Archives - September 2007
Thrown Climate Life Preserver" - "Two new books on global warming for kids are out. One is designed to reduce anxiety among children; the other is designed to heighten it."
(Steve Milloy, FoxNews.com)
'Help me. I'm m-e-l-t-i-n-g...' said the Wicked Witch of
Global Warming! Carbon
dioxide did not end the last Ice Age: Deep-sea temperatures rose 1,300 years
before atmospheric CO2, ruling out the greenhouse gas as driver of meltdown,
says study in Science - “The climate dynamic is much more complex than
simply saying that CO2 rises and the temperature warms,” Stott said. The
complexities “have to be understood in order to appreciate how the climate
system has changed in the past and how it will change in the future.”
The University of California apparently is so afraid of the political
incorrectness of this study -- in that it may jeopardize future funding from
the global warming gravy train -- that it inserted in the media release the
qualifier, "The study does not question the fact that CO2 plays a key
role in climate." Professor Stott added, "I don’t want anyone to
leave thinking that this is evidence that CO2 doesn’t affect climate. It
does, but the important point is that CO2 is not the beginning and end of
climate change."
"Vanishing ice worries West" - "Accelerating Arctic melting could change weather patterns in region, bring less rain." (Union-Tribune)
Counter Computer Model Sea Level Rise Fears" - "Today’s
Environment & Public Works Committee hearing entitled, "An Examination
of the Impacts of Global Warming on the Chesapeake Bay," scrutinized
computer model predictions of sea level rise fears. (LINK) Whoops! (again) "Chemists poke holes in ozone theory: Reaction data of crucial chloride compounds called into question." - "As the world marks 20 years since the introduction of the Montreal Protocol to protect the ozone layer, Nature has learned of experimental data that threaten to shatter established theories of ozone chemistry. If the data are right, scientists will have to rethink their understanding of how ozone holes are formed and how that relates to climate change." (Nature) Read more... | Ozone hole theory faces lab problems (The Reference Frame)
"Academic Misconduct Alleged in Climate Research" - "The European Science Foundation takes aim at an 'open sore' in scientific research" (Daily Tech) Expert Reviewer Explains How IPCC 'Spins' Climate - Dr Vincent Gray has been a member of the IPCC expert reviewer panel since the first ever assessment report. Here he explains how definitions are manipulated. (Download pdf) "Global warming and freedom" - "Failing to prevail in the free and fair arena of ideas contested openly, Al Gore and the Democrats have resorted to attempting to silence global warming skeptics who defy their orthodoxy. The Washington Times reports that prominent global warming skeptic and Virginia State Climatologists Patrick Michaels was pressured to step down from his post over the summer. The Times writes:" (Christopher Alleva, American Thinker) Mailman goes postal... "Climate may increase heat-related deaths by 2050s" - "While some uncertainty does exist in climate projections and future health vulnerability, overall increases in heat-related premature mortality are likely by the 2050s, according to a recent study by Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health and soon to be published in the November 2007 issue of the American Journal of Public Health. In metropolitan New York, researchers estimate a 47 percent to 95 percent increase in summer heat-related deaths when compared to the 1990s." (Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health)
Over Global Warming Widens Among Evangelicals" - "WACO, Texas
-- Suzii Paynter, director of the public policy arm of Texas's biggest group of
Baptist churches, traveled to central Texas early this year to talk to a local
preacher about a pressing "moral, biblical and theological" issue. She
wanted to discuss coal.
Eye-roller du jour: "We
can combat climate change" - "One day, we learn that the ice
might be gone from Arctic sea by 2050. The next, we hear that world governments
met in Montreal to accelerate a deadline for phasing out the ozone-depleting
chemicals known as chlorofluorocarbons - a milestone in combating global
aims to support UN on climate change: Rice" - "WASHINGTON - A
U.S.-sponsored meeting of the world's biggest greenhouse gas polluters aims to
support the U.N. process on climate change, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice
said on Thursday, but some participants and environmentalists were skeptical.
"This Administration Will Find a Way to Water it Down" - "President Bush has invited the world's biggest greenhouse gas emitters to attend a two-day conference in Washington. In an interview with SPIEGEL ONLINE, American climate researcher Peter Goldmark argues the meeting is little more than a Bush PR stunt and that change is almost certain to come with the next administration." (Der Spiegel) "At Its Session on Warming, U.S. Is Seen to Stand Apart" - "A two-day conference of the world’s major greenhouse-gas-emitting nations served to highlight how isolated the Bush administration is on the issue of global warming." (New York Times) According to the World Wide Font of nonsense... "Climate strategy a disaster: study" - "THE Howard Government's strategy to deal with climate change - including support for "aspirational" goals rather than binding targets - could lead to catastrophic consequences in Australia, a study has found." (Sydney Morning Herald)
"This drought is 'no worse than others'" - "THE drought affecting Australia is no worse than other well-known prolonged dry periods of the last century, say leading climate scientists." (The Australian)
Do politicians actually believe in gorebull warming? "PM's
lip service on climate threat" - "Prime Minister Stephen
Harper is hardly the leader he pretends to be on climate change, the planet's
most pressing environmental threat. "UK Government in Court Over Gore Environment Film" - "LONDON - A truck driver took the British government to court on Thursday over a decision to send copies of former US Vice President Al Gore's global warming film to secondary schools as part of its climate change campaign." (Reuters) Unfortunate amount of traffic on this... "Lovelock urges ocean climate fix" - "Two of Britain's leading environmental thinkers say it is time to develop a quick technical fix for climate change. Writing in the journal Nature, Science Museum head Chris Rapley and Gaia theorist James Lovelock suggest looking at boosting ocean take-up of CO2. Their idea, already being investigated by a US firm, involves huge flotillas of vertical pipes in the tropical seas." (BBC)
Home to Tiny Creatures Even in Ice Ages" - "OSLO - Antarctica
has been home to tiny creatures and plants for tens of millions of years,
according to a study on Thursday that overturns theories that successive Ice
Ages wiped life off the barren continent. "Winter Forecast to be Colder Than Last Year" - "LONDON - This winter will be colder than last year but still warmer and drier than average, the Met Office said on Thursday." (Reuters) "OECD
biofuel paper stirs controversy" - "Controversy continues over
a report published by the OECD critical of biofuels, or ethanol and biodiesel,
and calling for a scrapping of biofuel targets as a means of restraining
greenhouse gas emissions in transport. "Many Biofuels Have More Climate Impact Than Oil" - "BEIJING - Most crops grown in the United States and Europe to make "green" transport fuels actually speed up global warming because of industrial farming methods, says a report by Nobel prize winning chemist Paul J. Crutzen." (Reuters) Poor editing, poor piece or... "Coal is carbon is emissions is not good" - "Australia can lead the way because it is a major coal exporter, writes John Perkins." (The Age)
"Britain to Start Phasing Out High Energy Lightbulbs" - "LONDON - Britain will begin phasing out energy-guzzling incandescent lightbulbs early next year in favour of low energy varieties as part of its battle against climate change, the environment ministry said on Thursday." (Reuters) "Nuclear power surge coming" - "In the next 15 months, US regulators expect applications for up to 28 new plants." ( The Christian Science Monitor)
Red Ken strikes again: "Cabbies
take Livingstone to court over exhausts" - "A 900-strong group
of taxi drivers will tomorrow launch a High Court challenge against a decision
by London Mayor Ken Livingstone to force them to fit exhaust filters to their
cabs that they claim do not work for city driving. From North America's Indy: "Tread lightly" - "Like it or not, climate change is going to alter how, when and where we travel ... some experts are even suggesting that vacationers might have to enter a lottery if they want to visit particularly vulnerable destinations." (Toronto Star) "Declining Air Pollution over the Eastern U.S." - "Yesterday, I discussed NRDC's false claim that ozone will rise in the future due to climate change. I showed how NRDC generated the false appearance of rising ozone by assuming that ozone-forming emissions will rise more than 30% between 2006 and 2050. In reality, ozone-forming emissions will continue to drop and most will be eliminated long before 2050. A couple of EPA news items provide additional evidence on how much emissions have dropped and will continue to drop due to existing regulations." (Joel Schwartz, Planet Gore) "Hygiene's uncool? Tell the dying" - "One of the basic building blocks of modern life is now a symbol of consumerist excess." (Mark Steyn, MacLeans)
regulation overdosed" - "The pendulum swings back and forth
about what ails the regulation of drug development. Thirty years ago, the
concerns were primarily about "drug lag" — indolent reviews and
approvals by the Food and Drug Administration that put Americans at disadvantage
to consumers in other countries.
Crash Breeds Mass Hysteria" - "On what started as a normal
Saturday night one week ago, residents of a small, remote Peruvian town saw a
bright light streak across the sky, heard a resounding bang and suddenly found
themselves at the center of a media frenzy. “I’m too fat…don’t you see?” - "It’s become impossible to ignore that little kids are being harmed by the incessant scaremongering about “obesity” and messages to eat right and watch their weight. This excellent article in the student newspaper at the University of Georgia is recommended reading. The author writes compassionately about a disturbing and perceptive observation she made of four year old girls." (Junkfood Science) "Beneath Booming Cities, China’s Future Is Drying Up" - "Groundwater levels are dropping around China, where leaders face tough choices as cities, industry and farming compete for an unbalanced and finite water supply." (New York Times) "Hair Untangles Woolly Mammoth Puzzle" - "Stephan C. Schuster and Webb Miller of Penn State University, working with Thomas Gilbert from Copenhagen and a large international consortium, discovered that hair shafts provide an ideal source of ancient DNA -- a better source than bones and muscle for studying the genome sequences of extinct animals. Their research achievement, described in a paper to be published in the journal Science on 28 September 2007, includes the sequencing of entire mitochondrial genomes from 10 individual woolly mammoths." (Penn State) September 27, 2007 "World leaders
need to remain alert to latest scientific thought on climate change"
- "Melting icecaps and ‘climate chaos’ have put climate change at the
top of the agenda for the UN General Assembly’s meeting this week. The meeting
is a precursor to the November meeting in Bali where leaders will try to agree
on a successor to the Kyoto Protocol.
"Gaia Guru Urges Ocean Pipes to Fix Earth's Climate" - "LONDON - A series of giant pipes in the oceans to mix surface and deeper water could be an emergency fix for the Earth's damaged climate system, the scientist behind the Gaia theory said on Wednesday." (Reuters)
Sometimes we have to wonder if... "El Nino shaped by global warming" - "GLOBAL warming may be responsible in part for the drought-making El Nino effect, which has been more dominant in the past 30 years than at any period on record." (The Australian)
shift, not change" - "THE Murray basin is experiencing a
climate shift, but not a climate change, according to our leading irrigation
expert. "Australian PM downplays link between drought, climate change" - "SYDNEY - Prime Minister John Howard warned against linking Australia's worst drought on record to doomsday forecasts about climate change Wednesday, saying "a sense of proportion" was needed. A day after announcing a major aid package for drought-hit farmers, Howard played down the link between climate change and the "Big Dry." "Even the most pessimistic predictions about climate change, which I don't necessarily share... don't say that it will never rain again in rural Australia," Howard told Channel Nine television. "We've just got to keep a sense of proportion." (AFP) "Separating climate fact from fiction" - "This week is especially challenging for citizens trying to separate fact from fantasy in the climate debate. From the excited rhetoric of United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's high-level event in New York, the pontifications of Ted Turner at the Clinton Global Initiative or politicians pandering for the green vote at President Bush's leaders summit, the public is in dire need of self-defense strategies." (Timothy Ball and Tom Harris, Washington Times) Um, no... "Irrigation can't stave off global warming" - "Conventional scientific wisdom has it that irrigation works against global warming. But there is evidence now to shake us out of complacency. Scientists from the University of California, Merced, have shown that irrigated fields have their limits in masking effects of greenhouse gas emissions. Specially, when land under agriculture isn’t going up and global warming is getting abetted by a host of factors. The scientists also suggest that studies linking irrigation to climate change be accompanied with those dealing with effects of land use change." (Down To Earth)
"Are sunspots prime suspects in global warming?" - "Climate-change 'optimists' say complex natural cycles may be at the heart of global warming." (The Christian Science Monitor)
Warming Hits Lake in Canada's Arctic-Report" - "OTTAWA -
Global warming is affecting North America's northernmost lake, where algae
growth has increased dramatically in the last two centuries, scientists said on
Wednesday. "Cave records provide clues to climate change" - "When Georgia Tech Assistant Professor Kim Cobb and graduate student Jud Partin wanted to understand the mechanisms that drove the abrupt climate change events that occurred thousands of years ago, they didn't drill for ice cores from the glaciers of Greenland or the icy plains of Antarctica, as is customary for paleoclimatolgists. Instead, they went underground." (Georgia Institute of Technology) Scientists? "Scientists Call For 80 Percent Drop In US Emissions By 2050 To Avoid Dangerous Warming" - "By 2050, the United States must cut its emissions by at least 80 percent below those created in the year 2000 if the world is to avoid potentially dangerous impacts of human-induced climate change, according to a report released today by scientists at Texas Tech University, the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) and Stanford University." (SPX)
Warming Not Affected by Man" - "The mass hysteria over the
alleged warming of the planet, with everyone from the president to, reportedly,
the Pope buying into the global warming alarms and calling for Draconian steps
to stop Mother Nature from turning up the thermostat reminds me of one of the
more bizarre examples of widespread panic created by a fictional crisis.
Bürger: 20th century warming was statistically insignificant" -
"In previous weekly doses of consensus-busting climatological literature in
peer-reviewed magazines, we discussed articles in Nature, Geophysical Research
Letters, and many other sources. Today we look in Science magazine, volume 316
(the volume 317 is already available on-line).
Hansen Mentioned in Soros Foundations Annual Report" - "As
NewsBuster Jake Gontesky reported, an editorial in Investor's Business Daily
Monday claimed one of billionaire leftist George Soros's foundations gave
$720,000 in 2006 to the head of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies,
James Hansen. "Deeper level of interest in climate fix: High-level climate-change summits this week reveal a supportive environment for action." - "Climate change is on the minds of world leaders at two high-level summits this week. The first meeting, at the United Nations, delivered the expected: a surfeit of urgent talk and a paucity of promises to act. Early readings on the second, to be held at the White House today and tomorrow, were that it would continue that theme." (The Christian Science Monitor) "US Climate Meeting Won't Get Results - Germany" - "BERLIN - A conference in Washington of the world's biggest emitters of greenhouse gases that starts on Thursday is unlikely to produce any tangible results, German Environment Minister Sigmar Gabriel said on Wednesday." (Reuters) "UN climate summit high on rhetoric" - "A high-level meeting on climate change called by UN secretary general Ban Ki-moon has wound up its one-day sitting with wide-ranging calls for collective action on global warming. But there appeared to be little advance on how to resolve the stalemate that is preventing the forging of a new international agreement to deliver it." (Carbon Positive) <chuckle> "Big carbon cuts: scary, but doable" - "To help stop a climate disaster, the US should copy Europe's example." (Stavros Dimas, The Christian Science Monitor)
"Those Europeans Say the Darnedest Things" - "Today’s Washington Post story was replete with pompous and absurd proclamations – the pompous being the Danish Environment Minister claiming that she and her ilk “are getting a bit impatient, not on our own behalf but on behalf of the planet.” The condemnations of the US included “unusually blunt language” about how the rest of the world are waiting for the US to act, and that it is the US resistance to adopting a particular approach to addressing emissions that jeopardizes the climate. Not China, India, Mexico and 155 countries representing the vast majority of emissions seeing theirs skyrocket; certainly not the EU." (Chris Horner, GlobalWarming.org)
Those greenies are imaginative little ragamuffins,
aren't they? "Green
group attacks oil giant on climate research" - "An
environmental group today took aim at ExxonMobil with the launch of an online
video attacking the oil giant's green credentials. "EU Struggles to Walk its Talk on Climate Change" - "UNITED NATIONS - The European Union pressed world leaders this week to follow its lead in fighting climate change, but a battle looms at home over how to share the burden of cutting greenhouse gas emissions." (Reuters) Oh boy... "Climate
change on agenda as Gore, Clinton reunite at summit" - "NEW
YORK - The team was back together again - at least for a little while.
To Treat Global Warming Hysteria" - "Despite increasing
evidence that man-made CO2 is not a significant greenhouse gas and contributor
to climate change, politicians and others who wish to control our lives must
maintain that it is.
these global warnings with a pinch of salt" - "You know how
you are told to give your children organic food because pesticides will give
them cancer? Well, it's technically true that there is a link between the
chemicals and illness, but the risk is minuscule in any well-regulated country. Picture Don Adams saying "The old 'set up a mechanism to devise a strategy' trick, eh?" "General Assembly mechanism needed to devise climate change response – Malta" - " The General Assembly should set up a mechanism to devise a global strategy to deal with climate change that avoids the current fragmentation and pays particularly attention to the needs of small island States, Maltese Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said today." (UN News)
signs on to rival emissions pact" - "UNITED NATIONS -- Prime
Minister Stephen Harper used a United Nations conference aimed at saving the
Kyoto Protocol as a backdrop yesterday to announce that Canada would join a
rival climate change pact.
state climatologist steps down" - "CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. -
Virginia's state climatologist, whose doubts about global warming and
utility-industry funding made him a lightning rod on climate change issues,
quietly left his position over the summer. "Is the Bush Administration for or against carbon protectionism?" - "Trade—voluntary exchange—is the essence of economic activity. Trade leads to specialization, which increases productivity. As trade expands so does the arena of economic competition, which spurs innovation. Greater trade also means more economic cooperation across distances, which makes societies less vulnerable to local crop failures and other shortages. Thanks to trade, a tiny island nation like Japan, with virtually no natural resources, can be a major economic power." (Marlo Lewis, Planet Gore)
America on climate change" - "In an effort to accelerate the
flagging dialogue over what international arrangement will succeed the Kyoto
protocol when it terminates in 2012, the US will host two days of energy
security/climate change talks among the world’s largest economies on September
27 and 28 in Washington. This meeting of big economies (big CO2 emitters) seeks
to advance the global deployment and adoption of clean energy technology and to
contribute to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
negotiations. This is a deadly serious endeavour, given the lack of clean,
accessible and secure energy resources to sustain global economic growth.
prepares for 'greenwashing' climate summit" - "For the first
time in 16 years, a major environmental conference opens in Washington, hosted
by the Bush administration. But no concrete results are expected, and that –
say European participants – is the point of this high-level meeting. "Banks Urging U.S. to Adopt the Trading of Emissions" - "A group representing some of the world’s leading banks will urge the U.S. to introduce a lightly regulated system for trading carbon emissions permits." (New York Times)
seen to pay lip service to green issues" - "LONDON - Companies
across the world never miss an opportunity to flaunt their green credentials,
but only about a quarter of them actually have specific targets to cut their
carbon footprint, a survey showed on Thursday. "Norway to limit climate quotas for companies" - "OSLO - Norway will limit companies' ability to buy greenhouse gas emission quotas in developing countries in line with European Union rules aimed at forcing cuts at home, the government said on Wednesday." (Reuters)
‘carbon offset’ child labourers: Indians work off West’s holiday
guilt" - "Pumping furiously on a foot treadle in the afternoon
heat, six-year-old Sarju Ram is irrigating her impoverished family’s field,
improving the crop and – without knowing it – helping environmentally
sensitive holiday-makers assuage their guilt over long-haul flights to dream
strikes reforestation trial" - "carbonpositive’s
reforestation project in Brazil’s Amazonia region has suffered a setback with
a wild fire striking trial plantings at Redencao, one of two planting sites in
Para state. "Painting the Court Green: Anti-energy judicial activism." - "A specter is haunting the U.S. economy — the specter of an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), empowered by activist judges, attempting to implement Al Gore’s climate policies." (Marlo Lewis, NRO) "China's
Hydropower May be Global Warming Time Bomb" - "BEIJING - China
is scrambling to build massive hydropower dams to curb pollution and slake its
thirst for energy, but scientists warn that reservoirs can also worsen global
warming by emitting a powerful greenhouse gas.
"US set to challenge Europe airline carbon tax in court" - "The United States yesterday gave warning that European plans to impose a carbon tax on airlines would be challenged in court." (London Times)
"EU member states slow to commit
to green energy targets" - " BRUSSELS – New EU legislation
aimed at having green energy account for 20 percent of the Union's overall
energy consumption by 2020 is facing a delay, with EU energy commissioner Andris
Piebalgs admitting that member states are being "cautious" in
contributing too much to the target. "How NRDC Continues to Mislead Americans about Future Air Pollution Levels" - "A couple of weeks ago I showed how the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) worked with a group of university and government scientists to mislead Americans into thinking that ozone smog levels will rise in the future. The report, Heat Advisory: How Global Warming Causes More Bad Air Days, is an update of a report NRDC first released in 2004. Dan Lashof, the Science Director of NRDC’s Climate Center, responded to my critique last Friday. Here are my comments on Lashof’s response. You can scroll to the bottom to see Lashof’s response in its entirety." (Joel Schwartz, Planet Gore) "Vaccine Compound Is Harmless, Study Says, as Autism Debate Rages" - "Yet another study has found that a controversial vaccine preservative appears to be harmless. But the study is unlikely to end the increasingly charged debate about vaccine safety." (New York Times) "Alcohol and cancer: is drinking the new smoking?" - "Researchers at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) have clarified the link between alcohol consumption and the risk of head and neck cancers, showing that people who stop drinking can significantly reduce their cancer risk." (Centre for Addiction and Mental Health)
"ED hurts" - "A personal story that appeared in The Independent yesterday, questioned claims that anorexia is caused by the fashion industry, although being surrounded by our society’s glamorizaton of thinness can lure some young girls to diet or make it harder to break out of disordered eating. Young writer, Naomi Hooke, explained that, for her, she grew up feeling her body wasn’t good enough, and the cruelty and fears that accompanied normal body changes and fat gain and with puberty led to her problems. Most importantly, she urged readers to remember that even if someone appears “normal” weight, they could still be suffering, and that she was engaging in the most unhealthy behaviors and was most mentally anguished when she had a “healthy” BMI." (Junkfood Science) Here they come again: "Sports drinks face junk food label" - "Public health advocates are lobbying for limits on the availability of sports drinks such as Gatorade and Powerade in high school vending machines." (UPI) "'Fattening' shoes at school to be banned?" - "It’s not enough that anti-obesity programs mandate what children can and cannot or should not eat, and the amounts and types of physical activity they must do, initiatives are increasingly deciding how our children must dress. You remember the story a few months ago when British researchers proposed that girls be compelled to wear to school clothes that were “suitable for active play, like sweatshirts, trousers and trainers.” Today, a Chicago Tribune journalist proposed banning children’s shoes that don’t encourage them to run as much as they should: crocs." (Junkfood Science)
aside suspended by European Union" - "European Union
agriculture ministers have today suspended a controversial Brussels subsidy that
pays farmers for not growing anything in an attempt to bring down soaring wheat
prices. "EU Ministers Deadlocked on Three GMO Maize Approvals" - "BRUSSELS - EU farm ministers fell short of a consensus agreement on Wednesday to allow imports of three genetically modified (GMO) maize types, again revealing their deep differences on GMO crops and foods, officials said." (Reuters)
Pampas Crops Threatened By Herbicide-Resistant Weed" - "BUENOS
AIRES -- Glyphosate-resistant weeds have spread throughout much of Argentina's
Pampas, threatening to drive up the cost of growing soybeans and other crops
genetically modified for resistance to the herbicide, Daniel Ploper, plant
pathologist for the national food and animal health inspection service, or
Senasa, in Tucuman Province said Wednesday. "Against the grain: 'Economics, not common sense, drives GM crops'" - "Dr Michael Antoniou argues that genetically modified crops are dangerous and unnecessary." (London independent) September 26, 2007
20th Century Warmth" - "In 2006, an article appeared in
Science magazine reconstructing the temperature of the Northern Hemisphere
back to 800 AD based on 14 smoothed and normalized temperature proxies (e.g.,
tree ring records). Osborn and Briffa proclaimed at the time that “the 20th
century is the most anomalous interval in the entire analysis period, with
highly significant occurrences of positive anomalies and positive extremes in
the proxy records.” Obviously, concluding that the Northern Hemisphere has
entered a period of unprecedented warmth is sure to make the news, and indeed,
Osborn and Briffa’s work was carried in papers throughout the world and was
loudly trumpeted by the American Association for the Advancement of Science
(AAAS) that publishes the journal Science. "Fifteen Years and CO2 Still Rising" - "UNITED NATIONS, Sep 24 - U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon took the industrialised countries to task here Monday for their failure to take drastic actions against climate change." (IPS)
Hmm... "NASA finds Greenland snow melting hit record high in high places" - "A new NASA-supported study reports that 2007 marked an overall rise in the melting trend over the entire Greenland ice sheet and, remarkably, melting in high-altitude areas was greater than ever at 150 percent more than average. In fact, the amount of snow that has melted this year over Greenland could cover the surface size of the U.S. more than twice." (GSFC)
Meanwhile, unless there's another glitch in the software the Southern Hemisphere has now set a new observed sea ice extent record: "Will
Hot Words at U.N. Climate Summit Be Enough to Cool the Planet?" -
"Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore and California Gov. Arnold
Schwarzenegger told world leaders at the United Nations that climate change is a
global challenge that requires immediate action. Mythinformation (and no, we don't type with a
lisp): "The
Climate Group Addresses UN During Pivotal Week On Climate Change" -
"Dr. Steve Howard, CEO of The Climate Group today addressed the largest
ever meeting of world leaders on climate change at the United Nations'
headquarters in New York. The UN event "The Future in our Hands: Addressing
the Leadership Challenge of Climate Change" seeks to secure political
commitment on climate change from Heads of State and top officials from more
than 150 countries and build momentum for the UN Climate Change Conference in
Bali where post-Kyoto negotiations are scheduled to take place December 3-14.
See by just how few you are being scammed: "Pressure vessel" - "Stop Climate Chaos may have only seven staff members but it has successfully galvanised extensive support from groups and the public to help force a law on climate change - and its work is not over yet." ( John Vidal, The Guardian) "Harper
at odds with UN chief over Kyoto" - "UNITED NATIONS - Interest
in a looser "flexible" approach to combatting global warming is now in
the ascendancy, Prime Minister Stephen Harper told world leaders Monday at an
unprecedented United Nations summit on climate change. "The
U.N.'s Hot Air on Climate Change" - "Early in Monday's
high-level United Nations meeting on climate change, officials proudly told
reporters that the summit, which brought together leaders and ministers from
over 150 nations to discuss global warming, would be carbon neutral. The
greenhouse-gas effect of the 5,000 tons of carbon dioxide produced to hold the
meeting and to fly U.N. staff and participants to New York would be offset by a
$15,800 investment in a small-scale hydroelectric project in Honduras. Thus, in
terms of its ecological impact on the world's climate, it would be as if the
summit had never happened at all. "UN chief fails to win unified approach to climate change" - "World leaders agree on action, disagree on what that will be" (CanWest News Service and Agence France-Presse) "India concerned over climate change burden" - "UNITED NATIONS: India has voiced concern over developing countries bearing an "inordinate" share of burden of climate change due to high level of emissions of developed nations, who were bluntly told to honour their pledge of curbing greenhouse-gas pollution." (PTI) Ohforcryinoutloud! "China, India Could Face CO2 Tax on Goods - US Envoy" - "BRUSSELS - Retaliatory steps that comply with world trade rules could be found against China and India if they fail to help international efforts to cut emissions of carbon dioxide, a senior US diplomat said on Tuesday." (Reuters) "For all this talk, still we head steadfastly for catastrophe" - "This week's summit on climate change will achieve nothing if rich countries don't finally show some leadership." (Kevin Watkins, The Guardian) "Climate
promises so much hot air" - "WHAT is it about climate change
that attracts charlatans? While the focus has been on the Howard Government
these past few days, what about the political snake-oil salesmen who would have
you believe that we can reduce carbon emissions and fix global warming in the
near term? "El Nino not the cause of Australia's changing climate: study" - "ELEANOR HALL: As the Federal Government today prepares its latest rescue package for drought stricken farmers, a long-range study of Australia's climate points to even more extreme weather ahead. The joint study by the CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation) and the Bureau of Meteorology has confirmed that Australia's weather is likely to get hotter and drier. But worryingly, the 30-year study has found that the cause is not the seasonal El Nino, as had been previously thought, but permanent changes to our climate." (The World Today)
The power of propaganda (Number Watch) Speaking of propaganda: "Climate
change in the media: Greening the message, but not the medium" -
"UK broadcasters offer impressive programmes encouraging us all to be
green. But when it comes to addressing their own carbon footprints, they could
learn a few lessons from their shows, argues Andrew Greener Fair enough: "NYT’s
Environmental Writer Paid $12,500 to Speak About Global Warming"
- "NewsBusters readers are aware that one of my contentions concerning
global warming alarmism is that those involved are doing it for the money.
"The ABC's of Crummy Reporting" - "ABC's World News this past Sunday showed the tagline of one of CEI's famous (infamous?) TV ads on global warming, which we first aired in May, 2006. In the segment, correspondent Bill Bakemore characterizes it this way: "Public awareness [of global warming] lagged behind, partly because of a disinformation campaign funded by the fossil fuel industry." (GlobalWarming.org) "A Pardoner's Tale" - "Are you a carbon-using Christian? Feeling guilty about all that carbon dioxide (CO2) you pump into the atmosphere by such awful things as breathing, heating and cooling your home, lighting your work or study space, or driving to church? Now, like traditional sinners whose only mistake was breaking the Ten Commandments, you can atone for your carbon sins by buying carbon offsets from the Evangelical Climate Initiative -- though I thought it was pre-Reformation Roman Catholicism, not Protestant evangelicalism, that endorsed indulgences." (Iain Murray, American Spectator) No? Duh! "Glut of European Carbon Permits Likely - Report" - "LONDON - The European carbon market will probably see a continued over-supply of emissions permits through 2008-12, damaging the credibility of the climate change policy, energy consultants Wood Mackenzie said on Tuesday." (Reuters) "A
hockey stick graph: indulgences" - "The goal of the fight
against climate change is to make the climate stable i.e. to achieve a flat
Earth's climate. The graph above is the newest graph of the price of the European 2007 carbon
indulgences. Click it to get to their website. Two days ago, one ton was 5
eurocents. Yesterday it was 7 eurocents. Today it is 60 eurocents, a 750%
increase in one day or 1100% increase in two days. I don't know what happened
but I assure you that I unfortunately didn't own any indulgences. "US Lawmakers Urge Bush to Weigh Mandatory CO2 Caps" - "WASHINGTON - With the world's biggest greenhouse gas emitters scheduled to meet at the White House later this week, congressional leaders Monday said developed countries must cut their emissions by up to 80 percent by mid-century to avoid catastrophic global warming." (Reuters) "Scientists, policymakers and industry leaders gather to discuss ocean iron fertilization" - "On September 26-27, scientists at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) will host an international, interdisciplinary conference on the proposed “iron fertilization” of the ocean as a means to combat rising concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere." (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution) Oh dear... "World Energy Revolution Needed for Climate - US" - "UNITED NATIONS - US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said on Monday the world needs a revolution on energy that transcends oil, gas and coal to prevent problems from climate change." (Reuters)
Working Toward a New Framework on Tackling Climate Change - Remarks at the Atlantic Council of the United States (State) "Fran
O'Sullivan: Adventures in carbon trade" - "The Government's
short-sighted decision to scuttle the Serious Fraud Office comes at a time when
other countries are facing up to the new era of climate change fraud. Oh boy... "The new climate change pioneer" - "While the US and other countries continue to drag their feet, New Zealand emerges with a bold plan for how a country can go green." (The Guardian)
From CO2
Science this week:
Subject Index Summary: Plant Growth Data: Journal Reviews: Yellowstone National Park (USA): Precipitation Since AD 1173: How does the record compare with that of the "anomalously warm" 20th century? Demise of the Maya in Belize: When and why did it occur? Trees and Their Roots in a Changing World: How are they faring in response to concurrent global warming and atmospheric CO2 enrichment? Initial Effects of Atmospheric CO2 Enrichment on Nitrogen Fixation in Legumes: What does a recent study of the common garden bean reveal about the subject?
"Seaweed forests offer marine hope" - "Scientists have discovered kelp forests in the tropics, raising hopes over the ability of marine life to survive global warming, according to a study. Coral reefs were thought to be the only hotspots of marine life in the tropics but scientists have now found kelp forests in waters long thought to be too warm for the seaweed." (PA News) "Germany Needs Nuclear to Meet Carbon Cut Goal - BDI" - "BERLIN - Germany can meet its target of reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 36 percent by 2020 only if it keeps nuclear power plants, which are being phased out, German industry group BDI said on Tuesday." (Reuters) "UK Eyes Controversial Severn Tidal Power Scheme" - "LONDON - Britain has launched a study into possibly building a giant hydro-electric barrier across the Severn Estuary between England and Wales, angering conservationists who said it would harm fish and birds." (Reuters)
for wildlife as minister welcomes 'visionary' plans for £15bn Severn dam"
- "For more than 150 years, engineers have toyed with the idea of
constructing a dam across the width of the Bristol Channel. Africa Germ, Asian Insect Meet in Italy, Spur Disease [AFM supports globalisation as an engine for growth and prosperity, but there are of course downsides. One problem is the spread of diseases, as this story from Bloomberg explains. Controling diseases such as malaria in poor countries is crucial in saving lives and promoting development, but it is also in the donor nation's self interest to curb the spread of insect-borne diseases. As we have argued before, implementing proper, sustainable indoor residual spraying programs can save lives abroad and at home.] (Bloomberg) Only available from the JunkScience.com Store. "Against The Grain" - " President Bush's focus on Burma during his U.N. speech disappointed us. But his proposal to provide local food for the hungry in poor countries rather than dumping U.S. food on them did not." (IBD) "Memo to Time Magazine: Infants Don’t Produce Sperm" - "Report on air freshener health scare stinks" (Trevor Butterworth, STATS)
tongues and big red grins" - "Over a century ago, a little
eleven year old boy named Frank Epperson took his favorite brightly colored soda
pop, put a stick into it, and left it on his porch to freeze. Eighteen years
later, he patented his ice pop, which by that time his own kids had renamed the
“popsicle.” In 1902, the first Devil’s Food Chocolate Cake (also called
Red Velvet Cake because of its deep red color) recipe appeared in an American
cookbook called Mrs. Rorer's New Cook Book by Sarah Tyson Rorer. During the
Great Depression, around the time Frank was getting his patent, Kool-Aid was
born, sporting equally bright colors. And who knew that M&Ms came into being
inspired by, as the story goes, soldiers in the Spanish Civil War who were
eating little beads of chocolate encased in vividly-colored sugar coating to
keep it from melting?
of cheap food on the nation's health" - "Author Michael Pollan
has presented an articulate argument about the suspiciously named Farm Bill and
how the fallout from it affects our food supply and, ultimately, our waistlines. Politically incorrect: "Fruits and veggies not likely linked to colon cancer risk" - "Eating fruits and vegetables was not strongly associated with decreased colon cancer risk, according to a study published online in the September 25 Journal of the National Cancer Institute." ( Journal of the National Cancer Institute) September 25, 2007
rhetoric of climate change in US Congress" - "In this week's
Senate debate on the defense authorization bill, Iraq, immigration, and other
amendments will likely receive the most attention. However, one small but
significant provision, which has mostly escaped public scrutiny and was also
included in the House version, has the ambitious intent to transform the
language the government uses to discuss climate change. "Scientists Counter AP Article Promoting Computer Model Climate Fears" - "Nearly two dozen prominent scientists from around the world have denounced a recent Associated Press article promoting sea level fears in the year 2100 and beyond based on unproven computer models predictions. The AP article also has been accused of mischaracterizing the views of a leading skeptic of man-made global warming fears. The scientists are dismissing the AP article, entitled “Rising Seas Likely to Flood U.S. History” (LINK) as a “scare tactic,” “sheer speculation,” and “hype of the worst order.” (EPW) ![]()
Oh boy... "Mega
Disasters : Glacier Meltdown: Airs on Tuesday September 25 10:00 PM"
- "As temperatures rise, a global meltdown has begun. From the Andes to the
Himalayas to the Alps, glaciers are vanishing. In Antarctica and Greenland, vast
ice sheets are turning into liquid. The melting ice, running off land, is
raising sea levels. As sea levels rise, oceans throughout the world are also
becoming hotter. Warmer seas fuel more intense hurricanes. Already, major
catastrophes brought on by the process of melting ice, rising seas and
intensifying storms have occurred in coastal communities around the world: the
South Pacific, Bangladesh and--closer to home--New Orleans. Scientists predict
that the worst is yet to come. The rising oceans may swallow some lands forever.
By the turn of the century, the map of the world may need to be redrawn and a
Category 4 hurricane could drown much of Washington, DC in 15 feet of
water." (
Uh-huh... "Poor at Risk, Action Needed on Warming - UN Draft" - "OSLO - The poor are among those likely to suffer most from climate change, according to a draft UN report that says the world must act quickly to brake ever more damaging temperature rises." (Reuters)
price is poor weapon against climate change" - "LONDON - The
battle to beat climate change has come down to one weapon -- the price of
carbon. And analysts say it is not working. Cap-and-Trade Could Cost Average Family $10,800 in Lost Income, says Economist Arthur Laffer: Proposed Global Warming Policy Likened To 1970s-Era Energy Crunch - A cap-and-trade scheme for controlling greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) would impose significant economic costs on the U.S. economy and is not a sound policy response to current concerns about global warming, says renown economist Arthur Laffer in a new study released today. "An International Court to Try Ecological Crimes?" - "UNITED NATIONS - As the United Nations takes an increasingly dominant role in guiding the climate change debate, there is renewed interest in a longstanding proposal for the creation of an international court to try environmental crimes." (IPS)
from the United Nations" - "Live broadcast removed "Reuters: Bush Pulled United States Out of Kyoto" - "Journalists like to tell us about their professionalism and the many layers of editors that ensure their accuracy. However, somewhere in those layers of editors, have reporters lost the ability to perform basic research? In the case of Reuters reporter Jeff Mason, it would seem to be so. Mason wrote an article on California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's Monday speech on global warming, in which he wrote,
This is a startling revision of history. Apparently Mason forgot, if he ever knew, that although then-President Bill Clinton signed Kyoto, he never submitted the Kyoto treaty to the Senate for ratification." (News Busters)
takes lead on global warming action" - "Rich and poor nations
yesterday agreed, for the first time, to make big cuts in pollution in order to
fight global warming. And the Bush administration, which has consistently sought
to sabotage international action to combat climate change, helped to lead the
Steps Out Front on Climate Issue" - "Amid a mounting sense of
urgency about the need for action to slow climate change, President Bush this
week will be playing what is, for him, an unusually prominent role in high-level
diplomatic meetings on how to confront global warming.
change agenda rejected" - "The White House yesterday announced
the agenda for a climate change conference next week, but firmly rejected calls
from European countries and some environmentalists that the United States agree
to fixed emissions standards.
Leaders Meet for UN Climate Talks" - "UNITED NATIONS — With
tales of rising seas and talk of human solidarity, world leaders at the first
United Nations climate summit sought Monday to put new urgency into global talks
to reduce global-warming emissions.
proposes to abolish monopoly on climate change debate" - "New
York- Czech President Vaclav Klaus told Czech journalists in New York today it
would most help the debate on climate change if the current monopoly and
one-sidedness were eliminated. As if the climate junket calendar wasn't packed enough already: "Gore Wants Regular Summits on Global Warming" - "UNITED NATIONS - The world's top leaders should meet every three months, starting next year, until a plan is drawn up to reduce emissions blamed for global warming, former US Vice President Al Gore said on Monday." (Reuters) "Halve global-warming pollution by 2050, Europe tells UN summit" - "European countries hurled down a challenge at a UN summit on climate change here Monday, calling for the world to set a goal of halving greenhouse-gas pollution by 2050." (AFP) "Benn calls on US to adopt binding aims on emissions" - "The environment secretary, Hilary Benn, yesterday called on the US to agree to mandatory goals for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, warning that the alternative was dangerous climate change." (The Guardian) "Action on climate change will cost" - "Bill Clinton is bullish on climate change. “There is way more economic opportunity than cost,” he told the Financial Times. Unfortunately Mr Clinton’s statement is wrong – cutting greenhouse gas emissions will have costs – and while playing down those costs may seem like good politics today, it will not serve Mr Clinton’s cause in the longer run." (Financial Times) Usual panhandling: "Rich nations must honor climate change pledge: developing countries" - "Developing countries urged rich economies at the UN's global warming summit here Monday to honor their pledges of curbing greenhouse-gas pollution and help poor nations cope with the impact of climate change." (AFP) See! Here's the problem... "Climate change 'a bigger threat than terrorism'" - "CLIMATE change, not terrorism, will be the main security issue of the century, with potential to cause death and destruction on an unprecedented scale, Australia's top policeman believes. In a surprise foray into the politics of global warming, Australian Federal Police commissioner Mick Keelty described how climate refugees "in their millions" could create a national security emergency for Australia. His provocative comments, made in a speech in Adelaide last night, are likely to be diplomatically sensitive after he described a scenario in which China was unable to feed its vast population." (The Australian)
Anti-development Bank? "Foresters
paid to stop logging" - "COUNTRIES and companies will be paid
to stop logging forests under a World Bank plan to establish a fund aimed at
reshaping the fight against climate change.
The U.N." - "The World Stage: Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
denies the Holocaust, sponsors terrorism and colludes in the murder of American
troops. So why is he given the honor of addressing the United Nations on U.S.
Them Eat Giraffe" - " The litany of the United Nations'
failures would not be complete without a mention of a country now so desperate
that mobs there are willing to eat animals not normally consumed by humans. "Great Storm of 1987 - twenty years on" - "It has been described as the weather event of the 20th century - a storm of a ferocity not seen for almost 300 years. In a few hours spanning 15/16th October, the Great Storm of 1987 carved a swathe across southern England from the Wash to the River Test. With gusts reaching 115 miles per hour the storm shrieked across the country and in its wake left 18 people dead, 15 million trees uprooted and an insurance bill running into billions." (London Telegraph) "New paper examines dams' effects on California salmon" - "Spring-run Chinook salmon and other fish in the rivers of California’s Central Valley could be harmed by more water-storage dams, according to researchers at Duke University and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration." ( Duke University) "NRG Seeks First US Nuclear Plant Permit in Decades" - "WASHINGTON/NEW YORK - NRG Energy will file an application with regulators on Tuesday to build two new nuclear reactors in Texas, the first such request in the United States in 29 years, the company said Monday. (Reuters) "Biofueling Disorder: Food for thought." - "Would you believe that the weather in Indiana could trigger popular unrest in China? Global demand for fuel made out of food is growing so fast that grain supplies are becoming dangerously thin. In this market, a hiccup in agricultural production — like a drought in America’s Corn Belt — could cause food prices to skyrocket in countries like China that depend on food imports. When poor urbanites in developing nations suddenly cannot afford to eat, they just might take to the streets in anger." (William Yeatman, NRO) "Australia's PM Goes Green, Opponents See Red" - "CANBERRA - Australia's prime minister, facing a tough re-election fight and under pressure over his climate credentials, has pledged new "clean energy" targets in a move environment groups said would not sway green-leaning voters." (Reuters) "Shipping Bodies Challenge EU Pollution Rule" - "LONDON - A coalition of shipping industry bodies go to the European Court of Justice (ECJ) on Tuesday to challenge a tough directive against polluting ships which they argue breaks international law." (Reuters) "China discovers 'new' glaciers in Tibet" - "CHINA has discovered 42 glaciers on the roof of the world, the Qinghai-Tibet plateau where ice is shrinking due to global warming, and the group could be the biggest of them all, state media said today." (Reuters) "The Soros Threat To Democracy" - " George Soros is known for funding groups such as MoveOn.org that seek to manipulate public opinion. So why is the billionaire's backing of what he believes in problematic? In a word: transparency." (IBD) Won't be popular... "Research team says extraterrestrial impact to blame for Ice Age extinctions" - "What caused the extinction of mammoths and the decline of Stone Age people about 13,000 years ago remains hotly debated. Overhunting by Paleoindians, climate change and disease lead the list of probable causes. But an idea once considered a little out there is now hitting closer to home." (Northern Arizona University)
Spinning a crisis out of longevity: "Cancer
deaths to hit 17 million in 2030 - researcher" - "BARCELONA -
Cancer deaths will more than double to 17 million people each year in 2030 with
poor countries shouldering the heaviest burden from the disease, the head of the
United Nation's cancer agency said on Monday. "vCJD 'could become endemic in UK'" - "The human form of mad cow disease could become so widespread it is impossible to eradicate in the UK, a leading scientist has warned." (London Telegraph) "Two thumbs up" - "Just when you think that the entire world has lost all reason and that no one will ever get any of this, someone comes along who actually does. :-)" (Junkfood Science) "'Healthy' restaurants help make us fat, says a new study" - "If you're like most, you eat worst at healthy restaurants. The "health halos" of healthy restaurants often prompt consumers to treat themselves to higher-calorie side dishes, drinks or desserts than when they eat at fast-food restaurants that make no health claims, according to a series of new Cornell studies." (Cornell University) "7 hours of sleep: No more, no less" - "Here's another health threat to lose sleep over: Too much sleep can kill you. But too little sleep can kill you, too, according to a British study released yesterday." (Washington Times) "Nutrient pollution drives frog deformities by ramping up infections" - "High levels of nutrients used in farming and ranching activities fuel parasite infections that have caused highly publicized frog deformities in ponds and lakes across North America, according to a new study led by the University of Colorado at Boulder." (University of Colorado at Boulder) September 24, 2007
Atonement and Forgiveness" - "During the Days of Repentance,
Jews ponder their sins of the past year. Today, Yom Kippur, is their final
opportunity to make amends and alter the judgment that God will enter in his
books, as the sun sets.
the chemicals don't seem so bad" - "NAIROBI, Kenya | The
thing you want to hear, especially as you nurse three mosquito bites of
unknown consequence, is that Kenya is doing well in the fight against malaria.
Trust me, you do. Only available from the JunkScience.com Store.
Foundation tackles a giant that preys on Africa's children" -
"On vaccination days, pharmacist Abel Mdemu unsnaps the padlock on the
old Bagamoyo Hospital morgue after lunch.
are they all so happy?" - "The new FDA Reform bill was
passed last week after what we're told was a long battle among politicians and
intense lobbying of pharmaceutical and consumer groups. It is the largest
expansion of government regulatory powers over drugs in a decade. The bill’s
primary author in the House, John D. Dingell, said it “strikes the proper
balance between new drug-safety measures and ensuring consumers have access to
innovative prescription pharmaceuticals in a timely manner.” And the Senate
Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee Chair, Edward Kennedy, said:
“This ought to be reassuring for every family about the safety of their
prescription drugs.”
science and the dangers of coincidence" - "Growing numbers
of people are finally getting wise to pop science and those studies that claim
something is dangerous one day and healthy the next. The story is bigger than
just flaws with the research itself, however, but involves how our minds work
— in ways that can lead even experts to be fooled.
to your doctor or pharmacist to see if Class X is right for you"
- "If you’re a women of childbearing age, a recently published study
offered news you can use. Its results offered such an important message —
possibly saving babies born to 17% of women taking prescription medications
from risks of birth defects. But it also illustrated for the rest of us the
problems of a health insurance company evaluating physicians’ practices and
members’ behaviors and health using electronic databases of claims data. "What does obesity and pen_l_ enhancement have in common?" - "That got your attention. The answer will be revealed shortly. :-)" (Junkfood Science)
for business — The Sweet Underground" - "Children have the
most wonderful ability to be kids and preserve the joys of childhood, despite
adults trying their best to thwart it. :)
lunchboxes can just be fun again" - "Occasionally, reacting
to an exaggerated scare can work in kids’ favor. Recent fears of “high”
exposures to lead have meant children will be freed from another source of
diet messages.
E trials 'fatally flawed'" - "CORVALLIS, Ore. –
Generations of studies on vitamin E may be largely meaningless, scientists
say, because new research has demonstrated that the levels of this
micronutrient necessary to reduce oxidative stress are far higher than those
that have been commonly used in clinical trials.
What a crock: "Nations agree to speed emission cuts" - "MONTREAL– International governments have banged out an agreement to shave years off a deadline to eliminate an ozone-depleting chemical. Officials from close to 200 countries signed the deal Friday before the end of a week-long conference in Montreal on the topic of hydrochlorofluorocarbons – or HCFCs. HCFCs, used in refrigeration equipment, air conditioners and foams, have been blamed for destroying the ozone layer." (CP) "Václav Klaus in the United Nations" - "The Czech president will speak about the global warming hysteria in the U.N. tomorrow (on Monday), see I. adaptation" (The Reference Frame)
Warming Hysteria or Freedom and Prosperity?" - "One can tell
– with a high degree of confidence – what topics are expected to be raised
here, this morning when it comes to discussing the key challenges of today’s
world. The selection of the moderator and my fellow-panelists only confirms
it. I guess it is either international terrorism or poverty in Africa. Talking
about both of these topics is necessary because they are real dangers but it
is relatively easy to talk about them because it is politically correct. I do
see those dangers and do not in any way underestimate them. I do, however, see
another major threat which deserves our attention – and I am afraid it does
not get sufficient attention because to discuss it is politically incorrect
these days. "U.N. revs up over global warming" - "The session Monday may be the largest high-level meeting ever on climate change." ( The Christian Science Monitor) "Less Rigid New Climate Deal May Draw Big Emitters" - "OSLO - A new deal to fight climate change from 2013 should be less rigid than the UN's Kyoto Protocol but it may still be hard to attract outsiders like China and the United States, the biggest greenhouse gas emitters, experts say." (Reuters) "Developing Nation Splits May Hinder Climate Talks" - "LONDON - Talks on global warming in the United States next week may be complicated by differences among developing countries as their climate policy positions diverge. All agree that the rich should take a lead in tackling climate change after enjoying more than two centuries of economic growth fuelled by burning coal and oil." (Reuters) "Global Warming Meetings Put Focus on US Role" - "WASHINGTON - A trio of climate change meetings in the United States this week will focus attention on how Washington can deliver on its pledge to play a lead role in combating global warming." (Reuters) Check out the holiday circuit: "Climate Change Meetings This Year" - "UNITED NATIONS - Monday's UN meeting on climate change is the latest in a series of decisions taken this year on an issue increasingly at the top of the international agenda: (Reuters)
The Crone's learnt exactly nothing: "Climate
Week" - "The coming week could set a record for the number
of high-profile hours spent discussing global warming and what to do about it.
It begins with a special one-day session at the United Nations, at which Al
Gore will press the case for strong collective action to stop the rise of
greenhouse gases. It ends with a two-day White House “summit” involving
all of the major emitters, including India and China. Both of those nations
have been conspicuously absent from climate negotiations, but their help in
arresting global emissions is essential.
More with a taste for Kool-Aid: "Coping
with climate change" - "There's no silver bullet to fix
climate change. Howler from Seth Boringtheme, with backing from the Church of Global Warming Choir: "Scientists Hopeful Despite Climate Signs" - " Climate scientist Michael Mann runs down the list of bad global warming news: The world is spewing greenhouse gases at a faster rate. Summer Arctic sea ice is at record lows. The ice sheets in Greenland and West Antarctica are melting quicker than expected." (Associated Press) "Unbelievably Disgraceful Global Warming Hysteria by the AP" - "The political battle over climate change has clearly taken a dramatic turn for the worse this month, for it now seems media are actually competing to see which outlet can present the most hysterical report concerning imminent planetary doom at the hands of manmade global warming. (News Busters)
Seems to be a globally-coordinated hand-wringer: "10,000
historic sites at risk from climate change" - "MORE THAN
10,000 of the most important ancient and historical sites around Scotland's
coastline are at risk of being destroyed by the storms and rising sea levels
that will come with global warming.
"Bush to Skip U.N. Talks on Global Warming" - "President Bush is preparing a separate climate change meeting in Washington later in the week." (New York Times) "Solutions
to climate not in Kyoto" - "FEW people disagree that our
planet has experienced significant environmental change in recent decades. Until
recently, however, there has been significant disagreement on the best way to
tackle this challenge.
For once we agree with Ozone Man: "Al Gore: Climate change policy should decide Australian election outcome" - "CANBERRA, Australia: The Australian political opposition's promise to ratify the Kyoto Protocol on cutting greenhouse gas emissions should be the deciding issue in federal elections this year, former U.S. Vice President Al Gore said Saturday." (Associated Press)
"Al Gore’s Unbeatable Deal! Global warming at twice the cost." - "Just imagine the infomercial: Have I got a deal for you! You may not know it, but your house is leaking energy, which means that you are the victim of colossal waste. In fact, your waste of energy will cost you a total of $22,000 over the rest of your life. But I’ve got a package of home improvements we can install to slash that to a mere $10,000. What? The cost of these improvements? It’s a pittance really — a mere $34,000." (Iain Murray, NRO) Al's not the only hot air profiteer: "Rhodia S. Korea Plant Leads World in Carbon Credits" - "LONDON - A South Korean chemical plant that cleaned up its act has received the most United Nations carbon credits to date and its French owner Rhodia is raking in profit as a result." (Reuters) "Schwarzenegger and Gore add star power to climate meet" - "UNITED NATIONS - California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and former U.S. Vice President Al Gore are set to join world leaders for a U.N. meeting on Monday aimed at spurring global negotiations on how to cool a warming planet." (Reuters)
your way to carbon neutrality?" - "The Oscar-winning film
"An Inconvenient Truth" touted itself as the world's first
carbon-neutral documentary. NEW! Science and Environmental Policy Project Blog Contribution to AGU Panel drafting statement on Global Warming - Submitted by S. Fred Singer (Fellow and Life Member, AGU)
Carpetbaggers" - "Coming soon to a state near you: global
warming carpetbaggers who care not a whit about any discussion of global
warming science. "Soil Moisture Matters" - "For decades, climate scientists have run numerical experiments to predict the climate response to the buildup of greenhouse gases and the answer consistently falls on the side of warming on the global scale. The climate models have become more sophisticated by orders of magnitude over the past 40 years, and the prediction of warming given increased concentrations of greenhouse gases remains as the central pillar in the global warming issue. The fact that the Earth has warmed over the past three decades makes it very easy to claim that greenhouse gases are increasing, models predict warming, the Earth’s temperature is increasing, and therefore, the science debate on the issue is over." (WCR)
forest shows unexpected resiliency during drought" -
"Drought-stricken regions of the Amazon forest grew particularly vigorously
during the 2005 drought, according to new research.
"NSIDC and ICECAP on the New Arctic Sea Ice Minimum" - "There have been and will continue to be stories on the new record minimum of arctic ice and how this is further proof of anthropogenic global warming. As we have blogged, the authors of the papers and media reporting on them have no sense of history and of the real factors involved in the global cycles of temperatures and arctic ice." ( Joe D’Aleo, ICECAP) Imagine that... "A Global Climate of Change" - "Global warming and its dire consequences have at long last permeated the special interest barriers and are at the centre of political debate. A recent EU Research magazine produced a special feature with the title: "Climate Change: We can't wait any longer," stating: "The 4th IPCC report was issued and adopted this spring amidst a blaze of publicity and debate. It summarises two decades of important multidisciplinary research and formally concludes that the symptoms of global warming due to human activity are all too real, and will inevitably progress faster than was previously thought. We must act." ( Christopher Lazou, HiPerCom Consultants, Ltd.)
Uh-huh... "Do
the right thing on climate change, UN head says" - "OTTAWA -
Environmentalists need to mobilize popular support to allow governments to
legislate to fight climate change, said United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.
over climate change is being fought in world's courts" -
"LONDON - In Australia, environmentalists use the courts to challenge a
proposed mine. California sues carmakers seeking damages for environmental
effects of their vehicles. Arctic Inuits file a petition claiming U.S. carbon
emissions are violating their human rights by melting polar ice.
"Climate change spooks companies" - "Ever more companies see climate change as a growing threat to their commercial interests, according to a study carried out on behalf of 315 global investors. But others expect to benefit, says the Global Climate Change Report. Investors want firms to quantify and disclose the likely costs and benefits derived from climate change." (BBC)
"PM's climate plan `misleading'" - "Government accused of exaggerating its proposals for cutting emissions in report by advisory panel." (Toronto Star)
Socialist dipsticks told to "stuffit": "Impose a green tax, says study" - "AUSTRALIANS should be taxed because they don't care enough about green energy to pay more for the environmentally friendly technology, according to a new study. Researchers from the University of Melbourne and the CSIRO found consumers were “actively” interested in green energy but they didn’t want to pay more for it. Marketing expert Angela Paladino said taxing consumers could be the only way to see an uptake in the new technologies. “It appears that the only way that organisations are able to assign a price premium to green energy is to do so through government support in the form of levies or indirect taxes,” Dr Paladino said in the report." (news.com.au)
"Faced with a future when the rain no longer comes" - "The downpours that fill dams have become a rarity, write Marian Wilkinson and Andrew Clennell." (Sydney Morning Herald)
"Let’s make the world storm-proof" - "The idea that hurricanes are blowback for man’s polluting ways overlooks the fact that it is only man – through development and construction – who can offset the impacts of freak weather." (Stuart Derbyshire, sp!ked) "The mole and the coal becomes politically incorrect" - "Zdeněk Miler, a Czechoslovak cartoonist, started to produce these cute mole cartoons in 1956, long before your humble correspondent was born, and they were entertaining generations of babies. If there ever were a peaceful cartoon for small kids, this is one. The communist reality in Czechoslovakia couldn't change anything about it. However, times are changing." (The Reference Frame) "EU Clashes With US Over Airline Emissions Trade" - "BRUSSELS - The European Union will press ahead with plans to include aviation in its emissions trading system despite United States' efforts through a UN body to discourage it, a spokeswoman for the EU executive said on Friday." (Reuters)
the rush to biofuel, a warning" - "In the food-versus-fuel
debate, there's little doubt where Norman Borlaug's heart lies.
call on EU to abandon plans biofuel target" - "37
environmental and human rights groups have called upon the Members of the
European Parliament to drop support for a 10% mandatory biofuel target during
next week's vote on the Thomsen report. "Biofuels could increase global warming with laughing gas, says Nobel prize-winning chemist" - "Growing and burning many biofuel crops may actually raise, rather than lower, greenhouse gas emissions. That’s the conclusion of a new study led by Nobel prize-winning chemist Paul Crutzen, best known for his work on the ozone layer." (Royal Society of Chemistry) "Biofuels Produce More Greenhouse Gases Than Oil and Gasoline" - "Here's an inconvenient truth our global warming obsessed media seem certain to withhold from the public: biofuels produce more greenhouse gases than oil and gasoline. Fortunately, as has been noted by NewsBusters before, foreign press outlets are more willing than ours to present the facets of this issue that go counter to the prevailing climate change agenda. As such, Britain's Times reported Saturday:" (News Busters) Wow! Even Robin McKie knows: "Why we need our own nuclear power" - "Wind and wave power are not yet developed enough to keep all the country's kettles boiling." (Robin McKie, The Observer)
new British empire? UK plans to annex south Atlantic" -
"Britain is preparing territorial claims on tens of thousands of square
miles of the Atlantic Ocean floor around the Falklands, Ascension Island and
Rockall in the hope of annexing potentially lucrative gas, mineral and oil
fields, the Guardian has learned.
gets US$1 bil. ADB loan for coal-fired power plant" - "HANOI,
Vietnam -- The Asian Development Bank agreed Friday to loan Vietnam nearly US$1
billion to build a coal-fired power plant as the booming country scrambles to
keep up with its surging demand for power.
the East Bloom Again" - "THE United States faces two major
security challenges this century. Both involve water. September 21, 2007 "Green Hypocrisy's Gold Standard" - "Is billionaire investor George Soros using environmental pressure groups to block a gold-mining project for his own financial benefit?" (Steve Milloy, FoxNews.com) "George Soros: The Man, The Mind And The Money Behind MoveOn" - "The smear ad published against Gen. Petraeus has drawn attention to its sponsor, MoveOn.org. But the fingerprints of the group's chief financial backer, George Soros, were all over it. Who is this man and what is he up to?" (IBD) FAIR far from accurate: "Rachel Carson, Mass Murderer?" - "The creation of an anti-environmental myth." (Aaron Swartz, FAIR)
Only available from the JunkScience.com Store. "Earth Summit Score Card, 15 Years On" - "RIO DE JANEIRO - Fifteen years after the 1992 Earth Summit, Brazil is again playing host to representatives from around the world who are assessing the results of the actions that arose from that landmark conference." (IPS)
Pacific Research Institute Report Reviews the History of Environmental Alarmism
and Its Policy Impact" - "SAN FRANCISCO – Environmental
hysteria leads to poor and self-contradictory policy-making according to
Hysteria’s History: Environmental Alarmism in Context, a new report released
today by the Pacific Research Institute (PRI). In Hysteria’s History, author
Amy Kaleita, policy fellow in Environmental Studies at PRI, charts the
progression of hysteria starting with Rachel Carson’s influential book Silent
Spring up to the current global warming controversy. Sen. James Inhofe on the global warming scam.
<chuckle> "Climate
change may help rainforests" - "Climate change may lead to
lush growth rather than catastrophic tree loss in the Amazonian forests,
researchers from the US and Brazil have found. A study, in the journal Science,
found that reduced rainfall had led to greener forests, possibly because
sunlight levels are higher when there are fewer rainclouds.
"Women Demand Voice in Climate Debate" - "UNITED NATIONS - Calls for increased participation of women in policy-making decisions are on the rise as world leaders prepare to attend an international meeting on climate change to be held at U.N. headquarters next week." (IPS) Flimflam man: "Climate change worse than feared: Australian expert" - "SYDNEY - Global warming is occurring at a faster rate than the worst-case scenario envisaged by experts just six years ago, Australia's top climate change scientist said Thursday. Tim Flannery, named the 2007 Australian of the Year for his work in alerting the public to the dangers of global warming, said the issue was the greatest challenge facing humanity in the 21st century." (AFP)
There's lots of money in it: "Paying
dearly to hear Gore's climate story" - "AL GORE has a story he
wants to tell the world. But it will cost you a thousand dollars to hear it. "Andrew Bolt: Al gores us at hot lunch" - "I WOULD hate the businessmen who've each paid $1000 to hear former US Vice-President Al Gore speak today to be bored, Andrew Bolt writes." (Herald Sun)
'deep and bleak' world" - "This entry is about one green
journalist - and every green journalist. "Have you got green fatigue?" - "You recycle and buy local – but the earth's still warming and the ice cap's still melting. If you're starting to feel apathy creeping in, you're not the only one. Hugh Wilson reports." (London Independent)
floods linked to 'La Nina' weather in Pacific: UN agency" -
"Severe flooding caused by torrential rains stretching across Africa is
probably linked to the "La Nina" weather pattern thousands of mile
away in the Pacific, a senior UN weather agency scientist said Thursday.
forecasting needs huge boost to tackle climate change: WMO" -
"The UN's meteorological agency on Friday called for a multibillion dollar
boost for weather forecasting, warning that about 30 percent of economic wealth
was directly exposed to the impact of global warming.
Uses Lasers to Check Antarctic Sea Ice" - "SYDNEY - An
Australian-led expedition is using lasers on helicopters in Antarctica and
satellites for the first time to determine whether sea ice in the Southern Ocean
is changing in response to climate change.
"Study shows polar bear increase in Davis Strait" - "IQALUIT - Climate change is not hurting polar bear populations in the Davis Strait area of Nunavut, according to Dr. Mitch Taylor, manager of wildlife research and a polar bear biologist with the GN's Department of Environment. In fact, polar bear populations along the Davis Strait are healthy and their numbers increasing, an ongoing study is indicating." (Northern News Services)
D'oh! "Doubts
raised over trees for carbon plan" - "TREES planted as part of
a Federal Government scheme to make offsetting greenhouse gas emissions tax
deductible will not have to be native varieties and there will be no legal
mechanism to prevent them being chopped down. Bloody idiots... "Climate bill will lift power and fuel prices" - "Households will pay up to 10 per cent more for electricity and 6c a litre more for petrol to reduce New Zealand's contribution to global warming. The Government's carbon emissions trading scheme revealed yesterday makes businesses pay for the amount of carbon they put into the atmosphere - costs that will generally be passed on to the consumer." (New Zealand Herald) "Key Votes on Emissions Trading in Europe Could Cement Aviation’s Role" - "The European Parliament and Council of the European Union are debating the inclusion of aviation in Europe’s Emissions Trading Scheme (a so-called “cap and trade” system for CO2 emissions) under the European Community’s “co-decision process.” Key votes are due next month from the transport and environment committees of the Parliament, before a plenary session in November potentially sets its final form in concrete if the two Community institutions reach an agreement." (AIN) "Biofuels Worsen Hungary's Drought, Expert Says" - "BUDAPEST - Biofuel production and burning agricultural by-products in power plants contributed to Hungary's severe drought this year, an academic expert said on Thursday." (Reuters) "Asia-Pacific nations urged to study biofuels more carefully" - "Scientists say there is an urgent need to support the current rush toward major decisions on biofuel policies in Asia and the Pacific with solid research." (International Rice Research Institute) "Yo-Yo science and the dangers of coincidence" - "Growing numbers of people are finally getting wise to pop science and those studies that claim something is dangerous one day and healthy the next. The story is bigger than just flaws with the research itself, however, but involves how our minds work — in ways that can lead even experts to be fooled." (Junkfood Science) "France Hints at Freezing GMO Seed Sales - Paper" - "PARIS - French Environment Minister Jean-Louis Borloo has hinted that the country could freeze approvals for the sale of genetically modified seeds, a leading newspaper said." (Reuters) "Scientists report new strategy to create genetically-modified animals" - "Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine have demonstrated the potential of a new strategy for genetic modification of large animals. The method employs a harmless gene therapy virus that transfers a genetic modification to male reproductive cells, which is then passed naturally on to offspring." (University of Pennsylvania) September 20, 2007
Blackout Against Malaria - One Million Faces Against Malaria
WINNER Donald R. Roberts: Applying Controlled Chemicals To Prevent Malaria
Africa sees ‘dramatic reduction in malaria cases’" -
"Health minister, Manto Tshabalala-Msimang, says cooperation between
South Africa, Swaziland and Mozambique has led to a 90% reduction in new
malaria infections in the three countries. Only available from the JunkScience.com Store.
yet?" - "NASA scientist James E. Hansen, who has publicly
criticized the Bush administration for dragging its feet on climate change and
labeled skeptics of man-made global warming as distracting "court
jesters," appears in a 1971 Washington Post article that warns of an
impending ice age within 50 years.
Has “Global Warming” Become Such A Passionate Subject?" -
"The new IPCC Report (2007) states, on page 10, “Most observed increase
in globally averaged temperatures since the mid-20th century is very likely due
to the observed increase in anthropogenic greenhouse gas concentrations.”
Their great effort in making progress in climate change science is certainly
commended. "Global-warming skeptics: Might warming be 'normal'?" - "Some say that today's climate change is merely part of a natural cycle." (The Christian Science Monitor) "Chill Pill" - "Combat global warming? There are better things we can do for the Earth." (Pete du Pont, Wall Street Journal) "Lorry driver in challenge to Gore school film" - "A lorry driver is taking the Government to court over a film that he believes is biased and shouldn't be shown to children in schools." (London Telegraph) Really? "Ancient British Bog May Hold Climate Change Clues" - "LONDON - An ancient British bog that pumped out high amounts of greenhouse gases during a period of global warming 55 million years ago may offer clues about future climate change, researchers said on Wednesday." (Reuters)
Or what? "Little time left to tackle global warming, UN chief warns" - "OTTAWA - Politicians from around the globe have little time left to accept the scientific evidence that humans are causing dangerous changes to the climate and act to put a stop to it, the top United Nations official warned Tuesday." (CanWest News Service)
editorial: Judge cools it on global warming" - "A modicum of
restraint, long overdue, was shown this week by a federal judge who threw out
the state of California's lawsuit seeking billions of dollars in damages from
six major auto manufacturers for their vehicles' alleged contribution to global
warming. Increasing stupidity: "Pollution to cost under Government's climate change plan" - "The Government's bid to tackle climate change - issued this morning - warns individuals and businesses to reduce pollution or pay the price. Capping greenhouse emissions would be a significant part of the seven-year plan, Prime Minister Helen Clark said. "It is important that we put a price on greenhouse gas pollution to encourage businesses and households to become more energy efficient," she said." (New Zealand Herald)
"Lawyer will take Harper to court over Kyoto" - "Environmentalists have recruited a high-profile Toronto business lawyer to take the Harper government to court for allegedly breaking a new law that requires it to honour Canada's international commitments to slash the heat-trapping gases linked to global warming." ( CanWest News Service)
Speechless: "How
not to measure temperature, part 31" - "It's been awhile since
I updated this series, and its not for lack of material. But I got busy with the
UCAR conference, publishing a slide show, and other things. But this morning, über
volunteer Don Kostuch sent me a note on his latest survey in Titusville, FL near
Cape Canaveral and KSC. I'd like to point out that Don has traveled further and
surveyed more stations in the USA than anyone. He is a surveying machine. He
wrote this in his email to me:
ozone-depleting chemicals ban hits funding speed bump" - "UN
talks to hasten a ban on ozone-depleting chemicals were mired in the
nitty-gritty Wednesday, as countries tried to fix the economic costs of meeting
a new timetable and funding, a UN Environment Program spokesman said.
The hole truth" - "The international treaty to protect the
ozone layer turns 20 this year. But is there really much reason to celebrate?
The things you see when you haven't got your gun... "PM's bear behind highlights climate change" - "PRIME minister John Howard got a reminder of climate change he could not shake off today when he was joined on his morning walk by four polar bears protesting against the destruction of the polar ice caps." (The Australian)
Liberal Party Bans Members from Al Gore Events" - "Warning:
The following report is guaranteed to elicit uncontrollable bouts of laughter
that could be hazardous to your computer if you are currently eating or
drinking. Fair and final warning. "CCS given Kyoto green light" - "The capture and sequestering underground of carbon dioxide from coal-fired power plants will earn carbon credits under the Kyoto Protocol, following amendments to the treaty’s main carbon trading scheme." (Carbon Positive) "Truth about emissions" - "In what purported to be a good-news story, the Scottish Government says the country's greenhouse gas emissions have fallen by around 15% in 15 years. The drop in carbon dioxide, at around double the UK average, is even more impressive. Yet behind the headline figures lurk some awkward and unwelcome truths. The closure of the huge Ravenscraig steel works, the winding down of the "dash for gas" in the North Sea and the decline in manufacturing explain these figures." (The Herald) Eye-roller du jour: "CO2 emissions could violate EPA ocean-quality standards within decades" - "Stanford, CA. -- In a commentary in the September 25, 2007, issue of the Geophysical Research Letters (GRL), a large team of scientists state that human-induced carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions will alter ocean chemistry to the point where it will violate U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Quality Criteria [1976] by mid-century if emissions are not dramatically curtailed now. This is the first recognition that atmospheric CO2 emissions will cause ocean waters to violate EPA water quality criteria." (Carnegie Institution) Naive or just plain fullovit? "Door Open for Greater US Role - UN Climate Chief" - "CHICAGO - Moves by China, India and other developing countries to join the effort to cut greenhouse gas emissions have lifted a barrier to an expanded US role in the process, the top UN climate official said on Wednesday." (Reuters) "Climate campaign to stop ill wind" - "The Vegetarian Society is to raise awareness of "emissions" from cattle as a leading cause of global warming with an ad campaign using the strapline "Silent but deadly". (MediaGuardian.co.uk) "Is Bush edging toward cuts in carbon?" - "Though late in his tenure, the president seems to be taking some green action." ( Brad Knickerbocker, The Christian Science Monitor)
"What's the
carbon footprint of a potato?" - "Walkers Crisps is the first
firm to put carbon footprint figures on its products, with nine more companies
set to follow. How are these figures calculated?
fight rages over US car emissions" - "So far it’s a case of
States 1, Carmakers 1 in a series of battles being fought in US courts over laws
to rein in greenhouse gas emissions from motor vehicles. Next its Bush versus
Schwarzenegger in the battle that will likely decide how tough American car
emission standards will become over the decade. "On the heels of rival, Qantas plants seed to offset footprints" - "AUSTRALIA will become the first country in which all major airlines offer carbon offsets, with Qantas and Jetstar announcing a voluntary emission reduction scheme in Canberra yesterday." (Sydney Morning Herald) "Energy costs this winter: high" - "Heating-oil and natural-gas prices are already up, and gasoline costs could rise, too." ( The Christian Science Monitor)
High Costs of Ethanol" - "Backed by the White House,
corn-state governors and solid blocks on both sides of Congress’s partisan
divide, the politics of biofuels could hardly look sunnier. The economics of the
American drive to increase ethanol in the energy supply are more discouraging. "McDonald's waste to power buildings" - "Buildings in Sheffield to be powered by McDonald’s restaurant waste Buildings such as hospitals and theatres will be powered by rubbish from McDonald's restaurants in a new pilot scheme. Eleven fast-food restaurants in Sheffield, Rotherham and Barnsley, South Yorkshire, will take part in the initiative, which will turn waste into electricity and heating for 130 buildings in the area. The scheme will save each restaurant from sending 100 tonnes of refuse to landfill each year and could be rolled out across the country if successful. The restaurants will become the first in the UK to send no waste to landfill. Instead, any rubbish will be collected, treated at a state-of-the-art energy recovery facility and converted into electricity and heat." (AOL) "China Faltering on Support For Solar Power - Report" - "BEIJING - Solar panels could generate over 10 percent of China's power by the middle of the century, but only if Beijing steps up support for pioneering generating plants and sets more ambitious targets, a report said on Wednesday." (Reuters) "Power industry says next nuclear plants will be safer, cheaper and faster to build" - "NEW YORK – The current turmoil in credit markets is unlikely to derail plans by power companies to begin ordering the first new nuclear plants since cost overruns and public opposition virtually killed the industry three decades ago." (AP) "The Pain in Feel-Good Environmentalism" - "Over six and a half billion dollars were given to environmental groups in 2006, according to the June 28, 2007 issue of “Chronicle of Philanthropy.” But how many of the good people who donated to these groups know that some of their money is used to thwart mining projects destined to help poverty-stricken people in poverty-stricken nations? The groups don’t publicize this fact." (Global Warming) Get your Mine Your Own Business DVD at the DemandDebate.com Store ![]() "Economists vs. Ecologists" - "Last week’s column about Bjorn Lomborg’s ideas for combatting global warming generated lots of angry comments, including the suggestion that Dr. Lomborg and I be fed to polar bears. I was more interested in what Seth Masia had to say about the Copenhagen Consensus, which is Dr. Lomborg’s project for bringing experts together to set priorities in tackling global problems:
Yes, Dr. Lomborg thinks like an economist instead of a climate scientist, and he doesn’t have a degree in climatology. Critics say his lack of climatological expertise makes him an unreliable guide for foreseeing the consequences of a warmer world, but I think these critics are ignoring history. They claim to be taking in the big picture, to be foreseeing great trends over the next century, but they’re missing one of the most valuable lessons from the past half century: when it comes to getting the big picture right, when it comes to preparing for environmental catastrophes, economists have a better track record than the scientists who specialize in analyzing environmental trends." ( John Tierney, New York Times)
Slashes Spending on Wildlife Protection - CBC" - "OTTAWA -
Canada has slashed spending on wildlife protection and monitoring of ecosystems
because of budget problems at the federal environment ministry, the Canadian
Broadcasting Corp reported on Wednesday. "Indonesia Wants Incentives to Halt Deforestation" - "BEIJING - Indonesia is mobilizing a group of eight nations ahead of upcoming climate talks to get rich countries to pay the world's tropical nations not to chop down rainforests, its forestry minister said on Wednesday." (Reuters)
the pretenders" - "Skepticism has gotten a bad rap. A lot more
of it could save a lot of lives and a lot of people a lot of money and pain. "Reading comprehension — Or, why we shouldn’t believe in sloths" - "You’ve no doubt read the one about how about two-thirds of us are sedentary and don’t get the recommended amounts of physical activity. The data sounds impressive and dutifully ominous, so it’s easy to believe it’s true. Trouble is, it’s a creation of careful wordsmiths, not facts." (Junkfood Science) "What should the next President do about obesity?" - "There is an obesity policy conference later today in Washington, D.C., called “The Obesity Challenge: What the Next President Should Do.” It’s sponsored by the Obesity Association and the Stop Obesity Alliance, so we can anticipate what the Presidential candidates will say." (Junkfood Science) "GM: where the science doesn’t count" - "Today’s climate change activists pose as ‘defenders of science’. Yet not so long ago, they irrationally rejected the scientific truth about GM crops. (James Heartfield, sp!ked) September 19, 2007 Starbucks' Eco-fraud: Coating on coffee cups puts lid on recycling - "Starbucks promotes recycling on its cups, but the cups themselves aren't recyclable here or in most other cities nationwide." (Columbus Dispatch)
bear die-off unlikely: GN official: Wildlife research director dismisses dire
forecast by U.S. agency" - "Fears that two-thirds of the
world's polar bears will die off in the next 50 years are overblown, says
Mitchell Taylor, the Government of Nunavut's director of wildlife research.
(not so big) melt" - "They started appearing last month:
alarmist articles that claim the ice cover in the Arctic Ocean this summer would
be the "smallest ever recorded." "Disgraceful Global Warming Hysteria at NBC: ‘Meltdown in Greenland’" - "The media's global warming hysteria is clearly becoming unhinged." (News Busters) Benny Santer & the virtual realm, again: "Increase in atmospheric moisture tied to human activities" - "Observations and climate model results confirm that human-induced warming of the planet is having a pronounced effect on the atmosphere’s total moisture content. Those are the findings of a new study appearing in the Sept. 17 online edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences." (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
"Stephen Schwartz vs scientific consensus" - "Michael Hansen has pointed out that the "scientific consensus" people around RealClimate.ORG have expanded their criticism of the paper we have discussed previously: Stephen Schwartz and low climate sensitivity." (The Reference Frame) "Scientist Warns
of Climate Change Impact" - " Climate change could mean higher
temperatures, less winter precipitation and less spring runoff for the
Southwest, a climatologist says.
"'Too late to avoid global warming,' say scientists" - "A rise of two degrees centigrade in global temperatures – the point considered to be the threshold for catastrophic climate change which will expose millions to drought, hunger and flooding – is now "very unlikely" to be avoided, the world's leading climate scientists said yesterday. (London Independent)
How 'good' are climate forecasts? Check it out: Global Warming: Forecasts by Scientists vs. Scientific Forecasting (Scott Armstrong, Center for Science & Public Policy)
climate change will affect the world" - "The effects of
climate change will be felt sooner than scientists realised and the world must
learn to live with the effects, experts said yesterday. 'Ice Age' Schneider & the big lie: "Climate Change Expert Predicts Hawaii Hurricanes To Get Stronger" - "Nobody can say how many hurricanes will hit Hawaii each year, according to a climate change expert, but there's no doubt they'll get worse. "I can't tell you there will be more of them," environmental scientist Stephen Schneider told Big Island residents, "but in the next 30, 40 years, they will be stronger." (Insurance Journal) "Stupidity will get us before climate change does" - "IT'S a toss-up as to who's making a bigger fool of themselves over climate change: our politicians or our Miss Earth contestants." (Andrew Bolt, Herald Sun)
yield in Japan could decrease by 40% due to climate change" -
"LONDON, Sept. 18 - Rising temperatures and extreme weather conditions
brought on by climate change could reduce rice yields by as much as 40 percent
by the end of the 21st century in much of central and southern Japan, according
to research results released Tuesday by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change. Partly right... "Help on climate impact as important as emissions cuts: expert" - "Helping poor countries adapt to climate change is as vital as curbing greenhouse-gas emissions, a top scientist said Monday as a UN panel unveiled a massive report on global warming's impacts." (AFP)
"EU to give poor nations at least €50 million to deal with climate change" - "BRUSSELS, Belgium: The European Union said Tuesday it would give the world's poorest nations at least €50 million (US$69 million) to help them cope with more frequent storms, floods and drought linked to man-made climate change." (Associated Press) BS from start to inevitable collapse: "NSW carbon scheme in trouble" - "The world’s first mandatory greenhouse emissions trading scheme appears to be crumbling amid savage price falls, oversupply of credits and uncertainty over future viability. (Carbon Positive)
NZ wants in on nonsense: "Taxpayers
to cover ministers' carbon cost" - "The taxpayer will soon be
paying to offset the environmental damage done by globetrotting ministers of the
Crown as part of the Government's push on climate change issues.
smoke plumes cool the atmosphere" - "Particles found in smoke
plumes produced by cargo ships have been found to have a surprising cooling
effect on the Earth's atmosphere. "Ban Urges Strong Message from UN Climate Summit" - "UNITED NATIONS - UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called on Tuesday for a climate change summit he has convened next week to send a "strong political message" to enable a "bold" new global environment pact to be negotiated." (Reuters) "Nobel Peace Prize Could Go to Climate Campaigner" - "OSLO - The 2007 Nobel Peace Prize could go to a climate campaigner such as ex-US Vice-President Al Gore or Inuit activist Sheila Watt-Cloutier, reinforcing a view that global warming is a threat to world security, experts say." (Reuters)
DiCaprio on indoctrinating the children: Leonardo
DiCaprio talks to USA WEEKEND - Q: Can the members of this generation
become activists, or are they too consumed with entertainment and purchasing
power? "Effort to Get Companies to Disclose Climate Risk" - "Two environmental groups and the financial officers of 10 states and New York City are asking the Securities and Exchange Commission to require companies to disclose the risks that climate change may pose to their bottom lines. The petition is expected to reach the S.E.C. today, representatives of the groups said." (New York Times)
"Squabble over airline carbon emissions takes flight" - "Draft measures to clip airlines' skyrocketing greenhouse gas emissions are creating a rift at the 36th International Civil Aviation Organization talks, which kicked off here Tuesday." (AFP) "Cost,
Safety Fears Threaten Climate Change Remedy" - "LONDON - Cost
overruns and legal and safety uncertainties could stall a new technology seen
vital in the fight against climate change, and which works by burying
underground the greenhouse gases blamed for global warming.
"Statoil to Start Arctic LNG Production This Week" - "MELKOEYA, Norway - The world's first liquefied natural gas plant in the Arctic, part of Statoil's US$10 billion Snoehvit project in the Barents Sea, will probably start producing LNG this week, the Norwegian group said on Tuesday." (Reuters)
"Ex-Enron boss seeks $210m for ethanol plantations" - "A former Enron executive is tapping investors for US$150 million ($210 million) to help Brazil to produce enough biofuels to power the world's cars." (New Zealand Herald) "Brazil Ethanol Sector Fears 'Delirious' Growth" - "SERTAOZINHO, Brazil - Low sugar and ethanol prices have been fueling the debate in Brazil on how this will affect investments and the forthcoming growth in the industry, which intends to lead the world's rush for biofuels." (Reuters) "Food-to-fuel switch hard to swallow" - "Parisians are bemoaning the price of a baguette, Italians have organised a pasta boycott and the people in Mexico have held street protests about the cost of tortillas. Rocketing food prices are infuriating consumers and putting pressure on politicians worldwide. But is this a temporary blip or has the era of cheap food come to an end?" (New Zealand Herald) "The virtues of Vitamin D: It's time we saw the light" - "There's no such thing as a cure-all, but Vitamin D comes pretty close. Jeremy Laurance explains how a little sunshine could help you live a lot longer." (London Independent)
"Lawyers to the rescue" - "Employers considering offering employee wellness programs and penalizing workers who have “high” health indices will now want to think twice. Attorneys are catching onto the science and raising questions about the discriminatory aspects of these programs and how they violate the rights of employees, especially fat employees." (Junkfood Science) September 18, 2007
Excellent! "Judge
tosses global warming lawsuit" - "SAN FRANCISCO -- A federal
judge on Monday tossed out a lawsuit filed by California that sought to hold the
world's six largest automakers accountable for their contribution to global
warming. Cap-and-Trade Could Cost Average Family $10,800 in Lost Income, says Economist Arthur Laffer: Proposed Global Warming Policy Likened To 1970s-Era Energy Crunch - A cap-and-trade scheme for controlling greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) would impose significant economic costs on the U.S. economy and is not a sound policy response to current concerns about global warming, says renown economist Arthur Laffer in a new study released today. "Cost
of dealing with climate change: 2% of GDP" - "NEW DELHI: The
development projects India is undertaking to reduce impacts of climate change is
already cutting into its GDP. In 2006-07, India used 2.17% of its GDP on
projects that will help communities adapt to climate change and reduce their
vulnerability to climate change. "Is
NASA’s Hansen Playing Enron Accounting Games With Climate Data?"
- "Since NASA's James Hansen finally released computer codes related to how
climate data are collected and adjusted, anthropogenic global warming skeptics
around the world have been waiting to see what a scientific examination of this
information would produce. "Conference
on Integrity in Science Focuses on IPCC" - "A claimed
"first world conference on research integrity" opens in Lisbon,
Portugal, today. The conference media release explains: "The controversies
surrounding the recent assessment report of the United Nations'
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) demonstrates how research
integrity is a critical issue not only for the science community, but for
politicians and the society as a whole as well. In August 2007 the US National
Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) had to withdraw previous published
historical climate data.
A little recycling... "New Method of Studying Ancient Fossils Points to Carbon Dioxide As a Driver of Global Warming" - "A team of American and Canadian scientists has devised a new way to study Earth's past climate by analyzing the chemical composition of ancient marine fossils. The first published tests with the method further support the view that atmospheric CO2 has contributed to dramatic climate variations in the past, and strengthen projections that human CO2 emissions could cause global warming." (Caltech)
"Rising surface temperatures drive back winter ice in Barents Sea, Rutgers researchers find: Not so between Siberia and Alaska, where winter sea ice holds its own" - "New Brunswick, N.J. – Rising sea-surface temperatures in the Barents Sea, northeast of Scandinavia, are the prime cause of the retreating winter ice edge over the past 26 years, according to research by Jennifer Francis, associate research professor at Rutgers’ Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences (IMCS). The recent decreases in winter ice cover is clear evidence that Arctic pack ice will continue on its trajectory of rapid decline, Francis said." (Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey)
Polar earthquakes are nothing new, and don't foretell catastrophe"
- "Your article (Melting
icecap triggering earthquakes, September 8) is misleading and alarmist. As a
climatologist/seismologist working on glacial seismic activity in the Jakobshavn
glacier basin - precisely the area your reporter mentions - I know that local
earthquakes (or glacial quakes) are actually fairly common in the area and have
been for a long time. Contentious... "Change
in the air: Companies that once disputed warming claims now are believers"
- "GENERAL MOTORS ONCE provided funds to an industry group that
aggressively worked to discredit scientists who said the earth was warming and
that human activity was the major cause.
"No Guarantee Montreal Ozone Talks Will Succeed - US" - "OTTAWA - Although countries back the idea of eliminating ozone-depleting chemicals faster than originally planned, there is no guarantee that they will agree on a new accelerated timetable at a major conference this week, a senior US official said on Monday." (Reuters)
From CO2
Science this week:
Subject Index Summary: Plant Growth Data: Journal Reviews: Simulating Northern Hemisphere Mid-Latitude Winter Atmospheric Variability: How well do the IPCC Fourth-Assessment-Report models do? Can Plants Migrate Poleward Rapidly Enough to Avoid Extinction in the Face of "Unprecedented" Global Warming?: A new study of Arctic flora provides some answers. Impact of Elevated Atmospheric CO2 on Soil Carbon Beneath a Sorghum Crop: Does it lead to enhanced soil carbon sequestration? Effects of Elevated Atmospheric CO2 and Temperature on Silver Birch Seedlings with and without Simulated Herbivory: To what extent did a doubling of the air's CO2 content and progressive temperature increases of 2 and 4°C either help or further hurt the defoliated plants?
"ABC’s Liberal Weatherman Touts Emotional Benefits of Carbon Offsets" - "On Friday’s "Good Morning America," liberal weatherman Sam Champion featured actor/activist Ed Begley Jr. to promote the concept of carbon offsets. The ABC meteorologist gushed over the emotional benefits of this environmental program. He exclaimed, "And you, kind of, pay into them and they fund projects that are doing good work. So you feel better about your energy use by helping create greener energy, basically." (News Busters) Cool aid or Kool-Aid? "New Yorkers turning to biodiesel for heat" - "If the Big Apple's initiative helps reduce emissions, other cities and states may follow suit." (The Christian Science Monitor) "Alan
Greenspan: I Never Said Iraq War Was About Oil" - "It's
fitting that now that he's left his post as chairman of the Federal Reserve,
Alan Greenspan's words are being as closely scrutinized as they were back in his
days at the Fed. "Huhne plans zero-carbon Britain" - "The Liberal Democrats yesterday became the first Westminster party to back a zero-carbon Britain, including a ban on all petrol driven cars by 2040, but had to fight off warnings from some senior members that the simultaneous rejection of nuclear power meant the plans did not add up." (The Guardian) "Pesticide Exposure Tied to Asthma in Farmers" - "NEW YORK - Exposure to several commonly used pesticides appears to increase the risk of asthma, US researchers report." (Reuters)
Only available from the JunkScience.com Store. "Pesticide 'Disaster' in French Caribbean - Report" - "PARIS - Widespread use of pesticides in banana plantations in the French Caribbean islands of Guadeloupe and Martinique has caused a "health disaster", according to the author of a report to be presented to parliament on Tuesday." (Reuters)
the Greens see Red" - "Northern Ireland journalist Phelim
McAleer's controversial documentary Mine Your Own Business is a devastating
critique of western environmentalists who campaigned against a gold mine in
Romania. Sean O'Driscoll reports" (Belfast Telegraph)
Get your Mine
Your Own Business DVD at the DemandDebate.com
Store ![]() "Real Scientists vs. Media Darlings" - "This article is one in a continuing series excerpted from the book Smoke or Steam? A Guide to Environmental, Regulatory, and Food Safety Concerns, by Samuel Aldrich, adapted and serialized by Jay Lehr." ( Environment News)
"Stick to
sugar pills and avoid the hard stuff" - "Okay, now look.
There's nothing wrong with the idea of homeopaths giving out what amount to
sugar pills. The placebo effect can be powerful, because it's not just about the
pill, it's about the cultural meaning of the treatment. So we know from research
that four placebo sugar pills a day are more effective than two for eradicating
gastric ulcers (and that's not subjective - you measure ulcers by putting a
camera into your stomach); we know that salt water injections are a more
effective treatment for pain than sugar pills, not because salt water injections
are medically active, but because injections are a more dramatic intervention.
Similarly, we know that sugar pills have no physical side effects. This is
great, because there are many people for whom there is little effective
biomedical treatment: a lot of back pain, for example, or most colds and flu.
Trying every pill in the book will only elicit side effects, so a sugar pill
might be a great remedy. "Must menus in California count calories, carbs, fats?" - "A bill is on the governor's desk, and 4 of 5 state residents back it. But restaurant chains say mandatory measures are lawsuits waiting to happen." (The Christian Science Monitor) "Message to diet books authors: tell the truth" - "The diet book industry is getting its first and long-overdo shake-up. The Federal Trade Commission has charged a diet book author with making false and unsubstantiated claims and violating a court order prohibiting him from further infomercials that misrepresent the contents of his book. According to Dr. Stephen Barrett, M.D., this is the first time in about fifty years that the FTC has attempted to stop a book promotion." (Junkfood Science) "Mercury concentrations in fish respond quickly to increased deposition" - "A joint Canadian-American research team have, for the first time, demonstrated that mercury concentrations in fish respond directly to changes in atmospheric deposition of the chemical. The international team’s research began in 2001 at the Experimental Lakes in Northern Ontario and is featured in this week’s Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences." (University of Maryland)
Did Salinity Go in Queensland: A Note from Peter Wylie" -
"Salinity is a significant land management problem in Western Australia but
not in Queensland. In 2000 the extent of dryland salinity in Queensland was
reported to be 48,000 hectares and rapidly increasing to a level where 3 million
hectares were likely to be affected by 2050. It was widely believed that tree
clearing had to be halted to stop the onslaught of salinity. "Amazon farmers grow grain and save the forest" - "McDonald's, Cargill, and The Nature Conservancy create a 'responsible' soy program." (The Christian Science Monitor)
of GM: ministers back moves to grow crops in UK" - "Government
ministers have given their backing to a renewed campaign by farmers and industry
to introduce genetically modified crops to the UK, the Guardian has learned. "GM Crops a Must if India to Feed Itself - Official" - "NEW DELHI - Large-scale cultivation of transgenic crops is a necessity if India is to feed a growing population and use more of its farmland for industry and homes, a senior government official said on Monday." (Reuters) September 17, 2007 "Gabriel
assails Romania for Rosia Montana roadblock" - "Romania risks
gaining a reputation as an unscrupulous place to do business, the head of
Gabriel Resources Ltd. warned, after the country's environment minister halted
the company's plans to build a massive gold mine. Look out! Trees are growing better! "Trees
telling a tale of climate change" - "Tree-growth patterns may
be just one more indication of global warming.
"A Global Warming Primer: A Graph is worth 1,000 words" - "Pictures often tell stories in a far more compelling and succinct fashion than words. With this in mind, the NCPA released a booklet A Global Warming Primer that examines some of the main scientific, economic and political issues involved in the topic of global warming. The Primer attempts to avoid entering "the debate" over whether its warming, whether humans are causing it and whether the end of the earth is near, but rather lets the reader draw his or her own conclusion after examining some salient facts about climate physics, history, the current state of the environment and the relative effectiveness of proposed solutions. Our hope is that it informs and adds to the discussion." (Sterling Burnett, Planet Gore) "Northwest
Passage becomes navigable" - "Yesterday, pictures of the
European Space Agency showed that the Northwest Passage became navigable for the
first time in modern history: all ice along the path is new ice. Again, would it
be a good thing or a bad thing if this thing continued every year? "You
still need your parka in Antarctica" - "Antarctica -- a vast
territory whose sea-ice growth in winter effectively doubles its size to envelop
an area three times that of Canada -- is the world's coldest continent by far,
its permanent ice sheet regulating the Antarctic atmosphere. It is also the
world's windiest and driest continent by far, and its highest by far, with a
mean elevation of 2,300 metres. "ABC Publishes Pictures of US Cities Drowned by Global Warming" - "Want to stir up mass hysteria over the liberal bogeyman known as global warming? How about publishing computer-generated pictures of American cities drowned as a result of rising sea levels? Think that will do the trick? Well, that's exactly what ABC News.com did Friday with a photo essay featured on the site's front page entitled "Photos: What Global Warming Looks Like." (News Busters)
"Sea-Level Slowdown?" - "We have heard a million times that if we don’t stop emitting greenhouse gases, our inexcusable actions will result in a warmer earth, and the warming of the planet will cause icecaps and mountain glaciers to melt and sea level to rise. Island nations will be drowned, coastlines around the world will go underwater, Florida will cease to exist, and the World Trade Center Memorial could someday be a sight seen only by scuba enthusiasts. The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says very clearly in the Summary for Policymakers “Global average sea level rose at an average rate of 1.8 [1.3 to 2.3] mm per year over 1961 to 2003. The rate was faster over 1993 to 2003: about 3.1 [2.4 to 3.8] mm per year. Whether the faster rate for 1993 to 2003 reflects decadal variability or an increase in the longer-term trend is unclear. There is high confidence that the rate of observed sea level rise increased from the 19th to the 20th century.” The IPCC crew reminds us that “Global average sea level in the last interglacial period (about 125,000 years ago) was likely 4 to 6 m higher than during the 20th century, mainly due to the retreat of polar ice.” It seems that sea levels fell and rose many times in the past and long before humans had any chance interfere with the natural order of things. There is no reason whatsoever to expect sea level to remain constant – it never has and it never will." (WCR) "Mars, Like Earth, Has Cyclical Ice Ages, Study Says" - "Mars has gone through 40 ice ages during the past five million years that regularly send the planet's permanent ice sheets cascading toward the equator, then melting backward, a new theory suggests. The climate changes are likely driven by cyclical fluctuations in the planet's orbit that alter the amount of sunlight that falls on the planet's surface, says astronomer Norbert Schörghofer of the University of Hawaii at Manoa. Understanding the sun's exact role in the Martian ice ages could help solve longstanding puzzles about the red planet. It could also help scientists better understand Earth's complex climatic systems, which are also affected by orbital variations." (National Geographic News) Right... "Mammoth
dung may speed warming" - "DUVANNY YAR, Russia - Sergei Zimov
bends down, picks up a handful of treacly mud and holds it up to his nose. It
smells like a cow pat, but he knows better.
Uh-huh... "Climate
change and desertification two sides of same coin" - "Climate
change and desertification are two sides of the same coin and must be tackled
together, according to participants at the Madrid conference on desertification.
<chuckle> "The Jane Fonda Effect" - "If you were asked to name the biggest global-warming villains of the past 30 years, here’s one name that probably wouldn’t spring to mind: Jane Fonda. But should it?" (New York Times)
Climate refugees, sheesh! "What Will Become of Tuvalu's Climate Refugees?" - "International legal experts are discovering climate change law, and the Pacific island nation of Tuvalu is a case in point: The Polynesian archipelago is doomed to disappear beneath the ocean. Now lawyers are asking what sort of rights citizens have when their homeland no longer exists." (Der Spiegel) "Carbon Capers" - "There’s an admonition about putting the brain in gear before engaging the mouth—or something like that. Ample evidence that some people’s minds seem to be in neutral while they engage their environmental guilt came out in two recent press articles reporting news of the “carbon-neutral” scam." (R. E. Smith Jr., Opinion Journal) "How
Environmentalists and Scientists Mislead Americans about Air Pollution and
Climate Change" - "The Natural Resources Defense Council has
just published a report titled Heat Advisory: How Global Warming Causes More Bad
Air Days. NRDC claims ozone will rise in the future due to climate warming. In
reality, ozone and all other air pollution will fall in the future, regardless
of climate change. Here’s how NRDC faked its future air pollution increases:
they used air pollutant emissions during 1996 to “predict” ozone levels in
the 2050s and 2080s. Actual emissions of ozone-forming pollutants are already
more than 25% lower than they were in 1996 and will drop another 70%-80% in just
the next 20 years, based on already-adopted and implemented federal
requirements. Gracious... "Feelin’ groovy: Charles, the movie: Prince will do an Al Gore with ‘harmony’ film" - "THE Prince of Wales is in “advanced negotiations” with Hollywood film producers to make a movie in which he will tell us how to lead our lives. The prince, once an object of fun for talking to his plants, is being wooed to make a documentary film similar to Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth. The former US vice-president’s plea to save the planet was a surprise box-office success, making the idea of a royal “follow-up” a realistic proposition." (Sunday Times) "Clean Coal Plants Qualify for Kyoto Carbon Offsets" - "LONDON - Very efficient coal-fired power plants will be able to sell carbon offsets under the Kyoto Protocol, in an expansion of project eligibility under the carbon trading scheme, UN official Jose Miguez said." (Reuters) "Climate talks in Montreal to take dual aim" - "Representatives of 190 countries will meet in Montreal on Monday for talks aimed at the twin goal of combating global warming and restoring the ozone layer." (AFP)
Oh boy... "US Says its Ozone Bid Beats Kyoto on Climate Change" - "BRUSSELS - A US proposal to hasten the phase-out of gases that damage the ozone layer will be twice as effective as the Kyoto Protocol in fighting climate change, a top adviser to President George W. Bush said on Friday." (Reuters)
"Could Kyoto Protocol Use a Touch of Montreal?" - "WASHINGTON - Could the solution to global warming be as simple as a switch of cities? For those who think the Kyoto Protocol is not working to cut greenhouse gas emissions that are heating the planet, why not take some lessons from the Montreal Protocol, praised as the world's most successful climate treaty?" (Reuters)
The problem, dopey... "One Answer to Global Warming: A New Tax" - "The case for using a carbon tax to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases." (New York Times)
"Getting warmed up" - "This last week, at the APEC conference in Australia, Prime Minister Stephen Harper put both feet in the global warmer. After a few introductory tips of his purely figurative hat toward something called "free trade," he dived into the agenda-du-jour. It is what brings the sparkle to any politician's eyes: the prospect of a vast new trough of fresh, succulent lard. For "the fight against global warming" is the plausible excuse for a huge expansion of government bureaucracies." (David Warren, The Ottawa Citizen) "NZ:
Power, petrol to cost more under Govt plan" - "Power bills
will rise but the Government plans to help people on lower incomes under its new
environmental carbon emissions trading scheme.
"New York Subpoenas Five Energy Companies on Carbon" - "NEW YORK - The state of New York has subpoenaed five energy companies as part of an investigation into whether they properly disclosed the financial risks of carbon dioxide emissions from new coal-fired power plants, The New York Times reported on Sunday." (Reuters) "Tyndall
Centre report on aviation and emissions trading" - "In early
September, researchers from the Tyndall Centre in the UK put out a report that
said that incorporation of the airline industry into the Emissions Trading
Scheme (ETS) will not provide significant incentive to cut emissions. The big
polluters today are paying about €20 per tonne for their emissions. When
aviation joins the scheme in 2012, this price would add about €5 for a flight
to Barcelona. Tyndall argues that the EU and national governments cannot escape
the conclusion that the ETS is not enough and that aviation must be constrained
by other fiscal or legislative measures as well as by inclusion in the carbon
tax net.
"My 'Stupid Business'" - "Europe's leading low-fare airline CEO has choice words for his competition, politicians, environmentalists and others." (Wall Street Journal)
and Fly" - "Contrary to popular belief, Europeans do believe
in unilateralism when it suits their purposes. They even have a term for it:
"Alternative to mutual agreement." If that euphemism sounds sneaky,
wait till you hear why the European Union will be using it over the next two
weeks at the International Civil Aviation Organization's (ICAO) meeting in
Montreal. "Nations Ink Deal to Provide Safer Atomic Power" - "VIENNA - Sixteen nations signed a US-initiated pact on Sunday to help meet soaring world energy demand by developing nuclear technology less prone to being illicitly diverted into making atomic weapons." (Reuters) "The Backlash Against Biofuels" - " The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development says biofuels may do more harm than good and that supporters may have a hidden agenda. Should corn be in our gas tank as well as our cereal bowl?" (IBD) Flow on ethanol effect: "Serious Dough: Higher Wheat Prices Drive Up Bills for Grocery Staples" - "First it was corn. Now wheat is getting the blame. Earlier this year, corn began getting pricey because it was in high demand to make ethanol. That sent prices rising for other corn-dependent products, including milk and meat. Now wheat is costing more and more because of poor harvests and greater global demand, sending grocery bills still higher." (Washington Post)
"2+2=5 — right? ;-)" - "Despite plenty of reasons to feel blessed and positive about our modern life, Associated Press and mainstream media have been trying hard to convince Americans that our rising life expectancies are “more bad news.” They’re counting on us to not think too much or look at their claims too critically." (Junkfood science)
Find Compound to Explain Hormone-Heart Disease Connection" -
"Scientists say they have found a biological mechanism that helps explain
why hormone-replacement therapy failed to prevent heart disease in some
participants of the controversial Women's Health Initiative study.
worry, be happy” - "We end this week with good news. "Do We Really Know What Makes Us Healthy?" - "Much of what we’re told about diet, lifestyle and disease is based on epidemiologic studies. What if it is just bad science?" (Gary Taubes, New York Times)
you sure about that?" - "According to the gospel of
evidence-based medicine, “randomized controlled clinical trials are objective,
free of bias and produce robust conclusions about the benefits and risks of
treatment and clinicians should be trained to rely on them,” wrote Canadian
and British researchers in the British Medical Journal a few years ago. "Oh, but a memory" - "With some fanfare last month, the British Homeopathic Association and Faculty of Homeopathy released a special issue of their journal Homeopathy, saying it had brought together scientists from around the world to present, for the first time, the best data and scientific evidence for the memory of water. They reported that “there has never been more evidence for the effectiveness of homeopathy than now.” That part was true, but not in the way some consumers may have thought." (Junkfood Science)
of Green Roddick's 'unfair trade' started when she copied Body Shop
formula" - "What is Roddick's real legacy?
"Jeffrey Smith – A Highest Flying Activist’s Hidden Scientific Beliefs?" - "Jeffrey Smith has been a dedicated activist against agricultural biotechnology at least since 2003, when he released his first self-published anti-biotech book Seeds of Deception. His second book, Genetic Roulette, was released in 2007, complete with a forward by former UK Environment Minister Michael Meacher. We wonder if Mr. Meacher knows who he has involved himself with. (Alex Avery, CGFI) "No health risk from GM food, says chief scientist" - "RESEARCH has not uncovered any significant negative health effects from genetically modified (GM) food, the government's chief scientific adviser said yesterday. Scientific evidence has overwhelmingly shown that food derived from GM crops or from animals fed on GM feed is safe, Professor Patrick Cunningham said. "GM crops and GM foods continue to be one of the most contentious public issues in European society," he said. "While there are obvious technical and economic benefits, there is widespread apprehension about the technology, due to concerns over the perceived risks." GM food was an "iconic technology" in terms of arousing public hostility in Ireland and Europe. However, with over 100 million hectares of GM crops now grown worldwide and strong cost benefits for farmers, it wasn't going to go away." (Irish Independent) September 14, 2007 "Japan Sweats for Global Warming" - "Japanese office workers are being forced to sweat in the name of global warming. But before Americans consume too much "Green" Kool-Aid and suffer a similar fate, they may want to consider this week’s global warming developments." (Steve Milloy, FoxNews.com)
"Romanian Government's Disregard for Rule of Law Should Worry Western Investors; Radical Enviros Call the Shots"
- "Steve Milloy, editor of JunkScience.com, has been following the Gabriel Resources/Rosia Montana struggle closely. An advocate of free markets and development, he lauded the documentary, Mine Your Own Business, which chronicled the fight between the pro-development forces and the radical environmentalists. One of his columns about the subject may be read here:
http://www.junkscience.com/ByTheJunkman/20070215.html. Why you need to watch MYOB: Gabriel outraged at Rosia Montana suspension - The Romanian government has shocked Canadian gold mining firm Gabriel Resources Ltd by suddenly suspending an environmental review into its Rosia Montana gold project in Romania. Gabriel blamed the move on non government organisation Open Society Institute, which has mounted a court challenge against Gabriel with other environmental groups. (Mining Journal Online)
![]() "Senate Punts on Anti-Malaria Initiative" - "On September 6, 2007, the US Senate rejected an attempt by Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) to restore $30 million in anti-malaria funding requested by the Bush Administration for its President's Malaria Initiative (PMI). Coburn sought to amend the State, Foreign Operations Appropriations bill for fiscal year 2008 (which begins October 1, 2007). The funding was requested based on USAID and PMI projections for what is needed to continue, and begin ratcheting up, anti-malaria projects in designated focus countries in Africa, using integrated vector control management (long-lasting bednets, up-to-date combination drug therapies, indoor residual spraying where appropriate, and special initiatives for pregnant women)." (Africa Fighting Malaria) Only available from the JunkScience.com Store. "Fake!" - " The business of counterfeit medicines is exploding, and it’s killing poor Africans. ROGER BATE took a dangerous trip to Nigeria to see for himself." (Roger Bate, The American)
doubts on global warming in revised NASA temperature data" -
"WASHINGTON - Imagine basing a country’s energy and economic policy on an
incomplete, unproven theory — a theory based entirely on computer models in
which one minor variable is considered the sole driver for the entire global
climate system. "U.S., U.N. Stage Dueling Climate Meets" - "UNITED NATIONS, Sep 13 - Are the United Nations and the United States trying to outdo each other by hosting two parallel summit meetings on the same subject -- climate change -- during the same week at the end of September?" (IPS)
warming? It's natural, say experts" - "Global warming is a
natural event and the effects are not all bad, two respected researchers claimed
wine, yellow fog: Medieval records help scientists understand climate
history" - "EINSIEDELN, Switzerland -- A librarian at this
10th century monastery leads a visitor beneath the vaulted ceilings of the
archive past the skulls of two former abbots.
"The sea ice is getting thinner" - "Large areas of the Arctic sea-ice are only one metre thick this year, equating to an approximate 50 percent thinning as compared to the year 2001. These are the initial results from the latest Alfred-Wegener-Institute for Polar and Marine Research in the Helmholtz Association lead expedition to the North Polar Sea." (Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research)
"Peat and forests save permafrost from melting" - "Permafrost may be buffered against the impacts of climate change by peat and vegetation present in the northern regions, according to a study by McMaster researchers." (McMaster University) Can't kill this nonsense with a wooden stake... "Tuvalu, About to Disappear, Pleas on Global Warming" - "SEOUL - The tiny Pacific island state of Tuvalu on Thursday urged the rest of the world to do more to combat global warming before it sinks beneath the ocean." (Reuters)
get carried away about global warming" - "First thing we do,
let's kill all the cows, because the globe is warming, catastrophe is headed our
way, and the worldwide cattle industry is largely responsible, a far worse peril
to climate stability than SUVs and, for that matter, all the cars, trucks,
planes and other modes of transportation in glorious combination.
gases 'not evil:' PC candidate" - "With Al Gore's movie, An
Inconvenient Truth, bringing the fear of global warming to the masses, it's a
rare politician these days who will stand up as a skeptic of climate change. Success? Oh puh-lease! "NASA
keeps eye on ozone layer amid Montreal Protocol's success" -
"Washington - NASA scientists will join researchers from around the world
to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Montreal Protocol, an international
treaty designed to reduce the hole in Earth's protective ozone layer. The United
Nations Environment Program will host the meeting from Sept. 23-26 in Athens,
Greece. NASA scientists study climate change and research the timing of the
recovery of the ozone layer.
What a surprise... "Ozone Cuts Could Beat Kyoto in Aiding Climate - UNEP" - "OSLO - Curbs on chemicals that damage the ozone layer could have a side-effect of reducing far more greenhouse gases than the main UN plan for confronting climate change, the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) said on Thursday." (Reuters)
Earth mother alert: "Climate
change and earth women" - "The charity known as WEN (Women’s
Environment Network), while ensuring that the concerns of women are not
overlooked within the wider green movement, campaigns to raise awareness about
the impact of disposable nappies and eco-friendly product packaging.
Interestingly, the organisation's members are called matrons instead of patrons
and include Anita Roddick, founder of Body Shop, among several other
celebrities. Oh, that's why... "Save the Planet, Bring Your Checkbook" - "Marie Claire calls for 'global cooling' so women can wear $41,000 of winter apparel." (Julia A. Seymour, Business & Media Institute)
it be nice?" - "FOR YEARS, supporters of global warming
alarmism have repeated an odd refrain: Even if we're wrong, we're right. Another bad joke: "US Climate Change Science Program making good progress in documenting and understanding changes" - "WASHINGTON -- Climate change research directed by the federal government has made good progress in documenting and understanding temperature trends and related environmental changes on a global scale, says a new report from the National Research Council. The ability to predict future climate changes also has improved, but efforts to understand the impact of such changes on society and analyze mitigation and adaptation strategies are still relatively immature, added the committee that wrote the report. Moreover, the U.S. Climate Change Science Program (CCSP), which oversees federal research in this area, has made inadequate progress in supporting decision making, studying regional impacts, and communicating with a wider group of stakeholders." (The National Academies) "Panel Faults Emphasis of U.S. Climate Program" - "An effort by the Bush administration to improve federal climate research has answered some questions but lacks a focus on impacts of changing conditions and informing those who would be most affected, a panel of experts has found." (New York Times) "Should People Stop Having Children to Halt Global Warming?" - "It certainly shouldn't come as a great surprise that there are people who think human beings are the worst species on the planet, and that Earth would be a much better place without us. (News Busters) No? Duh! "Insurance industry joins climate change fight" - "Insurers are aware that extreme weather conditions are likely to become more common. The insurance industry today launched a major initiative to help tackle climate change and encourage consumers to be more environmentally friendly, which could lead to the introduction of more "green" insurance policies." (Guardian Unlimited)
"A flood of claims" - "Insurers discuss ways to guard against the effects of climate change." (Economist.com) "MPs: government should help citizens 'do their bit' on climate change" - "The government is effectively preventing ordinary citizens from engaging in the battle against climate change, a parliamentary committee said today. MPs on the environment, food and rural affairs committee said the government needs to increase its use of green taxes and introduce policies such as a feed-in tariff for any electricity people produce at home with solar panels or windmills and feed into the grid." (Guardian Unlimited) He's still at it: "Lord Browne calls for an 'International Climate Agency'" - "A call for an 'International Climate Agency' to help stabilise global greenhouse gas emissions is made today by the former BP chief executive, Lord Browne." (London Telegraph) Alas, poor Tories, once had real leaders... "David Cameron pledges radical green shake-up" - "David Cameron was last night embroiled in a growing row over his support for a Tory commission advocating higher "green" taxes on motoring, domestic flights and home improvements." (London Telegraph)
- carbon aside" - "The Camp for Climate Action this summer on
the perimeter of London Heathrow Airport provided the strongest evidence yet
that air travel is becoming a lightning rod for anger over global warming. "My Jet Is Bigger Than Yours" - " High-end private jets, like the Falcon 7X ($40 million) are all the rage among business leaders, writes JILLIAN COHAN. And there are good reasons—besides ego." ( Jillian Cohan, The American) "Shipping Must Act on Air Emissions" - "LONDON - Aviation has borne the brunt of environmentalists' ire for causing climate change but the global maritime industry could face similar pressure if it can't agree to curbs in greenhouse gases, industry experts warn." (Reuters)
Backs German Carmakers' CO2 Stance" - "FRANKFURT - Chancellor
Angela Merkel voiced her unequivocal support for the interests of the German car
industry as she opened the 62nd Frankfurt International Motor Show on Thursday.
funds 'green consumption' studies" - "Tesco is investing £25m
to set up an institute aimed at tackling climate change which it hopes will lead
to "a revolution in green consumption".
predicts lower demand for oil" - "The International Energy
Agency's forecast yesterday of lower-than-expected demand for oil next year did
not prevent further price rises on world oil markets. The price of a barrel of
London Brent crude rose $1.30 to settle at $77.68 last night, despite the IEA's
decision to reduce its forecast for global oil demand in 2008 by about 160,000
barrels. "Utility to test method of curbing CO2" - "Construction has begun in Pleasant Prairie on a $10 million pilot project that will test whether a key gas linked to global warming can be removed from the smokestack of a coal-fired power plant before it is released into the air. We Energies is hosting the pilot project at the state's largest coal plant. Construction of the carbon separation facility is scheduled to be completed late this year, with the project scheduled to start at the end of the year, We Energies spokesman Barry McNulty said." (Journal Sentinel) "Boost for biofuels" - "Alternative energy firms receive a lift from Ottawa as crude-oil price tops $80 U.S. for first time ever." (Toronto Star)
UK Plans Giant Battery to Store Wind Power" - "LONDON - The
British arm of German utility E.ON AG is developing a giant battery using a
secret combination of chemicals to store wind and solar power for times of high
demand, the company said on Thursday. "Nuclear power looks for comeback in U.S." - "A nuclear power plant hasn't been built in the U.S. in decades, but that appears to be changing, says the CEO of the nuclear industry's advocacy group." ( CNET News.com) "Not all studies are created equal" - "We’ve all heard that clinical trials are the gold standards of research. They have such favorable reputations, many consumers, media and healthcare professionals readily believe their findings are gold, too. But clinical trials are not all created equal. They come in different flavors and most being conducted today don’t merit us personally acting upon." (Junkfood Science)
Science Studies Appear to Be Tainted By Sloppy Analysis" - "We
all make mistakes and, if you believe medical scholar John Ioannidis, scientists
make more than their fair share. By his calculations, most published research
findings are wrong. "Skeptic’s Circle Saloon" - "Skeptics pony up to the bar for the latest edition of Skeptics Circle at Unscrewing the Inscrutable. Host Brent Rasmussen outdid himself with a fun Western tale, jam-packed with some great skeptical essays and hilarious zingers thrown in. Homeopathic hangover cures, anyone?" (Junkfood Science)
University education" - "University of Iowa administrators
have decided to eliminate a piece of Americana and teach prejudice against fat
students. "Green as houses" - "Building green is getting cheaper and more popular" (The Economist) The Economist runs afoul of misanthropists: "Population and its discontents" - "Lighten the footprint, but keep the feet." (Economist.com) "Gene-modified eucalyptus ingests more CO2" - "TAIPEI, Taiwan -- Eucalyptus trees genetically modified by a team of Taiwanese and U.S. biologists have proven capable of ingesting up to three times more carbon dioxide than normal strains, indicating a new path to reducing greenhouse gases and global warming, team members said yesterday." (China Post) September 13, 2007 Ignorant twit... "Bring back DDT? Think again" - "Public-health specialists are debating whether or not to bring back DDT to help control mosquitoes. DDT advocates should think again. The environmental damage this pesticide can cause goes beyond the decimation of hawks, eagles, fish, and frogs documented during its previous use. (It was introduced early in World War II; a federal law banned its use in 1972.) Recent research shows that the class of pesticides to which DDT belongs stunts the growth of legumes such as alfalfa and soybeans, limiting their ability to fix nitrogen and so provide their own fertilizer and improve the soil. Also, a comprehensive survey has found that residues of discontinued pesticides such as DDT continue to contaminate streams, lakes, and groundwater throughout the continental United States." (Robert C. Cowen, The Christian Science Monitor)
Mortality at Record Low" - "For the first time since record
keeping began in 1960, the number of deaths of young children around the world
has fallen below 10 million a year, according to figures from the United Nations
Children’s Fund being released today. That poor virtual world, again: "Warming May Trigger Agricultural Collapse" - "WASHINGTON, Sep 12 - India could lose up to 40 percent of its agricultural output because of global warming even as it becomes the world's most populous country, warns a new study." (IPS)
Coordinated crap: "Global Warming Impact Like 'Nuclear War' - Report" - "LONDON - Climate change could have global security implications on a par with nuclear war unless urgent action is taken, a report said on Wednesday." (Reuters)
Stupid misdirection of the moment: "Climate
More Than Land Misuse Spreading Deserts - UN" - "MADRID -
Climate change has become the prime cause of an accelerating spread of deserts
which threatens the world's drylands, the United Nations' top climate official
said on Wednesday.
Oh boy... "Ancient Shells Tell Tale of Climate Change - Study" - "CHICAGO - By studying the chemical composition of ancient marine fossils, researchers have found new evidence that greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide have a big impact on climate, they said on Wednesday." (Reuters)
"Big Climate Change Did Not Kill Neanderthals - Study" - "LONDON - Neanderthals probably fell victim to taller and superior Cro-Magnons rather than catastrophic climate change, researchers said on Wednesday." (Reuters) "Challenge to Scientific Consensus on Global Warming: Analysis Finds Hundreds of Scientists Have Published Evidence Countering Man-Made Global Warming Fears" - " WASHINGTON, Sept. 12 -- A new analysis of peer-reviewed literature reveals that more than 500 scientists have published evidence refuting at least one element of current man-made global warming scares. More than 300 of the scientists found evidence that 1) a natural moderate 1,500-year climate cycle has produced more than a dozen global warmings similar to ours since the last Ice Age and/or that 2) our Modern Warming is linked strongly to variations in the sun's irradiance. "This data and the list of scientists make a mockery of recent claims that scientific consensus blames humans as the primary cause of global temperature increases since 1850," said Hudson Institute Senior Fellow Dennis Avery." (PRNewswire-USNewswire) "SPPI exposes fundamental scientific error in Laurie David’s “global warming” book for children" - "(Washington, D.C.) A fundamental scientific error lurks in a book calculated to terrify schoolchildren about “global warming”, Robert Ferguson, SPPI president, announced today: “The Down To Earth Guide to Global Warming", by Laurie David and Cambria Gordon, is intentionally designed to propagandize unsuspecting school children who do not have enough knowledge to know what is being done to them." | A Fundamental Scientific Error in “global warming” Book for Children (SPPI) GlobalWarming.org has been fully renovated. Why not click on in and check it out? "Greens With Envy" - " President Bush and Australian Prime Minister John Howard are being accused of pretending to care about global warming. The real pretenders are the ones who lecture us about man-made climate change." (IBD) "Global Blame Game Continues at Berlin Climate Conference" - "During the opening of a two-day international environment conference in Berlin, developing and industrialized nations remained far apart on who should shoulder responsibility for cutting greenhouse gas emissions." (Deutsche Welle) Uh-huh... "Fight climate change, cut down on red meat" - "PEOPLE in rich countries should limit their meat-eating to the equivalent of one hamburger per person per day to help stave off global warming, an Australian-led study in the Lancet suggests." (The Australian) Meanwhile... "Half-price Big Mac to fight global warming proves big hit in Japan" - "A Japanese government website crashed Wednesday as people raced to take up an offer of a half-price McDonald's hamburger in exchange for pledging to fight global warming." (AFP)
"Support Builds for Carbon Cash to Save Forests" - "LONDON - The use of carbon offsetting as a way to fund tropical forest protection drew backing from a range of environmental and research groups this week, ahead of international climate change talks in December." (Reuters) King, again: "‘No threat more serious’ than climate change" - "CAPE TOWN — Climate change poses a greater threat to our future wellbeing than global terrorism, says the British government’s chief scientific adviser, Sir David King. “It is the biggest challenge human civilisation has ever had to face up to collectively,” says King." (Business Day) "Chill Out" - "Bjorn Lomborg provides a calm voice in the heated debate over global warming." (Kimberley A Strassel, Wall Street Journal) Sigh... "English coastal storms more intense, but is it climate change?" - "TRIESTE, Italy - Coastal storms battering the southern coast of England have sharply increased in intensity over the last century and a half, a possible consequence of global warming." (AFP) "Air pollution causes bigger, more destructive hail" - "Air pollution hugely increases the size of hail, and thus the amount of damage it can cause to crops and property, according to a study presented Wednesday at the European Conference on Severe Storms." (AFP) Thursday
funny: "Climate
Change is Faster in Italy - Minister" - "ROME - Italy's
climate is heating up four times faster than in the rest of the world, the
country's environment minister said on Wednesday, warning that this carried a
severe financial cost. Meanwhile:
Study Cuts Italy Gas Stores, Cold Nears" - "MILAN - Italy's
gas reserves may fall 4.4 percent after the Environment Ministry effectively
suspended the use of a storage facility, an Industry Ministry source said on
Wednesday amid concern about a possible gas crunch this winter. Just a little thing (Number Watch)
Unlike most, this is a real problem... "Dirty
Energy Threatens Health of 2 Billion - Study" - "LONDON - The
health of about 2 billion of the world's poor is being damaged because they lack
access to clean energy, like electricity, and face exposure to smoke from open
fires, scientists said on Thursday.
"New energy agency chief sees household energy use rising in industrial countries" - "BERLIN: Despite the growing political commitment to tackling global warming, individual energy use and carbon emissions in the leading industrial countries have actually increased in recent years, the new head of a major energy advisory group said Monday." (IHT) "Carmakers
Turn 'Green' But is it a Smokescreen?" - "FRANKFURT - Green is
the colour at the Frankfurt International Motor Show, with carmakers tripping
over each other to make eyebrow-raising claims their vehicles are
"clean" and environmentally friendly.
"US Court Upholds Tough Vermont Auto Emissions Law" - "BOSTON - A US District Court in Vermont on Wednesday upheld a state law that calls for a 30 percent reduction in the amount of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, emitted by cars and certain light trucks." (Reuters) "EU automakers reject 2012 deadline for CO2 cuts" - "European automakers demanded more time on Wednesday to meet mooted CO2 emissions targets but stressed they were on board and working hard to produce cleaner cars." (AFP) Brown's biggest assets: "Tories plan supertax on gas guzzling vehicles" - "Motorists who buy environmentally unfriendly "gas guzzling" cars would be hit by a new batch of green "supertaxes" that would add thousands of pounds to the final bill under plans to be announced by David Cameron's advisers." | Is it time to lay off the drivers of 'gas guzzlers'? (London Telegraph) "Air Freight Food, Flowers May be Greener - Tesco CEO" - "LONDON - Flying certain foods around the world may be less environmentally harmful than buying locally, said Terry Leahy, Chief Executive of the world's third biggest retailer Tesco, announcing new research funding." (Reuters)
Really? "Higher
gas prices may help Americans slim down" - "NEW YORK - Higher
U.S. gasoline prices may slim more than just wallets, according to a new study
from Washington University in St. Louis.
"New York Times Continues to Mislead on Avandia Risks" - "Why does the Times continue to ignore scientific criticism of Avandia’s critics?" (Trevor Butterworth, STATS) "New report on mobile phone research published" - "Mobile phones have not been found to be associated with any biological or adverse health effects, according to the UK’s largest investigation into the possible health risks from mobile telephone technology." (University of Nottingham) "A Village’s Travail: A Snapshot of Environmental NGOs’ Real Work" - "Rosia Montana, a poor mining town in the Transylvanian mountains of Romania, has been approached by the Rosia Montana Gold Corporation (RMGC) to dig four open-pit gold mines in their area. Among Rosia Montana residents, the majority of is unemployed and lacks indoor toilets and reliable running water. The mine would bring 600 permanent jobs to the area and $2 billion into the Romanian economy." (CEI)
green initiatives belong on the compost heap" - "TESCO'S
Sustainable Consumption Institute leaves me on my knees, as in: "Please,
Terry, not another green initiative." Maybe I'm the only person in the
country who thinks the whole greener-than-thou scramble is out of hand. But I
doubt it. "The mozzies are coming" - "After the wet, then warm, summer, Britain is in the midst of a mosquito explosion. Will the little monsters become a growing menace? And, worse still, is malaria on the way back? Jon Henley reports" (The Guardian) "China Urged to Join Effort to Defend Amazon from Soy" - "GUANGZHOU, China - China, the world's top soy importer, should join an emerging alliance in Brazil to protect Amazon forests and promote sustainable soy production, the head of an international crushers' association said." (Reuters) September 12, 2007 We've been getting some excited traffic from
gorebull warmers about this: "Arctic
Ice Continues Record Melting" - "An area of Arctic sea ice the
size of Florida has melted away in just the last six days as melting at the top
of the planet continues at a record rate.
global warming hype" - "Popular Science published a
special issue in August. The lead article is a puff piece on climatologists
Konrad Steffen who made a career on the ice pack of Greenland. "Koni",
as he is known to climate colleagues and friends has spent 32 years in the high
Arctic, the last 15 on Greenland.
"Almanac Calls for Warmer Weather in 2008" - "Old Farmer's Almanac Says Sunspots, Meteorology Show 2008 Will Be Warmest Year in a Century" (AP)
"Big media
shows bias on climate issue" - "I know this is getting old. I
keep writing about scientists who challenge the global warming theory. I do that
because the mainstream media's assertion that you and I are responsible is
definitely debatable. Reporters ignore legitimate scientists who say the way we
live and our machines are not the cause. Well, a few items get through: "Climate Corrections" - "Climate change reared its head again last week at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in Sydney, where participating heads of state struggled to reach a consensus on how to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2). The political squabbling, global warming true believers will say, stands in stark contrast to the scientific consensus that the greenhouse effect, a product of increasing CO2 in the atmosphere, is causing dramatic climate change. There's just one problem with this view: There's a lot less to that "scientific consensus" than meets the eye." (Syun-Ichi Akasofu, Wall Street Journal) | .pdf for the access-challenged
But the thought police don't like it: "Ignoring the Evidence of Global Warming"
- "I am not a climatologist, oceanographer, glaciologist, solar physicist or expert in any other field related to climate change or global warming. Nor are most meteorologists you see on TV across the United States. "Sense of Urgency Greater Over Climate Deal - UK" - "BERLIN - The world is at last waking up to the perils of climate change but time is running out to translate that realisation into serious action, Britain's environment minister Hilary Benn said on Tuesday." (Reuters) "Top Polluters to Discuss Hard Climate Goals - Germany" - "BERLIN - Twenty of the world's top polluting nations have agreed to discuss binding targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, Germany's environment minister said on Tuesday." (Reuters)
finds lake boiling with methane" - "Last month, UAF researcher
Katey Walter brought a National Public Radio crew to Alaska’s North Slope,
hoping to show them examples of what happens when methane is released when
permafrost thaws beneath lakes. "Climate
Change's Great Divide" - "The biggest political battle in
Washington over climate change may not pit Democrats against Republicans.
Instead, it could be economists versus politicians. "Southeast Asia gears up for palm oil boom" - "Southeast Asian nations are gearing up for a palm oil boom as interest in biofuels soars, but activists warn the crop may not satisfy a global thirst for energy that is both clean and green." (AFP) "Biofuels Offer Cure Worse Than the Disease - OECD" - "PARIS - Biofuels, championed for reducing energy reliance, boosting farm revenues and helping fight climate change, may in fact hurt the environment and push up food prices, a study suggested on Tuesday." (Reuters)
reveal no clear favorites in alternative energy market" -
"CHICAGO, Ill. The nuclear power industry is riding the green wave back
into public favor with its promise of a low-carbon solution to our growing
energy needs. But even as the industry struggles to dictate what role nuclear
can realistically play, it is bound by a global energy landscape—from solar to
carbon sequestration—that is still predominantly shaped by the marketplace. "EU Deputies Seek Delay for Airline Emissions Trade" - "BRUSSELS - A European Parliament committee sought on Tuesday to delay the inclusion of all airlines in the European Union's emissions trading scheme to 2012." (Reuters) "Micro-dust could tame hurricanes: study" - "Seeding a hurricane with microscopic dust could sharply reduce its force, according to a study which calculated that the technique might have spared New Orleans from the devastating power of Katrina in 2005." (AFP) "9/11 'conspiracy' theories challenged by Cambridge research" - "A new mathematical analysis of the collapse of the World Trade Centre has been published by a Cambridge University academic, with results that challenge conspiracy theories surrounding the September 11th attacks." (University of Cambridge)
Here's an ambitious claim: "Pollution
blamed for fall in Arctic baby boys" - "Twice as many girls as
boys are being born across much of the Arctic because of pollution from
industrialised countries, scientists have found. The study also found that in
parts of Russia many newborn boys were sickly or underweight.
time to silence Silent Spring" - "This September marks the
45th anniversary of the publication of Silent Spring, Rachel Carson's
anti-pesticide manifesto credited with inspiring the environmentalist movement. Only available from the JunkScience.com Store.
does not protect against asthma, allergies" - "Breastfeeding
does not protect children against developing asthma or allergies, says a new
study led by McGill University's Dr. Michael Kramer and funded by the Canadian
Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). The findings were pre-published online
September 11 by the British Medical Journal. "More fat children seized by the government" - "With internet search engines nearly wiped clean of news contrary to the international war on obesity, this story wasn’t easily found. So, few healthcare professionals, parents and child advocates have heard that a Freedom of Information investigation of councils in the UK has just uncovered that three more children have been taken away from their parents and put into government care...because they are "too" fat." (Junkfood Science)
is safe, study says" - "A sweeping review of research studies
of aspartame says there is no evidence that the non-nutritive sweetener causes
cancer, neurological damage or other health problems in humans "Soft drinks alone do not affect children's weight" - "Soft drink consumption has increased in both the USA and the UK over the years and this has often been blamed for a rise in childhood body mass index (BMI). However, many of the review methodologies investigating the alleged links have been flawed. A recent scientific analysis of a nationally representative sample of children’s diets and lifestyles found no link between the amount of soft drinks children consume and their body weight." (Sugar Bureau)
but naughty -- our ' addiction' to chocolate" - "Chocolate is
the most widely and frequently craved food, but is it really addictive? "NYC Rule Posting Calories on Menus Nixed" - " A judge struck down a New York City rule Tuesday that required fast-food restaurants to post calorie counts on their menus." (AP) "China Suspends Plan to Convert Farmland Into Forest" - "BEIJING - China suspended a plan to convert 1.07 million ha of farmland into forest to meet its pledge of reserving at least 120 million ha for farming to ensure the country's food supply, state media said on Tuesday." (Reuters)
"Critics Weigh In
as IFC Tightens Mining Rules" - "WASHINGTON, Sep 10 - The
International Finance Corporation (IFC) faces pointed criticism in coming days
as an effort to lessen the damage wrought by large mining projects enters a new
![]() "Does the Earth Have a Temperature Regulator?" - "It seems to me as if there hasn’t really been much attention given to the fact that CO2 increases occur AFTER the temperature begins rising and therefore cannot be the initial cause of global warming. Even the most vocal proponents of anthropogenic global warming (AGW) acknowledge this fact." (Craig James, WOODTV) "Global warming: an unsettled science"
A serious analysis would probably require more than some of these slogans but
I hope that you will find some new interesting articles in the clip. Perhaps,
you will also like the dramatic music (Holst:
The Planets: Mars, thanks to the music experts among you!) as much as I do.
;-) "33% of the USHCN network has been surveyed" - "I'm pleased to announce that 33% of the USHCN network of 1221 weather stations has been surveyed now by www.surfacestations.org volunteers. With 404 stations surveyed so far, 817 to go." (Watts Up With That?) "Increasing Variability in a Warmer World?" - "One of the pillars of the global warming scare is that as temperatures rise, the variability of climate will increase and we will see an increase in temperature extremes. More heat waves will result, more lives will be lost, and the increase in greenhouse gases will be to blame. The concept is illustrated in the Figure 1 – should the temperature distribution simply shift up a few degrees (as seen in a), fewer low temperatures would be experienced while the incidence of high temperatures would increase. However, should the variance of the temperature distribution increase (as seen in b), then the corresponding increase in extreme high temperatures would be even greater. Even the occurrence of record-breaking low temperatures can be blamed on global warming if one accepts the hypothesis that temperature variance is related to any change in mean temperature." (WCR) "Judge
Dismisses Claims CO2 Emissions Caused Hurricane Katrina" -
"While media carped and whined about the second anniversary of Hurricane
Katrina devastating New Orleans, a judge in Gulfport, Mississippi, ruled on a
lawsuit filed against oil, coal, and electric utility companies that could have
significant implications on future litigation involving greenhouse gas emissions
and global warming. Klaus
vs Gore: newspaper ads Inappropriate use of 9/11 anniversary: "Move
to identify climate change security hotspots" - "The Ministry
of Defence has asked climate change experts to identify regions of the world
where global warming could spark conflict and security threats.
OK... "EU parliament told of 'irrefutable' evidence of global warming" - "Climate change is an “unintended” side effect of society, a top expert on global warming told the European parliament." (EUpolitix)
From the UK Met Office Hysteria Centre: "World
Likely to Pass Dangerous Warming Limits - Study" - "LONDON -
The world will probably exceed a global warming limit which the European Union
calls dangerous, scientists at Britain's MetOffice Hadley Centre said on
Tuesday, presenting a new, 5-year research programme. "Climate change will harm life on the deep ocean floor, study finds" - "A study of the most remote forms of life on Earth has found that their splendid isolation on the deep seabed will not protect them from environmental catastrophes on the surface." (London Independent)
"‘Feel Good’ vs. ‘Do Good’ on Climate" - "After looking at one too many projections of global-warming disasters — computer graphics of coasts swamped by rising seas, mounting death tolls from heat waves — I was ready for a reality check. Instead of imagining a warmer planet, I traveled to a place that has already felt the heat, accompanied by Bjorn Lomborg, the Danish political scientist and scourge of environmentalist orthodoxy." (John Tierney, New York Times) "Climate showdown headed for courts" - "Lawsuit filed over Kyoto Protocol might be an omen of things to come." (Richard Watts, Times Colonist)
This nonsense, again? "Expert
says climate change will spread global disease" - "Climate
change will have an overwhelmingly negative impact on health with possibly one
billion more people at risk from dengue fever within 80 years, an expert said
Tuesday. Say what? "Despite many challenges, world faces brighter future - report" - "UNITED NATIONS - Despite daunting challenges posed by global warming, water, energy, unemployment and terrorism, the world faces a brighter future with fewer wars, higher life expectancy and improved literacy, according to a report released today." (Sapa-AFP) Here's what Time thinks of personal liberty, rising standards of living, progress generally: "The 50 Worst Cars of All Time: #2: 1909 Ford Model T" - "Uh-oh. Here comes trouble. Let's stipulate that the Model T did everything that the history books say: It put America on wheels, supercharged the nation's economy and transformed the landscape in ways unimagined when the first Tin Lizzy rolled out of the factory. Well, that's just the problem, isn't it? The Model T — whose mass production technique was the work of engineer William C. Klann, who had visited a slaughterhouse's "disassembly line" — conferred to Americans the notion of automobility as something akin to natural law, a right endowed by our Creator. A century later, the consequences of putting every living soul on gas-powered wheels are piling up, from the air over our cities to the sand under our soldiers' boots." (Time Magazine) "Mathematics of Ice to Aid Global Warming Forecasts" - "University of Utah mathematicians have arrived at a new understanding of how salt-saturated ocean water flows through sea ice - a discovery that promises to improve forecasts of how global warming will affect polar icepacks." (University of Utah)
Warming Insanity?" - "When do symbolic gestures turn into
"doing something" about climate change?
I love it when the fruit loops turn on each other: "Activists
take Al Gore to task on his diet" - "He may be the hero of the
environmental movement for his crusade against global warming but Al Gore is
about to be targeted by animal rights activists over his carnivorous
contribution to greenhouse gases.
No? DUH! "Red
faces as the state's green scheme hits wall" - "NSW'S flagship
scheme to cut greenhouse gas pollution is on the verge of collapse, putting jobs
and millions of green investment dollars at risk and killing the incentive for
householders to cut soaring electricity consumption. "Carbon
Offsets: Eco-Extortion, Green Guilt, and the Selling of Indulgences"
- "There are some things you just gotta do yourself. Someone else can’t
lose your weight, quit your addiction, parent your kids, or confess your sins. Good grief... "For
buyers, carbon labels tap into worry on warming" - "Customers
buying Timberland shoes now have something to think about other than style,
comfort, and price - global warming.
Look who's learning to talk the talk: "Global warming threatens winter tourist landmarks" - "KUNMING, September 10 -- One of China's leading tourist landmarks, Meili Snow Mountain, will be devoid of snow within 80 years if global warming trends continue, a meteorological scientist warned on Monday." (Xinhua) II: "Pahad blames ‘global warming’" - "THE acute food crisis affecting Lesotho, part of Mozambique, Swaziland and Zimbabwe was a reminder of the threat posed by global warming, Deputy Foreign Minister Aziz Pahad said yesterday." (Business Day) "Ratifying UN Climate Deal Will Take Time - Germany" - "BERLIN - A global deal to combat climate change must be decided by the end of 2009 as it will take about two years to ratify, Germany's environment minister said on Monday." (Reuters) "UN envoy urges developing nations to accept climate targets" - "BERLIN - United Nations (UN) climate change envoy Gro Harlem Brundtland opened a G8 meeting on global warming in Berlin today with a plea for the developing world to agree to binding goals on cutting greenhouse gas emissions." (Sapa-AFP)
Good luck with that: "Global
warming could bring commercial shipping to Northwest Passage" -
"Global warming and economic development will prompt commercial vessels to
use the fabled Northwest Passage as early as next year, Horseshoe Bay Marine
Group principal Joseph Spears said Monday. "Climate-change paradox: Greenhouse gas is Big Oil boon" - "With enough CO2 injected into declining oil fields, the US could see its petroleum reserves quadruple." ( The Christian Science Monitor) "Hurricane Scientists Flubbed Forecasts for Two Years" - " Hurricane researchers, who forecast seven more storms this season, have flubbed the past two annual estimates because of unusual El Nino and La Nina weather phenomena in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans." (Bloomberg) "Bogus NASA Study" - "I've been thinking about my criticism of a U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) study of tornadoes and hail in the previous post. I realize now that I was far too lenient on those who conducted the study. The study should never have been funded. It should never have passed the peer review process and it should never have been published in any scientific journal." (ReasonMcLucus)
time to silence Silent Spring" - "This September marks the
45th anniversary of the publication of Silent Spring, Rachel Carson's
anti-pesticide manifesto credited with inspiring the environmentalist movement. Only available from the JunkScience.com Store. "Thars Gold In Them Thar Pills!" - "Many are puzzled by why politicians, employers and health insurers are so interested in getting us to participate in wellness programs, undergo preventive health screenings, fill out those online health risk assessments, and comply with health management. The questions that frequently come up are: “Don’t all of those screenings and preventive health interventions raise costs? Why would insurers want to do that?” (Junkfood Science) "Civil Society responds to the WHO’s working group on innovation and health" - "In 2006, the World Health Organization issued a report which claimed that too few drugs are developed for ‘neglected’ tropical diseases that especially affect poor countries, and that the international patent system prevents drugs from getting to the neediest." (CFD) "Bad Environmentalism Triumphs in California: Dems Gun for Rubber Ducks" - "There is good environmentalism and there is bad environmentalism: The first is driven by science and achieves meaningful results that improve public health and the state of the planet; the second is driven by fear and creates the illusion of action. (Trevor Butterworth, STATS) "Mythbusters: Are the odds stacked against us?" - "Is it even possible to effectively counter popular false beliefs and help people understand accurate information? Or, had Joseph Goebbels, in the 1920s, correctly pegged people as easily manipulated by media disinformation campaigns and we're doomed to repeat history? The underlying processes of human reasoning and fallacies of logic are known in the scientific literature, but if we don't understand them, they could remain the secrets of those using them against us." (Junkfood Science) "It’s what we don’t know that may hurt — CAM in babies and young children" - "Two recent articles in the journal Pediatrics didn’t make the news, but offer cautions for parents of young children, as well as doctors. Growing numbers of children are being treated for medical problems using alternative modalities, often without the knowledge of their pediatricians, or their well-meaning parents realizing the potential risks." (Junkfood Science) "HARDY rice: less water, more food" - "An international team of scientists has produced a new type of rice that grows better and uses water more efficiently than other rice crops. Professor Andy Pereira at the Virginia Bioinformatics Institute (VBI) has been working with colleagues in India, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Mexico and The Netherlands to identify, characterize and make use of a gene known as HARDY that improves key features of this important grain crop." (Virginia Tech)
boost against Africa diseases" - "SOUTH African President
Thabo Mbeki opened an international biotechnology centre overnight that aims to
develop vaccines for HIV/AIDS and other diseases that kill thousands of Africans
daily. September 10, 2007
review? What peer review?" - "The IPCC would have us believe
that its reports are diligently reviewed by many hundreds of scientists and that
these reviewers endorse the contents of the report. An analysis of the
reviewers' comments for the scientific assessment report by Working Group I show
a very different and very worrying story. "NASA's
Hansen Frees the Code!" - "One of the goals I and many other
concerned citizens have had this summer is to get full disclosures on the
measuring environment, data, methods, and computer source code used by NOAA and
NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) to arrive at adjustments to data
for the surface temperature record. Given the error discovered in August that
led to a restructuring of temperature in the USA and hottest year temperature
rankings (see 1998 no longer hottest year on record) renewed calls for full
disclosure put NASA GISS in a nearly indefensible position. "Cooking Up
Global Warming" - "A very embarrassing chapter in the history
of our nation's scientific establishment has been unfolding thanks to a creative
new website www.SurfaceStations.org
set up and run by Anthony Watts. This site is providing unwelcome scrutiny to
the United States’ surface temperature measurement network, supposedly the
most reliable in the world. The reputation has been built over the years in part
because of our government’s purported insistence on uniformity of technology
as well as siting (putting the gauges where they will gather the most accurate
data) and maintenance standards. <Guffaw> "The
issue of our time" - "THERE SHOULD be no doubt that global
warming is the most compelling issue of our time. If unchecked, it will threaten
our national security, stress our economy and degrade our quality of life in so
many ways. Our willingness to confront this unprecedented heating of the planet
is a test of our moral obligation to our children and their children. "Environmental Reality" - " Al Gore, maybe with his private jet being refueled in the background, has said there is a scientific consensus that man-made carbon dioxide emissions are causing harmful global warming. Well, no." (IBD) At least they mean well... "Prayer to End Climate Change: Religious Leaders Join Scientists in Environmental Concerns on Greenland's Melting Glaciers" - "Religious leaders from all over the world met at the mouth of a melting glacier in Greenland today to say a silent prayer for the planet, appealing to mankind to address the impact that humanity is having on life on Earth." (ABC News) "Fallacies
about Global Warming" - "It is widely alleged that the science
of global warming is “settled”. This implies that all the major scientific
aspects of climate change are well understood and uncontroversial, and that
scientists are now just mopping up unimportant details. The allegation is
profoundly untrue: for example the US alone is said to be spending more than $4
billion annually on climate research, which is a lot to pay for detailing; and
great uncertainty and argument surround many of the principles of climate
change, and especially the magnitude of any human causation for warming. Worse
still, not only is the science not “settled”, but its discussion in the
public domain is contaminated by many fallacies, which leads directly to the
great public confusion that is observed. "When
it comes to global warming, he's got something to say" - "Al
Pekarek doesn't like being called a denier. Contrasts (Number Watch) "State inaction on climate is a grave dereliction of duty" - " Government exists to achieve tasks individuals cannot tackle alone. On the environmental crisis, it has badly failed." (The Guardian) Says it all -- literally: "Scientists
say global warming to hit Africa hardest" - "PRETORIA - Africa
will suffer the most if the world fails to reduce global warming, with parts of
the impoverished continent becoming uncultivable or uninhabitable, top British
government scientists said on Wednesday.
"CLIMATE CHANGE: APEC Leaders Get Off With 'Aspirational Goals'" - "SYDNEY - An agreement by 21 Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum leaders on Saturday to adopt ‘’aspirational goals’’ to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions has been criticised by voluntary agencies as grossly inadequate for saving the world from the effects of climate change." (IPS) "APEC
aims at future climate change talks" - "SYDNEY, Australia -
The bargaining that produced a climate change agreement is only the beginning
for Pacific Rim leaders if they want to stick to their declaration to chart a
new international course on global warming. Another one? We need a bigger dog... "New climate plan drawn up for G8 meet" - "A grouping of former heads of state will present a plan to G8 environment ministers meeting here Tuesday aimed at breaking the impasse between rich and poor countries over global warming." (AFP) "Candidate
Thompson Praised for Global Warming Views" - "Free market
advocates in search of a champion who will take a firm stand against draconian
global warming laws might have one in former Sen. Fred Thompson (R-Tenn.), who
announced his run for the presidency Wednesday on NBC's "Tonight Show With
Jay Leno." "Warming could kill
off most polar bears: Study" - "WASHINGTON–Two-thirds of the
world's polar bears will disappear by 2050, even under moderate projections for
shrinking summer sea ice caused by greenhouse gases in the atmosphere,
government scientists reported yesterday. "The Arctic in the News and Blogs – No Sense of History" - "A series of reports by the USGS were released Friday predicting tough sledding ahead for the world’s polar bear populations. More than two-thirds of the world’s polar bears will be killed off by 2050 — including the entire population in Alaska — because of thinning sea ice from global warming in the Arctic, government scientists forecast Friday. See in this blog why the evidence does not suggest that rising temperature endangers them or will cause their extinction but don’t let the facts get in the way of a good cause." (Joe D’Aleo, ICECAP) Oh boy... "Melting
ice cap triggering earthquakes" - "The Greenland ice cap is
melting so quickly that it is triggering earthquakes as pieces of ice several
cubic kilometres in size break off.
"Reports of Record Arctic Ice Melt Disgracefully Ignore History" - "In the past couple of days, the media have reported "grim" melting of ice in the Arctic while disgracefully ignoring the history of the region prior to 1979 and explorations of the area as far back as 1903." (News Busters) Another bunch of fuel burners: "NGOs Unite on Earth's Greatest Crisis" - "UNITED NATIONS - A three-day meeting of over 2,500 delegates from more than 500 non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and representing 80 countries affirmed that climate change "is potentially the most serious threat humanity and our environment have ever faced." (IPS) From CO2
Science this week:
Subject Index Summary: Plant Growth Data: Journal Reviews: The "Terminal Classic Collapse" of Mayan Civilization: How might it be related to the development of the worldwide Medieval Warm Period? The Little Ice Age in Southern Tanzania (Africa): What was its primary defining characteristic? And what seems to have been responsible for it? Symbiodinium D: Coral's All-Purpose Clade for Coping with Stress: It would appear that earth's corals may harbor within them a less-than-fully-appreciated resource for surviving periodic episodes of a wide variety of environmental stresses. Norway Spruce Forests of Northern Austria: How have their growth rates changed over the last four decades?
"Curbing Ship Emissions Needs Global Rules - Chamber" - "HELSINKI - The world's shipping industry needs global regulations that are consistently enforced by the United Nations if it is to cut emissions, the chairman of the International Chamber of Shipping said on Friday." (Reuters) "Merkel Urges German Carmakers to Cut Emissions" - "BERLIN - Chancellor Angela Merkel called on the German car industry do more to help fight climate change ahead of next week's international car show (IAA) in Frankfurt." (Reuters) "Dimas Says Carmakers Missing CO2 Target Face Fines" - "BERLIN - European Environment Commissioner Stavros Dimas warned in a newspaper interview on Sunday that carmakers will face sanctions if they fail to meet new rules on reducing emissions.' (Reuters) "Perils
of wind and water" - "The green, climate-change movement
demands reduced atmospheric emissions of carbon dioxide. Activists like Al Gore
call carbon dioxide (CO2) a "pollutant" and claim it is warming the
globe. Virtually... "Acid rain has a disproportionate impact on coastal waters" - "The release of sulfur and nitrogen into the atmosphere by power plants and agricultural activities plays a minor role in making the ocean more acidic on a global scale, but the impact is greatly amplified in the shallower waters of the coastal ocean, according to new research by atmospheric and marine chemists." (WHOI)
"Scientists Second-Guessing the Path of the Whirlwind" - "MEXICO CITY - Hurricanes Dean, Felix and Henriette caused dozens of deaths and millions of dollars worth of damage in the tropical zone of the Americas in just over two weeks. But worse may lie ahead, as five large cyclones are expected to materialise before the storm season is over." (IPS) "'Hidden
hurricanes' upsetting global warming theories?" - "Recent
research may shed new light on whether the increase in hurricane activity on the
Gulf Coast is part of a cycle that could end in a couple of decades, or a
long-term climate trend that could last for centuries. "Ban the standby button, say Tories" - " Conservatives target plasma TVs in radical report on how to tackle global warming." (The Guardian) "Lib Dems attack Brown on continuing fall in green taxes" - " Green taxes have fallen for the past seven years and are at the lowest share of national income for a quarter of a century, the Liberal Democrats reveal today." (The Guardian) "Treasury
'pockets extra £10bn' from green taxes" - "Billions of pounds
are being raised in green taxes with little or no reward for
environmentally-friendly consumers, according to two new studies. "Rationing project tests government plans to make pollution personal" - " Plans for the world's first personal carbon trading scheme, in which people buy and sell their rights to produce pollution, are unveiled today." (The Guardian) Oh my... "Heart risk to children, 4, from salt" - "CHILDREN as young as four are increasing their risk of heart disease and stroke in later life because they are eating too much salt, researchers warned yesterday." (The Scotsman)
to Clear New GMO Beet in Sept, Despite Biotech Row" -
"BRUSSELS - EU ministers and national experts are due to approve a
genetically modified (GMO) sugar beet variety this month despite a long running
dispute over the use of biotechnology. September 7, 2007 "Green Building Racket?" - "'Building green' soon may be more about stealthily raking in cash from taxpayers than constructing 'eco-friendly' buildings, if the U.S. Green Building Council, or USGBC, has its way in Congress." (Steve Milloy, FoxNews.com) Right, again... Mt. Sinai 9/11 research is junk: Accuracy of 9/11 Health Reports Is Questioned - The New York Times reports on its front-page that, "The clinic’s doctors presented their findings in what other experts say were scientifically questionable ways, exaggerating the health effects with imprecise descriptions of workers’ symptoms and how long they might be sick."
Junkman on junk science in the Washington Times: Rock report: Not only the good die young - "... researchers... found that rock stars tend to die young because of their lifestyles, with American rockers faring far worse in later life than their British counterparts... 'What value does this have — none? And what can anybody do with any of this information?' asks Steven J. Milloy, a biostatistician and lawyer who has run the Web site JunkScience.com for more than 11 years, turning the screws on what he describes as bogus environmental and public health research." (Washington Times) "Australian, Bush Vow Action on Warming: Two Kyoto Foes Push Technology Approach" - "SYDNEY, Sept. 6 -- One of the first agreements to emerge Wednesday from meetings between President Bush and Australian Prime Minister John Howard was a pledge to take joint action to combat climate change." (Washington Post)
<chuckle> "China's
Hu Wants UN Framework on Climate Change" - "SYDNEY - China's
President Hu Jintao gave qualified support to an Australian initiative on
climate change on Thursday as a rift opened at the APEC meeting over the
"Sydney Declaration" and its targets for cutting greenhouse gas
Climate Change Targets for APEC" - "As Australia hosts this
year's APEC meeting, it is trying to get concrete climate change agreements out
of the annual primarily trade-focused summit. But, with a tight smile, China is
politely telling them that the issue already has a forum - and it's not Down
Under. "APEC Rift Opens Over Climate Change Debate" - "SYDNEY - Leaders at an Asia-Pacific summit appeared deadlocked on Thursday over what their "Sydney Declaration" on climate change and cutting greenhouse gas emissions should say." (Reuters) "Developing nations win concession from Australia, U.S. on climate change at APEC" - "SYDNEY, Australia - Developing countries won a significant concession from Australia and the United States on global warming, an official said Friday as a weekend deadline loomed to reach a unified position on the thorny issue among Pacific Rim leaders." (AP) "Climate Talks Will Test US Resolve - Germany" - "BERLIN - A climate meeting in Washington later this month will show whether the United States is really serious about curbing greenhouse gas emissions after years of playing down the problem, Germany's environment minister said." (Reuters) More nonsense: "U.S. Plots New Climate Tactic" - "WASHINGTON -- The Bush administration plans to push for speeding up -- by a decade -- the global phaseout of chemicals that destroy the ozone layer and contribute to global warming. But it is likely to run into opposition from China, which stands to profit more if current treaties hold. (Wall Street Journal)
"Flacks for alarmists" - "THE question of press bias about global warming is in the news again." (Bob Carter, Courier-Mail) Greenies call for Rupert to save them? "BBC bottles it over Planet Relief" - "Just days after we posted urging the BBC to stand up to its climate change critics and go ahead with plans for a series of programmes on global warming it emerges that the corporation has lost its nerve and canned the idea." (Business Green) "Sniff what you spread on the garden" - "BURKE'S BACKYARD garden guru Don Burke has spread plenty of manure in his time, so I trust his nose for the stuff. And the verdict of this lover of nature, now that he's taken a whiff of the bull preached on global warming? "I'm now getting very worried about some of these environment groups, whether it's Greenpeace or the Wilderness Society," he frets." (Andrew Bolt, Herald Sun)
faults agencies over global warming" - "WASHINGTON —
Wildfires are flaring bigger and hotter in Alaska, the northern Rockies and the
Sierra Nevada. Bighorn sheep, mountain goats and grizzly bears in Glacier
National Park, along with deer and marsh rabbits in the Florida Keys, face a
housing crisis. "New tool to fight global warming: Endangered Species Act?" - "A recent deal to protect the habitat of endangered coral may offer US environmentalists new leverage." (The Christian Science Monitor)
On being a moron (Number Watch) "Researcher demands apology for professional discourtesy from essayist who claimed climate consensus" - "Naomi Oreskes, a historian at the University of California, San Diego, faces questions after an academic researcher formally complained to Chancellor Marye Anne Fox that Oreskes had not read a draft paper by him before thrice publicly accusing him of “misrepresentation” (http://scienceandpublicpolicy.org/schulteresponse.html), reports SPPI." (SPPI) Cooler Heads Digest September 6, 2007 Maybe but probably not with La Niña looming: "Parched summer on way" - "UP to two million Australians in the lower Murray-Darling catchment are facing the worst summer of water restrictions and shortages in 70 years." (The Australian)
"La Nina to Develop, May Strengthen in 3 Months" - "NEW YORK - The La Nina weather anomaly is gathering steam and will possibly strengthen in the next three months, the US Climate Prediction Center predicted Thursday." (Reuters) Ah, extrapolations... "NOAA affirms predictions of sea ice loss" - "An analysis of 20 years' worth of real-life observations supports recent U.N. computer predictions that by 2050, summer sea ice off Alaska's north coast will probably shrink to nearly half the area it covered in the 1980s, federal scientists say." (Associated Press) "Planet Relief: the crusade against open debate" - "The hysterical reaction to the BBC’s decision to scrap its climate change special exposes green crusaders’ antipathy to discussion and dissent." (Frank Furedi, sp!ked)
In La-La Land? "Housebuilders
bid for first UK carbon-neutral site" - "Britain’s first
carbon-neutral village will be built on a former state-owned site being
auctioned by the Government. "Don't Drive It Too Far" - "BRUSSELS, Sep 6 - Carmakers in Europe are missing their targets for reducing the amount of greenhouse gases their vehicles release, new data indicates." (IPS) "Cars Neither "Green" Nor "Clean" - New Norway Rules" - "OSLO - No car can be "green", "clean" or "environmentally friendly", according to some of the world's strictest advertising guidelines set to enter into force in Norway next month." (Reuters)
regulators consider new approaches to cut global warming" -
"SACRAMENTO—When Californians take their vehicles in for a tune up, smog
check or oil change, the job should include fully inflating their tires.
"N.W.T. says
gas pipeline development would lower harmful emissions" -
"WASHINGTON — The Northwest Territories is taking on environmental groups
and social activists with a report that boasts about the benefits of gas
pipeline development in Canada’s North. "Atomic renaissance" - "America's nuclear industry is about to embark on its biggest expansion in more than a generation. This will influence energy policy in the rest of the world." ( The Economist) "Nuclear Industry Hails Climate-Driven 'Renaissance'" - "LONDON - The nuclear power industry said on Thursday it provided a clean alternative to fossil fuels and a global warming crisis, shrugging off environmentalist concerns about nuclear waste and atomic security." (Reuters) Quiet but massive climb down? "Lovelock: 'Respect the Earth'" - "Nuclear energy would be vital in a future where the Earth's feedback mechanisms are having to deal with the results of climate change, James Lovelock, environmentalist and originator of the Gaia theory, told delegates to the World Nuclear Association (WNA) 32nd Annual Symposium in London." (WNN)
"Newly Discovered Virus May be Killing Bees - Study" - "WASHINGTON - A newly discovered virus may be killing bees or may be making some bees vulnerable enough to disappear, US researchers reported on Thursday. (Reuters)
stuff can make children crazy: study" - "PARENTS always
suspected it but it has finally been proved: when some children eat colourful
cupcakes and have fizzy drinks they go wild. "Shock: kids smarter than chimps" - "IN another case of researchers reporting the bleeding obvious, European scientists have found that children are smarter than chimpanzees." (Reuters) "Nifty kids" - "This post got lost in the work shuffle but is still a goodie." (Junkfood Science) "Food is good to eat" - "This news isn’t new, but may be a helpful and healthful reminder as young people head back to school and become inundated by “healthy eating” and “healthy weight” messages in their school cafeterias, math and science classes, gym periods, recess, and even on their report cards.' (Junkfood Science)
to common chemicals may predispose some people to obesity" -
"Levin is one of a new generation of scientists examining another possible
factor in the obesity epidemic. Their research suggests that minute exposures to
common chemicals might pre-program children to be obesity-prone from birth. "Soda Smackdown! But Report Over Caffeine Content Fizzles" - "That some sodas have a lot of caffeine isn’t exactly news, so how did the press juice up a new study that said, um, some sodas have a lot of caffeine?" (STATS)
Abundance' Report: Fatally Flawed" - "The recent report from
Catherine Badgley et al. at the University of Michigan (Renewable Agriculture
and Food Systems, July, 2007) claimed that “organic agriculture has the
potential to contribute quite substantially to the global food supply” and
said “organic methods could produce enough food on a global per capita basis
to sustain the current human population, and potentially an even larger
population, without increasing the agricultural land base.” "Court curbs genetically modified rice" - "Environmentalists have won a legal skirmish in their campaign to stop the propagation of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Last week Branch 101 of the Quezon City Regional Trial Court granted an application filed by Greenpeace and other groups for a temporary restraining order against the genetically modified rice Bayer LL62." (Manilla Times) September 6, 2007 "Antarctica: Warming, Cooling, or Both?" - "The ice caps are melting – right? If you visit thousands of websites on climate change, watch Gore’s film or many similar documentaries, you would be left with no doubt that the icecaps are warming and melting at an unprecedented rate. However, with respect to Antarctica, you might be surprised when you examine what the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says in their 2007 Summary for Policymakers. Believe it or not, IPCC reports “Antarctic sea ice extent continues to show inter-annual variability and localized changes but no statistically significant average trends, consistent with the lack of warming reflected in atmospheric temperatures averaged across the region.” Furthermore, they note “Current global model studies project that the Antarctic ice sheet will remain too cold for widespread surface melting and is expected to gain in mass due to increased snowfall.” (WCR)
"Mine Your
Own Business" - "WASHINGTON—One would think only a crazy
couple would declare war on environmentalists by presenting them on film as
snobs, hypocrites and enemies of the poor. Luckily for those of us who think
one-sided debates are boring, Phelim McAleer and Ann McElhinney are just crazy
enough to question the environmentalists’ opposition to mining projects in
poor countries in a documentary—“Mine Your Own Business”—that is gaining
Haven't read the script... "Mount
Shasta Glaciers Defy Global Warming, Grow" - " MOUNT SHASTA
The debate over global warming has taken a pretty odd twist in Northern
California. Up on Mount Shasta, the glaciers are not behaving like you'd expect.
carbon-offsetting just eco-enslavement?" - "If you thought
that the era of British bigwigs keeping Indians as personal servants came to an
end with the fall of the Raj in 1947, then you must have had a rude awakening
last week. "Carbon Dioxide: The Houdini of Gases" - "How long does carbon dioxide linger in the air? This is actually an important question, a question of so-called residence time. As previously discussed on this blog, studies compiled by geologist Tom Segalstad rather convincingly show that earth’s biological and chemical processes recycle CO2 within a decade, meaning that a CO2 molecule you’re exhaling at the moment is bound to be captured by a plant or a rock or the ocean just a few years from now. Yet the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and other authorities insist that carbon dioxide generally remains in the air for up to 200 years." ( Alan Siddons and Joe D’Aleo, Icecap)
warming threatens Indonesia's Borobudur temple" - "MAGELANG,
Indonesia - Like any historical monument, Indonesia's magnificent Borobudur
temple in central Java has suffered the ravages of time.
"Al Gore readying
new environmental book" - "NEW YORK - For those frightened by
the tale of global warming in Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth," and
wondering what can be done, the former vice president has an answer: a sequel.
"Climate change debate
needs revolution" - "A revolution of society on a scale never
witnessed in peacetime is needed if climate change is to be tackled
successfully, the head of a major business grouping has warned.
The finest indoctrination: "Hollywood
recruits kids to fight climate change" - "Hit the sticks,
Smokey. Snook — along with Mumble, Nanu and Cody — is the new furry friend
globally warming the hearts and minds of kids across the country.
believers fear an honest debate" - "Newsweek's global-warming
cover story purports to reveal the "well-coordinated, well-funded campaign
by contrarian scientists, free-market think tanks and industry" that for
the past two decades "has created a paralyzing fog of doubt around climate
change." It's the same story run repeatedly in mainstream media: The
overwhelming majority of scientists believe the debate on global warming is over
- but if there are any dissenting scientists left, they've been bought. "CLIMATE CHANGE: Leaders to Debate Warming at U.N." - "UNITED NATIONS - Amid growing concern over the slow pace of international negotiations, the United Nations has called an extraordinary meeting of world leaders to discuss climate change." (IPS)
tracks to the same goal" - "WAS John Howard right to propose
the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation forum begin to set out a new global
strategy to tackle climate change?
Imagine that... "Australian,
US greenhouse gas efforts meet resistance from developing nations"
- "SYDNEY - Developing nations led by China and Southeast Asian states are
resisting efforts by the US and Australia to forge a new framework for cutting
greenhouse gas emissions, diplomats said Wednesday.
holds key on climate change deal" - "CHINA is standing in the
way of John Howard's plan to forge a clear commitment to tackle climate change
by improving energy efficiency among APEC nations.
asks for 'development space' while world seeks to curb global warming"
- "BEIJING: China said Tuesday it was working hard to increase its use of
renewable energy, but needs to be given some leeway in the global effort to
reduce greenhouse gasses. "China's rising CO2 emissions partly due to global output shift - state planner" - "BEIJING - China's rising carbon dioxide emissions are in large part due to a shift in global production, which has seen foreign companies setting up operations here, a senior state planner said." (XFN-ASIA) "New Study Offers Framework for Consensus on Climate Change at APEC Summit" - " SYDNEY, Australia, Sept. 5 -- As the region's leaders stand divided on climate change at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit in Sydney, Australia, a study launched at the meeting proposed a new strategy for unified global action. The study, released by the U.S.-based NGO World Growth, proposes a "Multi- Track" process that would allow countries to develop more customized strategies to reduce emissions while preserving economic development programs and progress toward eliminating poverty." (PRNewswire-USNewswire)
change of "vital interest" to APEC" - "SYDNEY,
Australia: Global warming is of "vital interest" to Pacific Rim
countries, according a draft statement prepared by regional foreign and trade
ministers that also welcomed a proposal for setting goals on improving energy
efficiency. "Asia-Pacific Businesses Call for Carbon Pricing" - "SYDNEY - Business leaders in the Asia-Pacific region said on Wednesday they will ask governments to put a price on carbon emissions as soon as possible to combat climate change." (Reuters) Cooler Heads Digest August 15, 2007 Cooler Heads Digest August 24, 2007 "Global Warming
May Pose Threat to Heart" - " Global warming may be melting
glaciers and forcing polar bears onto land, but doctors warn it could also
affect your heart.
Reversal: Humans Suck Life Out Of Leeches" - " Global warming
may be to blame for the gradual extinction of cold-loving species, and the
European land leech in particular, according to Ulrich Kutschera and colleagues
from the University of Kassel in Germany and the Karl-Franzens-University of
Graz in Austria. "BBC scraps climate change bias-athon" - "The BBC has abandoned plans for Planet Relief, a 'telethon' to raise awareness about climate change, which was being touted as a cross between Comic Relief (an annual BBC cringe-fest in which people give money to various good causes because comedians tell them to) and Al Gore's mega-flop Live Earth. (Monkey Tennis Centre) "Global warming: Too hot to handle for the BBC" - "Green groups protest after corporation calls off day of programming dedicated to climate change." (London Independent)
?!! "Lessons to be learnt from Channel 4 blunder" - "The BBC's decision to drop its climate change event is not the first time a major broadcaster has been accused of skewing the debate in favour of global warming deniers." (London Independent)
Live Earth Flop Prompts BBC to Scrap Global Warming Special" -
"On July 12, NewsBusters asked, "Did Live Earth's Flop Reduce Media
Interest in Global Warming?" "David Elstein: The BBC was right to scrap its day of special programming on climate change" -"The BBC is surely right to abandon plans to broadcast a Planet Relief event. The criticism at the Edinburgh TV Festival from such BBC luminaries as senior news executive Peter Horrocks and Newsnight editor Peter Barron simply echoed that of the BBC's role in the Live Aid anniversary concert of 2005." (London Independent) "Mark Lynas: The BBC was wrong to scrap its day of special programming on climate change" - "The BBC's decision to axe Planet Relief reveals a great deal about the thinking – or lack of it – among senior corporation executives. Desperate not to be accused of being "soft greenies" by the right-wing press, the Beeb has decided that global warming is too hot an issue." (London Independent) "Global Warming Media Disaster: DiCaprio’s ‘11th Hour’ Bombs at Box Office" - "More evidence that Al Gore's Live Earth flop was indeed the beginning of the end to the public's fascination with global warming: Leonardo DiCaprio's recently released film on the subject has bombed with moviegoers." (News Busters)
alarmed over climate change" - "OTTAWA - Canadians are now
expressing alarm about climate change in greater numbers than in any developed
nation except France, according to a poll released Tuesday. This is encouraging... "Grim outlook on rain" - "HOUSEHOLDS and farmers have been warned of continued water shortages and higher fruit and vegie prices as the horror drought drags on." (Herald Sun)
"Refugia of the Brazilian Atlantic rainforest could be the basis for its regeneration" - "During the last glaciation, which ended about 10 000 years Before Present (BP), the Brazilian Atlantic forest extended over all the eastern side of the country, covering more than 1 200 000 km², 15% of Brazil’s territory. Now only 95 000 km² of this natural habitat survives, just 8% of its initial extent. It is still a large biodiversity reservoir in Brazil, second only to the Amazonian forest. On one hectare of Atlantic forest the biologists recorded over 450 different tree species. But deforestation and intensive farming methods make this tropical forest one of Earth’s most seriously threatened ecosystems. In the states of São Paulo and Minas Gerais, regions where agriculture has developed strongly in recent years, the forest is largely fragmented, represented only as small blocks situated on the abrupt slopes which plunge down towards the Atlantic." (Institut de Recherche Pour le Développement)
When all else fails, blame global warming: "CHINA:
Global Warming Fuels Inflation" - "BEIJING, Sep 5 - As food
prices continue to soar ahead of an all-important Communist party meeting in
October, the country’s leaders fear that runaway inflation that has been
rankling Chinese consumers in recent months could ignite social unrest.
Although climate hysteria could cause food insecurity: "Global
food crisis looming on biofuels" - "HAMBURG: A huge increase
in demand for oilseeds and vegetable oils for biofuel production could lead to a
global food crisis as raw materials are switched to bioenergy output,
Hamburg-based oilseeds analysts Oil World said. "Big Oil Firms Talk Up Carbon Capture, But Do Little" - "ABERDEEN, Scotland - Major international oil companies say carbon capture and storage is a way to curb carbon dioxide emissions while continuing to burn fossil fuels, but their critics say few are actually investing." (Reuters) "New Malaria Drugs to Be Approved, But Do They Work and Are They Safe?" - "The market for treatments of malaria - which kills over one million people a year -- is of almost no commercial value: Although patients seek over 300 million treatments a year, and perhaps as many suffer without treatment, few legitimate drug companies make any money from the business. It is for this reason that one would typically be excited that new drugs to treat the disease, produced by Chinese firm Guilin Pharmaceutical, and Indian firm Ipca Laboratories have been approved by the World Health Organization. But recent history suggests that caution is very much in order." (Roger Bate, TCS Daily) Only available from the JunkScience.com Store.
the WARNing from malaria’s past" - "A global network to
monitor drug resistance and guide malaria treatment and prevention policies is
being launched. "A dream that never lived" - "Remember the teenage model who died last November of starvation? The Daily Mail has an indepth report of her story that illustrates “how destructive our current perception of female beauty can be.” This is a very hard piece to read, but an important one for anyone who may still believe there are few downsides to this focus on obesity and pursuit of thinness." (Junkfood Science) "That’s the answer...not" - "Reporters told us of a new study finding “Higher-Priced Homes Predict Lower Obesity.” This yet unpublished study deserves note only for the opportunity it provides to see one of the biggest fallacies of logic surrounding obesity and “healthy eating.” (Junkfood Science) "Taking the joy out of play — Calorie burning kids" - "No other news story will stop the hearts of sane parents and healthcare professionals like today’s medical news from Australia. The costs to our children of efforts to whip them into shape and the lack of evidence behind exercise programs to prevent childhood obesity have been extensively reviewed." (Junkfood Science)
is your pcp smoking?” - "There is not a single educated woman on
this planet who benefits or needs to be told to eat “healthy” — more whole
grains, fruits and vegetables, or whatever some doctor, teacher or public
official believes is good. Not a single woman hasn’t felt pressured to watch
her weight since she was barely able to walk. Not a single one hasn’t heard
(about eleventy-seven different times!) about “good and bad” foods and
isn’t able to cite the calorie count and fat grams for more foods than you can
count. "Doctor Warns Consumers of Popcorn Fumes" - " Consumers, not just factory workers, may be in danger from fumes from buttery flavoring in microwave popcorn, according to a warning letter to federal regulators from a doctor at a leading lung research hospital." (AP) "Sugary drinks, not fruit juice, may be linked to insulin" - "Steady increases in consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages over the last several decades, as well as rates of Type 2 diabetes mellitus, led nutritional epidemiologists at the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging (USDA HNRCA) at Tufts University and colleagues to explore the relationship between sugar-sweetened beverage consumption and insulin resistance, a precursor to Type 2 diabetes. Their findings suggest that higher consumption of sugar-sweetened drinks, but not 100 percent fruit juice, may be associated with insulin resistance, even in otherwise healthy adults." (Tufts University) "Danger to children from food and drink additives is exposed" - "Parents are to be warned of the dangers of giving their young children drinks, sweets and cakes containing specified artificial additives, as a result of new findings being made public for the first time today which confirm their link with hyperactivity and disruptive behaviour." (The Guardian) "New study shows greenback cutthroat trout involved in recovery effort misidentified" - "A new study led by the University of Colorado at Boulder indicates biologists trying to save Colorado's native greenback cutthroat trout from extinction over the past several decades through hatchery propagation and restocking efforts have, in most cases, inadvertently restored the wrong fish." (University of Colorado at Boulder)
Produce Won't Stop Deadly E. Coli" - "Mr. Will Daniels
oversees food safety at Earthbound Farm in Salinas, CA—the company that last
year grew and packaged the bagged spinach that killed three people, including a
2-year-old boy, due to contamination with E. coli 0157 bacteria. The spinach
also sickened at least 200 other people, many with serious kidney failure. "Organic food exposed" - "It’s a booming trend, driven by a public perception that food produced without pesticides, fertilisers and hormones is healthier and better for the planet. Cosmos looks at the science to see if the evidence stacks up." (Cosmos) "Should we stop flying in organic food?" - "Should the Soil Association withdraw the 'organic' label from produce flown in from abroad? As the public debate hots up, critics insist a ban would threaten the livelihoods of farmers in developing nations. Others are more worried about the environmental impact ..." (The Guardian) "How the public perceives biotech" - "Weinheim, September 04, 2007 - The term "biotechnology" elicits a range of emotions, from wonder and awe to fear and hostility. Alan McHughen from the University of California in Riverside (CA, USA) now reviews at large the current state public knowledge of biotech, popular misperceptions, scientific illiteracy and the role of the media. How is coexistence dealt with in the US and Europe" Who benefits from agricultural biotech – only big companies or also the society at large" In the public interest, who is best suited to provide advice to weary consumers" (Blackwell Publishing Ltd.) September 5, 2007 The Junkman on FoxNews.com... Runaway Climate Captured? - Runaway global warming, the climate alarmist fantasy let loose on the public, has not yet been captured, but it certainly appears to have at least been cornered by new data from researchers at the University of Alabama-Huntsville (UAH). (Steven Milloy, FoxNews.com) "Busy Storm Season Ahead, Says Noted Hurricane Team" - "MIAMI - A noted hurricane forecasting team at Colorado State University said on Tuesday it expected the rest of the 2007 Atlantic storm season to be above-average, maintaining its prediction of a total of 15 named storms." (Reuters) "Debate Over Global Warming Link to Hurricanes" - "Many climate scientists believe there is a link between global warming and hurricane strength, but the debate is not settled." (Reuters) "Global Warming Tie to Hurricanes Dean, Felix Unclear" - "MIAMI - Despite growing consensus that global warming may spawn stronger tropical cyclones, weather experts believe it is too soon to blame climate change for the unprecedented punch of back-to-back monster hurricanes." (Reuters)
The new Kremlinology (Number Watch) Say what? "CLIMATE
CHANGE: The New Utopia, Keeping the World As It Is" - "VIENNA,
Sep 1 - Utopias have always inspired humankind -- from the defence of
enlightenment against religious fanaticism during the Middle Ages, to
reconstruction after last century's wars, to the end of colonialism.
AIM Report:
Flip-Flop: From Global Cooling to Warming - (Editor's note: The Newsweek
article Roger Aronoff analyzes in this AIM Report mentions a Newsweek poll
finding that 42 percent said the press "exaggerates the threat of climate
change." This cover story, by Sharon Begley, with assistance from Eve
Conant, Sam Stein, Eleanor Clift, and Matthew Philips, is an example of that
bias. It will undoubtedly create more of a feeling by the public that the media
can't be trusted to present both sides on this critical issue. "California Congressman: Fix Social Security and Medicare Before Global Warming" - "Here's a story a climate change obsessed media are sure to ignore: a Congressman from Southern California has actually suggested America spend financial resources to fix the endangered entitlement programs of Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid rather than to solve global warming." (News Busters) "Growth in Carbon Emissions Slows - US Analysts" - "LONDON - Growth in global emissions of the heat-trapping greenhouse gas carbon dioxide slowed slightly last year, preliminary data from the US Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC) suggest." (Reuters)
"News Media Continues To Fail To Inform The Public Accurately On Global Warming" - "An interesting commentary on the bias of parts of the news media in Britain and New Zealand has been provided by a founder member of the New Zealand Climate Science Coalition, Professor Bob Carter, of James Cook University, Townsville, Australia, who is a graduate of Otago and Cambridge Universities, an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand, and an internationally respected researcher and commentator on climate issues. These comments follow previous evidence delivered by Professor Carter to the U.S. Senate Committee of Environment & Public Works in 2006, which included explicit criticisms of leading New Zealand journalists." (Climate Science NZ) "CLIMATE
CHANGE: U.S. Talking, Up to a Point" - "VIENNA, Sep 4 -
Despite its new willingness to participate in a UN-monitored regime for reducing
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, the U.S. government continues to oppose legally
binding caps. 'E' is for 'Economic': "APEC
Needs to Focus on Trade, Leave Climate Change for the UN" -
"Sept. 4 -- A plan by U.S. President George W. Bush and Australian Prime
Minister John Howard to sign a climate-change agreement at an Asia-Pacific
summit may put the leaders at odds with developing nations, who only want to
discuss trade. "Climate
change proves tricky for Pacific Rim states" - "Sydney:
Pacific Rim nations bickered yesterday over a proposal to curb global warming,
with host Australia saying a modest agreement on climate change would be a
success. "China Names Negotiator for Climate Change Talks" - "BEIJING - China named a senior envoy on Tuesday to handle tough climate change negotiations it fears will cramp economic growth as the country faces pressure to slow rising greenhouse gas emissions." (Reuters) "The
Return of Toilet Man" - ""Don't bother debating with
John Stossel and the libertarians. They are worst than Republicans."
(sic) From CO2
Science this week:
Subject Index Summary: Plant Growth Data: Journal Reviews: The Medieval Warm Period in Western North America: What was the most significant "local" manifestation of this global thermal anomaly? Global Warming and Chinese Food Security: How might the former affect the latter? Ongoing Changes in the Carbon Stocks of China's Grasslands: How are they changing? ... and why? The Carbon Balance of Swedish Forests: Is it positive or negative? ... and what are the prospects for the future?
From the World Wide Font of nonsense: "Asia-Pacific Coal Rush Worsens Global Warming - WWF" - "SYDNEY - Growing dependence on cheap coal to power rapid economic growth in the Asia-Pacific could undermine efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions that is blamed for harmful changes in the world's climate, experts said on Tuesday." (Reuters) "Sailing
into deep waters" - "MICHAELA Stubbs beamed euphorically for
the television cameras, like a girl who won't be made to clean up the bedroom
she's had such fun messing. Best reason to get 'environmental laws' off the
books: "3
court cases for climate change" - "NEW YORK -- Forget all the
talk lately about whether Congress will regulate carbon dioxide - a gas
generated from burning fossil fuels and one of the main culprits behind global
warming. Several individuals and environmental groups are using laws already on
the books in an attempt to force polluters to change their ways.
Cause Global Warming" - "Now here's a story the climate change
obsessed media can really sink their teeth into: a Berkeley, California, based
environmental group claims that dams all around the world are adding to global
warming. "USGS Looking for Fossil Fuels in the Arctic" - "Everybody talks about the vast reserves of oil and gas hiding under the Arctic Ocean. But nobody really knows how much fuel there might be. The US Geological Survey, though, is spending this year and next coming up with an educated guess." (Der Spiegel) "CLIMATE
CHANGE: Sort It Out In The Air" - "BRUSSELS, Sep 4 - Air
travel needs to be quickly included in a European Union programme for addressing
climate change if pledges on curbing greenhouse gas releases are to be kept, a
new study has found. "EU climate flight plans 'deluded'" - "European Union proposals to reduce the climate impact of flying will not work, a report concludes. The EU plans to include aviation in its Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS). But analysts at the Tyndall Centre, a prestigious UK climate research body, say this will have minimal effect without a major rise in carbon prices." (BBC) "Economics
of nuclear power are rethought" - "A year ago, the leaders of
Baltimore-based Constellation Energy Group and PPL Corp., its utility neighbor
in Pennsylvania, represented the energy industry's sharp division over whether
the revival of nuclear power was at hand.
"Used nuclear energy
could be on its way here" - "OTTAWA–When Prime Minister
Stephen Harper departs for Australia today for a summit of pan-Pacific leaders,
he'll be carrying with him a secret agenda that is quite literally radioactive. Spot the missing number (Number Watch) "DDT:
Behind the Scare Stories" - "On Aug. 21, 2007, in the Hawaii
Reporter, a Mr. Todd Shelly took issue -- http://tinyurl.com/2dftm5
-- with earlier materials I’d written about DDT and related subjects.
Curiously and inappropriately, he applies his personal template of politics to
his versions of me and the issues of DDT. Only available from the JunkScience.com Store. "It's Time to
Silence Silent Spring" - "Environmentalist ideology demands
opposition to DDT despite the millions of malaria deaths its use could
prevent. The road to ruin (via Brussels) (Number Watch) "'Skinny gene' does exist, researchers find" - "Researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center have found that a single gene might control whether or not individuals tend to pile on fat, a discovery that may point to new ways to fight obesity and diabetes." (UT Southwestern Medical Center) "Swiss Allow Three GMO Crop Field Trials" - "ZURICH - Swiss authorities have granted permission for three genetically modified (GM) crop trials in Switzerland, despite concerns the field research conflicts with a ban on the use of GM products in agriculture." (Reuters) "Resistance
to GM cereals slammed: Teagasc accuses the Government of undermining
agriculture" - "A leading Teagasc scientist has slammed the
Government's failure to support the use of new genetically modified (GM) cereals
in animal feeds. September 4, 2007 The Junkman in The Wall Street Journal... DDT Scaremongering Will Take Human Toll - Below is the Junkman's letter-to-the-editor appearing in today's Wall Street Journal in response to an earlier letter fomenting fear about DDT -
"Advocacy In The Guise Of Climate Science - A New Paper That Exemplifies This Approach" - "There is a new paper that presents a claim that the Earth’s climate system is dominated by positive radiative feedbacks, and that includes the heading in section of the paper “Planet Earth today: imminent peril”. This sensationalism, however, in the view of Climate Science, is unsubstantiated by examining even the most basic of measures, where if the 2007 values of the IPCC radiative forcing are accepted, and the observed ocean heat storage data is used to diagnose what has been the sum total of real world radiative forcings and feedbacks in the last few decades, the climate feedbacks have been negative (as is discussed below)! This contradicts the fundamental premise of the paper Hansen, J., M. Sato, P. Kharecha G. Russell, D. W. Lea, M. Siddall, 2007: Climate change and trace gases; Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A (2007) 365, 1925–1954 doi:10.1098/rsta.2007.2052 Published online 18 May 2007." (Climate Science)
2007 IPCC Assessment Process - Its Obvious Conflict of Interest" -
"Climate Science has discussed the shortcomings, bias and errors with the
2007 IPCC Report (e.g. see,
and see).
My final Climate Science posting summarizes the fundamental problem with this
assessment. "Summary Conclusions of Climate Science" - "The Climate Science Weblog has documented the following conclusions:" (Climate Science)
IS IT! Climate Science Has Retired!" - "Today is the last day
of our weblog. You can still find it on the same url, we have not moved that,
but comments will no longer be accepted. So please, go ahead and browse the
archives, but realize, no new posts will be forthcoming, and no comments will be
accepted. "More Hurricane News" - "Of all the global climate related news we cover at World Climate Report, we seem to spend more time on hurricanes (a.k.a., tropical cyclones) than any other subject. We could feature a prominent scientific article on hurricanes every month, and despite the evidence to the contrary, popular presentations on the consequences of increased greenhouse gas concentrations never fail to include something about the great threat we face from more and more hurricanes. As we have noted many times before, the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) clearly states in the Summary for Policymakers “There is no clear trend in the annual numbers of tropical cyclones.” (WCR)
Population panic du jour: "Population
fix" - "Call me an alarmist, but if the human race fails to
address the urgency of climate change, we're screwed. This isn't science
fiction. The planet is sweating out the equivalent of a hormonal hot flash ...
and we're the hormones!
heats up; reality fogs up" - "I'm not so sure.
of speech and honesty as victims of global warming" - "What's
up with journalists in the mainstream media? In most cases, they tend to be
unconditional supporters of free expression and strive to report on
controversial views. "The aerosol man" - "Stephen Schwartz knows as much about the effects of aerosols on climate change as anyone in the world, and he's worried. He believes climate change is so massive an economic issue that we face costs "in the trillions if not quadrillions of dollars." He thinks a Herculean effort and great sacrifice is required to get the world down to zero net increase in carbon dioxide concentrations, an effort he compares to that which the Allies undertook in their all-out war against Nazi Germany and Japan." (Lawrence Solomon, Financial Post) "U.N. Climate Talks End in Cloud of Discord" - "PARIS, Aug. 31 -- A five-day U.N. conference on climate change ended in Vienna on Friday with significant disagreements remaining about how countries should reduce greenhouse gas emissions and daunting estimates about the price tag for combating global warming. (Washington Post)
"Ottawa accused of
helping to dilute Kyoto" - "Canada played a lead role in
undermining the Kyoto protocol on climate change, at a major United Nations
conference that ended in Vienna yesterday, critics say. "Climate change breakthroughs unlikely at APEC, but meeting could shape future agreements" - "BANGKOK, Thailand: Breakthroughs on greenhouse gas reductions are unlikely at next week's summit of Asia-Pacific leaders, environmentalist and diplomats said, though high-level discussions could shape future climate change agreements." (Associated Press) "Climate change: Kyoto Poker to start in earnest" - "PARIS — Efforts to accelerate action against the world's looming climate crisis begin in earnest this month, unfolding against a background of deepening scientific concern but entrenched political obstacles." (AFP)
to seek progress on climate change pact at APEC summit" -
"SYDNEY When Prime Minister Shinzo Abe meets his fellow Asia-Pacific
leaders for this week's regional summit, he is expected to take the lead in
building a consensus on global warming and world trade liberalization.
lines drawn at APEC on climate change" - "SYDNEY: Developing
nations led by China are set for a bruising battle here with the United States
and Australia on climate change, a senior official at a summit of Asia Pacific
nations said on Monday.
on emissions will be put off for later" - "THE US hopes to use
the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation forum to build support for strategy on
climate change before a UN meeting in Bali in November. It also wants Australia
to become a research partner in the development of biofuels. "The Isolation of America" - "German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Thursday proposed the idea of basing a nation's carbon emissions allowance on population size. German commentators on Friday say it's another step on the path towards isolating the USA." (Der Spiegel) "The End of Europe" - "Europe as we know it is slowly going out of business. Since French and Dutch voters rejected the proposed constitution of the European Union, we've heard countless theories as to why: the unreality of trying to forge 25 E.U. countries into a United States of Europe; fear of ceding excessive power to Brussels, the E.U. capital; and an irrational backlash against globalization. Whatever their truth, these theories miss a larger reality: Unless Europe reverses two trends -- low birthrates and meager economic growth -- it faces a bleak future of rising domestic discontent and falling global power. Actually, that future has already arrived." (Robert J. Samuelson, Washington Post) "Brits Believe Government Using Global Warming Hysteria to Raise Taxes" - "If a survey found that the overwhelming majority of Americans believe lawmakers are using global warming hysteria to raise taxes, would the climate change obsessed media report it?" (News Busters)
warming ruining the tundra" - "MOSCOW. - Scientists all over
the world have been talking about global warming for a long time. Now some of
the threats are becoming real.
"Vast ice island trapped in Arctic" - "An island of ice the size of Manhattan has drifted into a remote channel and jammed itself in." (BBC) "Can you buy a greener conscience?" - "A budding industry sells 'offsets' of carbon emissions, investing in environmental projects. But there are doubts about whether it works." (Alan Zarembo, Los Angeles Times)
"Give Up Your SUV -- And Other Nauseating Hypocrisy" - "You can't make this stuff up, folks. Last week, during a speech to a labor group in Lake Buena Vista, Florida, Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards told the crowd: "One of the things [Americans] should be asked to do is drive more fuel-efficient vehicles." Asked if by saying that he was specifically telling Americans to give up their SUVs, Edwards replied, "Yes." (Motor Trend) D'oh! "Public Indifferent to Green Overtures at IFA Fair" - "BERLIN - Manufacturers at Europe's biggest consumer electronics touted their green credentials in vain to customers more interested in bigger and brighter screens." (Reuters)
the goods on green celebs" - "NO, it's not easy being green,
least of all for Hollywood A-listers living in jaw-dropping decadence. Solar
panels on a 50,000-square-foot manse in Malibu just don't scream "Live
simply!" Ditto hopping onto a private plane to get to the Live Earth
concert. "Greek Forest Fires Could be CO2 Threat" - "ATHENS - Greece's huge forest fires have been blamed by some on global warming, but satellite images of smoke plumes drifting as far as Africa prompt the question: are forests a major source of greenhouse gas?" (Reuters) "Tories fall out on green taxes" - "A ROW has broken out between leading Conservatives over plans to impose taxes on air travel, gas-guzzling cars and other environmentally damaging forms of transport." (Sunday Times)
ministers fly into flak" - "Germany's environment minister is
usually famed for his tough stance on climate change but yesterday attention
switched to his allegedly extravagant flying habits. Something in the air (Number Watch)
light for fusion project" - "A British-led team of scientists
has won European Union approval to seek to make nuclear fusion, the
physicist’s dream, a reality. "Ethanol and Arkansas" - "Arkansas corn farmers have rarely had it so good. I should know. Due to surging corn prices, our family farm in Independence County has been reporting profits unseen for some time. So are Americans eating more corn?" ( William Yeatman, Northwest Arkansas Times) "Drug company doublespeak: “it doesn’t work, but we know it works”" - "Have you ever wondered how diet drugs come into being? The story of another new weight loss drug in the pipeline provides unsettling insights into just how flawed and flimsy the scientific evidence is from the get go." (Junkfood Science) "Freedom from choice" - "Yikes. This post isn’t about politics, as candidates on all sides are throwing out very similar ideas, but this news story illustrates better than some what these ideas mean when taken to their logical conclusions. When we let our health become the responsibility of the government, then, of course, the government calls the shots about what we can and cannot do if it believes it is for our own good." (Junkfood Science) "Preserving red and green lights for traffic and Christmas" - "Do government officials know how to do anything but cut and paste from each other? New Zealand’s Health Ministry has now jumped on the bandwagon promoting traffic lights. No, not those at public street corners, but ones labeling “good” and “bad” foods so people will know the proper way to eat. It’s another solution being proposed to eradicate obesity." (Junkfood Science) "I hate my arms" - "No one ever has anything nice to say about fat upper arms. Countless women are shy about wearing sleeveless tops, embarrassed about how their arms look to others. They’ll resort to diets, potions and liposuction in attempts to spot reduce. A new study, led by a researcher at the Sheffield Institute for Studies on Ageing at the University of Sheffield in Sheffield, UK, actually found good news about larger upper arm circumferences, especially for older women. By now, it will be no surprise to readers that the media ignored this one." (Junkfood Science) “A very distorted perspective on the ethics” - "Dr. Roy M. Poses, M.D. has written another thought-provoking article at Health Care Renewal examining how data from clinical trials is suppressed and never published when the results don’t favor the sponsor’s financial or political interests." (Junkfood Science) "Toxic toys" - "Many parents have become alarmed that their children may have been harmed by lead in toys imported from China. Brendan O’Neill at Spiked offers some calming perspectives that may be of help to parents." (Junkfood Science) |