price tag, no
wonder the Kyoto Protocol has elicited little enthusiasm left, right and
centre of the climate debate. And at times, it has even looked simply too
easy to hijack for many interests that have little to do with climate
and/or the environment. For example, the whole European emission trading
market scheme has been rather more successful as yet another chance for
financial speculation, than as a beaconing example for sustainable
development policies. (Guido Guidi, Italian Climate Monitor blog --
English translated version Maurizio Morabito & CCNet)
Debate, Part II - I had intended to return to this point when I
originally posted about this debate last week, but time got away from me.
Thankfully, my colleague Roy Cordato brought it up today:
During the question and answer session of last week’s William
Schlesinger/John Christy global warming debate, (alarmist) Schlesinger was
asked how many members of United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change (IPCC) were actual climate scientists. It is well known
that many, if not most, of its members are not scientists at all. Its
president, for example, is an economist. This question came after
Schlesinger had cited the IPCC as an authority for his position. His
answer was quite telling. First he broadened it to include not just
climate scientists but also those who have had “some dealing with the
climate.” His complete answer was that he thought, “something on the
order of 20 percent have had some dealing with climate.” In other words,
even IPCC worshiper Schlesinger now acknowledges that 80 percent of the
IPCC membership had absolutely no dealing with the climate as part of
their academic studies.
This shatters so much of the alarmists’ claim, as they almost always
appeal to the IPCC as their ultimate authority. Slain. (Paul Chesser,
Climate Strategies Watch)
Heads Digest
the BBC and a giant snake - Science radio off the rails - Listeners to
BBC World Service's Science in Action program got a nasty surprise last
week. In the midst of a discussion about the large snake fossil, a
scientist dropped this bombshell:
"The Planet has heated and cooled repeatedly throughout its
history. What we're doing is the rate at which we're heating the planet is
many orders of magnitude faster than any natural process - and is moving
too fast for natural systems to respond." (Andrew Orlowski, The
Global Warming taking over or is it just a bunch of hot-air? - In all
the talk and heated debate about global warming, I came across several
articles on the subject recently, that made me think, but not change my
view on the subject. Regardless of one's opinion, the facts are the facts
and they cannot be denied. In this case, I make a case that global warming
is simply a political ploy, in order for the news media to persuade the
public into a state of panic. Why I'm not sure, but I have to say that I
have been a part of that same media for fifteen years now and I get
frustrated with the constant ignorance and one sighted reporting from both
broadcasters and publishers! (Scott Sumner, DC Weather Examiner)
Glimmer of
hope for consensus climate honesty is short-lived
The true mark of a theory is without doubt its ability to predict
phenomena. --Baron Cuvier, 1822
Do not knowingly mislead, or allow others to be misled, about
scientific matters. Present and review scientific evidence, theory or
interpretation honestly and accurately. --Proposed scientific code of
For one giddy, almost magical moment, I thought the “consensus”
climate science community, or at least a small portion of it, had finally
come to its senses. I should have known better.
The almost-magical moment came on reading a headline in the U.K. Guardian
online. It read: “Scientists must rein in misleading climate change
claims: Overplaying natural variations in the weather diverts attention
from the real issues.” The article was by Dr. Vicky Pope of the British
Meteorological (Hadley) Centre, one of the four major centres monitoring
Finally! I thought. The consensus climate scientists who believe,
passionately but with almost no scientific evidence beyond computer
models, that the planet is warming, that it’s all humanity’s fault,
and that we’re heading for oblivion, are willing to admit they’ve been
wildly exaggerating the threat of warming to places like the Arctic. (Paul
MacRae, CFP)
in the Environmental Movement - Environmentalists have always
possessed a truly maddening idea that anyone who dare oppose their agenda
is an unscientific, politically-motivated, oil industry shill. This seems
especially true when a scientist or public official comes out against the
"consensus" on global warming. The science is settled and all
that remain are a handful of privately-funded cranks who value a paycheck
more than the environment, so
the argument goes. Greenpeace exemplifies this argument on their
"Exxon Exposed" website:
"For years, a network of organizations have worked together to
block action on global warming […] This network has been consistently
funded by ExxonMobil. Since at least 1998, ExxonMobil has spent $17 to
$23 million to bankroll these groups."
Hypocrisy is the only word that comes to mind when I come across such
statements. (Cameron J. English)
Here they come again: Hamburgers
are the Hummers of food in global warming - When it comes to global
warming, hamburgers are the Hummers of food, scientists say.
Simply switching from steak to salad could cut as much carbon as leaving
the car at home a couple days a week.
That's because beef is such an incredibly inefficient food to produce and
cows release so much harmful methane into the atmosphere, said Nathan
Pelletier of Dalhousie University in Canada. (AFP)
Tenacious Drought Puzzles Climate Experts - BUENOS AIRES, Feb 13 - For
months now, yellowed pastures, cracked soil and dead livestock have been
the landscape of what otherwise are the most productive farming areas of
Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. Scientists say it is so far
impossible to determine if the drought is a manifestation of climate
change processes. (Tierramérica)
Europe To Leave Collapsing
Carbon Prices To Market - TOKYO - The European Commission will not
intervene to support the market for European carbon emissions where
futures prices have nosedived along with the economic downturn, the EC's
chief climate change negotiator said on Friday. (Reuters)
Of Land Use Versus Atmospheric Information Verified From Cloud Simulations
From The Monteverde Frontier Region of Costa Rica” by Ray et al. 2009
- We have another paper accepted for publication which examines the
importance of land use and of atmospheric information with respect to
mesoscale and regional weather and climate predictions. It is Ray, D. K.,
R. A. Pielke Sr., U. S. Nair, R. M. Welch, and R. O. Lawton (2009).
Importance of land use versus atmospheric information verified from cloud
simulations from a frontier region in Costa Rica, J. Geophys. Res.,
doi:10.1029/2007JD009565, in press (Roger Pielke Sr., Climate Science)
A Peep from Scientists - Last week Vicky Pope of the UK Met Service
caused a bit of a stir by calling for some restraint in the
misrepresentation of climate science in political debates. She wrote:
Overplaying natural variations in the weather as climate change is just
as much a distortion of the science as underplaying them to claim that
climate change has stopped or is not happening. Both undermine the basic
facts that the implications of climate change are profound and will be
severe if greenhouse gas emissions are not cut drastically and swiftly
over the coming decades.
But to get a sense of how difficult reining in such claims will actually
be, consider the reaction of the scientific community to Al Gore’s
invited speech at the American Association for the Advancement of Science
(AAAS) last week (a video can be found here). (Roger Pielke, Jr.,
Who's afraid
of global warming? - The blackboard in Prof. Nir Shaviv's office in
the Department of Physics at Hebrew University is covered with equations
and graphs. He's hunched over the computer, searching for another
illustration, another study that will underscore the subject of our talk:
the effect of cosmic rays on the earth's warming. (Haaretz)
Cares About the Consumer? - Electricity consumers beware! The
so-called-stimulus bill includes provision for something called
“decoupling.” E&E Daily reports:
Also included in the final version is a requirement that governors who
want additional state energy efficiency grants ensure that their state
regulators guarantee revenue to utilities to support efficiency programs.
State regulators and consumer advocates strongly opposed the provision,
saying it ties regulators’ hands and is not the best tool to promote
The National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners said many
regulators cannot assure that “decoupling” requirements will be met.
“These ambiguous conditions will create confusion and legal uncertainty
and will likely delay or preclude the release of these critical funds,”
NARUC said in a statement. “This benefits neither the States the
utilities, nor, most importantly, the citizens they serve.”
“Decoupling” is a mystifying-sounding name for an economically
terrifying concept. This is how it is described in government/regulatory
jargon: (Iain Murray, Cooler Heads)
US Court Overturns Ban On West
Virginia Surface Mining - NEW YORK - A US Court of Appeals on Friday
overturned a lower court ruling that had banned surface, or mountaintop,
mining in West Virginia, according to court documents.
The ruling was hailed by the coal mining companies who have turned to
mountaintop mining as an economical alternative to traditional underground
mines in Appalachia where production is declining.
The environmentalists who brought the original case said they would assess
their next legal move, but vowed to fight on against the mining method
which basically slices the top off hills and mountains. (Reuters)
UK And Poland Top Dirty Coal
List, Closures Loom - BRUSSELS - Britain, Poland, Spain, France and
Romania top the list of countries that will have to retire coal-fired
power stations by 2015 to comply with European Union acid rain laws,
European Commission data shows.
The EU adopted laws in 2001 aimed at curbing emissions of sulphur dioxide
and nitrogen oxides -- which harm human health and lead to acidification
of lakes and soil -- from industrial plants that burn fossil fuels.
The European Commission, executive arm of the EU, estimates that if fully
implemented its air quality laws could prevent 13,000 premature deaths a
The regulation has met resistance from some EU countries including
Britain, which argues it could face a gap in power production with 25
percent of its generating capacity closing over the next decade due either
to air quality constraints or nuclear reactors reaching the end of their
The issue is due to be debated when EU environment ministers next meet in
Brussels on March 2. (Reuters)
Rio Says Cameroon Projects,
Hydropower Dam On Track - YAOUNDE - Rio Tinto projects in Cameroon
remain on track and the company still aims to build a 1,000 megawatt
hydroelectric dam to power a planned aluminium smelter there despite
cutbacks elsewhere, it said.
The dam is to be built on the Sanaga River, some 165 km (103 miles) east
of Cameroon's economic capital, Douala. It would power a smelter at Kribi,
to the south, that would have an initial capacity of 400,000 tonnes of
aluminium per year.
Cameroon's current aluminium smelting capacity stands at 90,000 tonnes per
year but the country hopes to harness its vast hydroelectic potential to
increase this. The Kribi smelter has an eventual potential of 1 million
tonnes per year. (Reuters)
FUND VIEW - Schroders Green
Fund Waits On Solar Valuations - HONG KONG - Renewable energy stocks
are likely to fall further in 2009, with solar stocks particularly
vulnerable, although a sharp correction should offer a buying opportunity
for long-term investors, a fund manager with Schroders said.
"This is the year that's going to create great long-term buying
opportunity for investors in the renewable sector," Simon Webber,
manager of the Schroder ISF Global Climate Change Equity fund, told
Reuters in an interview.
"There's going to be profit warnings in the best wind and solar
companies and this is a good opportunity to begin holding on that
weakness," said Webber. (Reuters)
report proves California waiver would create regulatory patchwork - A
front-burner issue facing Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Administrator Lisa Jackson is whether to grant a waiver under the Clean
Air Act allowing the California Air Resources Board (CARB) to implement
first-ever greenhouse gas (GHG) emission standards for new motor vehicles.
Thirteen other states are poised to adopt the CARB program if Jackson
grants the waiver. In all, about 40% of the U.S. auto market would come
under the CARB rules. (Marlo Lewis, Cooler Heads)
Is Said to Drop Plan for ‘Car Czar’ to Fix Detroit - DETROIT —
President Obama has dropped the idea of appointing a single, powerful
“car czar” to oversee the revamping of General Motors and Chrysler and
will instead keep the politically delicate task in the hands of his most
senior economic advisers, a top administration official said Sunday night.
Mr. Obama is designating the Treasury secretary, Timothy F. Geithner, and
the chairman of the National Economic Council, Lawrence H. Summers, to
oversee a presidential panel on the auto industry. Mr. Geithner will also
supervise the $17.4 billion in loan agreements already in place with G.M.
and Chrysler, said the official, who insisted on anonymity.
The official also said that Ron Bloom, a restructuring expert who has
advised the labor unions in the troubled steel and airline industries,
would be named a senior adviser to Treasury on the auto crisis.
The unexpected shift comes as G.M. and Chrysler race to complete broad
restructuring plans they must file with the Treasury by Tuesday. The
companies’ plans are required to show progress in cutting long-term
costs as a condition for keeping their loans.
The administration official said the president was reserving for himself
any decision on the viability of G.M. and Chrysler, both of which came
close to bankruptcy before receiving federal aid two months ago. (New York
Biofuel From Forestry Waste Is
Close - UPM-Kymmene - MUNICH - New types of green fuels produced using
waste from forestry may be among the first new generation biofuels to
start production, an executive from Finnish forestry and paper group
UPM-Kymmenesaid on Thursday.
UPM was planning to expand into biofuel production and was currently
conducting trials to produce biodiesel, bioethanol and heavy fuel oils
from forest residues including tree bark, twigs and stumps, said vice
president corporate relations and development Hans Sohlstrom.
Governments worldwide want second generation biofuels to replace first
generation green fuels produced from foods such as corn, sugar and
vegetable oils, following bitter controversy about whether biofuel
production raises food prices.
"According to our plans we should have the necessary information in
our hands to make decisions about the first large scale commercial unit by
the middle of this year," Sohlstrom said on the sidelines of a
conference on second generation biofuels organised by German commodity
analysts F.O. Licht.
"However I am not saying we will make a decision as many things have
changed in this financial and economic climate." Any investment could
involve hundreds of millions of euros. (Reuters)
Homes and care coordination are tested - Older Americans who,
understandably, have more chronic conditions of aging, are sadly also
blamed for accounting for “disproportionately” large amounts of
Medicare spending. It is sometimes thought that the increased services
those suffering from chronic conditions require could be due to inadequate
counseling on diet, medication, and self-care or not having ready access
to medical care. (Junkfood Science)
to Compare Medical Treatments - WASHINGTON — The $787 billion
economic stimulus bill approved by Congress will, for the first time,
provide substantial amounts of money for the federal government to compare
the effectiveness of different treatments for the same illness. (New York
UN Urges Crackdown On Mercury
To Protect Health - OSLO - Environment ministers must crack down on
mercury poisoning to protect the health of hundreds of millions of people
worldwide, the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) said on Sunday.
"A clear and unequivocal vision of a low mercury future needs to be
set," UNEP head Achim Steiner said on the eve of a Feb. 16-20 meeting
in Nairobi of environment ministers who will consider a new strategy to
limit mercury. "Inaction on the global mercury challenge is no longer
an option."
Ministers "can take a landmark decision to lift a global health
threat from the lives of hundreds of millions of people" by agreeing
a new strategy to tackle mercury after seven years of talks, he wrote in a
statement. (Reuters)
Mercury is a natural part of our environment and is very rarely any
form of problem. Mercury mania is just another anti-energy,
anti-industry tool of the misanthropy brigade.
Economic Downturn Endangers
German Birth Rate Rise - BERLIN - The economic crisis could halt the
rising birth rate in Germany where Chancellor Angela Merkel's government
has boosted parental benefits to help fend off a looming demographic
crisis, experts warned on Monday.
Germany, which is facing its worst recession since World War II, is
worried about the strain on the pension, health and welfare systems if its
already ageing population shrinks further. Some studies show the
population could dip below 70 million by 2050 from about 82 million.
The German government earlier released figures showing a small rise in the
number of babies born in 2008, but the pace slowed from the previous year
when the country's birth rate rose for the first time in a decade.
laws of physics still under threat - For those, like Number Watch, who
have wondered “Whatever happened to Steorn” our flabber has never been
so ghasted to discover that it is still going strong. The bathos of the
public demonstration in July 2007, when technical difficulties (in the
form of warm lights) caused a postponement of the collapse of physics,
appears to have been set aside. There is a new launch going on.
Remarkable! (Number Watch)
and Cities Angle for Stimulus Cash - Well before President Obama’s
stimulus package completed its tortuous path through Congress last week,
state and local officials facing multimillion-dollar budget deficits,
crumbling infrastructure and the prospect of massive reductions in
services were already jockeying for the upper hand in deciding how the
money should be spent. (New York Times)
China Urged To Cut Use Of
Nitrogen Fertilisers - HONG KONG - Excessive use of nitrogen
fertilisers in China in the past few decades has polluted its groundwater,
given rise to acid rain, soil acidification and increased greenhouse gas
emissions, Chinese experts said. (Reuters)
It also helped feed their billion-plus- strong population...
China's Big Farm Province Says
Drought Damage Limited - ZHENGZHOU - The government of one of China's
big farming provinces, Henan, said on Saturday that wheat production will
probably not fall despite a widespread drought, adding to signs that
damage from the dry spell is so far limited.
Liu Mancang, vice governor of Henan responsible for agriculture, told
reporters visiting the central province that irrigation and better yields
in some areas were likely to offset drought damage elsewhere.
"Provided that our drought control measures are on target, and the
drought doesn't continue and worsen, then this year's wheat harvest should
be about the same as last year's," Liu told a news conference in the
provincial capital, Zhengzhou. (Reuters)
China Vows To Squeeze 60 Pct
More Out Of Its Water - BEIJING - China, faced with widespread water
shortages exacerbated by its worst drought in decades, aims to cut the
amount of water it uses to produce each dollar of national income by 60
percent by 2020, state media said.
The target, unveiled by Water Resources Minister Chen Lei, underlines
Beijing's growing concern over chronic water shortages that it fears could
undermine its ability to feed itself and crimp economic growth in the long
run. (Reuters)
February 16, 2009
Is he starting to drool yet? Coal-fired
power stations are death factories. Close them - The government is
expected to give the go-ahead to the coal-burning Kingsnorth power plant.
Here, one of the world's foremost climate experts launches an excoriating
attack on Britain's long love affair with the most polluting fossil fuel
of all
A year ago, I wrote to Gordon Brown asking him to place a moratorium on
new coal-fired power plants in Britain. I have asked the same of Angela
Merkel, Barack Obama, Kevin Rudd and other leaders. The reason is this -
coal is the single greatest threat to civilisation and all life on our
The climate is nearing tipping points. Changes are beginning to appear and
there is a potential for explosive changes, effects that would be
irreversible, if we do not rapidly slow fossil-fuel emissions over the
next few decades. As Arctic sea ice melts, the darker ocean absorbs more
sunlight and speeds melting. As the tundra melts, methane, a strong
greenhouse gas, is released, causing more warming. As species are
exterminated by shifting climate zones, ecosystems can collapse,
destroying more species.
The public, buffeted by weather fluctuations and economic turmoil, has
little time to analyse decadal changes. How can people be expected to
evaluate and filter out advice emanating from those pushing special
interests? How can people distinguish between top-notch science and
pseudo-science? (James Hansen, The Observer)
Hansen may once have been a scientist but he sure seems to be more
than a few fries short of a meal deal now, doesn't he.
for Biological Diversity Declares Legal War on Global Warming - SAN
FRANCISCO, California, February 13, 2009 (ENS) - To fight climate change,
the nonprofit Center for Biological Diversity Thursday opened a new law
institute in San Francisco and announced the dedication of an initial $17
million to the project.
The Climate Law Institute will use existing laws and work to establish new
state and federal laws that will eliminate energy generation by the
burning of fossil fuels - particularly coal and oil shale.
Burning these materials emits greenhouse gases into the atmosphere that
have already raised the planetary temperature, threatening the widespread
extinction of species, sea level rise and ocean acidity, food and water
scarcity, heatwaves, wildfires and floods.
"Global warming is the greatest challenge humanity has ever faced. It
is the defining issue of our time," said Kieran Suckling, executive
director of the Center.
"To meet the challenge, the Center for Biological Diversity has
created the Climate Law Institute to extend the reach of current
environmental and human health laws to encompass global warming, pass new
climate legislation, and reinvent America's approach to protecting
endangered species and public lands," he said. (Environment News
UN climate chief
praises new US administration - TOKYO -- The U.N. climate chief
praised President Barack Obama's pledge to tackle global warming and
expressed hope Friday that the U.S. policy shift would boost chances for a
new international agreement on cutting emissions of greenhouse gases.
"It's been a night-to-day change in terms of the U.S. position on
this topic," United Nations climate chief Yvo de Boer said in Tokyo,
adding that he hopes that the more active American approach will encourage
China and other developing nations to make further efforts to control
their emissions.
De Boer was in Tokyo to attend two days of informal international talks on
laying the groundwork for negotiations on a new global agreement on
cutting carbon emissions in December in Copenhagen.
The U.S. position is seen as crucial for the outcome of the Copenhagen
meeting. (Associated Press)
Media not hysterical enough? Mass
Media Often Failing In Its Coverage Of Global Warming, Says Climate
Researcher - "Business managers of media organizations, you are
screwing up your responsibility by firing science and environment
reporters who are frankly the only ones competent to do this," said
climate researcher and policy analyst Stephen Schneider, in assessing the
current state of media coverage of global warming and related issues.
(Stanford University)
Deprogramming students - Letters from parents often complain of a
sense of futility in trying to argue with their own children, who have
been fed a steady diet of the politically correct vision of the world,
from elementary school to the university.
Some ask for suggestions of particular books that might make a dent in the
know-it-all attitude of some young people who have heard only one side of
the story in classrooms all their lives.
That is one way of going about trying to de-program young people. There
are, for example, some good books showing what is wrong with the
"global warming" crusades or showing why male-female differences
in income or occupations are not automatically discrimination.
Various authors have written a lot of good books that demolish what is
currently believed - and taught to students - on a wide range of issues.
Some of those books are listed as suggested readings on my Web site (www.tsowell.com).
Yet trying to undo the propaganda that passes for education at too many
schools and colleges, one issue at a time, may not always be the best
strategy. There are too many issues on which the politically correct party
line is considered to be the only way to look at things.
Given the wide range of issues on which students are indoctrinated,
instead of being educated, trying to undo all of that would require a
whole shelf full of books- and somehow getting the students to read them
all. (Thomas Sowell, Washington Times)
Look what flimflam man is up to now. Everyone line up to sue these
dills for damages from cold weather events: Climate
Change Campaigner Tim Flannery Joins New Zealand Company To Fix Climate
- 16 February 2009 - New Zealand charcoal technology company Carbonscape'
announced today that Tim Flannery, Australian of the Year (2007), author
of The Weather Makers and international campaigner on climate change, is
joining the team as a board director.
"I'm delighted to be joining Carbonscape" says Tim, "The
technology developed by Carbonscape is exciting and promises to make a
dent in carbon dioxide levels. We have to get greenhouse gas levels down
and fast. Carbonscape offers the possibility of doing that."
The most widely discussed method to sequester carbon gases involves
injecting compressed carbon dioxide into the earth's crust. Carbonscape is
trying an alternative approach by developing a patented world-first
industrial microwave charcoal technology that sucks carbon dioxide from
the atmosphere, helping mitigate the impact of global warming. (Voxy)
Getting to the point you have to be embarrassed for them: Global
warming seen worse than predicted - CHICAGO - The climate is heating
up far faster than scientists had predicted, spurred by sharp increases in
greenhouse gas emissions from developing countries like China and India, a
top climate scientist said on Saturday.
"The consequence of that is we are basically looking now at a future
climate that is beyond anything that we've considered seriously,"
Chris Field, a member of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, or
IPCC, told the American Association for the Advancement of Science meeting
in Chicago.
Field said "the actual trajectory of climate change is more
serious" than any of the climate predictions in the IPCC's fourth
assessment report called "Climate Change 2007."
He said recent climate studies suggested the continued warming of the
planet from greenhouse gas emissions could touch off large, destructive
wildfires in tropical rain forests and melt permafrost in the Arctic
tundra, releasing billions of tons of greenhouse gasses that could raise
global temperatures even more.
"There is a real risk that human-caused climate change will
accelerate the release of carbon dioxide from forest and tundra
ecosystems, which have been storing a lot of carbon for thousands of
years," Field, of Stanford University and the Carnegie Institution
for Science, said in a statement. (Reuters)
BBC Attempts to Patch Up the Cracks - botches it, citing AGW could set off
“negative feedback” - UPDATE: BBC Can’t even get their reporting
correct. The reporter in this video report that accompanies the web
article says that “The fear is that increased global warming could set
off what’s called negative feedback…..” and that now we are in
“scenarios unexplored by the models”. No kidding, it’s that bad. For
those of you that don’t know, some alarmists claim that “negative
climate feedback is as real as the Easter Bunny, which is what makes this
BBC factual error so hilarious. (Watts Up With That?)
Oh... Climate
change: 'Feedback' triggers could amplify peril - PARIS — New
studies have warned of triggers in the natural environment, including a
greenhouse-gas timebomb in Siberia and Canada, that could viciously
amplify global warming.
Thawing subarctic tundra could unleash billions of tonnes of gases that
have been safely stored in frosty soil, while oceans and forests are
becoming less able to suck carbon dioxide (CO2) out of the atmosphere,
according to papers presented this weekend.
Together, these phenomena mean that more heat-trapping gases will enter
the atmosphere, which in turn will stoke global warming, thrusting the
machinery of climate change into higher gear.
Researchers in Finland and Russia discovered that nitrous oxide is leaking
into the air from so-called "peat circle" ecosystems found
throughout the tundra, a vast expanse of territory in higher latitudes.
CO2 and methane account for the lion's share of the gases that have driven
global temperatures inexorably higher over the last century. (AFP)
If enhanced greenhouse has increased Earth's mean temperature
then it has done so trivially and it will not drive catastrophic warming
under any realistic scenario.
not ready for 'climate refugees' - Scientists warn of migration,
"Climate refugees."
It's a term we should get used to, researchers warned on Thursday,
predicting a flood of new residents driven north by heat waves, fires and
other calamitous effects of global warming.
With one speaker raising the specter of a new migration on the scale of
the Great Depression, state and county officials admitted they have barely
started getting ready. (Seattle P-I)
Littles taken to task - A corollary of Murphy's Law ("If
something can go wrong, it will") is: "Things are worse than
they can possibly be."
Energy Secretary Steven Chu, an atomic physicist, seems to embrace that
corollary but ignores Gregg Easterbrook's "Law of Doomsaying":
Predict catastrophe no sooner than five years hence but no later than 10
years away, soon enough to terrify but distant enough that people will
forget if you are wrong.
Chu recently told the Los Angeles Times that global warming might melt 90
percent of California's snowpack, which stores much of the water needed
for agriculture. This, Chu said, would mean "no more agriculture in
California," the nation's leading food producer. Chu added: "I
don't actually see how they can keep their cities going."
No more lettuce or Los Angeles? Chu likes predictions, so here is another:
Nine decades hence, our great-great-grandchildren will add the
disappearance of California artichokes to the list of predicted planetary
calamities that did not happen. Global cooling recently joined that
lengthening list. (George F. Will, Pittsburgh Tribune)
Warmed or Worshipped - Looks like environmentalism may have become a
sort of religion -- revived by secular Madison Avenue eco-marketeers,
petulant political panderings, eco-chic media and pop cultural guilt.
Surely, not even the graying tree huggers who swooned at the first Earth
Day in 1970 will swallow Al Gore's hyperboles in the face of the new
debates about global warming in our global economic recession. The green
climate crusaders have entertained us with endless apocalyptic theories,
mythologies and mysticism to where global warming can now only be taken on
faith. (Paul Taylor, LA Ecopolitics Examiner)
'CO2 reduction
treaties useless' - A new report says treaties aimed at reducing CO2
emissions are useless.
The Institution of Mechanical Engineers report says we have to accept the
world could change dramatically.
It also says we should start planning our major infrastructure now to
accommodate more extreme weather events and sea level rises.
While not against attempts to reduce emissions, the report's authors say
we should be realistic about what can be achieved with this approach.
:) So
much for geoengineering, Part 1: Avoiding the Frankenplanet - [I think
that as a climate-saving strategy geoengineering is largely somewhere
between a dead end and a hoax — why would you choose chemotherapy that
might make you sicker if your doctors told you diet and exercise would
definitely work (see “Geoengineering remains a bad idea”)? In
retrospect, that analogy isn’t perfect. The “diet and exercise” the
country and the world needs is more like what the winner of the reality
show “The Biggest Loser” undergoes. And the chemotherapy is actually
more like an experimental trial for a combination of chemotherapy and
radiation therapy, where you have no idea at all if the treatment will
work, as opposed to kill you outright, and you might be on the placebo. I
have been planning to do a longer series on geoengineering, and Bill
Becker’s post seemed like a good place to start.] (Climate Progress)
Prince of hypocrites: Charles embarks on 16,000 mile 'green' crusade...
aboard a private jet - Prince Charles was accused of hypocrisy last
night for using a private jet on an 'environmental' tour of South America.
The prince will travel to the region next month in a visit costing an
estimated £300,000 as part of his crusade against global warming.
He will use a luxury airliner to transport himself, the Duchess of
Cornwall and a 14-strong entourage to Chile, Brazil and Ecuador on a
16,400-mile round trip. (Daily Mail)
greens caught wasting home heat - A survey of the homes of top
environmentalists has found they leak energy
THEY may shout their green credentials from the rooftops, but some of
Britain’s most prominent environmental champions are living in homes
that produce up to half a ton of excess carbon dioxide a year.
An audit of properties, measuring heat loss, has revealed that Chris
Martin, the pop star, Boris Johnson, the mayor of London, and Sir David
Attenborough, the broadcaster, are among those who reside in homes that
are “leaking” energy. Some lack even the most basic energy saving
measures such as cavity wall insulation and double glazing.
Thermal images of the residences of 10 high-profile green campaigners
found that their heat loss was either worse or no better than that found
in the average family home. (The Sunday Times)
By Josh Willis “Is It Me, or Did the Oceans Cool? A Lesson On Global
Warming From My Favorite Denier” - There is a candid, honest, and
informative article by Josh Willis that appeared in the newsletter U.S.
Clivar Variations. It
is Is It Me, or Did the Oceans Cool? A Lesson on Global Warming from my
Favorite Denier by Josh K. Willis of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory of
California Institute of Technology.
It is worth reading. The article chronicles his experience with correcting
the error in his original analysis, but also in presenting us with an
effective summary of the current science and engineering of diagnosing
ocean heat content. (Roger Pielke Sr., Climate Science)
Egregious Example Of Biased News Reporting - I was quite stunned this
morning to read the following news articles
“Global warming seen worse than predicted” by Julie Steenhuysen of
”Scientists: Pace of Climate Change Exceeds Estimates”By Kari Lydersen
of the Washington Post.
These news is also reported at 431 other sites according to a search on
These articles are based on statements by Christopher Field, founding
director of the Carnegie Institution’s Department of Global Ecology at
Stanford University. I have a lot of respect for Dr. Field as an expert on
the carbon cycle [I also have worked with him in the past].
However, while he is credentialed in climate science and certainly can
have his own opinion, the selection of his statements to highlight in
prominent news articles, without presenting counter perspectives by other
climate scientists, is a clear example of media bias.
Dr. Fields is reported to have said “We are basically looking now at a
future climate that’s beyond anything we’ve considered seriously in
climate model simulations”.
This claim, though, conflicts with real world observations! (Roger Pielke
Sr., Climate Science)
Blue: 10.7 centimeter solar radio flux is flatlining - I had written
back in July 2008 about the 10.7cm solar radio flux hitting a new record
low value. Part of that has to do with the inverse square law and the
distance of the earth to the sun, which is at a maximum at the summer
solstice. As you can see below there has been a very gradual rise since
then as we approached the winter solstice. David Archibald provides an
update below and compares our current period to other solar cycles. -
Anthony (Watts Up With That?)
'gross' distortion - The spirited debate over the validity of the
fabled hockey-stick graph on climate change continues
The hockey-stick graph, an icon of global warming doomsayers that
purported to show temperatures on Earth at record levels, in 2006 became
the subject of investigations by two high-level scientific panels
commissioned by the National Academy of Sciences and the U.S. House of
Representatives. The former, chaired by Gerald North of Texas A&M,
seemingly vindicated the controversial graph and its creator, scientist
Michael Mann; the latter, chaired by Edward Wegman, ironically the
National Academy of Sciences’s own Chair of its Committee on Applied and
Theoretical Statistics, unequivocally determined the hockey stick to be
based on shoddy science. North this week re-enters the debate in a letter
to the Post, supporting the views of singer-songwriter Dave Clarke. They
are both commenting on an exchange that appeared on this page last
Saturday between Mann and Post columnist Lawrence Solomon. The
hockey-stick debate continues below with comments by Clarke and North,
followed by Solomon’s response. (Comment by Dave Clarke, Guitarist,
Singer-Song-writer, Financial Post) with footnote from Gerald North.
Solomon: Under oath, North faults Mann too - Gerald North's panel
ruled that Michael Mann’s conclusion was right even if his study
provided no basis for that conclusion, despite the response above
Of all the scientists who have come to Michael Mann’s defence, none have
more impressive credentials than those of Gerald North, a former Head of
the Department of Atmospheric Sciences at Texas A&M University. North,
a physicist, has not only spent decades addressing the dangers of climate
change, he has done so through his work in climate models and his
knowledge of statistics, a suite of qualifications that make him
particularly well qualified to comment on Michael Mann’s
statistics-based work. Because of his background, and because Mann’s
hockey-stick graph had become a source of great controversy, the National
Academy of Sciences (NAS) asked North to chair a panel to investigate the
statistical validity of the hockey stick graph. The NAS, like most
national academies, backs the man-made global warming thesis. (Lawrence
Solomon, Financial Post)
Letters to the Editor: Mann’s world (Financial Post)
Hey lookit! They've endowed a chair of guesswork :) EDF
signs agreement with University of Manchester - EDF, one of Europe's
largest energy companies and parent company of EDF Energy, has signed an
£800,000 agreement to fund a Chair and a Research Fellow at the
University of Manchester. (University of Manchester)
Vital Climate
Change Warnings Are Being Ignored, Say Experts In Science - Canada's
inland waters, the countless lakes and reservoirs across the country, are
important "sentinels" for climate change and Ottawa and the
provinces are ignoring the warnings. That's the message from University of
Alberta biologist David Schindler and colleagues in a paper to be released
Feb. 12, 2009, in the prestigious publication, Science. (University of
Mattie Price is worried Alaskan gas may be used to extract more
useful energy resources: Alaskans
should look at where their natural gas may go - Last week Gov. Sarah
Palin wrote a letter to President Obama urging him to discuss the proposed
Alaska gas pipeline with Prime Minister Stephen Harper when the president
visits Canada on Feb. 19. In fact, Prime Minister Harper had already put
the issue on the agenda, although not necessarily for good reasons.
The governor's letter used an argument we heard during the presidential
election campaign, namely that the proposed pipeline could provide "a
clean-burning, abundant and low-carbon footprint source of energy" to
consumers. The letter declines to mention the reason it is on the agenda
in Ottawa next week, though, which is its relationship to the tar sands in
Most Americans have not heard of the tar sands even though they are one of
the largest hydrocarbon deposits in the world. Oil does not flow there
though. Instead you find a thick tarry substance called
"bitumen" that is mixed in with clay and sand and dirt.
Getting the bitumen out of the ground and turning it into something more
resembling regular oil takes massive amounts of energy, mostly from
burning natural gas. And now that Canadian natural gas is in decline, the
tar sands industry is looking to other sources, like Alaska.
When you look at a map of the proposed Alaska pipeline you'll see that it
ends in Northwest Alberta, just a short hop to the tar sands. If the
pipeline is built by the proposed 2017 completion date, by that time the
tar sands could need the equivalent of roughly half the gas coming from
Alaska. Delivery of gas to the Lower 48 could be sparse. (Matt Price, ADN)
America Ready to Quit Coal? - Last May, protesters took over James E.
Rogers’s front lawn in Charlotte, N.C., unfurling banners declaring
“No new coal” and erecting a makeshift “green power plant” —
which, they said in a press release, was fueled by “the previously
unexplored energy source known as hot air, which has been found in large
concentrations” at his home.
And so it goes for Mr. Rogers, the chief executive of Duke Energy. For
three years, environmentalists have been battling to stop his company from
building a large coal-fired power plant in southwestern North Carolina.
They say it will spew six million tons of carbon dioxide into the
atmosphere annually, in addition to producing toxic gases and mountains of
fly ash similar to the muck that engulfed a Tennessee community recently.
All Mr. Rogers asks, he said in jest, is that protesters let him know when
they want to camp out on his lawn. “Maybe next time we can have a little
notice and ask them to join us for coffee or tea,” he says.
Mr. Rogers and his colleagues may be forgiven for feeling a little under
siege these days. The coal industry, which powered the industrial
revolution and supplied America with much of its electricity for more than
60 years, is in a fight for its survival.
With concerns over climate change intensifying, electricity generation
from coal, once reliably cheap, looks increasingly expensive in the face
of the all-but-certain prospect of regulations that would impose
significant costs on companies that emit large amounts of carbon dioxide
and other greenhouse gases.
As a result, utilities’ plans for new coal plants are being turned down
left and right. In the last two-and-a-half years, plans for 83 plants in
the United States have either been voluntarily withdrawn or denied permits
by state regulators. The roughly 600 coal-fired power plants in the United
States are responsible for almost one-third of the country’s total
carbon emissions, but they are distinctly at odds with a growing outlook
that embraces clean energy.
A new campaign against coal by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a prominent
environmentalist, and the Waterkeeper Alliance is called “The Dirty
Lie.” Other clean-energy advocates are equally passionate. (New York
India: Nuclear
power generation to touch 6,000 MW in 1 year - Mr Jairam Ramesh
minister of state for commerce & power said that the total nuclear
power generation in the country is set to reach 6,000 MW within the next
one year.
Addressing a press conference after the MoU signing ceremony between
National Thermal Power Corporation, NTPC and Nuclear Power Corporation of
India Ltd in Mumbai Mr Ramesh said that the current nuclear power
generation is only to the tune of 1,800 MW, against an installed capacity
of 4,120 MW as shortage of nuclear fuel has plagued the nuclear power
The Minister said that signing of the Indo US Civil nuclear deal has paved
way for the growth of nuclear sector in India. Following the deal, NPCIL
has signed an agreement with Russia for supply of 2000 tons of uranium for
its nuclear power plants. It has also signed another MoU with French
Energy major Areva for supply of two European Pressurized Reactors of
1,650 Mw capacity each, for the nuclear power plant being set up by NPCIL
at Jaiapur in Maharashtra.
Mr Ramesh stated that India plans to generate 20,000 MW of nuclear power
by 2020 and the process of identifying the project is on. He, however,
ruled out any possibility of private sector players setting up nuclear
power plants in the first phase. (Steel Guru)
Officials Say 'Bad
Science' Links Vaccines, Autism -- Bitter feuding over a possible link
between vaccines and autism won't go away despite a strong rejection of
that theory by a special federal court.
Thousands of families were hoping to win compensation and vindication
through three test cases presented to the court. They contended that a
combination of the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine plus other shots
triggered autism.
Officials with the U.S. Court of Claims said they sympathized with the
families, but there was little if any evidence to support claims of a
vaccine-autism link.
The evidence "is weak, contradictory and unpersuasive,"
concluded Special Master Denise Vowell. "Sadly, the petitioners in
this litigation have been the victims of bad science conducted to support
litigation rather than to advance medical and scientific
understanding" of autism.
Attorneys for the families said an appeal is a distinct possibility. They
also noted that the court still must rule on another theory that vaccines
once carrying a mercury-containing preservative are to blame. (Associated
of healthcare — End of discussion? - As we all know, Congress passed
the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (H.R.1). Whether or not the
enormity of this legislation, and what it means for the future of our
healthcare, is understood probably depends on whether people have read the
1,434 pages of legislation and get the real meaning of words like quality,
cost effective, harmonize, biosurveillance, public health, health
disparities, genomics and preventive wellness.
There are seven versions of the legislation at various stages, including
the final version the House approved, the Senate’s amended sections, and
the most current print version for the public. There are widespread
misunderstandings, rumors and healthy doses of doublespeak in the media
about what the legislation says. The simplest solution is to go directly
to the source.
The sections that will potentially have the most significant impact on our
healthcare are those referring to health information technology and the
National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, the Agency for
Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) and Public Services Act, and the
establishment of a Prevention and Wellness Fund. (Junkfood Science)
The realists: Policy
critics predicted 'inevitable mega-fires' - A GROUP of forest-fire
experts has accused state Environment Minister Gavin Jennings of
attempting to deceive the public — and of pre-empting a royal commission
— over fuel-reduction burning.
Mr Jennings this week defended the Government over suggestions it had
contributed to Australia's worst peacetime disaster by tacitly neglecting
its commitment to fuel-reduction burning to appease the green lobby.
Forest Fire Victoria — a group of forestry experts and scientists,
including outspoken academic David Packham — claims the Government has
sidelined crucial recommendations from its own parliamentary environment
and natural resources committee to curry favour with environmentalists.
(The Age)
Foster: Green policy arsonists - Some climate alarmists compared the
Australian wildfires to 9/11!
The bushfires that swept Australia’s state of Victoria starting last
weekend have so far cost close to 200 lives. That this terrible tragedy
was immediately leapt upon by global warming fanatics to bolster their
political cause is disgraceful, if not surprising. However, a very
different picture has been emerging as to the real cause for much of the
devastation. Apart from regular arson, there has been policy arson. For
years, the green movement in Australia has opposed the controlled burning
of bush, and thus bears much responsibility for the past week’s “megafires.”
As culpable as the alarmists’ fixation on climate change has been the
eagerness of the usual suspects in the media to promote it. On Monday,
CBC’s The National proudly reported that “Canadian researchers were
the first to make a link between global warming and more wildfires.” Out
was trotted one of Canada’s leading climate alarmists, the University of
Victoria’s Andrew Weaver, to make the startlingly obvious point that
higher temperatures increase fire risk, and then to predict, “So, yes,
we will be seeing forest fires in the future on the scale that they’re
seeing there.” (Peter Foster, Financial Post)
Green Death - Plague is something that resides in history books and
little history is taught any more. We now have hygiene, scientific
knowledge, antibiotics, pesticides and many other resources to give hope
that it is a thing of the past, though evolution will always be a powerful
opponent. What has changed in recent times is that there is a new
all-pervading political movement that is antihuman, glib and arrogant. Let
us just remind ourselves of what plague can mean, from The
Epidemiologists: (Number Watch)
Can We Get
Angry Now? - Can We Get Angry Now? - I'm not at all particularly keen
to write this, I'm still somewhat in shock from the loss of life, homes
and livelihoods in Victoria, Australia. The area has been utterly
annihilated by fire. I absolutely loathe to make a political point in the
face of it, but make it I feel I must. After all, any semblance of
propriety and respect for the dead, injured and those who lost family and
friends, was completely abandoned, almost immediately, when those most
utter loathsome examples of contemporary luddites and chicken littles
started pointing the finger at 'Anthropogenic Global Warming' then
proceeded to wag said finger in the face of a grieving population.
No one even blinked.
One media report even had an "expert", replete with an animated
display, showing how a rise in CO2 emissions had stimulated plant growth,
and that all the extra vegetation had exacerbated the disaster by
providing more fuel for the fire!
So they want to point fingers? They want to piggy back their "great
cause" on the backs of the hundreds of dead? To hell with them, to
hell! Can we please start getting angry now? These aren't just
sandal-wearing, bearded, gentle folk with a penchant for small furry
woodland creatures and organic foodstuffs. They are anti-human, meddling,
control freaks with a religious devotion to nature and the planet as
deity, and they are dangerous. So dangerous in fact that at least no small
portion of the blame for loss of human life can be laid squarely at their
feet and at the feet of cowed, ignorant, local government capitulating to
this new religion. (Lance Davey, Solo)
for green vote aids predators' - THE NSW Government has conceded
sharks are thriving because of environmental controls and bans on
commercial fishing, after two shark attacks in Sydney waters this week.
The admission yesterday came as professional fishing groups claimed
government policy had been dictated too much by the chase for green votes
at a cost to maintaining a sustainable local industry. (The Australian)
and the complete idiots: It's
time we faced up to this harsh, dry reality - ONE of the hardest
things for Victorians to accept, is that these bushfires have signalled a
new world order. Black Saturday confirmed the planet has now entered a new
stage of its existence — the post global-warming period. If we are to
survive as a species we need to use this benchmark to make essential
changes. (Jonathan King, The Age)
Just gets worse and worse... Eco
firm Seventh Generation is riding high in Obama revolution - The boss
of Seventh Generation Jeffrey Hollender says the new president gives hope
for the future
BEING green isn’t easy, just ask Jeffrey Hollender. The founder of
America’s largest distributor of eco-friendy cleaning products spent 20
years struggling to get his brand taken seriously in a political climate
that was anything but friendly.
His protests have seen him thrown in prison. In 2007, while taking part in
a Green-peace protest against former President George Bush’s stance on
global warming, he was carted off to a cell in Washington, where he spent
six hours before being charged with a misdemeanour and released.
Today he is one of the leading voices of America’s green-business
movement and last month found himself back in Washington – this time as
one of Barack Obama’s advisers on the issues surrounding sustainability
and environmental friendliness. (The Sunday Times)
Faces Plague of Armyworms: Are We Next? - A vast plague of armyworms
has just destroyed the crops of some 50,000 villagers in Liberia.
Observers say the billions of inch-and-a-half-long worms can eat a
cornfield down to the stalk nubs in a few hours—and then start snacking
on the next field. Soon, the adult moths fly off to start new invasions.
Without an aerial spraying campaign, the armyworms may spread their famine
and crop devastation to neighboring countries as well.
Could this crop devastation spread to Europe and North America? In fact,
it could. The main thing standing in the way of an armyworm invasion is
our crop protection chemicals—pesticides that are lethal to bugs and
fungi, but not to humans.
Unfortunately, it’s been so long since Americans were threatened with
plagues of insects that we’ve forgotten to fear them. If the armyworms
suddenly infested California or Ontario, would the public react with a
flood of phone calls threatening lawsuits against pesticide spraying? We
can’t even imagine a crop loss that would cause famine on the Liberian
scale, but only because most of our farmers kill the insects in their
fields before they reach the critical mass of the armyworms. Or our plant
breeders come up with pest-resistant seed varieties.
Thanks to science and technology, we no longer have to dust our crops with
lead and arsenic. That vile blue powder was the standard pest control
method when I was growing up on a Michigan farm. Lead and arsenic are
immediately toxic to virtually every living thing, so “wash your food
thoroughly” really meant “do it or risk death”! (Dennis Avery, CFP)
February 13, 2009
Bigger Villian than Fiji Water! - Environmentalist activists must
certainly mean well. But, at times, some are so silly that all you can do
is laugh. Consider a recent Tree Hugger post comparing bottled water to
orange juice and its lament about carbon footprints! The post points out
that orange juice has an even bigger footprint than—brace
yourself—Fiji water! Fiji water is supposedly the world’s “most
wasteful” water because it is shipped across continents.
Alas, if you don’t live in a community that grows oranges organically
for locally produced juice, the carbon footprint is just unacceptable. In
fact, the post concludes, all citrus products are “an imported luxury”
that responsible environmentalists shouldn’t be drinking every day!
What the greens have discovered here is no great revelation. The reality
is: Everything in life has a carbon footprint! And bottled water probably
has one of the lower ones. Unfortunately for so many well-intended greens,
having a light carbon footprint requires considerable self denial. If
orange juice is so bad, just consider the carbon footprint of the
computers used to produce Tree Hugger posts, the coffee consumed (do they
really need coffee anyway?) while writing such posts, and yes, even that
morning McMuffin! (Angela Logomasini, Cooler Heads)
Nude Socialist: 'Dark'
comets may pose threat to Earth - SWATHES of dark comets may be
prowling the solar system, posing a deadly threat to Earth.
Hazardous comets and asteroids are monitored by various space agencies
under an umbrella effort known as Spaceguard. The vast majority of objects
found so far are rocky asteroids. Yet UK-based astronomers Bill Napier at
Cardiff University and David Asher at Armagh Observatory in Northern
Ireland claim that many comets could be going undetected. "There is a
case to be made that dark, dormant comets are a significant but largely
unseen hazard," says Napier. (New Scientist)
Define 'significant'. 1 in 50,000,000 years major impact risk, maybe?
They are right in one respect, I suppose, these things are way more
dangerous than gorebull warming.
revealing talk by the IPCC's Rutu Dave
Update: That was fast. The videos are no longer publicly available.
There was briefly a "part 3" video, where Dave admits that she
was "thrown in" to her IPCC job; her focus had been "trade
policy". To learn about climate, she read some books on a train.
I'd be surprised if these two Rutu Dave videos (below) are still publicly
available in six months.
Early on, she mentions that she was not the smartest student in her class,
and suggests that the "lot of cute guys that were there in
suits" made Model UN meetings interesting.
There's no indication whatsoever that she knows anything useful about
climate science; she praises Al Gore. She's obviously quite proud of the
Nobel Peace Prize that "she" got. (Tom Nelson)
Back in fantasy land... Model
sees severe climate change impact by 2050 - LONDON - Current efforts
to limit greenhouse gas emissions will do little to ease damaging climate
change, according to a report issued on Friday that predicts Greenland's
ice sheets will start melting by 2050.
A computer model calculated that if carbon dioxide emissions continue to
grow at the current rate over the next 40 years, global temperatures will
still rise 2 degrees Centigrade compared with the beginning of the
Industrial Revolution.
This would push the planet to the brink, sparking unprecedented flooding
and heatwaves and making it even more difficult to reverse the trend,
according to the report from the Institute of Mechanical Engineers in
Britain. (Reuters)
Science Role Is Seen in Global Warming Cure - WASHINGTON — Steven
Chu, the new secretary of energy, said Wednesday that solving the
world’s energy and environment problems would require Nobel-level
breakthroughs in three areas: electric batteries, solar power and the
development of new crops that can be turned into fuel.
Dr. Chu said a “revolution” in science and technology would be
required if the world is to reduce its dependence on fossil fuels and curb
the emissions of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases linked to
global warming. (New York Times)
Just what we don't need, a cure for an imaginary disease.
of the climate scientists - Gray versus Hansen part 3 - The science
behind the theory of anthropogenic global warming (AGW), or manmade
climate change, has been said to be ‘settled’. The United Nation’s
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Al Gore, and Dr. James
Hansen make up a triumvirate of climate change advocates. Wielding
studies, computer models, and various charts and analyses, they believe
man is heading down the road to self-destruction of we do not reverse
course immediately and do everything and anything to stop what they
believe is an unnaturally warming climate. (Tony Hake, Denver Weather
Canada Eyes Climate Deal With
"Open-Minded" Obama - OTTAWA - Canada's Conservative
government said on Thursday it hopes to reach a climate change deal with
the U.S. Obama administration, saying an economic crisis is not an ideal
time for Canada to be imposing new costs on industry on its own.
"The election of President Obama presents, I think, a great
opportunity for us to work together," Environment Minister Jim
Prentice told reporters a week ahead of the summit in Ottawa between Obama
and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper. (Reuters)
point reached: UK Met Office makes blistering attack on those who make
‘Apocalyptic climate predictions’ - Guest post by Steven Goddard
During the past few weeks, there have been several warnings of apocalypse
from noted scientists. Dr. Hansen warned in The Guardian that President
Obama has “four years to save the planet.” James McCarthy, head of the
American Association for The Advancement of Science (AAAS) made a similar
statement. Nobel Prize winning scientist Al Gore is going to take it a
step further at next week’s AAAS meeting. Steven Chu, President
Obama’s Secretary of Energy, warned that California will no longer be
able to support agriculture or cities due to drought caused by global
Then something remarkable happened. (Watts Up with That?)
Time to get rid of the fools [mis]running these airlines: Top
Airlines Want Aviation Emissions In Climate Pact - SINGAPORE - Four
leading airlines called on Thursday for aviation emissions to be included
in a broader climate pact, after growing criticism from green groups that
the sector was not doing enough to fight global warming. (Reuters)
Inslee’s behavior at Energy & Commerce hearing - I just watched
the Energy & Commerce Subcommittee hearing on “The Climate Crisis:
National Security, Public Health, and Economic Threats.”
Committee rules allow the minority one-third of the witnesses. Originally,
there were to be four majority witnesses, which works out to only one
minority witness, or one-fourth (because two witnesses would equal
two-fifths–slightly more than one-third). However, when Chairman Markey
learned that Dr. Patrick Michaels of the Cato Institute was to be the
minority witness, he added a 5th majority witness, Prof. Daniel Schragg of
Harvard University. So the decks were stacked against Michaels 5 to 1.
However, even that was not enough to satisfy Rep. Jay Inslee (D-WA). He
attacked Michaels personally, accusing him of not being “forthright”
with the Committee, trying to “pull a fast one,” and treating the
Members like “chumps.” Inslee demanded to know why it was even
necessary to have witnesses like Michaels on the panel, when it’s so
obvious that global warming is bad and nothing could be more costly than
inaction on climate change. (Marlo Lewis, Cooler Heads)
AGs Give EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson (recycled) bum advice - In a
letter dated 5 February 2009, 17 state attorneys general (AGs) plus three
other non-federal officials urge EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson to respond
to the Supreme Court case of Massachusetts v. EPA (2007) by issuing a
finding that greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from new motor vehicles cause
or contribute to “air pollution” that may reasonably be anticipated to
endanger public health and welfare.
To explain why EPA should make an endangerment finding, the AGs quote from
EPA’s July 2008 Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPR): “The
IPCC projects with virtual certainty (i.e., a greater than 99% likelihood)
declining air quality in cities due to warmer days and nights, and fewer
cold days and nights, and/or more frequent hot days and nights over most
land areas, including the U.S.” In the ANPR, EPA goes on to say that the
increase in air pollution from global warming will lead to “increases in
regional ozone pollution, with associated risks for respiratory infection,
aggravation of asthma, and potential premature death, especially for
people in susceptible groups.”
This chain of reasoning flies in the face of history and public policy
reality. (Marlo Lewis, Cooler Heads)
CO2 plan 'certain to fail' - The UK's plans to cut emissions by 80% by
2050 are fundamentally flawed and almost certain to fail, according to a
US academic.
Roger Pielke Jr, a science policy expert, said the UK government had
underestimated the magnitude of the task to curb greenhouse gas emissions.
He added that it would be more effective to "decarbonise"
economic growth rather than focus on targets.
Professor Pielke made his comments during a speech at Aston University.
carbon cut to cost Australia $870m - AUSTRALIA faces the prospect of
paying an extra $870 million for greenhouse gas emissions after Kevin
Rudd's ratification of the Kyoto Protocol and a new UN target for carbon
After a year-long review by the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
committee, Australia has been given a tougher target to cut its greenhouse
gas emissions.
The UN has reduced the amount of greenhouse gas emissions Australia is
allowed to produce by 6.6 million tonnes a year.
If Australia is above the carbon emissions target at the end of 2012, it
will be required tomake up any shortfall by buying carbon credits from
other nations.
Continuing growth in carbon emissions in Australia and the new target have
led leading global carbon market analyst Point Carbon to estimate a
potential extra cost to taxpayers of $870 million in carbon credits in
2012. (The Australian)
Australia Calls Inquiry Into
Own Emissions Plan - CANBERRA - The Australian government has convened
a parliamentary inquiry into its plan for curbing greenhouse gas
emissions, but denied on Friday it was backing away from the scheme which
is due to launch next year. The government said in a brief statement on
Thursday it had asked the lower house's economics committee to make
inquiries and report back to parliament on its proposed emissions-trading
scheme, part of a climate-change policy unveiled last December.
The move prompted Greens Party Senator Christine Milne to question whether
the government was looking to delay its own scheme, which has come under
fire from local industry for imposing additional costs at a time of global
economic downturn.
She also raised concerns the government might want to stall its own scheme
until after nations meet in Copenhagen in December to negotiate the next
step in UN efforts to cut emissions. (Reuters)
Just say no: Curbing
Foreign Airline Emissions in Europe - All airlines using European
airports are going to be regulated under the European Emissions Trading
System from January 2012. That means even American carriers will
eventually have to buy some carbon permits to comply with European Union
United States government officials have said in the past that the
initiative is probably illegal under the convention governing
international civil aviation. The main group representing the world’s
airlines, the International Air Transport Association, has complained
bitterly about the cost of the system. (Green Inc)
Simple answer, any EU-based airline that wishes to ply the lucrative
North American routes has to provide the ridiculous EETS credits for all
American airlines landing Europe. That will lay the matter to rest very
quickly. America does not negotiate with terrorists nor pay extortion.
Paper: NAO - The Pacemaker of Major Climate Shifts - Wang, Swanson and
Tsonis have a paper in press in Geophysical Research Letters (GRL)
entitled: ‘The pacemaker of major climate shifts.’ This expands on the
very important but largely ignored Tsonis et al (2007) GRL paper, which
demonstrated a new dynamical mechanism for major climate shifts. (Climate
Research News)
Russia sending more
ships, scientists to Arctic - MOSCOW -- Russia will modernize its
icebreaker fleet and station more researchers in the Arctic as part of its
push to stake its claim to the vast resources of the disputed polar
region, a presidential envoy said Thursday.
Artur Chilingarov, a famed polar scientist who was recently appointed to
the post, said that Russia's sizable icebreaker fleet gives the nation a
strong edge in Arctic exploration. He said that Russia would build a new
Arctic research ship to supplement the Akademik Fyodorov, which conducted
a 2007 expedition in which Russian mini-submarines put a capsule with
Russian flag on the Arctic seabed.
Chilingarov told reporters that Russia is also preparing to send a team of
some 50 polar scientists to the island of Spitsbergen, where Norway claims
exclusive rights. He said an advance team will leave Saturday to chose the
place for the station. (Associated Press)
to consider protecting 'boulder bunny' - The U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service will consider whether to protect a rabbit-like, alpine creature
known as the American pika because of habitat loss due to global warming.
The decision comes in a settlement agreement announced Thursday with the
Center for Biological Diversity and Earthjustice. The groups sued in
August to protect the so-called "boulder bunny" under the
federal Endangered Species Act.
The government has until May to decide if protection is warranted.
Environmentalists say the pika is losing its cold, high-altitude habitat
because the climate is warming. The American pika cannot survive in warm
climate, and has been moving to higher elevations as temperatures at lower
elevations rise. (Associated Press)
Christy Debates William Schlesinger - Last night in Hickory, N.C., in
a forum co-sponsored by the John Locke Foundation and the Reese Institute
for Conservation of Natural Resources, atmospheric scientist John Christy
debated William Schlesinger, former dean of the Nicholas School of the
Environment at Duke University. It was a skeptic vs. alarmist smackdown,
and the local newspaper of record, the Daily Record, thinks that Christy
may have prevailed (Paul Chesser, Climate Strategies Watch)
The Climate System - A New Paper By Ridgwell Et Al 2009 Entitled
“Tackling Regional Climate Change By Leaf Albedo Bio-Geoengineering”
- There is an interesting New York Times article by Henry Fountain titled
“More-Reflective Crops May Have Cooling Effect” [and thanks to Matei
Georgescu for alerting us to it!]. The article states that “Andy
Ridgwell and colleagues at the University of Bristol in England have
another idea, one they call bio-geoengineering. Rather than developing
infrastructure to help cool the planet, they propose using an existing
one: agriculture.
Their calculations, published in Current Biology, suggest that by planting
crop varieties that reflect more sunlight, summertime cooling of about 2
degrees Fahrenheit could be obtained across central North America and a
wide band of Europe and Asia.”
This NY Times article is based on the paper Andy Ridgwell, Joy S.
Singarayer, Alistair M. Hetherington and Paul J. Valdes: 2009 “Tackling
Regional Climate Change By Leaf Albedo Bio-geoengineering“. Current
Biology, Volume 19, Issue 2, 146-150, 15 January 2009 (Roger Pielke Sr.,
Climate Science)
Team Will Use Radar To Measure
Thinning Arctic Ice - OTTAWA - Three British polar adventurers will
this month begin a 620-mile trek to the North Pole with an experimental
portable radar set to gauge exactly how fast Arctic ice sheets are
melting, they said on Thursday.
The 9-pound (4-kilogram) radar has been designed to give much more
accurate read-outs of ice thickness than the current method of using
submarines or satellites.
Arctic ice cover in 2008 dropped to its second lowest extent during the
melt season since satellite measuring began in 1979. Scientists say the
thinning ice sheets could trigger more extreme weather around the world.
The U.N. weather agency says ice volume around the Arctic region hit the
lowest level ever recorded in 2008. (Reuters)
Sheesh! Pollution
fall a bright side to crisis - THE international economic downturn may
result in a short-term benefit with a decrease in production leading to a
slowing in the growth of greenhouse pollution, one of the Federal
Government's top advisers has forecast.
Ross Garnaut, who was commissioned by the Government to write a
comprehensive report on climate change, said the rate of the increase of
greenhouse gas emissions had already fallen.
"[The downturn] has for a time stopped the rapid growth in emissions
of the early 21st century," Professor Garnaut told a conference in
Cairns yesterday. "Since mid-2008, emissions from the developed
economies as a whole, and from China, have been falling."
But, he said, the reprieve would not halt the rapid rise in greenhouse
pollution predicted for the coming decades. (Sydney Morning Herald)
Meanwhile: CO2 Hits New
Peaks, No Sign Global Crisis Causing Dip - OSLO - Atmospheric levels
of the main greenhouse gas are hitting new highs, with no sign yet that
the world economic downturn is curbing industrial emissions, a leading
scientist said on Thursday. (Reuters)
Fish Seen Shifting 125 Miles
By 2050 Due To Warming - OSLO - Global warming will push fish stocks
more than 200 km (125 miles) toward the poles by mid-century in a
dislocation of ocean life, a study of more than 1,000 marine species
Tropical nations were likely to suffer most as commercial fish stocks swam
north or south to escape warming waters, the report said. Alaska,
Greenland and Nordic nations would be among those to benefit from more
"We'll see a major redistribution of many species because of climate
change," said William Cheung of the University of British Columbia in
Canada and the University of East Anglia in England who was lead author of
the study. (Reuters)
If it warms...
contributing to Australia's changing weather patterns, accelerating
climate change - New research suggests that aerosols, fine particles
or droplets suspended in the atmosphere, may have a greater impact on
patterns of Australian rainfall and future climate change than previously
"We have identified that the extensive pollution haze emanating from
Asia may be re-shaping rainfall patterns in northern Australia, but we
[also] wonder what impact natural and human-generated aerosols are having
across the rest of the country," said Leon Rotstayn, an atmospheric
scientist from Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial
Research Organisation (CSIRO).
Human activities that generate pollutant aerosols in large quantities
include motor vehicle use, vegetation burning and industry pursuits, while
natural sources range from volcanoes and dust storms to ocean plankton,
which release sulfate particles into the air. (G-Online)
Sadly still clinging to the "aerosol masking" of gorebull
warming. That aside it is quite plausible that Asian particulates are
influencing Australian rainfall, at least regionally.
We may not agree with what he says... Nicholas
Stern: Spend billions on green investments now to reverse economic
downturn and halt climate change - Leading economists – including
Nicholas Stern – call for immediate £277bn global fund to generate
clean power, insulate homes and create jobs
Governments across the world must commit to hundreds of billions of pounds
in green investments within months in a combined attack on the global
economic crisis and global warming, according to leading economists
including Nicholas Stern.
The team says some $400bn (£277bn) should be channelled to support
low-carbon technologies such as home insulation and renewable energy.
Given the urgency of both the economic and climate crises, it wants the
green investment made by this summer and to total 20% of the £1.4tn
likely to be spent globally as fiscal stimulus.
Lord Stern, the former Treasury economist and now chair of the Grantham
Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment, said: "With
billions about to be spent by governments on energy, buildings and
transport, it is vital that these public investments do not lock us for
many more decades into a costly and unsustainable high-carbon
economy." (The Guardian)
... but we will defend to the death his right to hold and expound
such stupid opinions.
face 'stealth tax' on heating bills to subsidise green energy -
Millions of families face yet another hike in heating bills to pay for a
massive expansion of green energy.
Ministers say that the money raised will subsidise solar panels, wind
turbines and wood-burning boilers for hundreds of thousands of homes.
But critics warn that the levy is an 'insidious' stealth tax that will
hammer households at a time of rising unemployment, falling incomes and
economic uncertainty. (Daily Mail)
Low Carbon Price To Cut
Renewables Investment - LONDON - Record low carbon prices have cut the
attractiveness of investments in renewable energy and may even favor the
construction of new, high-carbon coal plants, conflicting with the aims of
Europe's carbon market.
The EU emissions trading scheme is the 27-nation bloc's main weapon to
fight global warming. It imposes a cap on carbon emissions by factories
and power plants using a fixed quota of emissions permits.
The scheme is meant to force power plants, for example, to cut their
emissions by switching from coal to lower carbon gas or to wind power, or
else buy carbon permits.
"If you look at the price today it may start to become very
attractive, not for compliance purposes today, but for compliance purposes
for years," said Citigroup's head of emissions trading, Garth Edward.
to allow peatland plantations - The Agriculture Ministry will issue a
decree to allow businesses to dig up the country’s millions of hectares
of peatland for oil palm plantations.
Gatot Irianto, the ministry’s head of research and development, said his
office was currently drafting a ministerial decree that would explain in
detail the mechanism to turn the peatland areas into oil palm plantations,
a move that many say will further damage the country’s environment.
“We still need land for oil palm plantations. We must be honest: the
sector has been the main driver for the people’s economy,” he said
Thursday on the sidelines of a discussion about adaptation in agriculture,
organized by the National Commission on Climate Change.
The draft decree is expected to go into force this year. (Jakarta post)
Just Recently a Savior, Is Struggling - Barely a year after Congress
enacted an energy law meant to foster a huge national enterprise capable
of converting plants and agricultural wastes into automotive fuel, the
goals lawmakers set for the ethanol industry are in serious jeopardy.
As recently as last summer, plants that make ethanol from corn were
sprouting across the Midwest. But now, with motorists driving less in the
economic downturn, the industry is burdened with excess capacity, and
plants are shutting down virtually every week.
In the meantime, plans are lagging for a new generation of factories that
were supposed to produce ethanol from substances like wood chips and crop
waste, overcoming the drawbacks of corn ethanol. That nascent branch of
the industry concedes it has virtually no chance of meeting Congressional
production mandates that kick in next year. (New York Times)
From Dutch Sewers To Jet Fuel
-- Via Algae - AMSTERDAM - Dutch biotechnology firm Ingrepro plans to
harness waste from sewers, farms and industry to produce biofuel and
algae, which it hopes will eventually power airplanes, its chief executive
said on Thursday.
Ingrepro plans four initial projects in the Netherlands, and is set to
start the first in September which aims to supply 20 percent of a city's
energy needs with biogas made from sewage waste while using the leftover
nutrients for algae production.
"A lot of waste waters have a lot of nutrients, and people don't know
what to do with them -- so why not grow the algae in the waste,"
Carel Callenbach told Reuters in an interview.
"The waste of biomethane (biogas) plants has very rich nutrients left
over. At the moment they just pump it to the river or throw it away -- but
we say next to these biomethane plants you need to build algal ponds to
grow biomass." (Reuters)
Europe's Big Lenders Still
Backing Green Power - BRUSSELS - The credit crunch is starting to make
an impact on smaller European green energy projects, but cash-rich
utilities and the bigger lending institutions will continue to get deals
done, green power experts say.
"The main problem for the smaller developers is the short-term freeze
on lending," said Christian Kjaer of the European Wind Energy
Association (EWEA), adding that the credit crunch could lead to
consolidation in the sector.
"We may see some of the smaller projects which have turbine delivery
contracts but are struck by the banking liquidity freeze being taken over
by the larger power companies," he said. (Reuters)
cities plan for energy self-sufficiency - The vision is fuelled by
fear of climate change and the need to find alternatives to dirty coal,
unpopular nuclear power and unreliable Russian gas.
Such cities would become self-contained units, their buildings gleaning
energy from the weather and feeding it to homes below ground and vehicles
in the streets.
Electric cars would double as battery packs when energy supplies are
scarce. Every scrap of waste food, garden trimmings and even sewage would
be used to ferment gas.
Facing up to the end of their traditional business model, utilities are
mapping a long-term survival strategy. (Business Report)
South Carolina Regulators OK
Nuclear Power Project - WILMINGTON - South Carolina regulators have
unanimously approved a request by the state's largest utility, South
Carolina Electric & Gas (SCE&G), to join with a state-owned
utility to build two nuclear reactors.
The South Carolina Public Service Commission vote on Wednesday gave South
Carolina Electric & Gas the right to begin raising electricity rates
next month to help pay for its portion of the $9.8 billion project.
Says Vaccine Not to Blame for Autism - In a blow to the movement
arguing that vaccines trigger autism, three Federal judges ruled Thursday
against all three families in three test cases, all of whom had sought
compensation from the Federal vaccine-injury fund.
Both sides in the debate have been awaiting decisions in these cases since
hearings began in early 2007; more than 5,000 similar claims have been
filed with the fund.
These three decisions, each looking into a different theory as to how
vaccines might have injured the children, are expected to guide the
outcomes of all those claims.
The judges ruled that the families seeking compensation had not shown that
their children’s autism was brought on by the presence of thimerosal, a
mercury vaccine preservative, by the weakened measles virus used in the
measles/mumps/rubella vaccine, or by a combination of the two.
For example, in a case pitting the family of Michelle Cedillo, a severely
autistic child, against the Federal Department of Health and Human
Services, the special master for the U.S. Court of Federal Claims ruled
that the Cedillos had “failed to demonstrate that thimerosal-containing
vaccines can contribute to causing immune dysfunction, or that the MMR
vaccine can contributed to causing either autism or gastrointestinal
In his strongly worded decision, the special master, George L. Hastings
Jr. ruled that the government’s expert witnesses were “far better
qualified, far more experienced and far more persuasive” than the
Cedillos. Although the Cedillos only had to show that the preponderance of
the evidence was on their side, the judge ruled that it was “not a close
case” because the evidence was “overwhelmingly contrary” to their
While expressing “deep sympathy and admiration” for the Cedillo
family, he ruled that they were “misled by physicians who are guilty, in
my view, of gross medical misjudgment.” (New York Times)
Time to put this nonsense to bed, Wakefield has been exposed as a
fraud and there has never been any supporting evidence autism is or can
be triggered by life-saving vaccinations: MMR
doctor Andrew Wakefield fixed data on autism - THE doctor who
sparked the scare over the safety of the MMR vaccine for children
changed and misreported results in his research, creating the appearance
of a possible link with autism, a Sunday Times investigation has found.
Confidential medical documents and interviews with witnesses have
established that Andrew Wakefield manipulated patients’ data, which
triggered fears that the MMR triple vaccine to protect against measles,
mumps and rubella was linked to the condition. (Sunday Times,
February 8, 2009)
begin to decode the history of human evolution - In biology’s most
famous book, “On the Origin of Species,” Charles Darwin steered clear
of applying his revolutionary theory of evolution to the species of
greatest interest to his readers — their own.
He couldn’t avoid it forever, of course. He eventually wrote another
tome nearly as famous, “The Descent of Man.” But he knew in 1859, when
“Species” was published, that to jump right into a description of how
human beings had tussled with the environment and one another over eons,
changing their appearance, capabilities and behavior in the process, would
be hard for people to accept.
Better to stick with birds and barnacles.
Darwin was born 200 years ago this week. “On the Origin of Species”
will be 150 years old in a few months. There’s no such reluctance now.
The search for signs of natural selection in human beings has just begun.
It will ultimately be as revelatory as Newton’s description of the
mathematics of motion 322 years ago, or the unlocking of the atom’s
secrets that began in the late 1800s.
The inundation of data since the completion of the Human Genome Project in
2003, and the capacity to analyze it at the finest level of detail — the
individual DNA nucleotides that make up the molecule of heredity — are
giving us a look at humanity’s autobiography in a way that was once
In small, discrete changes in our genes that have accumulated over time,
we are seeing evolution’s tracery, as durable as it is delicate. It is
slowly revealing how climate, geography, disease, culture and chance
sculpted Homo sapiens into the unique and diverse species it is today.
(David Brown, Washington Post)
Must Die So That Evolution May Live - “You care for nothing but
shooting, dogs and rat-catching,” Robert Darwin told his son, “and you
will be a disgrace to yourself and all your family.” Yet the feckless
boy is everywhere. Charles Darwin gets so much credit, we can’t
distinguish evolution from him.
Equating evolution with Charles Darwin ignores 150 years of discoveries,
including most of what scientists understand about evolution. Such as:
Gregor Mendel’s patterns of heredity (which gave Darwin’s idea of
natural selection a mechanism — genetics — by which it could work);
the discovery of DNA (which gave genetics a mechanism and lets us see
evolutionary lineages); developmental biology (which gives DNA a
mechanism); studies documenting evolution in nature (which converted the
hypothetical to observable fact); evolution’s role in medicine and
disease (bringing immediate relevance to the topic); and more.
By propounding “Darwinism,” even scientists and science writers
perpetuate an impression that evolution is about one man, one book, one
“theory.” The ninth-century Buddhist master Lin Chi said, “If you
meet the Buddha on the road, kill him.” The point is that making a
master teacher into a sacred fetish misses the essence of his teaching. So
let us now kill Darwin. (Carl Safina, New York Times)
Of all the idiotic things to raise now... Bushfires
release huge carbon load - VICTORIA'S bushfires have released a
massive amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere - almost equal to
Australia's industrial emission for an entire year.
Mark Adams, from the University of Sydney, said the emissions from
bushfires were far beyond what could be contained through carbon capture
and needed to be addressed in the next international agreement.
"Once you are starting to burn millions of hectares of eucalypt
forest, then you are putting into the atmosphere very large amounts of
carbon," Professor Adams said.
In work for the Bushfire Co-operative Research Centre, he estimated the
2003 and 2006-07 bushfires could have put 20-30million tonnes of carbon
(70-105 million tonnes of carbon dioxide) into the atmosphere.
"That is far, far more than we're ever going to be able to sequester
from planting trees or promoting carbon capture," he said.
The 2003 and 2006-07 bushfires were burning land carrying 50 to 80 tonnes
of carbon per hectare. "This time we are burning forests that are
even more carbon-dense than last time, well over 100 tonnes above-ground
carbon per hectare," he said. (The Australian)
to heed the warnings - JOHN Brumby says he will call a royal
commission into the fires that have so mauled us.
"We want to put in place whatever arrangements are necessary to
ensure nothing like this ever happens again."
Good, Premier. But the question is: will your government this time listen?
Every time we suffer a disastrous bushfire it's the same. In our agony, we
set up an inquiry.
Cold months - even years - later, that inquiry tells us that we must
especially do more fuel reduction burns to stop forest litter from
mounting so high that it turns a fire into a turbo-fuelled inferno,
impossible to fight.
And each time governments ignore them. Or forget them. Or hear too late.
In fact, no government has ignored them more completely than this one,
doing fewer and fewer fuel reduction (or prescribed) burns over this past
10 years, until time had run out. (Andrew Bolt, Herald Sun)
Denizens of the northern hemisphere tend not to understand Australian
bushfire conditions, a mixture of our hot dry climate and the strategies
our bush has evolved to cope with it. Evergreen eucalyptus forests shed
dry leaves in summer, part of a moisture conservation strategy while the
highly flammable dry litter builds on the forest floor. At the same
time, hot weather causes massive release of volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
from the remaining leaves (so oiling the atmosphere the hills appear
really blue from a distance and how the Blue Mountains got their name).
The wind-driven, fire-heated air before a fire front dramatically
increases the release of VOCs from the trees and embers from the fire
provide flash igniters, inevitably these intersect the zone around the
tree where the air-fuel mix is just right and even isolated, large trees
50 yards in front of the fire literally explode into flame. There is no
stopping these flash burns, no outrunning them if you've hung around
until they occur and, trust me, a half-mile wide fire break is
terrifyingly small when the beast is coming your way. Down-under we have
become complacent and we have let lunatic [misanthropic] greenies sway
politicians from rational, defensive actions, now we are paying the
price, again. Australia is a great place but it is also a hard and
unforgiving land.
ideas must take blame for deaths - It wasn't climate change which
killed as many as 300 people in Victoria last weekend. It wasn't
arsonists. It was the unstoppable intensity of a bushfire, turbo-charged
by huge quantities of ground fuel which had been allowed to accumulate
over years of drought. It was the power of green ideology over government
to oppose attempts to reduce fuel hazards before a megafire erupts, and
which prevents landholders from clearing vegetation to protect themselves.
So many people need not have died so horribly. The warnings have been
there for a decade. If politicians are intent on whipping up a lynch mob
to divert attention from their own culpability, it is not arsonists who
should be hanging from lamp-posts but greenies. (Miranda Devine, Sydney
Morning Herald)
Australia Fires Spark Calls
For Climate Action - YEA - Firefighters called on the Australian
government on Thursday to take a tougher stance against climate change in
an effort to avoid more deadly bushfires like those that killed 181 people
this week.
"Without a massive turnaround in policies, aside from the tragic loss
of life and property, we will be asking firefighters to put themselves at
an unacceptable risk," United Firefighters Union of Australia said in
an open letter.
"We understand that our job is dangerous by its very nature. However,
we are gravely concerned that current ... policies seem destined to ensure
a repeat of the recent tragic events," said the union in an open
letter to Prime Minister Kevin Rudd.
Hopefully this is merely media misinformation and the firey's union
is not in thrall of ignorant greens (something which seems unlikely
given firefighters long-term pleading for more fuel-reduction winter
in Homes Lost to Australian Bushfires - How do the ongoing tragic
bushfires in Australia compare to events past in terms of the number of
homes lost? Thanks to the work of John McAneney and colleagues at Risk
Frontiers at Macquarie University we know the answer to this question (I
have added the red star showing preliminary 2009 losses based on media
reports.): (Roger Pielke, Jr., Prometheus)
February 12, 2009
Audubon’s Bird-brained
Conclusion: More Global Warming Misdirection - On Tuesday, the
National Audubon Society released a report “Birds and Climate Change,”
which interpreted an average northern shift of the over-wintering range of
a large collection of North American bird species over the course of the
past 40 years or so. Audubon decided that this range shift was due, in
part, to “global warming.” Therefore, it was bad and action must be
taken to avert it: (Chip Knappenberger, MasterResource)
Perhaps that's why Ehrlich is habitually wrong: Study:
Little Joy In Finding New Species - A U.S. scientist who co-authored
an analysis of the 408 new mammalian species discovered since 1993 says he
finds little cause for joy in the discoveries.
Professor Paul Ehrlich of Stanford University said that in the era of
global warming, when many scientists say we are experiencing a
human-caused mass extinction to rival the one that killed the dinosaurs,
one might think discovery of new species would be cause for joy. Not
entirely so, said Ehrlich.
"What this paper really talks about is how little we actually know
about our natural capital and how little we know about the services that
flow from it," he said. "I think what most people miss is that
the human economy is a wholly owned subsidiary of the economy of nature,
which supplies us from our natural capital a steady flow of income that we
can't do without.
"And that income is in the form of what are called 'ecosystem
services'-keeping carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere, supplying fresh
water, preventing floods, protecting our crops from pests and pollinating
many of them, recycling the nutrients that are essential to agriculture
and forestry, and on and on."
Ehrlich conducted the analysis with Professor Gerardo Ceballos of the
National University of Mexico. Their work is reported in the online early
edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. (UPI)
He thinks a cost, in this case loss of atmospheric carbon dioxide, is
an "ecosystem service". No wonder he never gets anything
Oh boy... Too
late for Planet Earth? - Don't be confused by the recent cold snap -
global warming is a reality, said Jaipaul Massey-Singh during his
presentation at the Brampton Professional Women's Club meeting recently.
Our impact on the environment is setting the stage for a potentially
catastrophic thaw at the north and south poles.
If this happens, he explained, by the year 2050 roughly 400 million people
on the planet could be displaced, due to an estimated 20-foot rise in sea
level. Water will overtake land mass, regions of the world as we know now
will virtually disappear, and polar wildlife will be in danger.
Massey-Singh, a Brampton resident, is one of 250 Canadians personally
trained by Al Gore in 2008 to spread the message of An Inconvenient Truth,
Gore's presentation on global climate change. (South Asian Focus)
Three cheers for recession? Downturn
means CO2 targets now achievable - IRELAND IS now likely to meet its
Kyoto targets for greenhouse emissions because of the downturn in the
economy, an authority on environmental and economic policy has said.
Frank Convery, professor of environmental policy at UCD, said yesterday
that the extraordinary turnaround in the country’s finances had made the
exacting Kyoto targets suddenly achievable. His view was shared by Dr Lisa
Ryan of Comhar, the Sustainable Development Council, which Prof Convery
also chairs.
Prof Convery said that as recently as September 2008, it was being
forecast that GDP would continue to grow at a rate of at least 3 per cent.
But less than five months later the ESRI concluded that GDP had already
dropped by 9 per cent bringing us back to the 2005 income level.
“We are now unlikely to overshoot our Kyoto target in 2012, and won’t
have to spend up to €300 million set aside to buy allowances to cover
the overshoot,” said Prof Convery. (Irish Times)
Wagging the
"Fat Tail" of Climate Catastrophe - How much should we pay
to avoid the tiny risk of total destruction?
How much should we pay to prevent the tiny probability of human
civilization collapsing? That is the question at the center of an esoteric
debate over the application of cost-benefit analysis to man-made climate
change. Harvard University economist Martin Weitzman raised the issue by
putting forth a Dismal Theorem arguing that some consequences, however
unlikely, would be so disastrous that cost-benefit analysis should not
The danger, according to Weltzman, lurks at the tails of risk probability
distribution. The most common probability distribution is the famous
"bell curve." In a normal distribution, about two-thirds of
values are within about one standard deviation of the mean. For example,
among American males the average height is 5 feet 9 inches, and one
standard deviation is about 3 inches. This means that two-thirds of
American men are between 5 feet 6 inches and 6 feet in height. 95 percent
of men fall within two standard deviations—between 5 feet 3 inches and 6
feet 3 inches—and 99 percent are within three standard deviations.
(Ronald Bailey, Reason)
climate predictions' mislead the public, say experts - Met Office
scientists fear distorted climate change claims could undermine efforts to
tackle carbon emissions
Experts at Britain's top climate research centre have launched a
blistering attack on scientific colleagues and journalists who exaggerate
the effects of global warming.
The Met Office Hadley Centre, one of the most prestigious research
facilities in the world, says recent "apocalyptic predictions"
about Arctic ice melt and soaring temperatures are as bad as claims that
global warming does not exist. Such statements, however well-intentioned,
distort the science and could undermine efforts to tackle carbon
emissions, it says. (The Guardian)
Actually we would be delighted is this nonsense "could undermine
efforts to tackle carbon emissions" since such actions are 100%
harm with no upside.
must rein in misleading climate change claims - News headlines vie for
attention and it is easy for scientists to grab this attention by linking
climate change to the latest extreme weather event or apocalyptic
prediction. But in doing so, the public perception of climate change can
be distorted. The reality is that extreme events arise when natural
variations in the weather and climate combine with long-term climate
change. This message is more difficult to get heard. Scientists and
journalists need to find ways to help to make this clear without the wider
audience switching off. (Vicky Pope, The Guardian)
of Change: UK Met Office Issues ‘Blistering Attack on Scientific
Colleagues’ For ‘Apocalyptic Climate Predictions' -‘The
political consensus surrounding climate policy is collapsing’
Washington, DC: Scientists at the UK Met office “launched a blistering
attack on scientific colleagues and journalists who exaggerate the effects
of global warming.” The Met office, “one of the most prestigious
research facilities in the world” according to the February 11, 2009,
article in the UK Guardian, is no hotbed of climate skeptics, as the
organization accepts the UN IPCC view of man-made global warming. A U.S.
climate expert has also declared that “the political consensus
surrounding climate policy is collapsing,” and a U.S. Naval Academy
chemist has accused the media of “journalistic malpractice” for hyping
warming fears. Furthermore, NASA's James Hansen and RealClimate.org have
also come under renewed criticism. (EPW)
Merged Climate, Pollution
Fight Seen Saving Cash - OSLO - Merging separate fights against air
pollution and climate change could save cash and encourage developing
nations such as China to do more to curb global warming, researchers said
"There are big gains to be made" from a combined policy, said
Petter Tollefsen, a researcher at the Center for International Climate and
Environmental Research, Oslo (CICERO).
The European Union alone could make efficiency gains of 2.8 billion euros
($3.62 billion) a year by 2020 by combining assaults on air pollution and
climate change, according to a CICERO study. (Reuters)
Save 2.8 billion annually and it will only cost an estimated 280
billion a year to do it... we're guessing they think that's economically
Environment Agency–Stuck in a Mental Rut - In a report titled
“Beyond Transport Policy,” the European Environment Agency (EEA)
bemoans the fact that European transport sector CO2 emissions increased by
26% during 1990-2006. The report is called “Beyond Transport Policy”
because–hold on to your hat–the ”drivers” of transport demand
growth are “external” to the transport sector itself. For example,
people don’t fly for the sheer thrill of flying, but in order to
vacation or conduct business in an increasingly global economy.
Consequently, traditional transport policies such as fuel economy
regulations, motor fuel taxes, and infrastructure upgrades have had little
impact on transport demand and the associated emissions.
This implies that in order to achieve what the EEA calls a “sustainable
transport system,” politicians and bureaucrats must control those pesky
“external drivers”–basically the totality of things that constitute
work and play in the modern world.
But, as I discuss here, the EEA’s proposed solutions are not “beyond
transport policy,” but are the same old, same old: new taxes on fuels,
vehicles, passengers, and imports. The EEA is stuck in a mental rut; it
has taxes on the brain. (Marlo Lewis, Cooler Heads)
Turbines in Europe Do Nothing for Emissions-Reduction Goals - Despite
Europe's boom in solar and wind energy, CO2 emissions haven't been reduced
by even a single gram. Now, even the Green Party is taking a new look at
the issue -- as shown in e-mails obtained by SPIEGEL ONLINE.
Germany's renewable energy companies are a tremendous success story.
Roughly 15 percent of the country's electricity comes from solar, wind or
biomass facilities, almost 250,000 jobs have been created and the net
worth of the business is €35 billion per year.
But there's a catch: The climate hasn't in fact profited from these
developments. As astonishing as it may sound, the new wind turbines and
solar cells haven't prohibited the emission of even a single gram of CO2.
Even more surprising, the European Union's own climate change policies,
touted as the most progressive in the world, are to blame. The EU-wide
emissions trading system determines the total amount of CO2 that can be
emitted by power companies and industries. And this amount doesn't change
-- no matter how many wind turbines are erected.
Experts have known about this situation for some time, but it still isn't
widely known to the public. Even Germany's government officials mention it
only under their breath. No one wants to discuss the political
ramifications. (Der Spiegel)
before Tribunal for CO emissions - Poland will stand before the
European Tribunal in Luxembourg in relation to requirements put forth by
the European Union to limit CO2 emissions by 2012.
Warsaw has positioned itself against the European Commission’s (EC)
decision to limit CO2 emissions by one-third in the coming three years.
The Polish government has filed a suit against the EC because it
interferes with Poland’s energy security plans and economic interests,
considering that the country depends upon coal for 90 percent of its
energy needs.
The European Commission’s main argument is that the criteria for
establishing CO2 emission levels were agreed upon and considered just by
every EU member state.
The trial starts today, but the decision from the Tribunal will come in
several months time.
Poland is supported in this case by other EU member states who take up a
similar stance, including Slovakia, Hungary and Lithuania. Representatives
from those member states will be present at the Tribunal today. The United
Kingdom, however, will send representatives to the Tribunal to support the
EC. (mmj)
Kelp Genetics Reveals Ice Age
Climate Clues - SINGAPORE - Sea ice extended further north in the
Southern Ocean during the last Ice Age than previously thought, a New
Zealand research team has found in a study that could improve predictions
of climate change.
The team from the University of Otago, led by PhD student Ceridwen Fraser,
delved deep into the genetic code of modern-day bull kelp from samples
taken from many sub-Antarctic islands, as well as New Zealand and Chile.
The findings showed that southern bull kelp, Durvillaea antarctica, had
only recolonized the sub-Antarctic islands in the past 20,000 years after
the retreat of sea ice.
The kelp live in the shallow inter-tidal zone and were destroyed by the
scouring motion of sea ice across the sea bed.
"We found this pattern that there is a lot of genetic diversity
further north and next to no diversity further south, which suggests that
it's just recently been colonized by the species," Fraser told
Reuters from Dunedin in New Zealand on Wednesday.
The findings challenge current data of the estimated extent of sea ice
based on sediment core samples from the Southern Ocean seabed. In some
areas, there is abundant data, in others very little because of the
remoteness of the vast ocean. (Reuters)
Effects of 30 Years of Landscape Change over the Greater Phoenix AZ,
Region: Part II by Georgescu et al. 2009 - Guest Weblog By Matei
Previously, the modeled effect of observed (from the early 1970s to the
early 2000s) land use/land cover change (LULCC) over one of the most
rapidly developing regions in the US, the semi-arid Greater Phoenix [AZ]
region, was shown to have an important impact on the surface energy budget
and the near-surface atmosphere (e.g., temperature, dewpoint temperature;
see). We address the role of these surface budget changes and subsequent
repartitioning of energy on the mesoscale dynamics/thermodynamics of the
region, their impact on convective rainfall, and the association with the
synoptic scale North American Monsoon (NAM) circulation in a follow-up
paper: Georgescu, M., G. Miguez-Macho, L. T. Steyaert, and C. P. Weaver
(2009), Climatic effects of 30 years of landscape change over the Greater
Phoenix, Arizona, region: 2. Dynamical and thermodynamical response, J.
Geophys. Res., doi:10.1029/2008JD010762, in press. (subscription required)
(Climate Science)
Hmm... do 'credits' actually survive the current agreement? Russia
to Sit on $56 Billion of CO2 Credits, Awaiting Kyoto Successor Before
Cashing In - Russia reportedly plans to sit on $56 billion worth of
carbon credits until after 2012 rather than sell them in the trading
market created by the Kyoto global-warming treaty.
The implications of this are significant. It means there is less chance
the market price of a carbon credit will implode during the global
recession. In turn, this makes it more likely that carbon trading,
although highly controversial, will be seen in 2009 as a financial success
worthy of being extended beyond 2012 under a new international treaty
still to be negotiated. (EnergyTechStocks.com)
industry ready to work on global warming - HOUSTON: Confronted with a
sharp change of priorities in Washington, international oil executives are
expressing an eagerness to work with President Barack Obama to fashion new
policies to tackle global warming.
At an industry conference here this week, the executives struck a
conciliatory tone on how to limit the emissions that are contributing to
climate change, with many of them sounding like budding conservationists
as they stressed energy efficiency and the need to develop renewable
At the same time, they declared that the country would still need oil for
a long time, and sought to persuade the new administration of the need for
more drilling off the nation's coasts. (IHT)
No shortage of ignorant rhetoric: Ocean
Advocates Slam Expanded U.S. Offshore Drilling - WASHINGTON - Ocean
advocates from Hollywood to North Carolina's fragile beaches on Wednesday
assailed a proposed expansion of offshore oil and gas drilling along the
entire U.S. East Coast and four parts of California.
"Ecosystems are disrupted top to bottom by the short and long term
effects of oil," Ted Danson, actor and founder of American Oceans
Campaign, told the House of Representatives Natural Resources Committee.
"More oil spills mean less abundant oceans. More oil spills mean
fewer wonderful, pristine beaches. More oil spills mean fewer jobs,"
he said.
Danson spoke one day after U.S. Interior Secretary Ken Salazar extended
the period for public comment on the Bush administration plan to expand
offshore drilling, delaying any decision until September. (Reuters)
Coal Industry To Obama: Friend
Or foe? - NEW YORK - President Obama appears committed to developing
clean coal technology and his administration might not be as opposed to
the fossil fuel as the industry feared, analysts and mining experts say.
Coal producers, blamed by environmentalists for causing global warming
through carbon emissions, were wary of a new administration pledging to
advance alternative energy sources.
The miners watched as Nobel laureate Steven Chu, the new head of the
Energy Department, called coal -- that generates half America's
electricity -- "my worst nightmare."
And Carole Browner, who will coordinate White House policy on energy,
climate and environmental issues, and who headed the Environmental
Protection Agency under Bill Clinton, is an advocate of the Kyoto Protocol
to combat climate change.
Even Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, who is responsible for drilling and
mining leases on federal land, was a former environmental lawyer and
architect of Colorado's land conservation program, who forced mining and
oil operations to protect the environment.
But under Obama, those positions may not be so hard and fast and the coal
industry could benefit in the long-term, the observers believe. (Reuters)
Consumers Energy Delays
Michigan Coal Power Project - NEW YORK - Consumers Energy said
Wednesday it pushed back the planned start-up of a proposed 800-megawatt
coal-fired power plant in Michigan from 2015 to 2017 due to regulatory
delays and a request by the state governor for further review on new coal
Last week, Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm, a Democrat, put plans for
seven coal plants on hold pending further review and called on the state
to reduce use of fossil fuels for generating electricity to 45 percent by
Consumers, a unit of CMS Energy Corp, applied with the Michigan Department
of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) for an environmental permit in the fall of
2007. A spokesman at Consumers said the company expected a draft permit in
the spring of 2008.
But the company was still waiting for the draft permit when the MDEQ
recently put a hold on issuing draft permits until it completes an
analysis of the need for the coal plant and alternatives. (Reuters)
California Utility In Big
Solar Thermal Deal - LOS ANGELES - Southern California Edison said on
Wednesday it signed a series of contracts with BrightSource Energy for the
supply of 1,300 megawatts of clean solar thermal power.
The California utility, a unit of Edison International, continues its
practice of buying power from renewable power developers like BrightSource
rather than owning the generation assets itself, said Stuart Hemphill,
head of SCE's renewable power efforts.
Privately-held BrightSource has agreed to build and place in commercial
operation seven projects. Once completed, the projects will be able to
serve about 845,000 households during peak-demand afternoon hours in
Southern California. (Reuters)
For East Europe, Geothermal
Can Replace Some Gas - MAKO - Lajos Barath last year took an ancient
route to energy for his hospital. Switching the heating and hot water
entirely to geothermal energy, he was building on a Roman discovery
continued by the Turks.
Besides saving energy costs, the two wells 2,150 meters (7,000 feet) deep
from which hot water is pumped proved a good investment last month, when
Russia cut off gas supplies through Ukraine in freezing midwinter.
"We set up an energy system in our hospital ... which is based on a
national treasure," said Barath, director of the Diosszilagyi Samuel
Hospital in southeast Hungary where the reputedly therapeutic thermal
waters have flowed for decades.
"We channeled the savings into treating patients."
People worldwide have enjoyed hot springs at least since Roman times.
Among scant potential alternatives to Russian gas in eastern Europe,
experts say geothermal reserves could in the medium term be an option to
reduce -- not end -- the dependence on natural gas.
Russia is the only source of gas imports for some eastern European
countries including Serbia and Bulgaria. Of Hungary's annual gas
consumption of between 13 billion and 14 billion cubic meters, about 80
percent comes from Russia in pipelines that run through Ukraine. (Reuters)
Ford Jumps Back Into Green Car
Fray - CHICAGO - Henry Ford once famously said "you can't build a
reputation on what you are going to do."
But a renewed commitment to build more fuel-efficient and battery-powered
cars and hybrids has become central to the high-stakes turnaround plan at
Ford Motor Co as it looks to ride out the industry's worst downturn in
In recent weeks, Ford has shown it wants back in the green car game by
detailing an aggressive plan to roll out electric and plug-in hybrid
vehicles over the next three years. (Reuters)
Pushing EPA for More Ethanol in Gasoline - On Tuesday (Feb. 10), USDA
Secretary Tom Vilsack urged EPA to increase the quantity of ethanol
blended into gasoline from the current amount–10% ethanol per
gallon–to some higher percentage, Reuters reports.
Will EPA heed Vilsack’s request or heed the clear implication of
www.fueleconomy.gov, a Web site EPA administers jointly with the
Department of Energy?
The EPA/DOE Web site reveals that filling up with ethanol is a big fat
money-loser. To see for yourself, click on “Flex-Fuel Vehicles,” then
click on “Fuel Economy Information for Flex-Fuel Vehicles,” and then
click on “Go.”
EPA and DOE compare the average annual cost of using regular gasoline and
E-85 (motor fuel blended with 85% ethanol) for 90 different flex-fuel
models. In every case, regardless of make or model, fueling the vehicle
with E-85 costs more than gasoline—lots more. (Marlo Lewis, Cooler
bowl of chocolates - Readers may remember Carrie, who had shared her
heartbreaking story two years ago when she found herself surrounded by a
workplace wellness program that was so unhealthy for her, she had been
forced to resign from her job. Her story was among several shared in
“See those frowny faces.” This week, she revisited that difficult
time, offering some valuable insights that come with years and healing.
(Junkfood Science)
<chuckle> Best argument against 'organic' and 'natural' you've
ever seen: State
of nature: how modern humans lived as nomads for 99 per cent of our
history - Until about 10,000 years ago there were few, if any,
permanent homes or villages. People moved around all the time, from place
to place.
Perhaps the biggest long-term strength of the hunter-gatherers' lifestyle
was that it provided an inbuilt control on the overall level of human
population. Hunter-gatherers relied on travelling by foot so it was
necessary for them to have their children well spaced apart – one every
four or five years at most – so they didn't have to carry too many
children at once. A stable population of about 5 million hunter-gathering
humans lived on Earth for tens of thousands of years, without the
population increasing significantly overall. It was a natural limit, a
sustainable level, founded on a nomadic way of life.
So what happened? Why did 5 million humans who had lived for tens of
thousands of years as hunter-gatherers change the habits of generations
and turn to a radical, new, and much more demanding way of life? (The
So, unaided (and 100% natural and organic) the planet only supports 5
million people? Thank heavens for industrial agriculture and human
ingenuity then, we've increased the carrying capacity of the world by
130,000%, so far :)
insanity - The interval between prediction and outcome seems to be
shrinking. Not that the rat explosion merits the title of prediction,
since it was an outcome that was obvious to anyone except an idiot or a
professional politician. It was adumbrated in a piece entitled STENCH in
these pages less than two years ago. More worrying is the fact that
related forecasts have serious outcomes that are not so obvious. When
fly-borne diseases begin to increase in the warmer weather, it will no
doubt be reported as an unfortunate random event (or even yet another
outcome of global warming). (Number Watch)
Greenies stealing more of your rights: McGuinty
vows to stop wind-farm NIMBYs - LONDON, Ont. – Taking a swipe at
those who oppose wind turbines off the Scarborough Bluffs, Premier Dalton
McGuinty is signalling he won't hesitate to foist "green" energy
projects on communities across Ontario.
Only safety and environmental concerns will be legitimate objections to
biofuel plants, solar panel fields and wind turbines under a green energy
act to be proposed this month, the premier said yesterday in a speech on
the economy. (Toronto Star)
survivors blame council 'green' policy - ANGRY residents last night
accused local authorities of contributing to the bushfire toll by failing
to let residents chop down trees and clear up bushland that posed a fire
risk. (The Age)
Unfortunately they are right, dopey greenies with nothing better to
do have become prolific in all levels of government here and they seem
to believe bush has to be protected from people but not catastrophic
fire. In my council region it is illegal to even remove fallen timber
from the roadside (some bug might like to live there, apparently). Even
worse, powerline maintenance workers are prohibited from even removing
branches beyond a 2 meter (about 6 feet 7 inches) clearance around
overhead lines in urban regions, so branches toppling onto powerlines
become major ignition sources each summer. Even major transmission lines
are subject to ridiculous restrictions on bush and regrowth clearance.
rules, black forests - This nature-first faith must now be junked at
LAST year the Wilderness Society published a six-point action plan to
“reduce bushfire risks and help to protect people, property, wildlife
and their habitat”. The society asserted that a “massive increase in
hazard reduction burning and firebreaks is destroying nature, pushing
wildlife closer to extinction and in many cases increasing the fire risk
to people and properties by making areas more fire prone”.
Roger Underwood, a former firefighter and now chairman of Bush Fire Front,
sets the record straight:
In fact there has been no massive increase in prescribed burning;
statistics demonstrate that this practice has declined since the 1980s
right across southern Australia. And no species of wildlife in Australia
can be said to be on the brink of extinction because of prescribed
burning. As we saw last weekend in Victoria, the real threat to wildlife
is killer bushfires, which are a consequence of insufficient prescribed
An example of what this faith led us to:
THEY were labelled law breakers, fined $50,000 and left emotionally and
financially drained. But seven years after the Sheahans bulldozed trees to
make a fire break — an act that got them dragged before a magistrate and
penalised — they feel vindicated. Their house is one of the few in Reedy
Creek still standing....
Mr Sheahan is still angry about his prosecution, which cost him $100,000
in fines and legal fees. The council’s planning laws allow trees to be
cleared only when they are within six metres of a house. Mr Sheahan
cleared trees up to 100 metres away from his house.
More on fuel reduction burns - and why we didn’t do them - tomorrow.
(Andrew Bolt Blog)
Just Vandana Shiva, again: AGRICULTURE-INDIA:
Looking Beyond Wheat and Rice - BANGALORE, Feb 11 - Food security
experts say India must wean itself away from dependence on wheat and rice
and look to the sub-continent’s rich agro-diversity in order to address
the kind of food crisis that hit the country last year - as well as
longer-standing nutrition deficiency issues.
Traditionally Indians have depended on a vast variety of grains and
cereals such as millet, maize, corn, barley, rye and lentils, as well as a
variety of temperate and tropical fruits and vegetables to keep themselves
in good nutritional health, according to noted environmentalist Ashish
But a skewed agricultural policy and a subsidised public distribution
system (PDS) has limited millions of poor and middle-class Indians to a
diet that leans too heavily on wheat or rice, ignoring especially the
nutritional value of coarse grains, said Kothari.
"The reason only rice and wheat are promoted in the PDS system is
because rice and wheat were promoted as chemical monocultures under the
‘Green Revolution’,’’ Vandana Shiva, the internationally-known,
India-based food security expert told IPS.
February 11, 2009
Never Quit - Since the 1960s Western Society has been in the grip of a
remarkable and very dangerous psychological phenomenon. Again and again we
have seen the rise of some great fear, centered on a mysterious new threat
to human health and well-being.
As a result, we are told, large numbers of people will suffer or die.
Salmonella in eggs; listeria in cheese; BSE in beef; dioxins in poultry;
the Millennium Bug; DDT; nitrate in water; vitamin B6; Satanic child
abuse; asbestos; SARS; Asian bird flu—the list is seemingly endless.
Indeed, we are currently in the grip of the greatest of such fear of all:
that of a warming of the world’s climate which, we are officially told,
could well put an end to much of civilized world as we know it, report
Christopher Booker and Richard North. (Jack Dini, Hawaii Reporter)
Hoping he takes his own advice: Scientists
Take Action If They Trust Their Own Evidence - I have lately been
thinking that we are coming down to the go/no-go moment in terms of
preventing the Siberian methane tipping point from avalanching into
unstoppable global warming. I have been thinking it is time for scientists
around the world who trust their own global warming evidence to withdraw
from the system that propagates the global warming.
Withdrawal from the system would be neither symbolic nor philosophical.
Withdrawal would be sudden, total and drastic. (Clinton Callahan, OEN)
In a hilarious kind of way Callahan is right on the money: if
gorebull warming gravy train riders believed any of this crap they
wouldn't keep flying to exotic holiday destinations to talk about it,
they wouldn't be accepting lucrative "environmental" prizes
and living the high life but would just stop consuming (presumably this
also means Callahan will smash his computer and walk off into the sunset
-- bon voyage). We wish them all well in their new non-endeavors.
of global warming doesn't support the hype - Did last week have anyone
questioning global warming?
Think how people in Chicago feel. They're going through the coldest winter
in a quarter-century, and the ninth-coldest of all time.
Of course, none of this contradicts the theory that we are turning Planet
Earth into a convection oven.
It goes something like this: If the planet is warm, it is because of
global warming. If the planet is cold, it is in spite of global warming.
I've noticed this dynamic in play for quite some time. Whenever the
weather smacks us around, be it a Midwest flood, a Florida drought, a New
Orleans hurricane or a California wildfire, it is blamed on Hummers.
Those who dispute this are one of the following: dumb, misinformed,
skeptics, members of the flat-earth society, members of the Cato Institute
or paid off by Exxon.
And the beauty of this juggernaut is that it has inoculated itself against
dissent by labeling, in advance, any dissenters as deniers. (Mike Thomas,
Orlando Sentinel)

now I am one of the evil "deniers!'' - My
column questioning the zeal of global-warming advocates noted that
they innoculate themselves against dissent by attacking the dissenters as
dimwitted deniers. True to form, many of those attacking the column
accused me of everything from being a Bush stooge to pandering for web
clicks to pandering for a job. It's impossible, it seems, for anyone to
even suggest we keep an open mind on this theory without being a fool or
having evil intent.
They are, in effect, proving one of the main points I was trying to make.
Climate change has gone from being a science to being two competing
political movements. This does not bode well for getting at the truth
behind our impact on global warming. (Mike Thomas, Orlando Sentinel)
cabinet greenery - President Barack Obama’s initial agency
department secretary nominees for State, Treasury, Defense and Housing and
Urban Development were greeted as moderates, or at least familiar
Clinton-era casting. However, Obama’s nominees for Energy Secretary,
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator and his new White
House climate policy czar are the sort of green activists whose
ecopolitics would retard America’s economic recovery from the deepening
economic recession, and punish future prosperity. Obama’s more recent
nominees for The Department of the Interior Secretary and chief of the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) are also climate
activists. All would move precipitously to a “cap-and-trade” system
where carbon dioxide (CO2) emission credits are bought and sold under
government market regulations in pursuit of greenhouse gas reductions and
global warming mitigation. Government would attempt to use CO2 as a global
climate change thermostat. (Paul Taylor, LA Ecopolitics Examiner)
ideology ‘as deadly as Communism’ - A Catholic charity has
launched a scathing attack on the Green movement, describing the excesses
of environmentalism as an ideology every bit as dangerous as Communism.
While global warming should be a "crucial issue" for the Church,
worshippers must be deeply sceptical about many of the claims made by the
environmentalist lobby, a new booklet published by the bishops of England
and Wales has said.
Written by Russell Sparkes, an expert in ethical investments, it argues
that there is a proven tendency among some "Deep Green"
activists to exaggerate the threat of global warming to vindicate their
calls for government measures to "forcibly" move the world
toward a "sustainable path". (Catholic Herald)
of the climate scientists - Gray versus Hansen part 2 - Last week I
wrote about an extremely strongly worded letter from William Gray to the
American Meteorological Society (AMS) objecting to their awarding James
Hansen their highest award. This letter pits two of the giants in
meteorology and climatology against each other in the debate over manmade
climate change and global warming. (Tony Hake, Denver Weather Examiner)
a global post-Kyoto solution - Initiatives to counter climate change
have to be ecologically sustainable and economically viable
New ways of thinking on climate change are needed if the world is to
create a workable post-Kyoto Protocol framework to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions, European scholars told a recent symposium in Tokyo.
Solutions to climate change must be ecologically sustainable and
economically viable, the scholars said, stressing that the participation
of all major emitters is crucial to building an effective tool against the
rapidly expanding concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
(Japan Times)
D'oh! Plunging
price of carbon may threaten investment - The price of carbon has lost
almost two-thirds of its value in the past six months, threatening future
investments in the energy sector and undermining confidence in the second
phase of Europe's Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS). An EU permit to emit one
tonne of CO2 cost €10.15 (£8.86) at the end of last week, down from
€28.50 in mid-2008 and a far cry from forecasts of up to €40.
The most bearish experts are now predicting that the price could fall as
low as €9 as global recession, reduced manufacturing output, and the
concomitant reduction in consumption of fossil fuels, feeds through to
reduce the need for carbon emissions permits.
The danger is that business plans for infrastructure projects like power
stations and wind farms will founder. In the first phase of the EU ETS,
which ran from 2005 to 2008, permits were vastly over-issued, pushing the
price of carbon to less than €1 and rendering the mechanism meaningless
as a predictable revenue stream.
A major price drop in the second phase of the scheme, which runs to 2012,
could cause a repeat crisis of confidence by throwing future projections
into question. (The Independent)
Less-colding is good for critters? Who knew... Amid
warming, birds shift north - WASHINGTON - When it comes to global
warming, the canary in the coal mine isn't a canary at all. It's a purple
As the temperature across the United States has gotten higher, the purple
finch has been spending its winters more than 400 miles farther north than
it used to.
And it's not alone.
An Audubon Society study to be released today found that more than half of
305 bird species in North America, a hodgepodge that includes robins,
gulls, chickadees, and owls, are spending the winter about 35 miles
farther north than they did 40 years ago.
The purple finch was the farthest northward mover. Its wintering grounds
are now more along the latitude of Milwaukee instead of Springfield, Mo.
Bird ranges can expand and shift for many reasons, among them urban
sprawl, deforestation, and the supplemental diet provided by backyard
feeders. But researchers say the only explanation for why so many birds
over such a broad area are wintering in more northern locales is global
warming. (Associated Press)
New Article On Florida Climate Change - Thanks to David
F. Zierden, State Climatologist at The Florida Climate Center, for
alerting us to this recent new article in Florida Trend by Cynthia Barnett
titled “Climate
Change - It’s Hot But Don’t Blame Global Warming" - Some
Florida cities are getting hotter, but the evolution has more to do with
bulldozers and pavement than global warming. (Roger Pielke Sr., Climate
To Lives To Cold Weather In The United Kingdom - There is an
interesting statement on the risk associated from cold in the United
Kingdom from the UK Met Office Website (see).
“An amber alert is triggered when there is a high possibility of a
particularly cold spell occurring in the next few days. This is important
as there are over 25,000 excess deaths each winter in this country, many
of which are preventable. Action taken at this stage can greatly benefit
vulnerable groups as the cold weather arrives.”
This is why we need a comprehensive assessment of the vulnerability of
society to climate, rather than a focus on the narrow view expressed in
the 2007 IPCC assessments of climate change. The current protracted period
of well below average temperatures and periods of snow in the UK should be
a wake-up call to policymakers that they need to think more broadly in
terms of climate policy, than their nearly exclusive focus on the human
input of carbon dioxide. (Roger Pielke Sr., Climate Science)
Warming Hysteria: Well, 3 Outta 4 Ain’t Bad - Wow. Al Gore has
finally been successful at something other than raising money from Chinese
Nationals (there’s no controlling legal authority!). It seems his
un-merry band of alarmists is winning the war over public perception of
global warming — and in a very fearful way. (Chilling Effect)
warming is not our fault … it's nature - DR JIM Buckee says he feels
like a heretic, persecuted for his views and treated like an outcast. His
crime? Being a climate change sceptic.
Next week the former chief executive of the oil and gas firm Talisman, who
has a PhD in astrophysics from the University of Oxford, will try to
convince others that climate change has nothing to do with human activity.
During a lecture at the University of Aberdeen he will argue that, far
from warming, the Earth is set to enter a 20-year cooling period.
Dr Buckee believes human behaviour has no effect on the climate and the
vast sums spent by governments trying to promote renewable energy to cut
greenhouse gas emissions are being wasted.
Far from being a key cause of climate change, he says, carbon dioxide
emissions have little or no impact. (The Scotsman)
From CO2 Science this week:
Changes in the
Ranges of European Wading Birds: How did the waders adjust to the
warming of the last two decades of the 20th century? ... and what is the
important lesson to be learned from the result?
Warm Period Record of the Week:
Was there a Medieval Warm Period? YES, according to data
published by 664
individual scientists from 389
separate research institutions in 40
different countries ... and counting! This issue's Medieval Warm
Period Record of the Week comes from South
Bay, near San Francisco, California, USA. To access the entire
Medieval Warm Period Project's database, click
Subject Index Summary:
Influence on Temperature (Global): Is there evidence for a
sun-temperature link at the global scale?
Plant Growth Data:
This week we add new results (blue background) of plant growth responses
to atmospheric CO2 enrichment obtained from
experiments described in the peer-reviewed scientific literature for: Corn,
Pea, Lambsquarters,
and Redroot
Journal Reviews:
A Review of the Fledgling Research Field: What does the evolving
enterprise reveal about the connection between global warming and tropical
cyclone activity?
A Review of Mid-
to Late-Holocene Climate Change: Do the Medieval Warm Period and
Little Ice Age survive the critical analysis of an international team of
18 climate specialists?
Climatic Change in the North American Great Plains: How unique is the
region's modern warmth?
Dengue Fever in
the Modern World: To what should we look for an explanation of its
recent global expansion?
Effects of CO2
and Ozone on Volatile Organic Compounds Emitted by Transgenic and
Non-Transgenic Oilseed Rape: What are the effects? ... and why do we
care? (co2science.org)
administration seeks more input on offshore drilling - WASHINGTON -
The U.S. Interior Department on Tuesday extended by 180 days the public
comment period on a 5-year proposal to expand offshore oil and natural gas
The Bush administration had drawn up an expanded offshore drilling plan
during the final days of its term, setting a 60-day comment period for the
New U.S. Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said he would add another 180 days
for public comment, providing a total of 240 days to review the drilling
plan through this September. (Reuters)
People are funny critters. For gorebull warming nonsense, more absurd
activities one could not envisage, there is unseemly haste to the point
of headlong rush. For a no-brainer like accessing domestic energy
resources, delay and obstruction. Weird.
Funds to
fuel green energy run dry - BRUSSELS: Investors in clean energy are
like motorists stuck at broken traffic lights. The public policy light is
green, but the price and credit lights are deep red.
Investment in wind, wave and solar power should be booming after the
European Union adopted an ambitious goal last year to draw 20 percent of
its energy from renewable sources by 2020 to help fight global warming,
and President Barack Obama made green power a central plank of his
government's policy.
But the credit crunch, economic recession, the spectacular fall in oil
prices since last July and a record low European carbon price have cooled
investors' ardor.
New Energy Finance, a consultancy, forecast zero investment growth in
climate-related companies this year, after a spectacular growth rate of 60
percent in 2006 and 2007. (Reuters)
downturn hits carbon jobs - The global economic slowdown continues to
take its toll on the carbon market, with a series of redundancies and
consolidations taking place across all sectors of the market.
London-listed project developer EcoSecurities is to close its US
consultancy office in Oregon this month, reducing its US headcount by a
third. The move follows a round of redundancies last year. (Carbon
balances cars, environment - Outdoorsman's lead role in water, air and
wildlife protection dates to 1960s
WASHINGTON -- John Dingell's favorite job was being a national park ranger
as a young man in Colorado and Washington state, paid to ride horses, trap
bears, fight fires and blow up beaver dams.
"I would have paid them to do the job," says Dingell, whose love
of the outdoors includes fishing and hunting -- as attested to by the
marlin, Russian boar head and other trophies on his office walls.
From his earliest days in Congress, Dingell -- who has fought tirelessly
to protect the auto industry, blamed in part for environmental problems --
also spearheaded laws to clean up the nation's rivers and air, and protect
threatened animals.
"We forget that our skies once hung heavy with acids and soot, and
that we were dumping raw sewage into the Great Lakes and other
waters," said Larry Schweiger, the president of the National Wildlife
Federation. "John fought for clean air. And he pushed legislation
that saved the bald eagle, the grizzly bear and the gray wolf. He was a
champion for the environment way before it was fashionable." (Detroit
E debate: Electronic economics - Included in the economic stimulus
bill that goes to vote today is funding that will put the medical records
of every American into electronic form with no ability of people to
opt-out or give their consent.
This morning, the Washington Post described the lobbying debates that took
place in the legislature, saying: “At the heart of the debate is how to
strike a balance between protecting patient privacy and expanding the
health industry’s access to vast and growing databases of information on
the health status and medical care of every American.” (Junkfood
doctors are introduced to the evidence for lifestyle medicine - The
current issue of the Medical Journal of Australia includes a “lifestyle
medicine” section, featuring an article by Garry J Egger, Andrew F Binns
and Stephan R Rossner. They literally wrote the book on Lifestyle
Medicine. Their book is the core curriculum for the postgraduate Master of
Clinical Science in Lifestyle Medicine program at Southern Cross
University in Lismore, NSW, and forms the guiding principles used by the
Australian Lifestyle Medicine Association (ALMA).
As they explain, lifestyle medicine is not conventional medicine, it’s
the latest alternative modality sweeping the world. Alternative medicine
is becoming mainstream. (Junkfood Science)
food near schools linked to obesity - NEW YORK - Adolescents who go to
school within a half-mile of a fast-food restaurant are more likely to be
overweight or obese than kids whose schools are further away, new research
The young people in the study also ate fewer servings of fruits and
vegetables and drank more soda if there was at least one fast food
restaurant within a half-mile radius of their school, Drs. Brennan Davis
of Azusa Pacific University in Azusa, California and Christopher Carpenter
of the University of California at Irvine found.
"Overall, our patterns are consistent with the idea that fast food
near schools affects students' eating habits, overweight, and
obesity," they conclude in a report in the American Journal of Public
Several studies have demonstrated that fast food restaurants are often
clustered within walking distance of schools, but studies looking at
whether this affects students' weight or eating habits have not found a
link. (Reuters Health)
for answers in the ashes - What went wrong on Black Saturday? Why did
so many people die? Why was the property loss so great? We need to know to
prevent a repetition, writes Frank Campbell. (Frank Campbell, The Age)
fury fuels debate on burn-offs - The power of nature's wrath has never
been so acutely felt.
It is also a salient reminder of how much work must be done to live
alongside nature.
Humans always have sought to control their environment in some way. It is
a characteristic of developed communities.
Leaving our fate in nature's hands is naive and often inherently
The environmentalist argument against controlled burning surely must be
silent forever. The fuel that fed hell's fury over the weekend could have
been a lot less.
National parks, state forests and crown lands must be managed and that
means a program of prescribed burning during cooler months to rid the
undergrowth of fire fuel.
And private landowners should be able to access fire permits much easier
than they now for the same process.
The greenies' belief that national parks and state forests should be
locked up and left alone is a nonsense and shows an appalling lack of
understanding of Australian biodiversity and environmental history.
Exotic weeds and trees grow rampantly in our national parks and should be
culled by all means possible -- including controlled burning. Any notion
that our national parks are pristine wildernesses is misplaced.
After the Black Friday bushfires of 1939, Victoria began burning off heavy
undergrowth. It doesn't prevent bushfires, but it reduces their severity
by robbing them of masses of kindling.
Gradually, political correctness took over the management of rural lands
and burn-offs were branded as being environmentally unfriendly,
contributing to global warming and denuding the forest floor of habitats.
The forest rubbish grew by the tonne every year, creating a haven for
noxious weeds and vermin rather than delicate native species.
The Australian landscape does not respond well to political correctness.
So like the Aborigines did for thousands of years, we must reinstate
controlled burning as a vital tool in the management of our land. (The
of Victoria's forests fanned bushfire inferno - STATE and federal
governments have been accused of succumbing to pressure from the green
lobby by abandoning responsibility for controlled burning of forests,
despite growing populations in bushland suburbs.
As the death toll from the Victorian bushfires topped 130 yesterday, fire
control experts said forest managers had failed to learn the lessons of
past infernos such as Ash Wednesday in 1983 and the 2003 Canberra
They said too little was being done to thin out the bush to protect lives
and property against extreme weather conditions that fuelled the fatal
Victorian blazes.
David Packham, a researcher from Monash University's climatology group who
has specialised in bushfires, said governments had abandoned
responsibility for the one control they had over wildfires -- the state of
the forests that fed the flames.
"Due to terribly ill-informed and pretty well outrageous concepts of
conservation, we have failed to manage our fuel and our forests," Mr
Packham said. "They have become unhealthy, and dangerous."
Phil Cheney, formerly head of the CSIRO's bushfire research unit, said the
number of Victorian fatalities "absolutely" would have been
lower with more prescribed burning.
Mr Cheney said he was "totally frustrated" at the failure of
governments to reduce the forest density after repeated inquiries into
fire deaths recommended such a strategy. (The Australian)
bushfires stoked by green vote - VICTORIA has suffered the most tragic
bushfire disaster to have occurred on this continent throughout its period
of human habitation.
The deaths, loss of homes and businesses and the blow to our feeling of
security will take decades to fade into history. The trauma will live with
the victims, who, to a greater or lesser extent, are all of us.
How could this happen when we have been told in a withering, continuous
barrage of public relations that with technology and well-polished
uniforms, we can cope with the unleashing of huge forces of nature.
I have been a bushfire scientist for more than 50 years, dealing with all
aspects of bushfires, from prescribed burning to flame chemistry, and
serving as supervisor of fire weather services for Australia. We need to
understand what has happened so that we can accept or prevent future fire
That this disaster was about to happen became clear when the weather
bureau issued an accurate fire weather forecast last Wednesday, which
prompted me, as a private citizen, to raise the alarm through a memo
distributed to concerned residents.
The science is simple. A fire disaster of this nature requires a
combination of hot, dry, windy weather in drought conditions. It also
requires a source of ignition. In the past, this purpose has been served
by lightning. In this disaster, lightning has not played a big part, and
for this Victorians should be grateful. But other sources of ignition are
ever-present. When the temperature and wind increase to extreme levels,
small events -- perhaps the scrape of metal across a rock, a transformer
overheating or sparks from a diesel engine -- are capable of starting a
fire that can in minutes become unstoppable if the fuel is present.
The third and only controllable factor in this deadly triangle is fuel:
the dead leaves, pieces of bark and grass that become the gas that feeds
the 50m high flames that roar through the bush with the sound of jet
engines. (David Packham, The Australian)
February 10, 2009
A rational environment minister? Seems hard to believe but... Northern
Ireland environment minister bans climate change ads - BELFAST —
Northern Ireland's environment minister came under fire Monday after he
banned a climate change ad campaign, saying it was "nonsense" to
suggest people could save the world by turning off their lights.
Sammy Wilson, a member of the Democratic Unionist Party which shares power
with Sinn Fein in the British-ruled province, believes mankind is not to
blame for global warming.
He refused to allow an advertising campaign produced in London, which
urges people to use less energy in the home, to be broadcast in Northern
Ireland, saying it was simply "propaganda".
He argued the ads gave people "the impression that by turning off the
standby light on their TV they could save the world from melting glaciers
and being submerged in 40 feet of water", according to the BBC.
"That is patent nonsense," Wilson added.
The Green party's representative in the Northern Ireland assembly, Brian
Wilson, accused the minister of being "grossly irresponsible",
while the Friends of the Earth environmental pressure group called on him
to resign. (AFP)
call over blocked green ad - A Northern Ireland minister's decision to
block a government advertisement campaign on climate change has led to a
call for his removal from office. (BBC)
Wilson defiant after banning energy-saving ads - Northern Ireland’s
Environment minister tonight said he had no intention of resigning over
his controversial decision to ban a climate-change advertising campaign.
Environmentalists have demanded Sammy Wilson’s removal from office after
he blocked TV and radio ads urging people to reduce their carbon output
and use less energy in the home.
The Green party has tabled a motion in the Stormont assembly calling for
the minister be sacked, while environmental campaign group Friends of the
Earth also said he had to go.
But the DUP representative, who believes mankind is not to blame for
global warming, said he was not going to be forced out of a job by people
who don’t accept his point of view.
“Why should I resign?” asked the East Antrim MP. “I fulfil all my
ministerial obligations in all areas of my department and the idea that I
should resign just because I hold a different view from other people on
what is a very controversial topic is nonsense. And it just shows the
intolerance of these people if they think I should resign because I have a
different opinion.” (Irish Times)
Lesson Plans Drawing Praise, Concern - Could environmental education
be crossing into environmental indoctrination? Some critics say yes, as
schools boast that such curricula simply is teaching children ways of
caring for the earth.
Being a "good" student at Western Avenue Elementary School in
Flossmoor, Ill., means more than just doing reading, writing and
arithmetic well. It also means trying to save the planet.
"It's really important to help the earth and save the polar
bears," 9-year-old Duree Everett said, as she colored a "go
green" sign at her desk.
The students are taking part in what's called "National Green
Week," organized by the Green Education Foundation. Schools across
the country are encouraged to teach children about recycling, global
warming and carbon footprints. (FNC)
Speaking of indoctrination... Science
teacher takes 2nd graders on virtual Arctic trek - Remember your
second grade teacher? Some students in Arlington may never forget theirs.
Julie Schneider, who teaches second grade at K. W. Barrett Elementary in
Arlington will be heading to Churchill, Manitoba, Canada later this month
for an eleven day Arctic trek. It's part of a fellowship from the
Earthwatch Institute.
"I will be going out each day into the field and collecting data on
the permafrost" say Schneider who will then have live video
conferences with her students to explain what she is doing.
Schneider says thawing permafrost releases carbon, increasing a
concentration of greenhouse gases. It's an indication of global warming.
To prepare her students for their lessons between February 28th and March
10th, they are now reading a book about Winston, the polar bear.
"He's a polar bear who lives in Churchill, Manitoba and he rallies
all the other polar bears to tell the tourists to stop releasing carbons
into the atmosphere and that they need to save the earth." (WTOP
We could wish... Are
Environmental Journalists Becoming an Endangered Species? Wilson Center
Panel Examines Future of Science Journalism - WASHINGTON, Feb. 9 --
Even as interest in environmental issues skyrockets, the reporters who
cover these topics are being laid off left and right. At the Wilson Center
on February 12, four journalists and media experts will discuss this and
other issues:
* What does the future hold for science and environmental journalism, in
print, broadcast, and online?
* Will the new administration change the strained relationship between
environmental agencies and reporters?
* Will the renewed focus on climate change lead to the rebirth of
environmental journalism -- but outside of the traditional media?
on Venus Basic Geology Series Part 1 - Guest post by Steven Goddard
In some ways, Venus is similar to earth. It is about the same size as the
earth, has a nickel-iron core, and has volcanic activity due to
radioactive heating in the interior. But that is where the similarities
end. Venus has some serious problems as a vacation spot - mainly that it
is extremely hot and the atmosphere is a thick cloud of sulfuric acid, CO2
and other unpleasant chemicals.
So how did Venus get to be like that, and why is the earth different?
(Watts Up With That?)
Damn fools: Fires,
floods pressure government - CANBERRA - AUSTRALIA'S deadliest
bushfires, and devastating floods in the nation's tropical north, will
increase pressure on Prime Minister Kevin Rudd to take firmer action on
climate change, environmentalists said on Monday.
At least 108 people were killed in wildfires, fuelled by a record heatwave
in southern Victoria state over the past two days, while large areas of
Queensland state remain flooded.
Green groups said the severe weather was a result of climate change and
would increase pressure on Rudd to take stronger action to cut greenhouse
gas emissions, blamed for global warming, when he introduces a new climate
policy to parliament in May.
'Climate change is an issue like no other. As the impact continues to
intensify, so too will the political pressure for action and events like
this will become more commonplace,' Climate Institute director John Connor
told Reuters on Monday. (Reuters)
Much of Australia is dry and prone to bushfires, been so for a really
long time. People foolishly choose to live in the bush and even more
foolishly listen to green wackos and consequently fail to clear really
large firebreaks around individual properties and communities, now the
inevitable consequences are being reaped. Should everyone rally and send
cash and support to people suffering the inevitable consequences of
their stupidity? Of course not. The appropriate way of dealing with
these fires is to run away well in advance (they had at least a week's
warming the danger was extreme) and, should the property be flambéed in
their absence, well, that's what insurance is for.
For the most part the so-called victims of tragedy are dumb townies
who bought and built in fire traps seeking the rural lifestyle, then
expected everyone else to put themselves at risk to save them and their
fire-prone property. None of this has the slightest to do with
"climate change" and everything to do with a series of really
bad decisions. If you are really serious about "preventing
bushfires" there is only one way to do it -- level the bush. The
sensible option, of course, is to get out of the way and let nature take
its course and fire is such a natural feature of Australia that many of
the indigenous plants actually require it to open seed pods while others
have new buds under a layer of wet bark ready to explode into new growth
after fire clears the competition (it's a race to exploit the space and
fire-released nutrients in the ash).
Meanwhile, the wet north is monsoon country and seasonal floods are
the expectation, not the exception. There is nothing particularly
unusual going on with Australian weather and the only notable feature is
people being stupid enough to think the inevitable will not occur.
More of this nonsense: Climate
change will bring extreme weather' - CLIMATE change experts have
warned that severe weather events are likely to occur more often in
Australia as global warming of the planet continues.
Commenting on the Victorian fires, climatologist Professor David Karoly
told the ABC's Lateline program last night that hot temperatures in
Melbourne on Saturday and in many parts of southeastern Australia were
"The records were broken by a large amount and you cannot explain
that just by natural variability," he said.
"What we are seeing now is that the chances of these sorts of extreme
fire weather situations are occurring much more rapidly in the last ten
years due to climate change."
Scientist Greg Holland, from the US National Centre for Atmospheric
Research, said it was an unfortunate fact of life that high levels of
greenhouse gases would "be with (AAP)
The geological record shows Australia suffers megadroughts and truly
devastating fires during colder periods so the last thing we want
down-under is any global cooling.
the green lobby destroying the planet? - Have you noticed how the
grins on the faces of the global warming crowd are starting to look
increasingly sickly? Even climate change zealots are starting to wonder if
they've been guilty of scaremongering. (Milo Yiannopoulos, Daily
UN's Ban Hopes Obama to Star
at Climate Summit - UNITED NATIONS - UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
is organizing a summit meeting on climate change next month where he hopes
President Barack Obama will confirm a "sea change" in US
environment policy, diplomats said.
Several national diplomats and UN officials said they were aware of Ban's
plan to invite Obama and the leaders of up to several dozen other
countries to New York in late March for what they described as a
"mini summit" on climate change ahead of high-level talks on the
global financial crisis in London.
"If it happens, this would be Obama's debut appearance at the United
Nations," a UN diplomat said on condition of anonymity. "It
would also send a strong signal if he comes and uses the occasion to show
the world that he wants a sea change by reversing the environmental
policies of (President) Bush."
UN officials said Obama had yet to confirm attendance at the summit, which
Ban hopes will include "big polluters" like China, India, the
United States and other large economies. US officials said Obama had not
yet decided whether to attend.
Ban expressed concerns that the financial crisis, which has hit the
world's wealthiest nations hard, could cause countries to hold off on
investments aimed at fighting global warming. (Reuters)
Amazon Forest May Get Drier,
But Survive Warming - OSLO - Amazonian forests may be less vulnerable
to dying off from global warming than feared because many projections
underestimate rainfall, a study showed.
The report, by scientists in Britain, said Brazil and other nations in the
region would also have to act to help avert any irreversible drying of the
eastern Amazon, the region most at risk from climate change, deforestation
and fires.
"The rainfall regime in eastern Amazonia is likely to shift over the
21st century in a direction that favors more seasonal forests rather than
savannah," they wrote in this week's US Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences, released on Monday.
Seasonal forests have wet and dry seasons rather than the current
rainforest, which is permanently drenched. That shift could favor new
species of trees, other plants and animals. (Reuters)
From the Nude Socialist: Humans
could provide spark that ignites Amazon - In one of the most extreme
climate change scenarios, a blistering drought will dry up the Amazon
forest, which will ignite and burn away, leaving the world's rain patterns
Identifying factors that could tip the forest over the edge and make this
scenario a reality is clearly a matter of great importance.
Now new computer models suggest that, although the Amazon will not dry out
as much as feared, humans clearing land with fire pose a huge risk as the
region dries.
The Amazon doesn't tend to burn on its own, explains Yadvinder Malhi of
the Oxford University Centre for the Environment in the UK. This is
because non-human causes of ignition, such as lightening, are rare, and
dry seasons are short. (New Scientist)
UN chiefs see glimmer of
reality but remain wedded to dangerous fantasy - Can there be a Kyoto
II without China, India, and the other developing countries getting on
board with significant greenhouse-gas emissions reductions? Voices of
realism, knowing that consumer and economic factors drive public opinion,
doubt it. But there are less realistic voices too. (Marlo Lewis,
And Bothered - Doctors say depression over climate change is growing,
while a poll finds 23% of voters believe it's at least somewhat likely
that global warming will destroy the world. At least the alarmists are
happy. (IBD)
change takes a mental toll - Last year, an anxious, depressed
17-year-old boy was admitted to the psychiatric unit at the Royal
Children's Hospital in Melbourne. He was refusing to drink water. Worried
about drought related to climate change, the young man was convinced that
if he drank, millions of people would die. The Australian doctors wrote
the case up as the first known instance of "climate change
Robert Salo, the psychiatrist who runs the inpatient unit where the boy
was treated, has now seen several more patients with psychosis or anxiety
disorders focused on climate change, as well as children who are having
nightmares about global-warming-related natural disasters.
Such anxiety over current events is not a new phenomenon. Worries about
contemporary threats, such as nuclear war or AIDS, have historically been
woven into the mental illnesses of each generation. But global warming
could have a broader and deeper effect on mental health, even if
"Climate change could have a real impact on our psyches," says
Paul Epstein, the associate director for the Center for Health and the
Global Environment at Harvard Medical School.
Over this century, the average global temperature is expected to rise
between 1 degrees and 6 degrees Celsius. Glaciers will melt, seas will
rise, extremes in precipitation will occur, according to scientists'
predictions. (Emily Anthes, Boston Globe)
Actually there are no such "predictions", these numbers are
merely the range of computer outputs in response to wild-eyed
"scenarios" and "storylines".
Video: Climate Change ...
Global Warming ... Global Cooling - A history of climate change and
the IPCC, including:
a) IPCC admits that the world is emerging from the Little Ice Age.
b) IPCC claims that recent data can be used to validate its models ... 10
years of cooling shows that the IPCC models are wrong.
c) Data is presented showing that claims of recent
"unprecedented" warming are wrong. (Vimeo)
On A Comparison Of Upper Ocean Heat Content Changes With The GISS Model
Predictions - On April 4 2007 Climate Science published the following
weblog A Litmus Test For Global Warming - A Much Overdue Requirement
In that weblog, I wrote “A figure, such as Figure 8 in Willis, J.K., D.
Roemmich, and B. Cornuelle, 2004: Interannual variability in upper ocean
heat content, temperature, and thermosteric expansion on global scales. J.
Geophys. Res., 109, C12036, doi: 10.1029/2003JC002260. should be widely
communicated each year (or more frequently). For example, as a requirement
to NOT reject the IPCC claim for global warming, Climate Science proposes
that on the scale presented in Figure 3 in Willis et al, the left axis in
their Figure 8 must exceed the following values in each year... (Roger
Pielke Sr., Climate Science)
Bottom line: according to Hansen & the virtual realm, the upper
700 meters of the oceans should have accumulated ~5.88 * 1022
Joules in the period 2003-2008 while the best estimate for actual
accumulation is ~0 Joules.
Years of Boston Hurricanes - The next highway from Boston to Los
Angeles can be paved with articles at odds with the notion that hurricanes
are becoming more fierce or frequent or longer-lived thanks to you driving
an SUV or flying to Hawaii for a vacation. Our World Climate Report
archive is so chalked-full of material on this subject, we wonder if it
can stand any more? If the greenhouse crusade would for once say they are
wrong on this subject, we would give it up. But with literally millions
websites still loudly promoting the link between hurricanes and warming,
we are going to stay in business for another essay on the topic. (WCR)
Research by Kevin Trenberth - In response to an e-mail to Kevin
Trenberth with respect to the Climate Science weblog Kevin Trenberth on El
Niño - A Tracking Of The Evolution Of His Perspective On This Issue Since
1997, he graciously sent me a list of several papers that present his
recent research on The El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) system. Since,
as written in the earlier e-mail, he is one the pioneers in developing an
improved understanding of El Niños, this documentation of his perspective
is a valuable addition to Climate Science, in its goal to present all
scientifically supported (i.e. peer reviewed) perspectives. (Roger Pielke
Sr., Climate Science)
scientists to issue Copenhagen warning - Global conference will
attempt to shape Copenhagen talks by providing update on latest climate
science (BusinessGreen)
muzzle - New Zealand's Hot Topic blog has an interesting post about
alleged attempts to muzzle NASA's James Hansen, the man who started the
whole global warming scare some twenty years ago.
You can see clearly just how effective this muzzling was. As soon as
Bushchimphitler was elected back in 2000, Hansen's appearances in the news
were cut back, and he was scarcely heard of again. He was probably kept
incommunicado in some rat-infested hellhole. (Bishop Hill)
or Not Reviewed? - Responses to some Readers’ Enquiries about the
Scientific Paper Climate Sensitivity Reconsidered (Physics & Society,
July 2008)
A personal statement by Christopher Monckton of Brenchley
SEVERAL readers have written to me to enquire why the July 2008 edition of
Physics and Society carries a disclaimer saying that my scientific paper
Climate Sensitivity Reconsidered, published in that edition, was “not
peer-reviewed”. This memorandum tells the strange story of how this
mendacious disclaimer came to appear above my paper some days after
publication. Annex 1 reveals the reviewer’s comments on the paper, in
full. (SPPI)
now at 70% of the network surveyed - See also the related story on the
new Google Earth historical imagery tool here.
I’m pleased to announce that due to the help of many volunteer
surveyors, the surfacestations.org project has now reached the 70% mark
for stations that have been surveyed. 854 out of 1221 USHCN stations have
been surveyed. In addition, Thanks to the splendid work of volunteers Gary
Boden and Barry Wise, a new Google Earth KML file has been released that
not only shows what stations have been surveyed and their ratings, but now
includes numbered icons, and embedded links to the surfacestations.org
online gallery for that USHCN station. (Watts Up With That?)
Level Rise - The scare: An article published in early February 2009 by
Jonathan Leake, the environment editor of The Times of London, said “The
ice caps are melting so fast that the world’s oceans are rising more
than twice as fast as they were in the 1970s.” (SPPI)
Eye-roller: Art
under threat from climate change-U.N. experts - OSLO, Feb 8 - Art
treasures in tropical nations are under threat from climate change which
is likely to speed decay, U.N. experts said on Sunday.
"The art world is made of materials that bugs like," said
Jose-Luis Ramirez, head of the U.N. University's programme for
biotechnology for Latin America and the Caribbean.
"Climate change is a threat because it is going to increase the
amount of fungus and bugs in many regions," he told Reuters of a
meeting of experts in Caracas from Feb. 9-12 on new ways to protect art
collections. (Reuters)
economies told to go green or risk losing inward investment -
Sustainability is increasingly important to investors targeting Brazil,
Russia, India and China, according to new report (BusinessGreen)
price close to record low as European sell-off continues - Experts
predict €10 EUAs could represent good deal for long-term investors (BusinessGreen)
Agency warns Obama's "Green New Deal" puts UK in the shade -
As Obama's green-focused stimulus package looks set to pass Senate, the
boss of the UK's environment watchdog argues Brown's plans do not bear
comparison (BusinessGreen)
and Bury? The stupidities of carbon geo-sequestration.” - A
statement by Viv Forbes, Chairman of the Carbon Sense Coalition.
The Carbon Sense Coalition today accused coal companies, power companies
and governments of gross negligence for wasting resources from
shareholders, electricity consumers and taxpayers on quixotic dreams to
capture and bury carbon dioxide from power stations. (Carbon Sense
Were High
Oil Prices A Stimulus? - According to the economic theory currently
being pedaled in Barack Obama’s Washington, spending huge gobs of money
stimulates the economy. Funny, wouldn’t that mean that $4 gasoline
should’ve been a stimulus? High energy prices sure had people spending
there for a while, in amounts roughly triple what the so-called
“stimulus” bill will pump into the economy. Yet the increased cost of
this spending is part of what popped the debt bubble and sent the economy
downward to begin with.
So, apparently, spending money does not necessarily stimulate growth and
stability. What? High energy prices are a special case? Well then, that
also doesn’t bode well for the stimulus bill, since nearly $100 billion
of the proposed fiscal orgy will be directed specifically to “green”
energy – the most expensive kind of energy there is. In fact, I think it
might be called green energy because many of the technologies lumped under
that banner are about as efficient as just burning dollar bills to
generate steam. Now that I think about it, dollar bills, being made from
cotton fiber, would probably qualify as biofuel under the bill. (Mac
Johnson, Energy Tribune)
Syncrude Faces Charges Over
Death of Ducks - CALGARY - The province of Alberta and the Canadian
government laid charges against the Syncrude Canada Ltd joint venture on
Monday after 500 ducks died in April after landing on a tailings pond at
Syncrude's oil sands operation in northern Alberta.
The province alleges Syncrude, the world's biggest oil sands producer,
failed to have appropriate deterrents in place to keep the ducks from
landing on the huge and toxic waste-water pond.
The ducks became fouled in the tailings pond after a spring snowstorm
delayed deployment of the sound cannons that Syncrude uses to keep
waterfowl from landing. (Reuters)
Obama Says Renewable Energy
Key to Economic Future - WASHINGTON - US President Barack Obama on
Monday pushed for more investment in solar and wind energy, saying the
country that can make renewable energy sources price-competitive with
traditional fossil fuels will become the economic superpower of the
Obama, speaking at a townhall meeting in Elkhart, Indiana, said renewable
energy companies needed tax breaks and loan guarantees to provide
incentives for firms to manufacture and customers to purchase solar and
wind energy.
Obama acknowledged that while the cost of producing electricity by wind
and solar has declined, it is still cheaper to generate power from plants
fueled by coal or natural gas.
However, Obama said he wanted the government to invest every year in new
technologies to drive down renewable energy costs over the long term.
environment czar looking at limiting holiday trips to save CO2 - The
UK's so-called "environment czar" last week raised the
possibility of rationing air travel, limiting UK citizens to just a few
vacation trips abroad by air per year in order to reduce the impact of
carbon dioxide emissions.
Adair Turner, chairman of the independent Committee on Climate Change that
advises UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown, made the proposal before
Parliament's Environmental Audit Select Committee on Feb. 5. In remarks
widely reported by UK media, Turner said, "We will have to constrain
demand in an absolute sense with people not allowed to make as many
journeys as they could in an unconstrained manner." (ATW)
EPA Reconsidering California's
Car Emissions Waiver - WASHINGTON - The Environmental Protection
Agency said on Friday it would reconsider California's request for the
authority to cut greenhouse gas emissions by new cars and trucks to combat
global warming.
The Bush administration had denied the state's request, but President
Barack Obama asked EPA to take another look at the issue.
EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson signed a notice on Friday officially
reopening the comment period on California's waiver request. The notice
will be published in the Federal Register of government regulations.
Auto "Clunker"
Proposal Withdrawn from US Stimulus - WASHINGTON - One proposal to
help jump start US auto sales was withdrawn late on Thursday and the fate
of another was unclear, despite a vigorous endorsement from President
Barack Obama, as Senate consideration of economic stimulus legislation
Sen. Thomas Harkin, an Iowa Democrat, pulled an amendment that would have
provided $16 billion in rebates to buyers of new fuel efficient vehicles
who traded in their old, poor performing models.
Harkin said he would defer the so-called "cash for clunkers"
proposal, which had strong support from US automakers. (Reuters)
auto sales seen surpassing US in January - SHANGHAI -- China likely
overtook the U.S. in vehicle sales for the first time last month, a trend
that could make China into the world's largest auto market this year.
Official data for China's auto sales in January will not be out until next
week. But they are expected to show sales at about 790,000 units for the
month, Zhang Xin, an analyst at Guotai Junan Securities in Beijing, said
Wednesday. (AP)
wants emission caps for India, China - The two Asian countries have so
far declined to accept any such emission caps, arguing that their
development strategies risk being set back as a result. (LiveMint)
EPA Drops Appeal over Utility
Mercury Ruling - WASHINGTON - In a shift from its position during the
Bush administration, the Environmental Protection Agency has decided to
drop its appeal of a decision that struck down its mercury rules for
utilities, the Justice Department said on Friday.
Moving to dismiss the case, Acting Solicitor General Edwin Kneedler said
the EPA has decided to take a position consistent with the appeals court's
decision and develop appropriate standards to regulate power-plant
emissions under the law.
At issue was a ruling by a US appeals court that the EPA violated the
Clean Air Act in 2005 when it exempted coal plants from the strictest
emission controls for mercury and other toxic substances like arsenic,
lead and nickel.
Bush administration lawyers appealed to the Supreme Court in October. But
Kneedler said that in light of the EPA's decision the government no longer
seeks review by the Supreme Court of the appeal court's ruling a year ago.
a Global Plan for Car Charging Stations - DETROIT — Years ago, when
Shai Agassi started promoting his idea of service stations to recharge
electric cars, the automotive world barely took notice.
At the time, gas was cheap, big pickups and S.U.V.’s ruled American
roads, and alternative-fuel vehicles seemed destined to remain a tiny
niche for green-minded consumers and technophiles.
But now nearly every major auto company in the world has committed to
building electric cars, and President Obama has made reducing oil
consumption a centerpiece of his energy policy.
The timing could not be better for Mr. Agassi, a former software executive
who is drawing upon his Silicon Valley experience as he pursues his vision
of building networks of battery-exchange stations in North America,
Europe, Japan and Australia to increase the driving range of electric
cars. (Reuters)
want parents of fat children to be charged with child neglect — did they
make their case? - Both Australian parents and doctors were targeted
this past week with threatening-sounding proposals: to charge parents of
fat children with child neglect and have their children taken from them,
and to charge doctors with medical malpractice if they fail to report fat
children to state child protective services. While Australian media
reported that the State Department of Health Services was not entirely
buying these proposals, this disturbing anti-child obesity movement is
increasingly far-reaching, well-marketed and creeping into mainstream
medicine and international health policies. (Junkfood Science)
doctor Andrew Wakefield fixed data on autism - THE doctor who sparked
the scare over the safety of the MMR vaccine for children changed and
misreported results in his research, creating the appearance of a possible
link with autism, a Sunday Times investigation has found. (The Sunday
"The improver of natural knowledge absolutely refuses to
acknowledge authority, as such. For him, scepticism is the highest of
duties; blind faith the one unpardonable sin."
Thomas Henry Huxley
A correspondent suggests that, in the light of Christopher Booker’s
latest diatribe, there is an inconsistency between the Darwin piece that
provided our latest number of the month and our oft-repeated support for
Booker’s views.
Well, as that old chancer C E M Joad might have said, “It all depends on
what you mean by Darwinist.” If by this term Booker means someone who
has blind faith in Darwin’s principal theory, there is no argument. If,
however, he means someone who accepts the theory as the least bad (by a
long way) explanation for a range of phenomena then there is indeed a
difference of opinion.
One question that determines the power of a theory is “Is it useful?”
From Darwin we can infer, for example, that we will always need to develop
new antibiotics and insecticides, which thus helps us to plan and direct
research. From Global Warming we can infer that there is little need to
stockpile salt and grit for harsh winters. (Number Watch)
up to conservatives to save us from socialism - The slow march to
socialism in Washington has become an all-out dash.
In an effort to befuddle and bedazzle the American people, we have been
subjected to endless comparisons to the Great Depression while they offer
up the government as the only solution to all of our ills. The reality is,
of course, this recession is not nearly as bad as the recession of 1982,
and we all made it through that one just fine. (The Tennessean)
Stimulus - Given the forces brought to bear in Washington, the chance
of some kind of big-spending "stimulus" package getting passed
looks pretty good. The only question is, what kind of stimulus?
The answer to that question matters. It will go a long way toward deciding
whether the bill will be acceptable to voters — and whether it will work
As it is now, the Democrat-crafted stimulus package is nothing short of a
disgrace. (IBD)
Can Sink Recession Into Depression - Dr. Robert Higgs, senior fellow
at the Oakland, Calif.-based Independent Institute, penned an article in
Monday's Christian Science Monitor that suggests the most intelligent
recommendation that I've read to fix our economic mess. The title of his
article gives his recommendation away: "Instead of stimulus, do
nothing — seriously."
Stimulus package debate is over how much money should be spent, whether
some should go to the National Endowment for the Arts, research sexually
transmitted diseases or bail out Amtrak, our failing railroad system.
Higgs says, "Hardly anyone, however, is asking the most important
question: Should the federal government be doing any of this?"
(Walter E. Williams, IBD)

Blue-box leftovers go
to China and back - Ontario's recycling scraps – dirty peanut butter
jars, plastic toys, and unsorted paper – are being shipped to Asia at a
rate of thousands of tonnes a month.
The blue-box castoffs are sorted by low-paid workers in huge factories,
and recycled into inexpensive toys, shoes and colourful cardboard
packages, before being sold back to Ontarians, where they fill the blue
boxes once again.
Garbage experts say this revolving door is a necessary evil that will
continue until the province has better recycling facilities so cities can
process their own garbage. (Toronto Star)
takes microscope to nanotech food - Environment secretary predicts
microscopic technologies could play key role in boosting food supplies and
tackling climate change (BusinessGreen)
February 9, 2009
Sheesh! The
fight to get aboard Lifeboat UK - Last week she played in the snow,
but what will Britain be like when she grows up? James Lovelock, the Earth
guru, foresees a land where blizzards are long forgotten and national
survival depends on a new Winston Churchill
When someone discovers, too late, that they are suffering from a serious
and probably incurable disease and may have no more than six months to
live, their first response is shock and then, in denial, they angrily try
any cure on offer or go to practitioners of alternative medicine. Finally,
if wise, they reach a state of calm acceptance. They know death need not
be feared and that no one escapes it.
Scientists who recognise the truth about the Earth’s condition advise
their governments of its deadly seriousness in the manner of a physician.
We are now seeing the responses. First was denial at all levels, then the
desperate search for a cure. Just as we as individuals try alternative
medicine, so our governments have many offers from alternative business
and their lobbies of sustainable ways to “save the planet”, and from
some green hospice there may come the anodyne of hope. (James Lovelock,
The Sunday Times)
Rank stupidity: 2
federal agencies settle global warming lawsuit - SAN FRANCISCO — The
federal government on Friday settled a lawsuit that accused two U.S.
agencies of financing energy projects overseas without considering their
impacts on global warming.
The Export-Import Bank of the United States and the Overseas Private
Investment Corp. agreed to provide a combined $500 million in financing
for renewable energy projects and take into account greenhouse gas
emissions associated with projects they support.
The lawsuit was originally filed in San Francisco federal court in 2002 by
Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace and four cities that claimed they would
suffer environmental and economic damage from global climate change.
(Associated Press)
warming will save people's lives - MORE than 30 Victorians died in
last week's heat in one of the great scandals of green politics.
About 20 more people died in South Australia, but neither state government
is telling yet how precisely the victims died, saying they are awaiting
coroners' reports.
But already warming extremists such as Prof Clive Hamilton are excusing
these same governments -- which almost certainly contributed to at least
some of these deaths.
"Australians are already dying from climate change," shouted
this professor of public ethics at the Australian National University, and
author of Scorcher.
But Hamilton is utterly wrong.
Fact: Cold, not heat, is what really kills people, as we see now in
Fact: A warming world would save countless lives, not cost them.
And fact: Those who died last week were in less danger from global warming
than from the deadly incompetence of green governments trying to
"stop" it.
You think that sounds extreme?
Then consult the unambiguous evidence that damns the governments of both
Victoria and South Australia. (Andrew Bolt, Herald Sun)
Collapse of Climate Policy and the Sustainability of Climate Science -
The political consensus surrounding climate policy is collapsing. If you
are not aware of this fact you will be very soon. The collapse is not due
to the cold winter in places you may live or see on the news. It is not
due to years without an increase in global temperature. It is not due to
the overturning of the scientific consensus on the role of human activity
in the global climate system.
It is due to the fact that policy makers and their political advisors
(some trained as scientists) can no longer avoid the reality that targets
for stabilization such as 450 ppm (or even less realistic targets) are
simply not achievable with the approach to climate change that has been at
the focus of policy for over a decade. Policies that are obviously
fictional and fantasy are frequently subject to a rapid collapse. (Roger
Pielke, Jr., Prometheus)
fears stalk Copenhagen process - UN secretary general warns that China
and India must do more to cut emissions, sparking fears of Copenhagen
stand-off (Business Green)
Pays the Bill for 'Controlling' Climate Change? So, You Thought
$4-a-Gallon Gas Was Expensive? Wait Until You See What Your Power Bill
Will Look Like. - f you, I and everybody else who pays for
electricity, gas or any other kind of energy are about to see our bills go
through the stratosphere to pay for someone else's faith-based initiative,
we shouldn't take it quietly. So I won't.
Billions are going to be vacuumed out of consumers' wallets by
"cap-and-trade" measures like the Regional Greenhouse Gas
Initiative (RGGI) that Maine and other Northeastern states have
implemented, and by a bill in Congress that would impose a similar carbon-
trading scheme nationwide.
Want evidence? The New York Times reported last week that a New York state
energy firm, Indeck Energy Services Inc., is suing that state over joining
RGGI. The suit claims Indeck "will lose millions of dollars that
other power generators won't (because) while most power plants will be
able to eventually pass those carbon costs on to customers, Indeck says it
will not able to do so because they are locked in a long-term fixed-price
contract" for one of their plants. (Portland Press Herald)
Tantrum of the moment: Tabloid
fossil-fuel shill - As proven by the fiery exchange below, the debate
over climate change couldn’t be further from settled
Last week, Lawrence Solomon’s column described a study in Nature
purporting to show that Antarctica was warming — an important finding
for those who argue that urgent government action is required to counter
man-made climate change. Solomon’s column cited several prominent
scientists who cast doubt on the validity of the study. In response,
Michael Mann, one of the authors of the Antarctica study, wrote a
commentary that was published by Google News. Mann’s response, and
Solomon’s reaction to Mann, appear below. Please note that Mann’s
piece appears exactly as it was published by Google News. (Financial Post)
Mann repeatedly refers to "Mr. Lawrence" when meaning
Lawrence Solomon, named in the first paragraph.
conclusions not to be believed - A good scientist, like a good
journalist, checks his facts, if for no other reason than to spare himself
embarrassment and to immunize himself from charges that he’s casual with
the truth, lazy or just plain dishonest. Michael Mann has not checked his
Mann’s article has two main thrusts. First, he attempts to discredit me
and others who have criticized his work. Then, he attempts to defend his
reputation by claims that distinguished authorities, especially the
National Academy of Sciences, have endorsed his hockey stick graph. His
graph is an icon in the global warming debate: It convinced the press and
the public that 1998 was the hottest year of the hottest decade of the
hottest century of the last 1,000 years, creating the belief that Earth
was changing dangerously for the worse. Let me deal in chronological order
with Mann’s attempts to discredit those he perceives to be his critics.
(Lawrence Solomon, Financial Post)
See also: The
Wegman and North Reports for Newbies (Steve McIntyre, Climate Audit)
Job in Antarctica - Blogger skeptics bust GW modelers for bad data -
The January 22nd issue of Nature boasts the cover story: “Antarctic
Warming” [here]. The problem is the research paper touted on the cover
(and in the editorial) was based on bad data.
Statistician, global warming skeptic, and blogger Steve McIntyre of
Climate Audit [here] has discovered that the Antarctic weather station
data upon which the paper in Nature was based was tainted. Temperature
data from two different stations, “Harry” and “Gill” in West
Antarctica were combined to produce an erroneous uptick in historical
readings [here].
In addition, meteorologist, weather station guru, and blogger Anthony
Watts of Watts Up With That [here] has demonstrated that numerous
Antarctic weather stations may have serious data problems. Snow has piled
up around temperature sensors, effectively insulating the temperature
monitoring stations from the bitterly cold extremes of the southern-most
continent [here]. (Mike Dubrasich, W.I.S.E. News)
Warming Study Receives Worldwide Headlines; Discovery of Error in Study
Garners Op-Ed in One Paper - When University of Washington Professor
Eric Steig announced in a news conference and paper published in the
January 22 edition of the journal Nature that he and several colleagues
removed one of many thorns in the sides of climate alarmists -- in this
case, evidence that Antarctica is cooling -- he received extensive
worldwide attention in the mainstream press.
But when a noteworthy error was found in Stieg's research less than two
weeks after it's publication, of the mainstream press, only an opinion
column in the London Telegraph and a blog associated with the Australian
Herald Sun carried the news.
The Stieg paper's release was covered by 27 newspapers, including the New
York Times, San Francisco Chronicle & Los Angeles Times, by CNN, by
the Associated Press, by NPR and quite a few others (see reviews of the
coverage at the end of this post).
After independent analyst Steve McIntyre discovered a major error in the
data, and released his results on his influential blog Climate Audit
beginning on February 1, based on a Nexis search I conducted today, none
of these outlets chose to inform their readers. (Amy Ridenour, NewsBusters)
famous consensus - Yet another example of the ‘research’
masquerading as science that is used to reinforce the man-made global
warming fraud. One of the difficulties the green zealots have had is that
Antarctica has been not warming but cooling, with the extent of its ice
reaching record levels. A few weeks ago, a study led by Professor Eric
Steig caused some excitement by claiming that actually West Antarctica was
warming so much that it more than made up for the cooling in East
Antarctica. Warning bells should have sounded when Steig said What we
did is interpolate carefully instead of just using the back of an envelope.
To those of us who have been following this scam for the past two decades,
‘interpolate carefully’ makes us suck our teeth. And so it has proved.
Various scientists immediately spotted the flaw in Steig’s methodology
of combining satellite evidence since 1979 with temperature readings from
surface weather stations. The flaw they identified was that, since
Antarctica has so few weather stations, the computer Steig used was
programmed to guess what data they would have produced had such stations
existed. In other words, the findings that caused such excitement were
based on data that had been made up. (Melanie Philips, Spectator)
of the climate scientists and the 'Hijacking of the American
Meteorological Society' - Certainly the debate over manmade climate
change and global warming can get heated at times (pun intended). Today
that went to a new level pitting William (Bill) Gray, Professor Emeritus
of Colorado State University who is best known for his hurricane forecasts
against James Hansen of NASA's GISS division and devout climate change
Bill Gray has long been warning that the threat of manmade climate change
is not real. In his own words, “I am of the opinion that this is one of
the greatest hoaxes ever perpetrated on the American people. I've been in
meteorology over 50 years. I've worked damn hard, and I've been around. My
feeling is some of us older guys who've been around have not been asked
about this. It's sort of a baby boomer, yuppie thing.” (Tony Hake,
Denver Weather Examiner)
Guard prepares as Arctic shipping lanes melt - ANCHORAGE, Alaska --
Global warming hurts polar bears but could be a boon for international
shipping, if vessels eventually use the Arctic Ocean to cut transit routes
in half between Europe and Asia. The U.S. Coast Guard is scrambling to get
Arctic shipping lanes expected to appear as more ice melts would send
vessels through the Bering Strait and the Coast Guard last summer sent
vessels and aircraft north to "count noses" and find out who was
already there. The operation gave Rear Adm. Gene Brooks, commander of the
district that oversees Alaska, a firsthand look at the lack of
infrastructure along America's northernmost coast that could be used to
prevent a Titanic or an Exxon Valdez disaster. (Associated Press)
We hope the recent apparent thaw will continue but the chances are
unfortunately poor.
More fairy stories: Polar
ice caps melting faster - THE ice caps are melting so fast that the
world’s oceans are rising more than twice as fast as they were in the
1970s, scientists have found.
They have used satellites to track how the oceans are responding as
billions of gallons of water reach them from melting ice sheets and
The effect is compounded by thermal expansion, in which water expands as
it warms, according to the study by Anny Cazenave of the National Centre
for Space Studies in France.
These findings come at the same time as a warning from an American
academic whose research suggests Labour’s policies to cut carbon
emissions 80% by 2050 are doomed. (The Sunday Times)
Question raised: I am a long time reader of your blog. Maybe you
have, but I have not seen you address a very important issue regarding
carbon capture and sequestration. I was wondering if you have ever
pondered the legal ramifications of pumping a fluid back (compressed CO2)
into the ground.
What is going to happen if there is an earthquake after years for pumping
CO2 back into the ground? Who will be held responsible. This question has
been asked of government officials in California. They will not take
responsibility, and power companies are not going to take on the
Is it likely that sequestration will cause an earthquake. No one has ever
pumped sequestered a significant amount of CO2. What we do know is that an
earthquake can be induced by pumping water into the ground. It happened
near the Rocky Mountain Arsenal back in the 60s. In 1962 they started
pumping water into a well for the disposal of chemicals. Earthquake
activity in the area increased soon after. They postponed the pumping for
a while and the earthquake activity decreased. When pumping resumed, so
did the earthquakes. Studies showed that the earthquake activity centered
around the well.
What will tons of CO2 do underground? Nobody knows, and nobody wants to
step up to take responsibility. As far as I am concerned, all the talk by
politicians of CO2 capture is pointless until this issue is addressed. --
Name & contact supplied.
Actually there is no good purpose in wasting such a magnificent
resource as atmospheric carbon dioxide (save perhaps increasing oil
extraction and then only if something like seawater is unsuitable for
the purpose).
continues to fall in Britain, as politicians ask how snowfall shut the
country down - A SECOND snowfall hit Britain yesterday, just as the
nation was settling into a heated round of retribution and finger-pointing
as to how a heavy fall on Monday managed to bring the country to a
MPs and local councillors began inquiries into why airports, buses, roads
and 10,000 schools were knocked out of action by snow falls that were
unusually heavy for Britain, but would have been shrugged off in many
other parts of Europe.
Health and safety authorities were doubly damned, accused first of
ordering schools to close and then of closing many parks so that the
children with time on their hands could not enjoy the heaviest snowfalls
in 18 years. (The Australian)
the parameters of sunspot cycle 24 and beyond. (.pdf) - Abstract.
Solar variability is controlled by the internal dynamo which is a
nonlinear system. We develop a physical-statistical method for forecasting
solar activity that takes into account the non-linear character of the
solar dynamo. The method is based on the generally accepted mechanisms of
the dynamo and on recently found systematic properties of the long-term
solar variability. The amplitude modulation of the Schwabe cycle in the
dynamo’s magnetic field components can be decomposed in an invariant
transition level and three types of oscillations around it. The
regularities that we observe in the behaviour of these oscillations during
the last millennium enable us to forecast solar activity. We find that the
system is presently undergoing a transition from the recent Grand Maximum
to another regime. This transition started in 2000 and it is expected to
end around the maximum of cycle 24, foreseen for 2014, with a maximum
sunspot number Rmax = 68 ± 17. At that time a period of lower solar
activity will start. That period will be one of regular oscillations, as
occurred between 1730 and 1923. The first of these oscillations may even
turn out to be as strongly negative as around 1810, in which case a short
Grand Minimum similar to the Dalton one might develop. This moderate to
low-activity episode is expected to last for at least one Gleissberg cycle
(60 - 100 years). (C. de Jager, S. Duhau: Journal of Atmospheric and
Solar-Terrestrial Physics, vol. 71 (2009), 239 – 245)
New Research By Professor George Kallos Of The University Of Athens And
Colleagues - Professor George Kallos has contributed very
significantly to atmospheric and climate sciences. He is an
internationally well respected colleague. Below are additional results
from his important studies. (Roger Pielke Sr., Climate Science)
Legacy for Our Children - There is a lot of talk these days
about the legacy we will leave our children and our grandchildren. When I
stare into the immediate future, I see a frightening legacy caked in
darkness and famine. Instead of intelligently preparing, we find ourselves
whittling away this precious time chasing fraudulent theories. We have a
decade to prepare, but have a misguided sense of direction and urgency.
Climate change is primarily driven by nature. It has been true in the days
of my father and his father and all those that came before us. Because of
science, not junk science, we have slowly uncovered some of the
fundamental mysteries of nature. Our Milky Way galaxy is awash with cosmic
rays. These are high speed charged particles that originate from exploding
stars. Because they are charged, their travel is strongly influenced by
magnetic fields. Our sun produces a magnetic field that extends to the
edges of our solar system. This field deflects many of the cosmic rays
away from Earth. But when the sun goes quiet (minimal sunspots), this
field collapses inward allowing cosmic rays to penetrate deeper into our
solar system. As a result, far greater numbers collide with Earth and
penetrate down into the lower atmosphere where they ionize small particles
of moisture (humidity) forming them into water droplets that become
clouds. Low level clouds reflect sunlight back into space. An increase in
Earth's cloud cover produce a global drop in temperature. These periods of
quiet sun are referred to as a Grand Minima. The Maunder Minimum
(1645-1715) and the Dalton Minimum (1790-1830) are examples.
During a Grand Minima the Earth begins to slowly cool. The start of the
planting season is delayed and in the fall early frost limits the harvest.
Earth’s abundant bounty is put on hold and starvation takes its ghastly
grip. Historian, John D. Post, referred to the last Grand Minima, the
Dalton Minimum, as the “last great subsistence crisis in the Western
world”. With the cold came massive crop failures, food riots, famine and
Several scientists including David C. Hathaway (NASA), William Livingston
& Matthew Penn (National Solar Observatory). Lev I. Dorman and his
team of Russian and Israeli scientists, Khabibullo Abdusamatov (Russian
Academy of Science) have forecasted that the sun will enter a Grand Minima
a decade from now in Solar Cycle 25. A few scientists including David C.
Archibald (Australia) and M. A. Clilverd (Britain) have warned this might
even begin in Solar Cycle 24. We are at the transition into Solar Cycle 24
and this cycle has already shown itself to be unusually quiet. The number
of spotless days (days without sunspots) during this solar minimum appears
to be tracking 3 times the typical number observed during the last century
(Solar Cycles 16-23).
There are some that urge North America follow Europe’s lead. On January
13, 2009, the European Parliament adopted a regulation dramatically
restricting the number of pesticides allowed. This move is based on the
precautionary principle and on junk science. According to Dr. Colin Ruscoe,
chairman of the British Crop Production Council, "If farmers are
forced to stop using certain products, crop yields would halve. There
would be such huge losses in the yields of potatoes, carrots, peas and
parsnips that it would become uneconomical to farm them." Is this the
kind of lead we should be following? Europe is also leading in another
area - in its opposition to genetically modified (GM) crops. In Europe,
environmentalist have driven fear into the hearts of their citizens by
labeling GM food as “Frankenfood”. In our country, we have been using
GM crops for almost two decades without any ill effects. GM crops hold the
promise of helping us survive the next Grand Minima by offering crops that
can grow under extreme weather conditions. North America is currently a
leader in this technology. Should we follow Europe’s lead and ban GM
crops? And in ten years from now when the next solar cycle begins, if the
sun goes quiet, who will comfort the starving children who cry out in the
middle of the night for a small piece of bread? These will be our
children. So what legacy will we leave behind?
James A. Marusek
Nuclear Physicist and Engineer
retired U. S. Department of Navy
Emissions While Increasing Them - Here is a remarkable display of
incoherence. According to a report commissioned by Greenpeace and
discussed by The Christian Science Monitor, the economic stimulus package
now under debate by the U.S. Congress will reduce greenhouse gas
What does the report mean by “reduce”? It means that some future
emissions that might have occurred will be avoided. Emissions will
therefore increase, just not as much as under some other scenario. The
difference between that other scenario and the scenario implied by the
stimulus package represents a “reduction” in emissions. Yes, you are
reading that right. (Roger Pielke, Jr., Prometheus)
Storm of Errors - A scientific and socio-economic analysis of multiple
errors of science, fact, and data in the “science” chapter of the
final report of the Arkansas Governor’s Commission on “global
warming” (SPPI)
jobs – or con jobs? - Environmental-union-politico alliances use
their clout to promote new energy, economic vision. Will it create jobs,
without impacting existing jobs, living standards and economic
The quest to be “green” has spawned countless proposals, programs,
laws and advertising campaigns. In Washington, DC a “Green Jobs Advisory
Council” is promoting policies for green buildings, energy efficiency,
renewable energy, city infrastructure, and lower carbon emissions. (SPPI)
Climate Change and the Negligible Effect on Greenhouse Gases in the State
of Ohio - In December of 2008, the environmental organization
Environment Ohio released its report “What’s at Stake: How Global
Warming Threatens the Buckeye State” in an effort to apply pressure on
the government of Ohio to enact legislation to limit the emissions of
greenhouse gases from the state. SPPI’s report rectifies a multitude of
omissions by performing the types of analyses that Environment Ohio should
have performed itself if its goal was to provide a complete picture of
climate change and the effects of actions to mollify it. (SPPI)
On Fossil Fuels - The new administration has wasted no time in
reversing a decision by the Bush White House that let gas and oil
companies explore for new resources. Keep this in mind the next time pump
prices take off.
Interior Secretary Ken Salazar has canceled leases for energy exploration
on 77 parcels of federal land in Utah, confirming that this White House is
indeed a Small Oil administration. (IBD)
and the Greenhouse - Lexington, KY - The United States could yet take
the lead in countering global warming, if the U.S. Climate Action
Partnership's Blueprint for Legislative Action (www.us-cap.org) is a sign
of things to come. Last June the Lieberman-Warner Climate Security Act of
2008 brought greenhouse gas cap and trade legislation to the Senate Floor
for the first time.
Work lays ahead for legislators to shape a bill that will gain passage.
Such legislation will have challenges for the Bluegrass State, given
that Kentuckians use about 25 percent more electricity than the average
American, and over 90 percent of that energy comes from coal-fired power
plants. (Business Lexington)
Looks like they've picked a loser, doesn't it.
Brown Cloud: Blame Renewable Fuels - CHURCHVILLE, VA—That vast cloud
of brown pollution hanging over Asia comes from wood and cattle dung being
burned in millions of Third World home-fires, according to Orjan
Gustafsson, a bio-geochemist from Stockholm University. Gustaffsson
recently tested the smoke of the Asian brown cloud with a newly developed
radiocarbon technique—and found that two-thirds of the brown cloud’s
particles are organic matter, mostly wood, straw and dung.
These are the “renewable fuels” that Greenpeace and the Sierra Club
doesn’t want publicized. They’d rather not focus on the harsh reality
that these open cooking and heating fires are dreadful for the health of
Asian women and children. The lung diseases caused by the indoor smoke are
equal to a two-pack-a-day cigarette habit, says Barun Mitra of India’s
Liberty Institute. (Dennis T. Avery, CGFI)
CHILE: Biofuels
Head to the Forests - SANTIAGO - Chile has set its sights on producing
second-generation plant-based fuels from forest biomass within the next
five years. But before that it must consider the environmental and
socioeconomic impacts of such an endeavour, warn experts and activists. (IPS)
changes course on nuclear power - STOCKHOLM -- The Swedish government
on Thursday agreed to scrap a ban on building new nuclear reactors, three
decades after deciding to phase out atomic power.
Leaders for the center-right coalition government said new reactors were
needed to help fight climate change and secure the nation's energy supply
amid growing support for nuclear energy in the Scandinavian country.
Lawmakers decided after a 1980 referendum to phase out nuclear power, but
only two of the Scandinavian nation's 12 reactors have been closed. The
government's plan, which needs approval from Parliament, calls for new
reactors to be built at existing plants to replace the 10 operational
reactors when they are taken out of service.
If the plan is approved, Sweden would join a growing list of countries
rethinking nuclear power as source of energy amid concerns over global
warming and the reliability of energy suppliers such as Russia. Britain,
France and Poland are planning new reactors and Finland is currently
building Europe's first new atomic plant in over a decade.
Swedish public opinion polls have shown growing support for nuclear energy
in recent years because of the lack of alternatives to replace the nuclear
plants, which supply about 50 percent of Sweden's electricity. (Associated
Sweden's Nuclear About-Face Means for Germany - Sweden's government
announced on Thursday it was reversing its pledge to phase out nuclear
energy. The decision isolates Germany in Europe -- and commentators say it
is high time for Berlin to take a new look at nuclear energy here too.
In 1980, Sweden was on the vanguard. In that year, a referendum passed
calling for a ban on the construction of new nuclear reactors in the
country and the ultimate phase out of existing reactors. It was a model
that was eventually emulated by Germany and seen as the way of the future.
On Thursday, the country once again took a step into the future -- by
abandoning the ban on new nuclear power plants. Stockholm said the move
was necessary to avoid energy sources that produce vast quantities of
greenhouse gases. While Sweden has been a leader in developing alternative
energy sources, they still have not done enough to completely replace
nuclear power, which supplies half the country's energy.
The new proposal, presented by the country's center-right coalition, calls
for the construction of new reactors as the old ones are taken out of
service. Parliament will vote on the bill on March 17. The package also
calls for the expansion of wind power and for a 40 percent cut to
greenhouse gas emissions by 2020 relative to 1990 levels. (Der Spiegel)
N-policy could hurt Japan / Obama's changes may undermine planned N-waste
disposal facility - U.S. President Barack Obama's nuclear energy
policy could have considerable significance for Japan.
In particular, possible policy changes relating to the construction of a
nuclear waste facility would have a definite impact on Tokyo's plans for a
similar project.
Though the new U.S. administration has yet to clarify its policy on
nuclear power, among other issues, Obama's remarks during his presidential
election campaign and the lineup of his administration staff provide
indications of the likely course of his nuclear energy policy.
Obama's predecessor, George W. Bush, pledged to promote nuclear power
generation as an anti-global warming measure during his tenure. Bush's
policy was seen as epochal in that there had been little momentum in
nuclear power-related projects worldwide following the Chernobyl nuclear
reactor accident in 1986, among other incidents. (Yomiuri Shimbun)
flicks switch on household appliance efficiency standards - President
orders Energy Department to impose tough new standards for washing
machines, ovens, microwaves and air conditioners (Business Green)
researchers crack low cost biofuel puzzle - New processing technique
promises to slash costs of biofuels to €0.50 a litre (Business Green)
truckers map out opposing green routes - Two of the country's leading
haulage trade associations are at loggerheads over proposals to cut
emissions with larger trucks and slower speed limits (Business Green)
tragic casualty - Many of us have been reading in the medical journals
for years Japanese doctors discussing the growing financial crisis in
their country’s medical system. But we never realized how serious things
had become until this week. It is unimaginable what this poor man and
those paramedics must have been going through in the back of that
Doctors working in countries with nationalized health insurance responded
to the BMJ article, noting other consequences to the “tragedy of
commons.” Dr. Akira Ehara with Koala Medical Research pointed out the
serious shortage of doctors, providing government statistics showing that
by 2002, there were only about half the number of pediatricians needed to
cover pediatric departments in Japanese hospitals. Doctors were working 32
consecutive hours and could not continue without burn-out, he said.
Dr. Chiehfeng Chen from Taipei, Taiwan, wrote that “most of the
countries with health insurance for all, share the same destiny. “The
National Health Insurance has been implemented in Taiwan since March
1995…by the end of 2001, 97% of the population was enrolled. However,
health insurance system in Taiwan is impending bankrupt due to
‘overcrowded grazing on the common land,’” he wrote. The solutions
being proposed, he said, include ever increasing health taxes and
co-payments, and tighter managed care to discourage patients from seeking
medical care. [That was striking because Massachusetts, testing such a
system here, ran into financial solvency problems and moved towards these
solutions within the first year.]
It is hard to stop thinking about those elderly patients who lost their
lives for the common good. (Junkfood Science)
cases up for third year in England - LONDON - Measles cases in England
and Wales rose by more than 70 percent in 2008 from the previous year,
mostly because of unvaccinated children, government health officials said
on Friday.
The number of reported measles cases in England and Wales rose to 1,348 in
2008, from 990 a year earlier, Britain's Health Protection Agency said.
At the same time, the number of children who have received their first
dose of the vaccine by their second birthday has risen to about 80
But that is still well below the 95 percent vaccination coverage needed to
confer so-called herd immunity to people in the general population who do
not receive the vaccines. (Reuters)
Pinch of Science - THE New York City Department of Health and Mental
Hygiene, a leader in promoting public health, has embarked on a campaign
to persuade the makers of processed food to reduce its salt content by
more than 40 percent over the next 10 years. The goal is commendable: to
prevent strokes and heart attacks. And the premise is logical: if people
eat less salt, they’ll have lower blood pressure, and this could
translate into better cardiovascular health.
If such a large reduction were actually to be achieved, however, New
Yorkers would consume less sodium than people in most other developed
countries do. And there is a possibility that such a big change in one
element of their diet might have unintended harmful consequences. Prudence
requires that logic and good intentions also be supported by strong
evidence that such an action would be safe.
Throughout history, efforts have been made to reform the human diet by
changing individual characteristics of it, and some of these changes have
had unexpected harmful effects. In the 1950s, for instance, pregnant women
were urged to strictly limit their weight gain to avoid pre-eclampsia, a
syndrome characterized by high blood pressure, fluid retention and kidney
problems. Enough women apparently followed this advice that the number of
underweight babies — and of infant deaths, some attributable to low
birth weight — increased.
More recently, the federal Dietary Guidelines have been criticized by
medical researchers as contributing to an increasing prevalence of obesity
in the United States, in part by encouraging people to eat too much
low-fat food.
In both instances, respected authorities instituted reasonable ideas
without having the evidence to know whether their policies might backfire.
(New York Times)
Fine, as far as it goes. We are not aware of any evidence
general restriction of salt is desirable from a health perspective
phone use linked to brain tumours: Russian scientist - MOSCOW: : A
leading Russian scientist has said, citing a Swedish study, that the use
of cell phones from an early age could lead to brain tumours.
"We have a very cautious attitude as regards children, our future
generation. There is data suggesting that brain tumours could
develop," Yury Grigoryev, a leading scientist at the Burnazyan
medical biophysical centre said Thursday.
Grigoryev cited Swedish research data, which he said showed that if a
child uses a cell phone from 8 to 12 years, then the risk of developing a
brain tumour by the age of 21 increases fivefold.
He also said that every person in Russia is subject to electromagnetic
radiation from cellular base stations. He said people use mobile phones
too often, which means the dose of radiation they get is comparable to
that received by workers whose profession involves dealing with
radiolocation equipment and transmitters. (Times of India)
The idiot scares continue: Judge
upholds Congress' ban on toys with certain chemicals - Beginning
Tuesday, stores may not sell toys or products for kids under 12 that
contain chemicals that interfere with the human hormone system, a federal
judge in New York ruled Thursday.
Congress banned the sale of toys with all but trace amounts of six types
of the chemicals, called phthalates, in a massive consumer product law
passed in August. Lawmakers who sponsored the legislation, including Sen.
Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., have said they aimed to make sure that toys
containing phthalates would be off the shelves when the law takes effect
Feb. 10. (Liz Szabo, USA TODAY)
but little else for obese kids - Prevention of childhood obesity is
becoming a priority, but there's little help for children already
overweight, writes Lynnette Hoffman
IN December, Queensland media descended on a 10-year-old girl who had been
rushed to hospital after showing early signs of a heart attack.
The probable cause of the scare was her burgeoning weight -- 80kg at the
But while the story made headlines, the incident wasn't nearly so isolated
as public health gurus would wish.
EatSmart, a current University of Queensland study comparing diets for
obese children aged 10 to 17, has found that 60 per cent of participants
have serious risk factors for heart disease -- including high blood
pressure, high cholesterol, fatty liver or insulin resistance.
And that's not all: health professionals are seeing increasing numbers of
children and adolescents with all manner of health problems typically seen
in adults. One example is primary school kids who require C-PAP
(continuous positive airway pressure) breathing machines overnight to
treat sleep apnoea that's occurred as a direct result of obesity. Another
would be 10 to 12-year-old children who require orthopaedic surgery
because their femurs (thigh bones) have slipped out of their hip joint, a
result of excess weight on the growing bone.
Even younger children, usually 6 to 8-year-olds, have needed knee surgery
because of tibias bowing under the extra weight, and pre-pubescent
children are being diagnosed with fatty liver disease, pre-diabetes and
type 2 diabetes. (The Australian)
Wrong Data - A shocking number from a study about the extent of
civilian deaths during the war got a lot of attention. Too bad that
further evidence indicating the figure is wildly inaccurate will go
largely unnoticed. (IBD)
More of the case against recycled water in the drinking supply: Testosterone-blocking
chemicals found in wastewater - NEW YORK - Testosterone-inhibiting
chemicals appear to be finding their way into UK rivers, possibly helping
to "feminize" male fish -- and raising questions about what the
effects on human health might be, according to researchers.
In tests of treated sewage wastewater flowing into 51 UK rivers, the
researchers found that almost all of the samples contained anti-androgen
chemicals -- substances that block the action of the male sex hormone
What's more, when the researchers studied fish taken from the rivers, they
found that exposure to anti-androgens seemed to be contributing to the
feminization of some male fish - male fish with feminized ducts or germ
What this means for humans is not clear. But the findings raise the
possibility of effects on male fertility, the investigators report in the
journal Environmental Health Perspectives.
Past studies have suggested that estrogen-disrupting pollutants -- from
sources like industrial chemicals and birth-control pills -- may be
leading to the feminization of some wild fish. Researchers have discovered
river-dwelling male fish with female characteristics, including eggs in
their testes.
There have been doubts about whether the findings are relevant to men's
fertility, however, since the presumed culprit chemicals in fish do not
disrupt testosterone. But now these latest findings implicate
anti-androgens in the feminization of fish as well. (Reuters Health)
preferable to unemployment for Romanian town - For the residents of
Copsa Mica, a tiny town in central Romania, the closure of its local
smelting plant is a worse catastrophe than having a reputation as the most
polluted place in Europe.
"I know the plant was a threat to our health, but at least people had
a job," said Diana Roman, a 22-year-old woman who sells potatoes and
carrots on the market square of Copsa Mica, which has a population of
5,500 and is situated 250 kilometres (155 miles) northwest of Bucharest. (AFP)
sorting Bush's environment legacy - WASHINGTON: In his first weeks in
office, President Barack Obama has dismantled many environmental policies
set by the Bush administration. But in some areas he will be building on
the work of his predecessor, rather than taking it apart.
Former President George W. Bush is not known for his concern over the
environment. In the eight years of his tenure, he opened vast tracts of
public lands to drilling, mining and timbering, earning the lasting enmity
of many environmentalists. His critics accuse him of easing restrictions
on polluters, subverting science and dragging his feet on global warming.
But even those who view his environmental record most harshly acknowledge
that he also took significant action. He improved air quality, gave
renewable energy a large financial boost, left behind the largest marine
sanctuaries ever established and started a dialogue that could help lead
to the next international treaty on climate change. (John M. Broder,
Andrew C. Revkin, Felicity Barringer and Cornelia Dean, IHT)
Yes, Dubya did yield to the envirocranks way too much but sadly Obama
is likely to do much worse.
deflation, it's "ecoflation" businesses need to worry about
- Think tank warns climate change and environmental degradation will drive
huge commodity price hikes over the next decade (Business Green)
Made In Milk of Altered Goats Is Approved - Federal officials
yesterday approved for the first time the sale of a drug made in animals
genetically modified to secrete the compound in their milk.
The drug comes from goats whose DNA was altered to produce a drug needed
by patients with a rare blood disorder.
Using animals as factories to produce medications needed by humans has
been a long-standing goal, and federal officials emphasized that the
technique not only has vast potential for patients, but also that it can
be carried out without harm to the animals.
The drug approved by the Food and Drug Administration yesterday, called
ATryn, is used to untangle blood clots in patients who lack sufficient
quantities of a protein called antithrombin. Patients with hereditary
antithrombin deficiency are at high risk during surgeries and childbirth,
and the drug would be given in hospital settings. About one in 5,000
Americans has the hereditary disorder.
"This is very exciting, it is novel and has great potential for where
we can go with this new technology," said Bernadette Dunham, who
directs the FDA's Center for Veterinary Medicine.
The drug is made by GTC Biotherapeutics of Framingham, Mass. Company
scientists combined human DNA for antithrombin with goat DNA in such a way
that goat's milk glands would express human antithrombin. (Washington
February 6, 2009
Futility Of Hybrid Cars - Could plug-in hybrid cars actually increase
greenhouse gas emissions? Is energy efficiency being oversold as a
greenhouse gas reduction measure? A new report from the research arm of
Congress raises troubling questions about the direction in which President
Obama is taking us. (Steven Milloy, FoxNews.com)
in U.S. and China see a chance for cooperation against climate change
- BEIJING: When Chinese officials and the Obama administration begin
serious discussions over issues at the heart of relations between China
and the United States, the usual suspects will no doubt emerge: trade,
North Korea, human rights, Taiwan.
But an increasing number of officials and scholars from both countries say
climate change is likely to become another focal point in the dialogue.
American and Chinese leaders recognize the urgency of global warming, the
scholars and officials say, and believe that a new international climate
treaty is impossible without agreements between their nations, the world's
two largest emitters of greenhouse gases.
In a sign of this new emphasis, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton
plans to stress the importance of new steps on energy and global warming
when she visits China, perhaps as soon as this month, an Obama
administration official said. (Edward Wong and Andrew C. Revkin, IHT)
India to escape carbon hair shirt? UN's climate veggie thinks so - The
Nobel Prize winning chairman of the UN's climate change committee,
Rajendra K Pachauri, has said the the world's largest developing economies
will be exempt from international pressure to cut carbon dioxide
Pachauri's role is to reflect on the state of the science, and create a
range of scenarios for politicians. But he regularly abandons the
"policy neutral" brief and has consistently demanded the urgent
adoption of "mitigation" policies - to be reflected in changes
to industrial policy - rather than "adaptation".
"Of course, the developing countries will be exempted from any such
restrictions but the developed countries will certainly have to cut down
on emission," the Economic Times of India reports the well-known
vegetarian telling a domestic audience in New Delhi. (Andrew Orlowski, The
urges developed countries to further fulfill commitment to greenhouse gas
emissions cuts - BEIJING, Feb. 5 -- China on Thursday urged developed
countries to further fulfill their commitment to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions after 2012, saying it is the key to the success for the meeting
on the climate change to be held in Copenhagen, Denmark at the end of
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Jiang Yu stressed at a regular press
briefing "the substantive difference" between the voluntary
emissions cuts of the developing countries and compulsory emissions cuts
of already developed countries.
The developed countries and developing countries shoulder different
responsibilities and obligations. The results of negotiations in
Copenhagen should reflect the consensus reached in the Bali Roadmap so as
to fully implement the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
and the Kyoto Protocol, Jiang highlighted. (Xinhua)
EU envoy says
China won't skate on climate - The European Union's envoy to
Washington told skeptical US lawmakers Wednesday that China will not
escape making firm commitments at global climate change talks set for
Questioned by a leading US critic of China's actions on climate,
Republican Representative James Sensenbrenner, Ambassador John Bruton
agreed that US and EU populations would likely reject any treaty that does
not cover China. (EU business)
Canada's Bid To
Cut Greenhouse Gases Flawed: Probe - OTTAWA - Two of Canada's major
strategies for cutting emissions of greenhouse gases have major flaws and
cannot achieve the promised results, the country's environmental watchdog
said on Thursday.
The report by Environment Commissioner Scott Vaughan promises to be a
fresh headache for Canada's minority Conservative government, which
critics say is only paying lip service to green causes.
"The government cannot demonstrate that the money it is spending on
some important environmental programs is making a difference,"
Vaughan said at a news conference. (Retuers)
When can money thrown at "environmental programs" ever
demonstrate "making a difference"? It is always and everywhere
an appalling waste.
in climate change - JOHANNESBURG, 5 February 2009 (IRIN) - If you
don't know your "Ecoflation" from inflation and think "Greenwashing"
might be a new detergent, and that "Global weirding" has
probably crept in from sci-fi, read on. (IRIN)
The Climate Project plans to expand - Former Vice President Al
Gore’s philanthropy, The Climate Project is hosting a North American
Summit in Nashville this spring to launch a new phase of activism.
The event, May 14-16, is intended to increase a grassroots advocacy force
to persuade policy makers to pass major climate legislation this year, the
group announced today. (The Tennessean)
That poor virtual world: Antarctic
Ice Sheet Collapse May Swamp U.S. Coasts - WASHINGTON - North
America's coastlines would be hit especially hard by rising sea levels if
the huge West Antarctic Ice Sheet collapses and melts in a warming world
as some experts fear, scientists said on Thursday.
The loss of that ice sheet alone would inundate some coastal areas,
swamping New York, Washington D.C., south Florida, Los Angeles, San
Francisco and Seattle, with sea levels in some places higher by 21 feet or
more than today, the researchers wrote in the journal Science. (Reuters)
U.S. Stimulus
Would Cut Climate Emissions: Report - WASHINGTON - Energy efficiency
and conservation proposals in President Barack Obama's original economic
stimulus plan would cut climate-warming carbon dioxide emissions by 61
million tonnes a year, a new report says.
That would be equivalent to eliminating the greenhouse gas emissions from
electricity used in 7.9 million U.S. homes or taking 13 million cars off
the road, the analysis of the recovery plan's carbon footprint found on
The report was commissioned by the environmental group Greenpeace and
produced by climate and energy consulting firm ICF International.
Does that mean it's an economy killer? Emissions are intimately
linked with economic activity, after all.
Eye-roller: Trashing
the Fridge - FOR the last two years, Rachel Muston, a 32-year-old
information-technology worker for the Canadian government in Ottawa, has
been taking steps to reduce her carbon footprint — composting,
line-drying clothes, installing an efficient furnace in her three-story
house downtown.
About a year ago, though, she decided to “go big” in her effort to be
more environmentally responsible, she said. After mulling the idea over
for several weeks, she and her husband, Scott Young, did something many
would find unthinkable: they unplugged their refrigerator. For good.
“It’s been a while, and we’re pretty happy,” Ms. Muston said
recently. “We’re surprised at how easy it’s been.”
As drastic as the move might seem, a small segment of the green movement
has come to regard the refrigerator as an unacceptable drain on energy,
and is choosing to live without it. In spite of its ubiquity — 99.5
percent of American homes have one — these advocates say the
refrigerator is unnecessary, as long as one is careful about shopping
choices and food storage. (New York Times)
No winner in Ultimate Global Warming
Challenge - JunkScience.com announces that there is no
winner in the Ultimate
Global Warming Challenge. None of the five entries demonstrates
to the satisfaction of JunkScience.com that either, let alone both, of
the contest hypotheses can be rejected according to the rules of the
contest. JunkScience.com is considering the possibility of extending the
contest in hopes that someone can prove scientifically that manmade
global warming is real and the disaster that it is purported to be. Stay
New Paper “Climate Impacts Of Making Evapo-Transpiration In The
Community Land Model (CLM 3.0) Consistent With The Simple Biosphere Model
(SiB)” By Lawrence And Chase, 2009 - There is a very important new
research paper on the role of land surface processes within the climate
system that has just been released. It is Lawrence PJ, Chase TN (2008)
Climate impacts of making evapo-transpiration in the Community Land Model
(CLM 3.0) consistent with the Simple Biosphere Model (SiB). Journal of
Hydrometeorology: In Press
This new paper documents the very important finding that changes in
landscape that alter evaporation from the soil and vegetation surfaces and
transpiration through the stoma of plants have strong impacts on
precipitation distribution and near surface air temperature. Moreover, as
summarized at the end of the Lawrence and Chase abstract, “changes in
land surface hydrology have global scale impacts on model climatology.”
This new paper further advances the studies that were summarized in Pielke
Sr., R.A., 2005: Land use and climate change. Science, 310, 1625-1626
This role of the land surface as a first order process was ignored in the
summary for policymakers in the 2007 IPCC report. (Roger Pielke Sr.,
Climate Science)
La Nina Seen
Gradually Weakening In 2009: NOAA - NEW YORK - The La Nina weather
anomaly will persist into the spring of 2009 but should gradually weaken
during that period, the U.S. Climate Prediction Center said on Thursday.
In a monthly update, the CPC said "a majority of the model forecasts
... indicate a gradual weakening of La Nina through February-April 2009,
with an eventual transition to neutral conditions." (Reuters)
Hmm... maybe. Parenthetically, Australia's north and east generally
receive heavy rains the year after a La Niña, which could be
cannot afford to ignore climate change, Ban says at New Delhi summit -
5 February 2009 – The world must tackle the growing threat of climate
change, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon told a sustainable development
summit in New Delhi today, stressing that the crisis threatens to roll
back development gains and lead to further economic and social misery.
“We cannot afford to ignore or underestimate this existential threat.
Failure to combat climate change will increase poverty and hardship,”
Mr. Ban said upon receiving the Sustainable Development Leadership Award
at the summit taking place in the Indian capital.
“It will destabilize economies, breed insecurity in many countries and
undermine our goals for sustainable development,” he told the gathering.
Mr. Ban, who has made climate change the priority of his mandate as United
Nations chief, stressed that tackling the threat will require “all our
leadership, all our commitment, all our ingenuity.” (UN News)
climate chief says industry keen on deal - NEW DELHI - The U.N.
climate chief said on Thursday recession-hit industries which have cut
production and lowered emissions were among the keenest of all
stakeholders for a quick global deal in Copenhagen at the end of the year.
Many experts say the global downturn will give a respite from a spike in
greenhouse gas emissions, giving an excuse to rich nations to delay a
global pact to replace the Kyoto Protocol.
Yvo de Boer, executive secretary of the U.N. Framework Convention on
Climate Change, said he did not feel industry leaders would try to scuttle
plans for a new climate change pact. (Reuters)
chief says domestic politics undermine climate fight - NEW DELHI - A
climate deal at Copenhagen may not be possible unless politicians take
tough decisions without worrying about winning elections and compulsions
of their domestic politics, the U.N. Secretary-General said on Thursday.
Ban Ki-moon said the situation had been compounded by the global financial
downturn that was making it more difficult for the political leadership to
take unpopular decisions. (Reuters)
Debate Pits Al Gore’s Group Against Obama, Peabody -- Former U.S.
Vice President Al Gore and his Alliance for Climate Protection say
clean-coal technology is a fantasy.
Peabody Energy Corp., the biggest U.S. coal producer, says another
prominent Democrat has pledged to make the technology a reality: President
Barack Obama.
The Gore-Obama split illustrates a growing debate in the U.S. as the new
president attempts to deliver on his promise to reduce carbon dioxide
emissions in the country 80 percent by 2050. Depending on who’s
speaking, coal is either the villain or part of the solution. (Bloomberg)
Growth" Puts Climate Spending In Focus - LONDON - The United
States, Europe and other nations will spend about $100 billion on projects
to fight climate change under economic stimulus plans, raising questions
about how much support the industry needs.
Spending money through a recession to boost jobs is well established, but
the long term value-for-money of current support for clean energy is
questioned. (Reuters)
new weight loss supplement or a repeat of a sordid history? - A
“breakthrough” weight management product was released this week,
promising that clinical evidence has shown it reduces cravings, hunger and
food intake by as much as 25%. The company says its innovative chromium
picolinate supplement “is based on the powerful results of a randomized,
double-blind, placebo-controlled study” conducted by key researchers at
the Pennington Biomedical Research Center, “the largest
academically-based nutrition research center in the world.” (Junkfood
salt into Public Enemy No.1 - Why has there been such gobsmacking
conformity on the authorities’ bizarre demonising of the white stuff?
Hey, did you hear? It’s National Salt Awareness Week! Usually, such
themed weeks are an opportunity for suppliers and producers to encourage
us to consume more of whatever stuff they are promoting. With salt, it’s
a little different. (Rob Lyons, sp!ked)
Found Wanting in Nation’s Crime Labs - Forensic evidence that has
helped convict thousands of defendants for nearly a century is often the
product of shoddy scientific practices that should be upgraded and
standardized, according to accounts of a draft report by the nation’s
pre-eminent scientific research group.
The report by the National Academy of Sciences is to be released this
month. People who have seen it say it is a sweeping critique of many
forensic methods that the police and prosecutors rely on, including
fingerprinting, firearms identification and analysis of bite marks, blood
spatter, hair and handwriting.
The report says such analyses are often handled by poorly trained
technicians who then exaggerate the accuracy of their methods in court. It
concludes that Congress should create a federal agency to guarantee the
independence of the field, which has been dominated by law enforcement
agencies, say forensic professionals, scholars and scientists who have
seen review copies of the study. Early reviewers said the report was still
subject to change. (New York Times)
February 5, 2009
Extra! Extra! Imaginary problem delays cure of imaginary problem! Global
warming may delay recovery of stratospheric ozone - Increasing
greenhouse gases could delay, or even postpone indefinitely the recovery
of stratospheric ozone in some regions of the Earth, a new study suggests.
This change might take a toll on public health.
Darryn W. Waugh, an atmospheric scientist at Johns Hopkins University in
Baltimore, and his colleagues report that climate change could provoke
variations in the circulation of air in the lower stratosphere in tropical
and southern mid-latitudes — a band of the Earth including Australia and
Brazil. The circulation changes would cause ozone levels in these areas
never to return to levels that were present before decline began, even
after ozone-depleting substances have been wiped out from the atmosphere.
"Global warming causes changes in the speed that the air is
transported into and through the lower stratosphere [in tropical and
southern mid-latitudes]," says Waugh. "You're moving the air
through it quicker, so less ozone gets formed." He and his team
present their findings in the Feb. 5 Geophysical Research Letters, a
publication of the American Geophysical Union (AGU). (American Geophysical
The phantom menace causes a delay in the cure of a problem that never
to Children: Question Your Parents' Climate Beliefs as We Questioned
Segregation - Audio aired on Glenn Beck's radio program has
media-darling telling kids, 'there are some things about our world that
you know that older people don't know.' (Jeff Poor, Business & Media
Well, yes, kids should question their parents (and anyone else's)
belief in gorebull warming but we suspect that's not what Al had in
Says Senate Will ‘Follow the Science’ on Global Warming Legislation
- Democratic members of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee
have pledged to “follow science” in their quest to quell the effects
of global warming, even as some
reports suggest that belief in the environmental threat is waning. (CNSNews.com)
So, they're finally dropping this nonsense or what?
lowers expectations of Copenhagen deal - Chinese premier says he hopes
internal greenhouse gas emission targets signal adequate commitment to
tackling climate change (BusinessGreen)
lawmakers defend cap-and-trade plan - Climate change tax rejected in
favour of tested cap-and-trade plan (BusinessGreen)
York lawsuit threatens US cap-and-trade scheme - Legal challenge to
argue Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative trading scheme is putting New
York utility at an unfair disadvantage (BusinessGreen)
climate targets impossible without individual carbon budgets - Royal
Society reports warns personal carbon allowances will be needed to meet
emission targets (BusinessGreen)
Oh my... California
farms, vineyards in peril from warming, U.S. energy secretary warns -
'We're looking at a scenario where there's no more agriculture in
California,' Steven Chu says. He sees education as a means to combat
Reporting from Washington -- California's farms and vineyards could vanish
by the end of the century, and its major cities could be in jeopardy, if
Americans do not act to slow the advance of global warming, Secretary of
Energy Steven Chu said Tuesday.
In his first interview since taking office last month, the
Nobel-prize-winning physicist offered some of the starkest comments yet on
how seriously President Obama's cabinet views the threat of climate
change, along with a detailed assessment of the administration's plans to
combat it. (Los Angeles Times)
Someone Point to the Science? (Roger Pielke, Jr., Prometheus)
Demonstrating how much we still don't know about climate: Drought's
cause found - THE cause of the record-breaking drought in
south-eastern Australia has been discovered far off in the Indian Ocean,
according to the surprise findings of a study that overturns decades of
weather research.
While drought in Australia has traditionally been linked to El Nino events
in the Pacific Ocean, researchers from the universities of NSW and
Tasmania and the CSIRO have found that it is the Indian Ocean's cycle of
warming and cooling that is to blame. (The Age)
Actually, depending on where in Australia, the drought was broken by
La Niña -- at least in the north-east of the country, where this is
expected to occur (here in Queensland we are having a good wet, so is
the Northern Territory and northern Western Australia). The south and
west have always associated their seasons with weather systems rolling
west to east from the Indian Ocean with the Roaring
Forties. Consequently news of the Indian Ocean Dipole and its affect
on Australian rainfall conditions will not be that surprising to many
southern farmers.
Interesting sidebar to this is of course that Australian drought may
be triggered by biomass burning in the subcontinent and the associated
Asian Brown Cloud affecting Indian Ocean evaporation, near-surface
atmospheric pressure, sea surface temperatures and currents and
ultimately how moisture-laden are prevailing westerly winds. It'd be
ironic if lack of coal-burning power stations in India was
responsible for (southern) Australian drought.
Couldn't resist a climate hook: Ancient
fossil find: This snake could eat a cow! - NEW YORK — Never mind the
40-foot snake that menaced Jennifer Lopez in the 1997 movie
"Anaconda." Not even Hollywood could match a new discovery from
the ancient world. Fossils from northeastern Colombia reveal the biggest
snake ever discovered: a behemoth that stretched 42 to 45 feet long,
reaching more than 2,500 pounds.
"This thing weighs more than a bison and is longer than a city
bus," enthused snake expert Jack Conrad of the American Museum of
Natural History in New York, who was familiar with the find.
"It could easily eat something the size of a cow. A human would just
be toast immediately."
"If it tried to enter my office to eat me, it would have a hard time
squeezing through the door," reckoned paleontologist Jason Head of
the University of Toronto Missisauga.
Actually, the beast probably munched on ancient relatives of crocodiles in
its rainforest home some 58 million to 60 million years ago, he said.
... Titanoboa's size gives clues about its environment. A snake's size is
related to how warm its environment is. The fossils suggest equatorial
temperatures in its day were significantly warmer than they are now,
during a time when the world as a whole was warmer. So equatorial
temperatures apparently rose along with the global levels, in contrast to
the competing hypothesis that they would not go up much, Head noted.
"It's a leap" to apply the conditions of the past to modern
climate change, Head said. But given that, the finding still has
"some potentially scary implications for what we're doing to the
climate today," he said.
The finding suggest the equatorial regions will warm up along with the
planet, he said. (AP)
Why so scary? Even if the tropics were warmer under then-prevailing
conditions all that tells us is that tropical forests are not upset by
warmer conditions (since they were thriving then, whatever the actual
temperature was).
storms seen worsening; threat to oil, ships - OSLO - Arctic storms
could worsen because of global warming in a threat to possible new
businesses such as oil and gas exploration, fisheries or shipping, a study
showed on Wednesday.
"Large increases in the potential for extreme weather events were
found along the entire southern rim of the Arctic Ocean, including the
Barents, Bering and Beaufort Seas," according to the study of Arctic
weather by scientists in Norway and Britain.
A shrinking of sea ice around the North Pole, which thawed to a record low
in the summer of 2007, was likely to spawn more powerful storms that form
only over open water and can cause hurricane-strength winds.
"The bad news is that as the sea ice retreats you open up a lot of
new areas to this kind of extreme weather," said Erik Kolstad of the
Bjerknes Center for Climate Change in Norway who wrote the study with a
British Antarctic Survey researcher.
Potential new businesses in the North -- such as fisheries, oil and gas or
shipping -- would be vulnerable to extremes caused by polar lows and
arctic fronts, the researchers wrote in the journal Climate Dynamics.
Criminals to the Naughty Step - It’s not easy watching It’s Not
Easy Being Green, BBC2’s show about how easy it is being green - if you
are a professional environmentalist.
After the first episode of the new series, we mentioned that edgy yet
ethical rock chick Lauren Laverne had been trying to chivvy along the
upper classes’ pitiful attempts to save the planet by showing how to
build your own eco-swimming pool for £100k.
In the second episode, her task was to decorate the home of some
well-heeled eco-spivs with overpriced recycled furniture. It was her own
home. (Climate Resistance)
Fair in Love, War, and Science - Lets say that I go to public talk by
a colleague. My colleague presents a talk suggestive that there is a
problem with the economic data used by the U.S. government Department of
Treasury. Specifically there are some odd things going on in its data on
unemployment in West Virginia and Texas. I then go home from the talk, go
online and take a look at the data, and identify that there is indeed a
problem and I see that some of the West Virginia data has been mistakenly
placed into the Texas columns. I the contact the Treasury and notify them
of the error. The Treasury puts a thank you notice on their website
recognizing my efforts. Would there be any ethical problem with such
This is not a hypothetical example, but a caricature of real goings on
with our friends over at Real Climate . . . (Roger Pielke, Jr.,
and further: Gavin
Schmidt’s Demands - Gavin Schmidt at NASA has just now written an
email to the director of CIRES and the Director of the Center for Science
and Technology Policy Research (but not to me), where I work at the
University of Colorado, demanding that we take down this post and extend
to him an apology.
If Gavin wants, he is free to respond on this blog. I have not posted his
email, though if he wants, I’d be happy to post that up as well. He does
use terms like “slander” and “abuse.” I think my comments in the
posting are are a fair representation of the pickle Gavin has gotten
himself into.
When will these guys learn that bullying and bluster is not going to win
them any respect or friends? (Roger Pielke, Jr., Prometheus)
a Real Climate Text by Hendrik Tennekes - I understand that Gavin
Schmidt was upset by my essay of January 29. I admit that I neglected to
mention that I responded to his long exposition of January 6 on Real
Climate. The part of his text that deals with the difference between
weather models and climate models reads: (Climate Science)
Trenberth on El Niño - A Tracking Of The Evolution Of His Perspective On
This Issue Since 1997 - Kevin Trenberth is recognized as one the
pioneers in developing an improved understanding of El Niños. Thus, it is
informative to see how his viewpoint has evolved over time. I have
reproduced material from several sources below which document this
evolution in his thinking on this climate feature. (Climate Science)
Hansen muzzled! (by Hansen): Hansen
Hearts Heathrow Haters - Climate guru James Hansen says he will scale
back his dealings with the media in the wake of his comments about airport
expansion. (Great Beyond) | Jimmy
makes the funny pages (Day By Day)
BBC/Harris poll of 2,848 adults confirms: Americans don't give a rodent's
posterior about global warming (Tom Nelson)
government adviser warns of "four Katrinas in one year" -
Jonathan Porritt urges businesses to prepare for catastrophic
"climate induced shocks" on the scale of four Hurricane Katrinas
in one year (BusinessGreen)
need four Katrinas in one year" - If I worked for a tabloid I
would, at this very moment, be putting the finishing touches to a front
page scoop - after all what else is there to write about, besides more
moaning about the snow.
Earlier today, Jonathan Porritt, former director of Friends of the Earth,
co-founder of Forum for the Future, chair of the Sustainable Development
Commission, and arguably the government's most important green advisor,
said that what we needed to shock us out of our complacency over climate
change was at least "four Katrinas in one year".
In fairness, he did qualify his comments to say that they should not all
hit America, but did argue that it would be handy if at least two hit the
developed world as Europe and the US had an unfortunate habit of ignoring
disasters in poorer nations.
He then admitted to occasionally dreaming of Miami getting wiped out - you
can kind of see why the guy so often finds himself mired in controversy. (BusinessGreen)
Government Cancels Leases For
Utah Oil, Gas Drilling - WASHINGTON - The U.S. Interior Department on
Wednesday canceled leases held by energy companies for oil and natural gas
drilling on 130,000 acres of federal lands in Utah.
"I have directed (the department's) Bureau of Land Management not to
accept the bids," Interior Secretary Ken Salazar told reporters on a
conference call.
He said the department would return to the companies the $6 million in
bids on the contested parcels of land and would reassess the decision to
open these lands to energy exploration. (Reuters)
Republicans Urge Obama To OK
Offshore Oil Drilling - WASHINGTON - House Republicans on Wednesday
urged President Barack Obama not to close areas off the U.S. Atlantic and
Pacific coastlines to oil and natural gas drilling.
The Republican lawmakers asked Obama to allow a 5-year plan proposed at
the very end of the Bush administration that would expand offshore
drilling to go forward. (Reuters)
attacked over "oil at any cost" strategy - As oil giant
releases latest financial results green groups accuse it of cutting
investment in its alternative energy division (BusinessGreen)
puts coal plants on hold - The home of much of the US car industry
claims to be firmly focused on renewable technology (BusinessGreen)
Air Force ditches coal-to-liquid fuel trial - Has Obama's green vision
reached the military industrial complex already? (BusinessGreen)
urged to power up support for giant batteries - Electricity Storage
Association warns blackouts are on the cards if the UK does not bolster
investment in storage systems (BusinessGreen)
blasts corn-based biofuel health risks - Second-generation cellulosic
can provide significant results, but ethanol has similar health
implications as petrol (gasoline) (BusinessGreen)
Bankruptcies Continue, 14 Studies Have Exposed the High Cost of Ethanol
and Biofuels - On its website, Wisconsin-based Renew Energy says it is
the “biofuels industry leader for innovation and efficiency.” It goes
on, saying that its new 130 million gallon per year ethanol plant in
Jefferson, Wisconsin is “the largest dry mill corn fractionation
facility in the world” which uses 35 percent less energy and 33 percent
less water than similar ethanol plants.
That would be impressive but for one fact: Renew Energy just filed for
bankruptcy. Renew, which had $184.2 million in revenue in 2008, filed
Chapter 11 papers on January 30, just nine days after it posted an article
on its website from Ethanol Producer Magazine which touted their new
ethanol production process as one that “adds up to higher profitability
and sustainability.” (Robert Bryce, Energy Tribune)
Days for Green Energy - Wind and solar power have been growing at a
blistering pace in recent years, and that growth seemed likely to
accelerate under the green-minded Obama administration. But because of the
credit crisis and the broader economic downturn, the opposite is
happening: installation of wind and solar power is plummeting.
Factories building parts for these industries have announced a wave of
layoffs in recent weeks, and trade groups are projecting 30 to 50 percent
declines this year in installation of new equipment, barring more help
from the government. (New York Times)
Why do you suppose people never really understand "green"
anything is a niche luxury good? The only reason to use
"green" as a justification for something is that the something
is too expensive, too inefficient or simply too plain useless to survive
without subsidy and appeal to emotional non-reason in the first place.
Rule of thumb? Green is a sign of putrefaction -- bury it.
How green can
California's cars go? - US President Barack Obama gave California's
environmentalists cause to celebrate when he took a step closer to backing
the state's plans for strict vehicle emissions standards.
The BBC's Rajesh Mirchandani looks at whether the technology required is
feasible and if drivers would pay for it. (BBC)
glimpse inside the mind of a public health professional - BBC News
published an opinion piece today from Dr. Alan Maryon Davis, president of
the Faculty of Public Health*. In doing so, BBC News provided a public
service by revealing what public health professionals believe about us.
You have to read it to believe. (Junkfood Science)
adding it up… - In a running series that began last month, Black
Informant has been going page-by-page through the stimulus package being
debated in Congress. He’s finding that it’s not about stimulating the
economy, but filled with perks for wealthy special interests that will
most hurt the Black community, America’s cities, and the poor. (Junkfood
?!! Bailing
out the planet - As the rag-tag army of social movement activists, NGO
representatives and other advocates from global civil society wend their
way home from the Amazonian city of Belem, Brazil, and the World Social
Forum (WSF), they have reason to believe they have won the debate on
globalisation. Global economic catastrophe and global climate catastrophe
have demonstrated to people the world over – including the new president
of the United States – that unfettered capitalism is leading to
unfettered disaster. (The Guardian)
Did these guys not notice the problems stem not from unfettered
capitalism but top-down socialist interference in same? Did they not
notice that barely regulated hedge funds and lightly regulated mutuals
were not the problem but that the heavily regulated banks were? Their
inability to learn from oft-repeated mistakes is quite disturbing.
Billion of Stimulus Plan Earmarked for Pet Causes of Environmental
Activists Should Be Jettisoned - Washington, D.C. - At least $8.6
billion of President Obama’s proposed $1.2 trillion stimulus plan is
meant to fund dubious special interest policy initiatives of environmental
activists and should immediately be jettisoned, says Deneen Borelli,
full-time Fellow with the Project 21 national black leadership network.
(Press Release)
Misoverestimating: I know big-L Lefties have a mania about
population but how the heck many Americans does Pelosi think there are? At
the rate cited the entire population of Earth, from newborn to pensioner,
will "lose their jobs" in just 13 months. So Nancy, it really is
true "we are all Americans now"?
Just imagine the media frenzy had Dubya said that and yet rumor has it
Obama repeated the absurdity.
on the Stimulus Plan
Statement of Tom Borelli, PhD, director of the Free Enterprise Project at
the National Center for Public Policy Research:
"The adage 'haste makes waste' applies to Obama's massive stimulus
plan. In response to our economic crisis the liberal majority is rushing
to spend taxpayer money without regard to the consequences of its plan.
We've seen this movie before - when Congress panics, taxpayers suffer.
Just a few months ago, billions were spent on TARP with little effect on
the economy.
"In reality it's a left-wing spending plan masquerading as economic
stimulus. Only about 5 percent of the current bill will be used for
infrastructure costs while millions of dollars are earmarked for other pet
projects, such as renovations for the Department of Commerce headquarters,
digital television coupons, the National Endowment for the Arts and the
liberal group ACORN.
"Even worse, according to the Congressional Budget Office, most of
the infrastructure projects for roads and bridges will not happen for two
years or more. This spending will not provide immediate help to our
floundering economy.
"The plan is really a rewards program for the left-wing groups that
got Obama elected. The only thing stimulating about this plan is the anger
it's arousing among Americans."
Statement of Project 21 Chairman Mychal Massie:
"By the very definitions of 'economic' and 'stimulus' there is very
little in this abominable bill that will do anything to stimulate our
economy. This bill is just more of the same Congressional pillage, graft,
and payback with different docket numbers." (Press Release)
creates detention camps in U.S. for 'emergencies' - Sweeping,
undefined purpose raises worries about military police state
Rep. Alcee L. Hastings, D-Fla., has introduced to the House of
Representatives a new bill, H.R. 645, calling for the secretary of
homeland security to establish no fewer than six national emergency
centers for corralling civilians on military installations.
The proposed bill, which has received little mainstream media attention,
appears designed to create the type of detention center that those
concerned about use of the military in domestic affairs fear could be used
as concentration camps for political dissidents, such as occurred in Nazi
Germany. (WorldNetDaily)
Nations Population Fund Leader Says Family Breakdown is a Triumph for
Human Rights - MEXICO CITY, February 3, 2009 - A leader in the United
Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) has declared that the breakdown of
traditional families, far from being a “crisis,” is actually a triumph
for human rights.
Speaking at a colloquium held last month at Colegio Mexico in Mexico City,
UNFPA representative Arie Hoekman denounced the idea that high rates of
divorce and out-of-wedlock births represent a social crisis, claiming that
they represent instead the triumph of “human rights” against
“patriarchy.” (LifeSiteNews.com)
February 4, 2009
bill possible "in weeks": Sen. Boxer - WASHINGTON - The
Senate's top environmental lawmaker offered a preview on Wednesday of
major component of climate change legislation she said could be introduced
"in weeks, not months."
"We are not sitting back and waiting for some magic moment,"
Barbara Boxer, a California Democrat who chairs the Senate Environment and
Public Works Committee, told reporters. "We're ready to go."
Boxer shepherded carbon-capping legislation to the Senate floor last year,
the most progress any climate change bill has made in the U.S. Congress.
That bill won 48 votes, with 36 opposed, but died after a procedural
maneuver by opponents.
Any new legislation to limit emissions of climate-warming carbon dioxide
-- such as those from coal-fired power plants and fossil-fueled vehicles
-- would build on that earlier measure, but would not follow it exactly,
Boxer said.
"We may move in three weeks, we may move in six weeks, we could move
in 10 weeks," she said. "We could get a bill out of committee
tomorrow ... I want to get a bill out of there that every member has a
stake in, every member understands every word of it, and so it will take a
while ...
"It could be weeks, not months, but it will be before the end of this
year," she said.
That timeline would dovetail with moves toward an international agreement
on climate change, set to be worked out in Copenhagen in December.
Video: Shock:
MSNBC treats skeptic with respect! - Columnist Deroy Murdoch on MSNBC
about how even politically left scientists and environmental activists are
now abandoning the global warming fear machine.
See Murdock’s January 29, 2009 column: Even
left now laughing at global warming (Scripps Howard News Service)
Not All "Green" Jobs
Pay Well - WASHINGTON - The Obama administration has high hopes that
millions of "green" jobs will be created by investing billions
of dollars in renewable energy, but a report on Tuesday warned not all
those workers would earn good pay.
"Green jobs are not automatically good jobs," according to the
report commissioned by several U.S. labor and environmental groups, which
looked at pay practices at renewable energy companies.
Sen. Debbie Stabenow of Michigan and Rep. Jay Inslee of Washington, both
Democrats released the report a day before hundreds of labor,
environmental and business activists were scheduled to go to Capitol Hill
to lobby for good-paying green jobs.
"Our survey results suggest that wind and solar manufacturing workers
earn more than the typical employee at a Wal-Mart store, but it would be a
stretch to say that all of them have good jobs," the report said.
Wage rates at many wind and solar manufacturing facilities are below the
national average for workers employed in the manufacture of durable goods
of $18.88 an hour, and average pay rates at some locations fall short of
income levels needed to support a single adult with one child.
The lowest wage found was $8.25 an hour at a recycling processing plant,
while manufacturing jobs related to renewable energy pay as little as $11
an hour. (Reuters)
Like anything isn't 'consistent with warming' now: Snow
is consistent with global warming, say scientists - Britain may be in
the grip of the coldest winter for 30 years and grappling with up to a
foot of snow in some places but the extreme weather is entirely consistent
with global warming, claim scientists. (Daily Telegraph)
Defiant Argentine Glacier
Thrives Despite Warming - LOS GLACIARES NATIONAL PARK - Climate change
appears to be helping Argentina's mighty Perito Moreno glacier, which is
thriving in defiance of the global warming that is shrinking its peers.
While most of the world's glaciers are melting away because of warmer
temperatures, scientists say the Perito Moreno ice field, known as
"The White Giant", is gaining as much as 3 meters (10 feet) a
day in some parts, pushed forward by heavy snowfalls in the Patagonia
"Glaciers don't respond solely to temperature changes," said
Martin Stuefer, a Patagonian expert from the University of Alaska
He said the area's heavy precipitation has apparently increased along with
the world's recent climatic shifts, combining with strong, cold Patagonian
winds to reinforce the glacier. (Reuters)
carbon budgets possible by 2020, says head of RSA study - Everyone in
the UK could have their own carbon budget by 2020, says the head of the
most comprehensive trial of the idea.
Personal allowances set a limit on emissions produced by activities such
as driving and heating homes. People could switch to greener services or
do without to meet their allowances, sell credits if they did not use them
all, or buy credits if they went over the budget because of more highly
polluting activities such as flying.
The idea was given credibility by the support of David Miliband, the
former environment and now foreign secretary, and the launch of a
three-year study by the Royal Society of Arts. A report into the study
concludes that trading allowances is too controversial in the short term,
but important elements could work, including the principal of giving every
person a carbon budget, said Matt Prescott, the RSA's project director.
Initially, budgets would be likely to cover only key areas such as
buildings and transport, but as technology developed they could be
extended, he said. (The Guardian)
Credits: Another Corrupt Currency? - Carbon credits are a form of fiat
currency, yet as calls for carbon trading grow, ironically, another fiat
currency collapses—destroying life savings, wiping out jobs, and taking
down historic institutions overnight. Fiat money has a long history of
failure, corruption and fraud. The inevitable booms, busts and inflation
act as an invisible tax, transferring wealth from people who work and save
to speculators, middle men, and crooks. The US dollar—sovereign issue of
a great capitalist, democratic nation—is on life support. So far at
least eight hundred billion dollars has been created from thin air to stop
the banking system from crashing. (Joanne Nova, SPPI)
EU Carbon Drops To Record Low
For 2008-12 - LONDON - European carbon emissions futures dropped to a
new record low for the second phase of the European Union's emissions
trading scheme on Tuesday.
Benchmark EU Allowances hit 10.76 euros ($13.84) a ton at 1422 GMT, edging
below their previous record low of 10.81 euros on January 20. They opened
trade at 11.29 euros a ton. (Reuters)
<chuckle> Climate
change adviser Ross Garnaut branded a 'wacko' by AWU president Bill Ludwig
- THE patriarch of Australia's biggest blue-collar union has launched a
stinging assault on the credibility of the Rudd Government's climate
change adviser, Ross Garnaut, calling him "wacko".
Australian Workers Union national president Bill Ludwig yesterday poured
scorn on Professor Garnaut's proposal that Australians move away from
eating cattle and sheep and instead consume kangaroo meat because of
environmental benefits.
The former shearer and influential figure in Queensland's ALP told
conference delegates he was not a climate change sceptic. But he said,
nonetheless, that he supported debate on the science behind the theory,
before launching into a headlong criticism of Professor Garnaut as author
of the Government's white paper on climate change.
The union chief said climate change was described initially as global
warming, until evidence proved unequivocally that the planet actually got
"It's not global warming any more, it's climate change," Mr
Ludwig told delegates. "That gets them back in the game. These people
are pretty flexible to be relevant in these times."
Mr Ludwig ridiculed Professor Garnaut's suggestion to move away from
farming cattle and sheep and to rely instead on kangaroo meat because it
could involve less land cultivation and less methane gas. "I thought,
'Hello, here's another wacko'," he said. (The Australian)
There are a lot of times I don't agree with Ludwig and what he has to
say but he does appear to have Garnaut and other climate cranks pegged.
Interesting admission: Blizzard
of anger follows London snowstorm - LONDON – Britain's capital
cleared the soggy remnants of a paralyzing snowstorm on Tuesday as
businesses counted the multibillion-pound (-dollar) cost.
An estimated 6 million people skipped work Monday when the largest
snowstorm to hit London in 18 years stopped bus and subway services,
grounded airliners and hobbled businesses.
The Federation of Small Businesses said the cost to Britain's economy
through lost productivity could be as high as 3 billion pounds ($4.3
Transportation officials, business leaders and local authorities accused
one another of failing to prepare for the long-predicted storm that
crippled Britain's transport network by dropping more than four inches (10
centimeters) of snow in London overnight Sunday, and another four inches
"We can't change nature and if nature does this to us we have a
problem," said John Ransford, chief executive of Britain's Local
Government Association, which represents the small district and town
councils largely responsible for keeping roads and sidewalks clear.
(Associated Press) [em added]
Effects of 30 Years of Landscape Change over the Greater Phoenix, AZ,
Region: Part I 2009 by Matei Georgescu - In order to paint a more
comprehensive assessment of anthropogenic influence on climate the
National Research Council (NRC) has stressed the need to supplement
additional value to the oft-cited and traditionally based evaluation of
global-scale forcing(s). For example, taking into account the regional
surface energy balance resulting from the heterogeneous patchwork that is
the land surface (and importantly, the modification of the energy balance
due to changes in the surface cover) has important implications for proper
attribution of surface temperature changes, regional changes in
circulation, and perhaps teleconnections, all effects that cannot be
explained solely by increases in well-mixed greenhouse gases. (Climate
Comments on the Question “Can The Climate System ‘Mask’ Heat?”
- In response to a request for a further discussion of the term
“unmasking”, as discussed in the weblog Can The Climate System
“Mask” Heat?, I provide more information below.
The use of the term “unmasking”, as used by Professor Ramanathan and
Feng, is not an appropriate synonym to describe the removal of a radiative
forcing (or other forcings). The accurate terminology is the removal of an
”offset”. This is more than semantics, since the term “unmasking”
used in the Ramanathan and Feng, 2008 paper appears to have a broader
meaning, as discussed below. (Climate Science)
This persistence thing, again... On
climate change, there's no going back - ...The problem is that once
emitted, a molecule of carbon dioxide can remain in the atmosphere for 100
years or more. So even if we get started now on reducing future carbon
emissions, some climate change is inevitable. There's too much carbon
dioxide already up there, resulting from 150 years or so of emissions.
And, once the oceans warm up as they have already started to do, there is
no easy way to cool them down. There is no going back, no feasible way to
avoid a certain amount of irreversible change. All policies have to start
with where we are now, and move aggressively from here. (Boston Globe)
... is it true? Going by the IPCC's figures the global carbon cycle
(annual) is greater than 210 Pg, with a cumulative increment of perhaps
3 Pg. That's ~101.5% or any given molecule has a 98.5% chance of being
recycled in it's first year. Looks like an average atmospheric
persistence of ~370 days then, eh? That seems a tad short of the 36,525
days suggested above.
From CO2 Science this week:
Effects of "Ocean Acidification": Are they as bad as climate
alarmists make them out to be?
Warm Period Record of the Week:
Was there a Medieval Warm Period? YES, according to data
published by 663
individual scientists from 388
separate research institutions in 40
different countries ... and counting! This issue's Medieval Warm
Period Record of the Week comes from Crevice
Lake, Yellowstone National Park, USA. To access the entire Medieval
Warm Period Project's database, click
Subject Index Summary:
(Degradation): Has it accelerated in response to late 20th-century
global warming?
Plant Growth Data:
This week we add new results (blue background) of plant growth responses
to atmospheric CO2 enrichment obtained from
experiments described in the peer-reviewed scientific literature for: Corn,
Breadseed Poppy, Garden
Pea, and Trout
Journal Reviews:
The Past
Half-Century of ENSO Behavior: Has it become more extreme? ... and
what's the significance of the answer?
ENSO Activity
and Climate Change: How does the latter affect the former?
ENSO Prediction
by Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Models: How good is it?
Effects of
Elevated CO2 and Temperature on Flowering Times of
Asteraceae Species: What are the effects? ... and what are the
implications of the results for prior interpretations of historical plant
phenology observations?
The Growth of
Scots Pines in Northeast Spain: How did they do during the
"unprecedented" warming of the 20th century? (co2science.org)
Trawling for funds in the virtual world: Climate
change may be stoking stronger winds, altered oceans - To assess
future wind and upwelling scenarios along the California coast, Snyder and
his colleagues at UC Santa Cruz ran climate simulations for two time
periods. One spanned from 1968 to 2000, verifying the accuracy of the
modeling. The second simulated the region's estimated climate from 2038 to
2070, using the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
"high-growth" emissions projections. Snyder said he chose the
high emissions scenario because today's are exceeding earlier IPCC
Snyder said he knows his hypothesis needs more research, so he'll know
whether to continue pursuing it or to discard it. The latter is unlikely,
he said, given the new cycle of dead zones on the Oregon and Washington
coasts that started in 2002. (Contra Costa Times)
Industry Wary of New US Interior Secretary's Policies - Despite
Interior Secretary Ken Salazar's vow to draft a comprehensive energy
policy that includes new domestic oil and gas drilling, the industry is
watching with a wary eye.
Salazar hasn't been specific about where he will open new acreage for
lease sales. But based on his comments so far, some industry officials
fear that new drilling rights under such a plan may be in areas that show
little promise compared to other prospects likely to remain off limits.
Related Pictures
The officials also say the secretary's pledge to reform the government's
royalty program, which collects billions of revenue from the industry for
federal coffers, may discourage even more new projects. (Dow Jones
Struggling Solar Firms Look To
Public Projects - GUILDFORD - John Fitzpatrick is in a buoyant niche
of construction. Building subsidized homes for disadvantaged people, with
solar paneled roofs for environmentally friendly power, he is funded by
the government.
A British scheme to halve the cost of installing solar panels on schools
and social housing is aiding a solar power industry hit by the housing
It's tiny compared with U.S. President Barack Obama's multi-billion-dollar
plans to invest in cutting carbon emissions from government facilities.
But as a slowdown threatens many renewable energy projects, such schemes
offer hope for jobs. (Reuters)
But should our taxes be wasted on such pointless busy-work?
Bolivia, Untapped Bounty Meets Nationalism - UYUNI, Bolivia — In the
rush to build the next generation of hybrid or electric cars, a sobering
fact confronts both automakers and governments seeking to lower their
reliance on foreign oil: almost half of the world’s lithium, the mineral
needed to power the vehicles, is found here in Bolivia — a country that
may not be willing to surrender it so easily.
Japanese and European companies are busily trying to strike deals to tap
the resource, but a nationalist sentiment about the lithium is building
quickly in the government of President Evo Morales, an ardent critic of
the United States who has already nationalized Bolivia’s oil and natural
gas industries. (New York Times)
EPA May Seek New Comment On
California Waiver This Week - WASHINGTON - The head of the
Environmental Protection Agency said on Tuesday she hopes to reopen the
public comment period this week on California's request to be given the
authority to cut greenhouse gas emissions spewed from vehicle tailpipes.
"I think very soon ... I'm hoping that it will be in the next few
days," EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson told Reuters when she was asked
if the notice on the new comment period for the state's plan would be
published this week in the Federal Register of government regulations.
The past, present and future - The world of biofuels is as diverse as
it is controversial. From being hailed as a great savior from the perils
of using fossil fuels, to being a pariah that is leading to less food to
go around, biofuels have, at best, a mixed reputation.
That said, not all biofuels are created equally and many different types
exist, each with their own sets of pros and cons. As such, many of the
negative stereotypes should not be applied to all types of biofuels.
(Energy Current)
you didn’t hear about the latest study of sudden and unexpected infant
deaths - News accounts of a new CDC study on infant deaths have led
parents to fear that babies are dying from suffocation and strangulation
in their beds in skyrocketing numbers. These spins are not what the study
data actually found. Giving the public only half the story has not only
accentuated anxiety among parents, it has piled on perceptions that
today’s parents are incompetent and at risk of harming their children
without interventions from public health professionals, even down to the
most intimate details of home life and parenting choices. (Junkfood
February 3, 2009
president attacks Al Gore's climate campaign - DAVOS, Switzerland —
Czech President Vaclav Klaus took aim at climate change campaigner Al Gore
on Saturday in Davos in a frontal attack on the science of global warming.
"I don't think that there is any global warming," said the
67-year-old liberal, whose country holds the rotating presidency of the
European Union. "I don't see the statistical data for that."
Referring to the former US vice president, who attended Davos this year,
he added: "I'm very sorry that some people like Al Gore are not ready
to listen to the competing theories. I do listen to them.
"Environmentalism and the global warming alarmism is challenging our
freedom. Al Gore is an important person in this movement." (AFP)
the U.S. lost its passion for green? - With the economy faltering,
environmental concerns may have to play second fiddle for now. (Brian
Dumaine, Fortune)
'Green Jobs' Experiment Isn't Going Well - Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger
was all smiles in 2006 when he signed into law the toughest
anti-global-warming regulations of any state. Mr. Schwarzenegger and his
green supporters boasted that the regulations would steer California into
a prosperous era of green jobs, renewable energy, and technological
leadership. Instead, since 2007 -- in anticipation of the new mandates --
California has led the nation in job losses.
The regulations created a cap-and-trade system, similar to proposed
federal global-warming measures, by limiting the CO2 that utilities,
trucking companies and other businesses can emit, and imposed steep new
taxes on companies that exceed the caps. Since energy is an input in
everything that's produced, this will raise the cost of production inside
California's borders.
Now, as the Golden State prepares to implement this regulatory scheme,
employers are howling. It's become clear to nearly everyone that the
plan's backers have underestimated its negative impact and exaggerated the
benefits. "We've been sold a false bill of goods," is how
Republican Assemblyman Roger Niello, who has been the GOP's point man on
environmental issues in the legislature, put it to me. (Stephen Moore,
Wall Street Journal)
from Europe - The recent European Union climate agreement provides a
useful warning to incoming President Obama and his team when they consider
what to do about global warming. The rhetoric from the EU may sound nice,
but when it comes to translating words into action, Europe has shown that
the job is harder than it looks. EU member states have found it very
difficult to reduce emissions, meet renewable energy targets or create
lasting green jobs.
The European Union has had a cap-and-trade scheme for greenhouse gas
emissions in place for several years now, but has failed to make much dent
in emissions. This is important to America, because a cap-and-trade scheme
is President Obama's preferred policy vehicle for delivering emissions
reductions. Yet the European experience with cap-and-trade should sound
alarm bells.
The scheme has been repeatedly gamed and manipulated by industry and
governments so that emissions have actually increased faster than the
those of the United States, with none of the big reductions promised
materializing. Industries have enjoyed windfall profits from emission
credit trading, and some U.S. firms also have hoped to cash in - Enron and
more recently Lehman Brothers were major proponents of American adoption
of cap-and-trade policies.
For everyone else, however, results have not been so happy. European
households have seen electricity bills rise. Europe has become more
dependent on Russian gas. And a recent study by the British think tank
Open Europe found the scheme's major costs accrued to essential public
service facilities like schools and hospitals.
Meeting renewable energy targets has been no walk in the park, either.
Leaked British government documents reveal how meeting the target of 20
percent of all energy being from renewable sources by 2020 is next to
impossible. (Iain Murray, Gabriel Calzada, Carlo Stagnaro, Washington
Who is
speaking for the plants? - The full proverb says, “Give a dog a bad
name and hang him.” They’ve given carbon dioxide (CO2) a bad name and
it is now being hanged by draconian and completely unnecessary
legislation. Consider this comment by Susan Solomon, NOAA senior
scientist, ”I think you have to think about this stuff (CO2) as more
like nuclear waste than acid rain: The more we add, the worse off we’ll
be,” An alarmist, outrageous and completely unsupportable comment,
but not surprising from the co-chair of Working Group I of the IPCC 2007 report.
The reality is if CO2 is reduced we are worse off as the plants suffer.
Something must be done to protect the plants from fanaticism. (Tim Ball,
Martin Weitzman’s Dismal
Theorem: Do “Fat Tails” Destroy Cost-Benefit Analysis? - The funny
thing about carbon pricing is that even if you take the latest IPCC report
as gospel, and even if you assume all of the governments around the world
implement a perfectly efficient carbon tax, even so the “efficient”
carbon tax ends up being fairly low for a few decades, and then it ramps
up as atmospheric concentrations increase. (See William Nordhaus’s new
book treatment [pdf] of his “DICE” model for an excellent exposition.)
The intuition behind this result is that even the scary projections of
catastrophic climate change don’t occur for more than one hundred years,
and so discounting these future damages to the present leads to a modest
externality from current emissions of another ton of carbon dioxide.
This phenomenon explains the fury with which partisans in the climate
change debate argue over the proper “social discount rate.” The very
aggressive policies recommended in the Stern Review, for example, are
almost entirely driven [.pdf] by Stern’s use of a philosophically
derived (low) discount rate, versus Nordhaus’s use of market-based
interest rates. A given dollar-amount of climate damage occurring in, say,
the year 2200 justifies a much bigger diversion of resources today, if we
use a discount rate of 1% versus a discount rate of 4%. (Robert Murphy,
Master Resource)
EU Pitches Climate
Plan - So the question remains: Who’s going to pay what? The United
States Senate remains unlikely to ratify any international agreement to
ration energy that doesn’t also include rapidly developing countries
responsible for an ever-greater share of global emissions. Developing
countries, however, refuse to put global warming over poverty reduction
and their “right to develop.” The EU procrastinates. Global emissions
continue to rise (while temperatures stay the same). (William Yeatman,
Cooler Heads Digest)
warned against possible devastating global warming - European
Commission has warned that global warming might be more devastating than
previously thought and called on negotiators at global talks this year to
remain open to deeper, more costly emissions cuts.
Mr Stavros Dimas European environment commissioner said that "This is
almost certainly the last chance to get the climate under control before
it passes the point of no return." He made the warning as he unveiled
a proposed European negotiating position for talks in December in
Copenhagen on a successor to the Kyoto protocol.
He said that it would call for emissions from the aviation and shipping
industries to be tackled, despite the fact that both sectors are seen
suffering from global recession. (Steel Guru)
China Plans Weigh On Record
Low Kyoto Offset Price - LONDON - A suspension of the Chinese
government's price floor for Kyoto carbon offset sales, expected in March,
could weigh on this already battered market, analysts IDEAcarbon said on
"To encourage investment, the Chinese government is expected to
unofficially release its 8 euro price floor in early March and look the
other way as deals are transacted in the 6-7 euro price range,"
IDEAcarbon's Tenke Zoltani told Reuters.
U.N.-approved Certified Emission Reduction offsets (CERs) issued to clean
energy projects in the primary tranche of the $32 billion CER market,
averaged 8.87 euros ($11.40) per tonne of carbon dioxide this week,
IDEAcarbon said. This level was down from a high of 13.60 euros last July
and was slightly above China's current floor. (Reuters)
Push For Climate Deal As Obama
Lifts Hopes - DAVOS - Denmark's prime minister called on rich and poor
countries alike to commit to big cuts in greenhouse gas emissions, ahead
of key year-end talks on a new climate treaty he will host in Copenhagen.
Hopes that a deal may be possible have increased since the election of
what many see as a "green" U.S. president and business is
increasingly enthusiastic about the opportunities thrown up by climate
"It is essential to engage heads of state and government stronger in
the whole process to ensure a positive result in Copenhagen," Anders
Fogh Rasmussen told the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in
Davos Friday. (Reuters)
Resist Industry Pressure To
Dilute Green Reform: U.N. - NEW DELHI - Industries are pressing
governments worldwide to dilute policies on climate change, but the world
must not slacken the fight for a "structural shift" to a green
economy, the U.N. climate panel chief said on Friday.
Calling the global economic downturn "a major distraction," R.K.
Pachauri said even countries such as Germany, which was among those
leading the climate change war, were under pressure.
"There is a lot of pressure from business and industry now on the
leadership to see that they cut back on some of the professed commitment
that they have articulated in the past," said Pachauri, the head of
the Nobel Prize-winning U.N climate panel.
Many industrialized nations are shelving ambitions for the deepest cuts in
greenhouse gas emissions by 2020 as economic slowdown overshadows the
fight against climate change.
But, the election of Barack Obama as the new U.S. president, has tempered
the gloom, Pachauri said. (Reuters)
Setting up for failure: Strict
emission for developed world likely: Pachauri - AHMEDABAD: The
Copenhagen Climate Conference 2009, is likely to conclude on a strict
regulatory regime on emissions for developed countries
rather than for the developing countries, nobel laureate R K Pachauri said
here today.
"The negotiations are going on for the conference of parties at the
Copenhagen where we will have a multilateral worldwide agreement, let's
see what the implications of that would be," Pachauri, who is
Chairman of UN's Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), said
on the sidelines of fifth convocation of DAIICT.
"Of course, the developing countries will be exempted from any such
restrictions but the developed countries will certainly have to cut down
on emission," Pachauri said, adding, "some strict regulations
are going to be there." (Economic Times)
Naive twits: Protesters
call for bigger carbon emission cuts - Hundreds of people have
surrounded Parliament House in Canberra to protest against the Rudd
government's planned carbon emissions reduction target.
The protest follows a weekend summit, attended by 500 representatives of
140 community climate action groups, which formulated a set of objectives
to pressure the government.
The groups say the government's target to reduce emissions by between five
and 15 per cent by 2020 is too low.
Up to 1,200 protesters, most dressed in red and carrying banners and
placards, chanted "five per cent is not enough", and
"climate justice now".
They joined hands to form a ring around Parliament House.
The protesters are demanding the government set a 100 per cent target for
renewable energy. (AAP)
This at a time K.Rudd is throwing our taxes (and future revenue)
around like a mad woman's washing in the name of "stimulus
packages" as our economy tanks.
No winner in Ultimate Global Warming
Challenge - JunkScience.com announces that there is no
winner in the Ultimate
Global Warming Challenge. None of the five entries demonstrates
to the satisfaction of JunkScience.com that either, let alone both, of
the contest hypotheses can be rejected according to the rules of the
contest. JunkScience.com is considering the possibility of extending the
contest in hopes that someone can prove scientifically that manmade
global warming is real and the disaster that it is purported to be. Stay
Cry 'Havoc!' and let slip the dogs of warming! Steve
Goble: Are you in denial about global warming? - Every time someone
points at the snow or the low temperatures and says, "So much for
global warming," a truth fairy dies.
One of the growth industries in our tumbling economy is the global warming
denial business. According to the sellers of this snake oil, the whole
idea of global warming was invented by Al Gore to scare you into voting
for Democrats.
Climate obstinacy is a kissing cousin to denying the theory of evolution.
When science tells people something they don't like, you can't cram it
into their heads with a crowbar.
Here's a hint: If you really want to understand what's going on with the
climate, look beyond Al Gore.
Get your science from people like James Hansen, who heads the NASA Goddard
Institute for Space Studies and who has done as much as anybody to figure
all this out. (News Journal)
That'd be this bloke? Hansen's
colossal failures: Super El Niño predictions - Roger Pielke Jr
mentions James Hansen's 2006 predictions about a "super El Niño"
that would rival the 1983 and 1997-1998 El Niño events.
In March 2006, Hansen wrote a paper claiming the following: We suggest
that an El Niño is likely to originate in 2006 and that there is a good
chance it will be a “super El Niño”, rivaling the 1983 and 1997-1998
El Niños, which were successively labeled the “El Niño of the
century” as they were of unprecedented strength in the previous 100
To check whether his prediction worked... (The Reference Frame)
Oh boy... Man
from Nasa slams Salmond coal plan as 'sham' - ONE of the world's
leading climate change experts yesterday called into question the green
credentials of the First Minister, branding his energy policy a
Nasa scientist Dr James Hansen called for Alex Salmond to abandon any
plans to allow new coal-fired power stations to be built in Scotland.
He urged that any such stations should be built only if they were fitted
with technology – which does not yet exist – to capture and store
carbon dioxide, the dangerous greenhouse gas. (The Scotsman) [em
The, um... "dangerous greenhouse gas" referred to would be
the essential trace gas carbon dioxide (CO2). Dihydrogen
monoxide (H2O) can be a dangerous greenhouse gas and is
certainly more significant as far as warming the Earth goes but we don't
really want them trying to limit water either.
Acidification and Corals - Guest post by Steven Goddard
The BBC ran an article this week titled “Acid oceans ‘need urgent
action‘” based on the premise:
The world’s marine ecosystems risk being severely damaged by ocean
acidification unless there are dramatic cuts in CO2 emissions, warn
This sounds very alarming, so being diligent researchers we should of
course check the facts. The ocean currently has a pH of 8.1, which is
alkaline not acid. In order to become acid, it would have to drop below
7.0. According to Wikipedia “Between 1751 and 1994 surface ocean pH is
estimated to have decreased from approximately 8.179 to 8.104.” At that
rate, it will take another 3,500 years for the ocean to become even
slightly acid. One also has to wonder how they measured the pH of the
ocean to 4 decimal places in 1751, since the idea of pH wasn’t
introduced until 1909. (Watts Up With That?)
[See original for links and emphasis] Can
The Climate System “Mask” Heat? - Marcel Crok asked an interesting
and important question Can The Climate System “Mask” Heat?
This question is important because the use of this concept appears in the
peer reviewed literature; e.g. see
Ramanathan, V. and Y. Feng, 2008: On avoiding dangerous anthropogenic
interference with the climate system: Formidable challenges ahead, PNAS,
105, 14245-14250, Sept 23, 2008 where they write “About 90% or more of
the rest of the committed warming of 1.6°C will unfold during the 21st
century, determined by the rate of the unmasking of the aerosol cooling
effect by air pollution abatement laws and by the rate of release of the
GHGs-forcing stored in the oceans.”
Climate Science discussed their paper in the weblog Misconception And
Oversimplification Of the Concept Of Global Warming By V. Ramanthan and Y.
The concept of masking, however, indicates that the heating from the
greenhouse gases continues under cover (it is concealed), and accumulates
over time only to be exposed (i.e. unmasked) when a covering effect
(aerosols in the case of the Ramanathan and Feng paper) is “unmasked”.
The release of “GHGs-forcing in the oceans” is, presumably, the
unmasking of the heat that is supposed to be continually stored there.
Recent ocean data, however, documents that there has been no storage of
heat since 2004; see the figure in Pielke Sr., R.A., 2008: A broader view
of the role of humans in the climate system. Physics Today, 61, Vol. 11,
The use of the term “masking” with respect to radiative forcing, is an
incorrect description of the science. Heating from the greenhouse gases,
if balanced by cooling from aerosols, results in no heat accumulation
within the climate system. If the aerosols were not permitted to enter the
atmosphere, yet the well-mixed greenhouse gases continued to accumulate,
global warming would result, but there would be no concealed accumulated
heat to suddenly enter the climate system, once the aerosols are
eliminated. There is no “masking” of heat. (Roger Pielke Sr., Climate
This twaddle, again: The
Big Thaw - The Arctic’s permafrost contains twice as much carbon as
the atmosphere. But as global temperatures rise, the frozen ground is
melting fast and releasing greenhouse gases. Are we trapped in a deadly
cycle? (Popular Science)
Discovery edits AFP piece to make science fit agenda?
AFP piece hosted on Google: The
earth's magnetic field impacts climate: Danish study - COPENHAGEN (AFP)
— The earth's climate has been significantly affected by the planet's
magnetic field, according to a Danish study published Monday that
could challenge the notion that human emissions are responsible for
global warming.
and Discovery: Earth's
Magnetic Field Changes Climate - AFP -- Jan. 13, 2009 -- The Earth's
climate has been significantly affected by the planet's magnetic field,
according to a Danish study published Monday that is unlikely to
challenge the notion that human emissions are largely responsible for
global warming. -- h/t Greg Goodknight
California Blocks
People of Santa Barbara on Drilling - The Los Angeles Times today
reports that the California State Lands Commission overturned a proposal
by county officials and environmentalists for expanded oil production off
the Santa Barbara coast. Environmentalists helped craft the measure, which
allowed a Texas energy company to drill new wells in exchange for the
eventual retirement of four platforms. Despite broad, bi-partisan support
for the agreement in Santa Barbara, the State Lands Commission objected to
the deal because its approval would have sent “a message heard very,
very clearly by those who call for ‘drill, baby, drill,’” said Lt.
Governor John Garamendi (D), who sits on the Commission, and who intends
to run for Governor. (William Yeatman, Cooler Heads Digest)
Silly buggers: Co-op
tightens green lending criteria to hit tar sands' distribution - The
Co-operative Bank has stepped up its high-profile attack on oil firms
involved in the carbon intensive exploitation of North American tar sands,
tightening its ethical lending criteria to exclude not just those
companies directly involved in the practice but also those involved in the
distribution of resulting "unconventional oil".
The new criteria, which also exclude firms involved in developing and
distributing those biofuels believed to result in a net increase in
greenhouse gas emissions from receiving funding from the bank, were drawn
up after a survey of its 80,000 customers revealed high-level concern over
funding firms operating in these controversial areas. (Tom Young,
Brown Pollution Cloud: Caused by Renewable Fuels! - That vast cloud of
brown pollution hanging over Asia comes from wood and cattle dung being
burned in millions of Third World home-fires, according to Orjan
Gustafsson, a bio-geochemist from Stockholm University. Gustaffsson
recently tested the smoke of the Asian brown cloud with a newly developed
radiocarbon technique—and found that two-thirds of the brown cloud’s
particles are organic matter, mostly wood, straw and dung.
These are the “renewable fuels” that Greenpeace and the Sierra Club
doesn’t want publicized. They’d rather not focus on the harsh reality
that these open cooking and heating fires are dreadful for the health of
Asian women and children. The lung diseases caused by the indoor smoke are
equal to a two-pack-a-day cigarette habit, says Barun Mitra of India’s
Liberty Institute.
The burden of indoor smoke has been worse in the past two globally-colder
winters, as temperatures have turned sharply downward from the peak
warming of 1998. More than 60,000 cattle froze to death in Vietnam in
February. Homeless people have frozen to death in Kyrgistan, and travelers
have been suffocated under snow avalanches in Afghanistan. Crumbling
Soviet-era electricity and gas systems in Tajikistan have forced
homeowners to burn dung again in a country that thought it had graduated
to a better life.
Even in the best of times, burning the wood, straw, and dung are costly in
human labor. Finding wood where trees are scarce—and/or don’t belong
to the villagers—can take hours per day. And the problem is worsening.
Mitra says India’s fuel-wood requirements will double in the coming
years unless it can burn more propane and kerosene. The landscape is being
stripped of trees now; where will the extra trees come from? (CFP)
Obama Dooms Detroit?
- President Obama also directed the Department of Transportation to
publish the regulations implementing the higher Corporate Average Fuel
Economy standards for new cars and trucks that were included in the
anti-energy bill enacted in December 2007. Either granting the California
waiver request or implementing the new CAFÉ standards should be enough to
make America’s domestic auto industry a permanent ward of the federal
government. It appears that Obama is determined to do both and to pour
however much money it takes to keep Detroit going. (Myron Ebell, Cooler
Heads Digest)
coal nurtures jobs and climate - NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE: The need for a
realistic and sustainable energy policy has never been greater. We have
all recently seen the erratic fluctuation of fuel prices. Petrol, for
example, cost over pounds 1.20 a litre last July and is now about 85p.
And we have also witnessed the cavalier attitude of the Russians in
turning off Europe's gas.
These examples illustrate why the United Kingdom should protect itself
from the vagaries of the energy market. We are also committed to cutting
our carbon emissions to curb the threat of global warming.
The failed strategy of rejecting our own biggest energy resource, coal, in
favour of gas has proved a short-term fix. In the 1980s, we led the world
in clean coal technology with the safest and most technological coal
industry. (Energy News)
Coal is a good fuel and as long as you don't waste vast amounts of
energy trying to deny the biosphere its essential sustenance of carbon
dioxide its combustion is a major boon to life on Earth.
Not stopping, just needing to pay the bills: Private
note to regular readers - Dear readers, friends and fellow medical
I wanted to personally thank you all. You’ve become such friends and
been so generous in sharing your expertise, encouragement and support.
Your enthusiasm for JFS and science has been heart warming and helped to
keep going.
Those who know me know that I took these years to work without a salary
for no other reason than that I truly believe people deserve honest
information and to learn what the science and evidence really shows about
their food, bodies and health. JFS has tried to be the balance to the bad
science, commercial interests and ideological agendas, proliferating in
media and online, that take advantage of people, create fear and hurt
people. I’ve worked hard to give you information that is as true as I
know it to be. I have a special soft spot for protecting babies, children,
pregnant women, elderly and the most vulnerable; and for evidence-based
care and medical ethics. I genuinely hope that JFS has helped you.
Please don’t worry, these aspirations and values haven’t been
depleted, just the savings. Despite the intense disinformation campaign by
well-financed opponents claiming I’m a paid industry shill, I’ve never
taken money from any industry or special interest, nor am I being paid by
a marketing company.
So, it’s back to work I go. My new job will take my full-time attention,
but I will continue to post as best I can. I ask for your understanding,
along with my sincere gratitude.
JunkScience.com wishes Sandy every success in her new position and
looks forward to her continued, if less frequent posts.
More conflicts coming to the HHS? - An update to the earlier post
looking at the new leadership selected for the Health and Human Services
Department — and finding troubling conflicts of interest and a
heavily-financed lobbyist selected for deputy secretary — is probably in
order, given this weekend’s news.
There’s lots of talk about addressing problems of corruption in the
healthcare system and promises to clean up the influence of special
interests and lobbyists. But, as with everything, it’s also a matter of
definition. (Junkfood Science)
virus — a new risk factor? - With more than 301,000 articles on
Google reporting on an obesity virus, it clearly has created a media
sensation. Surprisingly few people have noticed how correlations have been
built to make us believe that the science for a fat virus is far more
significant than it really is.
The best way to tell this story is probably to go back to the beginning.
(Junkfood Science)
for obese children to be taken into care - SEVERELY obese children
should be notified to child protection authorities, and even taken into
care, if their parents are unwilling or unable to help them lose weight,
experts have argued.
The continuing failure of parents to ensure treatment for their obese
child could be considered medical neglect when the child is suffering, or
is at high risk of suffering, associated severe health problems.
Clinicians already have a legal requirement to contact welfare authorities
when parents fail to follow medical advice in the treatment of other
illnesses, such as parents who reject medication for a HIV-infected child,
or who refuse a life-saving blood transfusion for a child on religious
Writing in the Medical Journal of Australia, doctors at the Children's
Hospital at Westmead say the growing prevalence of severe obesity is
leaving many health workers unsure if they should notify child protection
workers when parents fail to follow medical advice. (Sydney Morning
Cholera Under-Reported,
Infects Millions A Year- WHO - GENEVA - Cholera infects millions of
people each year, 10 times the number of cases reported by countries who
fear losing tourist or trade income by acknowledging the real scale of an
outbreak, experts said on Monday.
Claire-Lise Chaignat, cholera coordinator at the World Health Organisation,
said the diarrhoeal disease that is spreading fast in Zimbabwe is also
under-reported because the stigma attached to it means people often fail
to seek treatment.
"People see it as a dirty disease," she said in the latest WHO
Bulletin. "People don't want to talk about it. They think it's normal
to have diarrhoea. Quite often, nobody is interested in providing the
minimal support needed for prevention."
In 2007, governments reported just 178,000 cases of cholera, which is
spread mostly through contaminated food and water.
According to Chaignat, about 120,000 people most likely died of cholera
that year, compared to the 4,031 official toll reported to the WHO.
German children need measles jabs: WHO study - GENEVA - More children
in Germany must be vaccinated against measles to prevent another
widespread outbreak, a World Health Organization (WHO) study published on
Monday said.
More than 12,000 people were infected with measles three years ago in
Germany, Romania, Britain, Switzerland and Italy in an unusual epidemic
caused by relatively low immunization rates against the contagious viral
"The 2006 measles outbreak ... must be regarded as a wake-up
call," experts from Berlin's Robert Koch Institute and two German
public health centers said in the latest WHO Bulletin, in a study that
focused only on Germany.
They said vaccination coverage rates remain dangerously low, putting
children at continuing risk of the viral disease that killed 197,000
people in 2007. (Reuters)
Nope: Egg
intake linked to diabetes risk - NEW YORK - People who sit down to a
daily breakfast of eggs may have an increased risk of developing type 2
diabetes, new research suggests.
In a long-term study of 57,000 U.S. adults, researchers found that those
who ate an egg a day were 58 percent to 77 percent more likely than
non-egg-eaters to develop type 2 diabetes.
The findings, published in the journal Diabetes Care, do not necessarily
mean that eggs themselves put people on a path to diabetes, according to
the researchers. But they do suggest it is wise to limit your egg intake.
(Reuters Health)
adviser calls for a limit of two children - London -- Couples who have
more than two children are being irresponsible by creating an unbearable
burden on the environment, the Government’s green adviser has said. (The
Population Bum - A member of Britain's government says couples should
be limited to two children to save the Earth from global warming. It's
discouraging that such muddle-headed people are in positions of power.
Jonathon Porritt, chairman of the government's Sustainable Development
Commission, doesn't have the power to set a two-child limit on British
couples — at least not yet.
But he's nevertheless "unapologetic about asking people to connect up
their own responsibility for their total environmental footprint and how
they decide to procreate and how many children they think are
"I think we will work our way toward a position that says that having
more than two children is irresponsible," said Porritt, who favors
contraception and abortion as means to curb population growth, but
probably wouldn't be adverse to a totalitarian law that caps the number of
babies a couple can have.
It's hard to know if Porritt's comments were planned or his inner thoughts
simply slipped out the way that environmentalists admit from time to time
that their top priority is not a cleaner world, but rather a radical
reordering of economies and societal structure to suit their egalitarian
Either way, as a practical matter, Porritt didn't need to say anything.
The fertility rate among the English has been less than two children per
woman since the early 1970s. (IBD)
act of extreme, wilful fecundity? - Why the birth of octuplets in
California so speedily turned from a good news story into a finger-wagging
morality tale. (Brendan O’Neill, sp!ked)
the British elite is so scared of babies - In arguing that it’s
wrong to have too many kids, Jonathon Porritt has joined the
eco-misanthropes who want to reduce human numbers. (Frank Furedi, spiked)
international agendas through local mayors - In June 2005, I reported
on the UN's efforts to recruit the nation's mayors to directly impose
Sustainable Development policy into our local communities. The Mayors
weren't there to simply discuss policy, they committed to an agenda with
specific goals. And the results are now clearly being seen in more than
400 communities in 48 states.
First, let me define the policy I'm talking about and describe where it
came from. Sustainable Development is the direct opposite of the type of
locally elected representative government our Founding Fathers organized
for the United States. Sustainable Development expert Michael Shaw
explains, it "is the process by which America is being reorganized
around a central principle of state collectivism using the environment as
bait." In fact, the policy involves every aspect of our daily lives
from food processing and consumption, to health care, to community
development to education to labor, and much more. The blue print for
sustainable development came from a United Nations soft law policy called
Agenda 21, first revealed at the UN's Earth Summit in 1992. (Tom DeWeese,
treatment promising for slowing beetle spread - Mountain pine beetles
devastating lodgepole pine stands across the West might best be kept in
check with aerial application of flakes containing a natural substance
used in herbal teas that the insects release to avoid overcrowding host
trees, according to a team of scientists. Findings from the U.S. Forest
Service-funded study appear in the February issue of Forest Ecology and
Management. The study was conducted in California and Idaho, and showed
how applications of laminated flakes containing a substance called
verbenone resulted in a three-fold reduction in insect attack rates,
compared to areas where they were not applied.
The technique could provide a way to treat infestations on a large scale
and limit further spread into millions of acres of trees made vulnerable
because of climate change, overcrowding and fires.
It could also be an alternative to insecticides, which can have adverse
environmental effects. Thinning of some overstocked forests is still
recommended to reduce susceptibility to bark beetles. But, the flakes can
provide some protection for the dense, old-growth stands required by
wildlife, according to the scientists. (e! Science News)
ecoterrorists let slip the bugs of war? - Insects can spread disease
and destroy crops with devastating speed. Do not underestimate their
potential as weapons
The terrorists' letter arrived at the Mayor of Los Angeles's office on
November 30, 1989. A group calling itself “the Breeders” claimed to
have released the Mediterranean fruit fly in Los Angeles and Orange
counties, and threatened to expand their attack to the San Joaquin Valley,
an important centre of Californian agriculture.
With perverse logic, they said that unless the Government stopped using
pesticides they would assure a cataclysmic infestation that would lead to
the quarantining of California produce, costing 132,000 jobs and $13.4
billion in lost trade.
The infestation was real enough. It was ended by heavy spraying. It is
still not known if ecoterrorists were behind it, but the panic it
engendered shows that “the Breeders” were flirting with a powerful
The history and future of insects as weapons are explored in my new book,
Six-Legged Soldiers. As an entomologist, I was initially interested in how
human beings have conscripted insects and twisted science for use in war,
terrorism and torture. It soon became apparent that the weaponisation of
insects was not some quirky military footnote but a recurring theme in
human strife, and quite possibly the next chapter in modern conflicts.
Insects are one of the cheapest and most destructive weapons available to
terrorists today, and one of the most widely ignored: they are easy to
sneak across borders, reproduce quickly and can spread disease and destroy
crops with devastating speed. (Jeffrey A. Lockwood, The Times)
Good reason to keep a very large arsenal of effective pesticides
handy then, eh?
February 2, 2009
recipe for change - To stop the world warming we have to cut our
carbon emissions to African levels
It may be crippled and reviled, but Britain’s banking industry is likely
to become one of the nation’s key assets in dealing with climate change,
according to Lord (Nicholas) Stern.
Speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos last week, Stern suggested
that Britain’s banks and other financial institutions would be an
essential element in building the low-carbon infrastructure the country
will need if it is to achieve its emission-reduction targets. He also
believes such investments could help them rebuild their profits.
“Banking could do very well as Britain moves to a low-carbon economy,”
he said. “There will be lots of business opportunities and Britain’s
bankers are particularly strong in this area. They have been very creative
over all kinds of issues and they could do it again in the financing of
green initiatives.” (Jonathan Leake, The Sunday Times)
So, you should live in mud huts and survive on irregular servings of
mealy pap (a kind of maize porridge) so bankers can become obscenely
wealthy again... And the panic justification for this is to deny the
natural world an essential resource currently in desperately short
supply (the world has only been this short of atmospheric carbon dioxide
for the last few million years following eons of biological depletion
and the biosphere really hums when levels are more than 5 times those of
Interesting. NYT is finally catching up with the facts: New
Jungles Prompt a Debate on Rain Forests - CHILIBRE, Panama — The
land where Marta Ortega de Wing raised hundreds of pigs until 10 years ago
is being overtaken by galloping jungle — palms, lizards and ants.
Instead of farming, she now shops at the supermarket and her grown
children and grandchildren live in places like Panama City and New York.
Here, and in other tropical countries around the world, small holdings
like Ms. Ortega de Wing’s — and much larger swaths of farmland — are
reverting to nature, as people abandon their land and move to the cities
in search of better livings.
These new “secondary” forests are emerging in Latin America, Asia and
other tropical regions at such a fast pace that the trend has set off a
serious debate about whether saving primeval rain forest — an iconic
environmental cause — may be less urgent than once thought. By one
estimate, for every acre of rain forest cut down each year, more than 50
acres of new forest are growing in the tropics on land that was once
farmed, logged or ravaged by natural disaster. (New York Times)
Remember when we told you about Philip Stott's book, Tropical
Rainforests: Political and Hegemonic Myth-Making (.pdf, 1999)? See here
for Tropical Rain Forests: Exposing the Myths.
The world is greening, driven in part by industrial emissions and
enhanced by development as people flocculate to cities to work and live.
The "ancient, primordial forests" are a myth since the world
really only supports them in warm, wet phases, not ice ages (what is
forest now was savannah or ice prior to the current interglacial period
-- geologically the mere blink of an eye). What the greenies have always
told you is basically ignorant ideological mumbo jumbo.
down the Amazon rainforest idol - 'Save the trees' more political myth
than environmental truth
Major media sources are finally beginning to acknowledge what
WorldNetDaily has been reporting for years: The world's rainforests aren't
the desperately endangered and depleted resources that the
environmentalist mantra makes them out to be. (WorldNetDaily)
The Crone remains far from reality though: The
Next Step on Warming - It seemed that every chance he got, President
Bush ignored or flat out refused to address the problem of climate change.
So we were greatly encouraged by President Obama’s swift announcement
that he is likely to approve California’s request to regulate greenhouse
gases from vehicles — a request the Bush administration denied.
The logical next step would be for Mr. Obama to quickly address the
Supreme Court’s 2007 decision ordering the Environmental Protection
Agency to examine the effects of greenhouse gases and to regulate them if
necessary. Mr. Bush dodged that one, too.
The court instructed the agency to first determine whether global warming
pollution threatened public health and welfare — known as an
“endangerment finding” under the Clean Air Act — and, if so, to
devise emissions standards for vehicles.
Lisa Jackson, the agency’s new administrator, said in a memo to her
employees last week that she intended to honor her “obligation to
address climate change under the Clean Air Act.” But there is resistance
from some members of Congress and parts of the business community who fear
that regulating vehicle emissions of greenhouse gases will lead to
economy-wide controls on greenhouse gases from all sources, including
industry. (New York Times)
Mutually exclusive statement of the moment: ‘A
Sister’ Takes the Helm at E.P.A. - The new Environmental Protection
Agency chief, Lisa P. Jackson, chose a national conference of
environmental justice groups meeting in New York for her first public
appearance as a cabinet member of the new Obama administration.
Speaking at Fordham University’s Lincoln Center Campus in Manhattan, Ms.
Jackson assured the audience that the new president understands urban
issues and the concerns of low income communities who feel
disproportionately affected by pollution and other environmental problems.
She pledged “a listening ear and a heart” and a commitment to address
climate change “based on sound science.” (NYT Green Inc.)
Contradiction in terms: a commitment to address climate change
“based on sound science.”
Fact is gorebull warming is a really bad joke.
Balance in Environmental Reporting at The New York Times: John Coleman
- AT his popular New York Times blog, environmental journalist Andrew
Revkin asks the question “Can a scientists be a Citizen, Too?” But
what Mr Revkin is really asking is: should scientists become involved in
Mr Revkin provides the case of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space
Studies Chief, James Hansen, as a specific example and suggests that
because the issue of global warming has such “big consequences for
society” Dr Hansen is almost obliged to become involved in politics.
I disagree.
In the following note, Mr Coleman goes on to explain that reporting on
global warming at Mr Revkin’s newspaper, The New York Times, is
unfortunately more advocacy than journalism. (Jennifer Marohasy)
Andy is completely in the tank for gorebull warming: NY
Times Reporter To Speak On Global Warming - Purchase, NY - Andrew
Revkin, New York Times Environmental Reporter, will speak on global
warming as part of the "Science in the Modern World" lecture
series at Purchase College. (Westchester.com)
Gore’s Climate of Extremes - Ho-hum. On January 28, in the midst of
a pelting sleet storm, Al Gore told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
that the end is nigh from global warming.
He told the Senate that “some scientists” predict up to 11 degrees of
warming in the next 91 years (while failing to note that the last 12 have
seen exactly none), and that this would “bring a screeching halt to
human civilization and threaten the fiber of life everywhere on earth.”
Hey folks, this is serious!
Besides having a remarkable knack for scheduling big speeches on
remarkably cold or snowy days (it’s known as the “Gore Effect” in
journalistic circles), Gore has been incredibly ineffective in bringing
his message home. (Patrick J. Michaels, Planet Gore)
silver lining has a cloud - Plans to engineer the climate may be less
effective than had been hoped
IF PEOPLE can warm the Earth, they can probably cool it too. That is the
idea behind geo-engineering, which holds that besides cutting the rate at
which it is turning fossil fuels into climate-changing carbon dioxide,
humanity should also consider planet-wide engineering projects intended to
reduce the side-effects of this combustion. All sorts of ideas have been
proposed, from filling the stratosphere with reflective particles to giant
space-borne parasols designed to shade the Earth from the sun. The idea of
such a technological last chance, even if it sounds implausible, is a
secret comfort to many of those frustrated by the lack of progress around
the world in cutting emissions of greenhouse gases. Two papers published
this week suggest, though, that those hopes may be misplaced. (The
Ya know, we really prefer people don't try screwing with the
Aaaarrgh! New
Geoengineering Study: Can We Fix the Planet? - The article The
radiative forcing potential of different climate geoengineering options is
now out and available for download and discussion. As expected, it offers
one of the first useful comparisons of different geoengineering
In the paper, Tim Lenton and his student Naomi Vaughn, of the Tyndall
Centre for Climate Change Research and the University of East Anglia, UK,
focus strictly on the radiative impact of geoengineering—that is, how
much heat absorption is prevented—and don’t examine costs or risks.
The goal here is to help figure out the “benefit” half of the
cost-benefit ratio. Lenton and Vaughn have another paper (to be published
later this year) taking a look at the cost side, and that will be just as
important as this one. (Jamais Cascio, IEET)
Gedarravit ya dopey buggers! W e d o n o t
w a n t y o u m e s s i n g
w i t h t h e c l i m a t e !
That clear it up any for you? It ain't broke, now stop trying to fix it!
Faces Rising Pressure to Act on Climate Change - Not long after
President Barack Obama pledged to tackle climate change, the pressure has
risen for him to take meaningful action ahead of the climate-change talks
scheduled for December in Copenhagen. (Environmental Leader)
So, America should compound Europe's error? We're sure Obama's labor
backers would really appreciate shipping yet more US jobs to Asia and
the developing south.
Australia faces collapse as climate change kicks in - Leaves are
falling off trees in the height of summer, railway tracks are buckling,
and people are retiring to their beds with deep-frozen hot-water bottles,
as much of Australia swelters in its worst-ever heatwave.
On Friday, Melbourne thermometers topped 43C (109.4F) on a third
successive day for the first time on record, while even normally mild
Tasmania suffered its second-hottest day in a row, as temperatures reached
42.2C. Two days before, Adelaide hit a staggering 45.6C. After a weekend
respite, more records are expected to be broken this week. (The
Accompanied by a picture of a guy sunbathing in the 'dreadful heat'
(yes, Aussies do that even when the temperatures are well over the 100 °F
mark - usually a pretty dry heat down-under, roughly akin to the soggy
north's humid 80 °F). And yes, trees down-under are evergreens and
quite normally shed leaves in the dry heat as a drought management
strategy (one that has served them well for millions of years).
Australia's current heat problems (down in the dry south, not in the
wet regions) are man-made -- by virtue of failing to maintain
sufficient power generation and transmission capacity, a failure leading
to tragic and unnecessary deaths among the vulnerable denied electricity
needed to maintain a livable immediate environment. These deaths are
correctly attributed to misanthropic greenies and gullible politicians.
gets cold shoulder from Canberra - The Government is jogging on the
spot when it needs to take big strides.
WHEN representatives of community climate action groups from around
Australia gather in Canberra for a meeting this weekend, discussion will
focus on understanding how the Rudd Government got climate policy so
wrong, and what can be done in 2009.
The proposed carbon pollution reduction scheme will allow Australia's
greenhouse gas emissions to increase, just as the scientific case for
reducing emissions towards zero as quickly as possible becomes more
compelling. While emissions permits will drop 5 per cent below 1990 levels
by 2020, the Treasury modelling that underpins the scheme plans on the
large-scale purchase of permits from other countries, so that Australia's
total emissions, as opposed to domestic permits, will rise.
And when coal flows from two new export infrastructure projects announced
in 2008, in the Hunter Valley of NSW and at Gladstone, Queensland, the
addition to global emissions from burning that coal will be an amount each
year greater than Australia's total greenhouse gas emissions, cancelling
out the planned reduction by 2020 many times over. (David Spratt, Brisbane
They know it's a nonsense gesture but want to magnify the error and
human suffering. Amazing critters these misanthropes.
Back in the virtual world: U.S.
Coastal Sensitivity to Climate Change - The U.S. Climate Change
Science Program has released another of its "synthesis and
assessment" products, Coastal Sensitivity to Sea-level Rise: A Focus
on the Mid-Atlantic Region. (Adaptation Online)
Solomon: Climate change’s Antarctic ruffle - How does a new Nature
study conclude that Antarctica is warming when actual temperature readings
show it is not? (Financial Post)
Again - We have reported on many occasions about the climate history
of Antarctica, basically concluding that the frozen continent was not
warming up during the most recent couple of decades, despite expectations
that it should have been.
At first glance, a new paper by the University of Washington’s Eric
Steig and colleagues, published in last week’s Nature magazine and
featured as its cover story, may seem to challenge our understanding—at
least that is how it was spun to the press (see here and here, for
But a closer look at what the paper really says—as opposed to what is
said about the paper—shows that there is not much in need of changing
with the current understanding of Antarctica’s temperature history. (WCR)
Recent Paper “Effects Of Irrigation And Vegetation Activity On Early
Indian Summer Monsoon Variability” By Lee Et Al 2008 - There is an
important new paper that provides further peer reviewed evidence on the
role of land surface processes in the climate system. It is Eungul Lee,
Thomas N. Chase,Balaji Rajagopalan, Roger G. Barry, Trent W. Biggs and
Peter J. Lawrence: Effects of irrigation and vegetation activity on early
Indian summer monsoon variability, 2008:Int. J. Climatol. (2008) Published
online in Wiley InterScience DOI: 10.1002/joc.1721, (Roger Pielke Sr.,
Climate Science)
Ocean islands fuel
productivity and carbon sequestration through natural iron fertilization
- An experiment to study the effects of naturally deposited iron in the
Southern Ocean has filled in a key piece of the puzzle surrounding iron's
role in locking atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) in the ocean. The
research, conducted by an international team led by Raymond Pollard of the
National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, and included Matthew Charette,
a marine chemist at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), found
that natural iron fertilization enhanced the export of carbon to the deep
ocean. The research was published January 29, 2009, in the journal Nature.
Scientists have generally accepted the fact that biological productivity
in large areas of the Southern Ocean is limited by the supply of iron, an
important micronutrient for phytoplankton. However, downstream of ocean
islands in this study area, massive phytoplankton blooms have been
observed, leading to the idea that the islands themselves are somehow
fertilizing the ocean with iron. The team showed that this natural iron
fertilization enhanced phytoplankton growth and productivity and the
amount of carbon exported from the surface layer (100 meters) by two to
three times. Moreover, they found that the amount of carbon stored at
3,000 meters and in the sediment was similarly two to three times higher
beneath the natural fertilized region than for the nearby iron-poor
"This work demonstrated for the first time that Southern Ocean
phytoplankton blooms fueled by natural sources of iron have the potential
to sequester carbon in the deep ocean," said Charette. (Woods Hole
Oceanographic Institution)
Temperatures, and Ice Ages - Guest post by Frank Lansner, civil
engineer, biotechnology.
(Note from Anthony - English is not Frank’s primary language, I have
made some small adjustments for readability, however they may be a few
passages that need clarification. Frank will be happy to clarify in
It is generally accepted that CO2 is lagging temperature in Antarctic
graphs. To dig further into this subject therefore might seem a waste of
time. But the reality is, that these graphs are still widely used as an
argument for the global warming hypothesis. But can the CO2-hypothesis be
supported in any way using the data of Antarctic ice cores?
At first glance, the CO2 lagging temperature would mean that it’s the
temperature that controls CO2 and not vice versa. (Watts Up With That?)
Never ending nonsense: Ocean
acidification is accelerating and severe damages are imminent - Urgent
action is needed to limit damages to marine ecosystems, including coral
reefs and fisheries, due to increasing ocean acidity, according to 155 of
the world’s scientific experts who will release the Monaco Declaration
this Friday.
The Declaration is based on results from the Second International
Symposium on the Ocean in a High-CO2 World, held at the Oceanography
Museum in Monaco last October and organised by the International Geosphere-Biosphere
Programme (IGBP), UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission,
the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) and the International
Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
The ocean absorbs a quarter of the carbon dioxide emitted into the
atmosphere from human activities. Observations from the last 25 years show
increasing acidity in surface seawater, following trends in increasing
atmospheric CO2. (Global Change IGBP)
There is wide natural variability in natural ocean alkalinity (the
oceans are not acidic) and calcifying critters show every indication of
increasing vigor with Earth's slight recovery of atmospheric carbon
dioxide levels. Ocean acidification appears to be the misanthropes'
fallback scare as gorebull warming fails to materialize.
"Dr." Is Out - Well, the “Second Public Review Draft of
the Unified Synthesis Product Global Climate Change in the United
States” has been published for comment (due February 27), and we see how
they decided to deal with the embarrassment posed by their insistence on
calling co-lead author “Dr.” Tom Karl: they dropped such honorifics
from . . . everyone. How. Pathetic. That must’ve been a fun one to sit
through. (Chris Horner, Planet Gore)
Global Warming: The Greatest Fraud in History? - The credibility of
science may never recover.
Like famished swine shoving each other aside to get to the trough,
self-proclaimed scientists and real politicians are again launching
headline upon headline to claim yet another disaster in the name of
utterly unproven global warming. Did you know that the flock of geese that
flew into US Airways jet engines this month in New York City were put
there by global warming? And that London fogs, or rather their absence,
are making global warming worse?
Yep. It’s right there in the paper, Maud.
As scientific skeptics are finally discovering the courage to speak out,
the hype machine is faltering just a little. (James Lewis, Pajamas Media)
Carbon-Tax Lesson for America - In the Wall Street Journal today,
Stephen Moore reports on the (thoroughly predictable) economic impact of
California’s CO2 legislation. Recall that AB 32 was pitched as destined
to deliver an economic bonanza—green jobs, a brighter future for our
children, yadda yadda—rhetoric identical to that used by Barack Obama
concerning his promised carbon taxes for America as a whole.
But as Planet Gore noted back in June 2007, and again in September of last
year, the costs of the legislation were under-reported.
The equally predictable reaction to the latest California job news from
carbon-tax fans will be, “Well, if we had a national carbon tax, these
jobs wouldn’t be fleeing our state for less environmentally accountable
[read ‘more welcoming’] business climates.” Uh, right. If there were
no place in America to seek refuge from job-killing carbon taxes, those
jobs would go to China and India and Mexico instead.
“No, no, those countries will respond to our environmental
leadership.” Uh-huh. More likely, they will embrace and nurture their
burgeoning economic growth. (Edward John Craig, Planet Gore)
<chuckle> The
Climate Freeloaders: Emerging Nations Need to Act - Key developing
countries have long been exempt from efforts to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions. Now, as global climate talks move forward, that policy must
change. (Fred Pearce, Yale Environment 360)
Groups Defend Nation's 1st Plan to Cut Global Warming Pollution From Power
Plants - ALBANY, N.Y., Jan. 30 -- In response to a lawsuit filed
yesterday by Indeck Energy of Buffalo Grove, IL, environmental and energy
groups rallied to defend the 10-state Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI).
The RGGI, which went into effect on January 1st, is the nation's first
enforceable program to reduce the pollution that is changing the climate.
The RGGI is a critical piece of the Northeast's overall strategy to
address climate change, which includes energy conservation and generating
a greater portion of energy from clean, renewable sources. Late last year,
New York cleared the way to participate in a December auction of carbon
dioxide (CO2) pollution permits. The RGGI regulatory framework will hold
CO2 emissions constant through 2014, and then gradually reduce those
levels. (PRNewswire-USNewswire)
Producer to consumers -- please don't use our product: Utilities
Turn Their Customers Green, With Envy - A frowny face is not what most
electric customers expect to see on their utility statements, but Greg
Dyer got one.
He earned it, the utility said, by using a lot more energy than his
“I have four daughters; none of my neighbors has that many children,”
said Mr. Dyer, 49, a lawyer who lives in Sacramento. He wrote back to the
utility and gave it his own rating: four frowny faces.
Two other Sacramento residents, however, Paul Geisert and his wife, Mynga
Futrell, were feeling good. They got one smiley face on their statement
for energy efficiency and saw the promise of getting another. (New York
bright hope to end battle of the light bulbs - A lighting revolution
is on the way that could end at the flick of a switch the battle between
supporters of conventional bulbs and the eco-friendly variety.
Cambridge University researchers have developed cheap, light-emitting
diode (LED) bulbs that produce brilliant light but use very little
electricity. They will cost £2 and last up to 60 years.
Despite being smaller than a penny, they are 12 times more efficient than
conventional tungsten bulbs and three times more efficient than the
unpopular fluorescent low-energy versions.
Cambridge University professor Colin Humphreys with his newly developed
LED that has a lifespan of 60 years and costs just £2
Even better, the bulbs fully illuminate instantly, unlike the current
generation of eco-bulbs.
It is reckoned the bulbs, which were funded by the Engineering and
Physical Sciences Research Council, could slash household lighting bills
by three-quarters.
If installed in every home and office, they could cut the proportion of
electricity used for lights from 20 per cent to 5 per cent a year. As well
as lasting 100,000 hours, ten times as long as today's eco-bulbs, the LED
bulbs do not contain mercury, so disposal is less damaging to the
environment, and they do not flicker - a problem that has been blamed for
migraines and epileptic fits. (Daily Mail)
Bad idea #... Politicians
Want to Use Tax Dollars to Crush Newer-Model Trucks and SUVs - SEMA
Warns Lawmakers This Boondoggle Will Cost American Jobs
SEMA is opposing an effort by some Washington lawmakers to include a
national car crushing program in the upcoming economic stimulus package.
Vehicles targeted for the scrap pile will likely include Chevy Blazers,
Silverados, S-10s and Tahoes; Dodge Dakotas and Rams; Ford Explorers and
F-Series; Jeep Cherokees and Wranglers; and any other SUV or truck that
obtains less than 18 mpg. (SEMA)
Wind Farms Fall Victim to Financial Crisis - The German government and
energy companies have made a big fanfare about their plans to build
offshore wind parks in the North Sea. However the financial crisis is
forcing several projects to be put on hold, with smaller companies in
particular feeling the pinch. (Der Spiegel)
price raises fears of renewables lag - Permits awarded to renewables
projects worth less on carbon market after huge sell-off prompted by
Concerns emerged this week over the effectiveness of carbon trading in
encouraging alternative energy development after a tumbling carbon price
made investment in projects more expensive.
The price of carbon has fallen by nearly 70 per cent since reaching a high
of €32.90 in April 2006 to a new low of €10.81 last week, although it
recovered this week to just under €12.
The recession means energy, cement and construction companies have less
demand for their polluting products. Thus they produce less and no longer
need emissions permits, causing the market to be flooded after millions of
permits are sold off – and leading to a fall in the price of carbon.
Though it is difficult to tell exactly who is selling credits, some
analysts estimate power-hungry industries have been selling excess credits
at the rate of some €150m per week over the last two months. (Tom Young,
US court dismisses
Pacific nuclear test lawsuits - A panel of US appeal judges Friday
dismissed a claim to enforce a billion-dollar compensation settlement for
islanders from two former Pacific nuclear test sites, an attorney for the
islanders said. (AFP)
in HFCS retake - What a week. The heightening panic-stricken rhetoric
and scary claims in the media have become so-over-the-top, they’ve been
truly frightening people, especially young women afraid for their
children. That shouldn't be.
It is so important for people to get this and to understand enough basic
science and chemistry to protect themselves from living in constant fear
of everything! Next week, it will be something else said to be detected in
our foods or bodies that will be used to try and scare us. So, it’s
worth taking a moment to clarify some of the most common myths that have
proliferated on the internet about this week’s scare: mercury in HFCS.
(Junkfood Science)
decides what you can eat? Sating on salt - Most consumers trust that
public health policies are guided by the best science and are enacted
after medical experts have carefully weighed the health benefits for the
public against the potential risks for harm. The fact that this does not
happen was demonstrated this week with the launch of a major nationwide
campaign that could put millions of people at risk. But this story
received barely a blip of news coverage. (Junkfood Science)
Vaccines and
autism: Many hypotheses, but no correlation - An extensive new review
summarizes the many studies refuting the claim of a link between vaccines
and autism. The review, in the February 15, 2009 issue of Clinical
Infectious Diseases and now available online, looks at the three main
hypotheses and shows how epidemiological and biological studies refute
these claims.
"When one hypothesis of how vaccines cause autism is refuted, another
invariably springs up to take its place," said study author Paul
Offit, MD, of the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. Fears about
vaccines are pushing down immunization rates and having a real impact on
public health, he added. Vaccine refusal is contributing to the current
increase in Haemophilus influenzae cases in Minnesota—including the
death of one child—and was a factor in last year's measles outbreak in
The controversy began with a 1998 study in The Lancet that suggested a
link between the combination measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine and
autism. Dr. Offit and co-author Jeffrey Gerber, MD, PhD, also of the
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, reviewed more than a dozen large
studies, conducted in five different countries, that used different
methods to address the issue, and concluded that no data supported the
association between the MMR vaccine and autism. The correlation between
MMR vaccine and the appearance of autism symptoms is merely coincidental,
the authors say, because the MMR vaccine is given at the age when autism
symptoms usually appear.
Also hypothesized as a cause has been the ethylmercury-containing
preservative thimerosal, which was used in vaccines for over 50 years.
However, the authors review seven studies from five countries that show
that the presence or absence of thimerosal in vaccines did not affect
autism rates.
The third suggestion has been that the simultaneous administration of
multiple vaccines overwhelms or weakens the immune system. The authors
explain that children's immune systems routinely handle much more than the
relatively small amount of material contained in vaccines. Furthermore,
today's vaccines contain many fewer immune-triggering components than
those from decades past. Regardless, autism is not triggered by an immune
response, the authors say.
With outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases on the rise due to some
worried parents choosing not to vaccinate their children, Dr. Offit said,
"Parents should realize that a choice not to get a vaccine is not a
risk-free choice. It's just a choice to take a different, and far more
serious, risk." (Source: Infectious Diseases Society of America)
Another dopey dredge: Household
chemicals may be linked to infertility -- Researchers at the UCLA
School of Public Health have found the first evidence that perfluorinated
chemicals, or PFCs — chemicals that are widely used in everyday items
such as food packaging, pesticides, clothing, upholstery, carpets and
personal care products — may be associated with infertility in women. (PhysOrg.com)
"Say, you have higher than expected levels of scary-sounding
chemicals in our blood -- did you take longer than expected to become
Carter’ tag has Obama wincing - Republicans are pinning their hopes
of revival on painting the president as naive abroad and wasteful at home
LESS than two weeks into his administration, President Barack Obama is
being portrayed by opponents as a new Jimmy Carter - weak at home and
naive abroad - in an attempt to dim his post-election glow and ensure that
he serves only one term.
The charge has stung because it was made privately by Hillary Clinton
supporters during a hard-fought primary campaign and plays to fears about
Obama’s inexperience. (The Sunday Times)
is no disagreement that we need action by our government, a recovery plan
that will help to jumpstart the economy." — PRESIDENT-ELECT
With all due respect Mr. President, that is not true.
Notwithstanding reports that all economists are now Keynesians and that we
all support a big increase in the burden of government, we do not believe
that more government spending is a way to improve economic performance.
More government spending by Hoover and Roosevelt did not pull the United
States economy out of the Great Depression in the 1930s. More government
spending did not solve Japan's "lost decade" in the 1990s. As
such, it is a triumph of hope over experience to believe that more
government spending will help the U.S. today. To improve the economy,
policy makers should focus on reforms that remove impediments to work,
saving, investment and production. Lower tax rates and a reduction in the
burden of government are the best ways of using fiscal policy to boost
growth. (Cato)
Step Closer to Repeal of Evidence Ruling - WASHINGTON — In 1983, a
young lawyer in the Reagan White House was hard at work on what he called
in a memorandum “the campaign to amend or abolish the exclusionary
rule” — the principle that evidence obtained by police misconduct
cannot be used against a defendant.
The Reagan administration’s attacks on the exclusionary rule — a
barrage of speeches, opinion articles, litigation and proposed legislation
— never gained much traction. But now that young lawyer, John G. Roberts
Jr., is chief justice of the United States.
This month, Chief Justice Roberts, writing for the majority in Herring v.
United States, a 5-to-4 decision, took a big step toward the goal he had
discussed a quarter-century before. Taking aim at one of the towering
legacies of the Warren Court, its landmark 1961 decision applying the
exclusionary rule to the states, the chief justice’s majority opinion
established for the first time that unlawful police conduct should not
require the suppression of evidence if all that was involved was isolated
carelessness. That was a significant step in itself. More important yet,
it suggested that the exclusionary rule itself might be at risk.
The Herring decision “jumped a firewall,” said Kent Scheidegger, the
general counsel of the Criminal Justice Legal Foundation, a victims’
rights group. “I think Herring may be setting the stage for the Holy
Grail,” he wrote on the group’s blog, referring to the overruling of
Mapp v. Ohio, the 1961 Warren Court decision. (New York Times)
hunger with flood-tolerant rice - DAVIS, California -- If every
scientist hopes to make at least one important discovery in her career,
then University of California-Davis professor Pamela Ronald and her
colleagues may have hit the jackpot.
Ronald's team works with rice, a grain most Americans take for granted,
but which is a matter of life and death to much of the world. Thanks to
their efforts to breed a new, hardier variety of rice, millions of people
may not go hungry.
About half the world's population eats rice as a staple. Two-thirds of the
diet of subsistence farmers in India and Bangladesh is made up entirely of
rice. If rice crops suffer, it can mean starvation for millions.
"People [in the United States] think, well, if I don't have enough
rice, I'll go to the store," said Ronald, a professor of plant
pathology at UC-Davis. "That's not the situation in these villages.
They're mostly subsistence farmers. They don't have cars."
As sea levels rise and world weather patterns worsen, flooding has become
a major cause of rice crop loss. Scientists estimate 4 million tons of
rice are lost every year because of flooding. That's enough rice to feed
30 million people.
Rice is grown in flooded fields, usually to kill weeds. But rice plants do
not like it when they are submerged in water for long periods, Ronald
said. (CNN)
Despite the nonsense about gorebull warming-driven sea level rises
and increasing flooding the development of this rice could be a major